Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 6, 1831, p. 1

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kingston seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by m ttoenty shiutngs vol 13 no 6 nec rege nec populo sed utboque h- chroniciie published every saturday by james mncfarlanf at his office in froulstreet kincston u c saturday august 6 1831 to tk editor of the kingston chronicle mb chronicle m truth it mighty and will prevail- but we must also ad mit that ferror is mighty in it ravages up- oo the human family and that it has at various periods id the history of our race achieved astonishing consequences over it the respective weapons of truth and falsehood are both wielded by human hands and thestandards under which the opposite corabatanu marshal themselves are unfurled by the same because of hu man iofirmily and proneness to error ma ny wrong movements may be made under the banners of truth many partial and oblique views may be entertained and pur sued and many offences may be given which will retard the lime ofhernal tri umph but that such a time will come that the human family on earth will one day rejoice in such a glorious consumma tion i think we have assurances of the most explicit character the author of truth and justice has foretold it he has committed the means of its accomplish ment to rnankiod and he ha promised eventually to crown their warfare with a plorious triumph to doubt it then wod be to doubt them who cannot lie on the other band the enemies of truth and partisans of falsehood borrow from that cause which tbey are leagued to over throw they steal weapons from the ar mory of truth with which to pierce ber frieods they label their dark designs and the implements of mischief with ber pure gold beaten to the slenderest tenuity on the anvils of deception and under the hammers of malice and hypocrisy and they filch tire from her altars with which to burn her temples to the ground and le vel hor fair towers with the dust- slill 11 truth is mighty and will prevail oot- lvirhslanding their rage and malice the means of establishing the suprema cy of truth and effectuating the general homage of mankind is religion gov ernmeut aod education they are the tbi ure moral apparatus for this great conquest over error delusion fraud and violence and forestahlishiog true and ra tional irhertv on a just and secure jasw violence and forestahlishiog true and ra tional liberty on a just and secure basis the true philosopher considers these as different forma and attributes of the same principle the various modes of that eter nal and simpl lie that uoites man to his creator and by whose aid he cooforms himself to the jaws nod dispensations of his provideore religion government and education are coessential and indi visible like those mechanical powers which are formed by a combination of the others they cannot exist separated the present efforts to separate them and erect each into a dynasty by itself to divide and distract the human family and tyrannize over them aod to war against distress and enfeeble each other can only coavert their separate resources into engines of mutual destruction and carry desolation into each others usurped province- it is like divid ing the trinity of the godhead into three separate and unconnected existences each holding a province of peculiaraud secluded osr aod dividing amoog them as under the roman triumvirate the triple destiny of each individual human creature name ly his government or allegiance his re demption or means of happiness and his snnctification orthe instating him in holi ness aud feliciry and if i mistake not this atheistic scheme ofschism aod separa tion and destruction has originated with those who had rejected the doctrioeof the trioity but i am not sufficiently ac quainted with theological controversy to determine this scheme of division being antisoci al founded on individual opinion and wrwfrv pves the amplest scope to m dis honesty ftihtkoou nd wfrtmwmfty f tfre neverfailing characteristics of the dema gogue aod his factions its first and most direct tendency is to divide patronage aod influence and scatter them among the crafty and ambitions and by this means divide civil society into warring fac tions competition and rivalry in religi on politics aod education are set up and speculating jobbers are invited into the a- rena of contention as into a mart of wares and merchandize scheming politicians seek the favor of the holders of sectarian influence religious demagogues grasp at the educatioo of the young as a matter in its nature distinct and independent both of religion and government with the view of strengthening their own religious faction aod the peddlers in education will seek employment t the hands of political and religiousfsction and lick the dust of their feet for their patronage and to crown all they will all play as did the roman triumvirate a deep game of hypocrisy fraud