Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 13, 1831, p. 2

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thf kingston ciiuonicxk tlift hrifflll of imliry ami ihr rympfninn of wroltiuw mw ftft i w alik arth ulnrlj hi iiiik rofiihd nyr iliat wti cannot ilruw any mini con clusions lull thrc oiiu manifnhl cttutwi nf holh for pulaiul tin prolmme humqjil of turkey loivgiin tho glory ami who w oi uioro by the pwkri ship york london flute tol so importance the territory wliicli hi m ihr 2fith and liverpool m th- mthiwwed daring the nv war arc m hmiic l jrrre brnum in political likclilimoci 1y lliu npiftd detutv kohmlitv 1uitlmhi i3t hut majesty opined tlic itnporifillarlinmrnl m person on kc glt the speech y uw tory pcwlomcit is prcrmincntlv replete with nothing we rather lliink it w replete with what ilwy do nm like his ft plain matter of fact addressfree from the false coloring of pe ilantiek politicks and modern wfadom ilisad ireful ld il hits out with expressing to a itrrostmikg parliament and point out its du ties and limits hy prescribing no limits or guide but a faitliful and severe observance of the generous flan of power delivered down by our great ancestors- heaven speed the work and may the delibe rate and decisive patriotism of the british le gislature and the moderation and gratitude of the people consummate this great and glorious event on the efficacy and influence of which depends not only the future character and pros pects of great britain but in a great measure of the world itself- some shades must ever dim the brightest hopes but our country exhi bits every promise that the withering wisdomof the noble bard is falstf and that there is yet another page in history our benevolent monarch has attained by his firmness of purpose solid and lasting glory which will be progressive through ages and unite his name with the destinies of nations yet unborn this is not the flattery of the day or the mere glance of enthusiasm- it isthcfeeling of calm reflection for we must doubt in truth and justice themselves if humanly speaking we do not rely upon their validity and practical 11 profitableness unto all things true glory says cicero presses down and spreads its binding and strengthening roots pjtlm giotv is bat he frail and gnwly flowers winch spring upwards for a season and then perish king william may add to the inherited mot to of england vera gloria radices agit a variety of conjectures and ingenious spe culations appear in the english journals in an ticipation of the manner in which it will be re ceived in the house of peers these writers and thinkers have exhausted all the political combinations but they omit one to which we will therefore incline that by somehappy aspect of the stars the noble lords may be compelled since all sublunary reasoning fails to receive it with united and enthusiastic rapture ininiition of the sultan- this hojkt however we tire led at the fame lime lo reject as it has been dclvatrd l the vacillating false intrigues of prance whether this is fan of not wv re member the old saying give a dug a bad to tht editor of the kingston chronicle suvlf we arc lo give credence to the trail snndtutal lihcralism of the parisian philoso phers and srrplif al thoolboy we live in an am in which the csaentnl constitution trfwoi- etyistobealtcretli and human nulure newly arranged undoi a system of the universal poll tital rdijpoti and intellectual independence of moil uouicfi and children f w are give credence lmessnuycnons inspired opinion every man and woman son and daughter dolt mid adult are to select their own church and creed and all idle useless b raze n- fact d worthless persons of cither sex turn france has been so long nrc to 1 allowed to invent or to cull out of the the corn laws it will be observed have al ready become matter of attentiou and will in all likelihood receive during this session very great if not conclusive examination next to the coherency of the constitution itself they claim prccedence effecting the primary ne- missioners english paper name and ban notorious for juggling in policy we fttf she will never recover her character in the pre sent cose it is said their scheme may have em broiled them with russia no allusion to poland occurs in his majestys speech or in the debates of parliament of the least moment its cause perhaps at present does not require it the foreign policy and relations of the bri tish government wert the subject of a light and somewhat superficial debate in the house of commons the earl of aberdeen undertook the task of crossquestioning earl grey bill he failed in making out a case for immediate discussion or explanation hilordshii fore was proportionally elusive in his reply it however was stated that thenegociationsin regard lo belgium were in a favorable train for adjustment that with portugal no change had taken place in their relations since the present ministers came into nflice and as to the cir cumstances which had taken place at terceira that they were then under investigation the threatened misunderstanding between france and portugal was merely a demand of justice on the part of the former relating to certain commercial aggressions similar to what eng land had recently enforced and which in its present importance admitted of no interest or imitrferftrim on th prt of great britain the duke of wellington attributed a the difficulties which at present agitate europe to the events of paris and brussels in july and august last events which the former govern ment of his majesty had not applauded md dif