on ccnfirciius lui they had determined province lo holland brussels june 4 the crowd assembled round die congress long before the doors were opened at 11 oclock the president took the chair the proces verbal of yesterday s proceedings was read and adopted the president then declared that the or der of the day was the election of the chief of the state and the tickets being all read and pronoonced correct the result of the scrutiny was handed to the president who road it aloud as follows for declaring bis royal highness leopold prince of saxe coburg king of the belgians againit his election for declating the regent baron surletdecrokerking abstained from voting declared noil 152 10 14 19 i total 196 the president then read the decree of the election and declared his royal highness leopold george frederick prince of saxe coburg king of the belgians in conformity to the constitution the decree is as follows lo the name of the belgian people the national congress decrees art 1 his royal highness prince leo pold george frederick prince of saxe coburg is proclaimed king of the belgians oo condition of accepting the constitution as it baa been decreed by the nati onal con art 2 he is not to take possession of the throne uotill after having solemnly taken the following bath i swear to ob serve the constitution a ml laws of the bel gian people and to maintain tbo natiooal independence and integrity of the territ- the people on hearing the cannon an nounce the election rushed in crowds to wards the coogress all seem pleased and expressed their hopes that the prince will come hither and briog witn him tbe blessings of peace and tranquility i ad atnek was expected at st michaels and preparations were roakiog to defend it from russia the brig czarina copt dwyer arrived ai ibis port yesterday from crodttadt whence she sailed oo the 19th of may and from elsineur the 1st of june capt dwyer reports that very little was published at st petersburg relative to the polish war but that it wasgenerally ac knowledged that the russians bad lost 80000 mo since the commencement of the campaign and that the emperor calculat ed to sustain a loss of 200000 in the final subjugation of poland at elsineur it was currently reported that tbe poles aided by lilhuuian insur gents had cut off tbe supplies for the rus sian army and that gen diebitsch would be obliged to enter the prussian dominion and that wiloa was in possession of the in surgents varieties foreign items by arrival in the united states we sometimes find in the united states journals short items of intelligence from their general commercial intercourse these are by no means so frequent and so full as wo might expect- the following extracts give the latest dales from tho mediterranean 8tcj pitcairn itamithoso vho are fami liar with the recent accounts of tho pros perous condition of the descendants of the mutioeers of the english ship bounty will learn perhaps with some surprise that the whole number of them have emi grated from the island on account of a deficiency of tho necessary tneaus of sub- stsjence capt wilcox of the whaling ship maria theresa arrived at this port yesterday informs that while at otaheite the english transport ship lucian narriv- ed there with all the inhabitants of pitcairos island with tho pnrposo of fixing them in a settlement at otaheite on account of a scarcity of water at tho former island it appears however that tho idea has formerly occurred of the population of the island increasing beyond tbo meads of subsistence to be afforded by so small a spot in capt beecheye voyage to the pacific recently published mention is made of a tetter addressed to capt b by mr john buffet tho clergyman of the co lony in which ho describes the natives as 41 being all satisfied at present with their little islaudwhich they wished not to leave which remark ho thinks it right to make in consequence of his having received a letter from air nou missionary sayiog that a ship was coming to remove the in- habitaiitsof pitcairns island to otaheite or some other of the friendly islands it is to be hoped that the puro and virtuous habits of the colony may not bo effected by the removal new bedford mercury afaifaaccounts from malta of the j8lh april sayfor some days past there has been great activity in tho naval magazine hero orders are given which indicate im portant movements id the mediterranean the speedy arrival of a squadron of 15 sail is just announced which is to expect here tho farther instructions of tho british co vwdracni the speedy arrival of a turk ish squadron in the adriatic is also spoken of e7 we are informed by a jamaica gen tleman that last month the hon tbos l yates the mayor of tho city of kingston in that island nominated as a member of the corporate body mr brown a gentle man of color this nomination was se conded by several of the magistracy 5lr brown wa duly elected and is now a ma gistrate of the capital of jamaica wo uoderstand that he has long borne a very high character in that country and was generally esteemed and respected tho law by which free people of color are rais ed to an equality of rights with the white inhabitants passed the legislature of ja maica in 1830 the legislature of jamaica have made repealed attempts to remove the obttables against the inhabitants of tbo jewish persua sion mr hume the enemy of all kinds of fanaticism bas wo understand assured our informant that he would briog the subject before parliament and procure the com pletion of ao act of justice which can only be opposed by the enemies of mankind from st mictueu by the arrival of the the