Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 12, 1819, p. 3

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jaw bw aidcvcamp major general von witzlebcii l hl tic rince wa vcry treak but i full poiteffion of uta mental facilities he defired general wi ziehen to thank his majclly for all the favors he bad conferred on him to recommend his wife to his majcftys kindnefs and to beg that he might be buried without oilenta- tion in thi- iptn country in a field on the road between kiiblowitz and kunft on a fpot which hedelcribed under three lime trees on the observation of the general that he need not think his death fo near as the pbyficians by no means conildered iis c3fe as defperarc he faid m i know that i hall die fr i feci it better than the phyficians can judge of my fituation i iie without reluctance for 1 am now of no further ufe tell the king that 1 have lived and hall die faithful to him he gave the general his hand to take leave the next day his majcrty accompanied by prince charles paid him a vifit at fir ii he w3s in 3 kind of lethargy and did not notice what was palting but afterwards he knew the king his majefty among nth er exprefiions of regard faid to him you may be affured that no one takes more in- terefl in your welfare than i do i know what the country and myfelfowe to you do not give up the hope of recovery follow the advice of your phyficians and take the remedies that are offered you the prince had latterly omitted lo do this j ue thanked his majelty and re commended the princefs to him- in the lad few days he was without pain but liis ftrength greatly declined and he was quite unable to fpeak ths body is embalmed and placed for the prefent in the church of kruvowitz he was born as fax as we can learn from former accounts on the 1 6th december 1742 and has therefore lived 76 years 8 months and 25 clays he had been 45 years in the army ilia martial glory fills the world morttjcm dims rave cptj relictis ire plus ultra voloit st at iv is krnori neeic domii fwunnqui na plnta r hamburgh correspondent sept 213 boulogne attgult 31 the expedition of 12 fail of the line row fitting out at plymouth for fomc for eign deftiuation has given rife to various fpeculations z to its oltenfible objeft a letter which we rcc eived this morning from one of our correfpondents in loidon well acquainted with what paffes there ilates i4k u a luuluuicu hi ltlc ucfl clclch ltlt this fleet is deft id for havana that the government declares that whether ferdi nand ratifies the treaty for the ccflion of the florida or not to the united tates the britifli are determined to hold thit im portant pott provifionally as a fecurity for their weft india pofitfllonsj that cau tious policy alone has delayed the failing of the armament that as won as defpatch- e were received from the britifh ambas sador at the court of madrid loul hen- ijr wellefley the fleet would fail des patches ftom hia lordfhip were momently epefted translated for the freemans journal capture of santa fee capital of nifto grenada by the army of general bo- lirar his gritannic majestys brig beaver of 10 guns capt saumarez from car- tfiageua arrived at kingston jamaica on the 14th september last by her of ficial information was received tfiaf on the istof july a battle took place be tween bolivar and the troops of spain at a place called yanze in the valley of sogamose in the province of junfa bol ivar had 2000 infantry and 500 cavalry u opposition to ciie lovtvs ol tw spanish general barasino of 3000 loyalists the battle lasted till 10 at night when the kings troops were obliged to re treat in great disorder a second battle was fought on the 25th of the same month july between the same parties at pantano de bargas nea r the capital of the provinceof junta which lasted live hours with desperation on both sides bolirnr obtained a com- plete victory over the royalists who a- bandoned all their a rtllicry baggage and treasures bolivar ha proclaimed mar tial law and the inhabilantsarc hocking to his standard a third battle was fought on the 7h of august the result of which was that the army of barasino was completely de stroyed with the exception of 400 men mho saved themselves by escape and ar rived atmourpav on the river magda- lena there we a goo killed and 100 taken prisoners on the 0th of august the vice roy samano evacuated santa fee and on the 1 1 tli bolivar took possession of the mf ijoiiyar has dispatched a division of his army against curthagena is is no moro limn might naturally be ex pected that england will be equally vigi lant for the protection of her canadian provinces it is not fair to suppose that because the spanish monarch rejects chfl treaty and seems to display such incred ible stupidity by so doing that therefore another power than spain is concerned in this transaction ferdinand is such a royal anomaly such a phirnix in the kindly tribe that all this may fairly be ascribed to his own brains none but himself as the poet says cxt be his par allel the off if service that he ever rcn- dered his country