ijartdt lhai an friday evening list heiwrro be hours of eigbi aud nine oclock he was turning from mr dowv brewery in company uiih wal ler benny when uearly opposite he hoiise of bc deceaied lie discovered a man looking in ai tie from windows trmeciicd his curiosity and be walked towards the mau 10 ascertain who he was upon which the man walked away rapidly frnui he size figure and jaii of ihis person uiiness believes him 10 have been ewen cameron on saxirdav morning about tea oclock wiines went in put suit of hie said ewen cameron and found bim in the house of one henderson near miinnsship klltming yard and on asking bim when li cainc 10 iowd cameron answered j have just arrived and appeared evidently agita ted ar seeing witness walter benny swore that on the night of friday ast between eight and nine oclock while he was ia company with william warson he saw a man walking in front of the house of he deceased he observed him more than twice looking in at ihe wiodow from which the lata of the bhud had been removed this mau resembled in gait tigure add appearance ewen cameron the hev mr mahieson being sworn declared that 00 friday evening he was sitting iu the front room on the ground floor of the deceased in company with aid deceard about three minutes after ten oclock a shot was died from the front window which wounded deceased but by whom the shot was fired the witness knows not eliza hill a servant in mr vaions house stated bat at about three minutes pait 10 oclock 00 the evening of friday last she was entering ihe door of the room where ihe deceased was sil ling when she heard the report ot a pitol orgun and saw ibe flash the room was immediately til led with the trsnokt of gunpowder sue heard mr waifoi av w 1 am shot dead the shot pro ceeded from the front window mr watson died about eight oclock on saturday evening geoige henderson said he was a carpenter in ibis city about six oclock on the evening or fridav last he entered his aou and found hweu cameron witness remaieed 10 his house the whole evening except for a few minutes when he went out on his reentering he found the said ewen cameron undressing himself and pie- triog 10 go to bed he saw cameron lay dowu in h- bed about half past hve the uext morning bo ft yteaing his house to go 10 hi woi k the said been cameion was mill a- bed he i pomfite that from eight oclock till ten on the evening of friday cameron did 1101 leave his lioure cameron had a plaid with htm when became to his house cathrrioe cameron swore thai on the evening of friday last ewen cameron came to her house about half pat bve oclock he lrpt there all eight fiom moeoclock till the time witness wmii 11 iij cameron dd not leave the house he could not do so wituout her kuowlrdge sue was not out herself the following is the certificate of six 1 cal gentlemen who examined the body of the dt u- d we have examined the body of robert wat- 1 sou and rind that he va wounded by mixed shot on the right ribs of i be body many grains of which hot penetrated he cavities of the thorax and ab domen everal of the most important visceia in ihe latter caviiy were wouuded and we are of o- pi moo dial the said gunshot wound wa the cause ofhts teeth the inquest was then adjourned to the following day oil thai day george henderson withdrew the staemeai in his evideuce given above respect ing cameron having bad a plaid with him when be came 10 his houe he said so by mis ake he meant to say that cameron generally came with a cloak eliza macnamara deponed that she lives at the house of john watson ca penter montreal that on saturday morning between eight and teu o clock ewen cameron came 10 itic initial that he satrohe had jiai ram in fiom ihe tanneries tuat he staid ihere a short lim and then lefi the house after stating mat donald mmillau of ihe tanneries was then coming in 10 tow n tuat cam eron returned about two oclock in the afternoon to meet charles austin a servant lately in the em- pov of john donegany that whilsi there wit ness aked cameron if lie had heard of mr wat son bmiig shot to which he replied that mr watson wan not dead that he wa- n corpulent nan and that the glass rnut have prevented the shot from proving fatal cameion aked witness if an one was suspected and she answered that the servant girl of the deceased had stated thai a man had been asking her some das previous at what time the deceased was to drink tea on this cameron retnaiked that the servant girl imifi know the mau again while ihis conversation a- goingon cameron appeared to be looking at a newspaper which he held i his hand john watson isacarpreter in this cily be tween the hours ofseven and eight on the moroing of sa nrday last cameron called at hi house and infoimed wituess llissi he had just ai rived irotn ihe tanneries where be bad parsed the llijshl previous cameron stopped in