Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 13, 1827, p. 4

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poetry ballad bt sir robert aytoi i 3e confess thourt imooth and fair and i might have gone near to love thee had i not found lie slights prayer that lips could speak had power to move the but i can let thee now alone as worthy to be loved by none i do confess thourt sweet yet find thee such an unthrift of hy sweets thy favors are but like the wind that kisseth every thing it meets and since thou canst kiss more than one tkobrt worthy to be kissed by none the morning rose that untouched stands armd with her briars how sweetly smells but plucvd and straind through ruder hands her sweet no longer with her dwells but scent and beauty both are gone and leaves fall from her one by one such fate ere long will thee betide when thou hast handled been awhile like sere flowers to he thrown aside and i will sigh while some will smile to see thy love for more than one hath brought thee to be loved by none tot brigand leader and his wite by mr htmans dark cbieftiao of the heath and height wild feaster on the hilla by night seest tbou the stormy sunsets glow flung back by glancing spears below nor for one strife of j- tern despair the foe hath trackd thee to thy lair thou against whom the voice of blood hatb risen from rock and lonely wood and in whose dreams a moan should be not of the water nor the tree haply thine own last hour is nigh yet thou shall not forsaken die theres one that pale beside thee stands more true than all thy mountain bands she will not shrink in doubt and dread when the balls whistle round thy head nor leave thee though thy closing eye no longer may to hers reply oh many a soft and quiet grace hath faded from her soul and face and many a thought a fitting guest of womans meek religious breast hath perishd in her wandrings wide through the deep forests by thy side yet mournfully surviving all a flower upon a mind wall a friendless thing whose lot ii east of lovely ones to be the last sad but unchangd thro good and ill thine is her lone devotion still and oh not wholly lost the heart where the undying love hath part not worthless all though far and ion from home estranged and guided wrong yet may its depths by heaven be stirred its prayer for thee be pourd and heard from the literary gazette of february 2 new invention a dr zimmerman has lately invented a contrivance which if it should answer the cha- lacter given of it in the german juui nals ill prove highly interesting and important it is a meilioii by the application ol which to hie arms they cannot by any possibility go off either by accident or carelessness or in any way without the positive will of the person u- iing them at the same time it does not im pede or delay for an instant the use of the arm when required to act the inventor we understand has obtained r patent in some of the german states and has applied to others for the same advantage aud the details nfhis invention are of course withheld till he has secured himself against injury from imitations the concord of sweet sounds a treaty with the ohippeway indians has recently been ratified by the president and senate and published the names of about 30 indians are subjoined to the treaty of which the following are specimens madw agkuna- geezhigwaah peekwankwotoansekey oguh- bayannuhquotwaybe the name of a female mentioned in the treaty is oshauguscoday- waguua of another obnyshaunoquotoqua any one who can pronounce these we think may safely be charged with calling hard names executive council office york nth march 1827 otice is hereby given by order of his excellency the lieutenant governor in council that sealed tenders post paid for a lease of the sebffis across the rideau lake in the line of com munication leading from brockville to perth for the term of seven years from the 29th of september 182 subject to such rules and regulations for ferriage and attendance as the magistrates of the district in general quarter sessions of the peace may adopt to be endor sed tender for ferry will be received at this office until tne first wednesday in july next on which day the lease will be adjudg ed to the highest bidder who will be required to pay l 12s 6d currency before the pa tent issues and to enter into the usual securi ty for the due payment of the rent john small clk ex council notice the subscriber will pay cash for 2000 bushels of rye delivered in kingston john strange k ngston 29th march 1827 alliance british and foreign ilffc anfc jffre assurance company o mgftfl established rt act of parliament capital five millions sterling the agents for this company beg leave to announce to the inhabitants of upper- canada that they continue to assure against loss or damage occasioned by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following- gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the dif ferent districts viz guy c wood esq cornwall messrs j h w morris fy co brockville james macfarlane esq kingston james g betkune esq cobourg robt wm prentice esq york john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties desirous of effect ing assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the pub lic of the following important