Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 20, 1828, p. 3

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extend the commerce and advance the general welfare of his own dominions 4 his majesty relies upon the wisdom of the august sovereign the head of the house of braganzato take the course which shall be best calculated to maintain the in terests and honor of that illustrious fami ly and to secure the peace and happiness of the dominions over which it reigns the commissioners were the lord chan cellor duke of wellington lord ellen- borough lord melville and the earl of shaftesbury the royal commissioners did not take their seats in the house until five minutes to three oclock the commons appear ed at the bar at ten minutes past three and the lord chancellor had not conclud ed tbe delivery of the speech until balf- past three when by virtue of the royal commission he declared the parliament prorogued to thursday 28th august next the these complaints consist chiefly of the dismissal or many officers of milita for the constitutional oxercise of their civil rights of the sudden and extensive remodeling of the commission of tbe peace to serve as it is alledged political purposes of a vexatious system of prosecutions for libel at the instance of the attorneygeneral and of tbe harsh and unconstitutional spirit in which these prosecutions have been con ducted your committee have hitherto felt that they should best and most usefully dis charge their duty by studiously abstain ing from consenting upon the official conduct of individuals but it is impossible for them not to call the serious and imme diate attention of his majestys govern ment to these allegations your committee also feel bound to urge upon his majestys government in the most especial manner their opinion thutit is necessary that a strict instant enquiry should take place into all the circumstances attending these prosecutions with a view to giving such instructions upon them as shrill be consistent with justice and policy your committee learn with the grea test concern that disputes have lately ari sen in upper canada between the local government and the house of assembly which have led to tbe abrupt termination of the session of the legislature of that colony prorogation of parliament his majestys speech parliament was pro rogued on the 28th july by commission at two oclock bis majestys commissioners being robed and seated on the woolsack the usher of the black robe was sent to the house of com mons to command the attendance of the ipeaker and members of the house as soon as the speaker appeared at the bar the royal assent was given to several bills thelord chancellor one of tbe commis sioners then proceeded by command of his majesty to deliver the following most gracious speech my lords and gentlemen we are commanded by his majesty to acquaint you that the business of the ses sion having been brought to a close his majesty is enabled to release you from your attendance in parliament his majesty commands us at the same time to return to you his warm acknow ledgments for the zeal and diligence with which you have applied yourselves to the consideration of many subjects of great im portance to the public welfare the pro visions which you have made for the regu lation of the import of corn comhining adequate protection for domestic agricul ture with clue precaution of a deficient harvest will in the confident expectation of his majesty promote the inseparable in terests of all classes of his subjects we are commanded by his majesty to acquaint you that his majesty continues to receive from his allies and from all foreign powers assurances of their friendly dis position towards this country tbe endeavours of his majesty to effect the pacification of greece in concert with his allies the king of france and the emperor of russia have continued una bated his imperial majesty has found himself under the necessity of declaring war against jr c p have just seen fro the ottoman porte upon grounds con- kingston september 20th 1823 we are this week enabled to present our reader with the report of the house of commons on the affaire of the canadas which we copy from a supplement to the montreal herald this documeut we have no doubt will he perused with much interest by our readers it is evidently drawn up with every wish to meet the wishes and conciliate the prejudices of the people generally the imperial parliament was prorogued bycommissiononthe23th july his ma jestys speech at the close of the session will be found in a proceeding column we reget to observe that the crops have suffered much from rains in great britain this season these circumstances 1 think it a question deserving some consideration from an ho nest mind whether it he altogether right to join in tbe laudatory language usually pour ed forth at meetings of auxiliaries concern ing tbe london society while not a sylla ble is said in commendation of the one in edinburgh da laudem cui laas debetur it does appear to me standing as these two societies now do in diametrical oppositoo to each other on grounds known to all that to praise and support the one is to dero gate from the merits of the other if i am wrong here i shall be set right if it be true what nobody denies that the edin burgh society has rendered such an ira- eortant service to the christian public as as been alluded to is this the society to which we ought to give the unkindly thrust i trow not i for one never shall i will say that the merits of the edinburgh society are such as ougbt not to be passed over in silence i will say