Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 13, 1827, p. 2

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4iimt of compassion and kindness for ihe gardes de corps wbom duty on the royal peison i hey in former nines shared there a- rose a crv among them let ns save the gardes de corps who saved tis at fonteooy they took them under their protection ex changed their caps with them in sign of friend ship and fraternity and a tumuli which had something of the character of joy succeeded to that which had announced nothing hut blood and deaih the outride of the palace wa still besieged by the infuiiaied mob who demanded with hideous cries and exclamations ihe most bar barous and obscene to see the austrian as they called the queen the unfortunate princess appeared on the balcony with one of her children intact hand a voice from the crowd called out no children as if on purpose to deprive the mmher of that appeal 10 humanity which might move the hardest heart marie antoinette with a force of mind worthy of maria theresa her mother pushed her children back into the room and turning her face 10 the tumultuous multitude which tossed and roared beoeaih brandishing their pikes and guns with the wildest attitudes of age the reviled persecuted and enounced ueen stood before them her arms folded on ler bosom with a noble air of couiageous re- ignaiion the secret reason of this summons the real cause of repelling the children ould inlvbe loaftord a chance of some despe- aiehandamongt crowd executingthe threats vlnch lesounded on all sides according ly a gun was actually levelled btil one of the byesianders struck it down for the passions of ihe mob had laken an opposite turn and astonished at marie antoinettes noble pre sence and graceful firmness of demeanour there arose almost m spiie of themselves a general shout of five la heine i but if the insurgents or rather those who prompted them missed their first point they did not also lose their second a cry arose 11 to pans at first uttered bv a soliiarv voice but gathering strength until the whole multi tude shouted to paris to pari- the cry of these blond thirsty bacchanals such as they had that night shown themselves was it seems considered as ihe voice ot the people and as such la fayette neither remonstrated himself nor permitted the king to interpose a moments delay in yielding obedience to it iio w in iiirhioif laken io put collie ap peal a n e even of decency on ihe journey ot to disguise its real character of a triumphant procession of the soveieign people after a complete victory over their nominal monarch the carriages of the royal family were pla ced in the middle of an immeasurable column consisting paitly of la fayettes soldiers oarl- it i i r- l t r s y her cheek her leehngs overcame her she ly of the revolutionary labble whose march had preceded his amounting to several thousand men and women of the lowest and most des perate description intermingling in groups a- mongst the bands of french guards and civic soldier whose discipline could not enable them to preserve even a semblance of order thus they rushed along howling their songs of tri umph the harbingers of the march bore two bloody heads ol the murdered gardes dt corps paraded on pikes at the head of the co lumn as ihe emblems of iheh prowess and suc cess the rest of this body worn down by fatigue most of them despoiled of their arms and many without hats anxious for the fate of the rival family and harrassed with appre hensions for themselves were dragged like captives in the midst of the mob while the drunken females around them bore aloft in tri umph their arms their belts and heir hats these wretches stained with the blood in which they had bathed themselves were now singing songs of which the burthen bore 41 we bring you the baker his wife and the little apprentice as if the preseree of the un happy royal family with the little power they now possessed had been in itself a charm a- gaiitst scarcity some of these amazons rode upon the cannon which niade a formidable iart of the procession many of then were mounted on the hoises of the gardes de corps come in masculine fashion others en croupe all the muskets and pikes which attended this immense cavalcade were garnished as if in triumph with oak boughs and the women carried long poplai branches in their hands which gave the column so grotesquely com posed in every respect the appearance cf a moving grove scaice a circumstance was omitted which could render this entrance into the capital more insulting to the kings feel ings more degrading to the royal dignity after six hours of dishonor and agony the unfortunate louis was brought to the hotel de ville where bailli then mavor compliment ed him upon the u beau jour the splendid day which restored