and striking ad vantages that will be derived from assuiing with the alliance company 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settlement of losses 3d moderate premiums of assurance 4h a participation of profits 5ih parties who obtain the settlement of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made good 7th the agents have the power of sett ling losses in this country without refer ring to the board of direction in london 8ih reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid oth in the case of an assurance being made on property for a less sum than the real value thereof the company will pay whatever loss is sustained not exceeding nw iuiti assured 10hthe extended scale on which the society is formed warrants the expec tation that the profits to be divided will be large mackenzie bethune u co agents montreal 28th september 1826 office oj the cataraqui bridge company kingston 15tt march 1827 at a meeting of the directors this day it was resolved that an instalment of ten per cent upon the capital stock sub scribed shall be pavable at this office on or before the first dav of may next geo f corbett sec k treasurer i 50 reward is excellency he lieut governor having received a communication from his excellency the governor of the state of new- york by which i appears that william morgan who some ago exercised the calling of a brewer in this place and who has subsequently resided y canandagua in the state of new- york w some time in the last year conveyed by force f that place and is supposed to be forcibly detained under false pretences in some pan ofthis province any person who may be able to afford information respecting the said william morgan shall upon communicating the same to the privpte secretary of his excellency the lieutenant governor receive the reward above offered covernmenl house k pottud volume of voltaires history ol louis xiv apply at this office i3lh march 1827 to let a large twostory house comprisinga shop and every convenience for a family situate on the napane river a short distance below the napane mills attached to the premisesare three acres of ground and a very good store house apply at this office kingston 18th april 1826 ca c wanted 10000 bushels of merchant able w 33 l v 0 for which cash will be paid on delivery wm donaldson kingston jany 19 1827 ata man being about to discontinue busi ness at kingston john strange esq acts there as agent for this establishment a manahan marmora iron works feb 11 1827 notice it an order of the adjourned sessions held at the court house in the town of kingston feb 26th 18s7 the subscriber is au thorized to receive proposals ou or before the 24th day of april next from such persons as may be desirous of contracting to sweep the chimniesinsaid town for one year from the above pesiod the proposals lo specify the price per flue in each description of houses hwwilkinson police officer police office feb 27th 1827 bank of upper canada at a general meeting of the stockholders held this day pursuant to public notice it was resolved that a further instalment ol ten per cent upon the capital stock subscribed shall he called in payable at the bank on the first day of may next thosgridout york 6th feby 1827 cashier pork wanted by the subscriber a few bbls of prime pork for which the highest price will be given j warmstrong kingston march 19 1827 removal the subscriber begs to acquaint the pub lic that he has removed to the shop ad joining mr orange hayes corner of queen and storestreet where he intends pursuing his business as and habit maeer he earnestly solicits a share of patronage and he can assure those who may favor him with their commands that every exertion shall be used on his part to give satisfaction james boes kingston march 161827 3ls january 1827 executive council office york 7th february 1827 notice is hereby given by order of his excellency the lieut gov in council that unless john bowman late a private soldier in the glengary light infantry re giment the original locatee of lot no 7 concession c township of murray in the district of newcastle do shew cause within six months from this date why the location should not be rescinded the lot will be grant ed to william m bullock of murray afore said gentlemau john small c e- c lottery tickets for sale tickets in he following lot teries delaware state lottery to be drawn on 14th march union canal do pennsylvania to be drawn on 28th march connecticut state lottery to be drawn on 11th april new york consolidated lot tery schemes fit prices may be known by application to d rankest kingston march 8 1827 to capitalists valuable property o n the first day of august 1827 between the hours of twelve oclock a m and two oclock pm will be sold by public auction to the highest bidder at kingston in the province ofupper canada anrjc iflfsartnora iron works these works are situated in the township of marmora in the county of hastings in the midland district of the said province and are esteemed one of the most valuable properties in thefotindery line in british north ameri ca and one it is consideted which cannot fail under proper management to realize to a purchaser profits seldom arising to capitalists from other investments of capital these works in the