i j the church ir ho has no better assurance cf rup- port than ia enjyod hy the itinerant mcthodirt i am vwutratd that the measure pursued hy the majority of our house of assembly arc in df- rcct 0 npniion to the feclinga and wishes of a lar portion of ihe mopt respcdable and intel ligent members of the church of scotland they caff see nothing in these measures but an unholy ettbrt at spoliation and the utter destruction nl shcfrsopetobtoin the assistance and support they have bc a contending for on behalf of their clergy thy cannot help reprettine also the atundonmnt of principle which has been exhi bited by me whose station in society and self respect mould have preserved rhem from com sc ofcondncfl which cannot help bringing them into pieaeiflt cojiteaipr us it has done with the good tojflra wise and which will assuredly entail on ti5mi causes for shame and bitter coihthion i trcly contemptible do men appear who a- bandun the course that is rigkt in the vain pur suit of popularity t may be truly said that such cartway the substance that they may gresp at a shadow the address of the couucil to his majesty on the subject of these reserves will be found to correspond with the sentiments i have now ex pressed- there is not with the real friend of religion any disposition to act with n hostile feel ing towards the church of scotland there is e- vcry motive for a contrary course and notwith standing the rancour exhibited by indiscreet par ti2ans in bygone days those whose opinions are worth any thine and who aim at something more thai the vicious and ignoble celt brily of a dftmafiogtift whether of the church of england or kirk of scotland will be found acting toge ther for the solid benefit of the country fair play buses of power and could ooly have lieeu introduced under the erroneout supposition thm it whs pumible to find iu america fit materials for the formation of an aristo cracy sufficiently numerous tmlepeotjeut and respected these resolutions heinjr carried by a j small nuijnrily were from motives of pro- j deuce ooly never proceeded upon hut this i attempt to apply the ne to the root of the constitution was followed l denionstra- i lions of still prrater folly out arrogance for it was meditated hy mr lee a mem ber and a caondiau by birth to introduce a motion for nn utoicahle separation from the parent state- tho proposed measure however meeting with liitlo countenance in the huuso was laid aside nnd herein my lord that house has actually verified what i stated in my letter to sir gcoin kindred sympathies in ihc minds ufihnsc who live without the wall of quebec nnd montreal and ilis i mscfujgtheheal pmol of tho toildoess and jtiirure of tho go vernment under which we live isiijnjiitk as tho canrndiaiis do above all people oil rarih the mmal perfect secu- r v pa viii full- r mtug uu res- pons in h iters and the murray that our patriarchs of dismrder separation from the hume gov- for tkt chronicle mt dcaii sir a it not the duty of the police officer to ne that neither boxes or barrels are allowed to remain on the pavements of the town 1 think tt a and know to my certain knowledge thai sonic time ago the police officer ordered thtr ehltafvfcc in one of the streets to be r mov ed buidnl he go through stote street and like wise jot the innumerable quantity of benches sxr ux there removed no and i should like to know why he cleaned one street of this nufcftnoe arid not another did he do his dmy and is nof his office to see that no balcony or vvdn shade is erected in front of any of the vmos aon the pavement is it not moreover this officer province to take into safe keeping alt tfco53 swine that make it a point of duty to patrol our ttrccts from morning till evening to ihc jreal annoyance of the inhabitants 7 really ti hij latter incumbrance is very disgustful insomuch that it is a disgrace to tho town and oi sneers in parsing through have particularly remarked this addition to thcairesdy numberless ircuu iooci kingston 1 even heard it said by a feffltllonun who among the rest observed ibis uuj ice t hat pfetffe wos a more appropriate upirlasve to thin place than the one it holds tflamntfalakcniajnipiitiris these thinga to th neslfcirtfcof the police officer pleaainform have no desire to effect great britain so long as erument shew a desire with ir usual com promising and complacent spirit to sub mit to their demands and allow them to have the entire enntroul and diiecliou of all tho public revenues nod to reward and dismiss the public servants bfl they may best suit their projects or oppose their de- itfni youthulfllnfl crant obxok for the chronicle i continuation and conclusion ofthf letter of m v j3 nrhtrrsrtt to the jjnh 44 mlttfe ptscuunt codrrich hi anm- tjfl principal secretary for the colonies sir lnrd the session had somewhat advanred when two messages were sent to the le gislature offering on the part of his ma- jlti to surrender the kovenue of the 14 g hi under the condition thai the pro viucial