witnesss houe about twenty sniuutes he was dressed in a black coat brown trovsers and as witness heheses a blue vest v rmwfvfhinn rswcliwem wis4m tnnk ijlnif cameron did not wear a cloak a tai tan one be longing 10 turn had been left by cameron in his iin -m- ome days previous aud it was still there william tate carpotiierswor that about live minute- past mx oclock on friday evening la- lie went to the house of george henderson and there saw henderson his wife and a little girl but no other persoa heihinhs no other person could be in the room they occupy in said house without hisseeing them vkrpict wilful murder against some person or persous unknow n verno jv exfellec he lieutenant go- z a a com by hi excel- e y 0 request you j be picked to assure hse who have signed i thai hi excellency wl transmit it to his sujctfja secretary of his excellency desires they tnav be well as sured that 1 was 10 ordinary anxiety to protect from inconvenience thatclassofotr popiilatioi lor whose interests this address bespeaks ron- cern which coild have incited the govern- men of this colony to persevere as it has done against every difficulty in the attempt to secure their property and 10 obtain for them a full and certain admission to civil rights the lieutenant governor is not unaware what efforts have been used and what misrep resentations have been resorted to for the pur pose of exciting opposition to a measure which must have been generally viewed by men of sound understanding and of good principles in the same light as it appeared to the signers of this addiess and his excellency regrets that a due regard to official forms prevents his communicating to the people of the province until it has been received by the secretary of state the despatch with which he accompani ed ihe bill because he thinks it would have shewn those who anxiously desire and fairly deserve this relief that their interests have not been abandoned on account of any groundless clamour and have affoided at the same time the plainest assurance to others that their con duct has not been misunderstood his excellency is convinced however that justice will at last be very generally done to the motives and intentions of the government and thai the only difficulty which will remain will be for those who now actively oppose the enact uiettt of which this address approves to recon cile their conduct hereafter with the dictates ol good sense and soiimj and loyal feeling it ought to be sufficient for those who are unfavorable to so reasonable aud so liberal a measure to know that as it decides upon no persons case and makes no change in the law it can have no other eheci than to confer privileges upon those who apply for them as the act provides and those on the other hand who are anxious that the measure should be confirmed may it is imagined rest assured that the government will not allow ihem to suffer for the want of a remedy which they anxiously desire but that they will perceive it to be more jusi to suffer e 49 fq ffijff pffegf for their protection while they may prevent by a special enactment the possibility of its ap plying to any one of those who have expressed by petition their disinclination to he naturali zed upon the terms which his majesty has recommended and leave ihern to applj for private bills which his majesty can sanction or nol as he may be graciously pleased to ap prove of their provisions by such a course those who wish for pro tection will immediately obtain it and those who declare themselves dissatisfied with the bill cannot complain if they find themselves wholly exempted from its provisions this has however presented itself to his excel- lenhy merely as an alternative and he will he better pleased to find that his majestys government has discovered nothing in theob- jections raised against the bill to prevent their giving it general and immediate effect be cause he is eonmd hir tnany hsto bn induced to petition against the bill by the grossest misrepresentations and in ignorance of its real provisions mu he should regret to see them suffer inconvenience for the faults of others 1 have the honor to be sir your most obedient humble servant g hillier th ti cshaotflclb kingston a 3 1 our london dates it vil1 be seen are down to the 19tb of february the intelligence fur nished by the recent an from england is possessed of more than ordinary importance the sudden and danger ilm of the earl of liverpool and the c indisposition of mr canning are it themselves circum stances which afford ma regret and alarm to every oue who au interest prosperity of the parent iale refer our readers to the extracts c foreign news which will be found in another column to thomas war fsq first signer of address government house york april 3 1827 his excellency the lieutenant governor has been pleased to grant a licence to