h- casssdy jor and g w yarker esq t kirkpatrick esq secretary nnd treas urer wmh was carried unanimously it was moved hv j macaulay esq se conded by h c 1 horoiod esq that the secretary be directed to communicate with he raanagiug committee at york which was carrie d it was moved by j s cartwright esq seconded by h cassady jor esq that a subscription be now opened the archdeacon having left the c hair the thanks of the meeiing was voted to him birth at snipevihe near kingston on thursday morning the lady of thomas corbelt esqof a son a raffle to be raf fled when a sufficient number f subscribers is obtained a handsome bay mare 7 years old and a single bodied dennet wiih all its appurte nances the number of subscribers ito be thirtytwo at 6 dollars each fce best of three throws of ihree dice inscription papers will be left at the mansion ouse hotel the kingston hotel mid the chronicle office kingston 24th december 1ss0 0 0 marmora ironworks it being the intention of the propri etor of these works lo comply with ill recommendation of some of his friends and endeavour establish them under the management aod direction of a joint stock company iu order to insure groater support than they have hitherto ex perienced hy a diffusion of interest through out the provinces he deems it necessary preparatory to calling a public meeting in furtherance of the object to submit to such cenllemeo as he thinks likely to promote his views a detailed statement of the pro- 4rly and its appurtenances their present value and the probable advantages which in the hands of such a company the esta blishment would prove to the province of caoadaad of the profit its suc cessful operations would yield to those rrinre immediately interested of the work and ten p on olwin from the provncml varlam fln arl f incorporation and comment operations as soon as possible lo elucidation of these nu aooexed statements are resn rcfc red to signed thos hethehington estimate or the prkskkt value of the estate in the marmora kotj worm the 2 furnace nud blithe buildings connected as they now stand with bellows bellows gear wheels and other oppen- ikcs xs000 the forges containing 2 trip hammers 4 fires bellows c impelled by 6 wheels the carpenters shop and four coal houses the 15 dwelling houses 12 of which are fitted for 2 families each new storio store and office barn ash house and other buildings fourteen thousand acres of land at 10s the stock of ore coal and wood on band the lower stnre carpen ters blacksmiths cast ing utensils patterns moulds tools cvea fire en gine cost 80 siesjiog in cluded the 2 dams flume and wew good s- 1 subscriber has received 1 s a 3000 000 0 0 0 0 2000 7000 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 canal the water lot at bell- villo the gristmill sawmill barkmill and tannery actual present value of the establishment 300 0 0 2000 0 0 150 0 0 1000 0 0 19050 0 0 independent of the privileges of the place worth certainly 10000 0 0 the iocreased value of the lands in the imme- diate neighbourhood of the works from calculations tested hy the experience of j their having been cultivated the cost of the the several blasts of the furuace white i bridge 209 other late improvements owned by peter megill eq were made- statement founded on actual experience from time to time which prsvod to his sa- to shew the result of six months operations lisfactiou that bad not the establishment to of one furnace at the marmora iron labour under many disadvantages thenun- works the bv ill bite arrivals in november from loudon liverpool and glasgow an extensive assortment of staple ami fancy goods adapted foi the winter and early spring trade consisting of an ex cellent selection of calicoes chintzes cambrics muslins fine striped shirt ings nombaeltes tartans mcrinoes slmmlmijs lutestrings gros-de-na- plex crapes isohineus quillings imi tation gimp and grecian lacos tat tings lhcc caps collars tippets veils ccr worked hnd tamboured muslin collars llandkerchiois c fancy silk shawls handkerchiefs and bandannas toilcnet and valentia testings gloves hosiery and a great variety of smalt wares c also a few bales scotch bonnets overall stockings scarlet caps do mestic cottons steam loom shirtings carpeting worsted shawls c robert armour ao 25 notre dame street montreal december 16 1830 avoidable and now overcome the result if its operations would prove highly profit able ueedless as it is lo enumerate here those disadvantages the leading