Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 4, 1829, p. 2

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canal without delay according to ihe di mensions intended the directors canaot forbear to pay a just tribute to the indefatigable exertions and judicious conduct of mr mckritt the companys agent and they continue to have every confidence in the ability of the engineer mr barrett johx hdunn president wetland canal co i latest from england from the n y courier the packet ship silas richards capt holdrege arrived yesterday from liver- ool whence she sailed on sunday 24th lay we have our usual files of papers commercial letters shipping lists c from loudou and liverpool to saturday 23d inclusive the most interesting portion of their contents will be found in our co lumns this morning england on monday the 18th of may the house of commons decided io favor of hearing mr ocounell at the bar of the house ei ther by himself his counsel or agent in respect to his claim to sit and vote in par liament without taking the oath of supre macy mr oconnell was then called io and addressed the house in person in an able and respectful yet dignified speech in which he urged with great force and elo quence his right to a seat as the represen tative from the county of clare without taking the oath required on his retiring the question was argued with great calm ness by the speaking members of the house and on the final vote beiug taken upon the original question enforcing the oaths here tofore liken by catholics the numbers were as follows ayes 190 noes 116 majo rity 74 tuesday may 19 order read for the attendance of mr ocounell and mr oconnell being iu at tendance he was called to the bar where upon mr speaker communicated to him the resolution agreed upon by the house and the order made thereupon that it is the opiuion of this house that mr oconnell having been returned a member of this house before the commence ment ofthe act passed in this session of parliament for the relief of his majestys roman catholic subjects is opt entitled to bit or vote in this house unless he first take the oath ofsupremacy ordered that mr- oconnell do attend the house this day and that mr speaker do then communicate to him the said reso lution and ask hirn whether he will take the oath of supremacy and then mr speaker pursuant to the said order asked mr ocounell whether he would take the said oath of supremacy whereupon mr oconnell requested to see the said oath which being shewn him ac- cordinglymroconnellstatedthat the said knew oath contained proposition which h to be fisiand another proposition which he believed to be untrue and that he there fore refused to take the said oath of supre- of the expedition from england mncy and then mr oconnell was directed to withdraw and he withdrew accordingly the solicitor general then moved that mr speakerdo issue his warrant jo the clerk of the crbwn to make ont a new writ for the election of a knight ofthe shire to serve in this present parliament for the county of clare in the room of da niel oconnell esq who having been re turned a member of this house before the commencement of an act passed in this ses sion of parliament for the relief of his majestys roman catholic subjects has refused to take the oath of supremacy this motion was postponed until thurs day the 21st of may on which day it wa3 called up by the solicitor general and af ter considerable debate decided in the affir mative without a division and a new writ for the county of clare issued tc6 imovbitfg chromcfe says so in tense- was tbecuriosity both in and out of doors to hear mr oconnell on monday fufation ofthe very flattering accounts that have lately appeared iu the german papers in favour of ihe russian arms with the exception ofa private letter from semliu of the 31st inst in the quotdienne the pa ris journals are as barren of news as the former according to the letter from seffl- lin the accounts published by the russians of success over the turks before giurgevo were the reverse of true the victory re maining in every instance with their oppo nents particularly on the 17th march on which occasion the russians had 5000 wounded soou after this defeat count dicbitsch whose sudden rather unseason able aud wholly unexpected indisposition we noticed yesterday ordered the russian troops to take up more concentrated posi tions these particulars it is added were published at belgrade by order of pacha and communicated to him by the austrian general at peterwaradin the other pa ris paper as we have already at least indi rectly stated contaiu neither a confirmati on nor a futation of this intelligence but besides the authority we haye already mentioned an idirect comfiroiatioo of the news is in our opinion contained in the inaction of the russian army the continued silence of the russian govern ment and the sudden illness of the russian cammanderinchief the head quarters ofthe russian army were to he moved nearer the danube the commander iu chief left jasseyou the 14th of april paris may 21 a letter from vienna states that a report was circulated at odes sa on the 1st may that the erzcroum