im it f rir y song by the futrick shepherd mm first collated 12iiio pp311 edin burgh 1831 blackwood looitoacadell of such b man hi country may he proud this is en oldfashioned culugy nol perhaps ihe worse for thai huii yet ii suits hogg as oxacily as if it had been in vented expressly on his account of sued a man his country may be proud we respect and admire him wo respect the energy that has made its own ay the in dustry thathas done the heat with mate rials within its power we admire the gonius which has added to our literature ho much of its better part simple touch ing and beautiful poeiry- hogg hasjust translated the fine old airs of his country into words a strong feeling has gone straight from his heart to his song and no- thiug can be more real than his sorrow unless it bo his mirth he it the poet of actual emotions to use a simile fit fa shion of reviewing poetry he is like one of his own mountain rivulets gushing forth in music and suushine melody and mer rimenttender yet joyous moreover there is a quaint sturdiness about him which is something between the independ ent man and spoilt child the running commentary oo his own tonga is one of ibe most amusing and original things we re member to have read we shall begin with a few of lhsse prefaces donald mdunaui i place this song first not on account of any intrinsic merit that it possesses for there it ranks rather low but merely because it was my first song and exceedingly popular when it appeared i wrote it when a barefooted lad nerd log lambs on tho blackhouso heights in utter indignation at the threat ened invasion from france but after it had ruo through the three kiogdnnis like fire set to heather for ten or twelve yean no one ever knew or inquired who was the author he hears ia a theatre a singer substi tute a last verse of bis own fur the original one it toek exceedingly well and was three times encored and thero was i sitting in the gallery applauding as much as any body my vanity prompted me to tell a jolly yorkshire maoufacturer that night that 1 was the author of the song he laughed excessively at my presumption and told the landlady he took me for a half crazed scots pedlar another auec- dote concerning fhissung i may mention and i do it with no little nrido nsitisa circular office of american and foreign ancy fur claims 49 ifattlh sew york jan 131 1t1slic notice ia hereby given tu all persons whom it may conccru having claims debts inheritances c payable or recoverable abroad that this agency has established under tin special auspices and patrooagoof disiincuishcd individual id thi country rceular co with eminent bunkers r in the princi pal ports and capitals of foreign govern ments in commercial relaiious with the united states through tho mediation whereof such valid claims as may he con fided thereto will be expedited for settle ment and promptly and effectively reco vered when furnished hy the claimant with the suitable legal proofs and vouch ers together with the requisite power of attorney to he taken nnd acknowledged bank yotice itfa fttht bfinkoj upper canada uing9ton loin svrcmltr ltljo infclscouxt ay satvu- lv da y or ever y week ioh oflvicd fni discount and mtdc payable at not more minn ninety days altor date must bo put under cover to i cashier and leti at this office the day before john macaufay cahior fou balis at tltr chilomctf office a ii copies of the atlantic solvener for 1331 xled1ply bound inom- 8 bossed leather with gilt leaves and before any judge of a court of record contain twelve highly finished on other cninpeteut civil magistrate muoicw j gmvings steel by the first artists pal authority or notary public and the j igston 23d oct 1s30 brule oo proof of the popularity of donald mdo- nald among a class to inspire whom with devotion to the cause of their eouotry was at the time a matter ofso little consequence happening upon one occasion to be in a wood tier u- dumfriesshire through which wood the high road passed i heard n voice siogiug and a turn of the road soon brought ia sight a soldier who seemod to he either travelling homo upon furlough or return ing to his regiment when tho singer ap proached nearer i distinguished the notes of my own song of donald mdonald as the lad proceeded with his song he got more and more into the spirit of ibe tbiog and on coming to the end an upwi the bonny blue bonnet whole duly authenticated by the governor of the state orterritory io which the same may be perfected and legalized by the ap propriate foreign coosul having also established a similar corres pondence throughout ihe lnitcd states and british america the like claims for recove ry in any part thereof respectively will he received nod efficiently attended to in behalf or americans as well as foreign claimants orders for the investment of funds ou mortgage of freehold property or in the purchase of public securities of the unit ed states canal loans of the states of n yoik pennsylvania ohio c punc- j friends and the public generally that tually and faithfully executed i i removed lo the corner brick applications addressed to this agency b ng reccnl occupied b vm rwm tho investigation of copperplate press a first