Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 23, 1831, p. 2

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delineated the stream delineated by common ac- rd on he map a aruiaffording the only eis of a decision and that therelore the eircumstanccs vi on which such decision could not be fur ther elucidated hy means of treeh topograph ical investigation nor by the production of additional documents we are of opinion that it will he suita ble il conviendra to adopt as the bounda ry of the two states a line drawn due ninth from the source of the river st croik to the point where it intersects thr middle of the thalweg t of the river st john thence the middle ot the thalweg of that river as cending it to the point where the river s francis empties itself into the river st john thence the middle of the thalweg of the riv er st francis ascending it to the source of its southwestemmost branch which source we indicate on the map a by the letter x authenticated by the signature of our minister of foreign affairs thence aline drawn due west to the point where ti unites with the line claimed by the united states of america and delineated on the map a thencesaid line to the point at which according to the said map it coincides with that claimed by great britain and thence the line traced on the map by the two pow ers to the northwesternraost source of the connecticut river as regards the second point to wit the question which is the northwesternrnost head of connecticut river considering that in order to solve this suestion it is necessary to choose between onnecticutlake river perrys stream idian stream and halls stream considering thu according to the usage adopted in geography the source and tho bed of a river are denoted by the name o the river which is attached to such source and to such bed and by their greater rela tive importance as compared to that of other waters communicating with said river considering that an official letter of 1772 already mentions the name of halls brook and that in an official letter of sub sequent date in the same year halls brook s represented as a small river falling into the connecticut that the river in which connecticut iake is situated appears more considerable tban either halls indian or perrys stream that connecticut lake and the two lakes situated northward of it seem to ascribe to it a greater volume of water than to the oth- r three rivers and that by admitting it to je the bed of the connecticut the course of that riyer is extended farther than it would be if a preference were given lo either cf the other three rivers lastly that the map a having been re cognized by the convention of 1827 as in dicating the courses of streams the author- ty of that map would likewise seem to ex- end to their appellation since in case of did- iute such name of river or lake respecting vhich the parties were not agreed may iave been omitted that said map mentions j connecticut lake and that the name of connecticut lake implies the applicability of the name of connecticut to the river which flows through the said lake we are of opinion that the stream situat ed farthest to the northwest among those which into the northernmost of the three py jakes the lant of which bears the name of j connecticut lake must be considered as tho northwesternmost head of connecticut ri ver and as to the third point to wit the question which is the boundary to be traced from tlie river connecticut along the par allel of the 45tb degree of north latitude to the river st lawrence named in the treaties ituquotse and ctaaq considering that the high interested parties differ in opinion as to the i of great britain ho hns loft behind bin ao immortal monument in his works mr william mover editor of one of tht most popular editious of dr johnson dictionary died at glasgow on tho i7il of february- he also conducted two pe rindicals io glasgow the selector am gleaner which extended to five volumes he was eminent as a mathematician and left a wotk ou arithmetic ready for the press patrick maxwell stewart has been elect ed to parliament for the itoruugh of lao caster withont opposition the london court journal says mioisters now state that they consider tho passing of the reform bill as certain and it is said that a member oq each side who have been canvassing having compared lists which give a decided majority for the bill we have already stated that the king had writ a letter to the earl grey expressive of his approval of the bill and ofhis determination to support it we can now naie from au thority that his majesty has given carl grey a cart blanche for the dissolution of parliament or otherwise in the cvoul of the bill beiug rejected by the house ofcom mons on this subject the spectator says the issue of the second reading which by pre vious notice of lord john russell was to have taken place on 21st march is va riously estimated the list of ministerial adherents have bcencauvassed by viscount duocanooo the independents by mr hume the peel party and the tories generally by mr holmes all skilful aud active men