had been tak- a by the russians the best informed persons in that city did not be lieve it the accounts from sizehoil were ofthe 23d april the russians still retained possession of it hut the turks were mak ing preparations for a speedy attack odessa april 23 a considerable con voy with troops 4000 men it is said and provisions will sail uext week for the asi atic coast of the black sea it seems that the turks arrive from natolia iu great force advancing to meet general paskewitscb nftrt hrf nnvte fpry fhfrtfi ffrr gfcefr wv- odessa april 25 a letter from sizebo- li ofthe 6th april gives a particular ac count of the construction of the ucw fort which is built according to all the rules of art and very strong it is calculated for 500 men and eight pieces of cannon with three convenient barracks for the troops and a good powder magazine the rus sians coutinue to strengthen and enlarge the fortifications of the town itself so that thele is nothing to fear from the turks who would certainly be repulsed with loss the result of the attack since made on the 1st of april shews that the author is cor rect iu his opinion portugal the situation of this unhappy country is almost inconceivable the blood thirsty tyrant who governs it with a rod of iron continues to commit crimes which disgrace humanity and which the powers of europe calmly witness without making an effort to arrest his progress we hear nothing more roy hastened t destroy the effect ofthe imprudentworl ministry that in civil responsibility there could only ex ist a moral rospousibility if m portalit been present he would have preached a fourth sort of doctrine we thus see there is perfect accordance in the administration french funds rentes 5 per cents 1071 75c 3 her cents 78 00c 70c bank shares 1875 by an ordinance of the king count portalis who hud held the office ad interim is permanently placed at the head of the department of foreign affairs m bour- deau under secretary in the department of justice is made keeper ofthe seals greece all the accounts from greece announce that missolonghi must soon fall the greeks intend to blow up all the works of the fortresses they may take in livadia to prevent any reaction on the part ofthe turks of 5500 french who will re main in the morea one battalion will be in garisou atpatras the remainder in nava- rio and modon r tic the following extract corroborates the rumour heretofore published via bostoo lisbon may 9 this week too has had its horrors twelve more victims have been sacrificed to the vampire which is now sucking the hearts blood of portugal twelve ofthe most respectable of those who wished for their countrys good have been butchered at oporto by the monsters who under the mask of supporting religion and monarchy are battening on the property of this wretched people oporto may 4 at night by a decision of the alcada star chamber of the 9th of april last 23 criminals were condemued for the crimes of rebellion committed dur ing that which began in this city on the 16th of may last year eleven of whom have been scnteuced to different periods of transportation and twelve to the punish ment of the gallows which for that pur pose lias been erected in the pravha no va this final determination of the court was intimated to them this day and the that the number of members present atfour crinimals have gone to the oratory where oclock exceeded five hundred and the applications by strangers for admission to the privileged seat under the gallery were numerous beyond all former prece dents insomuch that the speaker found himself under the necessity of refusing the great majority cf them efforts were made successively by mr brougham lord mor- seth colonel craddock and we believe ir hume to procure this envied indul gence for some irish geutlcmcn much at tached to mr ocounell and deeply inter ested in the result of tjie debate but a ne gative courteous but decided was the in variably reply from the chair to these re peated applications the day at present fixed for the proroga tion of parliament is the 10th of june but it may possibly be a few days later we have some accounts from the manu facturing districts which mention a partial destruction ofthe warps iu the looms such weavers as worked under the prices agreed upon last week but no uore serious out rages have taken or seem likely to take place cowier we are happy to state that since our last publication the town has remained to lerably free from those dreadful scenes of riot si violence which it has lately been our paiufel duty to record mnnckaster he rald a failure in the woollen trade was an nounced in the city today but we believe it not to have been very oxtensive 1 1 seems tolerably well understood that negociations are certainly on foot for rais ing a new loan for the emperor pedro brazilian bonds however have left off nearly oue per cent under what they open ed no firm as yet acknowledges having entered iulo the contract from the seat of war a london paper of the 21st contains ac counts of russian success on the 1 1 th april at the villages of zigaula dessa and ras- ta but they are not confirmed or credited by subsequent