the kingston chronicle saturday june iira 1831 a state wc may apply ihe pithy definition of al- chimy as a scheme without a schemewliich has its beginning in deceptionits middle in toil audits end in poverty reformation and information the intel ligence from europe by the packet ship florida from liverpool brings english dates to the 2d of may- they continue to display an un abated violence in the views and anticipations of national disorder of on improved or more alarm ing order of things- u the fear of change which milton says perplexes millions is be come by an alteration in man or long want of rest an amusement to mankind but when wc compare individual apathy with public ex travagance the indifference of men in private and their zeal for general good it creates some doubt as to the depth and reality of the temper which now disturbs agitates the world while it seems certain that a feeling is abroad in eu rope to which we cannot assign any appellation without becoming p the dispute unless it be the nondescriptivt one of the spirit of the age yet when we lay down the bewildering page of rumour and revolution we can find in our minds little vestige of causes and objects sufficiently definite to guide the mind in its ap prcciation of the present or in its anticipation of the future we are parts unwilling to accept the wild and incoherent accusations of the extreme and ultra partisans on either side it was the custom in anlient days to allow the fate of battles to be decided by valiant champi ons chosen from the opposing armies but we are by no means willing in the case of england at least that the destiny of her political character should be contended for by the boroughmongers and radicals the old story of the carthagi nians plan of deciding their boundaries by a foot race to the disputed line would please us better because wc really thil the two parties mentioned seem about equally mettlesome and neighbourd r cftwrtltbal them so much as ahutour eyes nor can we think britain so hopeless that we atay not yet watch and pray were wc disposed to look keenly into their aflairs wc think it would require little ingenuity to find out some prcttv considerable symptoms that the novelty of their experiment is but a poor assurance of its success we might hint that although their present discussions may be of the same character as the former only m a little louder there are attendant and growing circumstances connected with them of different import the quivering leaf and the showry ripple of thesea give announcement of the earthquake the magicians pomp which accompanies the present convulsions of europe seems to us less notifica tions of approaching danger than the simple and fearful indications of nature if the predictions of her external enemies and the prophecies of her own demagogues if one hundred and five numbers of the edinburgh re view and itssomewhat sibylline leaves as they certainly would appear more valuable by being diminished in quantity could have affected the power and prospects of england if as shaks- peare expresses it shecould have been u dene to death by standtrous tongues we would not now fcavo had the deeply interesting yet steady pros pects winch we think to see in her present struggles a resolute and popular monarch admitting fully and freely the abuses in tho system of re presentation which have arisen or crept into the constitution at a time when englishmen felt no difficulty in loving and approving acknow ledging the neglect which has permitted this and the forgetfulness of that attention due to ihe progress of time and opinions such a mo narch armed strong in honesty leaping like codrus into the gulph of faction and feeling which this delay has given birth to trusting in the high and generous confidences of the peo ple appears one of the sublimcat proofs of the moral station and character which britain has claimed we do not look on this as the tri umph of the wbigs because they may be em ployed in the operative part of the event for reform with them was but a part of their diapa son of complaints and murmurs we do not look upon it as the downfall of the aristocrats for wc think this the only blot on their escutcheon and because the people of england know that the benevolence and liberality of the nobility their patnotsm the scheme of their lives is great and social and that they are as willing and ready as anyto toy themout or lay them down for the benefit of all above all wc hope that this event will bring notonly reformation but information suffi cient to instruct the minds of the people of the extent lo which it can be carried with safety and without placing bounds to human aflairs convince the rational portion of society that the greatest danger to be apprehended by a nation would be the permanence of such a spirit cre ated by a succession of new and violent minds who would by a supposed increase of know ledge and a ficrftin perpetuity cf presumption rjtangt iht wholesome and self- purifying efforts of nature to recover il9 proper tone and power into permanent disorder and discusc to such since