Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 5, 1831, p. 3

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tiled ee of miiet sche- jiri- o a cf or stend d 5s iir- oited r re- ul if tatrt o tht w aleil if xed i the rt ioco the c if v a is r ic a ii o t l ey e e id wc as ivc us nd e- g re ic of ac- il- llow full in i- n- n- re- heart of it- he pic ia- ge- rs processions had passed the 6rst and we believe the second reading these form the principal features in last weeks jiariiamcnlary proceedings and we re frain fiom any comments upon the na ture of such measures at present th in commtttcul our power to bank we aie clad to hnte it inform the public ihnt thin bill ptogressinc through thehous of assembly will frcai rnajxiiticf the picnmble was adopicd af ter a spirited debate on monday last byqn over whelming majority only three voting aeainstil viz mcssre attorney general kelclmin and ysnkoiilmctt we refer our readers to lord aylmers manly modest and unassuming speech vpon the opening of the lower canada parliament the most important feature jn this document refers 10 the finance question which his lordship is per suaded will now attain a decisive adjust ment mr papinenu has been re elected speaker his lordships health by the last accounts was rapidly im proving by ho quebec papers we learn that mr christie the member for gaspe has been again expelled from his seat in the house of assembly of lower canada this is now the third time this gentleman has been rejected the weather on thursday for the first time this season we could boast of a regular and unsophisticated fall ofsnow unalloyed by rain or any other inpedimrnt toits provincial progress it descended with incessant speed con tinued until yesterday morning without any material abatement this useful ap pendage to the domestic as well as com mercial interests of our town is now firmly fixed a ad we have no doubt that both will be materially benefitted by this welcome harbinger of recompense to the housekeeper the farmer and the merchant sir james kempt master general of the ordnance has been sworn in a member of his majestys most honora ble privy council a general court martial of which major general sir john colbornc is resident will speedily assemble at ork the following communication will appenrin uirnott paper m an authentic narrative of the arrrnfa pirate chief who won executed at 4fbrriuii vtai biitiuurv hew letters from gibralter at appeared in lire united service journal of april and may 1930 and akti a detail of circumstancas connected with th- 1nrm ptacy committed on board the ipvcnmi ster on her passage from ceylon p knjfland which led tohisconriclton aod exc cuiiun i far oit chrmicu extracts from a work entitled 4 boruawa amd her rulers continued in the bill which was brought forth with jremconoiop it waa not openly attempt ed to ditpoases the soltnun of hia revenue at before but it waa held out id the low ci forum ami insisted upon that the em peror should le considered aa bound hy the votes which tvere recorded in the journals in ihe duo application of the turn greniedom in the manner there pointed out the upper forum did not fail to perceive the indirect attempt of the lower chamber to cobtroul the permanent reteouea of the kuijmr end they did sol hesitate to in form franco that they were determined to oppoio the bill in it different stages hul 1 the members being assured by him that he dented the right of the lower chamber in anyway to appropriate the fuoda of the snlfauu aod that it was bit intention to view the bill without reference there to and to pay every officer of the government in- cludio ihoie who appeared unprovided foron its journals andtbatindeetl the aum voted iabeyond the sum asked for by him in the estimate the hill was pasaed by the upper forum and eventually became law how far franco redeemed the pledge he tmrtisaolitiiinl and gmmmmmly nmhfo i on record it is true he deceived the up per forum and that he kept no faith with them but it is no less true that he tricked the lower chamber and endeavoured to impress upon the vigjer that they had ac knowledged the right of the sultatm to dis pose ot his owo revenues the shuffiing of franco who in attempting to play off the two forumi and the sultauna govero- tnent against each other was amusing enough and shallow as his capacity was reflect ao intriguing humbvr lust an his administration or the government of bor- ralia uhich fev wore prepared to givebim credit for the bill was afterwards stamped as be ing a most objectionable one by the vizier in the name of the sultauo aod franco re ceived a severe reprimand for having ac cepted it acensurc which was in part r- caltedt as it was found that a detpetch in respect to which the nature of what should constitute a supply waa defined had not been filed of record in the archives of borralia fraucu bod hoped to have iogratiatedhimself with both parties and to have so secured i he confidence of bis sovereign as to have supplanted noboh in his government but the parties saw too clearly that his object waa his personal aggrandizement aod the suliaun that franco was prepared to sa crifice the vested rights of the crown when his private views