parliament as it is uoivisely call- ed would graot a yearly sum of 19500 dui n- the king life in order to enable lb crown to pay- the governor and the judges and hifih officer of the law uot in what maoaor w so gracious and con descending an offer received by the as sembly la the same coolutnacious spi rit which i predicted id the letter which 1 ioldroed to yoar predecessor in offico sir george murray though his majesty proposed to give up a yearly and growing revenue of near ly x4uo0o the assembly demanded more uay alt which tho crown possessed in its own right the cusual nudietriiorial revenues tho profits arising from the sale of crown lands ami timber and the rent of the jesuits estates thus to secure the ronteduueot of such men all must he sa- cri6ccd which can lend to preserve the dignity nod authority of the crown the rejection of his majestys oflcrhad been preceded by a resululinu of the same body that any member who should here after accept office under the crown or he- cornea public accountant should cease to have a vote orscat in ibe house unless he were reelected and that if he persisted ii taking his seat ho should be expelled there from thus accomplishing in an unconsti tutional wuy that which they the asseni- bkm ftftrifrnt jt au mt mimimp passed in the session of 1829 and reserv ed for his alujestys pleasure nor did this faeasuro fail to eucourage members to set up oiri and eveu higher doctrines of frcednai for it was proposed that the le gislative council should he elective and mt speaker papineau was dol ashamed to declare that justices uf the peace should he chnwn by tho people mr dele gate nailsun also enraptured with the go- wrmneot and iostiluiions of he united kitutes was ploased to decluro from his seat in the assembly that lhe coustitu- lional act uf 1791 oupht to be repealed and we ought to draw from the pure sources of our neighbours the americans the true principles of liberty rut my lord least it should be thought thai these are only the opinions and decla rations of individuals in that house i must bring under your lordships notice certaiu resolutions which were brought forward by mr itnurdages and hat parsed the as sembly hy a majority of 8 that is to say yca35 nays 27 and these are io the fohowtni words jat resolved as the opinion of this committee committee of the whole house that the chief cause of these abus us is to be found in that provision of he oct 31 g 3 c 3j which constituted a legfclntivq couucil to be rompused iii riemhir appointed by the kxecutivr power fur life with a view of their becom ing a constituent branch of the colonial legislature and that the said provision was an unsuccessful attempt to introduce for the time by the said act into tho british system of colonial administration with re- rirfnee i the mvo cauadas exclusively fa tal to the tranquility and prosperity of the 1ioviiicc and incompatible with the good koveromenl peace and happiness of the province 2 i keolved in the opinion of this cnm- niittee ihni the said provision has produc ed fatal rflsnln by securing impunity to m provincial executive under the name 0i lgsiaug council far its greatest a- h is a matter of notoriety that nearly 600000 ycarlyhave of late years annual ly bfen expended by great britain in the fortifications ami canals of canada and in maintaining an army to defend these pro vinces and- dow forsooth in return for so great an expenditure of british treasure the olitfnrehy in the assembly condes cendingly demand hat in order to allow this province to be british in name only a yearly revenue of a130000 levied on its subjects shall he placed at their exclusive disposal my lord wealth is power nnd power bring with it wealth ami what would be the lot of the english iuhahitants who may how be estimated to be more than one fifth of the present population if the whole kevcuues of the province wtre dealt out by the tender mercies of a french radical fac tion montesquieu says great success es pecially when chiefly owing to the people swells them so with pride hat it is impos sible in manage them- jealous of their magistrates they soon become jealous of tho magistracy enemies to those who gov ern they sunn prove enemies to the consti tution and has the surcess of he as sembly iu obtaining his majestys sanction o the removal nf thirty public officers who are yet unpaid for their services in com- pulling the concession to them of hoexclu- vjvo mailiigeittenl nf all the public revenues of the province in obliging hecbief justice ivi rtnr av4m h w tbe ex ecutive council iu coercing the judges to abstain from attending the legislative couucil io enforcing their demand to otttaiu members of a supposed mure inde pendent character iu the same council added to the language of timidity and hu miliation which ore apparent of late in nil communications with that isody i say tny lord have all these sacrifices nut tended to pumper and animate the ambi tion of the assembly nnd to mak hem enemies of all