ones may he stated as an overwhelming debt the a- veragc interest on which for tho last six xoh jw jwubyl rrwmumknl jnmmte per annum the entire absence of any hyppun from the mercbanis of the pro vince and tlie amazing expenses uselessly but unavoidably incurred in carrying mem on uselessly now considered as the necessity ofthe recurrence of such expenses n1bviiud by ll ealciilntions annexed in which rertainw too liberal allowances are made fur the ueceiaery eontinjeenries for the yrk jt appears tliat the furnac e in ope- raiiun for six muoths would yield an in terest of ten per rent on the capital in- vfiiied and the most scrupulous investiga tion cannot diminish this added to which is trie prtispect of an increase of he yield of the furnace of the charjee of ample em ployment for continued operations from the increase of the demand for wares io ttje province an well as the additional price on the wares beyond that valued up- 4hb- also the profits which would arise from be cuustant employment of the forces making bar iron the working ofthe grist and saw mills and tannery and the proper employment of nil means of revenue which the establishment affords independent of the sales which maybe made of some ofthe valuablo lands io the immediate neighbourhood of the works already cleared and fit fur cultivation many now are the advantages aod few the disadvantages of these wurks aud those few by the proper application of mo- lily removed and expences 120 bushels of charcoal at 30s per 1001 uihels 900 toos of ore at the furnace at 7s 6d 1 founder say for 200 dtmaa j5a i firemen 200 days at 6s 3d each 2 blacksmiths and 1 car penter 200 days 5s each 2topmen 1 banksman lore burner 1 cinderman 1 castings dresser and 1 carpenter 200 days each at 5s moulding 275 tons cast ings at 45e superintend ant anil two clerks say 0 10 18c0 37 iw 6 125 0 27 j5 0 0 0 0 t 1st of letters remaining jli in the ilallowell post office 6th december 1830 joseph allen william anderson wm and david anderson calvin austin woalthy bishop conrad bonger ro bert bates john bongardt b boogardt john bourke thomas clark william clark elias cameron elijah cunningham conrod david 2 nicholas dowliog peter debell oliver diogmao richard davern jane frizeell simon frayer geo graham 2 david hill moses harrington james hewitt 2 bela johnson joseph locklio susannah low thomas mckenny james mckenna patrick mcfadden lieut a mcdonnell thomas metcalf timothy martin smith merrill robert mcfarland charles mioaker hugh mcdonald oliver mar tin henry osterhout siuion e pryn noble preston william pitt chestor potter a ruth thomas rogers george saltans 2 neal shannon samuel spafiurd daniel steel charles sayer wm sboles lambert stevens alexander vanalstine catharine va- nornam a vansutioe james wilson 3 warren esq wrtttinw fc william ye rex if tho above letters are not redeemed withiu six weeks from this date they will be sent to the dead letter office quebec signed john s iieermans p m tmrotice stolen from the sub- i scriber on tho 8lh inst in dar lington a small bay horse about 5 years old having a switch tail and a white spot on the back he is slenderly built and carries his head high any person giving such information to the subscriber as may lead to he discovery of the said horse will be suitably rewarded peter irish cramahe new colborne village december l6lh i8so mjotice the general quar- i- ter sessions of the peace in and for the midland district will be held by adjournment on wednesday the fifth net revenue for g months 2295 0 0 1 day of january next at the court house 273 cie 1000 15 0 15 0 0 0 income 4653 0 0 275 tons good casiings at kingston ai 20 per too 5500 0 0 45 toos scrap iron rt kiopstoo m 10 per ion 49ft 0 0 profit on store goods provisions c 100o 0 0 6950 0 0 tho furnnce will make more than 1 tons of iron per diem butlhav taken tlie es timate at i4 tons good castiogs nud tons scrap per diem- signed thos hgther1kgton derate nienns arc ens hinder careful and diligent management j montreal kingston and aud aide direction it 19 considered that york mail stages more important advantages would bode- 1- m tt7 rived frin he utml o capil1 io ffesffw t l this stock thn iu aov other yet uddertak- i mvkb monttwl kingston hj j h rih york fttpf hnr htim sn- the principal improvement recotrmend- ed wotlid he the estahshineot of a cupn- 1aand forges either at iho mouth of the trent or at belleville and allotting the furnaces at marmora tocast pig irnn on- uy