the monarch of france to his capital assured him that order peace and all the gentler virtues were about to re vive in the country tinder his roval eye and that the king would henceforth become pow erful through the people the people happy through the king and what was truest of all that as henry iv had entered paris by means of reconquering his people louis xvi had done so because his people had recon quered their king his wounds salved with this lipcomfort the unhappy and degraded prince was at length permitted to retire to the palace of the tuilleries which long uninhab ited and almost unfurnished yawned upon him like the tomb where alone he at length found repose to be continued baffled about bv the wind a huge sea rolling onwards like a black mountain topped by snow broke directly on board to windward swept away the launch the live stock the caboose btaunchions and ringbolts tearingup the decks along with them and leaving them open to the rolling waves which made regular way over her in the middle of the night all the starboard mainchaiii plates gave way he forerunners tackle were got to serine the mast but the worst misfortune was yet to occur a leak was discovered under her sternpost through which as she rose to meet the coming waves rushed in at every pitch an awful quantity of wa ter all hands were at the pumps and it was clear that unless he ship lightened the leak would gain upon them before daylight he men were fainting from fatigue and cold and wet and sank from their labour the ship seemed rapidly settling and the waist was an kle deep in water yet no one dared to sound the well lest those who already had began to despair should if the report were bad give themselves up for lost and uy abandoning themselves to their fate involve the fate of o- thers in the midst of this awful storm there glea med a pale flickering light upon the top mast head it seemed to burp unmoved by the con tending gusts around it in a moment it shif ted to the foretopmast then darted back to its old position having touched the iron ring at the main yard arm the undisturbed seren ity of the flame the contrast it afforded to the surrounding darkness coupled with the sad time at whieh they beheld it rendered this na tural phenomenon deeply interesting if not po sitively awful out of her cabin and of her bed was drag ged the half lifeless fanny by her husband contrary to her inclination and in opposition to her earnest praveis to look on this his ex cellency carried his point as he was wont to do and called to welsted to support her la dyship as she stood on the companion ladder in obedience to his excellencys command in he horrors of this uighr in the midst of hurricanes and tempests now lifted to the mountains top now buried in he fathomless valley of the waters below the illfaied fanny leaned once more for support upon he com panion of her vouth the beloved of her hpart again did she experience the gentle solicitude which ever marked his conduct towrrds her again did she feel the pressure ofihat hand which she had so often clasped in friendship and affection he spoke soothingly to her k though the words he ottered were lost to her ear in the general din she left his breath upon vtm sftetclj at midnight it blew tremendously and the ship was u der two close reefed topsails stan ding and laboringdreadfully about one am she shipped a heavy sea which washed away all the statboard bulwarks and washboards deluged the cabins which were near the com panion and yet in the midst of the hnrlybur- ly the elements the ratling of chaiis tables adrift which skined the coddy from right to left as the huge helpless ship rolled about in the monntainous sea welsted could hear the obbirg of lady brashleigh and the incessant reproaches of her husband for such absured timidity when there was not the smallest dan ger at daylight the gale blew if possible still harder the men were constantly ai the pumps at eight a m another tremendous sea struck her and stove ihe larboard quarter boat the davits were unshipped and the boat cut away in a nioim n after the ironwoiksof the dead eyes of the main urging went and three fol lowing seas swept her lore and aft befoie noon another sea equally awful with the for- mersiruck her on the starboard quarter boat which was cut away as had been that on the larboard side before and tin mghi closed in wiih the most awful presages of even worse weather all these prognostics were- verified a little ftftcr midnight the darkness unmitigated ex cept bv a fi uufiequeiii and distant flash of forked lightning which sccuied iielf duven u fainted in his arms in the aims ofwelsied who thus was driven in conjunction with her husband to carry her into her cabin the dan gers and difficulties of such a proceeding can only be judged by