from darnlfv a ovel chapter ii patient yourself madam and pardon me sharspeare now doubtless every romancereading ptrion ioto whose hands this book may fell will conclude aud determine and feel perfectly convinced in their own minds that the scream mentioned in the last chapter announces no less important a being than the heroine of the tale and will lie very much surprised as well as disap pointed to heap that when the traveller rode through the opeu gaie into the little garden attached to tho cottage he per ceived a group which certainly did not derive any interest it might possess from the graces of youth and beauty it consisted simply of an old woman of the poorest class striving with weak hands to stay a stout rosy youth of meancouuteuance but good apparel from repeating a buffet he had bestowed upon the third person of the group a venerable old man who seemed little calculated to resist his violence an gry words were evidently still passing on both parts aud before the traveller could hear to what they referred the youth pass ed the woman and struck the old man a second blow which levelled him with the ground if ouo might judge from that travellers appearance he had seen many a sight of danger and of horror but there was some thing in the view of the old mans white hair mingling with the mould of the earth that blanched his cheek and made his blood run cold in a moment he was o5 his horse and by the young mnnssidc how now sirvilliau cried he art thou mad to strike thy father hes no father of mine replied the sturdy youth turning away his head with a sort of dodged feeliug of shame hes no father of miue im better come cried the traveller then thy father might blush to own thee strike au old man like that get thee gone quick lest i flay thee get thee rone thyself answered the other his feeling of reprehension being quickly fled and turuing sharply rouud with an air of effrontery which nought hut the iusoleoce of office could inspire he added who art thou with thy get thee gooes i am here in right of sir payan wilctoo to turn these old vermin out so get thee gone along with them and he ran his eye over the strangers simple garb with a sneer of sturdy defiance the traveller gazed at him for a mo ment as if in astonishment at his daring then with a motion as quick as light laid one hand upon the yeomans collar the other upon the thick baud of his kersey slop breeches raised him from the ground and giving him one swing back to allow his arms their full sweep he pitched him u once over the low wall of the garden in to the heath bushes beyond without affording a look to his prostrate adversary the stranger proceeded to as sist the old man in rising and amid the blessings of the gond dame conveyed him into the cottage he then returned to the little garden lest his horse should commit any ravages ppou the scanty provision of tho old couple for he was it seems too good a soldier even to allow his horse 10 iivc by plunder and while tying him to the gatepost his eye naturally turned to the bushes into which ho had throwu his opponent the young man had just risen on his feet and iu unutterable rage was stamp ing furiously on the ground without how- over daring to reenter the precincts from which lie had been so unceremoniously ex pelled tho stranger contented himself wiili observing that he was not much hurt and after letting his eye dwell for a mo ment on thecogoizance of a serpent twin ed round a crane which was embroidered 0rnhlwawaicaaihcajrain entered the cottage while the other proceeded slowly over the common every now and theu turning round to shake his clenched fist to wards the gardeu iu the last struggles of impotent passion well good father how fares it with thee demanded the traveller approach ing the old man 1 fear that young vil lain has hurt thee nay sir nay replied the othor not so in faith he did not strike hard an old mans limbs are 6oon overthrown ah well i remember the day when 1 would have whacked a score of them but im broken now kate give his worship the settle jfur hoy had seen him iili his hand against his father faith hed have broken bis pate though your worship soon couviuced him gods blessing upon your head for it the stranger silently sat himself down ii the settle which the old woman puced for him with a thousand thanks and itu- latioos and suffered them to proceed un disturbed with all the garrullity of ge while his own thoughts seemed from tama uoappareut cause to have ivuurierc far upou a different track whether thu he wift wiugs of memory had retraced n a moment a space that in the dull march of line had occupied many a long year or that the lightning speed of hope had alrea dy borne him to a goal which was still far beyond probabilitys short view matters little most likely it was oue or the oil er ior the present 13 but a point to which bit little thought appertains while the tulud hovers backwatds and forwards between the past and the future expendiug the tore of its regrets upon the one aud west ing all its wishes on the other he awoke viih a sigh but tell me said he to the old man what was tho cause of all uis why heaven bless your worship replied the cottager who had been talking all the time i have just been telliug you nay but i mean why you came to live here said the traveller for this is but a poor place and he glanced