Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 9, 1831, p. 4

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ialv in- ikyhi stanzas bi the golden nn li 1 to oilier world nii- imlil and welcome li l i tic moon liu iiiiiuhm her lamp to t sali nrhl bright cms llironli lucid ether shine tike diamonds of ihe lavish mine the dewdrops filter on the vmc sweet breathes tho vagrant ejjltiulmc come sit bcncaui ihe linden tree and sing that pleasant soup u iiw that brcaihcs of youth and liberty and love that sports imn like the bee oh mis a lovely bells the mlvrr due sirhl io view on sleeping and think of that lair spot where grew the very tirst iif5lttuwer8 we know our childhoods home its hallowed tics a mothers lovci ellccting tye her watchful cares heraniou5 stghs her love that never nevei dies the village green where oft wc played in schoolboy days till light decayed thft simple church where good men prayed the merry bells that mueic made it pleases and it saddens too lifes rosy morning to review of childhoods group how very few remain of tdt that once we knew the wild flowers spring where many sleep and some have crossd the faithless deep and au have learnd what tis to weep oer parted joys that could not keep wheneer i hear the liquid chime of village belle at even time my heart as in its golden prime oer distant years delights to climb for then homes joys enfold me round the fond the inst again are found hope with her golden braids unbound and love with myrtle blossoms crownd all all in majic circle stand as raisd by some enchanters wand a lovely smiling fleeting band from memorys dear but distant land l m j m c great i ntnp lllus- 1 mo vauiujtibb stupendous undertaking it required do great sagacity to forsee that wheo rail- waytravelling had once successfully com meoced it would bewithoutdelay extended io different districts of the country that extraordinary work the liverpool aud manchester railroad has not beeo loog in operation and we have now before us the far more magnificent proposal of opening a direct hue for the traosit of steara-carria- ges from liverpool into aod through the great coat6eld of lancashire to communi cate with the large towns and numerous manufacturing establishments io that dis trict aod ultimately to penetrate across the central ridge of eogland into the west riding ef yorkshire the great seat of our woolen maoufactures and so to the ports of the humber thereby forming an oxpedi- ttous mode of conveyance from lancashire to the german ocean and from yorkshire to the irish sea through the most popular and productive part of the empire this is iodeed a great undertaking aod ihe advantages of which cannot be calculat ed by means of such a railroad we may travel from the shores of the mersey to those of the humber io six hours and as liver pool is the great centre of the steamboat ramification westward and the ports of the humber similarly circumstanced with re- rpect to the estward of the island the im portance both in peace and war of so wonderfully rapid aod easy a communica tion between these poiots is vast not only in a commercial but ioa oatiooal point of view in these manufacturing districts the market for produce is more extensive even than that of the metropolis created by two millions of the most industrious people in the world rivalling in deoisty the fabled population of china and tho stimulus which such a railway would give to their trade the facility with which cpal could he l iluopui t fwui llflm mmv wmv wf lit i h i 1 of the other without the expense and cir cuitous conveyance by the sea the advan tages of hackfreight c c will be to them of the most immense advantage right rev dr fleming 7 c bishop cf newfoundland we have heard with much pleasure that it is theinteotion of tho inhabitants of carrick and carrickheg lo pay to this exemplary and much esteemed graltan prelate aud patriotic gentlemau previous va to hisdeparturc for newfoundland a public aod well merited complimentas a testimony of the esteem in which heisdescrvedly held by all classes of persons in that neighbour hood waterfrd chronicle skipbuilding to give an idea of the enormous quantity of timber necessary to construct a ship of war we may observe that 2000 tons or 3000 loads are com puted to be required for a 74 now reck oning so oaks to the acre of one hundred yearsstanding and the quantity io each tree to be a load and a half it would require 40 acres of oak forest to build one74 and the quantity increases in a great ratio for the largest classes of tine of battleships the average duratiou of these vast machines when employed is computed lobe fourteen years it is supposed that all the full- growu oaks now in scotland would not build two ships of the line quarterly jour of agriculture odd title a work has been published in franco with the title of universal ieace or the phylosophical marriage of commerce with agriculture and bis whole family monument to the king- a meeting of the brass and ironmongers at birmingham was held on monday to the number of about two thousand for the purpose of entering into a subscription for erecting a monument of bronze in honour of our pa triotic kiog mr s butler