establishment of which upwards of thirty thousand pounds steiling have been expended consist of two furnaces the one capable of yielding two tons and the other one tone of iron in the the twentyfour hours with the necessary buildings connected therewith a forge for the manufacture of bai iron with four fires and two hammers a saw mill flour mill bark mill and tan nery all impelled by water of which there is an abundant supply carpenters and black smith shops well provided wihthe neces sary tools baking house and fourteen com fortable dwelling houses three of which are well suited for taverns or large families wuh 2500 acres of vt ivr i f mm l or hjile ot no 22 in the broken concession b in the township of murray couuy ofnorth- umberlind in the district of newcastle con taining two hundred acres of 1 and there are on the preaiises a commodious dwelling house barn stable and out houses the land is of an excellent quality well watered and in a state of cultivation 4zjso koto no u and 1c in the 6th concession and nos 9 20 22 and 4 in the seventh concession of the township of rawdon county of filings in the midland district for further particulars applv to georfie macaulay aguitfor the proprietors september 9 1825 united empire anjf continental as the subscriber wif receive proposals for the insurance fo lives for any period terms and other particulars may be ascertain ed on application to ny of the agents in upper or lower canadi to whom also pros pectuses may be bad h smith agent for upper canada kingston 5th october 1826 a few copies of the following works are for sale at this office capt parrys third expedition to the north west illustrated by a map- denham and clappertons tra vels in africa the atlantic gou venir a christmas and new years present for 1 ss handsome ly executed and splendidly embellished and the adventures of a young rifle man written by himself the old line op from sackets harbor to utica by way of watertown and lowville runs through every day sundays ex cepted the proprietors ofthis line of stages have spared no pains or expense in procuring good horses and carriages and mak ing such other arrangements as will conduce to the comfort and convenience of passengers a line of stages is now running daily from watertown to cape vin cent and kingston so that passen gers to and from canada by takiugthis route will be sure of a speedy conveyance across the st lawrence at all seasons of the year watertown and syracuse stages leaves wa tertown every monday wednesday and fri day and returns on tuesday thursday and saturday through in onedaywlen the roads will permit gash paid for corn oats an peas n w einiston fit co watertown nov 20 1826 in the said township surrounding the vvorks and 8534 acres in the adjoining township of pdnbotjimmfbeififcew o linnet ui- which a deed in fee will be given and upon which are inexhaustible mines of ore generally of a good quality with 1500 acres of land granted conditionally in perpetuo by the go vernment as fuel reserves the condition being that the works are never permitted to cease three successive years the distance at present at which the works are supplied with charcoal is between two and three miles the lake ore is brought by water five miles and other oie useful to be employed in the making of good ro jv is brought by land a distance of six miles ore of the purest quality known in the british provinces may be had at an unfixed expense of mining within a few hundred yards of the works mixed with which is yellow ochre red earth and black lead in great quantities these works aie established on crow river a mile below the cruv louc thia river interrupted by many large rapids con nects with the river trent the distance by and to the mouth of the trent the head of navigation is 31 miles the limits of an advertisement will not ad mit of an enumeration of the many advantages of this property neither is it the purpose of the proprietor by any exaggerated statement to induce persons desirous to purchase to trust to his representation and save the trouble of personal inspection that it is at least equal to the representation here made of it any person viewing plans of the works left ar the different advertising offices in london liverpool newyork philadelphia montreal and kingston will be satiried added to which this circumstance is of consideration that the works are sufficient to supply the province of upper canada with sat krott c xrmi wlavt and at a price much lower than they can be brought from the lower province the object in selline is to fulfil the conditi ons upon winch tins property was placed in the hands of the present proprietor namely to pay over the proceeds to the creditors of mr charles hayes the original proprietor such sale being demanded by the majority in amount of debts of the said creditors for further information application to be made to messrs gould dowie co in london mr manahan at the works or to the sub scriber in montreal peter mgill montreal jul 15 1826- notice william rennie egs leave most respectfully to acquaint his friends and the public that he has recommenced business in hislineat the house tatel- occupied by mr f x rocheleaux op posite the mansion house hotel store street where by an unremitted attention to his