aod violence upon each other till at last the most clever villain cuts down his opponents with tbe swnrd or rivets a chain of iron upon their occks- the no principle system of educatioo will be very unprinci pled and prove itself the eoemy of both religion and government the present state of affairs iu the land of jonathan if appearance aro not amazingly deceptive is rapidly verging to such a crisis lo ad dition to what i have laid before your read ers concerning them i am enabled to say that iu the state of massachusetts the di rection of the resources of public educa tion has nearly all fallen into tho hands of the unitarians and it ought to be re membered that about the middle of last century the english ijnitariaus attempted a union of their body in points of faith with tho grand mufti at constantinople- be fore mo now lies au american paper from which i copy the following fates for chaplain the votes for chaplain in the house of representatives of massachusetts which were thrown ou friday and saturday cf last week were as follows ortiittwg the two first ballots tb1bd ballot rev syfp beeeber orthodox 155 11 gefrastian streeteruniversalist 128 esra s gannett unitarian 88 11 we ppose the above gives a fair ex hibition fthe streogth ofthe three great re jpterests of the commonwealth- it should be recollected that the baptists and metfc are probably included with the orthpdox t ii aftet the third ballot the house re solved tft lt three gentlemen having tbe bigftp nurohers messrs beecher slreeter find gannett be invited to offici ate io im trumpet and universalit the a extracts are an i nvaluable matter df rotnmeut on my doctrine laid dorfp j heforq j the de mouctra the political charater of the sec tarian frfftioniin religion in the united 0 america and they point out slates the ctrtapty of political conjtict springing out oftf a state religion jj the most damnable form of error thrf p 0q l a ofthe chris tian oam a w canuon shot of beioc th oattooal faith of massachusetts aod the s orthodoxy of the revival meoiirii oml fa civil tweeo of men w j should ensue the conflict be- i mf alac on one hand and a band ho disbelieve in a state of future pyjjjot on the other could not be of l- amicable description indeed me most t i- ifitwenf b as l politicoreligious factions if io their r periodicals it would ibe a war of extermination let ibt readers of the chronicle bring also to ih recollection tbe disgraceful conduct of a certai thod regard to dismissal on supplying h on ijijan what serious n house of assembly io 1 of a chaplain aud yankee demo cratic dw what serious minded person who beli7 l bible aod loves decency and ordc cao re oa 5uc shameful ffs without horror transact i wish a woroiiicle to call the aueotion of youf deri to the above practical exemplibcation of saint eger- aueution flrwmttw to f the svovv practical exemplification of saint eger- tons invaluable exposition of the kiogs answer to tbe archbishop and clergy of the dioceso of canterbury which lays down tho doctrine that if the people will it the government is under obligation to establish atheism as the state religion for tho bo does not name the last men tioned creed yet thedoctrine he has laid down as the rule ofthe kings conduct io paying implicitobedience to the will ofthe people io matters of national faith most comprehensively embraces it it is then sufficiently evident that in the state of massachusetts the government has scarce any hold upon the affections of the people by that thing which we term allegiance with them it has degenerated into a bastard affection or has been trans ferred from the government and divided a moogst religious tactions which select tbeir favourites to fill public offices without re gard to any purely political consideration the question is not which politics shall prevail but which creed shall engross pub- licpatronage the government strictly speaking is destitute of influence and pa tronage because it holds none of their principal sources in its hands instead of the government exercising influence and patronage aod attaching the hearts of tbe people to itself as to something partaking of the character of paternity and holding in its hands parental authority and tbe means of protection the order of things is completely inverted and the fortress of ad ministration is rather regarded as a thing to be won by political gamblers for party purposes and the lottery wheel is tho will oft iiiec r run jn amll nfttferuus fruttiani and sectarian ambition are tbe jugglers which turn up the blanks and tho prizes the state is no object of legitimate allegiance because the people are enlisted under the banners of rival and contending creeds aod the creed which happens to draw a prize in tbe political lottery cannot secure to itself eveo the show of a legal monopoly of influence and patronage without an ac tual usurpation and the subjugation of all the other creeds these remarks will ap ply to tbe