was called to the chair and delivered a most elaborate speech on the singular benet our beloved sovereign aod his enlightened ministers had couferred upon the nation by doing away with that infamous corruption the boioughmongering system a subscription of 700 was made towards the object of the meeting liv paper 17th- a note io the last number of the north american review states that the original founder uf sunday schools was borremeo arch buhop of milao iti the sixteenth ceutury and adds they have never we believe beeo intermitted to this day in that diocese nookh fon sale ii ft following bunks nra lot at ihe chromclc olucc vis the family library consisting uf i he history of the jtt9f from the ear liest peiiod lo the present timer lv the rev ii h milman in j vols is mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the lift of napoleon hitortapartc by j j loctuiaiit esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2tl london edition 3 vou is mo life of nelson by robert somi- iy esq willi a pom ah the life of alexander the by the rev j williams with natural history of insects rated by numerous engravings the life of lord byron by john galt esq is mo the life of mohammed founder of the religion of islam ami of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate is mo letters on drmonology and ivttca- aafl by sir walter scott bart is mo with a plate history of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols is mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions willi illustrations of thoir climate ge ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh jurray esq with maps c is mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george croly with a portrait is mo new and improved edition narrative of dierrru and adven ture in africa from the earliest ages to the present time with illustra tions of the cpolopy jtfineralogy and xoologv by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh jlfur- ray esq with a map and wood en gravings is mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq in 3 vols is mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cru sades by g r james esq is mo with a plate the continuation of the family libra ry will be ejrularly received at the chro nicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating in it such works of in store and value asmay appear in theva- uriost libraries aod miscellanies now pre paring io europe particularly the w na tional and tho m edinburgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the press will bo submitted to a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection and none will ho reprinted hut such as shall he found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired pi tiik canapa tompaxv have for sate in ipjcr canada uhmtt two millions fivk htn- uuli thoisaai acrlso- lam of tho following description viz rst cnown unsritves bring lot of 200 acres each scattered lb tough the older townships of tliu province scanuy blocks of land of from 1000 lo jtfouo acres these art si tuated in townships of the wotttll district ami in the township of wil- mot ill the uoro district thirds a town and township call ed guelp11 in the gore district n- boui24 miles north west cf dundas in which there are upwards of s00 settlers anions whom are almost every kind ot tradesmen and mechanics nho ta verns stems schools sawmills a brewery and distillery and one of the best grist mills in the province this is a desirable location for small capital ists as labourers and servants arc easi ly procured lots partially improved may be purchased at a reasonable rate fourth the huron territory con sisting of 1000000 acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for up wards of 60 miles onthe east bank of lake huron the town of coderich con taining at present about co houses with stores taverns blacksmiths and carpenters shops a school and a branch office of the company over hangs a harbour formed by the basin of the maiiland a large stream which fall into lake huron and is the centre of iuiktm this iiivctcrat fm ll n l also bourricnues private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notices of men manners and scenery on the shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci- viliao annals of tho peninsular campaigus by the author of cyril thorn tou correspondence of admiral colling- wood with iiimiiftlw n hi life a year in bpuio by a youog american bertha visit to her uoclc io england the dooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of the verley novels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel bj the settlement a saw mill is in ope ration and a grist mil in progress roads have been run to dundos and london which this year at a very grf vpoc 9 ill be vfcftwved fcijual to any in the province and the commu nication by the st clair with luke e- rie and thence by the wemand canal into lake ontario gives a most advan tageous mode of sending produce to the market and this year the rideau na vigation will be completed when pro duce may be shipped in a sloop at co- derich and delivered without breaking bulk at montreal or quebec the lan t say the least is equal to any in the