in their way the result is that there are exactly the same numbers for and agaiut it aumusc those who liavo declared 10011 sentiments hut there are eighty non com- mitats with them therefore lies the fate of the bill the spectator adds we shall out be surprised to 6od tho mioisters on a second reading of the bill on a conside rable majority but io the event of a defeat wo may always say we kuow they will counsel the king to dissolve parliament next day on tho 4th march mr wyoo having made an opposition to the measure ofre- forui before parliament next morning ten dered hid resignation as secretary at war which was of course accepted by earl grey in the house of commons on tho 8th march we find by a liverpool paper that mr oconoell in defence of the ministeri al measure of reform made a loug and powerful speech the report of which occu pies nearly four loug colums of the loudon journals of course il would be a vain tank to offer any aoalysisof it the bill he said deserved the support of the house and of the country because it was large wise and liberal although himself a radical refor mer he thankfully accepted the proffered good speaking of the alleged confiscation or depredation as it was called of the boroughs ho said let us see who are really therobbers cheers he had oeverhcard of a grant from the king to any nobleman eutitliug him to return members to parlia ment the franchises were given to the people and that act would not seize the franchise from the people but would com- e spoilator to restorethem no roan tho government of america would not be allowed tu fdiy fast and loose lord pottersos said that ho felt it his duty ilieu to rmsl thu motion on the ground that the transaction was at preseut imper fect when however the proper titno should have arrived ho would ho most wil ling to afford over information mr roblnsox tuid do would nordividc the lluuac upou the subject lie contend that an undue advantage was given to tho laited stages hy the transaction but still he should withdraw in moliou toe mo tion was withers wo great britain is in a ferment un the subject of reform which wet introduced in the house of com mons by ltd john kussel on the 1st of march and after a protracted debate of sev- m days a thing almost unheard of in eng land was read a first time on the 8th aud the second reading which would test the measure was appointed for the 21st the proposition of the government goes far be vond the expectations of every one and mr hume mr hum and mr oconnell ad mitt id that it was worthy of their support on the other hand the owner of boroughs sixty of whit h are to be disfranchised entire ty and forty six to be reduced to one mem ber each arc vehement in their opposition and m conjunction with the ultratory par ty were moving heaven and earth to de feat ministers on the second reading of the bill all the leading men in the house of commons spoke on the subject among them mr jeffrey for the first time the substance is this bill is first disfranchising wholly or io part one hundred and si bo- sccondty giving to manchester bir- svun sheffield leeds halifax greeii- wch wolverhampton daven- p and to tower hamlets finsbury lvlar and lambeth now forming parts o su of london and westminis ter to members each and to eighteen oth er low- amo them whitehaven south shield m kidderminster hud- dersficj bolton le moor cheltenham fa one miferober each and thirdly extending the rit of voting to all males of full age not subject to any legal incapacity possessed f property of the yearly value of 10 or in cities occupying for six months previ ously vo an election a tenement of the samo yearly va poll lists are to be made out out at stated times before the election and those i on them are to be per mitted to vole the vote is tu be as now viva rib the markets for flour and grain had risen lh duty mien the great quantities roughs lutl l irgherst he tells his address to the luxemln tlle inde ihcuj he has swurn lo ma m jan tefri pendence and integrity of tl wi ftgm lory and declares that he revluti to hsoall e began o flfl8 w k in p l ucrf of lon- will finish it in spile of the p su r- i uii i 3 sent troops to the king of holland h new fnor luxemburgh and ordered au t be duke of weimar lhe aie of he habitants only a month froi in 5h put return to their the dtclar odoin he founds himself ik am th atons of the pow by that of toco i of january 20th confi february 19th and he i ms j annoi ced germanic federation who him gef their determination to suppo 1 man prince in t as a geroia of luxcm- the i h vrdforaun- pie of that province have tie ion with burgh the belgian cong by which of supporting lhe protocol of ind assigned to jicate the reli- kiictt and if so a certainly will sa of wl at thc the kmss that house eoultl quetiou right to his ttiroue do inao io that house dared question tho right of the house of peers to its legislative functions why iheu should nut the commons of england have their privileges iuvinlate cheers in conclusion mr ocoouell implored the house in tbo uaine of that god of charity who had so often warmed the