Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 3, 1830, p. 3

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i wfcich piece io ray opinion ii worthy of iug road by all but especially by those who aro io the habit of what is generally term ml viaitiaf alas sir how ofteu is it bat the social visiting circle is made like printing press to stamp characters to stamp upon individuals black characters tint would otherwise reraaiu fair and clear cannot people that defame detract or peak evil of the character of others be termed as bad if oot worse than thieves moth inks like onejf old 11 he that robs me of my purse takes trash twasmine tis his and it has served thousands but he that robs me of my good name fiubs me of that which can do him no good but me much harm i hope sir that the detracting circles we so often have to cry down may be dissolv ed by the mutual consent of those compos ing them let it be known uulo them they are like unto backbiters evilspeak ers vvc which cannot enter the kingdom of heaven but must take their abode where torment never ceases to shun detraction wouldst thou virtue fly 4 extremely discomposed when i hear scandal and am an utter enemy to all manner of detraction and think it iho greatest meanness that people can be guilty of however it is hardly possible xo come into company where you do not find them palling one another to pieces and that from no other provocation but that of heariog anyono commeuded me- jil both as to wit and beauty is become no othor than the possession of a few trifling peoples favour which you possibly can not arrive at if you have really any thing in you that is deserving what they church for their society in this town at that meeting john ewart esq was ap pointed chairman james newbigiag esq secretary mr hugh carfrae trea surer and messrs dunlop thos carfrae juu a murray jas f smith and jacob latbao a committee to curry into effect the resolutions of that meeting since that time several other meetings havo been held at ouo of which vr dun- lop reported that be had written to the clergymon of the church of scotland in the two provinces to assist in forwarding the views of the committee at auother meeting the committee who were appoint ed to wait on his excellency with a peti tion soliciting the grant of a town lot on which to erect the said building reported in substance that his excellency had been pleased to express his willingness to grant them any piece of land withiu his gift for the purpose in question and that tie hail beeu further pleased to promise them one hundred pounds per aunum toward the sup port of their clergyman fm the lerni bl five years at least and that it mtgtft linucd for a longer period a general meeting of the subscribers wa again held ou friday the lihii in slum our arkstors did bravely man these fortresses of scot in when fes their number twice cnlmd froin vh viewy each lofty hold their hearts and sinews weak foretold they cowtld not conquer scotia and wk to climb they did pretend the gael his fleet linbs did extend withtajit anil claymore in band to scour the toe from scotia then dwn the lull the foe retort with wih to gain th embarking portj but oft his pace haft hern too short uy the suns of scclia may nil who scotia represent iii her sipport neer make a feint in honors field or parliament exert themselves air scotia united iifiw with sisters two all proud oppressors they ii gudue so fill tlie cup wish mouniai i dew i ink i e wed of 3cj afloverlvment safce m of settlers stores by auction on monday morning 1i1p 2ih april next at his majestys oiufc nance stores in the baiikack sm montreal will be sold tiie louiwing utensils which are all aetf in gooj order no oots shoes gl0vc midland district sale scytiibe with sueads handles 1 wedges hag rubber stones j 3000 c compleo j brush hooks moo reaping hooks garden hoes garden rakes rr irruw rf retfa vi i ii- riestoii ik ii km i niel i iliivc hook strop pairs bill hook ii utes us augvls s i i n j ivcj v iil us 1 which meeting the following accouut of bv the v is deserving would bring to pass is to make all good and evil consist in report and with whis pers calumoies and impertinences to have the conduct of those reports by this means innocents are blasted upon their first appearance in society and there is no thing more required to make a young wo man the object of envy and hatred than to deserve love and admiratiou this abominable endeavour to suppress or lessen every thing that is praiseworthy is as frequent among the ifieo as the wo men if i can remember what passed last night it will serve as an instance that the sexes are equally iuclined to defamation with equal malice and impotence jack triplett came into my lady airy