van tilt kixgstoiv chronicm saturday liijpul 20f a 1831 hyuic packet shplsfcjmd wo have eng- fahdatcs to ihc sib july ulflc atuliiional intelligence has transpired in regard to poukponjofuat little wcacbtce ly know wliai lo decide tin- london courier asserts that tlio war is impopular in russia ami that many of die nobility have ml the armies and retired to their estate the strong exem plification of opinion in a portion of hungary formerly stated lias been followed by similar dec la rations and of 46 dcportmont8intowiiim that kingdom is divided 22 have addressed the cabinet of vienna- another russian general it has been retried has destroyed himself general sackcn an intermsilion by france and england ts still the ihemeof public jour nal but the task is chiefly assigned to the fur- mor power and if wo believe the parisian ac counts nothing less than a war can divert the yet unexhausted ferment in the minds of the french according to the old saying one war is necessary to characterize a reign and wc suppose the people wish in the same spirit to show the increment of heroism arisfng from the great week the sailing from england of the experimen ts squadron as it is called under sir e cod- ring ton the largest armament since lord ex- mouths expedition against a ijricrs has been connected with the present political difficulties if wc attach full reliance on the declaration of the first lord of the admiralty it has been fit ted out with no hostile views but as sir ed ward is a very untoward and perverse com mander it would not surprise us were he to be accessory lo some revolutions as well as uqhlfi- ons before his return- so far wc have stated the external sources of hope for poland added to what wc will still cherish the belief ofits own firmness and reso lution an obstinate and encreasing enthusi asm is we know a rare and accidental nation al occurrence but there has been something in he proceedings of russia since the commence ment of the war which would tend to prove that the emperor feels there is a general op- pugnancy throughout europe to his views and this must aid the spirit liberty in the poles and give that degree of hope without which the scorn of life would be but wild despair all accounts seem to agree in the belief that some extraordinary measures are necessary to restore france to any degree of union or tran quility that the king can inarch with the revolution j as the phrase goes may be possi ble but he must march blindfolded yet what must not he do who has admitted the majesty of the people in the parisian sense of that ex pression there is no turning king phillip mubt either mount ihelcvtafumur abdicate he may perhaps find a less mercurial monarchy in belgium should prince leopold decline it or in poland in the event of its emancipation after three nights debate the second reading of the reform bill passed by a majority of i3g this may be held the last tug in the house of commons and we suppose maybe called in french fashion the three great days it is incredible thai the peers will seriously rv if fifrfpf j 4ittff- fiij pfniimri wp have no objection that like cear they should wish to jui1 gracefully it may do well enough in heroic verse to tell us that rrrors arc dignifi ed by constancy but the day is past in poli tics when wrong is extenuated in any mans opi nion by persisting in it i would not wish a drop of trojan blood spent more in their defence wc will not anticipate such a mischievous de termination on thepart of the peers sir james mackintosh thus once again spoke nestor lo the greeks entreated those whotalkedof the danger of the bill to reflect what would be the danger from refusing to wttsu as lo the idea of the king creating a sufficient number of conscripti to accomplish this mea sure it is too unconstitutional and monstrous to be entertained lord howick has announced in the house of commons that government would take no steps in regard to west india slavery this session a general wish prevails not to occupy its labors on ybrfign affairs prince leopold has accepted the crown of belgium but conditions and stipulations still intervene this bclgic sceptre is surrounded with all the labyrinths of policy indeed eu rope at present is all a puzzle and as the pub lic arc neither supplied will facts nor intentions they may well be in the dark although on the eve of great events and decision scarcely a ghrtpsc of the future appears the unsettled state of francothe war in poland the bel gian question and the expected attempt tores- tore the young queen of portugal contain matter enough for half a dozen of wars and yet it might he thought would require only the united will of the leading powers to bid all these difficulties cease at one moment it augurs as if all notions were seeking to preserve peace and the next one would imagine ihey seek m greatly to find quarrd far a stnnv policy with all its arts cannot prolong this stale much longer emigrant wc had an oppoitumiy some lime ago lo speak of the benefits likely tuanse from a sysiunaiic and judicious employimm uf the lmrgrattts to the cauadas i and on the pro buhilily it