in authuriiy and even of the constitution itself lwer canada my lord presents a faithful picture of that which has been drawn by so great no ar tist as the author of the spirit of laws it has boeu a constant theme uf vitupe ration amongst grievance movers my lord that h part of the legislative council hold offices under the crown arising from the difficulty of boding gentlemen sufficiently instructed in constitutional kno ledge and w ho have leisure enough to devote their at tention to legislative duties and this to gether with ati admitted fact that the pri vileges which public bodies eojoyareal earth rity in property nni taxes which ran be traiuts iu ltd mean uf citence being plentiful they are not only contented but hutiipy and km my lord will they remain tmtil the indu- leticif and indecision of hi majestys co- vertimerit permit a few atmhiiiou men to destroy that harmony and lllosejusl feel iogs which still happily mthit between the government ami the nin nf the people aa indecision and iintudriice of iliiud to speak in the language of waverley if not in yonrlvei vices to how much ex quisite misery do you frequently prepare tho way my lord i hail wrillci thus far when the suasion drawing to a close new and impoitaut matters attramd the public at tention bui hi in till last scene of the political drama new characters are intro duced and incidents the must extraordina ry have occurred j shall make it the sub ject of a future comniuuicaiion 1 have the honor still to remain a faithful suhject and always my lord your lordship obdt humble ervt arjstides montreal 31st march 1831 chawbly canal the unisipncd comniissionrs of the chamldy can nppninted under the aothoriry nf nn act of the pn geo iv c they 1j 1 t i iiilii steyo ii nut 75 feet ttf lockage with the exception nf the may he located within n mi nti of gnanl c and died on the 23d iasiant his residence spring cottage cramahe aflcir a long und pain ful illness benjamin whitney esq in ihc ssd year of his ace may tea sales 1s31 the agentsof the monontble east india company id canada give notico that there will be put up o pub lic sale at ihcir warehouses in quebec on saturdny tho 7th uf may a quaniiiy of teas equal to about 1200 chests and at montreal on sataiduy ihe21si muy about 3200cliesis catalogues will be ready for delivery and shewchrsts open for inspection at each place from monday muming uniil thursday ufiernoou of llie week of sale the sales iu commence at 1 1 oclock in he forenoon konsvtii rlcnarlbboii fc co azmts to the honbtc east india company mmmeal 20ih april 11 831 viocial lexilrlhre 3th geo iv cnp 41 hrrehy ivt public notice that they will nccivo sralcd tenders until ihc loth da of june next ha addressed ifl the hon ouruhlo samuel tlntt at chambly foi ron- rtlcliug and cukliing completely i sub stantia and woikinauhko manner he said ctinal th pnnenmotm of it hich arc in fid- inwr vjzahout 11 15 miles iu hmtth i feet wide at the bottom and of mllnefrjil tlcpih for boats drawing 5 fi of water tho bunk lube formed u ill a proper slope i here w ill be whieh lock a balfuf chamhly itasin he locks to bu 20 feet u idc and 100 feci loiue- the liue intended for the canal passes ihruih a fertile and populous couutrywhere ktvi- siuusaud labuur are abundant and rtp no tender can be accepted whftoul thenpproval oflli excellency the gover nor in chief and good and sufficient eeu- lilj will be required for the due ptrfnr- rnauceof the conrract plans and sen ion of the canal maybe seen by applyig to samuel halt ksq at chambly her every information will be given thai may be required samuel ii att rene boilkautjr i3ab marciiand wm mackea t francheke chambly lgth april 183l uiiilrlins com- at a mcoiiiig of the miinh for the itbuvo rot it w nolved thai soulod tender be ic- cuived on thu second day of may next for builditiff the said boat by contract tenders to slfito the price per toll ac tual measurement by length breadth ind depth the contractor io furnish d all mnii tioh tilt duo prifr cilicntitms nnd to ktvo ihncc of tho security fur work spe- ue wvu hi david j iiiston sgth ill nrl a plan ol the roul mav he ooirtmifthe treasurer smltiltrcaiurcr rch p3h tiik gideaucanal stkam boat at a meeting of ihe building com- nil t ten for the ihove hunt it was resolved that an instalment of lopwr cent on he capital subscribed be paid the treasurer of the company on or before the second dnyof mhv next david j smithitreasuyer- kintoti 2tth marcls 1631 w ante d a nursery maid to acccompaiiy u fam ily aboul lo visit quebec knqjiie at this office 2slh april 1831 t m illk laa1m l vlllw k barber mv mw pnvd io receive conrderson lie loui of june die commence in cut tftkc ensuing quarter terms payable quar terly rn advance including the college dues ani contingencies t board wash ing and mending for uncu pupil in tho prepararoiy school 37 10s per annum for ach pupil in the college 42 10s pc annum entrance tor each pupil 3 10s in lieu of bedding and those jirticles which we usually