whole union and their force in such an application may be seen on a re ference to the case of tbe secretary of state and the pope of rome io my letter treating thereof i repeat it tbe govern ment of the uoited states has no paternal character nothing in it to attract and at tach the affections of the people as recipro cal between parent and cbild there is no majesty among them but the majesty of the people no voice but the voice of the people in their universal suf frage no rule for popularity hunters but the will ofthe people and in all pub lic acts it is the people this and the people that to be sure there is a chair of state but it is the object of ambition for every ahred of this mob majesty which may be possessed of sectional popularity and ca pable of wielding the tools of intrigue hence we witness a scene like that of a large family of brothers who had deposed their father and agreed to supply bis place in turn by short intervals as this or that faction in the family should predominate not forgettiog that they also at tbe deposi tion ofthe father abjured the family reli gion assumed the principle that each indi vidual should of right fabricate his own creed and maintain his own system of ec clesiastical polity uouided by the resources of the common stock which presently ex cites numberless family quarrels and gives birth to new political biases and factions for each religious party becomes seized with tho spirit of ecclesiastical conquest and commences a war of proselyting exter mination upon all the rest this destitution of fraternity and reci procal filial attachment under the north american republic forcibly reminds me of a passage in boswclls life of dr john son johnson said a roadman loves to he with people whom he fears not as dogs fear tbe lash but of whom ho stands in awe i was struck says boswell with the justice of this observation to be with those of whom a person whose mind is wavering and dejected stands in awe represses and composes an uneasy tumultof spirits and consoles dim with the contemplation of something steady and at least comparativoly great oh how true how oxteosivcly true and applicable to human affairs popular tumults and excitements long kept up m the maduess of tbe people reduces the public miod to a condition like the maniacs it is conti nually barrassed and perplexed by rival aud contending factions it is continually in a stale of uncertainty and feverish excite ment the wish for party predominance creates the hope for it and the hope gives energy aod efficiency to intrigue and as maduess is frequently accompanied with the most subtle and serpentine cunning we find the snakes of democracy as beguiling as the one that insinuated his slimy folds into thegarden of paradise still the ma jesty of the people what a term of satauic derision yo shall he as gods with all its majesty and omnipotence feels and ex periences deeply tho unconscious ofthe cause the fulness of boswelps remark they feel the necessity of contemplating something steady aud they select their popular idols as something great beneath whose shadow they can repose for a brief space and whom they can regard as the centre of their present wishes but no sooner has this idol which mob majesty and omnipotence had set up and com manded their fellows to follow in his train attained the summit of popular favor than the beau which idolized him is satiated with possession and the breath which ex alted turns upon him with the blast of death and because the public mind must have some visible object on which to rest or ra ther lo attract its attention aod give it em- and the three re ally bear away tho palm ifl loose liherty ends in corruption and anarchy the last act of which is military letism- lord bacon io his ezenplu tractates de fontibus juris aphor says the ultimate object which legtsteors ought to have iu view and to which all their enact ments and sanctions ought to be subservi ent is that the citizens ntftjf fw happily for this purpose it is necesary that they should receive a religious piousedu- catjow that they should he trained to good morals that they shd he secured from foreign eoemies by proper military nrraogemeots that they should be guarded hy an effectual police again seditions and private injuries that they should be loy al to government and obedient to magis trates and fioally that they should abound in wealth and io other nation resources this is the proper butioem of religion government and educatiodi ad are coequal and coesscnti9l t0 a we gulated state- we have se e distract ing influences which they create when they are cut assundcr from each other and left to private individual choice enterprise it is also manifest to sober discrimination that it is the province of tht aie lo defiue the extent and to form tho principles of the allegiance of the subject tis is essential to the family compact tfc father never waits till the sons be grbwit p b order to cousult them