interfered with them in repct to the perspective which theahao- doomeot of these reveoues held out fran co cared little be was one of those amia ble philosophers holding the opioion that though we were every day doing a vast deal fur posterity posterity bad as yetdoue nothing for us noboh returned to the government of borralia in 125 aod franco who bad rea- sons which weighed heavy with him took advantage of th conveyance which brought nabob aod proceeded to hia oaftrve coun try having previously obtained the pernis aiorj of the suttaua partvin the forum nod its ahe- wltti who had to a certain extent made se of rratico and franco who had also w a certain extent made a convenience of thin mutually condoled with each other on the separation which took place and wirhmsich insincerity they tonic an apparently nlfcc- tiomte and arvcting leave of each orfrer the imbecility and duplicity of franco had well nigh proved fatal to the right of jrtowlaad sa the sulraun aod to hii being superceded at i this important juncture in the charge with which he had been entrusted for noe short twelvemouil may ho attributed their pre servation ul the eleventh hour nohoh on reassuming his functions e- vinced the same disposition of conciliating by every constitutional mean the party by whom he had beco opposed during his st administration of tho government of jjr- ralia but the leaders in the forum urcd on by pretensions which could not he ad mitted aod by a vindictive personal hosti lity to noboh were determined to observe no terms with tho man whom they had lost all hope of over reaching and whose mp- right and untainted integrity was proof a gniust being shaken by corruption the session of 126 was opened by noboh find a hope was entertained that a better feel ing would pervade the popular bod- false expectation the samepirit wm had prevailed was found to he predominate the borralian act in so far as it relat ed to tenure was taken up by the low chamber and a string of violent rcsfd lions introduced by a committee nn which it was intended to have based an addf to the suliaun fell to the ground only tp the proper sense which the prolocuter aotl thersof his adherents had for the supreh cy of the home witagemenot an amusing scrutiny was had into wh was called an impertinent decision of ho cadys or interpreters of the law whoh presumed to decide that the language f certain writs issued in borralia should be made in the language of the sovereign emperor this decision had given gfmt umbrage to tbe partyihe cadys were cuscd out of doors of being io league itilh the government to abolish the language f tho borraliaos and the forum on the casioo erected itself into a tribunal or r mrrerf to expound tbelawa task vhib by tho constitution is specially delegated to the cadys the pages of history u r ier- went much turning over aod a brillian i re portconcocted by the luminaries who f rffn- ed the board of enquiry was given the world and now siandn on tho journals the lower chamber en imperishable tnti mrot of all that is most profound jn f profundity of reasoning and roserrchs be cadys wore declared 6 insinurjion t bo of atififatieecffricojcor rcltgioas llcir liem pursuance f pllc rotit at rfae rilttte rf vatcrlrw in tticrotrntfitp of kingstor sstb ism mr- jsroet powlry being called totlie chiir and john aihley sppoibted swktarr the follow- log luffllurioiis wvre fpofe considered aad a- ntoimously adapted govtrnment contliact- e w ai the flf lhi weettae tw s uniiiifcliurcband stalt in our provmcud sytem of government wfold lnd tn function nhuitn nf power and to sectilirize and corrupt the religion of our whote u kingdom is not of injury to ttcsuivnn ibittbeettsblithraentnfanvchureli hnd especially s minor church or churches with pritdrgc emoluments and rijrhu horn whirhother ciiurche cmbrsci jg a brgt minmyof his majestys subjects m this province excluded would be n- just nnd productive ofaerioussnd lastltt ihe province rrsoited that the endowment of a lnirersitv founded iipon acr4arian and exclutive principles with funds tvhicli ou ht to be applied for the common be nefit of the whole province appears to us a measure of such riartithfy and loitttice that we think it our duty to remoostratc against it and prav that it roav not be carried into effect without material amend ments teambqat transport tltorice is hereby given x ed tenders will bo received at iliu cnmnisariat oflice kldgsuin un til 12 oclock of monday the tth diy of miirjh next from such persons as miy be willing lo undertake be trans port nf government stores oiinpow vauuarle fakm fcc hale of resolved that the clnim of ministers and mem bers of the church of england and kirk of fjcotlad to a joint m several monnpoly n the ineom ofthft clergr reines in this peovince oripnallv provid ed l for ttte support ora protettant cumfi gene rally iserntrryto the principles of justice sound policy aod christian benevolence and ouht to be tii tbc p their represeutauvcs by all lawful and constitutions means r e sol veo that to remove such a source of dis satisfaction contention diteord fad envy and to re lieve the province from th oetsity of accumulat ing debt nd uxalioo tbe clergy reserves ought in ouropinion