our foreign extracts we have received intelligence four days later from england- the news from poland arc scarcely of so cheering a character but it gives us some more confidence in their former statements to find them admit ting a partial defeat the returns of elections occupy the english journals the majority in favor of reform en- creases every day tkc abdication of don pedro is confirmed and he has sailed for england in the british sloop of war volage intelligence has been received of the african expedition of lander the discovery of the course of the niger and the recovery of the long nought manuscripts of mungo park r lander is the well known companion of capt clapperton viscountess nelson widow of lord nelson died on the 4th of may vice admiral sir wm johnston hope died on the 2d of may the british essatistswc can feel no hesitation in strongly recommending to the at tention of the reading and philanthropic portion of the provinces the prospectus which appears in our paper today unlike other proposals the public are assured that its promises must be fulfilled the zeal and over anxiety of com mentators and editors may have often burdened what they meant to honor but while we possess the jewel it does not matter very greatly what tho fashion of the enchasement may be in the present case from the views of the editor from the invitation he has given to all interested in public sentiment or from literary habits in the writings themselves to aid the work together with our own favourable feeling we cannot but anticipate a publication entitled to the patronage and protection of the provinces we recollect a friend who in retirement and in the downhill of life by the spirit of method which naturally arises at such a period com menced the british essayists apportioning two n ttffib fernpbnhfta and last is all but completed we saw the gates hung upon one of them they open with great ease as the weight towards the centre rests up on a small wheel the contract for building the john by steamer has been given to mr robert drummond the enterprising contractor at the kingston mills who is to launch the ves sel by the first of next november the engine is to be made by messrs bennett and hender son of montreal and to be ready this autumn so that we may expect to have a fine steam boat ready to commence running upon the canal oh the opening of the navigation next spring our readers will observe with satisfaction the good feelings which have been evinced by our neighbours on the frontiers towards the active and intelligent commander of the great britain it is pleasant to remark these courtesies and that the civility and politeness of the age is not only equal but superior to the political and commer cial liberality of the times and arc directed to in crease them commerce either finds men useful and essential to each other or makes them so a sermon will be preachedin standrewchurch on the evening of sabbath first at 6 oclock by the rev mr rentoul of york when a col lection will be made in aid of the fund for home missions under the direction of the recently formed synod of canada arrived at myers hotel on the evening of the 3nl instant from an inspection of the whole line of the rideau canal and on thek route to york andpenetanguishine colonel dunford lt col by capt bolton lt luxmore accompanied by lt col boetler lt briscoe lt lemmon and mr baird patriot infant school notice the establishment of an infant school in this town has been found to require larger funds than was at first anttci- sated and it reconsidered impracticable to ef- ect the object at present subscribers who choose are at liberty lo resume their contribu tions unless they prefer leaving them in the ex pectation that the design may be accomplished in some futuro year persons wishingto receive the money contributed will please to call at mr bidwelis kingston june 8 kingston auxiliary bible socitt a general meeting of the kingston auxiliary bible society will take place at the court house on tuesday the 21st inst when a report of the prccecdings of the past year will beutubmitel several genlicmen are expected to address the meeting adjutant gmeipfs office york upper cmadu militia g 0 the lieutenant governor has been pleased lo make the following promotions and appoint ments in the militia forces second frontenac regiment thos wilson gent to be lt of cavalry troop charles m raynes gent do george w yarker gent to be cornet of do geo bailey gent to be quarter master of do all dated 16th nov 1830 sipied n coffin adjutant general of militia marrip- on the 5ih of april at cullytrum- min in the county of antrim ireland james w armstrong esq merchant of kingston upper canada to miss alicia youngest daughter of samson moore esq of the former place at woikington eng 1 lih april thomia hcthcrington esq of montical to miss jane rjtson of workington at richmond u- c mth inst uenry jclf etq captain in hig majestys army to cjihtaa amelia sharp ofkinrarochy in the shire ofpenh daughter of thelatc major sharp of that place jjjjj l1l iv ihe editors of provincial gazetted journal- the