accounts the morning he rald of the 23d says last night we received the paris papers by express and in due course odessa ga zettes the latter contain no news oftho slightest interest from the theatre of war and ia this omission wesee a complete ro- thcy remain until thursday the 7th inst wheu the sentence will be carried iuto ef fect unless some stay is caused by a law process to that effect the criminals are to have their hands cut off and some of them to be stuck three days on the gallows and others ou high posts in the different places where theircrimes were perpetrated what renders the execution of these vic tims if possible more atrocious than any monstrosity of which this infamousgovem- ment has hitherto been guilty is that they have been condemned by an ex poste facto directed tribunal for high treason com mitted against the majesty of don mi guel 46days before be assumed the royal title on the 30tb of last june twelve months ordeal in a miguelite dungeon and then to the gallows may not this wretch ed people who see all those who are pining in exile or dying by inches in the horrible gaols or butchered on the scaffolds ask now of great britain and the heads of the bri tish government how long will you suffer these atrocities ireland it appears from the speech of mr peel that the relief bill has already been so far effectual in ireland that the lordlieute nant thinks it perfectly safe to diminish the military force io that country three regi ments of which have accordingly been with drawn mr oconnell has drawn up an addres to the freeholders ofthe county of clare announcing his intention of becoming a candidate for the now vacant seat for that county france from the constitutionnel of may 20 sitting of the chamber of deputies there was a remarkable contradiction among the three ministers who spoke to day mr martignac acknowledges no kind of civil responsibility he equally de clines the jurisdiction of the tribunals and of the chambers m bourdeau on the contrary proclaimed that civil action against the ministers ought to be fixed by law of which he acknowledged the neces sity we roust not besoprised at this he sat only yesterday on the left side and he is too recently seated on the right to have arrived at the ministerial doctrines he will mem by the side of m martignac mr from the quebec mercury a deputation consisting ofthe hon orable the chief justice sir t n hill dep adj general the hon 7 stewart waited upon dr mills this day at 11 oclock and presented him with the following valedictory lettet signed by 140 ofthe principal civil and mili tary inhabitants of this city and garri son which we have groat pleasuie in publishing regarding it as a just tribute to the unremitting and meritorious la bour of the truly excellent chaplain to the forces whose departure from this country would be generally regretted were it not for the hope entertained that his visit to his native land may lead to some higher reward in the sa cred profession of which he is deserved ly considered a useful labourer and a brilliant ornament quebec 25th june 1829 sir the affecting farewell which you took of your parishioners on sun day last leaves no reason to doubt that in is your intention speedily to embark for england and we should not consult our own feelings nor the interest of our families and friends were we to omit this occasion of expressing to you our regret that this event will deprive us fcv many months of youi valuable ser vices as chaplain to his majestys forces in this garrison and lectuier of itis cathedral it is at once a pleasing and a painful task to record that during the last fif teen years we have listened not with out profit and satisfaction to your expo sitions of the holy scriptures and hive heard its precepts delivered and enforced from your lips with a power aad beauty of language rarely to be equalled these circumstances joined to the even tenor of your life and to the assiduous attentions which you have shown to the sick and the consolations you have afforded to the distressed we may say with truth have greatly en- deated you to the civil and military of ihs city and render our departure a matter of deep regret to us all nor is the regret less painful when we consi der that to your exertions the commu nity is indebted for some religious and charitable institutions which have in an ewinent degree contributed to the in ductions of youth and to the advance ment of piety and benevolence that divine providence may pre- erve vbii mrs mills and your family 9nd that you may soon return to occupy hat station which you have filled so honorably to yourself and with so much public benefit is the prayer of reverend sir your affectionate parish ioners and very humble servants here follows 140 signatures answer quebec 30th june 1829 gentlemen the address you have done me he ho- fior to present to me is as unexpected on my part as it is undeserved and the gra tification i experience in receiving so flat tering a testimonial of your esteem and re gard is diminished only by the consciousness of this want of desert if my instructions from the pulpit during the fifteen years mat i have