those who have heen parta kers of ir she was at length however safely placed on her couch although insensible to e- very thing around her she is a bad passenger in a storm mr welsted said his excellency a storm indeed not the wild roarings of the m glity watcis not the rude elemental strife at whose mercy she was not the forked lightning nor the pealing thunder was half so potent as the storm that raged in her own mind that was the dreadful conflict of pas sion with principle as soon as day dawned and the wretched state of the ship then almost a wreck wa e- vident the master gave orders to commence lightening her all hands were turned up the bulkheads forward were knocked down and all hands set to work to heave cargo overboard the difficulty of getting at it as she was then rolling and pitching was great but after half an hour a chain of hands was formed art and bales and chests and barrels and cases weie promiscuously hoisted upon deck where the foaming waves took them and swept them tit to lc tomi f ilik ttkjcp all exeition- howeve appeared unavail ing and though the day had been expended in alternately heaving overboard and pumping the ship laboured just as much the leak con tinued to gain the men grew fainter and the storm if possible increased birds flocked for shelter to the rigging and the bravest sailor there stood still and trembled at 9 at night the master resolved if possi ble to wear ship without consulting or com muning with a human being conscious as he was that the experiment was perilous in the extreme and would in all probability be fatal he gave the word and in a momentary lull she went about without straining a ropeyarn hope beamed on his mind then those who knew not his thoughts felt increased apprehen sions for she lay in the trough of the sea rol ling gunnel under no sail set for none could stand the weather the small one used to bring her round was blown into ribbands from the stay till just at midnight a crash on deck announced the mainmast gone at one blow like the stricken deer she fell toppling with her yards and topmast over the starboard side she went about ten feet abore the deck and just above the mizen stay and the mizen- mast itself trembled like a reed as welsted clung toil to watch the work of havock a- bttve it was a scene for a painter the noise was inconceivable the night inky black the waves dashing over every pari of the vessel the wo men battened down forward were screaming for mercy and their cries were mingled with the clashing of axes used by the men cutting away the rigging by the gleaming light of a it- thornsdisposed in the most advantageous points and the stern bawling of those in command with which the faint reply of others who in the midst of the stupendous waves were in the mainchains over the side endeavovring to clear the ship of the wreck for the mast clung as it were lo the quarter and the counter heat so heavily upon the main top which lay close beneath it that every moment they expected she would be stove in at this moment three following seas again swept her fore and aft and a shriek of horror which overtopped the bowlings of the tempest itself announced some dreadful calamity all those who were forward were washed at one fell swoop from of thehowsand plunged into inevitable destruction even fanny was con scious of the increase of noise and a change of motion in the ship she rushed from her ca bin and caught the arm of her husband who was encouraging by his presence the hardv sailors in their duty on the top step of the com panion ladder sir frederick said she what is it let me nothing maam nothing said he general angrily go to bed lady brashleigh here is no dauger all will bo well soon luged the decks below rarrv pv thing before it burst upward through the deck it self driving those who on he companion forward fanny was caught 9 s wjis whirled for ward by welsted who seized firmly hold of the binnacle which brofe a m from its elects sit frederick was huu p onward in the inns of waters and the mast f the ship having ut tered an exclamation rno dearly indicative that all was over was emleavouiing for a moment to hold on the foremast but in another instant the tjvt ungoverna ble ship met a trejuenu coming wave and rose not to meet it nn- anc unopposed ihe huge mountain bins- diiectlv upon her ihe contending sea i ashing forward from the stem met the advancing toru j thejiip plunged forward for a moment if struggling with de struction but the effort was vain and forging ahead she sank at one into the fathomless deep welsted who had never let go his precious charge during the important period in which all this was transacting dad lashed his love to the binnacle himself homing on firmly swhen the whirl of waters in vhich the ship seem ed to suck down he avoke to a