in the article of family govern ment tbeip condition is ifiioranco and weakness while yet their nral and physi cal necessities are just fis viala import ant as if they were as wise as strong as he so it is io the civil swte the sub ject is hy the necessity of hi condition both ignorant to devise and weal- l0 cute the means of safety to blspersrtp and property and therefore the state docs l f him lie is ignorant of his duty till mrlu it aod therefore he has no share ill defium- ins al legiance he receives ralljm ahf lity on the same terms an p of his superiors to instruct i j both to god and man ftchgmiw jwine pics being the ppring and 5rt r al actions and the true f of his ploymeutnn sooner is one popular idol j allegiaoce to his sovereign t becomes the thertft attract hi attention aod give ucm- x actions s3 iss iras foumhihor ol bis ploymeut no sooner is one popular idol i allegiance to his sovereign it becomes the duly of the stvereio lo provido fur his re- nstrtitiion the same as the father of religion government p wil sre mora- lhe duty hit duties tbismor- nun and all sootier is one cast aside than another candidate for e- phemeral favor steps into the arena and takeshis turn and share tbe fate of his predecessor but ibis state of things enn- nt ways last as is manifest by tbe ex- ampb of all former republics the nature of mm against which in the blindness of selfride be so often rebels requires some- thingiu government stable and firm and fixed and immoveable the course of na ture itself admonishes him the frame of its constitution lectures bira in the science of wifcm and tells him to copy in his social polity the scheme and the designs ofthe etetval architect here he finds not on ly design but regularity order stability and durability wherever there is muta- tioo- it is periodical aod systematic pro ceeding from some definite and unvarying principle and producing its end or effect not so much by its positive powers to do something as hy tho justness of their ap plication and the regularity of ibeir move ments in every system there must bo a center or a head which bolb gives and re ceives the sun receives the homnge of theercumvolving planets while he holds tbenio their spheres by tbe mystic chain uf rrrrartion- but he gives them back the bemfitsof light and heat and blesses tbeir hoangewith safety and protection he bolin his hands all the sources of influ ence over them and while they rejoice in ilglous a private faiiijly and to see with a fatbers eye nd atttbnnty that that provision be ap propriated this view is essential to the character of ft paternal government and uherc the principles involved ifi it do not form the basu of a civil state it cannot he theoretically a moral and religious social system aud fhe state has no paternal char acter it is a mere mercenary hireling to perform cerinio mechanical operations into which moral considerations never obtrude or it is a tyranny regarding its subjects as so many cattle instead of children over whom is to he exercised a moral and reli gious sway ns well as physical power lord bacnns words are the sayings of a sage of a christian philantropbist as well as a statesman and a philosopher but they cannot be carried into effect where there is no state religionnod where the government making that religion the basis of moral instruction and the source of loyal ty does not provide for and superintend the entire education ofthe people if educa tioo is left to private adventure or the will of the people there is no moral and politi cal cootagion but may be imported from a- broad or manufactured at home and instill ed into the miods of youth nay since dis eases of that kind are cootgious and epe- demic and may follow each other at looger the freedom aod the ease of their own ev- 1 or shorter intervals tbey may at any time olutbns they turn continually to him for j seize aod infect any portion of a popu ligbinnd life and dance iu gladsome cod rusrouod the eternal pillars of his thrum not are fired with the ambition of usurp iwgfrisntoww like an expresident of the united states afinq whose minds have not been preoccupied with sound and seasonable instruction iu the the truths essential to the well being of a state wcsee those contagious disiemper dtaie now achvoly in operuuu3tjtou uic pes cbairo pic of the united stateiv in that boasted r land of liberty where apublic standard or morals polities religim and allegiance would be regarded ibotgh pore as the light of heaven aud sanctifying as the elixerof life with feelings littlesbort of horror and detestation such a stmdard would check aod restrain their religbn making mania i tend to smother the stinking brands of fac to bask in the beams of his own state the sun aod the planets never change places with each other and the planets never electioneer fnr the honor of sitting a year or two at a time in tbe cen ter of the system and receiving the hom age of their brother planets and the