resided amongst you have been s profitable to you as you describe if they bave been instrumental in raising your thoughts to god in impressingyour tninds with the infinite importance of spiritual things and filling you with joy and peace in believing i have indeed reason to re joice with a 4l joy such as no man can take from me and to offer the jiovtge of firm thankfulness to ilim who whether paul planteth or apollo watereth alone giveth the increase with regard to the institu tions of which you speak they in general owe their origin to one whom it is my pride as well as happiness to call my friend and i itny merit bo due to me on this bead it consists chiefly in seconding and forwardiog his views and assisting according to my ability to rear the scion which his abler hands had planted mrs mills joinsme in echoing your good wishes and i cannot express to you the re gret which she feel at this temporary se paration from- the land of her nativity which is also the birthplace of ber children and keeping of gods providence and ear nestly iutreating the supremo disposer of all human souls that he wij crown you with all blessings both spiritual and tem poral in this life and bring yu thro faith in christ jesus to everlasting happiness in the next joseph langleyjills dd port of quebec shipping intelligence the wreck of the gramcus the further particulars of tbis wreck are taken from halifax papers received this morning there cannot be doubt that it was the granicus the ladj whose ring has been found is a mrs stirling former ly of edinborough whose husband is now in quebec we have been informed by a shipbroker that he learned on the morning the granicus sailed that capt martain had been fortunate and obtained j i passengers the crew probably consisted of 20 men boys so that but a half of the persons on board are accounted for it ti understood that letters received from st georges bay sometime ago mentioned mat a bark abandoned by those on boaitd had been thrown ashore there in the course of the winter marks on a part ofthe property a shirt p vaughan 1 do wm nash no 8 sept 17 1827 a fingerring engrav ed inside married j s to a s 16th april 1822 on a blank leaf io blunts american coasting pilot waswritten j stickney esq j s campbell esq quebec ou another leaf of th same book was written ship granicus corkou the african coast pilot aud two other nau tical books appears robert martin barn- mouth by ayton near berwick n b below two lines of tho poetry in the sea mans daily assistant willis copy of affidavit to all whom it may concern be it known that jacques bourge ois joseph bondroit joseph bourgeois john chesson all ofthe challop victory ofthe magdalen islands having personally appeared before me p f golbeck esq one of his majestys justices of the peace lor lue uistnct of oujspo state on oath that on the 12th may inst they landed on the north side of the island of anticosti about 6 leagues from the east point and visited a fir station there which they had previous ly known that they found the door shut and tied inside with a rope that on forcing the door they perceived the carcases of 4 human beings with the heads legs and arms cut off and the bowels extracted hanging by the thighs in the room and two others on the floor cut up in the same manner that they found a human body in a hammock who appeared to have died there the bo dy was habited like a sailor that there were two trunks in the room with hu man flesh in them cut up in small pieces there was also a pot with human flesh in it round the house pieces of human flesh and bones strewed about there was no appearance of bread flour or animal food in the house two brands of fire were in th fireplace and ashes in the house were two axes and on adze on the shore was a jolly boat but the name was defaced from the clothing there appeared io have been both women and children of the parly the fienchmen interred the bodies in testimony whereof they have here unto set their baud and seals this 29th of may j829 at magdalen islands witness george irving j t moncey joseph bourgeois jacob bourgeois john chesson joseph bondroit ed to produce mr ocounol has not suc ceeded in occupying his scat in the house of commons as member for clare the discussion iuvolvcd both legal and parlia mentary questions and was conducted with moderation on both sides the new act having no retrospective reference could not possibly be applied to his case passing away by mfts- iu mans passing away is written flp the world aud all the world contains- it is written on the rose in its glory full array read what those buds disclose passing away it is written on the skies of the soft blue summer day it is traced in sunsets dyes passing away it is written on the trees as their yonng leaves glistening play and on the brighter things than these passing away sir sidney smith well known for his gallant defence of satnt jean dacre at tended the late levee and was very gra ciously received by his majesty this in teresting individual is said to be busily engaged in preparing publications for the press and amongst other matters it is whispered memoirs of his own life though now