busi ness he will merit the approbation of his for mer friends and the public kingston 20th dec 1326 for sale i a copy of sandoval of the free mason a spanish taleby the au- thnr of don esteban apply at this office marc 16 1827 notice whereas my apprentice ebene- zer martin haw absconded rom my service this is to caption all per sons from trusting him on my account as i will not be answerable for any debts of his contracting and 1 hereby oiler a reward of sixpence to any one who wiltf apprehend him but do expencea paid isaac domill to be leased or sold that frame dwelling house and gar den beautifully situated near the com mandants house at present occupied by d a c g arnold possession to be given on the 1st of may next for particulars apply to john lowe esq kingston or to the editor of the clnonicle march 9th 1827 valuable lands for sale loha acres viz lots no 30 jtfivvijlss 33 and 39 situated in the sixth concession of the the township of kingston and beautifully bounded in rear bv collinss lake also lot no 12 ninth concession loughborough the above lands are of an excellent quality and well umbered terms of payment made easy application to be made to the subscri ber john strange agent for the proprietor kingston 1st feb 1827 n b any person or persons trespassing on the above lands will be prosecuted to the utmost rigour of the law of i or hu ou to let that fine farm lot no 2 letter c in the township of pittsburg situated on the st lawrence and about 2 miles from kingston containing up 0 200 acres of which about 100 are in a stats of cultivation on the premisesare an excel lent dwelling house and slable of stooea large barn and other outbuildings also a good orchard for further particulars ap ply to f a harper esq kingston or to lt col macpherson on the premises kingston 27th oct 1826 notice the subscribers having taken the store formerly occupied by col j smith at cape vincent now offer for sale a general assortment of 8 and groceries together with an additional stock of fancy silk goods and crapessuch as orange brown blue lilac and other coloured grosdcnap and grosdeta sinchews silk vesting fancy dress silk handkerchiefs he c which will be offered at very reduced pricesfor rea dy pay only kellogg reynolds cape vincent 2d nov 1k26 port hope nail manufactory j brown bees leave to infom his friends and the public that he has com menced manufacturing of every description of a superior qu4rt which he will sell for cash or approved hills as low as they can be obtained at any maun factory in the united states port hope july 3 186 the copartnership heretofore carried en under the firm of smith fy but- ttirftorth as hatters in the town of kingston is this day dissolved by mutual consent am persons indebied to the concern are required to make immediate payment to thomis smith who is authorised to discharge the same and those to whom the firm is indebted are requested to present their accounts for adjustment thos smith john butterworth kingston 9th dec 1825 for sale that valuable farm in the 7th conces sion of the township of ernesttown lately the property of mr samuel ward it is composed of lots no 25 and 26 in said i oncession and contains by admeasuremen h acres of good land of which about 100 acres are under cul tivation there is a good orchard dwellinghouse barn and other outhouses on the pre mises a liberal credit will be given on part of the purchase money and possession may be had immediately for further particulars apply to joha kirby esq kingston or to allan macpher son esq napnnee mills kingston 20th august 1824 to sell or lease several thousand acres of land on the isle of taoti for parlicu lars enquire of geo macau lay agent jor the proprietor bath 6th oct 1824 just ttttt tot awn for sale at this office the church catechism the zungton chronicle is primed and published every friday afteroooa by jajues macfarlane at his office corner of water aod barrack streets kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscriptions lo be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d fim insertion and 7j each subsequent insertion ten lines and un der 3 4d first insertion and lod each subse quent insertion above ten lines 4d per line tor the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serled tiltforbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to bs in writings and delivered by wednesday noon at the late no adverpisementsreceived afterten oclock on the day of publication produce received in payment at tie mar kei price agents henry cowan esq quebec phillip bnrnsesqtvireeizweri james william esq montreal messrs j j dunlop lancaster john cameron esq lochiel wm kay esqcornicdf george browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq prescott henrj jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth hwhitmarsh esq richmond j k hartwell esq bastard mess c j mdonald gananoqu jmkenzieksqrra allan mcpliertonjfeqjvirjniret thomas parker esq bellvitlc joseph a keeler esq tramahfi james g beilttine esq hamilton david smart ebfl port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara charles biggur eq canal pese murr rev mr johnson jtnhcntovrgk george hughes esq jidotpmstowm hugh macdonald esq hay day

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