brig veto at bath wo have received the followiog from our correspondent of tbe inquirer it was reported at st michaels that the tcrcciratis bad taken the island of pico they had been off toe fayal and demand ed the surrender of the island two gentle men were sent off to capitulate but the voather being boutorous they were unable to got on board the fleet then proceeded to tho island of st george and demanded a surrender tho miguel officers agreed to rurronder whon they manned two or three boats to land ieiug fired ou from the shore they were obliged to return to the shipping and afterawrds took tho island by force the fate of the troops was not known but it was said they were put to the sword thirty troops from the eastern part made their escape in an eoglish scbr and arri ved at st- michaels previous to the vetos ailing fnm a late london publication- a little oood advice there is a singular hottontot at grahams town who goes about giviog advice to his fellow citi zens but too often as tbe cape advertiser says without beiog regarded go ex claims piet go to church i dont care what church you go to the great church or tbo white church or the yellow church i give you the ordnance without tbo aid of pipeclay and mind what is said to you dont steal that is not fit for gentle- men you loose by it you stole tbe go vernors wagonchain and he has got four oxen for it jew smets and mr ward are the biod oxen tbe two sergeants are the leaders mind what i speak one wife is enough if you have two or three wives one says 4 bring in the cups for breakfast an other no bring tbe plates first another 4 where is the butter dish you lazy hotten tot i give good advice dont go to tbe canteens my brothers brandy is not good for burghers all the pipeclay in the world wont make you white if you get drunk ricewater is better- if you go to tbe magistrates great house he will give it to you it will not make you drnnk nor break windows nor fall down in the street mind your business work if you have any thing to do if not go to service dont sit idle dont walk about doiog no thing thereisanotherthing when you get farms in tbe country stop there ifyou run away your sheep will do the same then you will say oh that cursed hot- teotot he has swallowed three ihnusaod sbeep and bullocks and the horns not stuck in his throat open yoar tamrtli vtftaqja- all down by jacob i cannot see their tails that is not the way go home and teach your children a b c i will take care of grahams town myself many people walk about in great haste looking sharp as if they bad lost something but they never go any where nor find any thing ex cept faults of these their pockets are full because tbey have nothing else to fill them with they say the ministers dont speak loud enough and that is the reason they cant repent they say they must look after the magistrates and great people all the day otherwise they might find time to put their own affairs into order tho pub lic servants must have the whole population gathered round their offices to serve as a check so that servants in private establish ments may do as they please no matter it is all one to piet abram if the hottentots continue fts witty theyll beat the yankies funeral or the abbe greoorie the body of tbe abbe gregorie laid in state on sunday at his houso in the ruedes vie- illes tuileries arrayed in his episcopal robes and ornaments a priest in his surplus be ing in attendance and offering holy water to be sprinkled to a considerable number of persons vrho went to perform that cere mony the clergy of the parish church having declined performing the burial ser vice in obedience to tho orders of the arch bishop of paris it was rumoured on sun day that tbe funeral would take place at the hotel des invalids that temple not beiog under the jurisdiction of the archbishop of paris the cardinal of croi archbishop of rouen whose authority extends over the church of lovalides having given strict injunction that the service should not be performed there the authorities determined the ceremony should take place at the parish church of tbo deceased and on sunday evening tbe prefect of police issued a no tice that the funeral would take place yes terday morning at ten oclock in the church abbayo auxbois rno de severes the clergy of tbe parish and a enmmunity of nuns who occupied buildings contiguous removed in consequence from their resi dence taking with them all the ornaments and sacred vessels thus leaving tbe church completely unfurnished the almoner of tbe hotel des iovalides and several priests of st eustnche st stephen and st et- tenne dn mont however sent every thing necessary for the due celebration of the service the funeral procession left tbe house of tbe deceased at 11 oclock the berse being proceeded by two persons in deep mourning bearing the mitre and the crosier and accompanied by a great number of followers and an immense concourse of spectators computed at 10000 persons detachments of the national guards the troops nf the line and tbe municipal guards escorted the procession tbe service at the church having been concluded tbe cof- 6o was again removed to tbe hearse to be conveyed to the cemetry du mont paraasse tbe episcopal insignia were placed an the pall the horses were now taken frwn the horse by a considerable number of young men who themselves dragged it to tbe ce metry several funeral orati oos ware de livered at the grave for the chronicle toll of the last chronicle from his mdse be calm fond youth no silken tie let folly feign twixlyou and i enlightened worth alone con be entwined in rosy verse with mo choose ether