bosoms of mmm kftftvsj ft hlessiu of good government and give to themselves and to scotland the onlv se curity against revolution tho honorable es timer in opinion as to tne question whether the treaties require a fiesh sur vey ofthe whole line of boundary from the aud fearued jentlemeo was loudly cheered at the conclusion of his speech uud frequent ly during the course of it- lofcmtai march 17 on monday we al luded to a prochimntioo of the uegeot or belgium asserting iho right of tho new bel gic state ofthe posesiou of luxembourg and offering the people of that duchy sup port against the dutch authorities the king of holland has likewise sent troops to luxembourg and ordered its uew gover nor the duke of saxo weimar to allow its inhabitants only a month from the dato river connecticut to the river st- lawrence named in the treaties iroquis or cataraguy or simply the completion of the anciebt pro vincial surveys considering that the fifth article of the treaty of ghent of 1814 does not stipulate that such portion of tbe boundaries which may not have hitherto been surveyed shall be surveyed but declares that the bounda- jtas have uot been and establishes that they shall be surveyed that in eftect such survey ought in the relations between thctwo poweis to be con sidered as not having been made from the connecticut to the river st lawrence nam ed in the treaties iroquois or cataraguy since the ancient survey wan found lo be in- correct and had been ordered not by the ancient provincial authorities that in determining the latitude of pla ces it is customary to follow tbe principle ofthe observed latitude and that the government nf tho united states of america has erected certain forti fications at the place called rouses point under imnrefsion that of the 5th iost to return to their allegiance his majesty is supported iu tho view of the right by the award ofthe great powers of europe represented hy their plenipotenti aries iu the cougress of loodon aud aided in maintaining it by the troops of tho german confederation of which the duchy in 1815 was made to form a part on the other hand tbe people of the province have generally declared for a uoion with helgiurn and have scot their representa tion to the baltic congress in such a state of things it is difficult to see how a collision between the dutch nod cut impression mat the ground formed part of their territory an impression soffi- 1 v ciently authorized bv the circumstance that i bel cao he avoided 1 he new re the hue had until then been reputed to cor- 1 rey h influc embroiling respond with the 45th decree of north lat- l nevcr ilude weareof opinion that it will besuitablc il conviendra to proceed to fresh opera tions to meature the observed latitude in order to mark out the boundary from the ri- hal and flour entered for consumpttoi c low duties is stated under the cooi- il record london march 17 timber duties jn the discussion which too pi i night in the housejof ili on l timber duties it was obser ved y j proposed measure ministers would give to the consumers of the country a betli article at the same or a lower price than l now paia for a bad one this is uni j evet respect the measure will incvilijly cause an advance in all descrip tions sf timber becftuse as a whole the lax op them will be increased- the duty on palllu umber it is true is proposed to be luwer ii nh but then the duty on cana- ber iougti the tax should be decreased come j t consumer but on the conud higher and for this reason the ux to be imposed upon canada limwi w totally destroy that competition wl the price of baltic has hitherto been down that great statesman y mr powlett thomson tells us that vramre js4boon totheejicjliireljistc it will indeed hca boon to russia nation whose power enhnd is more interested in curtailing than any other state on the face f the earth rut we are told that the can ada timber isa bad wood and this has been 8f often repeated by interested persons that u linformed people idmit it as an undisputed hot it is ti ue that i greut deal f inferior ttuber is imported from canada but it is a bo true that pome ofthe finest timber in tie world comes from that colony we al- lidetothe canada red pine of which there is consumed by the government alonc in slip building no less than from 20 to 30 car- sses a year and il is so consumed because i is justly considered the best timber for tat purpose so much for the mischievous trash which has been so industriously pro pagated about the inferiority of canada tim ber if the proposed measure passes into a law the consumer will have no choice he must use a highpriced timber now those who know any thing abcut mercantile af fairs know that the most inferior canada timber is quite good enough for packing case and the quantity of wood employed there construction is very great allow- the regent was elected this declared iutention them against holland u tbe powers u which th k j l had previously assen led wl f fc burg was in the establishme of the netherlands ami hii the latter seems to us to in anceof the regent upon fr- there must