to be sold and ther proceeds appropri ated to the improvement of roads bridges canals works of public utiityaod rveans of education in the pro vi nf re iod hrr nrr heavy ordnunce cxcih troops baggage horses parcels from prtstott lo kingston fiom kingston to iw port j aowsif niagara iind quecnston also from york o port ijalhouir nia gara jind qurcriston and from ihose places back again res pectively dm ingthp ensuing period 0 navigation and it must be clean v un- dersiood that whenever requircci itic contractor must forward parngers and stores by the earliest conveyance without detention to favour the interest of any particular boat all ordnance stores must be landed or received as relates to kingston at the ordnance wharf at point llenry the tenders must state the uveral rates in sterling agreeably toaprcscrib- rtsolvcd tbat the 4e of the right of i ed form to be obtained at this office marm or the infliction ufa other penilty o di- w the conditions ofibe contract max bility on account of rehjious faith b aipeciesofl r j religioui penecution agriiost which the friends of religion and free govern neot should unite their pray- the farm formerly the pnp the idle andrew kimmrly lsrj nf kichmond bay of quint up j canada will he sold nt myers mote in the town of kingston on tuesday ihe 15th day of february next at 1 2 oclock this farm is situated on the shore of the bay of quinte is 3j miles from kingston 25 from bidlville and b from the napane mills the kings high wjy froin kingston lo york runs through thn farm a siore has been kept on the premises by the late proprietor for the lasi twcniyfive years terms cash one tliird on ihe day of sole- oneihird in six months and onethird in twelve months fur further particulars enquire of the subscriber d bethune kinfi n n feb 1 1831 catoraqui britgr office kingston janzut 1831 at a meeting of ihe directors of the cataiaqui bridge company held this day for the purpose of cluos- ing by ballot a president agreeable to the act of incorporation john r gh- vtr esq vai unanimously rcclccied for the ensuing vear g f corbett secfytrcas c b co t ers and efforts rcsolvd that in toosequence of the late change of hii majestys ministers the present ap pears to be a favorable time to appeal to the imuerial parliament for tbe proteetion of our civil ana reli- fpoos rights rcsotrcn thai t approre of the petition to the house of comtoons proposed by tbe friend of religious liberty at york aod bow ia circulation throughout the province and will gire it out cordial recommendation and support resoitd that the following persons be ap pointed a cornea ittee to promote the said petition in tbe county of f rootenac jacob shibley esquire and robert abemethy pvrtliru pt ter zwitser jt lewis jmty lough borough janiea powler dr horace yeomane tunis snook s nd eliish beach tbtmship of kbits- ton duncan vanalsttne barnabas brendan and sylvester ho inn town of kingston alexander cvtwan and basil rorison pittsburgh nicholas hosier and ifaac t barrett wolfe island rciorvcr that the forcoioff resolutions be tiered by the chairman and secretary snd published io the kingrtoa newspaper james powley chairman john ashley secretary unikillqd pm in the interpretation the law aod the borrnlian iroguage t 4tfrr4toledie tyreper tangu etth tfirf- tqiinntthouh uninteltigihle to him the sultana desirous thrt tho cadys should he idlth independent of iiimas they were already nf the forudi nnhnb his wish that a law should pat to surh effect promising iit the same time his assent to it snd w at provided r per- manent and propei provision waa made for their support and reir allowances rrdt ed after a certain tef 0 service that ihmr fommissioda ahoulrl held during good behaviour instead or t heretofnro tlurine hia sovereign pletsnre but althob the forum had no objection to discharge tbe cadys from all depeodanrxon ihtt empe ror they were by no means 4ispofect to ren der them independent of tht chamber the cadys had been long ohaoxtous se veral of them bad seats in the upper fo rum and were dutitjgnished to- tbeir zeal io ophn the constitution as had beeo established they had hitherto been the deter mined oppnneota of tho republican spirit which prevailed below and to their abilities and exertions was mainly attribu table the very little progress that hud been marie by tho lower forum in bringing a- brjiu that sltle uf things which that bly aad x deeply at heart the decisions of the coilys in the cnuru of law had been ar raigned and at a later day enquiries were instituted into the lives ind conversations of these judicial fuoctiaries aod a door was opened by the forucn lo every struggling litigant f slandering ndventurcrao impeach their jvidgments and call io question their integrity the forum seized with avidity the op portunity which they conceived waa afford edof expelling thecadysfrom their soatsin ihe upper fornm and in the divan of the sultaun where their talents and influence a mm itittui ufft m tk bilious views of the party a bill was passed by the lower foruta securing the salaries heretofore eojoyed by them the payment nf which was provided for nol from the unappropriated monies at the dis posal of the chamber but out of tht private