oflercd of iivinnnurc information and tcarfjui in the views of this deservedly inter rtut i iuks of our country people immediate rnphi iimii tlk comfort plan men in q condi tion 1m iivrvc and reflect iiml a idioil lime wtiiid ilhe ij crfuta a desire and resolution tn obtain a continuation of these ioihimi man to a tnaiorc uf urctdtjil and eiuuuiwtutie- a iluim ol i u4i iluic- and it i die dull of tho vim rji cmnhjjd thtv in offer nwh njllhriicinj motives kuril would ilia infallible n rtill in tin opening uf in w road through dtndilc tiatts uf cuuniry and il fa nut uverraliiijl probability to mfhtl ihal two- thirds of a wen number o employed fur as a- suti or two would become settlers on th very spot which they had thus accommodated lo present occupation and comfort by i he remo val uf the great abplael want nf roadft- wo copy willi puxurc from the montreal il raid the following letter furnishing an agree ablc illustration uf these views extract of a letter doled ristigouchefiixl may 1831- w on the 211 the new mad from iwneu in metis wna commenced by tiw party who came hither from quebec for lllttl purpose flto commissioners fttrr kertrusoii and critw- lurd were present with some ol the inhabitants and by way of setting tho example took in hand the spades and shovels nnd broke the round the work proceeds rapidly and does bo far do much crrdii totheforemnnmrgudlet whose industry is indefatigable 10 has the men at work from suit lo sun somuof limn arc so well pleased trilh the country as lo talk of set tling in it and they intend to apply to his ex cellency on his visit lo sco this road in july next for laud on it the inhabitants arc de- hiird with the prospect of an open road to i he si lawrence and to thcuucbcciniiikus the price of labour there is very hiyh and the com missioners have dono well to procure labourers from tiuehec by which they will save hundreds of pounds ol expense to the province and have the work better done the nova scotia journals give another pain ful relation of shipwreck to add to the series of tragic events on that coast the want of a lighthouse on st pauls island has been long felt the legislatures of that province and of lower canada have this measure in contem plation may wc ask has upper canada no mlercs l or duty on this subject arc we or should we be indifferent to the general good as regards the great maritime entrance of this province canada trade act the communication inserted below from the montreal gazette wc ve ry readily assist in giving circulation to itaids in showing the willfully false and erroneous views and statements by which our distinguished demagogue the colonial advocate endea vours lo keep up the sale of his newspaper und keep his scat if the amcricanb send their produce hcrcis it not an evidence that our markets are better than those of new york 7 the rates of our markets depend on the demand in england and the west indies how can these be olfccicd by the inconsiderable produce sent via canada 7 the truth is by a singula good fortune the canada arc placed at this moment in uch a situation thtkt they have a choice of advantages not of evils if the timber trade is partially af fected by any alteration in the duties our at tention and clforts will be the more necessitated towards agriculture and tho encouragement of a very dubiously desirable class of population be in some measure lessened if there is a pro tecting duty in favour of canadian wheat it is a direct but partial boon of the imperial govern ment if the free trade act is followed up with spirit und energy in this province and the acti vity of the province aided hy the judicious es tablishment of banks and branches of these every species of improvement and all kinds of business muht necessarily receive a prodigious stimulus the riches and prosperity of a country arc nof 3hmnt d hy lbfi in re sum of infrrt capital but the rate ofitfl circulation of two countries of equal capital in one that capital may circu late twice during one series of reciprocal ex change in the other and into be considered con stqucnuyos possessing a double tockaud more than double the principle of excitement und prosperity in contrast to the brilliant assurance of our future progress from the legislative measures and munificence of tho imperial government- all that mr mackenie has to exhibit in his yankee phanasmaoria is the prospect of being admitted as one of the back states or settlements of that tottering system adjoining us against whose present policy and even its very continu ance on its past basis one half of the union is all but in arms and to become the feeble prey of the intriguers and speculators of new york and our farmers sink into a helpless de pendence on the manufacturers of new eng land and the factors of that emporium of schemer we would hoc also to draw the horoscope of the cotoniatjldvccate as a letsou to those who vainly seek to betray the interests and content of a people for their own miserable and tempo rary profit its low and base insinuating schemes would be stunned and swallowed up in the ma ture discord and anarchy of the united states factions