be war ox nnt permit luxemburg to pa- of the belgian nor can ftfgmsm in the report povent atlhe g sai ofbe feebly discountenanced by szlzl nuicate the pmmtfvmttyi j uoid hc bri tish government france in france a change of ministry insig nificant wholly so far as any great princi ples arc concerned has taken place m lajitte more probably from his private em barrassments than from political causes has been obliged to yield his place as prime minister to af casimir perrier like himself a banker but one who has not suffered in his fortune from late events bron louis minister of finance under the empire and i the restoration goes back to the treasury under the new order and his nephew admi ral ittny goes to the marine in other res pects the cabinet remains as it was mar shal soult exercising great influence there in the order for the levy of 80000 fresh troops the statement that the austrian am bassador bad peremptory order in the event ofthe french government objecting lo the intervention of austria in the affairs of ita ly immediately to demand his passports the vehemence of popular indignation against the russsan ambassador on the reception of tho first disastrous accounts from poland and the permitted for it suems to us they must bo so tumults and pradug through tbe streets of paris ofthe student mani fest a determination on the prl of the french government to be ready if not eager for the chances of war conld have venrured on his mtempernre proclamation but if france was honestly in ine however that it is necessary to increase tbe duty on timber why doube it on cana da timber and reduce it on baltic the mea sure would not have been halfso object ion- ame had the duty been allowed to lemain tlie same on baltic even though it wa in creased 100 per cent as is proposed on can ada ey- ver connecticut along the parallel of the 45th degree of north latitude to the river st lawrence named in tbe treaties iro quois or cataraguy in such a manner how ever that in all cases at the place called uses point tho territory ot the united roi states of america shall extend to the fort erected at that place and shall include said fort and its kilomciriial radius ravou kilo- mctrique thus dnne and given under our royal seal at tho hague this tenth day of janua ry in the year of our lord onj thousand right hundred and tbiny one aud of our reign the eighteenth signed william the minister of foreign affair signed verstolk ue soeles it was reported iu loodoothat sir wa ter scott had had a paralytic attack ao earthquake wa fell hi dover and vi cinity on iho night of march 2d the rev robert hall nf bristol died on tbe 7th of march and was buried ou tho oth thia celebrated divioo was cerniuly ooe of ihe mol able and baroed mioisters represented io london by prioco ta rand who signed the proctcol of the 90lfa january nod the coocludiug one in febru ary aloug with the plenipotentiaries of the other powers she could not interfere with the troops of the genoa 0 diet iu their oc cupation of the grand duchy it i ex pressively stipulated thul luxembourg is to be considered as a member of the coo- federation and thai it will he considered ai uo inlerveutioo to occupy il with gennau troops brussels papers to the 14tfa iost mention with what authority we know not that u lvoctocoh dated the 2d- had reached that city which is oot agreeable to the belgtc government aod uhich it is stated ru quires an auswer in ten days it is also stated that the protocol insists upon the bcliuos accepting the priuco of as their future foreign oraujio sovereign t tblwega german coeip tysd w eiurselci lie r ti wv iod watf tbsl the american boundary line ou the 14th of march in iho houc of commons mr kobinson observed t late bs the hour was lie felt that he mut proceed with the motion of which he had given notice for an humble address to his mnjcmy to or iler iho productiou of tho decision of the king of hollaud cjoceroiui tho question of the boundary line of the western coui uf north america- tho loo- gtollomou entered into i detail oflthe circuiniaucc late and important from europe the packet ship hibemia maxwell from liverpool in the uncommonly short passage of 23 days brings us london papers to the 20th nit inclusive which are fraught with host interesting and important news poland we have to record a series of encounters tartniiihtifig in a 5anfutnafy battle on the still february between the army uf gene ral diebltfeb and tho poles which after desperate lighting on both side and for tlie forces engaged great slitighier secm ti have been rathe indecisive the rus- diis not having moved after it upon war- mw and the poles taking fresh means to trengtben themlvcs in thtifc capital hie ol those means was the destruction of l suburb of praga so fearfully renowned j suwairows bloody storming of warsaw order that the defence of the city might of nive foil scope most of the account im strule come through prussia and i are iw far tinged with their preference forth ussiiin mils ll cause imite we give all the details our t belgium wsurktd citokirua t and by a prclamat l ill be