rate copperplate printing press has just been received at hit chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office jth is so- r bjovalrbesttbscri bir begs leave to acquaint his as he is now sortmentof in cases reqoinug tne invesiigatino claims search of records or the interven tion oflegal proceedings should be accom panied with an adequate remittance in de fray the preliminary charges aod disburse ments attending the eame and all letters must be addressed post paid to the uq- or short approved credit he has also binley druggist where receiving a very general staple and fancy goods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash the kilt an the feather an i in the height of his enthusiasm he hoisted bis cap on theeod of tha stall and danced it about triumphantly i stood enscooced bchiod a tree and heard and saw all with out being observed the skylark he calls a pastoral ong worth half a dozen of tho foregoing with him toe broom sae green is my great est favourite at preseot probably because tho air is roy own as well as the verses for i find i have a particular facility in ap proving of such things the next is very characteristic the women fok the air of this song is roy own it was first set to music by heather and most beautifully too it was afterwards set by dewar whether with the same accompaniments or uot 1 have forgot it is my own fa vourite humorous song when fnrccd to sin by ladies against my will which too fio- qucutty happens andnutwithstaudiog my woodnotes wild it will never be sung by uoy so well again we think the shepherds resentment burns io the wrong quarter iu the followiog note the maid of the sea is one of the many soogs which moore raused inc to can cel fur nothing that 1 know of but hecause they ran counter to his it is quite natu ral and resnnahle that an author should claim a copyright of a sentiment hut it neverstruek me that it could hesn exclu sively his a that another had uot a right to contradict it this however seoma lo he the cast in the loudon law for true it is that roy songs were cancelled and he public may judge on what groudus hy comparing them with mr mores i have neither forgot nor forgiven it aod i have a ereat mind to force him to cancel lalla uokh for stealing it wholly from the queens wake which is so appareol in the plan that every loudon judge will give it in ray favour although heventured only ou the claractor of one accomplished hard aod i on seventeen he had belter have lei my few trivial songs alone we apprehend mr moore had nothing to do with it ihe question was one of musi cal copyright to 6c continued dersigned counsellor of ihe supreme court of the united states io ihe office of the ageocy 49 wallstreet new york aaron h palmer he mansion house hotel the subscriber having rented this extensive nnd well known establishment has now opened tho same for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situat ed ou store street being the principal and most central street in kinrsloo and no csiablishmcut of the kiud in the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort ofiis apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur nished iu the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line aud he trusts that with unre- tnlting attention to th comforts of hi guests he will merit a share of ihe public pairoiiago in rear of the mansion house is a large yard io which there is an extensive and commodious raoc of stables and where a livery stable will be constantly kept for tho accommodation of the public s carmino kingston 24th o 1830 place as woman cook who is also capable where cooking is not exclusively re quired to perform anv household work wbfants i on hand a great variety of school books and siutionery and a case of christys best waterproof hats w dr1sc0ll kingston october yih 13 fewstbreotype e- jyt dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors englih spllin book ser eotyped from the s2iih london edition a d 1827 this edition which will b printed on good paper from the mills el eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing fur supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kings ton 22d may is30 t0 millers a second j miller would find employment by immediate application to gananoqne mills cfcjjcdonaldyco jay 20 1s30 ttt u ilce all pcrsoua having le 1 manils against the estate of the late doctor john slickoyof sophiashurgh deceased are requested in present them duly authenticated to the subscribers for settle ment and ii i persons indebted to the estate arc requested to make immediate payment notice 4 ll notes or accounts due lo the estate of the late frederick keeler are to he settled wiih j h samson adair bellvile 24th dec 182s t an extract from the kgulations of upper canada cvluge e college quarters are oidcr- ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the 4th of january and ends on the 20th of march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about the lgth of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of ihe christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of cither of the above quarters a scholar is admited into the college oi preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable fiom the begining of that quaitcr mrotlce all persons having jl just claims against the estate of the late rodolph couchc of camden arc requested lo present them duly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator to the said es tate william bowen administrator richmond 13th sept 1s30 public notice is hereby siveo that any persuns found cutting takiogaway orinjuring the timber on the iiiuj belonging to the canada company without a special authority from thi of fice will be prosecuted with the aimust rigour of the law canada companys oflice york llih oct 1830 just published by gate lea and carey of philadelphia the first vol due o be continued tit intervals of three mouths of the encyclopedia americana a popular dictionary of 4rts sciences jjt- irature hhtory and politics brought clown io the present time and including a copi ous collection of original articles in a mb hi- can biographv on tne basil of the sev enth editiou of the german convnsations- ltxicon to be completed in twelve large volumes octavo p pei sons wishing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at the caron- icle ojjke where the 1st volume may be seco price two dollars and a half each james macfarlane kng 24 dec 1821 t0 let that most excellen stand for mercantjle bu siness the two story buck building tn storest formeily occupied by tut- pin and parker and lately by the sub scriber- the dwelling house is com modious with cellars a well of wa ter garden and w sheds in per fect repair the store is at prescm occupied by mr- stcnnett is connect ed with the dwelling house with good and commodious warehouses cellars enclosed yard and all in perfect order also the brick dwelling house adjoining the above at piesent occupied by the rev mr hundcock wilh a good en closed yard and wood house a sta ble and store house if required possession given 1st of may next forpanicularsapplytomr jc parker or the subscriber titos tlrpin kingston slh feb 1831 for sale at the chronicle office the wattr witch or the skimmer of the sens also separation by lady chailottc burv f or salea very valuable farm in the township of thurlow situated wiihio four miles of the town of belleville and within a quarierofa mile of the river moivcf contaihing two hundred acres of land of which there aie unq hundred acres in ihe highest slate of cultivation on the farm there is a very neat substantial frame dwell ing house well finished in front of which runs a handsome stream of excellent water there is also a barn of fifty feet in length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other out buildings finished in the best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well stocked with fruit trees forming altogether on of the best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply lo the proper etor on the premises ronald mcmlchael thurlow 10th wuy 1s30 for sale lot no 3cb grave street kingston apply to the eduor of this paper in notice il persons having demands ninst the estate of ihe hue abraham ihrker of hullowell deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated u the pubsctibers for settlement anl all persons indebted to the estate an re quested to make immediate payment to the subscribe s who aie duly authorised so grant discharges d b stevenson j benj hubbs hallowell may lgth 1s29 whatever the highest credentials as m the subscribers who are duly authorised to character and capability can be fur- niihfit itvnm rt nrnal new york cv-c- f7 where cooking is done by the dav tho samcpeison will be happy to comply with those who may wish her services enquire at the chronicle office kingsiou i arch 4ih 1s31 to graut discharges uicht solmes sajtcels chunk executors soprdaiburgh novem 2d 1830 m tula n tu istuict o alu 6t tan 15s do hereby give notice that i i william bvdden expects by the first spring ar rivals a large assortment of sheffield and birmingham shelf goods which heing porchased for cash can be sold as loio as hy any house io caoada he will have in addition bis usual ox- tensive stock of russia swedes arc english iron tin nails glass gunpowder c c also a constant supply 0 cut nails from n beaver nail works having eoga first rate workmen from the united states montreal 10th march lh g webster begs most res- peclively to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimcres and vest- vssts ings of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of ihe most ap proved and latest patterns and having sitcccded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled o execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen entrusting him wilh their orders that they shall be executed agree able lo he present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at ihe same time he begs lo return hissincere thanks io his friends and ihe public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his sludy to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made airangments wilh one of the first houses to supply him wiih ihe latest fashions kingshn 4m drctmoer le30 j ohm booth merchant tailoii most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and t lie