where qp en old and classic writer 0x- prcpses it clamour with a hoarse voice and a hundred tonguesconfusion with a mishapen body and a thousand heads impudence with a forehead of bra and rapine with hands of iron must reign till the world i sick of the imposture or they avail themselves of the privi lege of selfdestruction the colonial trade act to the fanners of upiier canada i have confidence in your good sense that yon will weiidi well the arzmikiits and opinions pre sented to yon from whatever quarter ihey may come lain led to address yu from haying observed ftainaonts and comhnions puhmitut- ed to you hy mr mackenzie editor uf the ad- vovat arislnj from the lute measures ol the kintr and parliament in throwing opci the co- iuuk7 trade to the united tatis which mr mackenzie wfndvw should have been done widtoot consulting all the various interest in tho colonies and livu swrrpmjnisscrliun would hud you l eonclndo this truly liberal and lim- itglifcncd policy office trade is to he prejudicial to your innrests 1 beg ou to reflect lltat all he ittftft are hold assertions some of which are truly unfounded he observes that tho cana dian inillrs and merchant- have been led lojjiw you the hijli prim for your gramdiuinjj llmpa 6c05on as they were not aware oftlkulhuiunj now brv in itiitid i hut previous in thechmitfuol miiiisfrv lh art hu h inluhhieid into iar- liumuii und lb- hrnih nf iirfihtiu tifgrahi in lo antda lur ihr mipply of the iniuints wire millihtd ii all thr pitpn wi llmt imiu mf mmkt iixn miupu u it 1 untiike not mr m idwiiy ippiml hi- uutiede or lire tiaue llriny convukcd thut ii j wte iiw tjidivt- dual ivi ruso to eniuniur hy hijh prices or a moitnhiyt and in the present male of tile eoni- iinmud orldi inch cannot be sustained i ip prrtl lo vu as reasonable men is it riljht or l ii ktosiuic to iiblie he people of newlwundhuid in mine mil buy pork at mondial utilise or four dollars a hurrel ftmhc tliuii ttt new york and can any man be su truly ignorant us tosay we in citnudtl will not sutler the people of ohio to hritlfj their pork and wheat l montreal in enaltlr tmadu tinjiply the wert indies and the lishiivs of newloundlnmlj but we will ubliiii tljcm to take it lo new york and sell the increase of the chetllatlng medinm when by a number uf competitors could come mlii tlie market with the realy cash to buy your produce is what is inttst wauled the want of hank to enable men of activity and enler- prbi to iirry your produce to market keeps down tliir value oflamu os uanks tire theyrcat cuuseol the activity which prevails in the ktatc of new york over canada it is truly short- siyhted und mart injurious policy that montreal should have but one bank and upper canada hut one bank montreal with the prospects now fipininff should have ihrec or four king ston tu york two st catherines prescott hytown niagara ljmidns and other places a bank curb lor until banks arc multiplied the great advantages which abound in canada can not be reaped truly short shlcd arc the yenlleiiif a at york ami montreal in respect to the increase of banks they greatly stand in their own lijjht did theyhul examine the pros perity of new york they would find that there as in all new countries capiral is all essential and in a new state capital must he the result ol combination as individuals do not possess it pardon my urging upon yon to cast aside all abuse and party feeling and alone uphold the man who pursues such measures as will bring a rnarki t io yourdoor the pood feeling of the beat of kings and an enlightened ministry arc all with you show yourselves worthy of your urcat privileges and lo not suffer petty jealous ies ami the intemperate language of sir mac kemic or any other to lead you to mand oppo sed to your present governor who truly and sincerely wishes to promote the best interests of the province do not identify his excellency with persons anil motives he cannot controul or withstand uiucss you stand by him your friend ant1manopolist i address you through a distant paper toavoid party haling august s 8si lithographic press mr tazewell of this town as will be seen by his advertisement of today has established a press in this new de partment of art the stone used is of the pro vince and considered not inferior to any im ported the herald states that some specimens were presented lo his excellency sir j colborne when lart in kingston sir john expressed much gratification at the circumstance and was pleas ed to tucept the original specimen discovered in aidition to our good wishes for mr taze wells htcccss wc would beg to mention that some dieap and plain maps of the province or its districts separately would be a very useful and acrccablc present to this country and would sell we arc convinced well nothing is more adapted lo lead to knowledge and enquiryjit gives a clearness lo our ideas to examine the situation and relation of places we remember hearing a french geographer say that a man could not have a complete idea of his own farm unless he had studied a map office of ordnance june 31 corrs or royal escineersfirst lieute nant henry uriscoe to