exsun the king io tbe british constitution holds the placeofthesun in tbe solar system 1 l jrsu tr- the nobles that of the planets and that of l uum j ui i the sources of lofluenm and patronage io their inferiors is represented by tbe moons they all move rouod one another and u- round tbe throne and as kingship is kept ia family succession instead of popular rota tion the turbulence and the danger of perio dica kiog making is wholly avoided tlu person of the kiog is the source of honor andpower and protection to all his people yfb alone holds the means of these benefit which are bestowed not by tho caprice o one man hut by the laws of the system the lives of alibis subjects are even his which the laws of the system ordains h shall protect with the hand and tbe heart d a father all the sources of patronage anu power are his property for the same beoe- ficienl end and hid province is to convert them to general utility and the preservati on of the empire as one family lotellectu al or physical it is all the same thcrfc cannot be strength without union and con sistence nor these without a center and a head the fortresses of stone and cunolfj or the wooden walls of old england arr no more lhe property or the crown thai aro the sources of influence over the feeling the sources the bands of the stata tf mind and opinions of the public and th two greatest of these are religion educatioo how these things stand in uuited slates we have seen the goven ment has uo patronage in them and n eontroul over them and can therefore dt uo strength from them they at tools in tho hands of ambition la rivo mere ders hy which demagogues climb to a tern porary elevation tho majesty of th rabble are tho source of honour and autho rity nod in this inverted order of thing duplicity cuuoiog and intrigue will gcupi patronage and arm the peo ple against the craft tffgrievance makers and exciters of sedition in that country the true notion of loydty has no existence the majesty ofthe peiple is omnipotent and like those maleridists or mystics that fancy the diety to bematter or the soul of man on emanation frnn the substance of divinity thus between them confounding both the body and sodlwiih their creator every individual beingan integral part of majesty and omnipotence on earth self is the object nf loyaliyand inclination the rule of alliance and uoiversal suffrage is essential to the system but truth ismighg and will prevail the sum of all moral nod political truth is contained in religion education is tbe instrument of its edudion and transplant ation into the huraauteart and mind aud government is tho otity legitimato school master hence the uiutfb apparatus of religion govcmmeitf aud education is the state eogine by wbich her prevalence is to be effected and ler supremacy esta blished truth possess a divine right to the preeminenco anj she must attain it in tbe end christiarity is truth tho right of conquest is brrs and therefore the meaos she is the foundation of govern ment and tho object o education and the end of government k to instruct iu her principles and to rule and obey iu her spir it whichever way tic turn it it forms an equilateral triangle every side of which h essential to the fnrrmin of a figure and to the inclosnrc of a pacc divide thai and tbey uro three unconnected au ally useless lives and education in the state aud in each single family composing it are similar in some degree to tbe undcrstandios the will and the memory io the individual either by itself is of small value the three in coo junction constitute in tiioooecase the ex cellence of a well ballanced state in the other tbe proper adjustment of a sound intellect- we trace the same triunity in tho moral operations of god upon his creature man which i slated in another rt of this communication aod which i 1 here repeat because perspicuity is a ater perfection than repetition a blemish fallen man needs a moral governor a moral redeemer and a moral sanctifier one to rule as just sovereign and judge one to meditate and provide for bis safety and one lo convey and apply the provision and all to be done in unity of design means and opinion this is found in gud tbe father son and holy spirit aod here again is rung thi chauge of religion gov ernment aud education oue holds the undivided gupromacy another furnishes the menus of reconciliation and religious educatioo and knowledge and a third edu cates the mind and purifies the affections to a fitconditiou for the exercise of moral citizenship under thedivioe paternal gov ernment but truth is mighty and will prevail and christianity holds the right of conquest overall error the warfare is committed to human hands and hy human hands it must be effectuated but the premises re quire that the establishment ofthe simplest form of truth be perfectly attainable and the best mode of its arlminstration a thing quito within our reach i mean to say that there is the practicability of oue form of