public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand md now solicits a continuance of ihal sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for ihe satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te thai hkving received a large and fine assortment of ctuhis cassimeres ves ting trimmings nfeitertl dsvnptitm scsfcci isenahleil to liniiali any quan tity on the most reasonable tonus shall attend and offer for sale such portion of the lands as aro advertised by ihe treasurer of ihe district and contain ed in the warrants of the clerk of tho peace as may he sufficieot losatisfy tho arrearages of assessments due thereon at the follow- vii pittsburgh 9th april at stratahaos inn at 10 oclock a m kingston loih do court house 12 o clock a m loughborough 12th do at mcgregors mills 12 oclock a m eroest town j3th do at forwards inn 12 oclock am portland 14th do atjacob shiblys esquire 12 oclock a m camden 15th do at adam bowers esq 2 oclock pm fredericksburgh lgthdo at clarkville 10 oclock a- m richmond 16th do at napane mills 1 oclock p m tycndauaga 17th do at tyendanaca mills 12 oclock am madnc ljth do at marmora iron works 11 oclock a m sidney 20th do at thrashers 12 o clock a m rawdon 30th do- at fidlars 2 oclock p m thurlnu 21stdo at monros ion o clock a m ameliasburgh 22d d a johu belyons ion 10 oclock am hillier 22d do at llcrringtons 3 o clock p hi sopliiasbargh 24th do at demorcst- ville 12 oclock a m blaryshorgh 25th dt at stone mills 10 oclock at john maclean november 3d if30 sheriff m d just received for sale ai the chronicle office treatise wiih plates fay uf colombia col- dec 1830 book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle 0ce the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his ofhee with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the pimuti i small advance will he made on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound in calf orna mented s 10 0 quarto do do m 0 10 0 octavo do do 0 5 0 l2mo do do m 0 3 0 18rao do f bini do 0 in calf 2 0 hal ing folio half bound menicd and orua i 0 17 0 quarto do do 0 7 0 octavo do do m 0 3 s l2mo do do m 0 1 6 ignio do 1ndinc do shee 0 p 1 1 b sin s folio full mooted bound and oroa- 1 0 17 6 quarto do do 1 7 6 octavo do do i 0 y 0 12rao do do 0 i 10 slmo do 1 bind do nsh 0 eep i t 3 hal ing1 folio half bound and orua jo n mented quarto do do w 0 4 0 octavo do do 0 i n 3 12mo do do m 0 i 18mo do do a 0 0 10 also ledger blank work aod ruling o aoy sic or pattern for port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13tb april 1839- tm the steam mttmt professor kcnvvick lop ntwyork sce ice i the subs intends to keen ai his si scribei shop in iho maikti square ihe ensuing summer ai llie following prico ill and under sil tjlb and upwards p to tnnfo persons whtmkb ice dnih from ibe time iliuy co aml fof n ij constantly on hand a veiy h ime than 2 ni mil fashion ble assortment f ready mndo5lb or less forcd po j clothing w riahratt kssttn itiu november uzo kigiofl feo steamboat hotel in k rear of llie market and a lew rod west of tho sleainuoat wharf the subscriber bctjs leave to return his sin cere thanks to his friends and ihe public for their very liberal suppoit during ihe last eighi years of which he hops to merit a conlinuance by a slrict attention io business his house having unoer- gollo a thorough repair has placed jt more thai ever in his power to cr llr bute loihe comfort ami arconiniodj of travellers fja few boarders can be accommodaied the tabic ami bar will be furnished wiih ihe best the maikct alvoids aij on ihe niosi reason able lernis u kxiensive sirblcs and sl logotlicr with a large nnd secure vard thos bamforo kingston febiuaryl iss1 1 oil sale a neat cabinet piano forte apply wml lzermi ftvruaryll 1331 the subscriber begs leave 10 in form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood thai he has commenced business in ihe dry goods and grocery line in the shop formerly occupied by mr tlios wilson in store sirect where he respectfully invites them to call and examine his siock trusting lhat the quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them to favour him with a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie kinpslon 1st december 1830 aetweum this inveterat disease which has long baffled tho art of tho must experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine uiutmeot fen- cutaneous disease are met with mororc uctiince by the physician oone in which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity jt immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels o the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior chicac hut the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be ilsonly commentator h j threo or four weeks cured cases ofif mill awooqvjrcitiy iiiiin- ilju 1 sisied the power of every remedy that was tried hnotoulynt ouce rives immedi ate relief in salt rheum hut cures tinea capitas commonly culled scald head and all bcabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children fly there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used nn infants or others under any circumstances whatever price ono dollar per bottle tor sale