conscious ness of his situation lh binnacle floated be yond ihe confines of the horid abess and upon the surface of the uiouiiuinous waves still floa ted the fond devoted pair the power of endnratce with which huma nity is gifted is imdlv vedible to those who have not suffered here vas the delicate lady brashleih nurtured wiih he fondest care couched on downy beds the evening bieeze it self too rude to blow npn her exposed to the tempestuous wind and constant drenching of the raging sea through his night of awful mi sery she wasunconscmis of her situation it was with the greatest are and toil that wel sted could sustain her in i position which alone secured her from almost entire immersion in the waves the sickeniig and dreadful same ness of mounting rapirijj on one high billow fallowed by the dreadfu and empetuous fall from it only to rise upui another and that perhaps the last bad vvaii her out and it is doubtful whether at tlminie she was sensi ble whose arm it was thu held hei in safety or upon whose bosom hei aching head reclined the day had just hegai to dawn vthen the sound of a gun diiirw ty m toij broke upon welsted ear he raised him self to look but mold see nothing but water water water he thought be had been deceived he spoke to fanny she an swered evidently unconscious of her situation again the bound stuck him and the day brightening for a monenf as he mounted a- gain on the edge of a high rolling wave he caught a glimpse of aressel near them if was a sloop of rat returning to the cape from india the dotht the danger and the difficulty of their situainn now rose from the minuteness of the ohct upon which they floated and the alums impossibility of ren dering hem aid even fthey were discovered in so tempes tous a sew but it was doomed to be otherwise the mm of war had seen ihe distressed merchantman on the proceeding night and missing her ii the morning when it was evident she could iot have outsailed her the etus were find or the purpose of at- tracting those who fniii fiefos muo d p ny and welstead were still survivors of ihe fatal catastrophe tvbifa the captain of the brig concluded had ocurred it was certain by th increased loudness of the report of the next gun heard that the vessel was near them welsted waved as w as he was able tin shawl in which fan ny had been invelopedand which he disen gaged from for ihe pirposebut it was al most hopeless to expct so small an object to attract the eye throigh such a space or at such a distance ii nw not seen yet provi- dence guided the brig towards the place where the unhappy creatures existed they were ac tually caught siht of he weather was some- what more moderate i gallant bark plough ed the foaming waves d neared the suffer- ftnw was the diffici l r l4 no boat could live a p fthetaa to do be thovvn toweuted j could ment ihe floating wre m amiitj the mo the larger object it ft p fc wlth along with i v ld b l tom windward end after s br c l it length thl man frllli efforts hpirt hl i tl it now n every off rfi u ss22 h the word fend whis ea now mmwmp v 1 fi n tfw k rnninchains the grap witwjwrtaiot the rope was avast a i iimm sounded hi ihe chains fanny and welsted yv m deck foreign from the commercial advertiser uiaaiu another following sea struck her and ano iher it was the la t the dead lights were shivered into splinters the stem frame itsell could not wiilbund the shock the water de- latest from england the ship herald vpu graham has arri ved at baltimore from liverpool furnishing londou dates to ihe 19th of feby inclusive we are indebted lo the edilorsof the balti more patriot aud federal gazette for the following extracts itwillbeseeo from the extract published from the courier that it was expected that the two very important bills before parlia ment in which the interest of the british na tion are so deeply involved would be thrown out in consequence of the illness of of the earl of liverpool aud the coutinued indisposition of mr canning a second edition of the globe of the 19th february says that it is reported that des patches have reached town bringing informa tion of the decease of his royal highness the duke of i cumberland who has been for some lime suffering from an inflammatory attack the intelligence cannot be communicated as positive but we fear from the inauner in which it is circulated that it is correct in the house of commons the chancellor of the exchequer moved an addition of 9000 per annum to the income of the duke of cla rence upon his becoming the heir expect ant of the throne upon the demise of his late royal highness the duke of york this grant was so much a necessary consequence of the change of his highnesss relation to the state that it was opposed solely or at least principally upon the ground of the extreme distress of the