furnished by board ers books and drawing are extra charges york april 231 1831 mr b would feel obliged by on ear ly communication from any gentleman who may intend placing a pupil under his caro udtion to be sold by auc tion on friday next the 6ih wnys oufioxitiurf to populnrenvy in free eo- my at ihe reideore of fjtvt kty r- e vernments are circumstances whiih have i formerly occupied hy mr peter mcdoo- a civcn culnur to artful and seditious inco to puur out asaioni them rude and unremitted censure nor has this reproach in an un- giurdpd hour hut had iu effects in dquar- ler u here it has been most productive of mischief for the junto of rndicals in the asseinmy huld up the report of the com mute nf the house of commons on their giievnnces tthich wos never reltiroed to that house or nrred upon hy that august body as their talmud this they call an imperishahls monument whether of wisdom or fully niy xord j shall not pre sume to defidfe and tttey riavtf priurttil 00 copii4 of it atthe public expense hot in the french and english languages the legislative council even durinjmbe sesriinu notwithstanding all the enders ormr delegate viger who was lately io- truduced into that body has opposed it self m harrier to the enterprises of he loner branch and hy this preserveil the semblance ai least of n british constitution and that house too it ought to he recol lected has no power to originate hrfl of supply iu what mnnner then it may he nked can they betray the public t runt re posed in them hy pursuing a private io- terest hostile to that of the province in the lower house as now constituted the english population and english wealth are not represented nor are english vlflue and talent and ought ihey la be excluded from n due share of influence iu the pro vincial government so inog as the colo ny remaios an integral part of the em pire whilst the assembly carries the sword and a twoedged sword it has lately prov ed itself to he ought a body o computed as the legislative council now is not to hear the s it id su as to protect ihe orel and its officers from nil hesolutions of the lower house which tend to destroy pub lic authority anil peace 1 cannot niy loid hut again exnfw the fears uliicli the most enlightened part of the community both f french and v glish descent cnienaiu that his majesly ministers have been much deluded id t the actual state of public opinion iu ku province nor are their fears without nitich cause considering the concessions uliieh hhve already been made to tle asemllj and thpt it would appear are still medi tated resembling sacrifices whieh amtfk south sea islanders are offered to frl the malignity of evil spirits bui molioffoi a may be thespiriis rule the desiitcs of the lower house and nouitlisiandf the slanderous and disgnstingamlunwe- ed declamation of mr speaker papinu agaiojt ail iu authority uj forty fit d 1 ell near ihe scotch church the whole of his household furniture among which are pining and breakfast tables and ta ble cor bedsteads feather beds hair mattress bolsters and pillows wilton aod cloth carpets sofas itoreaus desks nnd book cases chairs dressing and common tables wftshlland stauds ba sins aod i ivcrs one superior dinner lamp china class earthenware chintz ad merino window aud bed cur tains hall mats stoves and pipes with a quaniiiy ui kitchra lvsil auo an excellent itonse good for saddle or draught one pleasure waggon with spring cushions one sleigh and holies 6t fur either one or two hor- tes- saddles jtiidles surcingles mar- tiugals with many other articles too nu merous to detail sale lo commence at 11 oclock a m mmokana b kingston april 29th 1831 j the above property lately purchas ed new is worthy the altentfou of purcbas ers the officers cf the 2d regiment of frontenac militia are re quested to meet lieutant colonel kaynesnt the courtiiouso in king ston on monday 2d day of may next nt 12 oclock in llto forenoon the officers will be pleased to bring with him the dates of their respective conimissiois iv order d f mahoney li adjt k h- m dock yard kingston l 13th apri 183l ttotice is hereby given ihpt j tenders will be received at this office until the tih may next from such person or persons as may be will ing lo contract for the conveyance to and fiom montieal to this place of nil such naval stores baggage xas may be required fiom time lo lime the tenders lo specify ihe number of days they will guarantee will deliver the said stores as also the amount per cwt in siciling payment to be made at thi- rate of 4s 4d sterling for each dolhr the tenders will be opened at 1 1 o clock a m on the 0th may anil res ponsible sureties will be required for the due fulfillment of the contract jno h clover navel i la j- o let the house near the scotch church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79thuiguan dets apply tr ti10s kirkpathick 30th april j83 boarding school for young ladies at batif under the superintendence of mrs bickrtov in this es young ladies am