ficulties which they anticipated must follow he gave earl grey full credit for the manner in which he in conjunction with the allies had ac ted in respect to belgium and trusted perse- verence in that course would preserve europe from a war he dwiitwithconsiderahuarfiith on the situation of portugal it bftqinir he said his majestys ministers in the sittuuon in which all europe was placed at presents look well lo portugal and to consider of wi con sequence it was that all questions of imputed sovereignty should be put an end 10 without loss of time especially that which rcfljfect mi fiiiel it was the more irnmrtant no when differences had arisen between portugal and prance for if france should invade portugal the mfft bsnbsdu patriot histon of spiritual madness and imposture and sensuality a set of notions which they may go about and propagate and governments are called upon to stand neuter and see fair play and allow to be decided whether the minds of the bulk of society with only their own experi ence knowledge and passions are a match for pretended and theatrical enthusiasm backed by a perfect licence to any extent which maybe found effective and an invitation to be given for new monstrosities extravagancies and singula rities what i could say on ibis subject would ope rate in so imperceptible a degree that ii shall thocahn and rational discipline lt founder mpostors l uywe are cliriftliari learning and science were flcmdty fallen into with deference to mr ltuh m me call the the lowest and degrading forms and while the attention of headers to the next sentence of ma- few on whom their enlightened nys yet shed a on request them to divest it of the false gleam of truth were bewildering themselves in b extremely am disguise lie has thrown over vain and unprofitable subtlctie fte mass of so- t lrul ant h perfectly he paints those lost ciety were left exposed to the mystery of ini- am abandoned communities who left within the wuy to the deluding erliliccsif nitrn exceed ing their followers in nothing bit vice and cun ning ah conformity of prmcijlt all umtive power which must auiniwline exist if vre would correct the defections an corruptions n rising from brulel ignorance and from local and partial causes was weakened tt destroyed by political and social discord and the great bru therhood of christians presentrd only the de formed and scattered fragments of those heaven prepared materials destined to erect a temple commensurate with the earth- government and education tht great adjunctives ofucligion as pointed out by our saviour in the unremissi- ble duties of filial and social obedience had not yet attained that empire over mankind which with religion its basis unites them in their true and eternal relations to each oilier which leaches them their whole nature and obligations not merely as beings capable of enjoyment and pain but to consult as dr blair beautifully says their full detmv not only as rational but not pnsuinc to trouble you with what others sociaunot only s social but immortal being oui- poluffe therussiancommanderinchief is no more the brief if not dubitable glory of this soldier of fortune admits of little remark how far the apparent inability of the imperial efforts are to be attributed to him we hove no means of ascertaining but if even his military talents and personal character had entitled him to our interest and admiration he was placed in a situation where he could have earned only an impious greatness and where a reverse must have cancelled his former reputation death has stepped in to decide the dilemma but how we arc lea to conjecture sudden death has long been a feature in russianconrts if not camps intemperance and suicide are both hinted at cholera is the official causb on this point as some old historians sav let rach think for himself if the national peitehant for strong excitements has been the cause we must cast a veil over his patriotic propensities since he has now joined the temperance soci ety whose beverage isthcm obtiviaof lethe the abstinence of the russians is not prover bial 60 far as we know and if virgil was a philosopher rude diet and generous cups fos tered the mili tery infancy of rome what influence a change 0 leaders may have on the fate of the campaign and of poland cannot with our present knowledge be conjec- iured il is not improbable leaving aside the supposed mental or bodily incapacity of the late kumiui commander ihat the russian troops tremnped by the premature introduction of jwihs j wc should fear most the accession of a as i now hinted at who would consult u thwwior end temper of the nation more iu preset wktf bowem is a dispiriting one w u61 z n it has gone uiev seem to have umtim uu c onr as wt ii n he out of fain euffivicm e eou urto al biirone boston might so much more ably perform my present object is to ask why the rights of the twyorifj overwhelming in numbers understanding and property of the three kingdoms are to be set aside by the craving and envious hypocrisy of a few men backed by a minority infinitely in considerable in all these pretensions to weight and inlluence and offering a protection to eve ry shameful and degrading schism the church of england the catholic and the church of scotland form more than ninctcsths of the population of the empire this majority constitutes country there is no legislation for individual obliquities theo provinces were conquered preserved by and improved under the blood wealth and enterprise of our country and are kept intrust and for the benefit of her children in all times to come every