polity in which religion government and education shall he uuited and made to ivnrk together in beautiful harmony and tile most bcucficcnt efficiency a system which shall embrace every true interest of every individual of a slate which shall fthsorb iti illf every mhirco of influence patronage and powei both moral and pltysi- cnl and monopolize all the aftcciioos nil the integrity and all the loyalty the allegiance and all ihe strength of a na- cfil and niii- ihmv i hauvipjtffapl all the integrity and all the loyalty aud all tho allegiance and all the strength of a na tion under which there would he perfect rational liberty and security to the subject and perfect fubordinalion and obedience to the ruler but this proposition takes for granted others equally important that is that religion miit enjoy an exclusive ad ministration pratronage and creed and that education should partake of the same and flow out of rcligiou look at the jew ish polity and you see the practical exem plication of these principles the two first duties of the state towards its subjects were to secure them from the danger of foreign invasion and to traio them by education in the national faith in order to the virtuous and peaceable enjoyment of national free- dom and security the thing is as possible now as ii was then we have the same materials arouod us the same moral truths in our hands and are under the samo moral necessities for such a slate of national effici ency for national good that they were lnnk even at sparta among the states of greece under the disadvantages of a false religion what gave her that settled pre dominance over her neighbours but the fix ed character of her institutions and her care of tho educatioo of her people athens to bo sure had more refinement and pro duced greater men and was sometimes her superior in strength and influence but athens lacked lhe moral and political sta- mioa of her rival was less uniform in her kreaioess and more open to tho designs of ambitious aspirants but if christianity has a right to predo minate over all other systems it must bea system io opposition to the modern semi- a church and system of religion to suit him self than which there never was a gross er he charged on the scriptures from which tbe assertions of the notion pretend to draw it for if the union and joint coopera tion of religion government and educa tioo be necessary to a truly christian slate and if it is right that christian princi ples both moral and political should ex clusively predominate under such a system aod if it is possible to discover religious and political truth aod combine them there- iu as tho spring and principles of political and moral life and prosperity it must al so be right if such a system be established in any country for it to keep ihe posses sion and management of us own preroga tives regardless of the bowlings of fac- lioo and tbe plottiogs of sedition lean- not conceive ofthe obligation to abandon a system of truth because the laveos of falsehood fraud division mid violence re quire it and tbo union of religion go vernment and education being so clearly essential to the strength of a state to its holding io its owo haods all the sources of patronage and influence over the mind of the people aod eujoying the right to de fine the nature and extent of their allegi ance and to form their minds to it in the process of education on certain selected definite aod fixed priociples ihe basis of igion with its power over the aod lo tho existence of its pro- or parental character as the iliao corrector aod protector subjects these things 1 say considered i cannot conceive how ihe ac knowledged defects ofthe best establish ments are to be obviated by takhir apart theso three grand pillars of the body poli tick religion government aod educa tion by severing the three sides ofthe o- quilutcrl triangle aod forbidding them on aio of death to unite and commanding gression the new doctrine is that die people io n christian couotry cannot be free and enjoy tbe blessings of christiaoity and good government unless they are split into as many independent sects and factions as they may choose each striving for tho supremacy hy a regular warfare of prose- lytism onthe others and tbat public in struction ought not lo embrace religious iostructjon because it might interfere with the rights aod dictates of somebodys coo- science which yet they are at liberty to cbcal him out of by some other means or that education should be modelled like re- ligioo as every one might choose io defi ance of any recognized and fixed princi ples and that politicks shall follow tbe same rule the will aod opinion ofthe people is made all io all when in fact there is not in any cnuntry one man in fifty who does not think as be is directed by some other than himself for if the gov ernment does not form his mind for him some demagogue or party will and direct it for him too the almighty people can not