atteuttod of editors throughout the plqvinces of british america is respectful ly requested to the prospectus issued in ihe cirooicle of this day the feeliog with tvltch tho work would he conducted wji he sufficiently evident from tho prefa tory remarks without any uooecessarv dilldence ihe editor begs to observe thnt at jiough years at his age generally take a- wtf more than they confer they at leas hrdg patience and the necessity if not the dcireof some species of perscvernnce juhis case at least the lights which the chhks of time admit scarcely make up fur the chilling flaws that enter by the same aptrtures butthis will naturally tend lo mtft him more careful aod provident and rertiy to accept as he now anxiously soli cit the assistance ami aid of oihers in uctiiliog out and remarking on one or more nunborsof this treasury of entertain ment aod instruction he does not raeao tolisinuate auy former talents more equal to he task but to apologize for the want of thrt huoyaocy of youth which hu the live lith if not the vigour of genius ifachno will cootain from four to six nunbers of the essays according to the prliciple assumed in the title hut taking sud a ra in the ras of their composi tion s will givelife and variety to the pub- licrtion from the keen and bright dawn of lie spectator lo the faint but boautiful ttfjjghlof the placid looker- on fjhe price will be five dollars per annum or sixpence per no juch notices and conditionally favorable rettfirks as it may please the editors to bep on the proposal will be received wi the best feeling and any suggestions thcx make highly respected a5ic for the chronictt mit editor your correspondent sub- cr himself one of tho people has chtfttq a nom dc guerre which i could wish wet substantially correct and that he was incfccd ao undimioishabte unit to these pro- roflsimatrftuifffiw tebfitiftwibcre pw at imported into these provinces by its va ried population i atn well a are it is a temptiog theme to men who caooot look no them in some calmer light than ly the fierce scintillations of a proud aod over- heariog spirit stimulated and hurried on by a consciousness of its owo excess aod in justice unsupported by any power over tho so cial and political destiny of this portion of the empire unwarranted bydivjoe autho rity with any spiritual dominion over the minds of meo beyond the truths of the gospel it becomes the political members ttf this community and no less the chris tian to limit their assumptions in society ft oheclieoce aod support of the laws es tablished by our representatives under ihe sanction of the representatives of our monarch to the support of their heridata- ry or adopted mode of belief whether as teachers or hearers and to offer on all suit able occasions their honest aod sincere sco- ilmeofe 9h ihe mmfl bt fitted to give ef ficiency and duration to botb that such evils or dangers may exist as oneoftht ptopu has drawn logether by a singular exhibition of bad taste and bad feeling i will not gainsay but 1 be lieve it will require an abler explorer than he has shown himself to discover their real and hidden sources and to iu for m man kind how they may turn those sluggish or destructive waters into that sacred strtqm of whose depth aod circumference be seems to me to possess so rash aod imperfect a acquaintance the senate of venice it is said had in their treasury an immense chest on which was inscribed what this is opened all the enemies of venice wilt trembu we may truly apply this to our country the d- velopment of the natural and necessary principles of the british constitution which are now unfolding themselves under the a- rou6ing auspices of a king oftheageuwy well make the enemies of england dis mayed and i could have hoped they would have shamed ioto silence if not into trem bling those uotrusty and boasted cousins of tbe crown who have so long linked their loyalty with their interests and endeavour ed to persuude mankind that tberewassome mystic uoion between tbem if one of the people is not one of the most obstinate and worst informed of his class who bury ihe loyalty of their cloth under the selfishness of their facings and will divest bis attack of all the miscellaneous terrors 4od complaints with which it is surrounded perhaps it might require or deserve a reply even iothis obscure corner of tho world we have evil enough of our owo to employ our aoxiety aod watcbfuloess bnt to follow tho quixotic horrors of his antiliberal ima gination through the world is a task for nhich i am very unfit aod still more un- williog let me tafce this opportunity to express my belieflhal the time is approaching when britain will fully consummate those high destinies reserved for her by the spirit of her constitution aod which have been de layed by ihe events of her perilous but proud career and that all who have sought or may fiod protection under the spreading hrauches of her power will soon rejoice under their equal shelter and eua benefits thar dni2nd by her all equal laws all shall te briton who mpporl her cam one of the many- new goods j w arxmstkojvg co