which would be rendered in a cupola at belleville or the treot much more pro fitably and of a superior appearance at a ainnixiuch less thai hy employing the fur- oacet in lofttfft ctttuui tho result of the consideration given to this subject is that thtf furoaeowill yield on the ave- rcago ten cwt- more of metal per dif m when making pig iron than frhen em ployed in making castiogs the castiogs from a cupola by a species of refinement of the incial are of a superior smoothncsss and appearance the disadvantages of ret- tiog workmen al marmora and when here the great evil of any dissipation 00 tlheir part rendering at some limes the produce of the furnace next to a total lots for days together a difficulty which irould oat3iist at the trent or belleville where workmen could he obtained 10 reside at much less wages ami any iotempetrince could only he attended by a temporary sus pension of operations which could create ijo oihcr loss by this means taking it for granted that good ruads are to be established at com bined public and private expense castings could he afforded at the rate of twenty- two pound ten shillings per ton and bar iron of the best quality at tweotyfivo pounds per ton delivered at kingston or at any place 00 the bay of quinte prices which considering the acknowledged su periority ofthe metal aod bar iron would certainly preclude all competition from the lower provioce tho plan having the concurrence of mr mcglhi who joins me in taking stock 10 the amount of five thousand pounds cur rency and other gentlemen who interest themselves in the company would be lo establish ft joint stock company lo coo- itl of twelve hundred and fifty share at twenty pound pet share that is t say l in the town of kingston at the hour often oclock in the forenoon ut which time such persons as are desirous of re newing their tavarn licences or obtain ing new ones for the ensuing year must attend for that purpose kingston december 13th 1s30- old kings head mar ket square kingston jarnts ai smirftt btw w neqitaim his frfrflds and the public that he has lately made considerable alteration in his establish ment in market square which enables armstrong t 1st of letters remaining jli in the post office kingston on 4th december 1830 william abbott thomas rody arniltage daniel ahsley abraham buttomer john biker doctor rayinag alexander barclay benjamin bnhcock a y bngert juhn bmtin aro- nah beckivjih piatt burr samuel uigham barnard boiroo willinni brasi ira beo- niaiimry bovccn edward brushlcnun james baibar joseph bradley aaron v bogcrt john ctillco samuel cromwell john it cnrr john chapman m camerno robert cnnnick james csishin captain coleman william crocket john camp- hell catharine b clemuti h or marga ret crawftto joseph crofts james champ samuel cbasnuf james doyle john dewar evert dewitt andrew dannhy robert doland john dugan alexander dodds timothy dris- coll john drivhu william dunn hubert destuartcau eliza denaice john david son robert english 2 william finney thomas fowler thomas frayer james flioo jonathan fuller mr felix john frankland john ferris ann cilmour james gordon grayhen- ry griffith duncan graham jnhn gales margaret golden abraham gramtfr paul herons elizabeth hadley edward harvey henry lloulbrook 3 john ha milton eunice hooker james hall tho mas hadlield william hore adam iiow- at frank hauton petor hawley charles hagerman george hickson edward hall laugblin hughes james haoeson joho houragao eneas jameson prospere aod joseph jourduin james irvin jo jackson eliza jackson william jackson richard jones edmund kcrby n kerr mrs kreio major kreiu john knox 2 margaret kerrrosannah knnwland james keatiog lieut col lightfoot john leatherland william laycock william lennndtfrao- cois lionait owea lavery michael lu- see alexander laiug archibald ale austaud walter mcfarlane john morrisoo joho mcharg andrew mcculloch thomas murray john mcar- thur ira mises archibald mclotyre john mcldin mr mccleary mary megill john mcconnell patrick alrdounugh archi bald mcniven hugh mardonald joseph mclean michael mulrooney catharine mccrea edward mnttltcnn samuel or charles merril michael imckngnc josiph mtnard euiiua miles aleakiu 2 alary moouey williamnickolfjai noblech-iresxasl- john owcus joan ouelelt thomas o farrel john pattinsnn john jowou john ftomlffmr itfarv iff puvrfy foti vj ik- n e pfinglu barloo philips paul phil- uooi patrick roilly leslaw rarflin john richard john ross simou ilittr patrick reynolds