government is bound to enforce the will of the majority and their interests as proved and established by their past experience and acknowledgment the instruction scho lastic and spiritual of the people is entrusted to he care of the government as essential to order and peace in the community in the same manner us the dispensation of other laws it is the duty und interest of england and the infinite majority of her people that this princi ple should be put in force in these provinces the reserves for the support of religious in struction are the inalienable property of these three churches by the spirit of the british con stitution as now restored from temporary ex clusions they no more belong to the houe uf assembly than to mr mackcntie the waders of scepticism and fanaticism candidates for intellectal and spiritual felicity the consequences which ensued have divided with a fatal obstinacy succeediag generations communities and religious sects severed by national and social causes in their enquiries and n their ardent seeking after means of reparation for these deplorable and desolating evils have unhappily endeavoured by mutual and unfound ed accusations and by recriminating explana tions lo attribute to each other the fearful eclipse which overspread the christian intellect deserting tradition and fact t losing themselves in atatracl speculations which could never end of the manner in which it was its founders will that his church should be established and its ex tended forms rendered efficient frjr its instruction they have set in opposition the ewi of all- in place of showing the agreement oi their redeem ing and cognate excellencies the catholic and perfect zeal of pop t 4drunt and the practical simplicity and innocence of some primitive soci eties such as it may be the vwrfhu were can by no fair and honest reasoning bewt in opposi tion the supervening errors ani vitiations uf the catholic church or the grostand foul pol lutions of the atrocious and simrtforming mobs of germany are alike to be iracul to the then condition of kingdoms and the dial destitution of those constituent and enforcing forms of heli gionpoliticat brder founded on justifiableness and the disciplinary laws of infraction the extraordinary harmonies of our niture with re velation indicated by your excellmt correspon dent in these three great divisions if mans inter ests and duties arc appositely expressed by the learned jew philo who defines he trinity by the being the ruling t and the itenefick power the three mediatorial ungoverned ami indtfpond nl spiritual puidancc of men versed only in deception and a guilty mastership over the feelings and sense prepare their votaries for every new or stronger and more feverous excitement and which can obtain for the abettors of their designs an increase of their share in the untithed and unbounded remunera tions of voluntary victims in particular let the reader observe that mahomet marks their dis avowal of priitr their ready tears and yielding sensibilities this comcth to pass says the impostor because there are priests among thnn and u because they are not dated with pride and u when they hear that which hath been sent down by us read unto them thou shalt see u their eyes overflow with tcarsbccausc of the truth which they perceive therein aying m 0 turd we believe write us down there fore with those who bea witness to the truth and what should binder us from believing in 41 god and the truth which hath come unto us 11 and from earnestly desiring that our lord wo 11 introduce us into paradise mahomctspara- 41 dise with the righteous people koran 44 chapter 3 this is certainly continues mr bush m an 44 important document and if the inference drawn from it be correct it atfoid a melan- 44 choly proof of the deep degeneracy of the east- 4 em churches that it should be among the first 44 lo embrace the foul imposture if that were 41 the fact il furnishes palpable demonstration al- 44 so that when men have once began to swerve 11 and deviate from the truth no limits can be 41 set to the degree of apostacy into whit h they jmij in a vuico apparently reeled by a slight cold delivered ihc following my frdt und utnltttnai i have availed myself oi the earlieii op portunity of resoitioi to your ndvieoatid ntsistauce af tho dissolution 0 the utu parliament having had recourse to that measure for the purpose of ascertaiuioj the seune uf uiy people oo the expediency of a reform m the representation 1 have now to recom mend that important question to your ear u- ostand most attentive consideration confi dent that in any measures which you nifty prepare for its adjustment you will care fully adhere to the acknowleged principles of the constitution by which the proroga tes uf the crown the authority of both houses of parliament aod tho rights and liberties of the people are equally secured the assurances of a friendly disposition which 1 continue to receive from all foreign powers encourage the hope that notwith standing the civil commotions which liavo disturbed some parts of kurope and tho contest now existiug iu poland thegeueral peace will be ntaiuiaioed to the preservation of this blessing my most aoxious care will be constantly di rected the discussions which have taken place on the affairs of belgium have not yet beeo brought to a conclusion but the most complete agreement continues to subsist between tho powers whose plenipotentia ries have been engaged in the conferences of london the principle on which those conferences have been conducted has been that of not interfering with