that it is a so ciety which deserves well of all good men and i trust that there will be found in king ston a little band it may be but little who will shew a right sense of its deserv- ings by connecting themselves with it and forming an auxiliary 1 know someof the heads of it they are estimable meothey have never done any thing to destroy the confidence of christians in them they dearly love all who draw their descent as many of us here do from the scottish soil and i feel confident that they will gladly and efficiently assist us in the prosecution of the bible cause from a correspondent his excellency the earl of dalhousie sailed from quebec on the 8th instant in the challenger captain fitzclarence and on the same jay his excellency sir james kempt was sworn in as administrator un til a regular commission as governor ge neral shah arrive from england an interesting article on tbe administra tion of lord dalhousie has appeared in a late number of tbe quebec mercury we shall take an early opportunity of present ing it to our readers at a meeting of the friends in general of the kingston auxiliary bible society held sept 16th 1828 thomas markland esq in the chair it was unanimously resolved 1st that the object of the british and foreign bible society iu circulating the holy scriptures without note or comment and excluding the circulation of the apoc rypha has the cordial approbation of this meeting moved by rev jas radclifle seconded by mr parker 2dthat renewed efforts be made to ren der the kingston auxiliary society more efficient and more extensive in its operati ons moved by mr henry smith secon ded by mr w wilson 3d tuat the thanks oftfifii meeting be given the committee of the parent insti tution for deputing the rev john west a m to communicate with this society relative to its present proceedings mov ed by mr h c thomson seconded by mr vm stennet 4th- that the thanks of this meeting be given v the chairman for his kind assis tance on the present occasion moved by mr bcassady seconded by mr c tol- kein ffrraw the rev w r payne will preach the annual sermon in aid of the society for promoting christian knowledge at saint georges church in this place on sunday morning the 12thofoctober next cerning exclusively the interests of his own dominions and unconnected witb the stipu lations of the treaty of the 6th of july 1827 his majesty deeply laments the occur rence of these hostilities and will omit no effort of friendly interposition to restore peace the determination of the powers par ties to the treaty of the 6th july to effect the objects of that treaty remains un changed his imperial majesty has consented to waive the exercise in the mediterranean sea of any rights appertaining to his im perial majesty in the character of a bellige rent power and to recal the separate instructions which had been eiven to thp commander of his naval b orces in that sea directing hostile operations against the ottoman porte his majesty will therefore continue to combine his efforts with those of the king of france and his imperial majesty for the purpose of carrying into complete ex ecution the stipulations of the treaty of london his majesty commands us to acquaint you that his majesty had every reason to hope when he last addressed you that the arrangements which had been made for ad ministering the government of portugal until the period at which the emperor of brazil should have completed his abdication of the throne of portugal would have secured the peace and promoted the bap piness of ft country in tbe welfare of which his majesty has ever taken the deepest interest the just expectations of his majesty havebeen disappointed and measuies have been adopted in portugal in disregard of the earnest advice and repeated remon strances of his majesty which have com- telled his majesty and the other powers of europe acting in concert with his majesty to withdraw their representatives from lisbon 14 gentlemen of the house of commons we are commanded by his majesty to thank you for the supplies which you have granted to bim for the service of thepre- sent year his majesty will apply them with the utmost regard to economy and will conti nue a deliberate revision of the several public establishments with a view to any further deduction which may be compati ble with the dignity of the crown and with the permanent interests of the country my lords and gentlemen his majesty commands us to congratu late you upon the general prosperity of the couutry and upon tbe satisfactory state of the public revenue his majesty contemplates the increase of our financial resources with peculiar gratification on account of the decisive proof which it exhibits that the condition of his subjects is one of progressive im provement his majesty commands us in conclu sion to assure you that his unabated ex ertions will be directed to inculcate among foreign powers a spirit of mutual-good- the garden of david john smith esq of this place a variety of plums of very su perior quality consisting of half duff clo- dian duff clodiao and the egg plum one of the latter weighing 2 oz- mas r1ed atqucbecon the sdiust at the frouae of alexander simpson esq by the revd dr harkuess duncan m- dougl esq lieutenant and adjutant of the 79ju cameron highlanders to miss margaret simpson died at his residence dundas hal- ton ciunty on the 16th inst mr edward lessliu merchant commodore barrie arrived here on thursday evening from the lower pro vince we are informed it is stated in private letters received at quebec that the re port of the committee on the affairs of canada was