name to grace thy theme know mine as from a vagrant dream exchange forgiveness yield to fate repent and im compassionate anne tatotice the stockholders in j3 the sieamboat william the fowth we requested to pay ten per cctf oach share subscribed on or beprc the 23rd august nexf a mcdonell sec treas frescott 23d july 1881 notice r whitelaw will commonce the course of lectures which he lawty announced for the instruction of yowg ladies on tuesday next the 2d of august at 12 oclock at his lecture rdhpi brockstreet tuesday 26th july atotice is hereby given that the jjl court of oyer and terminer qneral jail delivery and of assize ar prius in and for the midland dfvinct will be holden at the court hse in the town of kingston at 10 oclpck a m on wednesday the 5th day f september next of which all covoners magistrates bailiffs and oier peace officers are commanded l0 vake notice and give their attendance acdngb- john mclean sheriff m d sheriffs office kingston july 27th 1831 dental surgery the subscriber has the pleasure to advertise the ladies and gen- t of kingston of his return and ln he will stay a few days at mr my ers hotel in the practice of dentistry all its branches artificial teeth of an excellent qua lity will be inserted in the most improv ed manner reference may be had to his former wc 7h tofe fjlhc rc rb hq5t to gentlemen of the first respectability i this town and in the states if re quired swood kingston 27th july 1831 h m dock yard kingston athjuly 1831 otice is hereby given that there will be exposed for sale by public auction at this dock yard on the 241h august next a quantity of old stores consisting of about t 7 3 0 1 jt cwt qrs lbs 0 0 0 10 o 0 0 2 4 15 o 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 0 2 20 0 3 0 3 2 0 3 1 0 14 0 0 4 0 0 junk pper stuff bun tin old glass broken iron old wrought 6 cast 0 old lines twine 0 nets decayed 0 h rags canvass 0 leather buckets 0 copper 1 steel 0 tar barrels iron wrought j400 in no the sale to commence at 10 oclock a m and the stores to be removed by the purchaser within fourteen days from the day of sale jnor glover naval storekttptr tktotice the share holders jyt in the rideau canal steam boat john by are hereby requiied to pay into my hands on or before the 6th day of august next a second instalment of two pounds ten shillings currency on each of their respective shares by order of the committee david john smith treasurer kingston 5th july 1831 doctor sydney smith a relative of the gallant and dis- at adolpbustowu on tuesday by the kev job deacon mr peter outwater to miss fanny ruttao and mr john oot- water to miss maria ruttao all of adol- pbustown at york by the rev dr philips mr edward wiuonof port hope to mis mar garet eldest daughter of john burobam esq newcastle district died at york on ibe 18th inst io the 87th year of his age john small esq clerk of the executive council- at colyton england on 2tb april last mrjowpu scobcll builder a 62 years tinguished hero of that name and pu pil to sir astley cooperchallenges the whole world for superior knowledge in assisting those afflicted in any of the se veral stages of consumption nervous complaints and broken constitutions also his particular attention to old chronic disorders for upwardsof twen tyfive years in regular and successful practice not sometimes a doctor and sometimes something else but a medi cal practitioner he was and that only in the city of london five years paris two years bath three years town of brighton seven years liverpool two years in wales five years steuben five years in those places he has baf fled the pretended skill of quacks and others if travelling sobriety prac tice in the army and a multitude of ca ses in all their aggravated forms will teach a man the art of healing surely he must know how to treat them and in his youth was instructed by eminent masters attended lectures at st thomas hospital tho hospital hotel dieu and two years study at the royal college of physic and cabinet of ana- my in paris he has effected some roctraordinary cures in sleuben where he now lives he purposes attending every second monday in every month until further notice at the kingston hotel mr my- eis uppei canada at parsons hotel watertown on the following monday also at sackutts harbour and low- villo once a month july 1831 pvblw notice th e merchants of kingston are re quested to meet at the court- house oo monday dekt t noon when ihere will bo laid before them a communi cation from the chairm of tho montreal committee of trad on a subject of great importance to the commercial interests of the country johk k1rby johsmacaulay kingston 22l july 1j otic e swbscribers to the x midland district agricultural so ciety can each receive a copy of the pi o- eeedings of the institution from the pe riod of its commencement to the quar terly meeting held io april last inclu sive on applying io uve secretary h cthomson secretary jfkingston july 2a 1331 mrotice is hereby given that the x undersigned fcaving been duly appointed tutor to the minor children issue of the marriage of the late b s solomon and e m sexas his wife doih hereby request all and every person or persons indebted to the said estate to liquidate their se veral debts with the undersigned and all persons to whom tfce said estate may be indebted are requested to present their accounts for payment at the office lately occupied by th late b s solo mon in st paul street henry joseph sen montreal june 25 1831 the undersigned late partner in the fhm of bs solomon co having purchased the stock in trade of the estate of the late b s solomon notifies the