be second captain vice covey deceased and second lieutenant ed ward t lloyd to be lirst lieutenant vice bris coe promoted we have erat pleasure in inserting the above captain bris oe bos been a resident amongst us for the last thirteen years and his promotion will afford general satisfaction- c hcndd to the editor of the kingston chronicle mr chronicle 1 beg leave to direct your attention to another fact illustrative of the de signs of the sect of the presbyterians in the free country of gaining a political ascendancy and of their making religion the ladder of their ambition it appears that they have bit upon the auxiliary expedient of removing the remains of the mother of general washington from the family bury- inggroundof her soninlaw colonel fielding lewis m to a presbyterian church edifice to be erected in this town fredericksburg and therein to raie a monument to her memory these quotations are taken from a letter dated fredcricksburgh may 10th 1881 and direct ed to the editors of the courier and enquirer by gcorcc washington bassctt the husband of mrs washinctons great granddaughter the writer remarks if there is however an ob vious propriety in this mode of effecting their ob ject it is certainly difficult to discern the fitness of a single religious denomination not constitut ing a very large proorlion even of this small community meaning probably at fredericks burg taking this thing into thtir own hands as a matter of particular advantage and making it the ground of appeal for funds c c the writer it appears has the penetration to see that this projected tiibulcof respect to the memo ry of this modern sempronia such as grateful nations ami communities have in all ages been wont to do towards their illustrious citizens i nothing more than a jesuitical trick of the pres byterian to seize this national means of taxing llie people of the united state for the purpose of serving the interests of their own particular jacct but there is another point of view in which this project carries the front of the basest impudence 4i it is in another light says this george washington bassou that this business seems to him chiefly objectionable mrs wash ington was a member of the protestant episco pal church as arc almost without exception the great mass of her surviving relatives and con nexions in the communion of that church she lived and died her mortal remains were depo sited by her own paiticulur request in the family burying ground of her soninlaw culoncl field ing lewis where ihey now rest by the bide ol her descendant relatives c under these circumstances il lespcctfully asked whether it is lit that her adica should now be disinterred und lutetfd iulu a situation which it u known sue would not haie ehuavh had the been imlldtnled while living that till pitotct luuvxviuaid lite ridiu und dictates dlho consfiumc and i ichviu h- lrlyofthe ficsliyteiian of tin city of new yoik appears from the flrm senterveiu mr botf- 80113 letter i observe with vw0 surprise an article in the papers of your city inching the c- rectinn of a monument iic an from ihchrsi of the last paragraph my resfcct for the en- terprising spirit of the citizens of ricw yorkc these extracts mr chronicle taken in con nexion with the other facts to whnh through your columns i have called the attcnliv of your read ers speak u language too plain o be mistaken they shew that beyond all duubt die presbyteri ans in the united slatrs are as a religious body and professing to hold church and state in utter abhorrence using every possible means to hold church and state in utter abhorrence using eve ry possible means of engrossing all political pow er and influence to themselves siertisc ezra i suppose will give me the cut direct as he is a scribe of the same hypocritical school and as he has declared for one dr ely that he would tight till knee deep in blood before he would submit to professa etale religion but all these suibby protestations must go for their real value when facts proclaim the contrary upon the house tops 1 have observed with some degree of surprize a copy of a dispatch from sir tjcorgc murray to his excellency sir j colbninc in answer loan application from the nochurch and state presbyterians of this province for a share of the allowance granted to the ministers of the church of scotland from the funds ol the cana da company which appears in our national no- church and stale watchman of july 29 what i wish to remark upon is taking for granted the professions of these people against church and state lo be sincere their extreme impudence to ask the home government to take them into its pay not service for our high church pope ry if their oflicial ezra is tobe credited asspeak ing their sentiments being a part of the british constitution is their utter abhorrence and ex pend on their anticonstitutional and antisocial labours that which the government ought lo bes- luw tli acreiigtitauiitfg- talc raiiita ofllfjmi loktiub 1 cannot imagine what our rulers nn by such singular conduct it appears as if the demand is only to be made and they mtft surrender with the utmost complacency