revenues of the emperor and a retiring al lowance was also voted to be borne out of the same fund hut it was also stipulated in the hill that they should bo banished from the councils of tle province and rendered incapable of being called thereto the bill mdt with tho fate which it meritedwit was rejected by the upper fornm as being a direct attempt to encroach upon one of the prerogatives of the emperor that of calling to bis councils those who might appear to him best fitted to ad vise- the object of the chamber was to trans- fera fair dependance of the judiciary upon the crown to an unfair dependance oo that body tho cadys once their dependants they would as the occasion might require keep them io such a state nf thraldom as would at least intimidate them from a fear less upright dif charge of their duties io the courts of law to be continual- 1i rl at thi carrying place on the evening of tho 20ih ult mrs hannah wel- ler widmv ofliio late asa wolier esq azed c9 years aha on the evening of the 31st uii catharine young wife of james lvttw iesq- ctorl laughter of tho lata asa weller esq ngd44 yenr be mcn and must have reference to two respectable persons as sureties whose real signatures will be required payments will be made in british money or in other specie at the rate of four shillings and fourpence sterling j per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at 100 foreach 101 10s sterling due upon the con tract jno hare axg commissariat kingston cnoers will bt received at u citcr of thn subscriber on before tfcr will february orxt f- st00 feet of oak and redcl imtt timber suitable for l building of a steam boat for the ridcn canal- the timber lo be delivered u mississngcn point the town t kinslon specifications to be ftfen b applying at the office of the subscriuei tenders for the oak nnd cedar wil he received separately if required david j smith treasurer kingston 2 1st jnnnar 18 1 pusitjic notice iosf office kingston 1st january 1831 the following arrangements rela tive to the mails will take effect from th 5th instant the mails for the east and west will h made upon sunday monday tues day wednesday and thurs- day of closing 4 oclock p m the mails for offices oo the line through prince edward county commcuciog at rath and ending at the river trent wil he made up on monday aod thurs day hour of cosir 4 oclock p m- the mails for the united states for warded via capo vincent will be made up on monday wednesday ami fri day hour of closing two oclock p m the office will ho open on sunday be- tfhttf hffiflgnroi jmtananstzpeeuihehoursors 0 oclock a m vilecc m question juniv macaulay postmaster qnesnon mr- afcaumsaih hewns ofjust ihe tnme opinion as his honorable colleague he for haviog nil secu enjoy equal prw lwlid rot like loha the nnmes of sects put in the hill and nth if i said ihe hon jury would i say that gal beenuso it was performed by a minister not named in hat bill no i would not say no such llnnj- r a mcdonald would not risk the was leges some ers left out hemhcr was on a u marriage was ille- chaaco of losing the bill by introducio t names of any other sect than those con- cataraqui bridge office kingston an slsu831 at ihe annual general meeting of the stockholders of the catara- qui bridge company held this day a- greeable to the acl of incorporation the following gentlemen were unani mously reelected direclois for the en suing year viz jno r glover jnokirby jno marks jno macaulay and stephen yarwood eqr g f corbett sc 4- trtas c b co auction to be sold at mr myers ho tel en tuesday 8th insi the pro perly of col brown c b 79tli high lander the whole of his household fur niture consisting of mahogauy dining breakft aod card tables cherry do chairs sofas uedsteads feather feeds and oarled hair mattrnssos blankets sheets and couotetpanes window and bed chitq table uoeo brussels car- peli str do and hearth rugs mnlinga- n grdavioe a mahogany teacady side bards table lamps silver edged and plated candlestick bronze aud bed room 0il eud silver edged teajnits britannia metal and coffee do silver nod dessert spooos ivory handled plated knives no forks a quantity of plate and piffled ware a dinner set of blue ware sets of china looking glasses maps tqhihcs thermometer and case one superior piana forte ooe horse one jauotiff car one sleigh and robes sa dies hfidles and two setts of harness some superior paintings cut flint decau- ters tumblers aod wine glasses several military appointments one large cooking stove vm boilers complete dish co vers floasten boilers feudrs dog i- iroim rid a quantity of kitchen utensils with other articles ton numerous to detail sale 1 commence at looclnck am and io lootiuue from day to day mm tbe whole jl disposed of michaelmoran ab kin february 4ih 1831 circular office of american and foreign agency for claims 49 hallst new york jan 1831 nmc notice is hereby g wen to all persoos whom it may concern having claims debts inheritances ftc payable or recoverable sbroad that ais agency has established under ths special auspices and patronage of distinguished individuals iothu couotry a reolar correspondence with eminent bankers c the princi pal ports and capitau of foreign govern- uietits