Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 4, 1829, p. 3

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f hlaf been spoiled by the engraver aud tfiferior execution of the view ofyork st will be delivered to subsrihers at 4 10s and to non subscribers at 5 tvecinndd from our own knowledge tbalwith the exception of the view of york lie are all respectably executed although it m wry evident the engraver has not stuck so close to the original as he should lart done brocievme cazette aise8smet law after this day the wild lands within this province in all caes where the rates or taxes have been suffered to ruo or be be in arrenr for the space of eight years are liable lo be sold by the sheriff he first giving six months no tice of the time and place of sale- it is proper to inform the public that all taxes now in arrear for the space of six years must be paid to the treasurer of the dis trict in which the lauds are situated but in cases where the six years have no ex pired the taxes may be paid on any lands within the province to the treasurer tf tfee district in which the proprietor re sides herald notice a few copies of scotts new novel anne of oeterstcin for sale at the chronicle offico kingston 4th july 1829 letters from the united states charg ed with united states postage remain ing io the post office at kiueston nn 30th juue 1s29 ingsion on we subjoin the- proceedings of a public yng wfcich was held in this town on lay fast the meeting was numer- jaly attended and we are happy to sav imost perfect unanimity prevailed a- perusing the address we arosureevery titan t of kingston will cheerfully sign public meeting pursuant to notice a public meeting was w at the court house in the town of ingstoo on monday the 30th ult for le purpose of taking into consideration the iprioty of preeuting an address to his ixcellency the lieutenant governor on his ifk visit to this town john maclean iq sheriff of the midland district io the isir mr thompson seconded by mr mc- ifarlane moved that a congratulary ad- ss be presented to his excellency the jlifefctenamftovernor on his first visit to flbgetoo and that marshall s bidwell iq the rev thos haodcock aud don- 3d bethune esq be a committee to pre pare the same carried ncm con the rev mr handcock chairman of the commiltoe reported an address which was read aud onthe motion of john macaulat esq seconded by henry cassadt esq unanimously adopted tho8 kirkpatrick esq seconded by georgk f corbett esq moved that the addresss bo left at the sheriffs office for signatures alsoonthe motion of mr kirkpat- hck seconded by m r corbett it was resolved that the venerable the archdea con of kingston the rev thos handcock thomas markland j sampson d be- thane marshall s bid well john macau- lay h c thompson henry smith jdeorge mckenzie and jas macfarlanc esquires be a committee to present the address to his excellency on his arrival thanks being voted to the chairman for his conduct in the chair the meeting adjourned lb mr belford moses j beedle charles babhit2 henry bander joseph cleineui james conners wil liam carlen thomas cooke james camp bell edward carter william franklin alonso garnscy abel gates thomas c degraff james goldiog edward har rison john joyce william jones edward lawdcr inues archibald rier denis lucas patrick melia john patten george strange daniel steams joseph salt jacob trumpour henry travies zara warner john macaulayp m western london gore niagara home t marrjfd at quebec on the 23d ultimo joserl if hagernian esquire of bytowo to miss ann c mackenzie daughter of the late robert mackenzie esq of montreal t under the patronage of i ik quebec races to take place on the 11th i2th and 14th of aucvst open to all horses now in the possession of a resident in upper or lower canada ahd who must become a subscri ber to these races of a sum not less than 4 dollars on or before the 4th august the merchants purse or 50 sovereigns entrance 10 h ft from march mom fence and twice round the course 2 miles aod 4 aged horses to carry 8s j2lbs years old ttst lolbs 5 years old 8st i lbs 4 years ow 7st 3lbs 3 years and under a feather the second horse to save his stakes grand sweepstakes of 50 dollars each h ft to which the stewards will add 25 provided three or more horses start one mile heats aged horses to car ry 9s 41hs 6 years old 9st 21bs 5 years old 8st 9lbs 4 years old 8st 3 years old 7st 2 years old a feather the winner of the merchants purse to carry 71bs extra t to let he house aod stores in quarry- street recently occupied by mr joseph bruce possession given 1st sep tember apply to thomas askew ageot kingston 30th june 1829 jewelry watches c market place the subscriber most respectfully informs bis friends in town and country that he has received a fresh assortment of british jewelry c watches made expressly for the british market those wanting good time pie ces will do well in calling early all watches sold will be warranted to keep clocks watches and jewelry care fully repaired highest price given for old silver s o tazewell kingston june 27th 1329- he subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support he has received in his line of business for soveral yearsand he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to the store lately oc cupied by mr t atkins where he inteuds to keep continually on hand a general as sortment of dry goods and groceries which lie intends to sell cheap for cash or country produce joseph bruce kingston 5th june 1829 govetnment sale ttotice is hereby given that on jj wednesday the 1st of july next at 10 oclock in the forenoon here will tie exposed to public sale at his majestys ock yard on point frederick a quantity of paper stuff md rags they will be put up in lots to suit purchasers jno r glover naval storekeeper dock yard 4th june 1829 enders will be received atthe engineer office kingston mills until the 24th iuy of july next for ex cavating about 00000 cubic yards ol earth upon the catarnqul creek line of rideau canal specification of the manner in which the work is to beper- i t formed may be obtained by opplicatioi 0 lreut briscoe r e at kingston mills kin 4tlijnno 1sj wanted immediately t the long falls south crosby ylfc on iho rideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom i bora encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpath 1st april 1k notice crown office j york ttth jane 1829 wtotice is hereby given thatthe l courts of oyer and terminer general gaol delivery and of assize and nisi prius in and for the different districts will bo as follows viz eastern circuit district town court to commence eastern cornwall monday 27th july johnstown brockville tuesday 4lh aug bathurst perth monday 17th aug newcastle hamilton monday 3istaug midland kingston wednesday 9th september western circuit sandwich monday 27th july london monday 3d aug hamilton tuesday 11th aug niagara monday 14tb sept york monday 12th oct notice the subscriber hereby forbids all persons trusting or trading with his wife anne smith as be shall not be accountable for any debts or accounts of her contracting darius smith kingston 27ib june 1829 vocal instrumental music ii gornall organist of st georges church wm espe c tfull y informs the inhabitants of kingston that he will immediately commence giving ii- structions in vocal and instrumental music isfc piano forte clarionett german flute bassoon c if re quired will attend pupile at their own places of residence a society will be formed for the purpose of singing glees catches duels songs fyc the p titter fff inn f ft fif chvrrh is respectfully informed that as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained he will teach a choir for the use of the church when psalmody anthems chanting fyc will be taught after the manner of the english cathe drals it g flatters himself from his per fect knowledge of music having made it his principal study from infancy to merit a share of public patronage terms moderate application to be made at his house near the kingston tannery kingston 20ih june 1829 ojfttce of the catarnqui bridge company kingston 0th june 1829 t a meeting of the direct or of the cataraqui bridge compa ny this dy it was resolved that a further instalment of 10 per cent on the capital stock of the company be called in paya ble at tin office on or before monday the 20th day 0 july next geo f corbett s t a j ferns boot and shoe manufacturer begs leave to inform bj customers that he has just re- ceivedbjssummersupply of ladies boots and shoes of the latest loudon fashions and warranted to be of the best qualiry being all made expressly to his order also ladies and gcntlemens gloves ami nil kiuds of materials in bis line for niauufae- ttti a im 4w kingston june 161829 s a t he subscriber having been ap pointed collector of the customs u the port of bath in the mdland dis trict in virtue of a commission to that effect by his excellency the lieut go vernor dated 27h april last hereby intimate to the public that he has ac cordingly opened au office at the said port where all custom house business will be attended to colin mackenzie 9ihmay ia29 notice scer evans a native or hrewsbury england hy trade a human iaie corporal in luc uvim rau- gcrs stationed at fort am hurst upper canada is supposed to have been dis charged 25 or 20 years ago in that country if the said spencer evans will apply to mr john watkins kingston upper cana da or his sister catherine evans cole- ham shrewsbury shropshire eogland may here of something to his advantage the moutreal official gazette the nia- ra gleaner the now york albion and the new york spectator will please give the above two insertions and send their ac counts to the editor of the kingston chronicle kingston june 13th 1829 new wa tches and eight day clocks george hardy watch clock maker respectfully informs his trii nils and the public that he lias remov ed to the house formerly occupied by less- lie and sons lower end of store street nigh the post office where he has on hand a assortment of silver watches plain and patent lever eightday brass clocks gold ear rings gold pins wed ding rings gold plated keys and seals silver thimbles silver tea spoons