was when he suficred himself to be confined in a dungeon of france here the spanish monarch ap peared in his native radiance but the mo ment the diadem began to twinkle from the throne it glittered nothing but des truction in the eyes of his subjects the monarch was then out of his clement to be overcome with httiecxpence of la bour or time in the event ol nn inland navigation being establed here it will open a free and easy intercourse with one of the richest districts tf country 5 and alsosavea rorygfi expense in the transport ofgoodsto thupper province montreal herald nov 6 mr goorlay whok name has been fo often mentioned in connection with the proceedings in uppero during the laft two years failed from this port in the beginning of this week for liverpool quebec qatfe oqobtr 28 halifax ouohrr 2 we are happy to hear that the terror occafioned at bermuda by that dreadful fecurge the yellow fever had nearly fub- tided no new cafe had recently occurred at st georges and the fick in the 1 1 ofpital c were generally convaleicent- such was the dread infpired by this fright ful pellilence that a reverend gentleman gave great offence we are told by refufing to admin 1 iter the conlolation of religion to perfons laboring under it weekly chronicle at a general meeting nf the highland society of scotland held at edinburgh on the 28th june laft mr macdonald the fecretary fubmittd to the meeting the proceedings of the directors fince the jeneral meeting in january laft which were taken under confideration and ap proved the printed advertifement of premiums offered by the cociety in i8loj embraced encouragement ofdriil bufbandry improving the quality of barley and bigg railing green crops in the remote and lcls frequented parte of the country premiums for improving the breed of black cattle work horfts and fheep in a variety of dirtrictftf which arc decided at public competitions under the management of the members of the focicty rcfident in the refpeflive dillrifls improvements in the conllruion of rail roads in the preparation and economical application of fuel and other matters connected with the focietys objef it rpvnted to th fociety that tie premiums offered by the directors for encouraging experiments ih the ufe of fait for agricultural pur poles and in the fee ding of flock had excited the attention of farmers in different parts of the country and the meeting had the fatbfudion to find from the copy of a bill now in progrcfa through parliament which had been tranfmftted to the fodety that ware- houfes for fait to be ufed for agricultural purpofea were to be authonfed at leith glafgow and other places whereby the iuconveniency formerly f by farmers in scotland in obtaining a ready fupplv f that article would it was hoped be- completely done awsy the meeting was gratified to find that under the aufpfecs of the earl of dal- houfie one of the viceprcfidente of this fociety an agricultural aflbciation had been formed in nova scotia which guided by the follering care of that highly refpecajble and patriotic nobleman promifed to be of great advantage to the colony a letter from his lordfhip in behalf of this new in lit u turn acldreltd to the late duke f buccleugh and queenfbeiry and tranfmitted to the fecictary with a letter from his gr3ce death was fubmittcd to the meeting along with a letter from the secretary of the novascotia society to the secretary of this society the meeting approved of the fieps taken by the directors in com- municating the focietys publifiied tranfac- tions and any other information which promifed to be nfefnl for the regulation and profperity of the agricultural focicty of novascotia edinburgh paper from the baltimore morning chronicle oct go the public sensibility seems much on the alert with regard to the measures that will be adopted by our government since the rejection of the florida treaty the national intelligencer has suggested an idea that the treaty may still be rati fied on the part of his catholic majesty we confess ourselves destitute of so much credulity but the amazement which the rejection of this tresty has occasion ed originated from an idea that some eu ropean power is behind the curtain that the royal puppet docs not move without mire we can hardly believe this sus picion to be well founded and surely tin fact that there has been some augmen tation of the british troops in cauula cannot he brought forward in continua tion of this hypoihesk we have been strengthening our northern front for and from the acadian recorder osober 9 by a hue london paper we obferve that the duke of richmond was to be fucceeded in the enfuing fpnqgfin the command of thecanarias c by our wor thy governor his excellency the earl of dalhoufie the mildncfa and benifi- ceree of his lordflups adminiftration and the lively intereft he has taken in the in ternal profperity of this province have gained him the univerfal efleem of its in habitants ili departure to the above im portant command has long heen looked upon as certain a st john n b paper of the 23d ul timo says