respectfully announce their firsl importations for the summer season received per different arrivals from london liver pool and glasgow comprising a gene ral and very extpusive assortment of su perfine and common clack blue brown olive claret ind oxford the canada company have for sale in upper canada about two millions five hun dred thousand acres of land of ihe following description viz first crown reserves being lots of 200 acres each scattered through the older townships of the province second blocks of land of from cloths cassimeres fancy vestings black lasting say 1000 to 40000 m i and bhallootis printed calicoes mus- tuaied in townships of the western lins jeans and satteens irish linens linen drills diapers bairagans and fustians russia sheeting osnabrugs and sail canvas ginghams domestic and steam loom cottons hosiery gloves and bnces townsends supe rior london hats and patent leather caps leghorn flats imitation do and tuscany bonnets childrens striped jean and fancy dresses ladies cor sets and london shoes ribbons shawls silk and gauze handkerchiefs ilalianetts bombazetts and bombazins crape de lyon figured gauzes and palmerines india silks satinsand gros de naples silk fringes and parasolls thread laces edgings and quillings muslin collars robes and trimmings haberdashery and general flushings c c c c j v armstrong co in soliciting counlry merchants to call and examine their stock feel convinced the advan tages they possess of an extensive and habitual acquaintance in the home mar kets enable them to offer goods in their line on lower terms than they can be purchased in either of the canadas kingston 4th jun 1831 nfsfnoyafilf v7i spprwfor learned by applying t mr ross at the academy iathathonsein storestreet belongingto mr owen macdougall kingston 4ih jue 1331 steamboat notice en lake on tario district and in the township ofwil- mot in the gore district third a town and township call ed g uelph in the gore district a- bout24 miles north west cf dimdas in which there are upwards of 300 settlers among whom are almost every kind of tradesmen and mechanics also ta verns stores schools sawmills a brewery and distillery and one of the best grist mills in the province this is a desirable location for small capital ists as labourers and servants are easi ly procured lots partially improved may be purchased at a reasonable rate fourth the huron territory con sisting of 1000000 acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for up wards of 60 miles on the east bank of lake huron the town of godsrich con taining at present about 30 houses with stores taverns blacksmiths and carpenters shops a school and a branch office of the company over hangs a harbour formed by the basin of the maiiland a large stream which falls into lake huron and is the centre of the settlement a saw mill is in ope- rai contract for bcild1nc an episcopal church in the town of york upper canada tenders will be received until tuesday the 12th day of july next for the erection of an episcopal church in york agreeable to a plan and specifications which may be seen by persons desirous of contracting for the building onaplication to r stan ton at the gazette office york length 140 feot exclusive of the tower breadth 80 feet height 41 feet from the ground line the building to be of stone the bo dy f good solid rubble work front and pilasers to be of coursed work dressed fair and stratjht window sills jambs c- to windows and steps of cut stone the fitting up to be of black walnut and the carpentry and plasteringto be agreeable to the speci fications in every particular informa tion respecting which will be given on application as above approved security for tho perform ance of the contract will be required york s5th may 1831 editors of the york and king ston papers the niagara gleaner wes tern mercury the montreal gazette montreal herald and quebec mercu ry are requested to five the foregoing three insertions and forward their ac counts for payment the gazette of- fice jt otic e steaiboat quenstonc j the public e respectfully in formed that thesteawboat queenston capt mbneilley with mr t w corning sailing aaier has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave present every sunday morning after the arrival of the stage which leavos monfieal on saturday morning touching at brockville king ston cobourg port hope york bur lington bay and niag will leave niagara pr prescott every thursday morning at9 oclock touch ing at kingston and frockville and ar rive at prescott the fjlowing afternoon where as usual stas will be in at tendance to convey pis to mon treal the rates of passage and freight the same as are charged by other steam boats may 18 for saleot no 358 in grave street kmgston apply to the editor lni p the spirndid new steamroat great britain copt joseph whitney propelled by two low pressure engines of 90 horse power each the public are respectfully informed that the following airangcmcnls have been made for the month of june wili- leave prescott at 6 oclock on the morning of the following days friday the 3d wednesday 8th monday