public and customers in upper and lower canada that he will continue the busi ness in the premises lately occupied by the late b s solomon where he will constantly hcep on hand a choice assort ment of articles in that line and of the best quality henry joseph sen montreal june 25 1831 the business at berthier will be continued as heietoforc h j the subscriber having been ap- potriteh xgetft vd uft attvance assurance company bogs leave to an nounce to the public that he continues to assure against loss or damage occasioned by fire in aoy part of die provinces of up per or lower canada from the liberal conditions and extensive ecalo on which the busiaessof tin- company is conducted he trusts the public willfind it advantageous to assure at their office c tait alliance office st gtbri el street 9 montreal lib july 1831 the following gentinen are agents upper canada james macfarlarie iq james g bethunesq samuel ridout esq guy c wood esq t books for sale in kingston cabaurg york cornwall messrs awmoriscoirocfcpi7c public notice a dividend on tbe capital stmk of th e cataraque bridpecompaoy of 3ft on each share for the last six months wadeclared tbisday payablo at this office mi thursday the 7tli inst by order of thcboard of directors a f corbett office of the cataracuo bridge company kmgstqdjuoo30rti 1831 lake httario arrangement for 1831 niagara falsoswegq montreal sf quebec the splendid nhv steamboat great mr tan capt joseju whitney propelled by two low peestire engines of 90 horse pcrr each boiler on the juaru will leaveniagara at 4 oclock p m every fifth day viz july 5th lolh 1 5th 20th 25th 30th august 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th 30th september 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th 30th calling at oswego on the following mornings at which place canal packets and stages leave daily for utica also kingston and brockvillc the same e- vening where stages are always in rea diness to convey passengers to mon treal will leave prescott at 1 oclock a m every fifth day viz july 3d 8th 13th 18th 23d 23th august 3d 8th 13th 18th 23d 2sth september 3d 8th 13th 18th 23d 2sth calling at brockville kingston and at oswego on the evening of the same days also at york and niagara the great britain was built in the fall of 1s30 by messrs brown bel of new york is 162 feet in lengtb promenade deck 148 feet extreme breadth 60 feet the ladies and gentlemans cabins are finished in the same manner as the new york and liverpool packet ships with state rooms no expense has been spared in furnishing the boat in the most comfortable manner and every endeavour will be used to accommodate passengers and ensure regularity by this conveyance passengers from buflalo can arrive at oswego in 24 hours passage including fare from niagara to oswegol 10s stagcfarc from oswego to utica 10s the new steamboat charles carroll calvin case master will leave kingston for sackets har bour every tuesday thuisday sa turday at 7 oclock a m cabin passage 3s steerage 3s yd he following books aic for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of ihe history of the jccs from the ear liest period to the present lime by the rev ii ii milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon ijumwparte ry j g loctuiattt esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robebt south- by esq with a portrait the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numcious engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq 18 mo the life of mohammed founder of the religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demonology and witch craft by sir walter scott bart 18 mo with a plate history of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols 13 mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of their climatege- ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh murray esq with maps c 18 mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev gorge croly with a portrait 13 mo new and impioved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the earliest ages to the present time with illustra tions of the geology afineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh mur ray esq with a map and wood en gravings is mo lives of eminent painters and scutp tors by allan cunningham esq i- 3 vols 18 mo wilh portraits ffovy of cfcitafry wml mm c sades by g r james esq 18 mo with a plate mary qnccn of scots in 2 vols by h g bell esq tbe coolinuatiou of tho family libra ry will be regularly received at tho chro nicle office immediately as the volumes arc issued from tho press of tbo messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of patronage tho publishers pro- poso incorporating in it such works ofio- stero and value as m3y appear in theva- uriost libraries autl miscellanies now pre paring io europe particularly tho na tional and the edinburgh cabinet libraries all theso productions as they emanate from tho press will bo submitted to a committee of literary gcnllemon for inspection and none will bo reprinted hut such as shall be found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by miilunl consent dissolved the subscrib ers are severally authorised to settle the affairs of the late copartnershipall pei- sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at prescott signed john mcpherson alexr mcmillan samuelcrane prescott 12th january 1631 v also bourrienoed private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notices of men maooers aod scenery on the shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian annals of tho peninsular campaigns by the author of cyril thornton