by wm binley kingston john mussou quebec and uemgo bent mon treal sole agent for the caoadas kingston l 1838 the board of eduction for the johnstown district give notice that from the present lime it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books iu teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to conane themselves to such works of elementary instruction as aro compilod by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtaiuedby each master vhose certifi cates havo passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbcll that vhe compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning aud at its ctoso iu the evening a form adapted to general use may he found in mavors spellingbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may bo had on application to adiel sherwood esq brockville july 1829 removal the sub- sciiber begs leave lo inform his frieuds and the public that he has remov ed his wholesale aod retail hardware esthblishment to the store lately occupied by mr a truitx store street where ho has on hand as usual a very general assortment of hardware paints oils coidage e c and is iu daily expectation of a further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol aud liverpool the whole of which he will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 50 doz follansbys grass scythes sodox english uftg aod cradling do for sale uncommonlv low fieo w yarker kingston wh june 183q alliance british and foreign life and fire assur ance company of london established by act of parliament capital five millions sterlino the agents for this company beg leave to announce to ihe in- hubitumsof upper canada that they continue 10 assuie asainst loss nr damage by rlhfc and lhat liiov imv ki ihu convenience of the public iippoinied the following gentlemen as heir agents in ihe couniy towns oflhe different dis tricts vi- guy c wood esq cornwall messrs aw morrisc brocktuk james maclarlane esq kingston james g beihunc esq cobimrg samuel hidoul esq york john ross esq niagara to cither of whom parlies desirous of eflncllqg assurance will pleise apply the agents lake leave oiemind ihe public of the following importhnl and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuiing with the alliance cont- pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in ihe settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits olh 1ariies who obtain llie settle ment of losses from fire are nol thereby deprived of their right lo participate in the profits of ihe company 6ih losses by lightning will be made ood 7lh the agenis i ave ihe power o settling losses in ihis country without referring to the board ef directions in londcn 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of properly fiom lire will be paid 9ih in the case of an assurance be ing made on properly for a less sum than the real value thereof ihe compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured loih the extended scale on which ihe society s hvmcd warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divided will ho large mckenzie bethune k uui william johnson bmber and hairdresser next door 10 fur itiu tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements o ihe public for lire liberal support he has met wilh since he commenced business and he hopes bv close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of ihe public patro nage kingston 3 m 1s2p wanted immediately at the long falls south crosby on iho rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay sl redpath april lc21 wanted iinmditely two jouincyincn piinters apply at ihe a dffo- canadian oflice m6ka5s masonky- fofsalcat tho chronicle office march 13 for sale lot no 17 in tho ninth concession of the town ship of loughburo for particulars en quire at this oflice kingston 0th august 828 thekikcstonchk o icle 18 phntcd and published every saturday by jimes macfaklase at his oftice in front street kingston tehms seventeen shillines sixpence per annum if seni by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 5s id first insertion ard and 74 each subsequent insertion len line and under 3s 4d first insertion and icd each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per lisu for the first insertion and id per line fcr evczy subsequent insertion ailverlisctiicnla without written direction in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to ho in writing and delivered by u um v noon at the filest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day ot publication icr produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bignell esq quebec david chisholme esq three rivers andrew porteous esq- -huo- treal james mcintosh em lancaster johu cameron fs locmet r fclinfl eiq cornwall george browse esq jilcliltla alphcu jones esq ptactt henry jones esq jirockrhls joaiah taylor esq pihh hwiitinoih eeq ricknmd j k hurlwill eaq bastaiut mrs- c j mdonald gwumoue john dvan esq bath allan mcplieraonesq aapanf thos paker eq belhnlle joseph a keekr esq crumahe james g bothune erq hitmilton david sniau esq fert hop william alton esq york daniel ross esq vittriv john crooki eq a ugara charles bigfar pv vitrav j qnr fw frttahl