advanced in years he retains all the activity of mind and spirit of enter prise of earlier years and those who know him intimately speak most flattering ly of the earnestness of his conversational powers tie rideau canal a press of political matter obliged us most unwillingly to de fer to this late period the interesting event which took place on the 6th ultimo on the line ofthe rideau canal in this immedi ate vicinity we allude to the launch ofthe steam boat built under the auspices of mr robert dkummoko the contractor for a considerable section on the line of this highly useful and important work the boat in its present form is we un derstand intended to pump the water out of the coffer dam for the completion of the first lock out of lake ontario to re move the rubbish from the bottom and thereby deepen the water in several places between tbe works of by town and kings ton and finally to form one of themany which we hope to see navigating the waters of this new and useful channel her dimensions are 80 feet in legth 15 feet breadth of beam and 6 feet iu depth her power is that of twelve horse and she had her engine on board wheo launched tbis event fully justifies our impression of the rapidity with which these works are conducted and the science displayed in every branch of the operation one lock is now nearly completed and the dam is allowed to he the best specimen we possess of architectural excellence and the only one on the line which has been successfully closed too much praise cannot be bestowed upon tbe superintending military engineer lieutenant briscoe for the indefatigable attendance and- scientific slciu which he bas devoted to the important trust reposed in bis judgment norcan we fully appreciate tbe disinterested and enterprising spirit which has actuated mr drummond in con scientiously fulfilling every part of his en gagement in a work so replete with diffi culties and so susceptible of casualties we shall have great pleasure in again reverting to the progress of these interest ing operations aud of hailing with pro portionate delight the continued success of what we have no hesitation io declaring to be the best executed and most faithfully performed portion of this highly useful as well as ornamental appendage to our canadian advantages mcgill college tho interesting cere mooy of opening this institution took place at montreal on the 24th ult the rjfo rev the lord bishop of quebec in tfe absence ofthe administrator of the gc vernment presided on the occasion iq 1811 the hon james mgilll bequeathed the valuable estate of burnside together with 10000 in money for the purpose endowing a university bearing his nafc this liberal bequest was made in trust a corporation called the royal institutioi which was incorporated io 1818 through whose instrumentality the co was incorporated by charter in 1821 k pursuance ofthe will of mr mgill ti residuary legatee of mr mgill however disputed the legality of the bequest after a long course of litigation his maji ty in his privy council has lately decidi in favor ofthe institution and there is m of course no further obstacle in tbe way the institution going into immediate opej ration under the charter tbe goven of the college are the governor lieut governor of lower canada lieut governor of upper canada- chief justices of montreal and upper j uada the lord bishop of quebec principal of the college in reference to this subject the ofthe montreal off gazette says we deem it but justice to the archdeacon strachan to state reverend gentleman the province is gn ly indebted for mgill college astaj suggestions on this subject his friend relative the late mr mgilljent a and willing ear and was infttced to the bequest which is now about to b ployed according to the intentions donor to that gentleman we m stand is also due the very liberal arr men t which was announced by the pjii f ffifiaujfl mkmhha dents the new ivaoarly novel anne of tein says the philadelphia national zette is issued this day by messrs ga lea carey in two duodecimos mentioned some time ago that we had the first volume ofthe london edition augured very favorably ofthe work yi terday we perused the remainder lively interest and satisfaction the rative fixes attention and a most ski use is made of tho histoty of charles bold of burguady and ofthe vexme or cret inquisition of his era the chara are numerous and lofty and some oft powerfully drawn and dramatised is much ability in the composition oi romance it attracts and instructs same time its subject is fresh and deeply impressive i v it is written en the brow where the spirits ardent riy lives burns and triumphs now- passing away i w both of us beg to assure you tho we is unnecesary that trust tho assurance wherever we go whether distance of time or place or circumstances may seperate us your many acts of kindness to us will never be forgotten whilst every evout wbich hefals you during our absence will he regarded by us with the warmest and liveliest interest above all you will not cease to be remembered in our prayers i now once more bid you an affectionate fare well comme4line you and yours with all humility