james pair field of ernesto wn gentleman to prnc lice physic surgery and midwifery within this province from the york gazette to his excellency sir peregrine maifland k c- b lieutenant governor of the pro vince of upper canada and v ajor general commanding his majestys foices therein c c c- jtfay it please your excellency we his majestys dutiful and loyal sub jects inhabitants of the district of newcastle beg leave to represent to your excellency our unfeigned satisfaction at the benevolent de signs of his majestys government towards thise persons who have settled in this province with the wish and intention of becoming bri tish subjects hut who ate not legally enutled to he considered in thai light it affords us much pleasure te find that a naturalization bill has passed he legislatuie of this province bv which an easy and expe ditious method is afforded such persons to ob tain all ihe rights and piivileges of british sub jects in this province vv view the registry clauses of that act as highly beneficial inasmuch as a permanent record is thereby provided from which all those interested therein can obtain full and satisfactory evidence of their having complied with the provisions of the law we fervently hope this acr will obtain his majestys uoyal assent and we further beg leave to request that your excellency will be pleased to use every means in your power to accomplish this desireable object signed t ward and 222 others to which his excellency was pleased to direct theallowing reply to be given government house york apnl3 18i7 sir the address of the inhabitants of the dis trict ol newcastle has been duly received anu at a numerous meeting of the clergy magis trates and principal inhabitants of thr home dis irulwftfmmiiiimilit6 vw yvvrv a vvr- man sion mouse hotclon mondaj the 2d ai april i8 pursuant 10 notice given in the upper canada gazette oh ihrsi i ultimo 1ft consider the propri ety of proposing au address of condolence to mis majesty on ihe much lamented deah ofuij roy al highness tin deke of york and to invite the inhabitants of the several districts of tbi- pro vince on this metaucholy occasion to concur in the ame the lion william campbell chief justice in the chair john keikie fq secretary the object of ibe meeting having been explain- ed with much feeling by the chief justcc it was restluel that it is the unanimous opinion of his mechhg ihut the inhabitants of ibis district do offer an addre of condolence lo h majesty on the death of hi royal flighncs the duke of ynkand that the inhabitants of this province be generally invited tocoucm thprein resolued that ihe attorney general the so- liciior general and the hon james buchanan mac a u lay b a committee to draft aa address accord i igto the foregoing resolution the commit ee hating reporedan address resolved that the addre s submitted be adop ted resolved that the said committee be reques ted to make arrangements to procure signatures to ihe said addiess ihrotihout the district and al so for inviting the inhabitants of the other parts of the province 10 concur therein aud sign the same resolved that he committee be directed to cause copies nf the said address to be t ransmitted to the sheriffs of the several districts with such siiggesiions to thein for procuring the signatures of the inhabitants generally to the said addiess as ma appear to the committee most likely to ef fect the object resolved that his escellency the lieutenant governor be respectfully requested to iranmnil ihe said adriressfwhen tbe signatures thereto are obtained j 10 his majestys principal secretary of ate lor the colonies 10 be laid at the foot of the throne resolved that the address be left at the rooms of ihe york reading institution mc pbailsfor signature resolved that ihe thanks of this meeting be given to those ieutlemen v ho suggested the pro- priet of aaembling the same resolved thai the proceedings of this meeting be published in the upper canada gazette resolved that ihe thank of tuh meeting be giveo 10 he chief justice lor his kindness lu la king the chair and conduct therein resolved thai the thanks of this meeting be given to mr heikic for ins services as secretai the meeting then adjourned john bkik1e secretary- we are informed tha saturday senight many of the inhabitant county of ad- dington assembled at j- b lockwoods inn pursuant to a notice which had been wide ly circulated sone uvks since requesting their attendance then ihi to take into consideration the naf kill and then lo petition against- between the hours of 10 12 the assemblage became numerous but ihe persons opposed the bill seeing most of the respectable mt an a of the loyal yeomanry reding in the county present did not seem inclined to proceed to business and before tbe meeting was organiz ed many an honest freholavr having heard the bill read and bouelv