adopted by a majority of only uite vote we are also informed that advices have been received from england respecting the differences between the late mr justice willis and the attorney general at the last york assizes and that the conduct of mr willis has been disapproved of while that of the attorney general has met with the decided approval of those to whom the matter was referred several articles are this week postponed for want of room for the chronicle it seems that some attempts are about to be made to revive the cause of bible circu lation in tins place this is praiseworthy as it may be presumed that the merits of the british and foreign bible society will have ample justice done them by the very able person who comes hither as their a- gent it may be but fair to give some ac count of the merits of certain other bible societies which exist in great britain it is a certain fact that the scottish soci eties almost universally and many english also have withdrawn themselves from the parent institution it is an equally certain fact that the reason of their withdrawing was a very grievous misapplication of the funds of the society by tbe lon don committee long persevered in and relinquished at last if indeed it be relinquished with a bad grace i chal lenge any one to deny these facts if they can but i have something more to say it is a fact equally certain with those al ready stated and i would callthe attentiou of the kingston subscribers specially to the fact that the committee of the edinburgh auxiliary now the edinburgh bible soci ety composed let me say it since it is the custom to quote authorities elsewhere of some of the ablest and most upright men in great britain had the merit of laying open the melancholy maladministration of the london committee and forcing them into that abandonment of it they uow profess to have made i say forced for those at all acquainted with the history oi bible societies tu great britain for some years past know that it was with extreme difficulty that the committee in london could be brought to abandon the government contract ihdtice is hereby given that m sealed tenders wll be received at my office until wednesday the eightl day of october nexi from all person willng 10 contract for supplying hs mijestys dock yard at this place with nine hundred fifty cords of fire wood two hundred and fifty cords to be de livered on or before the thirtieth day of noventber next two hundred cords to bedelvered on or before the thirty first dny oi iot twmtiio wie wiuuoujiig five hundred cords on or before the thirty first day of march next ensuing the date hereof the tenders are distinctly ti express that the fire wood shall consist of sound hard timber viz black and yclow birch maple hickory or white beech and are to contain the nmesofiw0 competent sureties for the due performance oi the contract and are to b forwarded to my office ad dressed to the naval storekeeper and endorsed tender for fire wood and the parties making the tenders or their auihorized agent are personally to attend at his majestys dock yard at kingston at ten oclock on the eighth day of october next when the said tenders will lie opened and decided on the tenders are to express the prices in sterling money at the rate of 4s 4d sterling to the dollar and pay ment will be made at the option of government either in british silver money or in bills on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 sterling for every 103 due upon the contract j r glover naval storekeeper kingston dock yard u c credit sale will be soio by action at the store of t j ft benson on wednesday the 24ih september and the following days the vhole ol their stock in trade consisting of dry goods among which are broad cloths cassimeree flushing flannels blankets worsted comforters drawers guernsey frocks hosiery vests vestings striped cottons cotton and linen tickingcalicoesfurniturtf cottons beaverteen fustian gloves bmbazcts plaids counterpanes shawls hand kerchiefs steam loom shirting scotch sheeting osnaburg linen drill dimity jaconet book muslins bobbin laces wrought muslin collars ribbons threads and tapes combs sec c also a quantity of crockery glass china ware and an assortment of groceries and liquors tobacco no i patent pails a few articles of hardware and some stationary 03 sale to commence each day at 10 oclock a m n b as the above named persons in tend closing their business in this place the whole will positively be sold without reserve conditions of sale parchasers under 20 cash purchasers to amount of 20 and upwards 90dayscredit on furnishing approved endorsed notes tf moran a b kingston 16th se 1828 to be sold by auction for the benefit of creditors by order of the executor to the estate of the late john scantlebury on monday tbe 29th instant will be sold by public auciionwith- out reserve he whole of the house hold furniture of the late john scanleburyinnkeeper deceased consisting of elegant four post bedsteads feather beds bolsters and pillows straw pallias ses and hair mattresses wash hand stands ewers and basins looking glas ses and bed side carpets dining tables card and dressing tables silve plate plated ware glass and earthenware five excellent new stoves and a variety of kfrttnen 6fensits among whicn is a new patent cooking stove of most compact and convenient structure of capacity to prepare a dinner for 150 persons and cost about 50 the whole is well worthy the attention of the public and it is hoi the sale will be numerously attended conditions will be mentioned auhe sale salo to commence each day at iftoclock a m m moran ab