william kichmoou bridget reilly simeon ryan christian bntz deloss smith samuel sivtn aon sangster johiiq savage gewgc stra- chao 2 james spisikoe arenthiarp pat slieridan sarah spwfford lew stevens samuel stone jam saddlov coorad stallor2 adolphos sacham juhnscalh jacob smilh michaeltnyth john thomas james thomsin agnes taylor henry a tompkins mr- tho mas adam vanvolkenburjh isaftth vauor- tier david williams michael vcaish john walker james watkins genie wright william a westoo william worthy john wilson 2 joseph williams james e wintermolc lewis wartman alex ander woods eltsbft willcox michael wall henry williams r s wedlwqrth william wall n- b such of the above mentioned letters as are not relieved within six weeks from this date will bo transmitted to tbe dead letter office at quebec john macaulay p m t etteffis remaining in sla ihe post ohice at fredericks- burgh on 5mi december 1830 asnhel mckay barnard forshcechurch wardons david brown gcofge htiffmau uaac cnracallon 2 john william martin johu fredrick john murdolt luer john pertil john doftne joho anderson john s mcdonald john erwino job dunham jacob casler 2 joseph pringle james joice mary garrison nicholas rombock petr barn hart peter perry robert hap- por samuel carson thomas l woods william church william nlckim is b if the above lotion are not re deemed before tho 25th january next they will be seut 10 the dead letter office d l- thohp pm it 1st of letters remain jlj ing in the post office at napa- ne6th december 1830 ralph p abbot timothy chapman lukccarscallen t demsey robert da vison or william p graham mrs thomas graham william hays daniel maclunch- ha william mecpek joel meeks tho mas h powers thimolhy pviu isaac tripp margaret brant samuel clark sa muel clark michael doylo audrew fer- riu mathew eraser harriet hardy jehi- cl hawley james muor 2 william mil lar fraucisohere joho pomcroy staots sugar if those letters are not redeemed to six weeks from this date they will be sent to the dead letter office allan macphersonpm came into the subscribers inclo- surc some time in august a brown heifler supposed to be eighteen months old the owner is requested to come prove properly pay charges and take her away wm moore fifth con of the townsnip of kings ton december jth 1830 tlfftlcets liereby given thai l sealed tenders will be receiv ed at this office till 31st december for washing the following articles of barrack and hospital bedding for a period of twelve months from 1st january lo 3 1st december 1831 f round towelsat j palliasses at barrack bolsters at double j blankets at j sheets at rugs at f palliasses al jl barrack j 5 singi rubs palliasses bolstcrs- ilospital bluuketa sheets rugs at at all it at at ot at at w stabling and provided the means of in suring the best accommodation for hor ses kingston december 6th 1830 turdays and sundays at 4 o clock a and arrive the following days seats taken at the upper canada coach office montreal kingston ho- him to add much to the comfort of travcl- tel kingston and the general stage of- i lers he hns lately erected extensive fice york y extras furnished on reasonable terms all baggage at the owners risk a h- dickenson montreal h nortonsf cokingston x w seller york january laf1831 otice the subscriber ha ving retired from business begs all those who are indebted lo him either by note book account clocall and settle the same as they will on he first march next be indescrimately placed in the hands of an attorney for collection and all those lo whom he is indebted will please present their claims for li quidation he offers for sale ft pftash wrks in the best of order adjoining mr gar- rats distillery in the vicinity of king ston theieon is erected a good sub stantial ash house 40 by 26 feet al so a boiling house 2f by 24 feet with 6 good leaches new nf large ket- llcs coolers pump troughs c c complete from its proximity to king ston where there is nothing of the kind al present in operation it offers a desir able investment for any person wishing io e mbark in making potashes the picsent prices and prospect of a rise is is an object also the land which is situaled on the lake shore upon which ihc above buildings c are erccied the whole will be sold remarkable low for cash or short approvod credit and an indisputable liile giuen apply to g f corbett kington deuber ljv list of letters remaining in the post office at belleville on 6th december 1830 elijah allen isaac f anderson 3 reu- iteu