explained became satisfied that he might still put faith in eng lands king and retired to his home ihere a- gain to enjoy that conunt of which gross mis representation had for wm few months de prived him the notice signified that the meeting would be readv to enter into xh menu of the subject at jo 1 lock bur nearh five hours elapsed ere tfilt ilvautf movers of thr measure came to thr- mvitowmuvtrsu ill u mwusure cunt to 1110 scratch the crowd being large the presby terian meeting house was opened for their reception many were proposed for chair- mm and many refused at length mr p da vy who thought it hardly fair that the good people should not see some fun accepted the office mr dperry pperry m p and n feu lows explained the object of the meeting and their opinion as lo the great grievance the peo ple would suffer by the naturalization bill should it receive tbe royal sanction and so forth mr fraser with his usual ulent begged that those inclined to petition wuild descend to particulars that if they did tnt approve of th pojcm bin ro anew a better and cave his reasons for supporting the bill dr baker at great length a w much ability proved the absurdity ot he petition uw in circulation that all acknowledged a emedy was ueressaiythat the present bill afforded that to as great an extent as the per sons interested might ever expect relief would be granted mr fellows proposed as a resolution lna it was expedient to petition his majesty 10 with hold his sanction from ihe bill j amend ment dr baker seconded by fjol mkav moved thai it be resolved that t civil rights of many petsons who have enj from the united states to this provi ihe year 1783 have teen held in d anj fhe necessity of some legislative interference for their benefit having become ap r a late decision of his majestys c 0 kinos bench in england it is ihe o inat persons interested theiein shoulcj acknowledge with gratitude the means lafc bemi used by government i0 lhcm a11 the privileges of biit sub in his pro vince in the rights uich ate have loi m joyed and rigliis i he e enjoyment of which they should nd cver p hem selves on a he of hands lhe chairnan observed that he con d nol decide and request ed a divisiontin e r he wnendmcot to move to the right 5 opjued to it to the left aclantou now eiiwed and every reason to expect a rtf indcel a gentleman to propose an a for lwo wcek i he chairmaiu suggoste l m a3 wdl be for ojearswhereu ml howe seconded swer for it is asserted with how much truth we cannot undertake to vouch that many of those individuals for whose security the nat uralization law is framed have taken alarm and are actually sacrificing their property b sudden aud ruinous sales we have indeed one instance within our knowledge of properly thus circumstanced having been sold at half its value and ar inclined lo believe the re port ihai thre are many others we repeat that those who have misled individuals so far as to induce them lo make these ruinous sacri fices have much to answer for we think we could without difficulty lay our finger upon the shoulder of some of them who if they meet with their deserts will sooner or later earn the curses both loud and deep of the individuals whom they have led astray as for those who really dislike the law be cause they retain their partiality to a foreign government ihe sooner we know them the better our government cannot desire sub jects of that description and one of the most beneficial effects of the law will be to bring them ioto public view and to distinguish them from tbe loyal part of the population we recommend to the careful perusal of our friends major fliliers reply to the ad dress of the people of newcastle in favour of the naturalization law of ihe gracious consideration of govemmeu umaids them and their claim to be claimed a- inone ils most faithful subjects resolved that this meeting cannot but de- piecate the consequences thai would result to a considerable proportion of ihe inhabitant of ibis piovmce to many of th se who foueht bravely iu defence of the country during the late war and have nil other occasions evinced an unserved attachment to the government shonlrl ihe bill in qur stjon fail to necome a law resolved therefore as ihe deire of this meeting that his majesty would be graciously pleased to sanction the naturalization bill in order that it may thereby become a law and confer the most important benefits on all those lor whose remedy it is provided and of which a hope may reasonably be indulged lhat ex peiieiice ill mike ihem onlv sensible john turnhull esq then addressed the meeting 111 a zealous and loyal manner and was followed bv a few remarks from others iu 1 ik mean lime the chairman perplexed by the occurrences of the day retired from his eat the secretary had evaporated in an jllien fume and it then being late in the day the