cvry principle that has heretofore been held saed by the friends of the constitution can ay think to secure the affections of the confituvon by such a treacherous surrender of the vitals of british liberty on tho one hand or guard jflectually a- gainst the deteriorating influence of sectarian politicoreligious factions on the oher i ask again with what face could these nvi professing their utter abhorrence of church an state call upon the government u to give beir faith a wordly lurch as their evangelic iort- laureate has it by portioning out the public revenues a- mong them on the same page in which the tt high church popery watchman gives the above named dis patch he gives an article headed establish ments in canada end says in lower cana da there are four established churches in i canada episcopalians romanists and the mi nisters connected with the church of scotland receive pay of government this appears to be spoken in contempt of the principle of church and state which ezra on all occasions professes to haic so cordially but when his own fingers came within the polar influence of money they gain popularity and m the same column he trum pets forth to the world that he and his sect have made application to hfl mttllftl inh3 estab lished church what can our ru ts ihink of such a combination of hypocrisy and npiclif y i wonder if saint egcrlon will suffer such a dere liction of principle to pass unpunished or whe ther if these should be successful as they pro bably will from that reckless and prodigal aban donment of all sound principle manifested of late at home he will not also eat his own words andcornc in for asbarc of the peoples money i had reason to fear when last autumn that strange exotic taurine qninquipedarian argonaut with a hind quarter turned topsy tuny and rc- trovcrscly engrafted upon bis left fore shoulder blockaded kingston harbour with his flotilla from the land of jonathan that such awful prog nostics of uncongenial monstrosities were not for nothing i am not much given to astrology but then i confess t could not avoid the casting of a few nativities by the occult art in par- ticu lar i noticed by ihc assistance of a cer tain sidcrean orb that a certain scintillation of starlight would make manifest the works of darkness of a certain saint lately become tn-fa- mous as a nun wont mendacious evangelical calumniator of absent persons c 1 was also admonished to beware of a certain senator who sometimes condescends to act the pimp for the good of the people about printing offices in order to inspect manuscripts and detect hand writings i request you to inform mr watchman that the h eccentric cftawi will probubly go on u fiddling expedition for the amusement and ed ification of the concentrick coojish who annual ly concentrate ihcir forces on the banks of new foundland for ihc benefit ofnavigatiun and the piscatorian faculty and though he seems to entertain serious apprehensions for tin cerrebcl- larian contents of the citawfishscakvariateatft yet lean assure him that even if ins station might be at the antipodes he would not fail to maintain his concentricity his gcoccntncity viz hiscenlreof gravity lushelioceutriciiy so that if you should hear nothing from me for nome time do not imagine thai they have put an extinguisher on my luminal they cannot do it i may be called lu attend some ecumenical council for settling the aflaiis ecclesiastical of this province and finishing what the council which lately met at east guilliambury left in a vory ijnperfeei stale if such should he my dcstinutlvm 1 hol prefer it loa tour to the hanks of newfoundland a it would in all probability be iniuuely more musical and amusing i think that saint egcrlon ought n common justice to favour ihc public with a entailed ac count of the inqi anxious inciting ai q ilhutnliurv where to many iiilcivtiti ttmibjrd wen- b fwght oh t or hupllumy conveid tur- thciiiioie ifllivttamsionl does noi alllv tlu jiut demand ot the htv ikj iturtm u4 pmy ti iho woim tbm hw out oi ib- mini impudent malicious and iliainofew jim in il- th fallow mittftbea very catulinu evui in tmwlcr brastf c- nouull to look an honest limit ill the face and here he joes on week after week when proved a liar to his head as unconcerned as if the world knew nothing of trim but perhaps bethinks his followers read no papur but the guardian and therefore will receive on implicit fuilh every word he ullcrs and refuse to hear any one else yours sec one of the people kxiaix provincial wc learn that a communication has been received by his excellency sir john cot- borne from iord goodrich iu obedieuce to an order of ibe imperial parliaoieul re questing a return to be forwarded to tbe homo goveroment of the number of emi grants who arrived id this colony during the years 17d0 1701 1 and 172 18u0 1801 and 1802 and from 1810 to the present year inclusive- wc do not know what is tho object which tho parliament have iu view iu requiring this returu hut it strikes us that il is rather no extraordi nary requisition in as much as il roust be impossible to comply with it with any de gree of accuracy there