andrew anthony barna jamei brad- shaw samuel m benson margaret brad- shaw john chisbolm james clowe 5 william b- coon mrs w duart john davis lieut h elliott george fry shu- hael foster john gill jme grabamjoho gomaz pierre gaogdnn wg gihbs an son hayden abraham hardyjrobert how ard harriet hardy james harris aihel harris rufus handy joseph b hall da niel heagh francis johnston mr jones daniel kirwiu jacob katzehnck henry loft mrs lauder christopher lennox n b lawrence hugh mcginnis r c a mclean 2 bernard murphy john l m eyres michael mcgrath mr nesonimiss melioda noble james ohara henry o kara m l osborne henry l perry noah powles mr peckhum a opetrie james potter aaron rose john kuport james rnss juhn reed jun wg kim- mington levi st thomas james shaw thomas skiddy samuel solmes william smith william slackjooathao e sleeper jamei stratford william thrasher jere miah vankleck james h vaugho2 john vwrnmeer peter waldren chauncey wol- coti w w wyman chester wilder n b such f the above mcotiuoed let ters as are ont relieved within six weeks from this dare will bo transmitted lo the dead letter office at quebec t parker pm of letters remain ing in tiie post offico at bath cih december 18s0 thomas anderson michael aeliae2 charlotte aylcsworth charles rakerjohn bell epliraim blartchard john parryjohn colins william carle lewis comer ro bert clark charles clark 2 ocorre da- 2 aaaa tay tbamaa ty llbwisai npey alexander edgar nathan fel lows 2 isaac fraser 4 charles fair field rev f h gueother john gibson nathaniel hicks joho hicks johiei haw ley caroline hill aaron hutchinson ma ry s johns john jenkins sen robert johnson herekiah long lydia lnporse thomas mayle william madden william madden jun william mackenzie henry montgomery john montgomnry peter macpherson samuel neiuoo2 james mccalley dyer phelps john percy jane phair john pencil reuben roger john richards james smith elijah switzer mary slieuter george simmons james toy solomon tesky 2 henry vansick- ler jacob vaucleek richard wharffe2 simcoe wright robert williams stephen warner joho r white j david yeo- mans letters for camden william allen robert buress george clark samuel clark john dough samuel embory ro bert harrison george p kerby john mc- lauchlin henry mckim jacob miller joho miller samuel mulligao ahram soles douglass thomson ernest trader samu el rumbough arthur youmaos such of the ahove letters as are not re deemed in six weeks will be sent to the dead letter office john deanp- m also for sweeping chim- n1es the prices to be stated opposite each article in sterling dollar at 4s 4d two securities will be required for the due performance of tho contract for further particulars upply to the barrack at the tenders to be addressed to the respective officcts of the ordnance kingston u c ordnance office kingston 17 th noeember 1830 wktotice to emigrants x persons in this country desirous of bringing out their friends from ire land by applying to the subscribers can have an opportunity of securing passages in any of the following vessels to sail from their respective ports about the 25th march next from dublin new ship fohn porter 600 ions from belfast do do eizahrth robertson 600 from limerick or cork brig srah 500 those vessels arc of the first class and have superior accommodations for passengers j w armstrong co kingston 3d december j830 just received and for sale at tlie chronicle office treatise on the steam engine with plates by profegsorrcnwick of colombia col- dec 1830- lege new york christmas new years gifts the token the atlantic souvenir the pearl affections offering with a number of other literary gems elegantly done up for the present sea- sou for sale at lesslie sons stre street kingston dec 180 ingston assem blies the next as sembly will take place at the kingston hotel on friday evening the 31st inst dancing to commence at 8 ocock precisely dec 4th 1830 john booth merchant tailor most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and tho public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand and now solicits a continuance of that sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine assortment of clotis cassimeres ves ting trimmings of every description vc fyc he is enabled furnish any quan- tiiy on the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th november 18s0 the subscriber begs leave to in form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood that he has commenced business in the dry goods and