rogers sitversteel penknives steel chains gilt chains seals and keys watch glasses plain and patent flint c c the above goods are of the best quality and as g h- imported thera direct from britain he is enabled to sell them cheap watches and clocks repaired and brass clocks made to order old gold and silver bought kingston u c 4th july 1829 the subsriber has just received a very general and select assortment of fancy and staple goods which he offers for sale exceeding low for cash or short ap proved aredit also a case of christys waterproof hats and a variety of school books aud stationery c w driscoll kingston july 3d 1829 notice all persons indebted to the es tate of the late patrick dono van are hereby called upon to make payment to the subscriber and those having claims against said estate are re quested to present them forrdjustment mary donovan jan 17 1829 administratrix for sale by benjamin hart montreal agcut for messrs day and martin 400 casks real japau blacking 200 do do paste japan 40 casks of royal romaioe cement warrauted of tbu very best quality 400 casks nails assorted 100 bags black pepper 100 casks epsom salts 10 boxes salad oil quart bottles 600 reams of post foolscap and priming paper plough shares crowly co blister 4 steel sheet iron sad irons frying paus shovels spades lon don loaf sugars cloves cassia c c c montreal 4th june 1829 new goods wholesale an1 retail jas w armstrong is now receiv ing per the brig sophia from greenock his irish and scotch impor tations and expects daily by the hora tio and cherub from liverpool and king fisher from london his english goods comprising an extensive and general assortment of fancy and sta ple articles which he offers for sale at the montreal wholesale prices exclu sive of transportation upon inspection they will be found superior and much cheaper than what is generally offered in this market being all selected undei his own inspection and such as he can with confidence recommend n b a splendid assortment of fi gured and plain irish tabbinets kingston 20th may 1829 mtotice the annual meeting jl of the midland district home misssonary society will beheld at bath on thursday the lllh day of june at 12 o lock noon the rev mr smart is ex pected to preach on the occasion by or der of the committee isaac fraser bath may 27th 1829 vicepresdt lake ontario canadian line or a for sale most valuable farm in the town ship of thurlow and within nine miles of bellville containing one hundred acres sixty of which are un der good improvement with a log house barn and other outhouses liberai terms of payment will be given for particulars apply to dr marshall bell ville or to the proprietor on the pre mises christopher obrien thurlow 2d may 1829 tmr crrhsfribft has jrj the presa duo decimo stereotype edition of the new testament for the use of schools c the work will be ready for delivery early in may next and will be afforded very cheap by the quantity country storekeepers who may wish for a supply will please send in their orders as early as convenient james macfarlane chronicle office kingston 21st march 1829 roman catholic chapel at the marmora iron works pre subscriber is now building a ro- man catholic chapel at theso works to complete which a considerable sum is yet wanting he therefore respectfully addresses himself to the inhabitants of kingston begging their contributions in aid of this laudable undertaking subscriptions will be thankfully receiv ed by messrs walter mccuniffe wm driscoll mich brenuan mich moran and james lynch amanahan notice she subscriber hereby notifies the pub lic that he will be accountable for no debts or accouuts contracted in his name without his or mr ashers persooal or written order john harkes kingston 30th may 1829 notice all persons havingdemandsagainti the estate of the late abraham barktr of ilallowell deceased are requested to present them duly authenticated to the subsciibeis for settlement and a persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the subscribers who aie duly authorised to grant discharges ifuuoweil way lotli loy d b stevenson benj ii u bbs book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle qffue fhe subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kids of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate tems the following is a list of the pi ices when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be nlde on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound io calf orna- meuted do do do do steamboats the alciope niagara queenston steam packets have made the following arrangements for the present season commencing their regular trips on the first of may and ending on the 15th november viz the alciope captain james mckenzie leaves niagara for prescott every sa turday morning at half past 8 oclock touching at kingston and brockville will arrive the following day leaves prescott for niagara every wednesday morning after the arrival of the mon treal stages touching at brockville kingston and york the ni agra captain john mosira leaves niagara for prescott every thursday morning