about eight of the clock introduced by two tapers supported by aspruce servant whose hair is under a cap till my ladys caudles aro all lighted up and the hour of ceremony begins i say jack triplet came and singing every feature charming crea ture ho went oo it is a most unrea sonable thing that people cannot go peace ably to see their friends but those murder ers are let loose such a shape such an air what a glance was that as her chariot passed miae my lady herself interrupt ed him pray who is this fine thing i warrant says another m tis the creature 1 was telling your ladyship of just now you were telliog of says jack i wish i had been so happy as to have come iii and heard you for i havo oot words to say what she is but if an agreeable height a modest air a virgin shame an impati- ence of being beheld amidst a blaze of ten stbousand charms the whole room flew our u oh mr triplett when miss lof ty a known prude said she believed she knew whom the gentleman meant hut she was indeed as he civilly represented her impatient of being beheld then turning to the lady next her the most unbred crea ture you ever saw another pursued the discourse as unbred as you may think her madam she is extremely belied if she is tho novice sho appears she was last week at a ball till two io the morning mr trijiictt knows whether he was the happy man that took care of her home hut this was followed by some particular ex- teeptiou that each woman in the room made to some peculiar graco or advantage so thai air triplett was beaten from one limb and feature to another till he was forced to resign the whole woman in the end i took notice triplett recorded all hi mtftiee in his heart and saw in his countenance and a certain waggish djrug that he designed to repeat the conversa tion i therefore let the discourse die and 6on after took an occasion to commend a certain gentlemen of my acquaintance for a person of singular modesty courage and withalas a man of an entertaining convor- sation to which advantages he had a shape tod manner peculiarly graceful mr triplett who is a womans man seemed to hear me with patience enough com mend the qualities of his mind ho never neardindeed but that he was a very honest man and no fool but for a fine gentle man he must beg pardon upon no other foundation than this mr triplett took occasion to give the gentlemans pedigree by what methods some part of the estate was acquired how much it was beholden to a marriage for tho present circumstan ces of it after all he could see nothing but acommon man in bis person hisbreeding or understanding- thus this impertinent humour of dimi nishing every one who is produced to con- thc proceedings has been handed us secretary a general meeting of the subscribers towards the erection of a church in york in communion with the church of scot land was held in bradleys hotel oo fri day ovening the 19th instant when john ewart esq was called to the chair who after having explained to the meeting the object for which it had been convened re quested the secretary to read tho minutes of tho first general meeting and of the several meetings of the committee and also the petition to his excellency the lieu tenant governor and tho report of the committee who preseuted the same the committee reported that the sum of 675 had been subscribed and that the list received daily additions the following resolutions on the mo tion of mr j f smith seconded by mr alex murray were unanimously carried 1st that tho committee appointed on the 3rd march be instructed to draw up a petition to the quarter sessions for a lot of land in their gift adjoining the court house 2d that the said committee be now empowered to draw up a charter or con stitution ol the church specifying how the minister is to be chosen and the rules and regulations by which his supporters bind themselves aud the draft of that charier bo submitted to a general meeting of such as intend to become members of the church for their approval 3rd that tho committee be empow ered to prepare a bond in terms of the charter ensuring the clergyman the sum of per anuum pffift tear i it u i c aadys shocy mr denis lucas j g switscr nathan fellows anthanymgum a vanvam cubing l vanaistino t tho west divmon or cfm iiie tfapane mills to mr j ha ordamerd centre division or from mv john jordanierlo the creek near anthony mc ginns inn kingston m east divisiooor ftom mr anihony muuins o wa terloo it was resolved by he trustees that the com missioner of the different divisions give due no tice of the several jobs of turnpike gravelling sec c c iey intend giving cut and that i hey rcct on the following days to give cut suca con tracts the comniisioiers of the west divishn on the first monday in may