province and greatly supe rior to the average of either upper ca nada or tie opposite coast of the unit ed states the climate owing lo the vicinity of the lake is more mild and equable than any not possessing simi iwr advantages it abounds in brick earth lime aud building stones and holds out tvery prospect of becoming ihe most prosperous settlement in the province settlers coming by ihe way of que bec will piocecd by montreal and la- chinc lo 1 rescott where an agent of the company w forward them to port dalhousie an thence to buffalo those coming by the way of newyork wiil take the hi by the erie canal to buffalo from that they are forward ed lo detroit whence they will proceed in a smaue icam boat up the st clair at the beef of which a vessel belonging to the couipuny will transport them a- bout sixty m goderich should ihey wish proceed to any oilier part of the colminv lands nnv of the a- which has lone baffled lost oxperienced physicians hits t 1- iilih found a sovereign r0hmj r lh tiranpes genuine ointment ow ctitiilicoiu diseases are met with inorere- svttuvtthy ihr physician none m which he is so universally unsuccessful- this ot uli in nt has stood the test of exp and justly oiitained an unparalleled cele- brily it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action io the vessel so ihe skin rittl its original coheir and sinciotlmesti numerous recommrodatious iiiiv he obtained of its superior etticncy hut tlio proprietor chose that a fair trial slmuhl he iiaonly commentator it has in tlireu or lour weeks cured cases nf fifteen ami iweuty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once give immedi ate rclinfin sail rheum but curs tinea capitus commouly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un ealthy clulilrcu q there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstauces whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kington john musson quebec aod george bent mon treal sole agent for the canadus kiokston hthjuly 1828 for sale lot no it in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at tliis office kingston 9th angnstl828 notice 4ijl notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frederick keller are to be settled with j h samson admr bellvile 24th dec 1828 r emovalitlmslscri- bar begs leave lo acquaint his friends aud ihe public uoiicrallv that he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm binley druggist where lie is now receiving a very general assortment of staple and faxv goodi1 well adapted for the season which he intends to soil unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books and salionery and a case of chrfs tys best waterproof hats w driscoll kingston october 9ih 1s30 t 11 k mansion house iiotfl the subscriber allianck iiritisli find forewn lift and fiir insur- untt cfmjumy uf luuihn tliumiskrd by act of parliament capital five millions stkrunu tiik agents for tliis c mi puny beg leave to aunoiincc to i1h ln- lialmmtsof upper oanailu iliai ilicy coniinuc to assuie niinst loss or lnniic by fire and lliat tltcy bavu lur the convenience of tlie public appointed the following gentlemen as i lioir agents in the county towns of the diflercnl dis tricts via guy c wood esq messrs aw morris c james macfurlunc esq james u bcihuno lstj samuel hidoul es john koss esq to either of honi parties desirous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents lake leave to icniiml c public of the following important utitl i will be rleriv- an extract from the regulation of upper canada college the college quarters are order ed as follows first quarter begins immediely af ter tho christmas vacation aout he 4th of january and ends onth20tbof march second quarter begins on ihe 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on lie 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about he lgth of august fourth quarter begins imndiately after the summer vacation aboil the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of the christmas vacatlow about ihe2lst december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is adniled inio the college or preparatory sciool his dues for instruction are payaue from the begining of that quarter teamboat hotel at rear of the market and a few rod st having rented this extensive and well known establishment has now opened the same for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly riiuat- edon store street beior the principal aud i striking advantages i most central street in kingston and no establishment of thekiud in the province can surpass it in the excellence aud comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlour aud bed rooms all of which are fur- uished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unre- mlting attention to the comforts of his guests he will merit a share of ihe public patronage iu rear of the mansion house is a yardin which there is an exteoive aud commodious ranjc of stablesand where a livery siahle will lc constantly kept for the accommodation of the public s carmixo kiogstoo24th october 1630 cornwall brochcitle kingston vuhourg yarl niaeura large t new academy he rev thomas handcock a b trinily college dublin begs leave to