u the last english mail brought out the appointments of samuel d street and anthonv lock wood ss- quires to be members of his majestys council for this province tiie former gentleman took the usual oath previous lo his raking his seat on thursday last and the latter was recently employed in exploring and taking a survey of the isth mus to report on the practicability of cutting a canal from chigneeto bay at the head of the bay of fuutlyto bay verto in the gulf of st lawrence and whose return from that service we hare not heard uf we are happy to understand the wa ters have been surveyed from lachine to the foot of the vaudreuil rapids and found practicable for navigation by steam with very little exception the chief obstacles have been met with in these rapids opposite to the seiguory of the lion cjuutier de lolhinier and we are eiatl to hear these arc of such a nature as f0n the kisgxt0 ill iio sic jx the epujimeka no i in making my debut as a periodical essayist i caunm out with that the monalities uuieii per sons of in v description arc expected to go through hen thry introduce thenrlv 10 the public could he dispensed with forty or lifty years ago a man accompanied bif first appriiianie among strangers ith many ceremonies and uele ppicssion which are utterly discarded byfftejmhie cvorldin the presenl aay and 1 reaui rhinkthb exempt eon from i lie performance ofudiftcumug frivolities should be extended to ihor mmliur who propose to claim periodically asliare of tue public attention increasing tasie and judgment gradually ffc men an acute per- cipiii iilihe absurditv of those trammeu and restraints which an nbvervance of the usages of trieir renc imposed upon socieiv a pmgre- slve hnpuvenient in rhe tfvte of mauncis look place and eus and familiar psolttencss now en liven and attract wjiere and reserve once depressed and repelled uy cannot pc- ilfiiiral cayits keep par with the idvaucei madr by the rel ofioiaokind and instead othll- mtg their first nuiirs with avowals ot motives aecohuioflbedielvca and promises which ihey know tbej tamioi fulfil commence llwir hicrary luhotnr with an air as free nnconstraiued and tgt na man of fashion displays when lie emea bmroom njanv authors w oil id indeed gladl omit maktng introductory details such as i allude to but lulcient and anilnnlaiive custom jfcctn in their eyes to forbid any innovation of thr kind ami becati c iht spectator guardian mamaler tutier and a 1m i uf other similar per miiiovsesi ave the world a real or ficticious ac count of iheinselves ihoe who attempt to follow the path which ihee esonyiis osuecessfully tnul think ii neceary lo do o likewise though tin y erhap cannot perform the tak with one tenth pari the grace or ability i offer tiiee remark in hehnpe that a pern- nl of them may induce m readrrs to excuse mr from either saving an th partieirlar about myself or fjtaiiii my preicusionsio their favour or relung the public whai l propoc to do fur ihvm orhow amusing i nuan to he indeed a mire referenre to ins lumfte would furnisll an apology for itieseomisious lcr one knows that the word lphemtra means an insect that lives only n uaand how 4bsiird would it be in a cjearure ofthis kind totcupy an part of its ibtait of is nwiivri purp- li inclinalions if it mran- tcfivt auv thirts nt all it mni he- pin to proecuu ii nhjech without preamble and leave tirch ufwcss and employ imii- utho being that bsscd with the propped of continuing in lit nj years or ra- thi cenmirifs at first kelt very nricli when i en deavored to select a title i in lucubrations knowin- that fhis was pc ol rreat impou- auce a people in the j fpfyfi ofat- iu0ft every tlun by tlit- ni xt brar- and value u aceordinclv the terms kateidoscirp pimn ram rnnd veacipttu ueeffl occurred i in bnt though rjie individual teniiteverydeuglm ful things a lutle rerleetio furnished me with jirumeitsagaiiiit theadopi of my of them h struck mr that if i a the character of a kuuiqmqpt m sjnnion might be ery irksoiiu liotwilbstanding iiariety 1 would be capable of exhibiting tbre s one in bi-anx- iu to drrive ainueuiint fc m would endea- votn by snaking and disturlt m0 to make me display new points my iupressions would thus lie- altered without myeon- nid the images hai occupied m mind ei confused or de- tnyed however anxiouf i urht fel m retain therm tifrdaioing therefore h r the tool and playiliiur t tvry blockhead i irave up the idea of ttie kal i jenopc 1lie panorama next re- nted ili to my review jwi i found it equally bjtciioiialile lor he who pens an amunnent if this description k usually expected toeoiuin- ie the exinbiiion until th public curiosity is kl gratitied and as i am uncertain how long i toai succeed in exciting it and wish to have the r power of wilhdrawinjr from staje whenever v j- treirii t cir wind oiid be in- tolerable 1 could not perceive that the velvet- pedt prevented any claim to adoption most of mioc who atiempt to ue ihe machine beile lia- hie vq fait off i and thi h what a periodical es- sasirt houli particularly avoid for his reader will scarcely