in commercial relatives with the united states through the mediation whereof such valid claims as may be con fided thereto will be expedited for settle ment and promptly and effectively reco vered when furnished by tbe claimants with the suitable legal proofs aud vouch ers together with ihe requisite power of attorney to be taken aod acknowledged before any judge of a court of record or other competent civil magistrate munici pal authority or notary public and tho whole duly authenticated by the governor of the state orterritory io which the same maybe perfected and legalized by the ap propriate foreign consul haviog also established a similar corres pondence throughout the united states and british america the like claims for recove ry io anv part thereof respectively will be received and efficiently attended to in behalf or americaot at well as foreign claimants orders for the investment of funds on mortgage nf freehold property or in the purchase of public securities of the unit ed states canal loans of the status of n yoik pennsylvania ohm c punc tually and faithfully execuicd applications addressed to this agency in cases requiring the investigation of claims search of records or the mterven tion of legal proceediogsshould he accom panied with an adequate remittance to de fray the preliminary charges r ments attending tho eaine society uhdkr tiif fatrohage of his excellency sir john gtrhe above society has beeo formed to now solicits a contintinnce of that tup- purpose ofiovesti- port with the assurance that his otmost february 3 1331 barrack canteens u hwf2t tsjjtotice is hereby given lhe o fissffs m canteens in the undcrrocntion- others hereafter but be would not endau- ed barracks are to be let upon the fol- a the passage of the measure by addiog lowing conditions for 12 months from heir names to the pre ten t bill 25th march next the attorney gtnerat said he should pro- no person but of an unexceptionable granting the right to a character nor any person for more than tupt amcdtlmcm 10 lhat of one canteen or who will not undertake i m bona fide to reside in the canteen and rltteratly aivrt phi cts briitcxt conduct the business thereof in his own person will be approved and two sure ties will be required for the regular pay ment lf lhe rh hjlrll m vrvh may become due in respect of the said canteen and lor the due perfoimance of the several conditions and stipulations of the lease the person whose proposal shall be accepted and his sureties must execute the indenture and lease t covenant relating thereto the paitioilats where of may be known by appking to this office or tothti barrack hosiers at the several barracks the nainesofiwo respectable persons with their christian namefprofessions and places of abode who will join the tenant in executing the iocentureas his sureties must be inserted ia the propo sals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance department does not undertake to proenre the tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to the respective ofiicers at kingston with lhe words m tender for canteen writ ten on the outside cover will be receiv ed at this office on or before 12 oclock noon the slh march next after which hour any proposals received cannot he noticed by the mutiny act canteens are not liable to have troops bilettod on i hem all persons making tenders for can teens are to take notice that they will beheld to the strict performance of the covenants of their leases and full pay ments of their rents without any re mission or reduction further than the covenants of the lease itself set forth the foim of the tender io be u fol lows ftereoy offer for the canteen in the bar- rockta for 12 months from the 25th f rijk raffleto be rf- ipsk hed when a sufficient number w subscribers is obtained a handsome- they mare 7 years old and a single sidodied den net with all itsappqrle- in nces the number of subscribers a be thirtytwo at 6 dollars each e best of three throws of three dice jbscription papers will be left at the h rm tl lansion ixbuffl hole lhe kingston v and the chronicle office coi kingston24th decembcr1830 as ay voh kooth mkkchant riiu fohbt booth tailor roost respectfully begs ses to inform his friends and the pub- uh that he has removed to market m next door to mr w binley ruggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest iashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronage he iiii at j mjjiriifii ts a contintinnce ot i this town for the gating the natural aud civil history of tbe colony and the whole interior as far tu the paciric and polar seas thronghout tho auitnal vegitablc and minerat kingdoms and to promote the cultivation of natural history natural philosophy chemistry aud other scientific aod literary pursuits this society will bo formed into class es each having a chairmau aod secreta ry professing iectursbips on the several objects of the society dr dtfulop mr fothergill ami dr rees form a committee to draw up rules to carry the objects of the society into ope ration a mureum nod library are commenced and the society are particularly noxious to procure eveiy oxistiug and probable record nf the aborigines and their language mi nerals