at to oclock forenoon at iur john cortlinirs inn do of the centre division on the first tuesday in may at 10 ocluck forenoon at the widow mo- gles inn m doofhe cast division on the first wednesday in may at 10 oclock forenoon at mr david dar- leys inn by order nathan fellows sccy to committee due notice of the contracts to be given out on the above mentioned days will be given by desoibins the different jobs and pulling up noti ces at diiftrent public places 3700 5000 2000 56v 139 2000 2000 500 400 1112 186 3310 2i ran menlione the subscriber begs leave to in form his ctislo- mersthaihc has just received a part of his fall supply consis- ingi an exten sive nssortment of ladies and childrens boots and shoe- ladies gentlemen and chil drens gloves and mittens india rub ber shoos and overshoes seal skins linings and bindings shoe thread and 1 kinds of materials used iu the shoe line he has also on hand a good assort ment of boots shoes c of his own of lands do hercbygive notice that i shall atlend and one for sale such portion of thu lands as are jitlvertised by tho treasurer of i lie distntflnd contained in the warrants of the clerkwjcpcjce as may tie sufficient lo saiisfylbo ar rearages of assessments due thereon at the following times and places viz township of pittsburg on the 9th and loili june 1830 at mortons inn in barrieueld at the hour of 11 oylck a m kingston on the 11th and 12thjunc 1s30 at the court house at the hour of 11 oclock a m r ernest town on the 14th june i 1830 at peter davys inu in bath at manufacture upper and sole leather i i i 7 au i- i c xv i i t the hour ol 11 o clock am all kinds of work made to order usual as mo lc i b sorted sizes tjc s ile of the above goods is fixed for a period of tht year when many of tho articles will h to early demand but as some of them may not be wanted immediately by the consumer the following advantage is of fered to the buyer in the undermention ed conditions ten per cent deposit to be paid within 24 hours after the sale the balance to be paid on or before the 20th of june next or forfeit the de posit sale at eleven oclock precisely norman bethune camden on the 10th and l6tli june he further begs lenvo lo return i wn i i r i i v i t 1s30 at bowers mills at the hour ot lor the support tic has itiuiert vci thanks received and assures ins customers that they wji constantly find his shop mnlied vih the best of articles a j ferns kinson nov- 50 1820 pi oclock a m rgnj kent for a term qitive years and m upwards a line farm of 200 acres and possession given on or before the 1st of may next u richmond on the i7thand 18 june 1830 at the napanee mills at the hour of 1 1 oclock a m fredericksburgh on the i9ih june 1830 at john cordaniers inn at the hourof 11 oclock a m thurlow and llungcrford on the 21st and 22nd june 1330 at royal mun- ros ion inihe town of bellevilleatthe tho above farm being well known by h of 11 oclock a m ki montreal 20th march 1s0 mgs auctioneer the name of hickorygrove the proper ty of major krert borders uponlake on tario nine miles from kingston h the bay of quinte there aro about 2 sidneyron ho 23rd june 1s30 at r whiles at 11 oclock a al liawdon and huntingdon ou the 23lh and 26lh juno 1s30 at ed- 4th that the committee be appointed to prepare plans and specifications for a church aud that safd committee consist of the following gentlemen viz dr dunlop messrs ewart carfrae jun and lathum and that every other draftsman friendly to the cause bo iuvitcd to send in plans and specifications as soon as convenient lastly that a meeting be called by public advertisement when the committee are prepared to submit tho charter bond aod plans of the church for their approval and that this meeting do now adjourn signed john ewart chairman jasnewbiggingseci the figgregftie amount subscribed i now more than seven hundred pouuus among the subscriptions we notico the following the memhrr oftlie kingston ihiln hro- plc society for the relief of poor debtors ire requested to meet at the court house on monday p m the 5th iustant at 3 ocock evtsed edition of the provincial sta tutes the number of subscribers for this woik not being equal to the expectations formed by the subscriber and having intimation from a sou tee of undoubted authority tiiat the legisla ture at its next session is likely to set about the undertaking he is for the pre sent reluctantly obliged to abandon his design it will he some consolation to him for bringing the matter before the pub lic as well as for the trouble lie has al ready had some progress having al ready been made in the revision that he has been instrumental in forwarding a measure which must prove of great utility to the province jas macfarlane kingst april 2 1830 s r of