he satisfied with him nnlehe keeps on improving upon them the word tclocipetlc niiellt liil well for the name of a modern novel ihe titles generally chosen for these works be ing mcli as have the least possible reference lo their couti nts tiie term ljjhcmcra atooce conveys arorrect idea of my assumed cnaracter volatile sportie at capricious 1 know not ban icing i may sui- er under the publiceye or how soon f may ter minate my literary career and i think my lu- rubatiou- will even derive ftfl interest am value from the uncertainly there is of their being con tinued any length of tiuie therefore when i level in the sunshine of my own imagination and litier with a thousand orient lint evanescent hues i hope all who view m will look with in dulgence and complacency aware that it but an lphemera they contemplate and that every eltori it makes lor then amusement may be its lai almoct all men would feci that thev resembled tphtmtra in many re pec did not vanity and selfcomplacency darken their perceptions and prevent them from making h discovery sobumili- utlnp every one knows hat his life will not be extended beyond eighty or ninety years at the utmost and the dayny were it capable ot making deductions from what it observed would asso be aware that h existence was limited to eight or nine hours yet if we take a view of the duties which the creator of these two insects man and the bphemefn has assigned to be perfor- medby eacli dui ins im- respective pan of exist ence we will perceive that the davtly which lives a tew hours only can better afford 10 tulle away time than a human beinjf who has the prnspi ct of coiitinuii many years in the world however notwithstanding this very many men rtcgjccl their more iiiiponant duties and like the rphemtra perforin lh9se thinesonly to which in- sllnct impelstheir the ephemera eat drinks propagate itstpceie amuses itself and dies and a succession ofsimila emplovment occupies the principal part of the lives ol most pcrstms the vphrtrura when they t leave behind them no substantial proof ihai ihey have existed and their descendants know tbjtl general ions have prece ded tlitm only by finding heap- of skeleton and decaving remain a is w th men few of whom transmit themselves to posteiltv by perforiuin any thin worthy of collection or record and ire ascertain that mnhnudes have peopled the earth before us chienv observing graves bu ry mjr lounds and cl bouses oti every side of or path the ephemera employ a large part ufnir existence iu their wings and feelers and dancing lnc smbeam and hu man creatures both foale afld female triile life awa in dressing tlu heads and bodies and dancing toabauroaa who after considering llicsc points of reseru- j blance between mau and the ephemera will re fuse to acknowledge that the lormcr is often nei ther so dignified nor o respectable a creature as the inner the davfly never fails to fulfil all the purposes for which it is ushered into life but what mau can say be hfu done so asduiiesarc indeed en thousand times more complex and va ried than thoe of the insect hut hi capabilities are likewise ten thousand time- greater the ephemera 13 guided by instinct to do those thing that belong io it but man i- equally urged io the performance of his duiics by the inlluenee of rea son conscience mental tranquility and sell-m- teret were those human ephemera that hotter con temptibly through their span of exigence to in jure society as little a ihey benefit t their more diguiucd fe llowbiugs would not feel much incli ned to quarrel with them hut the evil propen sities of mortals generally bear an exact propor tion to their insignificance and persons dial aie unable to produce any thine good or useful them selves often take delight in annoying those who possess the poiveis they are destitute ofj as a cer tain kind of bastard bee which cannot make ho ney itself always stings those of its own form thai can when they fall in its way who of this de scription of individuals upon being told that he bad done as little good to society as a real ephtm- rra could justly reply that be had done as little harm mtmtmu 4 9 4 kingston november 12 1819 we have received new york papers contain ing loudon dates to the 29th sept from which we have made such extracts as appear the most interesting the celebrated mr hunt made bis entry into london on the 13th attended by several other leading reformers and by an immense multitude of people afterparading through streets and square thronged with spectator- he arrived at the crown and anchor inn where a dinner bad been prepared for him and his friends the speeches and toasts on this occasion were in the style characteristic of the parly and were accom panied by ihe freuch revolutionary airs of ca ira and ihe mascithh hymn rather incongruously mingled with the loyal tunes of god save the iving and itule britannia the account given of these scenes is indeed ill calculated to impress the reader ith a favorable idea of the opinions and views of the kadical ft- foi mcrs for though they have apparently refrain