in- strurtm in ihe following tiroiictics nf tduiatmn h grammar ckouraphy bistort writintj arlthmrtcmusicfrech drawing landscape velvet oil painting embrolderyqiid a vnriny of ftishiouablc and ornamental woiks mrs bs ozpeiienee as a teacher in enclaud raiders her well qualified to impart solid instruction willi tleiraui accontplisrilrieriiw on a pfm calou luted to make study ogteeabltu and ensure the progress of her pupil terms op mrs exckertov8 school board including washing dm of linenbc ds c ioj per week hoard without washing ihe bed linen sic being found by ihe pupil 7 6d cr week iialk of the quarter to be paid in adancc common education including writing jirtih- mttic grammar geography history 4 pn mm work 10a per quarwr common education with ftney needle work 15 per quarter extras music 2 0 0 french 1 5 0 per quarter drawmff 1 5 0 velvet paintinps leabons 1 0 0 these are sufficient lo perfect a pupil od painting according to acreement 5c 12 waekstothe quarter rath lsth april 1831 ijlor sale that vahmhle pro- p6ftv lately owned hj mi picar it lies about 3 miles below the kingston mills aod tboul l miles from kingston it is a farm of 100 acre on which is erected on of the best barns in the two provinces it is 100 by 40 feet also a good dwelling house so by 24 feel stabling for about 30 horses and sheds i almost beyond measuring the land is of the best quality and well wooded and watered the above property will be sold low for cash or short apposed credit for further particulars apply io michael brennan n ji inrigyondflnt of ke ky ihero is 30 acres on a lease oft6 years on which is erected a substantial black smiths shop and other buildings the whole will be sold together april 20lh 1831 9 mvrs eos umvo most lesubciively to return thanks for ihe support bu has hiiiero icceivnl and to inform his customer tluil be has now on hind a genet ul assortment of goods suitable io ihe present mid approaching seasons such us ladies and gentlemens eng lish and french clogs ladios cork soled tools prunella stuiv and cord walking boois and shoes dress and half dress shoos dress and other gloves gentlemens riding or mud doois gloves braces travelling bags portmanteaus and all kinds of trimings nnd materials used for manufactuiingin llie shoe line the greater part of the above were imported last fall but were not receiv ed here until within a few wettks past and are jusl now unpacked also on hand as usual ladies and gentlemens bootsand shoesofhisown manufacture sole upper leather and calfskins c orders from all parts of the province will be thankfully received and punc tually attended to parcels sent lo all parts of lie lake bay or river free of expense during the navigation k aft rch 28ih 1831- mksparmentier oflntsfor sale at the horticultural botan- carden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental treis and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection ot junliiy and hardy roses prim ed directions for planting are furnished lo purchasers mr jamca macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or namental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully park ed aud furwarded witbout the slightest de lay catalogues ran he obtained gratis post paid at the office nf the chronicle reference john macaulay john kiihy john mark stephen ystrtvood allan mclean esquires 24th march 1831 n 15 it may he proper o mention that the necessary directions trill h sent along with the different trees as to the man ner nf treating them trees received in the fall can he safely buried in the grouud until the spring when ihey can he planted without receiving any injury from the frtwi provided that they are entirely covered branches and all irilfi earth the smallest orders wil be received and care shall he taken that several order will be made up into cue package with a view tosivi the expense of carriage the subscriber having been appointed agent iu this provinco for mrs parnieo- issolution the co-part- ntrhip between the undersign tii under ihe firm of john jarpitr- so jf co is this day by mutual con- scut dissolved the stibsciibers are se verally authorised to fictile the affairs of the late copaitnerslnp all persons having demands are requested to present them at their office signed john macphersotf albxn mcmillan samukl crank prcrotttauuary 12rh 131 the korwahdino business will be continued by john juaepherstm and samuel crane under the firmofjlfac- phcrson and crane here and at jxfe treat under the old firm their stores and wharves at tho upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted are to be con siderably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott i2ih jan is3i the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subset ib- ersare severally authorised to senle ihe affairs of the late copartnership all poi sons having demands are requested ttf present them at their office at prescotl sigued john mtpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crank prescott 