kingston sept 18th 1828 removal elesslie sons beg leave to inform their friends and the pubhc that they have removed to that shop adjoining mr j g parkers store street kingston 15th sept 1828 no tice all persons having claims against the subscriber are requested to present the same duly authenticated without delay to henry cassady an- esq for adjustment and those indebt ed to him are requested o pay tteir ac counts to mr cassady who is author ized to give receipts therefor saml mcniece kingston i9th sept 1828 a f 20 rh september 1328 n will and to encourage the industry to otice theie is now in the possession of mr charles wil son pou dkeeper at barriefield in the township of pittsburgh a stout dark bay horse short tail formerly belonged to mr junis and mr hart of the ordnance department whoever may own said horse are requested to pay the expenees of poundage keep- ins and take him away otherwise he will be sld according to liw barriefield kith sept 1828 for sale the brick house and lot situate on the place darmes at pre sent occupied by assistant com gen hare vor terms apply o thos k1rkpatrick pracuce rf vovfcircuuitioii tnder kingston isih sep 1s23 to be sold the sloop beaver with sails and rigg complete apply to johnbowen kingston iflth ftt ls steam boat niagara- or the future passengers onboard the niagara will be charged as follows cabin passage from prescot g 0 0 to york and niagara j ditto from kingston todo do 2 0 0 cabin passage from prcscott to kingston as formerly deck passage from prescott q fj to york and niagara ditto from kingston to york o jo 0 and niagara j from prescott to kingston as formerly john mosier master kingston 1st september 1828 government contract for bread biscuit fy fresh beef tt otice is hereby given that jr sealed tenders will be received at the office of the commissariat at kingston until twelve oclock on the morning of friday the 3d day of octo ber next from such persons as any be capable of supplying whatever quanti ses of breadbiscuitfy fresh beef may be required for the garrison of kings on and its dependencies from the 25ih day of december next o the 24h december 1828 the terms and conditions of the contracts to be entered in o my be known on 4pplyingat the commissa- run office the tenders must be made agreeably o prescribed form specifying the names of two respectable persons as sureties for ihe duo performance of the contract and to state the rate for each lb of bead biscuit or fresh beef in sterling the payments wll be made from time o tmen british silver or in go- vernmem b us and if in the latier at he rate of one hundred pounds for eich one hundred and one pounds ten shillings due upon he corjract john hare asst comia genl couvis r kingston 28th august io2d contra ct for birch brooms tenders will be received at the commissariat office kingston until 12 oclock on the morning of tuesday the 2sd september next for supplying the barrack department at this post with three thousand and fifty brooms to be made of birch agreeably to a pattern which may be seenand particu lars known at the barrack office the tenders must state the price in sterling for each broom and payinen for the whole will bo made at ibis of fice in british silver on a draft drawn by the oidnance storekeeper the tenders must state the names of two persons who will be sureties fo the undertaking john hare asst comis genl commissariat kingston 28th august 1828 notice well recommended mclc i gentleman of sound british prin ciples wij meet with every support in the vicinity of vittoria township of charlottevjlle london district the centre of a dense population lands for sale w ot letter d in the townshipoj mj pittsburgh fronting the st l w- reuce containing 200 acres well wooded lot no 26 fourth concession township of kingston containing 20l acres on which there is a clearance o about 20 acres with a log house and barn lot no 26 sixth concession in ssme township containing 200 acres on wnich there is a clearance of about 10 acres with a good fence and now under a crop of timothy for particulars apply to f a harper kingston 12th m 1828 government work required a few good qua r- rym en to be enmhved bv the royal engineer department par- ticulars of the work c may be obtain ed on applying at the engineer office john hare assist com gen kingston 6th august 182 mansionhouse hotel to be let vol one or more years and possession given the first of ocober next for particulars apply to mr jacob herchmer or the sub scriber charles anderson kingston 21st aug 18 a- j fjshsts 0egs leave to inform his customers mi hat he has received a part and da iy expects the remainder of his sum mer supply of ladies and childrens shoes ladies and gentlemens gloves materials for manufacturing c which being imported direct from the manu factory in england he is enabled to sell as low as any other person in the can adas he has on hand of his own man ufacture an excellent assoitment of calf seal kip and black buck skin boos and shoes also upper and sole leather calf seal and cordovan black morocco coloured roins bind ing skins c and all kinds of findings for shoe makers also mens womans boys and girls coarse boots and shoes by wholesale at as low a rate as they can be procured from any other quarter and warranted to be of good materials sd wotkmip11 ingson une 27th ts2s in to be sold that valuable tavern stand the town of kingston known as the kingston hotel comprising a- substantial stone house with stable oiherapurteninces situated on lot no 88 63frotinngthe court house nd containing twofifths of ah acre this property is too well known to