his eye over too interior of the cottage which was wretched enough its floor formed of hardcued clay its small lattice windows boasting no glass in the wicker frames of which they were composed but showing in its place some thin plates of horn common enough in the meaner cottages f those times admitting but a dull and miserable light to tho interior its bare walls of lath through the crevices of which appeared the mud that had been plastered on the outside all gave an air of poverty and uucomfort difficult to find in the poorest english cot tage of today i thitik you said that you had been in better circumstances conti nued the traveller i did not say so your worship re plied the old man but it was easy to guess yet for twelve lous years havel known little but misery i was theu gate- porter to my good lord fitzhcruard at chilham castle here hard by your wor ship kuows it doubtless oh twas a fair place in those days for my lord kept great state aod never a day but what we had the tiltyard full of gallants who would hear away the ring from the best in the land my old lord could haudle a lance well too though he waxed aged but twas my young lord osborne that was the darling of our hearts poor youth he was not then fourteen yet so strong hed break a lance and bide a buffet with the best hes over the seas now alas and they say obliged to win his foot at the swords point nay how so asked the traveller if he were heir of chilham castle how is it he fairs so hardly this lord os- borue we called him still lord osborne answered the old woman for 1 was his nurse when he was young and his christ ened name was osborne but his title was lord darulcy by those who called him properly cod bless him for ever now richard tell his honour bow all the misfortunes happened 11 twill hut tire his honour said the old man in his young day he must have heard how empsou and dudley the two blackest traitors that ever england had wont through all the country picking holes in every houesc mans coat and se questrating their estates as twas then call ed lord bless thee kate his worship knows it all i have heard something of the matter hut i would fiiiu understand it more parti cularly said the stranger 1 had learn ed that the sequestrated esates had beeu restored aud the fiues remitted since this young king was upon the throne 4 r th cm ay truly sir the main answered the old man but there were some men who being in the courts dis pleasure were nt likely to have justice done them such a one was my good lord aud master who they say had heeu heard to declare that he held perky n war- becks title as good as king harry the se venths so when they proved the penal statutes against him as they called it in stead of calling for a 6oe which every pea sant on his land would have brought his mite to pay they took tho whole estate and left him a beggar in his ae but that was not the worst for doubtless the whole would have been given back again wheti the young king did justice ou empson and dudley hut malice anc as tins sequestration was a not an avarice like the ret in stead of transferrin the estate to the kill c to one sir payan gallows was made own hand they gave it ilcton who if ever a higher than hainans would well grace it this man has many a friend at the court gaiued they say by foul means and though much stir was made some eight years rrooe by the lord stafford and the good duke of buckingham to have the old lords estates given hack again sir payan was strong enough in abettors to ouistand them all and then hut i hear horses feet tis surely sir payan sent to houud me out eveu from here to be continited for sale ijv cppek canada avery eligible property in the bay of qutne well knowu by the name of champignon formerly belonging to capt payne of the royal engineers situated within nine miles of the town of kingston containing about 400 acres of arable lund of which there fire towards of 100 acres iu the highest state of cultiva tion on the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dwelling house built in the cottage style sufficiently capacious for the accom modation of a gentlemans family and it has a verandah of 70 feet in length which commands a beautiful view of the lake in the rear of the dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required there is also a y good farm house detached from the i ver house above described aod the barn and other out buildings are in excellent order the above property will be sold much un der iis value and possession given on the 1st may next or earlier if required for further particulars application may be made to messrs g g s how- land jseio york simpson macintyrh co montreal a harper esq kingston or to the proprietor a simpson qucbtc utdec 1329 25tf 7sou sale lot no 273 in the own of kingston containing two fifths of an acre application to be made to george mckcnzic esq dec 9 1s29 an extract from the regulations of upper canada college the college quarters are ordered as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the4ih of january and ends on the 20th of march second quarfer begins on the 20th march and ends on the loili june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about the 16th of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of tho christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admited inlo