inform tho inhabitants of king stoo that having now some leisure to de- poses opening an academy on tuesday the first day of march next in this towo his system will embrace english and classical literature reading writing cyphering geography ancient and mo dern history c aod will be conducted io conformity with that of the college at york in every respect a circumstance which will afford such of his pupils asmay be transferred to that establishment a ma terial advautage terus 7 10s per aooum further particulars may be koown oo application to mr haodcock personalty kingston feb 12 1831 imi from assuring with the alliance cum- pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality inthe settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 5ih parties who obtain thuseiilc- ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company gth losses by ligliluiug will be made ood 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directions iu louden 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property fiom lire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be- j a wa- t by tho author of by miss anna a novel sayings and doings the barouy a novel maria toner the tnlha a uomaoco by mrs bray itew stjkkjkotypjb k- h ditjon of mayors spelling book the subscriber lias in the i rcss an extensive second edi tion of mayors english spelling book stereotyped from ihe 32btli loudon edition a d 1827 tliis edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be allmdfd much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1s30 ipany s i a renin me i ljuv i ho wny ticket a- long the lir will give ihem the necessary advice and information fuiitdt tsmtiwtn u xorkytk may 1831 yo vices of the canmlit rompan- olllist j imutcii quchc tfmfva lfonpnal id melkxiue jsupriice cvhvr dutttosf fort iurie liuffefo lluvut i it l co john duviilsoiij messrs inrtjlo jums nnpcin charles shirrilt f c p tflitflwelli ivsq s alexantlur traser ksq james ii sampson allan macphcison lsq i boihunoi esp andrew r keibyesqi james korbvj ksin k foiiivon lm duncan ktiss esq port talbot col bunvfll ahlbiro john mucfurhinc atnhrstbttrg wm bcrcxy esq sandivuihi joseph woods esq baldtw wm jones esq new 1v j c- buchanan esq hasten hnhcrt planners esq 1a1st3x5 esq thk subscribe turn thanks t crs heg leave lo re- to their friends and fm i he public of kingston ami vicinity tljoticestcamboaiqrf for lht ent llv lvc i1 the public arc respectfully n- 1 r 1 lelrre a- mongst them i hey also wish to inform them that west of the steamboat wharf the subscriber bes leave to return his sin cere thanks to his friends and rie public for their very liberal support during the last eight years of which he hopes to merit a continuance by a strict mention io business his house haviiu under gone a thorough repair has laced it more than ever in his power to contri bute to the comfort and accommodation of travellers ca few hoarders can be accommodated the table and bar will be tirnished with the best the maikct afford and on the most reasonable terms n l extensive stables and sheds together with a largo and secmc yard thos bamford kingston february 1 rv book binding establishment at the kingston vhromcu off jphe stiiicrihur having engaged an oxpcriencid and rctriilaiiy bred book- binder informs the public thai all kinds ofbtisinoss in tins line will he perform ed at his ofiice with neatness and des- pntcli ami nn nunuraie terms the following is a list of ihe price when books wvv brought in by the quantity t small advance will be made on the sinjli volume b1ndlng ix calf- folio full hound merited quarto do octavo do lino do itfuiq do in ealfi orna- lo lo do do 1 0 0 0 ii 0 0 10 5 3 o o h n booth merchant tailor most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and ihe pub lic that be has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand und now solicits a continuance of that sup port wilh the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and line assortment of cloths cassbneres ves- tings trimmings of every description sfctyche isenabled to furnish anyquan- tiiy ou the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing u4tthi g half binding in calf polio half bouml aud uma the public are respectfully in formed that the steamboat queenston capt mekeilixy with mr t w corning sailing jlaster has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave prcscott every sunday morning after the arrival of the stage which leaves montreal on saturday morning touching at brockville king ston cobourg port hope york bur lington bay and niagara will leave niagara for prcscott even- thursday morning at 9 oclock touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at prescott the following afternoon where as usual stages will be in at tendance to convey passengers to mon treal the rates of passage and freight the same as are charged by other steam boats miy 1831 they have opened an kstablislimcnl in quarry street opposite mr i pren tiss div good store under the firm of kekk iieatheks ornamental sign carriage v house paint ers clamors paperhangers c c froiii thclejkwcll known abilities and piactice inn kingston with a detenu nation to bomflgpijte