think nor act but as they are directed and of all that are eogaged in the crusado of ryersods mckeozie co not one in fifty knows more either of what they mean or he wauts only to make a mme and op pose the administration than be knows of chinese or algebra mr humes letters as given in tbe guar dian are amply worthy of tom paine or voltaire and admirably suit the climate of our risiog national academy as one is addressed to the colonial advocators a replvioone of his despatches i suppose thatthe honorable geotlemao has let fatoi into the secret of his embassy to wash ington for the purpose of selling this pro vince to general iacksoo i am the rooro inclined to think so on account of that great british statesman and patriotic keormer so affectionately recommeodiog to the people of this provioce the policy of the new eoeland states of tbe uoited n a states in particular mr hume must havo known something of the stato of affairs within the borders of a free country nod the politicoreligious squabbling that is now put under requisition for the ascendan cy of ibis aod that religious factioo in that now put under requisition for the asceodan- cv of this aod that religious faction io that peaceful and happy land our canadian friends to british priociples and the integri ty of the empire should call to mind the kind language this reforming senator has so frequently used towards lhe colonies on one occasion if my memory serves me rightly he recommended to have us sunk by on earthquake and at another sold to brother jonathan as a means of increasi ig tho naval resources of great britain- now he is endeavouring to effect our deliverance from church supremacy by entailing oo us the accursed tyraooy of a lawlesss de mocracy which even the more sober a- mongthe americans already begin to dread as ihey would the tigers of the desert a short time sioce i fell ioto conversation with two american geotleroeo and we ad verted to the btate of politics on this con tinent aod also to reform in england- they were where they could speak with safety aod tbey spoke freely their fears of the times one of them said that he re tained an affectionate regard for england but that he feared much for the result of her present popular movements tcisk said he that the members of parliament be fore they discuss the reform question could spend one year in tht states just before a presidential election i thirik it would so ber them down a little the other observ ed that an awful crisis was evidently ap- proachiog aod that universal suffrage and religious disseolions were preparing aod work for them since i have thus adverted to the unit ed states i will give you an extract from letter lately received from a frieodwbich te which is rcli conscience per paternal parent gu8l of al 1 its ihcru in view of a like penalty to form trji- letnem ffw and inclose a space for tho purposes of d mutu- wtfrgrtrf union and defence from ixicrnala tbat is apprehended oi polmcal evpiufe arising out of them we are my deaf sir living as some say inmost innresting ticnes- i admit it for it is surely interest iiig t0 de walking on tbe brink of the crater of a volcaoo at the momeot when tbe most terrific rumbling below indicates an np- proachi rrg explosion which is to cortrftbe spot oo which we etaod with liquid fire wasting and spoiling all around us my present conviction is thtu ihe dominant sectinihis country having failed in snme of their plans the last two years especiajly in ihe pioneer stage and sunday mail question are now determined to pursna more covert plans for the accomplishment of a rivetted ascendency in political matters i have oo doubt they are ripening all tbeir schemes and i think i know tbe men they are looking too for a president of tha united states as sago at tbey can nip their matters bear aod that you mr chronicle may havo it in your power tb as sure your readers ofthe fidekty of trre above extract i herewith send you me original letter with date placename and post marts allooit by reading the whole of theflpt- ter you will see that the part i do not tbaak prudent for publication is oo less ominous than the above extract i wish your read ers to call to mind tbe substance of my com munications treating of national religiims associations in that country together with our promisiog national academy and of the next one which treats of the af fair ofthe late secretary and the popec these 1 think a good comment oo the re- volutiooary doctrines and avowals contain ed in mr humes dispatches to the com mittee of public safety aod religious liberty which tho genius of emaocipatioo has es tablished at tho seat of the old provincial despotism it may bo good news for tha chairman ofthe committee for the pro motion of religions liberty it may in spire him with the hopes for ihe rise of his property io value aod drive away the blues which sometimes it is said afflict his tender

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