to tho love of christ and the care it is written on the heart- alas that mere decay should claim for love a part passing away friends friends 1 oh shall we meet where the spoiler finds no prey where lovely things and sweet pass not away shall we know each others ayes with the thoughts that io thera lay when they meet beneath the skies which pass away oh if this may be so speed speed thou rlosinghay how blest from earths vain show to pass away the chronicle kingston july 4 1829 our london dates it will be seen are down to tho 24tb of may we have given in another column an epitome ofthe intel ligence furnished by the late arrivals there appears however to be nothing of much political importances the war in the east is carried on with spirit by the contending parties but nothing ofa deci- sivo character has taken place since the opening of the campaign we congratulate the frieeds of ireland upon the prospect of peace hp prosperity which late measures are so himy calculat- we have this week commenced the pub lication of an interesting historical sketch of the gallant reguueat at pptjtvm to nwfc garrison we have no doubch will be perused with pleasure by many of our readers the lovers of sweet sounds will re joice to learn that tbe band of the 79th will play in future every monday evening from 7 to 9 in front of colonel douglas residence at the west end ofthe town the weather has of late been broken pnd variable and in many instances cold and ungenial for the season the rains wbich have lately fallen however have greatly improved tbe appearance of the crops throughout the district the cataraqui bridge the most grati fying piece of local intelligence wbich we have fur a long period communicated to the public we are this day enabled to an nouncethe opening of the cataraqui bridge by the completion of ooe ofthe sue ways this was so effectually concluded today as to enable a wagon to cross the contractor of this part of the stupendous work an american took tbis method of celebraticgihe auniversary of his countrys independence which in some measure will become by this means an era of con siderable interest in the history of our own the ferryboat has consequently resigned its long exercised functions and we understand the public will be permitted to enjoy gratuitously a passage across until tbe first day of august when the xoh keeper assumes his office we regret to announce au accident wbich happened yesterday morning ou board the sir james kempt steam boat on her way up a fireman during the night having occasion to draw up as is supposed a bucket of water unfortunately fell overboard and though every assist ance was promptly afforded unfortunately sunk hlsbame was obrien he has left a wife and large family to deplore his premature end the london literary gazette of 16th may noticing the new novel anne geierstein says sir walter scott hssj again broken up untnuden ground ant again a rich harvest rewards memastersi toil and whether it be tbatbe feels pecul arly at home in a land of mounterd wl and rushing flood this tale of switzt land is one of his successful efforts period is admirably calculated for hu cal painting the whole story is oi extreme interest the imaginntio scott appears here in its youthful vi we predict that this will be one ofhis pr lar productions we copy the following partgragh fril the york observer as a caution beware of counterfeits forged the nvontreflrtfcbnnfrither an circulation maby forged notes of bank of the following descripu dollar notes letter c dated 2d 1826 gerrard president griffin paper ibi ii the letter c badly in other respects very likely to de public reid and stills engravers 3w jt we learn with pleasure says tifij treal offgazette that jfcn wt esquja formerly clerk of jfttfjjf rideaq canal has betfta app superintenant of that stupen tbe abilities wbichatgendeman ed duringhis residence in upper fully entiue him- to the confidence in bim bytbe government of ttie4 qouotry vi we copy tla folinwingtrom can paper iry wryofin elentea a love letter fnrt t taiior to a wanivapvstter remnaxt pf my hopes may i beriptfdfrom the borders of y esteem and never he buttonejm the loup your kindness hut im stronger beamed the ftemofyour beauty may i evexjflpt- thimble full of your faror oi ypf wftfll entangled rne mlm uauwauding with that pretty otfcttfe y at lam staric mad te ytta- kinsv i am ssrtfly yw every stitch of me wherovea- yoorss yon ire my north am my needle follows yon therefore blunt no the point of my endeavours but jet mi baste myself tb your kindness that 3 nisq eet thetigbterto your affections i loveyo3 beyond miasure but yet it is so hard to caai bage one sweet look from you that i almaovi despair of haviogenough to fiuish my sim pray pot a favourablo construction on tbis and ibf4tie same i shall always sit cross- hgged for your sake being my dearest litfwj fiounter yours jpd tbe publication noticed in somene paperslast year views of canada mr gray has arrived and is nowdyj delivery to subscribers tbe totaqrtr pnee vhs five guineas but in conseqt ofthe view of the fus of moaltop r- njffl jt i

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