need repetition if not disposed of by pri vate sale before the 15th ocobernext rhe same w 11 on that day at noon on the premises be put up at public auc- t and sold without reserve the ti tle is indiputable conditions to be made known at the time of sale apply to the proprietor oo the pre- mises or to m moran auctioneer k 2d august 1828 nb mr walker would inform his friends that he in the meantime will con duct the business of the house as usual and takes tis opportunity of returning his thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support which he has always exjpe- riem fr u them kfejstj ioi leun ol t years mmediiue possesson given ihe p overly at present in the occupation of john grant in barriefield consisiiir of a good dwelling housebake house barn and other out houses with the lnd attached the property will h- 1 eased for a term of years on advanta geous terms apply to the editor of the kingston chroncle kingston 5h may is26 notice to emigrants arsons desirous of setting in upper canada may procure lands on the island of tintisituat- ed in lake ontario 9 miles ubove kingston there are several thous nd acres yet unoccupied which will be either sold or leased upon reasonable terms the situation ispleasan nnd the soil generally of an excellen quality further information may be obtained by applications richv h-tch- ins esquire residing on the islcnd wto4 h jtjilnmmviehu ao fvesvow montreal june 2 1828 n b a steamboat passes the is- and ihree mmes a week t p jo vehnmen t no tice fi ood stone cutters wll w find employment in the royal engineer department at this post application to be made at the royal engineer office john hare assist com gen commissariat kingston 18th a us 128 s canada compani it is particularly requested that ajl claims on the canada companybe sent in during the first week in septem ber next and afterwards regulaily in the first week of december march june and september addressed tho mas s mi ill esq cashier and account ant canada companys office york to whom application is to be made for paymenfin the course of he firs weeks in october january april and july john galt svperintendant canada company office i guelpkjuly 29 182s t notice he subscriber being appointed agent for the canada compa ny n this place is ready to receive of fers for the purchase of any of the com panys lands in this quarter he also begs to inform such persons as may intend to settle on the companys huron tract that by presenting them selves to ebenezer johnstonesqof buf- falothey will be forwarded by him from that place at the companys expenseto the new settlement of goderichat the mouth of the maitlandheretofore called the red river faharper k 26th july 1828 lost on sunday last near saint andrews church a hajr bracelet with g rid clasp any person leavin the same at this ice shall receve a reasonable reward kingston 18th juh 1828 ost or stolen at pres cott on the 31st ult a small leather portmanteau about 2 feet in length any person giving such information to the editor of the chro nicle as may lead to the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded kngson 29b august 1s2s eft on mcdoneil wi i io a six weeks ago a barrel of pork j owner is requested to prove his property iungstonsept4 1s28 mrotice the subscribers w l pay the following prices for pork and flour in cash on deliveiy at iheir establishment at jones falls south crosby rideau canal as undermen tioned viz for pork in the ho weight fora 150 to 200 lbs 21s 6d ditto do from 2 to 300 lbs 22s 6d for flour in the barrelfine 21s 3d do do middling 18s yd do in the bag pr cwt 10s 6d mackay redpath jones falls rideau cm dec2 1327 the steam boat toronto james sinclair mas mk will leave kings ion eveiy mon day morning at 8 oclock for baih adolphusownhnllowel sophias- burgh belleville the carrying place and river trent rt leave the lrciit at 10 o clock a m on tuesdays and arrive at knigsron n the evening touching at the intei medi ate places leave kingston every wednesday at 8 oclock in the mornlngfor prescoi and return the following day touching at gananoqua and brockv leave kingston every friday morn ing at 8 oclock for belleville leave belleville on saturdays at 8 oclock a m and arrive at kingston in the even- ing touching at the intermediate places the toronto is neatly fitted up and every attention will be paid to the ac commodation and comfort of passengers a stage wll meet the boat at the trent on tuesdays fare as usual for passage or freight application may be made to the master on board kingston 6th may 1823 t l lamp black he subscriber offers- for sale h lf a ton of lamp black inj barrels from 90 to 100 lbs each it is of a super or quality not caked or mildewed and will be sold very low fo cash geo f corbett septl 5 notice tbe subsbribers o the new fork truth telle re hereby informed that mr thomas smith is appointed agent 0 the above newspaper instead of mr- william driscoll ki 30th august 1828 commercial hotel market square kingston mrs scantlebury begs to acquaint the public inat since the demise ofherlate husbandshe continues to conduct the above commodiousestablish- ment in offering her services to the inha bitants of kingston nml th traveller g ue- rally she trusts that experience added to assiduity and attention will enable her to study the comfort and couvcuiencovof her guests it were needless here to enumerate the advantages possessed by this hotel over e- very other of the kind in kingston irtf will be obvious to every person who may please to vigil the partinmts kingston sept 4th lo28

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