dry motsce is hereby given that tenders will be received at this office until the 24th april next from any person or persons willing to rent the property well knowa as the kings ton tannery containing upwards of 3 acres and a quarter of land now the property of government situate ad joining the town of kingston compris ing a substantia brick owcllingllouse currying shop stables sheds 8ark- unrr sfxiyiwu litis 21 oi unrcn and a fine orchard as the proprietor intends retaining the stone building with oat offices attached to it the terms wi bo moderate and part of payment received in produce- teams cattle and agricultural implements may be had at a valuation none but pesons of re spectable character need apply ernesttownllth february 1530 bank of upper canada ublic notice is hereby giv3n thutat a general meeting of the stockholders held this day as advertis ed it was resolved thai tin icnialuiug twentvfivc per cent of the capital acres already prepared for spring crops j liars at the hour of 1 1 oclock besides 8 acres laid down in fall wheat amijsburg on the 2sh and 29th june l85cvjlbillewa inn the carry ing place at he hour of 11 oclock am haliowcll o n thesob june 1s30 2t garratt striekers inn at uiebour of 11 oclock a m sophlasburg on the 1st july ls30at domoiftdtvilte at the hour of 11 oclock a m adolphustown on the 2d julylssfj at uic court house at the bonrpfll oclock a m marysburgh on the 2d and 3d july 1830 at the stone mills at the hour of uayuiitilidlllj d t ii- ui mi tl under cover with an versatiou to their advantage runs through the world and i am 1 confess so fearful jrof theforco of ill tongues that i have beg- m gedof all those who are my well wishers never to commend me for it will but hring my frailties into examination and i had rather be unobserved than conspicuous for disputed perfections iain confident a thousand young people who would have been ornaments to socie ty havo from fear of scandal never dared to exert themselves iu tho polite arts of life their lives have passed away in an odious rusticity in spite of great advantage esof person genius and fortune there is a vicious terror of being blamed in some nell inclined people and a wicked plea sure in suppressing them in others both which are to be animadverted upon i am sir your most obedient servant iru adolphustown 23d march 1830 scotch church at york from the york courier we slated in a former number of the courier that a meeting of the residents io the town of york who are in communion with tho church of scotland had been held at bradleys hotel for the purpose of orga nizing a committeo aud taking other oe- ccssaiy steps toward the erection of a mr john ewart 150 0 0 mr hugh caifrae 50 0 0 hon william allan 25 0 0 the chief justice 20 0 0 lion j vv dunn 20 0 0 hon d cameron 20 0 0 hon j mgut 20 0 0 william proudfoot esq 18 10 0 dr ijumside i 10 0 mr c thompson 13 10 0 mr c mcintosh 12 10 0 mr w arfhdfc 12 10 0 i lie attorney general io o o colonel beikic 10 0 0 william morris esq perth 10 0 0 a mclean eeq cornwall 10 0 0 mr j f smith 10 0 0 mr j lathum 10 0 0 mr john hay 10 0 0 mr james rogers 10 0 0 the solicitor general 7 10 0 mr james newieging 7 10 0 mr peter patterson 7 10 0 mr t carfrae jun 7 10 0 mr alex murray 7 10 0 mr c baker 6 0 0 and the honorable g crookshanks tho honorable- p robioson the honora- hoo j b macauley s washburn esq thos mercer jones esq dr dunlop jas e small esq r w prentice esq and messrs p mcphail g nichol r turn- hull j a mackeozie r johnson c batty w rose john thompson alex stewart robert stewart james marshall s burnham james leslie win murpkv alex armstrong aud james hogg br each besides numerous smaller surseri- tions we have also ascirrrod that tltv hon the archdeacon has prorcut s somo contribution goods on tuesday 0th april aed following days will be sold by auction at the subscribers store a quantity of dry goods comprising cloths cottons cambrics muslins calicoes chintz bed ticking hantl- kercliofs shivis ribbons c c al so- t qcl 0 gejzqjcat ig vment 40 loz fuicelleas i very snpr 40 doz llermilage summer 12 hlitu c pc madeira j wines 4 boxes window glass 3 ions english iron with otl articles- sale to commence each day al one oclock conditions liberal alkifd mdonell a b kingston 30th march 1s30 hxscsal market t lou l at ions o 301 it is ordered by the ftlagistrales in sessions tint it sho be the duty of the clerk of the market w open the market house du- ring the following months the four summer months may june july and august l oclock every mo 11111 suudui excepted during the momhi of mai w a constant run of water through the pre mises laid out and adapted to an exten sive scale of business in the tannery ntd cunying line the above property