ed from act of violence and studiously pretend ed to preserve order among their followers they wcire artfully endeavoring to inflame the minds of the people against the existing government we perceive themrlmosi directly recommending resistance to the constituted authorities which they denominate magisterial despotism and their eagerness or objects manifestly absurd and unattainable betrays their wish 10 break into fragments lite venerable fabric of the english constitution and rear on us ruins a lawless de- mocracv this very extravagance will prevent their schemes from being countenanced by ihe bulk of the british people whose sterling sense though h may for a time be deceived will soon if f enaihe ciem to detect audavoid the snares laid for them the rjghl of the people fo discuss po litical subject- and in meel and petition for he redress of grievances ii well understood and will be held sacred but this tight like many other blessings is subject to abu e popularity i pro- verbiawv heeling and hunt who now acts so conspicuous a pan may soon find like a late re- former among outmkcs that be maxim howev er trite is nevertheless founded on truth lie will ere louir he a- heartily despised by the mob win shout forth his applause a he now is by the more respectable classes of the community for some days last week the wcalhcr hean to assume a hazy appearance such a u dicatei ihe approach of what is called the indian summer at this period it is will known ibai ihe aimo- plnre appears tilb d witn moke as if the whole country were on lire ihe iud look like blood ist all thesorrounding olijectsassum a yellowish hueand a warm breeze from ihe southward gen- era ly prevails mauy conjectures ae tonned respecting the cause nl such uay weahrrai mis season of the year some aitribnte iuo ue burn ing of the graason tbeinraenve prano- of the missouri and mississippi though it is rather im probable that tires can occur mine extensively as io envelope us ai hits distance in a cloud of mnoke and though it i- alo asserted lha a mmi- lar smoke or nave is not observed in the regions where it is conjceiured to originate olter- con sider it a vapour exhaled fiom ihe earth while they are ai a los i account fur its bing usually accompanied by southerly or dispersed by iorth- erly winds we presume not io decide on the merit- of these peculai ions o bring forward a- ny hypothesis ot our own but content ourselves with simply noticing what mn t have hecu gene rally remarked tiiai our indian summer- nave not of late been so pleasant a they formerly were on saturday about three oclock in the after noon a heavy mass of clouds arose from the south west winch npeedily overpread the heavenand involved us in unusual darknes the approach of the cloud was grand and imposing and the sublimity of the spectacle was heightened by oc casional dashes ol lightning and peals of thunder ii soon passed over without much rain and was succeeded by a gale of wind which con tinued for scveial hours with great violence on monday evening the naze returned with redoubled density and on the next moreing ha so elf ctually infi rcepted he bright beams of the sun as to render the id of caudles necessary throughout the day many elderly persons declare that they have not wi nesscd so great obscurity at noouda since the dark sunday on igthociober 173 it u slated that al a meeting in london for the elect loll of 0 lord mayor great diader and con fusion prevailed and tin the tl en lord mayor and the aldermea were forced to quit their seats the replv made ui the address of the common council of london bv the prince regent on ihe manchester affair will be found in a preceding column it is said lha numerous parties of malcontents assemble nigh ly near carlisle for the unlawful purpose of drilling in defiance of the prince regents proclamation serious riots are said to have taken place at paisly and glasgow between the 10th and 12th september much mischief has been done by ihe breaking of tamps and windows and even the mehodist chapel seems to have been an object of popular fury fortunately no lives were lost some individuals were severely but not dangerously wounded a very general spirit of hostility against the jews pervades the states of germany and denmark which in many instances has broken forth into deeds of violence this ancient people are not only in ful ted as they walk the streets but in fome places their houfc3 inve been entered by the populace and pillaged the puke de an fernando has been appoin ted prime minister of spain this nobleman is said to be favourable to the cession of florida to the united states and io possess iutluence with his sovereign the refusal of the king nf spain to ratify the treaty lor the cession of florida to the united states of america has now become a fruhful sub ject of speculation and ha given rise to elaborate disquisitions on the consequences which may re sult from it some writers anticipate an imme diate rupture heiweeu spain and america some are of opinion that no declaration of warwvtll he formally made