at half past 8 oclock touching at kingston andbrockvilleand will arrive the following day leaves prescott for niagara every sudnay morning after the arrival of the mon treal stages touching at brockville kingston and york the ijueeivstoiv captain joseph whitney leaves niagara for prescott every tuesday morning at half past 8 oclock touching at kingston and brockville and will arrive the following day leaves prescott for niagara every friday morning after the arrival of the mon treal stages touching at brockville kingston and york rates of passage to from prescott niagara 2 10 from prescott to york 2 10 to from kingston niagara 2 0 to aod from kingston and york 2 0 s ftmw khpssmn a- prescott q 15 rrom york to niagara o 10 from prescott to montreal there isa dai ly hue of post coaches sundays except ed running in connection with the above boats prescott u c march 26 1829 the subscriber most respectfully informs his friends and the public throughout upper and lower canada that he has taken that excellent and old established house fronting on the st lawrence well known as clamps coffee house of which he will enter into possession early in may the accommodations which this house affords are equal to any in montreal and are too well known to need remark he intends to fit up the house with the utmost attention to comfort accommo dation neatness and style he promis es that his house will ai all times be supplied with the best paovisioswhich the markets afford and the wines and liquors will be of the choicest descrip tion that can be procured good stab ling is attached to the premises he hopes therefore by a diligent and unre mitted attent on to his guests to give general satisfaction and to merit and receive a liberal share of the public pa tronage henry tipson montreal april 20 1829 the kingston chronicle and york loyalist are requested to inserr tho above 10 broadway new york ti las mr john ford respectfully announces to his friends and the public he has taken this establishment id connection with the united states hotel at saratoga springs the adclphi is already distinguished as a house of select resort aod has been con siderably enlarged this spring its delight ful situation commauds a beautiful view of the bay of new york the adjacent shores of loos island new jersey and the walks of the battery in its immediate vicinity passengers in tho london liverpool and havre packets willfiud this establish ment peculiarly convenient agreeable and contiguous to the steam boats proceeding in all directions from the city the distinction between this and other hotels in new york is attributable to the circumstance of having a number of parlours on the european plan where gentlemen and families have the option of enjoying the retirement of a private table or partaking the accommodation of a very limited table dhote conveniences combined with strict order and altentiou in the interior economy of the establish- ineot which it is doped arc calculated to obtain general approbation ftjtite united states hotel at saratoga springs reopens on the 2ut of this month where mr ford will contribute his best tx- lu the com soap candle manufactory daniel caffray impressed with a grateful sense of the very liberal support be has received from his numerous friends as well as from the public at large would inform them that he continues the above business at his old stand in front of the holdings of john s cartwright esq and near mr a ivess and the long island ferry he is determined to have constantly on hand a general supply of soap can dles which he pledges himself shall be of the best quality he will give the highest price in either soap or cash for tallow and lard and grease and ashe delivered at ins works kingston oct22 1828 pork merchants can have their lard tried and packed in the first order at the us hortestotice and on the lowest terms stoves just received and for sale by the subscriber in the market place a antity low priced cooking stoves h s phinny kingston jany 30 1829 i i for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9th august 1828 ijor sale on reasonable terms lot no 24 in the 4th concession of the township of burgess in the coun ty of leeds in the johnstown district for further particulars apply at this office kingston 24th may 1828 iiihe canada company having completed the surveys of two lines of lots of one hundred acres each along the new road leadingfrem wilmot togoderich at the mouth of the river maitland on lake huron passing on the south tide of tho new townships of north easthope ellice logan mckulop and hullett and on the north side of south easthope downie fullarton hibbert and tucker- smith the same are now ready for syle in this ofhce on the iqohx advantageous terms tho country which is thus for the first lime opened for settlement is one of the fort of his srwm farina jbrurabj io wfl jw wm quarto do octavo do 12mo do 13mo do c 9- d i 0 0 0 10 0 o ft 0 o 0 0 3 0 half binding in calf notice vfhereas several depredations respecting saw logs have been com mitted on the isle of tanti every per son or persons who