correspondence of admiral colling- wood with memoirs of his life a year in spain by a young american berthas visit to her uncle in england tho grooms oracle and pockot stable directory lawrence on the horse tbeboston revised edition of tbewa- verloy novels with plates tbe heiress of bruges a novel by t c grattan maxwell a novol by tbe author of sayings and doings tho barony a novel by miss anna maria porter the talha a ro by mrs bray oswego canal packet boat line a boat will leave oswego and syra cuse every morning sundays excepted throughout the season one of the boats is constructed on brorriwells spring deck patent her days of leav ing are as follows oswego mondays wednesdays and fridays and syra cuse tuesdays thursdays and satur days the other boat will leave each place on the intervening days passengers taking this line will meet with every attention and no delay as it runs in connection with the eric pack et line to and from schenectady and buffalo and the lake ontario steam boats the elegant british steamer great britain capt whitney touches at oswego on her trips from presscotl and kingston lo york and niagara and touches also on her return from those places to kingston and prescott oswego july 1st 1831 notice marmora foundry company in conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is now open at the oflico of tiios k1rkkpatrick kingston ifitli may 1p31 wanted at the nupancc millsu person lo lake chaige of a school who if well qualified and pro perly recommended would meet with good encouragement for furl hot pai- liculirs apply al litis oflkc july yh 1831 new forwarding establish ment the subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general that they have entered into copattnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdensburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigation wilh good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors lo transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonel matthias- link the provincial statutes the undersigned beg to inform the public that their revised edi tion of the provincial statutes will be teady on or about the 1st of november next it will contain all the british laws which relate particularly to tho canadas the ordinances of quebec proclamations issued by lord dochesler and governor simcoe and the whole of the provincial statutes now in lorcc from the year 1792 to 1831 inclusive wilh such notes of relerence as circum stances appeared to require and a most copious index in preparing the work for the press the utmost attention has been paid to correctness ihe paper is of the best quality and the publishers trust lint its tjpopmfmietji cvtmtfcimi hlwjudlj ft not surpass that of any work ever pub lished in canada none but the most competent printers being engaged in the office from which it is to issue it may not be amiss to add that all persons who subscribe for this edition will be annully furnished with the suc ceeding provincial enactments at a mo derate price and printed in the same form as the work now in the press h c thomson james macfarlane kingston june 14 1881 for s ale lot no 308 lit grave street kingston aprly to the editor of this paper totice is hereby given that jl sealed tenders will berecoived at this office until thursday the 4th of au gust next from any person or persons will- iog to contract for the tolla arising from tbecataraqui bridge for one year cer tain or for two years certain from tbo slstday of august next when possession will be given tbe tolls receivable by act of parliament may be scco on the bridge and those persons c exempt from pay ment of toll in ay be known on application at this office such person or persons who arc willing to contract as above will be required to give approved sureties to the amount of 100 currency that the amount of tbe tender contracted for shall be paid weekly to the treasurer at this office where any further information required will be given liuifmtfcncitcvcuibdaeffttodotbbiincirih- dition to those persons c who by tbo former lease were entitled to a free pas sage the present contracts to include all and every person belonging or attached to the royal naval and dock yard esta blishments with their wives families ser vants c c as well as labourers and mccbaoics with their teams c are ot pass and repass toll free tbarmay during tho continuation of this contract be re quired for making repairs and alterations on tbe bridge and it is also further to be understood- that no contract will be entered into un less the board of directors should receive ao approved ofter and should tbe tolls not be let by contract a tollkeeper will be required tbe bridge is also to bo swept clean by the contractor at least once a week persons tendering or their agents are re quired to be at this office on the opening of the tenders at 12 oclock noon oo thurs day 4th of august next geo f corbett sec treasurer office of the cataraqui bridge company kin 2d july 183l h mdock yars kingston vc 1st july 1831 otice is hereby given that tenders will be received atrny office until monday the first of august next from all such persoos as may be willing to contract for the supplying his majestys naval yard with six hundred cords of fire wood to consist of beach birch hickory maple and ironwood three hundred cords to be delivered on or before the 1st january 1832 and three hundred on or before the 1st of march 1832 the tenders to express the rate in sterling money the dollar at 4s 4d sterling and will be opened at my of fice on monday the 1st of august next a 10 oclock a m john r glover vasal stvnkcrjkr n