hope to rneei still with a tt of pattowe from a discerning and generous nubac jas kekk joseph heati1ers kiaton may 4th i s3 1 glarden seeds for mte by if the subscriber a largo quantity ol liesli garden seeds warranted to bo of the irouth of lboo with directions or uanjcning john mowat- meotcd quarto octavo 2mo i8uio do do do do do do do do 1 0 j7 0 0 7 0 0 3 8 0 1 fi 0 1 0 binding is sheep folio full iiictiteii quarto octavo iimo llll hound and orua- 0 17 g do do do do do do do do 0 7 6 it 3 0 i 1 10 t 1 3 webster begs most res pectively io inform ihe inha bitants of kingston and its vicily thh lie lias just returned from london wilh a stock of cloths cassimeres and vest- ings of the mostfashionuble colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved and latest patterns aud having succcded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled o execute orders for c loathing at ex ceeding loiv prices and begs so assure gentlemen entiusting him wilh their orders that ihey shall be executed agree able to the present fashions and inthe first style of workmanship at ihe same time he begs to return hissinccre thanks to his friends and lite public for ihe sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g v has made arrangments willi one oftlie first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kingsiortt 4i december 1s30 1 half binding in sheep folio half bound and orna- i y q raented s quarto do do octavo do do l2mo do do itiirio do dn also ledger blank work and ruling u any sic or pattern for port folio and fancy uiuding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1629 0 4 0 1 7 0 1 r 0 0 10 t o let the house near the scotdi church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79th highlan der apply to thos kirkpatrick dissolution the copart nership between the undersignt ed under the firm of john macphcr- son co is this day by mutual con sent dissolved the subscribers are s e verally authorised to settle the affair of the late copartnership all person having demands are requested to presen them at their oflice signed john macpiierson alexr mcmillan samuel crane prescott january 12th 1831 the forwarding business wil he continued by john macpkerson and samuel crane under the firmof 3ac- pherson and crane t here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted arc to be con sidcrably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prcscott i2ih jan 1831 i 4 fa bih4 i s than the real value thereof the compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divided will he large mckenzie bethunec agents montreal 28th sept 1826 illiam johnson barber and hairdresser nextdoor to the london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro nage kingston 30th may 1829 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice hat from the present time it iv their intention strictly to enforce tho regulation made some years hack by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors ooly a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board ou applica tion to dr hubbell that the compliance of tho school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school iu the morning aud at its close in the eveniug a form adapted to general use may bo found iu mavors spellingbook and is re- vtswtdtdifas lor uiu uuuheity iknm cntcs to ho signed by two trustees may be had on application to adid shenrood esq jjrockville r 1839 t c oppeitpl ate press a first rate coppkrplate printing press has just been received at the chronicle oflice where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed wilh neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visit i n cards for sale at the chronicle ofliceg july 24th 1s30 the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfaklang at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen eliilufigji sixncnco per annum i sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to he paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s gil first insertion aii and 7 each tibrfjiitiit insertion ten lints and under 3s 4d lirst insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion ubovc ton lines 4d per line for the first insertion mid id per line lor every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted titt forbid and charged uccordinclv orders lor discontinuing advrriiseiuenls to he in writing an i i 1 1 d by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication jcp produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bignell esq qiuec david chisholme esq three rivers andrew porieous eqjtfji0- rau james mcintosh fsn lancaster john cameron esq lovhuk kciine eq conneoll george browse esq mutmu alphcus joni- esq presctt henry joucs esq broekrillt josiah taylor esq ftrtft hwintmarsh esq jtoatmtrf j k kartwell esq basland mesa c j mdonald ganttnmte john dean esq bath allan mcpherson esq jfapane tho parker esq btttvitie joseph a kceler esq- cramahe james g bcihune esa hamilton david smart esq port hope william allni esq york daniel ros esq vutruu mui crooks esq magara charles biifffar esq afurniy j d gilbert esq adulpustown iv robertson esq river trent

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