country the division was 65 to i g7 in favour of the grant it is understood lhat his royal highness will leave the retired life which he has recently led and will occu py the splendid rnaorsioo prepared for the duke of york aud which will bencefotth be considered as i be residence of the heir ex- oectani upon whichever of the royal brothers thai rank may j-jvolve- the observer of the 18lh in alluding to thr illness ofmr canningaud lord liverpool re marks this is not the only domestic intel ligence which has operated on the funds ii has been stated in addition that ministers in consequence of the unfavourable character of the latest despatches from lisbon and the strong grounds which exist as to the sincerity of the king of spain have determined to send out an additional military force to portugal to the extent of 10000 or 12000 men in the city it is considered by many that the slate of affairs in the peninsula is worse than it was on the first breaking out of the rebellion as the apostolical party even with the british troops in portugal nave the temerity again to raise the standard in opposition to the consti tutional svstem the diamond frigate iving at portsmouth took fire on the 1 8th of feb and burnt to the waters edge it has been resolved by the british admiral ty that anoiber expedition lo the north pole shrill be undertaken and in consequence the hecla has been undergoing repairs in the dock yard al deptford preparatory to setting out a third lime under the command of captain parry the vessel is to proceed to cloven cliff in spitzbergen latitude 7050 about 600 miles from the north pole which place it is expected she will reach about the com mencement of june here the hecla is to remain and be established as a sort of head quarters to which recourse is to be had when necessary and partus are to be detached to explore the surronoding coasts and seas while the main object of theexpedition an approach to the north pole is attempted by captain parrys party the captain is io depart with two vessels which are so constructed as to be capable of being used either as boats or sled ges to run upon the ice according to circum stances two officers and ten men are to be appointed to eacn and for this number provi sions for three months are to be laid in each portugal the portuguese rebels who were driven on the 9h jan from beira into spain entered in scatiered parties but in con siderable force into trasosmontes and as sembling their forces under viscount cadal- lasand other leaders drove the constitution alists out of chaves of which they had taken powssirnil nnrf flhmmhj ty www u lamande the northern pass into the province of minho this pass was defended by a body of 300 constitutionalists for some time but was at last forced the defenders dispersing themselves iu the mountains having thus rnade good their entrance into the province of minho an undertaking in which chaves failed when he attempted it before the rebels marched to braga on the 30th january which tbey occupied thence to guimaraens one of the richest and best affected towns of the pro vince and thence to within nine miles of o- porto the inhabitants of which were thrown into a state of the utmost nlnnn in the mean time however part of the constitutional troopp io beira were sent to the defence of oporto while others collected uuder the count de villa flor entered minho by the bridge of amaraote and proceeded against the rebels whom they speedily compelled lo retreat from uuimaraeus anu braga ut tio rlotajlo of their last movements are as yet confused and uncertain a proclamation from the war department at lisbon issued in the name of the infanta princess regent on the 6th announces ihe departure of the british troops and expresses the confident hope of the princess that in ev ery part of the interior where they may arrive their order and propriety will renew the same ties of fraternity which during the pe ninsula war united the portuguese and eng lish army into one this proclamation speaks also in high terms of ihe discipline and regula rity of the british troops while they re mained in the capital lisbon feb 7 the situatiim of fvprow friday last was the most anxious that can be imagined the people were up all night ex peeling the rebels whose chance of entering was however reduced to the lowest by the spirited disposition of general siubbs and the zeal of the inhabitants the oporto itnparci- al gives he names of five citizens who advan ced money in this crisis for the use of the troops whose allowances were in arrear on account of some temporary disarrangement of the military chest the volunteer corps did the most effectual service of these posts the cry of the oporto people is still loud for ihe aid of some english troops but their far thest destination yet