grocery line in tho shop formerly wttlluffiuvah fliiwk iwikfflltflpjfltf strecfc where he respectfully invites them to call and cxamne his stock trusting that the quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them to favour him with a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie kingston 1st december 1830 g w 1st of letters remain- mi ing the post office atadolphus- town on 7th december 1830 elisha ames david brown elijah ben- net aon campbell henry cavis juoio conrod david gideon daien mr samuel dorland john frederick marvel garrison lurry lowis thomas mcmastor mrcoll mcdonnell donald mcintosh aloxaoder murray william m roblin 2 augustus shorts james scott john trumpour al len vaunlsune paul wright elam wbap- late mary wilson n b if the nbove lettors are not taken uporredeemed within six weeks they will be sent to the dead letter office john d gilbert pm i bogs most res pectively to infofm the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimeres and vcst- ings ofthe most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons ofthe most ap proved and latest patterns and having succcded in making purchase at some ofthe first establishments he is enabled to execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen entrusting him with their orders that ibey shall be executed agree able to tho present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return hissincere thanks to his friend and the public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and il will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g- w has made airangments with one ofthe first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kingston 4th december 1830 richard scobell coofbr from england respect fully inform the inhabitants and vicinity of kingston that he has established his business in rear of the brick house foi- merly occupied by mr w driscoll in brock streel where he will cany on his employment in all its branches r s flarfters himself from his long experience ho his line and the readiness to comply with the call of those who mav favour hiim to deserve a share of public palromage n b th shop kitchen and cellar of the above building to let for par- ticularsapply to mr j counter kinptob wit 1tth 1 80 so jtotice the subscriber hav- jl ing neen appointed administra trix ofthe late edward flickey deceas ed requests all those having claims against the estate to present them for adjustment and those indebted to ule estate to call and settle their accounts ellen hickey kingston 30th nov 1830 hwh the mansion house hotel the subscriber having reotcd this extensive nod well known establishment has now opened the same for the accommodation of tho public tbe mansion house is pleasantly situat ed oo store street being the principal aod most central street io kingston and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfurt ofils apartments in regard both to parlours aod bed rooms all of which are fur nished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience io that line and he trusts that with unre- mittiug attention to the comforts- of hie guests he will mark adbare of the piibiic patronage io rear of the mansion house is a large yardin which there is an extensive and commodious raoge of stables and where a livery stable will be constantly kept for tbe accommodation of tbe public s carmino kingston 24th october 1830 tj1he panncrshi heretofore car- h ried on by samuel t hudson and george cliff in marysburgh in tho county of prince edward and province of upper canada is dissolved by mu tual consent george cliff is author ised to receive any debts due the con cern and grant acquittances for tho same he is also ready to pay any debts due by the late firm of hudson cliff signed saml t hudson georce cliff marysburgh july mi 183 revised edition of the provincial stas tutes the number of subscriber- forthis work not being equal to the expectations formed by the subscriber and having intimation from a souice of undoubted authority that the legisla ture at its next session is likely to set about the undertaking he is for the pre sent reluctantly obliged to abandon his design it will be some consolation to him for bringing the matter before the pub lic as well as for the trouble he has al ready had some progress having al ready been made in lha revision that he has been instrumental in forwarding a measure which must prova of great utility to the province jas macfarlane kingston april 2 1930