will be let from the 1st may next for a term of seven years subject to be result ed by government during any prt ofthe said term should it be required for the public service upon giving twelve months notice and it may be rented either with the dwell ins house which is separate jrom the tannery premises 01 without as may be required or it will be let for gardening foi which- the ground is well calculated or for any other pur pose for which it may be suitable should no eligible oter be made for it for a tan nery for further particulars apply at the ordnance office point henry or at the royal engineer office kingston the rent to ue jialj quarterly to the oij- nance storekeeper at this station in british silver the names of two per sons willidg to become security for ike due performance of ibo conditions of ie lease will be required to be insetted in tho tender office of ordnance kings march 25th 1s30 f hereby forbid all persons trusting i my wife catherine in any respect i r on my account as i will pay no dhis whatsoever of her contracting this 3d excellent gat den rand shall be made payable at the bank by tho following instalments viz ten pet cent or l 5s on each share on the 20th of february next being the 10th instalment ten per cent or 1 5s on each share on the 24th of april next being the 1 1th instalment and five por cent or 12 6s on each share on the 1st day of july next bo- iq oc lough pm the 12h and last instalment ihcre- compkiing the payment of the full stock of the 1 rg by amount of the capital bank under its charter by order of the stockholders thos g ridout cashier bank of upper canada york 11th dec 1829 or sale lot no 273 in the town of kingston containing two fifths of an acre application to be made to george mckcnzic esq dec 9 1s29 day of march 1s30 jno graham foivaiit rmutz subscribers beg h leave to inform thtir friends end the public that they arc making prepa rations to ccmimciee the forward business on lie opening of the nav lion when ihev will have fivxri g0c3 wk3ya bkmtt the transportation of property read j01 found from montreal iley cm not el j a list of pi ices much will de- valuable real estate for sale tite marmora injw- works the privileges appurtenances build ings utensils and stock thereunto be- longing as formerly advonised too- tuer with 12734 acres of valuable land bearing excellent red and white pine timber and other woods suitable br iwtkififl cluvcol will be sold with out reserve to the highest bidder for cash at kingston upper canada on saturday the 9th day of october isj0 at noon for plans of the works and oilier particulars apply to mr manuhau on the premises 10 messrs gould dowie co london messrs dowie and baird liverpool at the office ofthe albion newspaper new york or to the subscriber at montreal peter mccill midland district upper canada august 10 s ii be- at tixld o clovs op vh t j vi ol for the kingston cwg air pindar of ifakrfjd oh wcud that we hal never mcl since his thy will wc thuisaonld part or would i could at least forget thy powerful influence oer m heart i wish not now to censure thso twerc but an idle waste of time yet now thou art so cold to me that i must deni thy change a crime such cruel cold neglect i know 1 could have borne from all but thee for none beside could deal a blow to wound my heart or anger me iaktu reflections os the top of bcsnevis tut highest mountain in scotland in a clear summer morning tune battle of how clear extensive and sublhw our view of hills and dale sj line how sweet the breezes of the main waft oer the braes of scotia these mountains towring in the sky we view as far as can the eye were bulwarks aye when foes were nigh t our ancestors in scotia when rude invaders led their van to take ptweaeion of our ian r- ti apr i sepie iihci sud ys ex moivu juiiu 0 be oici rioma ijiuc- ilu wuaset every eveuii he ovm ii buud rumn and octo- 1 i v- k is efjered ihat ox oii or horse bund runiiingai large in ho town of kingston contra ry to tin- l passorf at the tovii meet in in january last shut forfeit and pay the sum cf five shillings for eachonvncc confirmed in special sessions s2dth march 1830 allan maclean clerk ofthe peace m d ui iie hish of ie wafer but 1 carry it lower rates than lave fii ciiid hereiofce the sioess o carriod o vi- lim rimiie 0- a w morris cnaules bowman thos c tiiuiine tjrocj r the fiim of air and ui montreal at by 6l r cav ie 1ith murciu loo further funerals ofi or v c th murh l00 tub koyaij oak hotel carmino returns his sincere o thanks to his numerous friends nd customers for the very liberal sup port which he has received from ihcni nt the royal oak he now solicits a continuance of their patronage and rs to assure all who may favour him willi their custom ihat