found below scem dulcr ihall b- i ubl etn chosen ue ui of bis w liich utiicd thai m sistance of tho polish lancers as suddenly recovered from their panic formed them selves again io order of battle and the two regiments of cuirassiers were literally cut to pieces only 20 prisoners mostly officei were made aud only w made their escape to inform general dicbitsch of their disaster thus they suqcred for their temority by the loss of two regiments the commander of one of the regiments was la- ken prisoners- the iutcntioo pf general idiehiisch was that they should penetrate the polish line and cut heir way through to warsaw but they met their futc this aflhir being so very decisive the rus sians left the field of battle and retired a- eain ioto their strong hold in the fnrctt the loss ofthe russians on that day was upwards of 15000 killed aod wounded and 500 prisoners 3 pieces of cannon tak en and 8spiked the loss of the poles was great the killed and wounded are reckoned about 5000 this may be cou sidercd as a great victory gained by tho poles over the russians when you take in- to consideration lhe dtbproporlion in num bers aod the immense strength oftherus- sino artillery you may judge of he in trepid bravery of chlopicki when he had three horses shotuodcr him on that memo rable day and was wounded in the foot though not dangerously he was obliged to bo carried off the field of battle the colonel of the new warsaw regiment was also wounded aod was unfortunately not with hi men at the seventh charge of the russians which prevented the battle be ing so decidedly victorious prioce rad- ziwill lost the valuable services of his right haud manoo the brave cblopicki being wotinm i yesterday paid the polish soldiers a vi sit at the batteries at traga they were in good spitils since friday ovcry thing remains quiet no fighting the conduct of prince radziwill is universally extoll ed he has seen superior merit in gen skrzyuecki the third in command the prince proposed to resign in his favor the second io command seconded the propo sal aud wo all look skrzyuecki all the goiu lo take the oath of allegiauce lo the present government fire wo resret lo ham that a wry exteti- iiye and destructive hrc occurred at prewm wednesday evcmnglartby which ml noruw of that village ha suffered svre loss the rum insured on the pmpcriy destroyed is be comparatively miojl id io italy in italy we do not find that any thing ve ry decisive had occurred cither as t the suppression or the spreading of the insur rectionary spirit the roinan states were still its chief scene ancoita had fallen in to tbe hands of the insurgents who more over had carried ofl a cardinal from his pa lace austria bad not stirred a step beyond the confines of her lombardu- venetian king dom but within that tranquility wa main tained in the south of spain an insurrectionary movement provoked by tbrrijo had failed entirely- the governor of fodiwuuuw- ever fallen a victim to it poland extracts ftofn private elftr- in the london times man l5 polawd warsaw feb you by last post aud now wri aaninto say we are still in the land ot lhc lmn how long we tnay remain ou knows earlyonlbe moroiogof tw the russians having recei reinforcements not less than pw0 meo drew forth their whole army in lie io front of the forest and be6 a desperate attack on the left wing of the polish army dear jabloooa was manfully sustained hy 25th inst r considerable tho attack be general jv p ri l- v iilllvc fl imioski who had just nrrivetli baviug i-e- ceoily made his escape frooi iussia he succeeded after lighting very h t0 rc pulse and drive them hack au after ha ving takeo six pieces of can spiked them neither haviog horses i tino lrt take them off he however at length suc ceeded to driving the russians l0 ne rest and stop their firiog ge umin- ski then attacked the russian centre and penetrated their itues making dreadful slaughter having driven then from their position it appears that general di nftu calculated on peuetratiug to warsaw uo friday and so fulfill his pronie to the emperor to reinstate him on t tjiroue of poland in a month from the 6ftj his impe rial majesty had been dethroned but on friday the month expired having re ceived the reioforceoieois he brought tho whole into action with his 400cadooo playing away all day being so close to tho towo you may suppose what were the feelings ofthe iohabitauts particularly the wouieu it appeals hecalcul nios a tho left wiog f his army whero he had an enormous force with which he expect ed to penetrate the right lines tff the iolish army situated near rochow under the command of chlopici aud skrzynocki tho battle was sanguinary in m extreme the russians made six tremendous char ges and were six times repulsed with great loss a seventh time they mide a despe rate charge which being dirtied against a newly raised regimeot caused some dis order and rt partial retreat ihe enemy perceiving this sent immediate two regi ments of cuirassiors fresh trop heloug- iug to the rcceut reinforcement both offi cers and men were half drunk dicbiisch bad thus prepared