being oo public re cords or documents of any kind through which the information can be obtained emigrants about 120 irish emigrants arrived here on sunday morning io the steamer niagara aod 40 wero left by her at cobourg aud port hope the niagara din oot upon this occasion ptoeeedas usu al to tbe head of tho lake iu consequence wc are told of tho merchants of that neigh bourhood having determined on shipping all their produco lomoutrcalio schooners and oot in steam boats tbe charge of the former being considerably less than that of tbe latter total 13th august- la tho newcastle district 3373 york head of the lake c 0010 btflllflittf itffltu in jmii if j jp- 1 per canada this season j 12 york courier the following notices of applications to be made at ibe ensuing session of the provincial legislature are taken from the u c gazette for a bridge across the trent to make an harbour at port burwell to form aseparate township from mary borough and hallowell to amend the statute incorporating the midland district school society to make a rail road between lakes erie and ontario by the niagara river to authorise the removal of the couoty town of niagara district to a central situ ation to form a joint stock company to im prove the navigation of tho grand river for an harbour at port dover to iucorporato a bank at kingston to increase tho capital stock ol the bank of upper canada for a pateot for tho invention of a ma chine for tbo raisiog of slumps of trees wo liavo freequently copied from the upper canada papers notices of tho diftur- eot steamboats proposed to be built there to increase the facilities of travelling or tho transportation of freight id one ofihese new boats in particular wo have felt a great interest from it beiog the ooo which would first demoustrato the value of the magnificent canal between bytowa aod so liberally constructed for the benefit of these provinces the kidcau canal which there is do reason to doubt will be finished this fall completes the channel of intercom munication between kiosloo and modtre- al and as soon as the three locks of tho greenville canal which were built of the smaller size are as has already been deter mined upoo taken down aod extended to tho width of those oo tho rideau thero will be no impediment to the new steam boat passing from kiogstoo to lachinc eotcrtaioiog tbcreforo as wo do a high ide of ho importance of the series of ca nals which forms a safe water communica tion between kingston and this place it was with much pleasure that we learned that an enterprising association at kingston would in tho spring or as soon after as as tho changes io the greenville canal he- fore alluded to aro completed demonstrate he practicability of passiug with a steamer through the rideau grconville and chute a i ilondeau canals we loam also that a new boat is now building at ogdeushurgh for the lake on tario trade which its owners iulcud shall exceed all the steamers oow on tbo lake in speed wo are not io possession of much information concerning the proposed boat but believe her engiue is to be of 1g0 horse power on tbe high pressure princi ple a now boat is also to be placed on lake erie by a british compauy she will be tho first boat owned in canada on tho lake those at preseut navigating it belonging exclusively to the american side tho cu- giue of the atciope plytug on lake outu- rio aod hcloogiog to robert hamilton esq of qucetistuu will be taken out this fall aud placed wo uudertaud in ihc lake erie boat a new high pressure eugiuo of 100 horse power is now preparing io tho stales for tho alciope which will very considerably augment ihc speed of this fmc vessel during the next season of naviga tion montreal gazette wc learn from the gaspo and bate cha- leur that the catch of codfish this seasou will there prove a full average ou the north shore it is reported to have heeo less than usual the catch of mackerel has been very indifferent and tho supplies of herriugs will also be small tho american vessels coutinuo to fro- qucut the gulf in largo numbers they this spriug for tbo first time wo believe vi sited tho magdalen islands for tho hcrriug fishery aod by taking tho fish in nets be fore they touched the shoro almost totally destroyed the fisheries of the inhabitants tho weather tin- week has agaiu been extremely variable and we have had souic heavy abuweis qldtluebu guzzttc the reform bill was ordered to a se cond reading ou the oth ult by a rotc of uoi lo23i mnjority in favor 13g tho bill was lo bo considered iu commiuco on tho 12th on tho subject of the squadron fining out at portsmouth uuder admiral codrinc- tou sir james graham ooo of the lords of the admiralty declared in the house that it bad no belligerent object in view and io relation to the hire of transports by tho government which bad created so mnch speculation in london it appears that they areinteuded for sanitary purposes the prospect of a joint interference of en gland and france id the uffairs of poland seems thus to have entirely vanished aod judgtog from the observations occasionally elicited in debate from the members of rtio british