by the president of the united stales but that he will quietly take possession of florida and hold ii by the right of force others suppose chat great ijriiain will be drawn into the contest and that even the allied sovereigns will come forward iw assist spain in protecting her dominions against the unauthorised occupa tion of them by a foreign power but whatever foundation there may be for ihese conjectures it is certain that the united states government will pursue that policy which may appear to them attended with the leat possible risk in gratify ing their inordinate love for territorial aggran- ducmcnl and to use the words of mr brisicd that they will never rest from their labours till they have accomplished their aim by treaty or encroachment or conquest their unvarying mot to being dolus an virtus quisin aosterequirai vie remark among the passengers who arrived in newyork on the 3d instant in the packet ship courier from liverpool the name of major lltllicr private secretary and al c lo his excellency the lieut governor on lie 23d ultimo the governor of the state of new york together with the other commission ers made a trial of that part of the middle sec tion of the erie canal which has heen comple ted thev entered a boat in company wuh ma ny other gentlemen at the eastern extremity of this section uear unca and pioceeded in it as far as home a distance of about fifteen miles the boat which was 61 leel long and drew 14 inches water was towed along by a single horse with apparent ease the water was admitted into the canal from ihe ortskany creek and slowly tilled it tothedeplh offect without oc casioning any material injury to the embank ments tbe commissioneisaud other spectators of tins interesting attempt at navigation on this extensive anal were highly gra lifted with its success it is said thai ihe whole middle section as well as a side cut to ihe village of salina em bracing in all a distance of 90 miles will be nav igable in the course of another month- house breaking on tucfday laft about three oclock a m an attempt was made to ron the fhop of mr v stennett watchrnnkcr of this town the villain whofe ingenuity ranks him as an old offender had conriv- ed by means of a gimblct and knife tu cut two holes through the pannels of the doer fufficiently large to admit his hand he had thus fucceeded in drawing the upper and lower bolts and was about entering the fhop when the overturning of a chair and tin ign which had been fortunately placed againft the door gave the alatm to mi stennett and induced the robber to make a precipitate retreat without com mitting any further depredations a post oflice has lufely heen estab lished at cramaho in the lower part of the district of new castle of w hich jo seph a keeler has been appointed post- master married on sunday livening last by the rev robert mcdowall mr michael asskl- stint to mis cathakive faser daughter of isaac fraser esq m p of ernest town ou monday last by the rox robert mcdowell mr william mooun to miss sarau alexander both of ernest 1 own died at kingston jam aug 22 after five days illness of the malignant fever now so prevalent lieut col edward sparrow deputy adjutant general to the forces c an officer of high char acter and reputation and one whose death is justly considered as a serious loss to the service his social qualities urbanity aad friendly disposition will long be held in affectionate remembrance at quebec on saturday the 30th of oftober the hon jenkin wil liams one of the members of mis majes tys executive council and for many years one of the judges of the court of kings bench fr that district on the 1st november mrs janet smith aged 90 years relift of the late hon w smith of that city a marshall surgeon bagjost received at his apothecary shop opposite the bank a fresh supply of the following articles viz spirits of wine cheltenham salts salts of lemon spice or worm destroy ing nuts batemaus drops balsam of honey and pectoral balsam for coughs and consumptions asthmatic raudv re fined liquorice balsam of life aro matic vinegar henrys magnesia balm ofgikad andersons female pills bar clays antibilious pills british oik macassar and russia oils english tick les and ketchups indian soey soda powders with a large addition to ih assortment of perfumery n ii medical practitioners may be supplied with drugs to any extent and upon reasonable terms kingston 10th nov 1819 4cw j the fubferibers being duly nomina ted executors to the lall will and teftament of the late lawrence herchmer efquire merchant requcll all prrfong in debted to his tftate to make immed te payment and thofe having demands againft tht faid eftate to biing them forward with out delay john kirby geo h markland kingfton 9th nov 1819 46 whereas my wife mary victoir has left my bed and b ard with out any jull caufe this u thcicforc to for bid all perfons harboring or truuin hci n my accounts as 1 will not pay my d t of her contraing after this date baptxste nouvion kingfton november 6 1819 4613

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