the right of tho people of belgium to regulate their inter nal affairs aod to establish their govern- u are liable to fall a fearful illustration is thus afforded of the law uf the divine judgments 14 that were men under the cloak of a christian 44 profession receive not the love of thfc truth 41 but have pleasure in unrighteousness hot 44 shall send them strong delusions that they 14 should believe a lie and that loo to their inevi- u table ruin bushs life page 107 103 1 leave this without further comment refer ring to the communications of h one of the people for some painful and strong conjecl- ure on the tendencies of certain sects in this portion of the human family some may perhaps say t in an age like this there is no danger to be apprehended from wild enthusiasm such men have studied his tory if at all to little purpose impostures are of all times the leaders have been knavcsbut fit ones their followers dupes officered by subordinate and graduated knaves holding in subjection the main body and strencthlby brib ing the obtuse corrupting the weak and de luding the melancholy and enthusiastic tpitcvia terra alit artiticem before concluding i rrnuest your attention to are leagued against this backed by an infinitely nor am e53 atnjck witf di aarttahi auwtftejrfac- i- iwtfmb mhu m onciifcr ciiiinli liwclluliy ijve notice tllltan th imposture on ihc other begirt the catholic g of tuesday the 2tith inst church with all the mr wiess we are very glad to find that this finished performer has been so very favour ably received generosity and patronage are a debt due by the public to those who have attain ed by infinite diligence combined with some na tural physical perfection such excellence the best judges pronounce him au fait in this department of public amusement and all are de lighted with the exceeding adroitness and perspi cuous neatness which mark his displays of this amusing art mr iviess performs for the last time here this evening and we hopehc will have as good rea son to be jcaaed with with his company as they will assuredly be with his turn saliais of mcccss i sh have pcrhap allowed the mprcssion of its awful lesion to pass without qiplication had it not by a singu lar coincide recalled to my mind some obser vations which t that morning observed in vour chronicle of lint saturday in one of those able communication signed 0ic of the people and uhat wasstill more curious an article 1 re marked the sane day from a late french jour nal which thruv a ray of beautiful and illustra tive evidence ut the historical fact recorded in the koran of ftahomct und as i may say of y terday snares and terrors of traction the reformation came tobu must leave conjectural history at present t 3 mhu a variety of de fceehmtyrs will be oirered n mr ja- t f k 5 the proceeds to be applied 1 towards liquidating the church debt 7 wff of course all things are these remarks into which i have been njcls i m 1 to lo ll pf3c of fi the debts i oi achurch thy render their u j huble to be evil spoken of cnt mistake i mention that nc remarks dr suggested by bush consciously led bring me back to the point in queathwuie statu of the eastern churcj more particularly in tle sixth century isal- to prevent mistake i mention that most total prostration in intelligr mora the above of life ting ihc day light of the human mind ti vered comma upon looking over thm i was ow the from a cmiatrd wh afraij f mj i i them i a bvi horto col craig and lady from the windward is- lands arrived in town a few days since and will immediately proceed to quebec coichaving the appointment of private secretary to his ex cellency lord aylmer sevenl english gentle- men are also in tnwn whose object is wc under stand to make llie tour of some portion of the united statissv y albion far the chronicle mr editon i observe by tho american journals that mr adams the expresident has on the last 4th of july been again holdin forth on the subject of rebellion there are but two ways of managing our con science and reason theone isto bravcout our i hiht mj a e guilt and as the latins have sublimely express- t0 found fana edit fill up the mark of our foowtepa by the blood of our enemy the other is thus describ ed by the immortal bard of our country he now prepared to ppak j thrice he waved and thrice in spite of scorn teats such as angels weep burst forth mr adams has chosen he former u he for the firsitwelve years tho founder of l mism displayel nothing in his doctrinal orac lions which wmld have much distinguished him from the crowlof fanatics who have risen in al parts oftheeuth and been crushed by power or who have asscd away amidst contempt but while he mainaincd a dubious influence in mec ca and his fuhrc success seemed extremely pro blematical hifrimposturo magnified by distance and report aeiording to the well known pro verb had acipired for hiru a deep hold on the inhabitants of medina the swordconverting and vindiclive spirit of the selfcommissioned prophet was w yet hid from tho world if no from himself with the yc of one who had long studied the stcnglh weakness of the human mind and theebbs and bowings of its passions be saw the tid of belief attain the desired bound mark and wife fearless and confident energy committed hwiestiny to the heaving hood his ucism at that very the work e had i be ovcrcast with the dim and disastrous ofmr bush is animated and agreeable orv ttt i ei henca tumin hc bm e i2 orj has to record one of the most remarkable particular church or sector imposture instead of r tz fai r ni againsi fc srscr when a 1 f a t is a