12th january 1831 new forwarding establish ment the subscribers beg leave to in form llie merchants of upper canada and the public irf getfral that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdcnsburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that ol any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgii will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonel matthias link new academy he rev thomas handcock a b trinity college dublin begs leave to inform the inhabitants of king ston that having uow some leisure to de vote to the instruction of youth he pro pose opening an academy on tuesday the first day of march next in this town his system will embrace english and classical literature readiug writing cyphering geography ancient and mo dem history c aud will he conducted in cnufurmity with that of the collego at york in every respect a circumstance which will afford such of his pupils as may be transferred to that establishment a ma terial advantage terms 7 10 per annum further particulars may be known on application to mr handeock personalty kingsioo feb 12 1831 christmas newyear gifts t the token the atlantic souvenir the pearl affections o feting with a number of other literary gems elcgnuily done up for the present sea son for sale at lesslie sons store stree kingston dec 1s30 ing in the post office at belle- to be let for a period of three or stven years from 1st juno next subject to be resumed by govern ment if required the government store and wharf at queenston the tenant to undertake to perform all repairs a reasonable compensation for which will be given provided the ordnance require the preniues within ihe term tenders will be received nt this of fice to ihe 20ih mav addietited to the respective officers- who will require two respectahle persons as socurity for the due performance ofthe lease the rent to be paid quarterly in british silver to the oidnunce store keeper at this place for further particulars apply to the barrack master at fort george office of ordnance kingston 19th april 1831 lyon young english bull imported by commodore barrio last full will svtve a limited number ofcows ibis senson at one dollar pach lyon is two years old nnd is nllovred by competent judges lo be n lemrukubly fme nnimnl ho is part of ihe real durham ind part ofihenoied lancashire breed he was selected by ri first rate grazier and recommended is belie calculated to improve the stock in ibis climate thiin the thorough dur ham kind point frederick mche5ih 1831 m 1st of letters remain- ville 6th april 1831 william adams maximo aussant i williiim bell esq milton g burns william bo yen william bojteo ja cob bonier henry brovn george blacker paye becker john chapmen john caracalion thomas colman william case 5 john carter abraham defoe james davis wil liam doc elias dulmage timoihy davis cornalius davis john n dock- stader william errington george frasiier james farley james flood thomas gibson robert grace francis cervas galeb garrison miss t hope john harrison hi ram howard joseph flarey jeiius hall mrs clarissa irvini jvilliam irvio james ketchisorft francis kier john lansing john latta 2 joseph lockwood denis mcauley donald mclellan john mccoy robert mctaggart 2 william b mcafleriy caleb may james mcmatter james moor john mcrera charles nelson dr james ohair aaron h presler joel pringel jo- siah peckham george poits daniel power samuel rosebush mathew stafford mathew shaw ira sargent james simpson marioda savage sa muel shurlliff tunis b sanders levi st thomas ira vantassej achariah vantueer john h wannamaker samuel t wilmot 3 andrew wood thomas wright william welt henry wess reuben white esq george williams t parker p m bly to the above advertisement james macfarlane kingstnnth march 183l notice the siockhnlders in ihe steam boat william the fourth are requested to pay len per cent on each share on or before the 1st day of may 1851 a mcdonnell agent trees piescott 4th m tgjl tbacco manufactory at oswego n y christians burckle has established a tobacco manufac tory in the village of oswego where here he manufactures tobacco and snuff of nil kinds and of ihe very best quality and flavor the establishment being on nn extensve scale he is ena bled lo offer his tobacco at newyork pi ices and warrants the quality equal if not superior to any of the most ap proved fabrick of newyoik be sides his own manufactured segars boih of spanish and american he will al ways have a supply of the best havan- na segars tilis trrms are 90 days credit or 3 per cent discount for cash a regu lar price current will be furnished whenever requested april 21831 arden seeds for sale by the subscriber a large quantity of fresh garden seeds warranied lo be of the growth of 1830- with direclions or gardening john mow at march 1831 a me inio the subscribers inclo- sure some lime in august a brown heiffor supposed to be eighteen months old the owner is requested o come provo properly pay charges and take her away wm moore c