isih saturday 18th thursday 23d tues day 28ih touching at brockville king ston york and niagara will leave niagara at 6 oclock on the afternoon of the following days sunday the mb friday 10th wednesday 15th monday 20th saturday 25th thurs day 30th touchingat kingston brock ville and prescott tho arrangements for the remainder of the season will be advertised as soon as it is ascertained if the great britain will be permitted to call at oswego no expense has been spared in fi nishing and furnishing the above boat in the most cotnfortable manner the rates of passage and freight are the same as charged by other boats june 1s 1831 the new steamboat charles carroll calvin case master will loavo kingston for sackets har bour every tuesday thuisday sa turday at oclock a m cabin passage 5s steerage 3s 9d qruiudacrist mill in proress settlers coming by the way of q bee will proceed by montreal and la- chine io prescott where an agent of the company will forward them to port dalhousie and thence to buffalo those coming by the way of new- york wiil take the route by the erie canal to buffalo from that they are forward ed to detroit whcnjihey will proceed in a smaller steam boat up the st clair at the head of which a vessel belonging to the company will transport them a- bout sixty miles to goderich should they wish to proceed to any other part of the companys lands anv of the a- gents mentioned in the way ticket a- long the line of road will give them the necessary advice and information caiada companys office york7thmay 1831 motice a third dividend wjit bo hicli willi tho exception of the guard locks may be located within a mile and a half of chambly basin the locks to bo 20 feet wide and 100 feet long the line intended for the canal passes through a forliloaod populous countrywhere provi sions and labour are abundaot and cheap no tenders can be accepted without the approval of his excellency tbe gover nor in chief and rood and sufficient secu rity will be required for the due perfor mance of the contract plans and section of the canal maybe seen by applying to samuel halt esq at chambly wbero every information will bo given that may be required samuel hatt rene boileau jr gab marchand wm macrea t franchere chambly 16th april 1831 vosljkte msch quebec montreal kingston bytown agents john davidson esq messrsharljloganco james sampson esq charles shirriff esq voriginat c p treadwell esq perth belleville napanee cobourg dundas alexander fraser esq james h sampsonesq allan macpherson esq j g bethune esq andrew t kerbyesq fort erie james kerby esq buffalo e johnson esq vittoria duncan ross esq port talbot col burwell aldboro john macfarlane esq amkerstburg wm fierczy esq sandwich joseph woods esq baldoon wmones esq new york j c buchanan esq boston robert m esq paintin the subscribers beg leave to re turn thanks to their friends and the public of kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- mongst them they also wish to inform them that they have opened an establishment in quarry street opposite mr d pren tiss dry good store under the firm of kerr heathers ornamental sign carriage fy house paint ers glaziers paperhangers c c from their well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope to meet still with a sharo of patronage from a discerning and generous public jas kerr joseph heathers king may 4th 183 to let the houso near the scotch church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79lh highlan der apply to thos kirkratrick oiete as e subscribers have constantly kb 4hhbjhhs him piete assortment of the following arti cles in the hardware line english russia and swedes iron tin plates sheet iron boiler plates steel of all sorts wrought and cut nails deck spikes q and trace chains iron and copper wir spades and shovels vices anvils patent shot gunpowder of all sorts hair- seating pins and tarred cord age white aq ged lead spanish brown paint linseed oil c c and by the first arrivals from london and liverpool will etxnpiete their assort ment of groceries consisting of muscovado jtfauhtius and refined su gar jamaica colfce pepper allspice cassia ginger molasses gallipole seal and florence oil vinegar pick les and sauces brandy hollands dun bars porter and ale jfustard figs raisins currants c c and the following wines of various qualities madeira port shorry teneriffe fi- gureas port claret charapaigne c- c in wood or bottles all which they will sell by wholesale at tbe lowest market prices and on a li beral approved credit smith lindsay montre a 30 1831 dissolution the gopar tt nership between the undersign ed under tho firm of john macpher son r co is this day by mutual- con sent dissolved the subscribers are s e verally authorised to settle the affair of the late copartnership all person having demands are requested to presen them at their office signed john macpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crane prescott jantiaiy 12th 1831 the forwarding businesswil be continued by john macpherson and samuel crane under the tirmofjfac- phersvit and crane here and it mih treat under the old firm