cabinet wo should say that how ever they may aim to direct the course of events in europe by oegocialion there is a determination on their part toavoid a re course to arms the ordnance army aod navy esti mates had been introduced in the house of commons and it is worthy of remark that their amount does nut exceed that of the peace establishment fifty chips of war are now buildiog io the various dockyards six of them are of 120 guos each tbe transactions in the liverpool cora exchange oa the 5th july wero limited at a declioe of 3d per bushel on fine wheat aod fid on inferior qualities william roscoe esq this elegaot and enlightened historian aud scholar died at liverpool oo the 30th of june his de clining health had for some lime past pre cluded aoy hope that his valuable life could be prolonged to noy distant date the character of mr roscoe as a philanthro pist a patriot and a literary raan is gene rally known aud appreciated not only in bis own country but throughout tho civil ized world greenock presents at present at unusual bipmlc almost evecr stenmer that ar rives has her deck crowded with emigrants aod their lupgage tho emigration from the highlands this year is unprecedented from three parishes io argyleshire there are about two thousand souls preparing to embark for america and from islay we hear that there aro 1000 it is generally supposed there will not be a sufficiency of shipping to take all out this season we will from lime to lime ootico the gross a- mount of the emigrants that sail from greenock but many vessels are chartered to sail from the highlands of which it will be probably difficult for us to obtain cor rect reports glasgow cltronicle his majesty the king of denmark has forwarded through his ambassador a do nation of one hundred pounds to the sea mens floating hospital established oft greenwich this is the second foreign poteotate who has expressed his admira tion of this philanthropic lostituiiod ireland we rejoice lo find that tho views of all parties are beginning lo converge on the means necessary to benefit ireland wc sincerely trust thai its misfortunes will be found as those visionary terrors which vanish when boldly examined and confronted m ocon nell in his speech on the address to his majesty furniuhes us with matter of the highest gratifica tion the following are extracts as a further proof of tho roturn to peaco and good order throughout ireland ho was enabled to state that in many places tho walls were being rebuilt by the poasantry and the hedges repaired which were iu- l ured during the late unhappy disturbances nay further that the peasantry in a vari ety of instances had compelled persous who illegally possessed themselves of arms to return them lo their rightful owners it was evident from these facts and from the past history of the country thai tbo people bad do desire to commit outrage so loug as eny hope was held out lo them that something would be done to ameliorato their condition he begged it to he dis tinctly understood that iu making these remarks nothing could he further from his mitid thau any intention to embarrass his majestys govcromeot for on the contra ry they had his disinterested support arid he thought them entitled to the support of ovcry independent member for ihey had manifested not only an iutention to reform the abuses existing in our political system but they had practically set about the good work aod had madcfi beginning by their attack upon that vile horoughtuiougcring traffic of which ireland had for years been the prey in another respect ho would say that they had taken aright view of the law hear they had considered the existing laws sufficiently strong to put down tho disturbances aod the result had fully borno them out the country was restored to peaco he had that day received informa tion from clare upou authority which cod oot bo doubted that the outrages of tho terry alt system had ceased he had long been opposed to poor laws he still disapproved of them but he now ttw no other remedy for ihc poor of ireland but a compulsory provision for them loa late publication mr cobbctl an nounces his approbation of the poor laws also lie thus proposes ono of hh acta u whereas the people of ireland form part of his majestys european subjects aod aro therefore fully cutitlcd to all tho benefits of the laws of england where as they arc now and for ages have been enduring great hardships in couscuence ol the poor laws not having bceu established io irelaud as they were iu england to supply tbo place of the beneficent institu tions cocxistcnt with the catholic church and wborcas without tho application ol tiio english law iu this respect lo jrolnud tho cruel treatment ami the half barbarian of the people must still continue the peaco of the vholekiugdom bu thereby iucessaut ly disturbed its resources diminished and its powers weakened bu it therefore c- niclcd thai from aod after the 25ih day ol september uuxt the net of ihc vjd year of tho reign of queen elizabeth entitled an act for thu relief of the pour shall ho iu lull und entire force in evfiy pint uf the king doiu culled luiuud