may hereafter bo found offending in taking logs or cord- wood without a permit will be prose cuted with the utmost rigor ol the law richard mitchins isle of tanti 6t april 1s29 homast orton aucti- furs wanted at the store of the subscri ber market place ail kiuds of ship ping and hatting flrs h s phinny t oneer land and general com mission agent brock street east of the market wanted a quantity of whisky pork flour and corn- kingston 8 may 1s29 a well recommended medical gentleman of found british pnn- ctpcls wirt meet with every support in the vicinity of vittona townshp ot charlottevillc london district the centre of a dense population notice all notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frede rick keeler are to be settled j hsamson bellville 24th dec 1s28 adm folio half bound mented quarto do octavo o l2mo do ismo do aod orna- 0 17 0 do do do do 0 7 0 0 a xo 0 1 8 0 i 6 binding in sheep folio full meotcd quarto octavo 12mo l8tno bound and orna- c q 19 6 do do do do do do do do 0 t 6 0 s 0 0 1 10 0 1 3 half binding in sheep town has been laid out bearing tl name at the mouth of the river trc anwood this rent the situation is pleasant and healthy and promises to be the centre of com merce to a large portion of country when the trent is mado navigable to the rice lake park and town lot to be had of the subscriber on very rea sonable terms if applied for sheldon hawley anwoomyfctib april 1829 folio half mooted quarto octavo 12nio 18mo bound aud orua- do do do do do do do do 0 9 0 0 t 0 0 i 74 0 1 3 0 0 10 lso ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port foil and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 for sale 200 smoked hams and 100 pair of smoked chopsofthe first quality l thos turpin kingstod march 28 1829 newyork 1st may 1829 the subscriber respectfully of isnrm the public that he has just re ceived of this seasons importation from newyorka well selected assortment of india european goods among which are ladies gentlemens and childrens leghorn hats all of which he offers for sale for cash likewise a quantity of sole and up per leather tobacco and snuff and as usual has on hand cogniac brandy hollands gin jamaica spirits madei ra port tenerifie and spanish wine teas sugars sec c c walter mccunlffe kingston 1st may 1829 public notice the sub scribers having been duly ap pointed by commission from the cana da company under dale of 22d janua ry last o act as their commissioners within the province of upper and low er canad instead of john gait esq their late superintendant they hereby give notice to all who may have any transactions with said company that ihey have full power and authotity to do and perform every thing that appertains o their concern which will be transacted at the com panys office in york or at the es tablishment at cuelph william allan thds mercer jones the newspapers which usually in sert the canadacorapanysadvertisemenis will please to publish this for three months w a s tmj notice is hereby given that the part nership existing between richard lowe and thomas dier since the first of my 1825 io the carding and cloth pressing business at the napane mills is this day dissolved by mutual consent all those who have any claims on the said firm are requested to present thera to thomas dier for settlement aod all those indebted to pay to either party such accounts as arc presented endorsed by the other richard lowe thomas d1ek states taverns are already opened nd being built at easy stage of ten and fifteen miles along the whole extent of the road where teams will be always io readiness to convey settlers and arrangements are made for a regular twice a week team from this place to godericb john galt superintendant canada companys office guelph27th january 1829 the newspapers which insert the ca nada companys advertisements will please attend to this six times for sale five acres of lnd more or less in demorestville being part of lot no 37 in the first concession west of green point in the township of sophiasburgh apply to mrs jane mleod kngsion 17th december lb28 w notice to tavern keepers hereas it appears shut a number of persons having ob tained certificates from the magistrates in quarter scssious have negleced o take out their licences and are herefore illegally carrying on ihe busi ness of tavern keepers such pe sons are hereby informed that unless ihey immediately apply for licenses to the district inspector they will be prose cuted to the utmost rigour of the law and all shop keepers who are selling spirituous liquors and wines without li censes will be proceeded against with equal severity james samps on inspector of licences wanted at the tan- yard of the subscriber 200 cords of hemlock bark of this years peeling for which cash will be paid john plant bower n b sole upper leather and calf skins of the first quality at mon treal pi ices kingston 4tb june 1829 of napane milloct 1st 1828 notice a ny outstanding private accounts of john gait esquire will be rettlod by john reid priory guelph 30hmarch 1s29 a

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