i he in for ijhe work he had cut out for ihcir exccuiiiun they made u trcmcndou imnck dflid fm- n iiiu- ment succeocled io putting tho uew formed regimrut intoliti roar i fasa utp a dill n ngoat jot i irdcr got niuud to ilieii aniuoitioo iid lhe uinlyi nincd tbo wiiiiuded with con6dcncc to inhahitauls are dow the kingston chronicle saturday april 23d 1831 see postscript btu our london dates ore to the 20th of march w0 present in this sheet an interesting summa ry of foreign news wegive the following com mentary on the late intelligence from the albion the great measure of parliamentary reform is now before the couotry and at tracts all the attention its importance me rits- it is a reform of the most sweeping kind aod proves that the whigshave beeu consistent on this point at least no less tban sixty boroughs are to be disfranchis ed aod fnrtysix are each to lose one mem ber on the other haud manchester bir- miohain aod several large towo are henceforward to be represented several counties aje lo bo allowed to return four members iostead of two and yorkshire six instead of four loodoo and west minster are to send eight in addition to the present number it is not possible to pre dict the fato of this measure but we arc certainly inclined to think that tho bill will pass with some modifications the quali fication of 10 iu towns and cities is held to be too low though perhaps uot too much so for the couotry the debate on duous aod protracted aod continued fur stucn nights i the second reading which will ho decisive of it fate was fixed for mooday the 21st of match oothatdny it will be virtually determined whether this great and hazardous iuroad is really to be made upon our present system four- fifths of the whole periodical press of great britain are iu favour of the chaue eveo mr oconoell and mr hume ex press themselves satisfied the former has declared in parliament that he will for the present abandon bis measure for severing tho uoion if this bill passes a series of desperate actions has beeu fought in poland- the polish accounts from warsaw are to the 8th of march hut ildoes ootappear that any farther fighl- iog had taken place the outline of these operations may be sketchod as follows the russian army haviog crossed the bug and driven all before it tbe corps of count pahleo was suddenly attacked on ihejjolh near the village of grochow just as it was emerging from some difficult defiles- this corps sustained the actioo for several hours until the reinforcements were brought up which caused its wavering columns to rally a general action took place which coded in the repulse of the poles aud their retreat towards warsaw the polish ar my on this occasiou was supposed to a- niount io 60000 men with 80 pieces of ar tillery it fought with heroic aud despe rate valour aod was overpowered by num bers count dtebitsch acknowledges a loss of 2000 meo tho polish army retir ed upon praga which forms the suburbs of warsaw on the right bank of the vistula warsaw being ou the left the poles were pursued by the russians and he lat ter took up a strong position which they fortified al the skirls of a w ood w itbio sight of the enemy ilcreceunt diebitsch waited several days in order tc bring upbis reinforcements and concentrate his army having planned his geueral attack for the 26th he was antici pated by the poles who again attacked him ou the 25th when another general attack took place the unoihcial account details this action by which it appears the assail ants were again repulsed this victory cost the russians 5000 men tho belgians have elected a regent io the person of surlett de chokicr he has assumed tho functions of his office and threatens to renew hostilities with the dutch tif clergy reserves we this week publish resululions moved by the solicitor general on this subject during the recent sitting of our pro vincial parliament they well deserve the at tention of our readers we shall next week in sert the address u the legislative council to his mfijcsty on iliis important and long ogitalcd cjuuptiou tto decision of the king of the netherlands on lhc boundary question hi bo found in thir w bave great pleasure in lojimr ttefblfew ing before our commercial inends it hiii be seen that this ruinous measure to he inter ests of these provinces isatttndonedi there bjiog a large majority against the ministry house of commons march g timber duties- ministers defeated lord allliorpe brought lhe subject ofthe timber duties under the consideration of a committee of the whole house- the noble lord slated that his object to pro posiog ao alteration in the scale ofthe tim ber duties was to obtain an increase of re venue without pressing upon thfl whole hoping at the same time that il would lead io a baiter commercial avrangemeot ho found however great opposition and there fore he must withstand it iu the best man ner he could he drew a comparison be tween the timber of the north american colonies and of norway greatly io faver of he latter aud professed great friend ship for the shipping interest but could not cousent to accommodate