meeting bean to disperse without show ing any disposition to attach their n unes to the petition or to contribute a little to jes se ketchtims fund iu aid of the knight er- ranirv project steam boat movements the qpcnstnn arrived in this port on wednesday forenoon from york and niagara on her way to pres- cott being her first trip for the season the tor nto arrived also on wednesday from belleville and proceeded on the same day to prcscott the dnloie came up on wednesday evening from prescott and re turned yesterday morning we have received the firt number of a weekly paper the jveie montreal gazette published by the proprietor of the montreal herald and conducted by tbe editor of that paper it is printed on a handsome sheet contains much matter and appears to be in every tespect well worthy the attention of the public in another column will be found the pro ceedings at york with respect to an address of condolence to his majesty on tbe lamented death of the duke of york we trust that all the province will unite in signing the address list of letters remaining in the post office at bitti april 5th 1827 john acker caleb brown henry baker 2 eathan babcock samuel burdy anu bnden phineas s branard robert berrie esq spencer bryant john burley d courtier rubin daton charles derlio wm charles edward dowling z caswell wm daveson 2 peter daley wm cot ton thomas colody lewis fralick 2 jonathan fairfield nathan fellows jobu pi nicy nicolaus eighme peter forbs ro- bert fleming john fleu ing russnl maw ley john llool 2 george gibson t marga ret mickey henry ham jamct hart limu- el benrj john grant john hill robert harrison henry knox abraham irish jiq ketchuin edward keunon mary jeckquith joseph lobdore william mg emits robert madden jun alexander mdonell elizabeth miller john mdonald sarah miller george mgiii robert miller john picket a j ill jvollt jiwcl thjjml i lcut ij robert perry jun isaac potter sunoa smith 2 john sole robert ritchie a- braliam smdor mrs ann smith hiram lo- bertauu james ran ken 4 john raney hubert warran john wilson 4 james wycott sarah ann wat kins john walker joseph warnolh david van volconbursrb rig hard w warffe p m bv mr hnwke mo red that the meeting do adjourn till thai day 10 years carried with out a division and iy ob of le defeated all ended in smoue seveal of the leaders of both p p of mr lockwoods fare rhe heallh of lhe kin and of his excelled the lieutenant gover nor were drank wa enthusiasm and thus closed the proceeding of da ir ma not be improper to tfdli a slial1 pamphlet lately published at i herald 0ffice c0iltilin ing the bill jones lelter and the an americans product was widel circulated since the defeat ol lhe malcontents in ernes- town on the occasi abuve mentioned we understand that the leaders of lhe party have giveo secret notice meeting lo be held in that township atwliich those only will be allowed lo attend who are opposed to the naturalization act aoj as i is of no sort of consequence to the whether the opposition arises from a couvicon of the impolicy and injustice of the law r from a mistaken opin ion of its principles and tendency resulting from the most persevering and studied mis representation the may pehaps succeed iu effecting their object a get up a peliliou fa- vorable to their vie there can be no doubt that those who are so laborious in their fiibrts to raislead the cre- duhtv of our veoufi7fl will have much to q- an onsfrverhas been received but we decline publishing his communication for while we admire his ability we think him far too personal had he confiued his strictures to the political rarer of the person aliudtd to the case would have been different but we can have nothing to do with tbe professional delinquencies of individuals these in our es timation call for some other remedy than can be alforded through lhe columns of a newspa per billville 7 1 1 1 aikil lfci7 pursuant to adjournment a meeting was i he day held at the house of david b sole innkeeper which was previously ordered on the 38th ultimo agreeable to an anonyiuotii notice thai expressed for its object m to pe tition against an ignominious ilien billwhieh has recently been passed by a few deluded lu natics seieral of the respectable iuhabitanra of the place defined it their duty to attend in older to explain the naturalization bill ami thereby temove ihe absurd and erroneous impressions entertained by many on the subject the meeting having proceeded to the appointment ol a lhairniaii and secretary and the naturalization bill be ing read thomas coleman eq explained ihe several pans thereof and in a very appro priate manner addressed the meeting some tfiolutlou3 ivciu ilttti plupu0j mj iuv pisliy av whose instance the meeting was called winch were read amidst a general toie oi disappro bation but not moved the following resoluti ons weie then