the college oi preparatory school bis dues for instruction aro payable ftom the begining of that quarter george ii maukland he canada company have for sale in upper canada bout two millions five hundred ihou- j md acres oi land of the following des- j ription first crown reserves being lots of 200 acics each scattered tluough- ut the older townships of the pro vince second blocks of land of from 000 to 40000 acres these are siiual- d in the towships cf tfie western istricts and in the township of wil- liof in the got 6 district third a town and township called guelph in the gore district in which there arc already nearly 800 scttlets vith almost every kind of tradesmen cc mechanics tavern stores schools saw mills c and a grist mill is in progress this is a desirable location for settlers with small capitals as labor ers and servants are easily procurable and lots parly improved can be pur chased at a reasonable price fouith the huron territory con taining one million one hundred thou sand acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for upwards of sixty miles on the bank of lake huron the town of goderich has been commenced on the side of the harbor foimed by the confluecne of the river maiiiand and the lake and as a load is already cut to the gore district and another is in progress to the london district it has already become the cen tre of settlement there are already about 500 inhabitants in the huron tract a saw mill is in operation a grist mill building and several ta verns and stores have been established i a brewery and distillery are in pro gress the land is admitted on all hands to be equal to any in the province it possesses lime and building stone brick earth and posters clay in abun- danci and the produce of the country can he carried to market by water through lake huron by the liverst clair to the lakes erie and ontario and the river st lawrence to montreal and quebec agents john davison esq quebec jewelry watches next door to mr watkins hardware store in the shop lately oct by wm slennctt rghe subscriber most respectfully i informs his friends in tiiwn and country that lie has received a fresh as sortment of british jewelry c watches made expressly lor the- british market tlie wanting good tinn pieces will do well in calling eaily all watch es sold will be warranted to kcip time clocks watches and jewelry care fully repaired highest price given for old silver s o tazewell kingston june 7th 1s29 lst published by carey lea and careyoi philadelphia the eiiist vol ume to be continued at intervals of three months of lie encyclopedia americana a popular dictionary of arts sciences lit erature history and politics brought down to the present time and including a copi ous collection of original articles in ameri can biogravhy ou the basis of the sev enth edition of the german conversations- lexicon to be completed in twelve large volumes octavo price tico dollars and a half each rpeisoos wishing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at the chron icle office where the 1st volume may be seen james macfarlane kingston 24 dec 189 valuable property for sale i bvtow gfphat substantially built and conveni ent new house and lot situated at corner of wellington and vittoria 4jl the hart loau co montreal charles sheriff esq or robert sheriff esq utla chals p tread well esq lougueil alex eraser esq james samson esq allan mcphersod esq james 11 samson eq james o beihnne esq james kerby esq john imcfarlaneeaq francis baby esq york 24th april 1830 perth kingston napane belleville cohourg fort erie aldborough sandwich am notice public no tice is hereby given that the an nual meetius of the stockholders of the bank of upper canada will be bolden at the bank iu tho town of york on mon day the seventh day of june next at 10 oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of electing by ballot directors to serve for tho ensuing year as provided in the aci of in corporation tugs g ridout cashier bank of upper canada york april 27 lfcj30 s n ij editors of the several oewspapcrs iu th province aro requested to publish the abovo no til the day of election lst published at the chronicle office in a neat duodecimo vo lume of 49- pages the lowep canada watchman xfio ttoijg ijciliy uov uu m uiri ry persons wishing for copies will please apply iik mediately fcbruav 27ih 13i0 j streets in upper bytown aud extending 66 feet in front oo the former aod 193 feet in depth on the latter street the house consists of a parlourand pi ning room two bedrooms a kitchen and pantry on the lower story four largo bedrooms in the upper there are also a large shed stable c erected on the premises the situation of the above property be ing in one of tho most public parts of the town and commanding an extensive view of tho scenery around tho chaudier falls and bridges renders it well meriting the at tention of a person iu business or as a re sidence for a private family indisputable titles will be given for further particulars apply to j llagermao esq attorney at law iu bytown or ro the proprietor on the premises bytown 27 july jsgg jor sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9th augusms2s midland district sale of lands sdo hereby give notice that i shall attend and offer for sale such portion of the lands as are advertised by the tieasurer of the