mentioned is coimba london feb 19 we looked for the letters by the mail from spain this morning with some impatience as they last week communicated the fact of the rebels being in force in portugal which has since proved correct though we were inclined at the time to put little reliance on the state ment we have this morning a series of the same communications which represent the great success of the force of chaves marching upon oporto but they report he did not com mand in person that he is in a different part of the country spreading disaffection among the portuguese and inducing the spaniards to flock to his standard for the preservation of their country and their religion from the touch of the heretics the spanish forces on the lines of portugal to the southward are rep resented to be considerable in numbers but towards the north small and unable to disarm the rebels when tbey enter spain even if dis- possed to do so these letters say oporto had fallen they also mention the continuance of unpleasant notes between mr lamb and the spanish ministers and the continued re fusal of the king to acknowledge distinctly the constitution of portugal we have seen letters from cadiz to the 30th and from dif ferent parts of the south of spain to the same date the latter afford no political intelligence the accounts from gibraltar are to the 27th of january one of ihese letters say the south of spain is ready for a revolt if there was the least appearance of the country being involved in war with portugal globe sickness of the earl of liverpool from the london courier of feis 19 the calamity fnr such it is which has befallen the country by the sudden and de plorable illness of the earl of liverpool oc cupies the undivided attention of all classes mingled with those political speculations which are inseparable from such an event is a feeling of deep and sincere regret founded upon the high estimation in which the noble hi- lordship was suddenly mwikfml his sen ant went it appears ihnl seized v hen at i into the room and found ins lordship had fal len from his chair fortunately dr drevrr his lordships private physician happened to be in the house jit the moment and immedi ate relief was arlmiuisdered in a short lime the jnohle earl was m fficiently recovered tube removed to his bed and although the state io which he remained was such h3 to occasion throughout the hole of vest e day tli most painful anxiity vel a a late hour last night the unfavourable svniplim were si far re lieved ns lo allow of indulging in ihe lervpnt hje lhat every thug was an satisfactory as chiild be expected under the distressing and alarming circumstances of this rase his lordship has been for some time in a delicate stale of health hut it was not appre hended either by his mednal attendants or ins friends lhat he was in danger of so dread ful an attack as tht which b ha experienc ed hs lordship is in his fifty eenih year having been born on the 7lh jun- 1770 it is greajly to he feared thai hough skilful medira treatment may prolong the rnhla earl v tile some years ihe resumption of public duties as prim minister cannot bu expe led a total cessation rvmj all mental exertion will in- iiiieraiey necessary mr serrhu3 i e- i and mr li hirgtnn hoh left lown on saturday for brighton trie former to com mm irate ihe painful intel ligence to his ataje ihe letter to apprize mr canning uf it should greately fear the communication would haw an uiifrtmir able effi ct upon ihe health of the right ho nourable geoilenian in its present delicte condition both fiom the shock which it would give to his feelings and fimn the anxiff l j which it must necesarily produce wiih respect to the situation of many mo- nuninus public questions iu all proba bility an arrangement will take dace in both houses of parliament this evening which it will he understood that only tl dinary routine business of parliairurilih proceeded in under ile extraordirj stances in which the coiuilr is pi incapacity of ihe nble earl and mr c to attend in their seats an event like this naturally gives rie to va rious rumours and conjectures btil wefelno disposition to mix ourselves up wiih tlnm for reasons which must be mijfieienljy bmus names are f eel v tnentiomd- and si pned i n roe 4u trnth nothing mow than ihe idle gossip of ihe town or ihe loose guesses f those who settle every complicated question of stale in an easy off hand manner a cabinet council u summoned for 3 oclock lo dav sorosstxc from the mew montreal gazette assassination p mx watson on frida right about ten orwk a murder was perpetrated wtticll fordatardly and cold blooded bai ba ny has never et been equalled in ihi country atd but rarely eireeded in any ther on inaeevtniig roberi wasm enquire inspector of flour for tlii dtsriri was 