his utmost cflbrts wmhi uied for the accommodation an com fort having lately made various improve ments in his establishment he is enu- eiltertfiin a tuuch greater num- bled to 1 ii y 3u uvisli 11 kings head mar ket square kingston james a smith begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has un dertaken the above establishment for merly kept in such high reputation by mr ceo miuvard deceased anc which he confidently hopes to maintain travellers may be assured of finding as usual every comfort and accommoda tion on the most reasonable terms king march 10 1s30 mfougans masonry jyb for sale at the chronicle office march 13 bv an iilll act passed g uulicii- in the last it eu session tho ileceiver geiieral to rso bv loan ihosam oftwentyjivettou- cntitled ct an act 10 sau 1 pjmijijs to lie wei inti 0 regulate ifccir eraiit a further loin canal company and further operations on the credit ofthe government of upper canada by de bentures redeemable in 7 9 anj 11 years iu three equal payments notice is hereby given that scaled tenders for the said loan or any ai t thereof will be received at my office un til the sth day of may next stating the lowest rate ol interest and addressed to the receiver general upper camda endorsed tenders for loan no tender will be received for a less sum than seventvfive pounds john henry dunn ii m receiver general her nf visitors than formerly his ta bic will bo constantly supplied with the very best the market affords and his vnes and liquors of tho first quality the situation of tho royal oak is cen tral and pleasantly situated and parti cularly well adapted for the accommo dation of travellers also excellent stabling- kingston january 1 1830 ie subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support he has received in his liue ofbusiness for several yearsand he hep leave to inform bis friends and the public hat he has removed to the store lately 00- orougli on the 6th and 7ili tuly 1830 at mcgregors mills at the hour of 12 oclock noon portland on the sth and 9th july us30 at acob shibleys at the hour of 1 1 oclock a m john mclean sheriff m d sheriff office kingston dec 0 1829 tor sam liv upper canada a very eligible- property in the eay jx of quinte well known by the name of champignon formerly belonging to capt payne- of the royal engineers situated within nine milj of the town of kingston containing about 400 acres nf arable land of which there are upward of ioo acres iu the highest state of cultiva tion on the farm there is a very neat sub stantial dwelling house built io the cottage style sufficiently capacious for the accom modation of a gentlemans family and it has a verandah of 70 feet iu length which commands a beautiful view ofthe lake in itio rear of the dwelling house there is a well of excellent water with every other convenience required there is also a very good farm house detached from u10 house above described and tho baru and other ont are in excellent order tho above property will be sold much un- der its value and possession given on tho 1st may nest or earlier if rcmirei fur further particulars enpiicatldo 027 bo made to messrs or g s how- j lann jjffw york simpson macintyrk co montreal j r a harper esq kingston or to the proprietor a- simpson quebec 1st dec 1 ggtf the subscriber ate agent to n g filgi- ano returns his sincere thanks 1 to his friends and jhe public for the very liberal support which he received while in that employment and wishes to in form them that he is now apent for m metler co merchant tai lors saint paul street montreal he begs to assure those who may favour him with their orders that all articles furnished by him shall be executed in the best manner and most fashionable style and on the most reasonable terms n they havo made arrangements to re ceive regularly the latest london fash ions naval arm military uniforms made according to the late regulations they will always have on hand an as sortment of trimmings suitable for l r 5 above purpose j math ers agent 1 kingston feb 25th 1830 n b allordeis addressed to- m mctzler co st paul street montre al will be punctually attended to wanted immediately t the long falls south crosby 011 the rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpath april 162 stone cutters wanted taxtd immediately by he subscri- bsr3t hamilton district of newcastle copied by mr t atkins where be intends number of good srono cutters to to keep continually 011 hrnd a general f s- l liberal encouragement will be ortaetofdrygodsandgroeeiks which j eo uny during he intend to self cheap for cash or coomry w produce joseph brtce kings toil otli june lo2l archibald fraser ilamion lolh oept 1839 l

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