ihein at tbe expense of tbe country generally havin gone over the whole of his previous finan cial statements he proposed to allow ih doty on canada timber tostand as former ly and to reduce that on bailie from tho islof jauuary next to x2 9s aod the fol lowing year a smaller reduction viz 2 3s and iu january 1834 to 2 tbe no ble lord moved a resolution to that ifrrt alieru lung discussion ul uo genera in terest mi aiwood moved that he chair man leave he chair oo this amend ment a division look place ayes 23fi noes 1du majority against mtuuers46 we this week publish the address ofcondo lenee on the demise of our late king and of congratulation on the accession of his present majesty o the throne of his ancestors it was he joint addicss of both houses of our provin cial parliament and was adopted without a dissecting voice this document in our esti mation affords very clear evidence of lhe false hood of those who represent upper canada as being discontented and disaffected it proves beyond the possibility of dispute that praee and tranquility reigns among u and that although there are persons who can delude the ignorant unwary inio representations o the home gov ernment that a different state of things exists they are too well understood too insignificant and are hclj by the mass of lhc representa tives of the people in too great contempt to ven ture on the expression of their falsehoods in ei ther houses of the legislature wc arc not a- warc that any address of similar import u as a- dopled in lower canada during the late session we believe the usual courtesy on such occa- was omitted but perhaps nothing heltr sion could have b a expected from thu demagogues of that province the cnnlnst between the proceedings ofthe assemblies of lhe two colo nies during the last session has never in our o- pinion been presented to the country in the strong light it is capable ofbeint exhibited avc contend that wc upper canadians oughlnot to look with indifference on the extravagant con cessions demanded in lower canada il is ma nifest that the object of papineau nelson co is among other things to obtain a hetfal nf the laws of lhe bitish parliament imposing duties i i r1ii list assembly of that province the exclusive con- troul ofthe revenues of that port should this be conceded we shall be obliged to resort to di rect taxation for the support of our govern ment ministers should be reminded that the cavillers at lhc present order of thing air not in reality the british but the french canadi oftt men who in their heart detest biitili rule and who could they obtain the power would proscribe and drive from the country eve ry man who was sincerely attached to his k we beg to call the attention of our readers to mrs bickertonv advertisement in this days paper and having the honor of beinc personally acquainted with the lady and having also had the pleasure of listening to her performances on the piano wc gladly avail ourselves of this opjm r unity lo slate the confidence wc feel thai thoso who may entrust their children to her care wlt have every reason lobe saiisfid with ihcir pro- pre the improvement made by her present pupil we team has exceeded ibp most sanguine expectations of their parents the situation of bath as is well known being very pleasant and remarkably healthy it is in our estimation an extremely suitable place for a seminary of this kind the more in our neighbour of the patriot says lower canada watchman figures once the columns of the chronicle this assertion wc beg leave to say is incorrect military movements the 15th regiment commanded by lieut col macintosh will leave quebec for montreal onthe4ih of mayinoni division the first division of the 66th rcsru will leave montreal on the 2d of hat month for kingston and the 79th highlanders are under orders to leave this place obont that lime for york and the upper posts to lake the place of the 71st highland light infantry who return to quebec at the recent celebration of her majesty birthday we observe that colonel doqswssotltw 79th rcgt was presented to their majesties by the duke of wellington revised edition of the statutes in answer to some enquiries by our friends ut a distance we bes lo state that the new edition of the statutes will embrace all the statutes from the commence ment including the constitutional act and other british acts connected with this province the continuation and conclusion ofthe letter of jfrfsfucs addiesscd io lhc right honora ble viscount liodcrich his majestys principal secretary for tbe colonics has been received wererct that thisable article has not reaclud us in time for a place in this days chronicle but il will appear next week rochetcau vs bidteetciitihis case the trial of which we reported after the last assises the court of kines bench have given judgement in favor of the plaintiff thereby continuing tho verdict ofthe jury wc be to call the attention of our readers to mrs pannenlicr advertisement any ordei in that line left at this office will be promptly at- tcrtiei w

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