district and contained in the warrants of i he clei k oft he peace as may be sufficient to satisfy the ar rearages of assessments due thereon at the following times and places viz township of pittsburg on the 9th and 10th june 1s30 at mortons inn in barriefield at the hour of 11 oclck a m kingston on the 11 hand 12t3i june 1830 at tho court house at the hour of 11 oclock a m ernest town on the 14th jnne 1830 at peter davys inn in uuh at the hour of 1 1 oclock a m camden onthv lfihund l6th june 1s30 at bowers mills at the hour ot t v v a in t person in the possession of a mineral a production of canada by leaving a specimen at this office will receive through the medium of this paper information respecting its nature provided it be thought worthy of no tice december 25th 1829 fotlsalt a most valuable farm in the town ship of thmlow and within nine mkes of belleville containing one hundred acres sixty of which are un der gool improvement with a log house bain acd other out houses liberal terms of payment will he given for particulars apply to dr marshall belle ville or to the proprietor on the pre mises christopher obrien thmlow 2d may 1s29 notice li- notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede kickkeeler are to be settled with j ii samson belh hc 24th dec 1828 admr stoves eceived and for sale by the subscriber in the market place a antitv low priced cooking stoves ii s p1iinnt kingsto jany 3 1829 ok sa le five acres of land more or less in demorestville part of lot no 37 in the first being concession west of green point in the township of sophias burgh apply to mrs jae mlcod kingston 17th pecember 1828 illiam johnson bar ber and hairdresser next loor to parmiuos tenders his grateful ac- kiiowlodbnents to the public for the li- beral support he has met with since he comment- business and he hopes by closo actuation and industry to meritacon- unuaoce of the public patrouago kutiicu 30th may 1820 richmond on the 17th and 13 june 1830 at the napanee mills at the hour of 11 oclock a m fredericksburg on the 19th june 1830 at john gordaniers im a the hour of 1 1 oclock a m thurlow and hungerford- the 21stand22ndjune 1830 at roal mun- ros inn in the town of bcllevii hour of 11 oclock a m sidney on the 23rd june 1330 at r whites at 11 oclock a m rawdon and huntingdonon the i 24th 25th and 26th june 1s3 at ed- ward fidlars at the hour of 11 oclock am ameliasburg on the 28th tmd 29th june 1830 at billows inn the carry ing place at the hour of 11 oclock a m ilallowcll on the 30th juno 1830 it garratt striekers inn at th- hour of 11 oclock a m sopbiasburg on the 1st july 1830 at demorestville at the hour of 11 oclock a m adolphustown on the 2d julyls30 it the court house at the hour of 11 clock a m marysburgh on he 2d and 3d july 1330 at the stone fllills at the hour of 12 oclock p m loughborough on the 6th and 7th july 1830 at mcgregors mills at the hour of 12 oclock noon portland on the 8th and jlh u1y us30 at jacob shiblcys at the hour of 11 oclock a m john mclean sheriff m d sheriffs office kingston dec 20 1829 wanted immediately at the long falls south crosby on the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpatii april 12s furs wanted at the store of the subscri ber market place all kinds of ship ping and hatting furs h s piiinny we the undersigned hereby give public notice that we will not be accountable or liable as forward ers or common carriers on the river st lawrence for the haz ard and danger of the navigation hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ none but sober experienced men as masters of our boats we mill at all times when it can be done effect insurance on property con signed to us with some respectable office for its safe delivery at montreal and at the lowest premium to be obtained in cases where no instructions are given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different descriptions of property we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safety and interest offhc owners the property jvill be made subject to the premium paid for its insurance persons tsho consign property to us for transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigation hence to montreal signed h s- s jones j a m es mc c utcho n hookerbhenderson john mcpherson co prescott tlnd march 1828 n b owners of goods elesirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal to prescott will direct merchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in montreal with the value of each and every package signed john mcpherson co h sr s jones james mccvtchqn hooker henderson prescott 13 september 1829 the subscriber has in the press a duo decimo stereotype edition of the new testament for the use of schools c the work will be ready for delivery early in may next and will bo uoordod very cheap hy the quantity country storekeepers who may wish for a supply will please send in their orders as early as convenient james macfarlane chronicle office kingston 21st march 1s29 the subscriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fancy aud staple goods which he offers for sale exceeding low for cash or short ap proved arcdit also a case of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school books and stationery c w driscoll kingston july 3d 1829 alt rheum this inveterate disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases arc met with more re luctance by the physician none iu which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy actiou to the vessels of the skiu aud its original colour aod smnothucss numerous recommendations might be ohtaincd of its superior efficacy hut the proprietor choso that a fair trial should he iuonly commentator it has in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen aud twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at ouco gives immedi ate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commouly called scald mead nnl nit oettjhv fimifoftv ntcu1fftr un healthy children 0 there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston johu musson quebec and george rent mon treal sole agent for the caoadas kinston hthjuiy 1823 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from the present time it u tl regulation heir intention strictly to enforce the made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the hoard on applica tion to dr lluhbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning and at its close in the evening a form adapted to general use may be fouud in mavors spellingbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to adiel sherwood esq brockville jul 1829 notice all persons having demands against the estate of the late alraham barker of ilallowcll deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated to the snbsciibcrs for settlement and all persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immudiate payment to the subscribers who ate duly authorised to grant discharges d b stevenson benj hibbs hallowell may 16 is 29 swedes iron wtow landing from the general ll wolfe direct from cottenburgh 300 tons assorted swedes iron apply to william budden- point acallicre montreal august 8th 1920 the commissioners of the canada company hereby give notice that they have re ceived the necessary authority under the provisions of the act of parliament 9tb geo 4ih cap 51 to execute deeds to all persons who have purchas ed lands from them and are entitled to the same it is trusted the above notice will dispel all doubts which may have been hitherto created respecting the security of purchases under the company oythe editors of such papers as have been in the habit of inserting the companys advertisements will please publish the above notice for three months canada companys office york oct 1829 alliance british and foreign life and fire as surance company of london estab lished by act of parliament capital five millions sterling teh he agents for this company beg b leave to announce to the inhabit ants of upper canada that they conti nue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall 3jcssrsa wmorris sfc brockville james macfarlane esq kingston james g bcthune cobourg robt wm prentice esq york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effecting assuxauce will pkase aoay the agents take leave to remind the public of the following impoiiant and striking advantages that will be derived from assuring with thealliancecompany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the set tlement vf losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4th a participations of profits 5th parties wbo obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not there by deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without refering to the board of directions in london 8th reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of operty from fire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the com pany will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the ex pectation that the profits to be divid ed will be large mckeniebethunefeco agents montreal 28th sept 1826 mavors english spelling book j lst published and for sale at the chronicle office an extensive edi tion of mavors spelling book stereo typed from the 328th london edition- a d1s27 havinga beautiful frontis piece engraving james macfarlane kingston iilst alarcli lz26 1 at the kingston chronicle s printed and published eveiy saturday by james macfarlane his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and six- pence per annum if sent by mail twenh ty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insei- tion and 7j each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first inser tion and lod each subsequent inser tion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rections inserted till forbid and charg ed accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publica tion tt produce received at the market price agents john bignell esq quebec david chisholme esq three rivers andrew porteous esq montreal james mcintoshesq lancaster v john cameron esq lochiel r cliue esq cornwall george browse esq- matilda alpheus jones esq prescott henry jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq richmond j k hartwell esq bastard mess c- j- mdonald gananoque john dean esq bath allan mcpnerson esq napanee thomas parker esq beltville joseph a- keeler esq cramahe james g bethunc esq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel rossesq pittoria john crook esq niagara cbarlesbigar eq murry j d gilbert esq- aitotphustoic in pay mire p h iff ibe w la tew too ht oi ibec ik 1 accoi iabi then ww ah ihti col aoc m lite ijio m ikb tu got ni top 40t ere 0fl ilbi fan