proposed by robert smith em seconded by john tumbull esq and received by the meeting wiih much satisfaction aud decorum resolved that the expressions above ex tracted as forming the printed notice by which the adjourned meeting was convened are grossly indecorous and insulting convey ing a most infamous and shameful censure upon lhe legislature of this province ind therefore merit he unbounded contempt of all loyal and respectable persons resolved that mns meeting views with un feigned gratitude lhe benevolent disposition of his majestys government towards this colony evinced in the act of the imperial parliament by which the legislature of this province has been made competent to pass an act whereby lhe invaluable privileges of naturalborn sub jects may be extended to those persons who by late decisions of the firt legal authoiities in england have been pronounced aliens resolved that this meeting views with re gret and abhorrence the attempts that are made in different parts of the province by un principled and designing persons to misrepre sent the intentions of government in the ques tion alluded to and to mislead the public as to the true meaning and spirit of lhe naturaliza tion bill and lhe extent of its application resolved that the naturalization bill passed at the late session of our provinciil parliament aud reserved for his majestys assent presents under lhe existing circum stances of the inhabitants of this province ihe most effectual and salutary means of removing and for ever setting at test all doubts as to the civil rights of those who come within its pro visions and think proper to avail themselves thereof and that fur the accomplishment of a measure so important to the interests of a considerable portun of the inhabitants the mom grateful acknowledgments au due lo our legislature and iu no very inferior degree la john llolph esq individually i at whose motion in the commons said bill ivas restored to the order of the day after being thrown out in committee ill resolved that the form of registry con nected with said bill and ihe several clause thereto relating are most important and essen tial parts thereof inasmuch a ihey serve tfl identify beyond the possibility of doubt or con traduction all those whose names ate so re- corded and secuiies au louorable testimonial list of letters remaining in the posi office at jvapane april 5ea 1827 robert anderson john buwltn leonard babcork cornelius bready william bod john comstocu alpheus cidmau john dia- der peter fleets cyrenns forshec 2 merrit foster john c garrison 2 tho mas graham darius hams frederick kel- lar 3 clark kettle john kellv william millar thomas mgnru cluimophpr niel daniel pormoy 2 william b sills eles- rer sedgwick frederick sager william sills adam trotter philip wyler jesse wells james wilson jacob walroih w illiaui wen- dover arthur voumans worshipful master of lodge no 13 allan macpherson p m the commitoners appointed under an act of the legislaluieol upper canada for the building of a g20l at cornwall in the easter 1 district being au thorized to raise by loanon the credit of the said disiiict at a rate of interest not exceed ing 6 per cent a sum not more lhan 4000 the interest payable annually nd the prin cipal at such lime or times as may he agreed upon hereby give notice that they will re ceive piwpusils from iuy person or persons willing to advance the said sum or any part thereof till the 17th day of may next appli cation may be made to donald macdonell ksqr sheriff james prinsl or nali dick inson esqrs the tommisii nrs appointed for the above purpose cornwall 4th april 1827 notice ja public meeting of the inhabitants of ihe il midland district is requested a- lh court house in the town of kiugston on wednesday next tie 13th instant at twelve oclock noon for the purpose of signing an address of condolence to his majesty on the lamented death of ii is royal highness the duke of york kingston 13th april 1827 john wlean sheriff m d notice persons having books in their pos session belonging to the kingston li brary are requested to return them to tbe librariaa without delay april 13 1827 to be let for 3 years and possession given on the first of may next the dwelling huue at pre- sent occdpied by the subsrnbei the premises are large containing nearly half an acre of ground also either wirh or without the house that large and excellent thereto adjoining the quantity of ground be- ing about au acre there ate c oice gfe fflcit trees of the finest apples cherries and plums the ground is well stocked with goose uenie aud currants there is a large apnra gas bed alo white raspberries grape vines c immediate possession would be itiven john s cartwright kingston lglh match is27 1totic he subscriber will pay cash for 2000 bushels ulry delivered in kingston john strajige kingston 2th march 1829 t