fossils animals plants birds fishes paintings books aod every other object of interest in prosecution of the views of tho socie ty iuis proposed to grant honorary re wards aod pecuniary considerations ac cording to circumstances at the same time hope to meet the aid of every person interested io the welfare of this province the annual subscriptions of each mem- her is 5 who together with the officer will be elected hv ballot tho names of gentlemen desirous of be coming members and other communica tions addressed postage free to dr rees will be laid before tbe society at their first general meeting york 22d january 1831 aud all letters must be vost paid aaron ii palmer counsellor nfthe sc f v- s actuinj march next the rent of pounds per an numforthe house as a dwelling and the further rent of yet month for every ttn noncommissioned offers and pmnte sol diers who may occupy the barracks during that period and propose mr of and mr of as my surttusfor the same tbe rents of the canteens as dwellings are to b proposed at he sums stated op posite to each in tfcc following list therefore the bidding will be upon what is offered lor every ln men occupying the barracks this number will be as certained from the barrack masters monthly returns whiehare made up on ihe first day of evciy month nnd no changes in the occupations of the bar racks which may ink pl in the pro gress of the month either for or against the tenant will be taken into account no less number than ten will be charg ed against the tenant nor wi any odd number be calculated thus if the bar racks should bo occupied by 143 men on the first day of the month only 140 will bo calculated for that mouth the bidders are also desired to introduce no ft actional parts of a pn in tbeir offers as they will not bo policed nor will any tender be noticed except such as arc strictly according lor he above form it ctctedc pont j on 1 frc0eri 1 yokk 5 frt gkoroc amiiemtnurou r office of ordnance kikton uc ath february wt the copaiincrsbip between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subsciib- crsare severally authorised to settle the affairs of the late copartnership all pet sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at prescotl signed john mcpherson alexh mcmillan samuel crane prcscoft 12th january 1831 new forwarding establish ment jie subscribers beg leave to i efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine assortment ol cloths cusimeres ves- tiitgti trimmings of every description gihc is enabled to furnish anyqdan- tity on the must reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th november 1830 old kings head mae- ket square kingston- james a smithy begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he has lately made considerable alteration in his establish mem in market square which enables him to add much to the comfort of travel lers he has lately erected extensive stabling and provided the means of in suring the best accommodation foi hor ses kingston december 6th 1880 t form the merchants of upper canada and the public in gcrernl that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmvlan medoncll co at prescott and ogdcnsburgh and lhat of mcmillan jtnk co at montreal they il be prepared on the opening of t navigation with good durham bo and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc- o io transport any produce or mer chandize that they may bo favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonell matthias link 1ngston asstm- blies the next as sembly will hotel on februarys dancing precisely promptness and despatch anew line of stages has commenced running from kingston via cape vincent belville pulaski sackets harbour oswego sy racuse to utica every day ex cept sundays leaving kingston as four oclock p m books kept at the stage house old kings head market squaie by james a smith j4mes campbell daniel mcollock samuel h1nckly proprietors kingston 27th january 2831 christmas new year gifts the token the atlantic ouv6tiir tho peart aficctiovs offering with a mrnber of other literary genis elegantly done up for the present sea son for sale at lessliesons sore street kingston dec 1s30 ttfls mansion house hotel the subscriber having rented this extensive and well kuown establishment has now opened thebame for tbe accommodation of the public the mabsior houte is pleasantly situat ed on store street being the priocipal aod most central street in kingston and u establishment of the kind iu the province can surpass it in the excellence arid comfort of its apartments in regard bjth to parlouis abd bed rooms all bt which are fur nished in i he very best style tho subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that liou and be trusts that with ore- id uiiig attention tu the comforts of his guests bo will merit a share of the public take placo at the kingston friday evening tho 4th to commence jan at 8 oclock 29ih 1831 patronage in tear of tho mansion house is a large yard in which there is an extensive and commodious range of stables and where a livery siable will bo constantly kept foe theuccoimoodatiou of tbe public s carmino kingston 21ih october 1630 x

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