4liilif ia an apailment on thr groimd floor of hi hoir a- lotfg with the riv for iwatlneson of si an drew church mr wmui ad lfi the mom nnl an m st arl i before mr wats n wu hilling iih hinghi sole lo ihe window and had ihroua his right ami over the bark of ihe chair to ihat aiof ol in person i exposed than axde vinj naturally gave hehrld anevupapei which he had been reading immediarj before in hi irft hand while m siha rd a irerricndon import aheardai ihe window bin teeming mnta the house which hasiirhanrlj tninpleirly idled with moke mr watos marred from bib chair placed hihad upon bis ngiufjue and exclaimed 4 i i ha mr maihien at jjri did noi suppose that ihe noce proceeded from iheams but imagined lhat some crystal vee had explo ded a the sound of hroken glass falling a dis- tineily heard mr maihieon enquired of mr watson if he wa hun and mr vtatsod answered 1 amafiaid 1 am mi- waiou whuhaduea ltaw ft vl otu o both she and mr mathirson uponil r w his wife enqnoed dnynn thirk lhj avr kill ed oo t which he answered 1 uetteve lhe have tiltvetfl wa removed when vast number of wounds were obseiveil mr mahie- soi about a miiune after ihe repnri ian 10 ihe door aud listened tor the sound of footstep but heard nothing he gave the aamand afterwards ran for medical aid which wa- piompil peu- rd finding one of the shot imuiediaiel under the slliil ihe medical genieman entei tan ed hopes that as mr waison was coipulent iino prob able uoue of ii e vital parts might be damaged mr watson himself however shortly afiei receiving the shoi sairf he fell it in hinboufai oo saturday morning mr watson sat up in hid bed and said he felt in lie pain but consider able depression hi faroiu and trieud now began io entertain sanguine hope of bis recovery but towards ihe afternoon less favourable smp- ioii3 began touppear and by ix i chick all hopes of his recovery were given up about seven oclock he expired he was sensible to the last and it appeared frnm his conversation that he was a ware of the fatal nature uf his wound before any other peison on examining his body the following morning one bundled and foitv nine mark wore counted on his side and it was alo discovered that several of the shot bad penetracd the thorax and had in jured some of the moi considerable viscera ihe shot was found io be mixed from the extent over which ihe shot spread the instrument of death would appear to have een a blunderbuss this conjecture is further confirmed from the quaniity of the shot for besides those feaiid in the body there were several found in ihe pocket of ihe de ceased which had been obstructed in iheir pro gress by striking upon some money which was dearly pierced through by them thus was cut off iii ihe vigour of youth and by an act of which ii would be difficult io find lan guage sufficiently strong to describe the enormity agemleraan whoesirict iniegrity and honorable feeling as a merchant made him be universally repeced while his good nature benevolence and warmheunednes endeared him to all vtbo had lie pleasuir ot his acquaintance from die instant he supposed himselt to br dying which as vie hinted above he knew before an of his friendi he a completely resigned and bore his fate with the most unmurmuring patience he found il difficult to attach suspicion ioin one for es he himself bote illw ill io none he did noi suppose that any one had him al all at enmit to say n0 thing of the mortal hatred which must have mcu- enced his cowardly assassin tin deed wai most deliberately perpetrated far on the night of the monday previous a lain of ihe blind was forcibly taken away llirongh which space be piece was levelled mr at on was distant ofll about four yards from ins murderer when the rhoi a tired wehaveonlv io udd that a person has been laid upon suspicion from a variety of elf a instances which for the present wc refiaio fioui publishing sari has been held oo account of te sterling ntegrity and unquestionable puiil of his dia meter among ihe many who are llie pub lic opponents of h lordhip there is rint on who blend with bin opposition the mot re mote feeling of pergonal jioslility fie may be said to pofieeatlie confidence of the country beyond any minister perhaps that ever pre sided over il9 affairs heice ihe gorrutt winch is felt at the awful visiiaiion nbicli has 1 bcallen liiaj is 80 geoeral aod 10 unfeigned from the montreal herald ivusst on tbk boot oo sunday latf an inqueit was held by j w- montlelei iwq coroner for this district when the follow ing evidence waadtluced william vvaimoi brother io the deceased de- as a proof ol ihe roper i in which mr wa ml was held in montreal we may mention lliai hi mineral yesterday iva utteoded l upviardofoflb taoosaod of tie moil respectable uiueo

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