c of out all forms and estabhshed churches for me which i can m m0 mn ge- ot 8 character as fa m iv- t i i ui no more receive as iair n i j lra 0n p pretntion than i can comprehend si ja hetlr r anj mkintoshs p ou tl rx the secret and insidious arts of bewitderini and tnatinn t0f of reason in power f the point where tic common maxim mankind ceoie by the fatal passions lob their guides when they act by an appalling nnciplc of contrariety and instead of seeking if lierc is yet a restoration m truth and to god tirn their errors and torfura info aorrid anns mainst his lijws ring and matinn corrupting men acting without law or guide j withoutjimit or fear and grasping at spiritual dominion and personal indulgence of power by every sensual and surreptitious art which craft or crime may make available over ignorance and passion mahomet received at mecca a deputation from medina of men and women who had pro fessed islaniam offering him assistance auxili aries and an asylum in their eitv distance of time says mr rush possible to decide what class of th phuloerasmus england wn int- iiimer is nc i pure he will he paid fnril and will it he in inl- 1 1 rn he sixth century lara or in the seifapptausa of oullen malignity rhnstianity i by the weakness and rormp g 1ionsofhumai passions toialli riegeneiaicd fi p em imperial parliament speech from the throne on tuesday ju 2st at an early hour every roof window balcony aod doorwav atrnm st james to st stephens were be- itia not i f wt e expecting beholders citizens had h he roar of cannon announced the principal share m tendering this invitation n if corlase from lho to the prophet from he following passage i akt lb l u8iutt cocumng in the first published chapter of tnvt bera ioo f h w t koran after entering medina 2 msss have mferred hat the nominaj christians oil along the line the signal ran d the ut city wftreiha most active agents n in- de fi l voices iu continued rrodueing thu impostor tl shall sureh chccrs 4 nnd says the koran the most vuknt of about 2 oclock he entered the a men uieiuimyavaiiistustoheihejewsamrf- n robes and took rabs and thou shall surely find hw n scu cho lhrouo a ihat long j 0 ment accordiug to their own views of what mav ho most conducive to their future welfare and independence under the sole condition sanctioned by the practice uf nations and founded on the principles of public law that iu the exercise of that un doubted right the security of the neighbor ing states should not beeudangered a series of injuries and tusults for which notwithstanding repeated remonstrances all reparation was withheld compelled mo tatatt ttw4vr ityhidrak sc nyy fltatttt appearbefore lisbon with a peremptory demand of satisfaction a prompt com pliance with that demand prevented thu necessity of further measures hut hav to regret that i have not yet been able to reestablish my diplomatic relations with the portuguese iovcrnment gentlemen of the iioutof commons i have ordered estimates of the expenses of the current year to hi laid before you aud 1 rely with confidence on your loyalty and zeal to mhke adequate provision for the public service as well as for the farther application of the sum granted by tbnlat parliament always keeping in viow the necessity of a wise and wholesome econo my in every brauch of thu public expendi ture 11 my lords and gentlemen it gives me great satisfaction lo state to you that the large reduction of tuxes which took place iu the last aod in the pro- sent year with a view to the relief of the labooriug classes of tho community has nt been attended witli ijiinoruuiunyt a part of the western couutics of ireland lo relieve which iu the most pressiug cases i have not hsiatcd to authorize the appli cation ol such meaus as were available for that purpose but assistance of this nature is necessarily limited in its amount nd cau only be temporary j its effect the possibility therefore 0 introducing auy measures which by assisting the improve ment of tho natural resources of the coun try may tendtoprevent the recurrence of such evils must be a subject of the most aoxious mterest to me aod to you of tho most grave and cautious consideration local disturbances unconnected with any political causes have takeu place both in this port of the foiled kingdom aod in ireland lo the county of clareand in the adjoining ports of roseoinmou and gal- way a system of violeuce and outrage had lor some timo been carried oo to an alarm- ing extent for the repression of which ti consttutooal authority of the law has heen vigorously aod successfully exerted by the means the necessity of enacting new laws to strengthen then the executive government with further powers will i trust be prevented to avert such a necessity has been a ever will be my most earnest desire but if it should unfortunately arise i do not doubt your firm resolutiou to mmnuio the peace and order of society by the adoption their more effecual protection- in it u 11 mms ti thcmohi inclinable w cntrni r ano whnm thcro hav beeo fncndl hct w biticve that cil j5 lhan the corn laws jt1 da t that it w his intention 0u the first cot venient day of which h woulo g e due ootee to bring the subject of uwsutiderhc consideration oft fhear he would coofi present session to moving tions expressive of the expediency of a re vision of those laws postponing till the next session a f discusiou of their prin ciple and tendency mr hu g notice that he should orj ous to takeadvau- tiie cora he house himself iu the moving cerlaiu resoly- azxtt 6t sz

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