ii jaw linden september 13 a letter written by a recent emigrant fiorri portfn to a fuend in that town fays newyk june 10 1s19 i am forry the country of my nativity appears more and more infupportable hundreds ore 1 ckin here from all quarters many of whom attcrwaids go to canada the returns of the brnith conful late that between the 20th and 24th of may ievtn hundred and twenty fcttlers landed at this place give me england how- ever with all her taxes before america with all her liberties and mifeiies a letter dated ingouville near havre aug 28 1819 fay the vintage of this year will be fo productive throughout france that an immediate red u ft ion of 50 per cent in the price of wines is expected but the heavy rains in july fo completely laid the corn that the wheat will not average more than jolb the winchcflcr buflieu in any of the provinces there was a meeting of faimers at the stir inn at lewes on tuefday laft to pafs refolutions in favour of farther reftvic- ttons on the importation of foreign corn few however attended and thefe we undeiftand were fent by their cunning landlords nothing it is faid was done a letter from madrid dated the 28th tilt mentions that it is generally under- ftood that there is a fchifm in the spanifh cabinet on the fnbjeift of the florida treaty the majdrhy of the minifters arc faid to be in favour of the ratification but the two or three individuals poffeffing the greated influence with the king are oppofed to it and have perfuaded him not to give the treaty his ultimate approbation other accounts eaffcrt that mr forfych the american minuter had aually quitted madrid and was on his road to cadiz ferity draw upon our cabinet the attention of all the 1 owcrs who have any tiling to gain or lofe in the revolutions of which spanifh america is at this moment the theatre or may fo become on the flighted iignal from wafhiugton this affair is inexplicable even here where the principal actors of the piece perform their parts before our eyes it is faid sir ii welles- ley decarcs that england has nothing to d with the refufal to ratify this treaty at lead that ambtffidor pretty openly disa vows the part which his court has fup poled to have taken in this 1 range ne- from whence he will take hipping for the united states we do not howtver place reliance upon this part of the intel ligencc mr cobbett has been invited to return to this country ic is pofitively dated that two of his chief creditors have offered to allow him 6co a year provided that he would pwblifh his paper for their ad- vantage and allow them to receive the profits of it till their claims amounting to 4000 are difcharged mr cobbett we undrrlland has accepted thefe conditions and is foon expred in this country plymouth dock thurfday mr thorn ton our new miuider to the court of braaiils arrived at weckleys hotel late lad night where he had been expefted for fome days this morning he embarked on board the superb commodore sir thomas hardy under a falute and im mediately got under weigh accompanied by the vengeur captain maitland and the hyperion captan searle the latter hip is to make the bed of her way to madeira for the purpofe of taking in a fupply of wine for the whole of this fqnadron whofe deftination and object are involved in mydery sir thomas hardy it is dated fails with fealed orders which are not to be opened till he reaches a certain latitude each fhfp is in fine fighting trim being put upon the full war eftablifhinent both as to feamen and marjoe with an extra fupply of dores this at a period of profound peace hefpeaks not only a long and active fervice but a difiaat ration london september 15 there is nothing worth notice in the foreign pipers but an account of the meafurcs adopted by the board of health at cadiz relative to a contagious malady preiumed to be the yellow fever which has fliown itfclf with fymptoms of progreffive aggravation in the town of st fcidinand and the ifle of leon no great fears are entertained of the fever fpreading as vigorous precautions have been taken for the purpofe of confining it within its original fhore the meeting cf the court of aldermen yefterday preferred much intereding matter the two fubjefts which bid claim to mod attention were id the plot to burn the city of london diclofed we weregoinp to fay but affcrteu by the lord mayor in a former court of common council and on which a preffnig though vain demand was made for information bv aldermen wood and wait h man in the courfe of yefterdavs proceedings idlv some complaints brought by the lord mayor againil alderman waithman cre and the mod important of which was for taking the chair fome time ago after the lord mayor had left it and thereby dis solved a commonhall aldermen j smith wood and waithman referred to various precedents wliich feemed lojudify the conduit of the worthy alderman a refolution bad been propofed by sir william curtis to fend the bufinefs to a committee who were in feaich for prece dent but feveral members left the court which was thus broken up without coming to any refult melancholy accident a very decent resectable man of the rame of maitland farmer in quaray of i withers near tniriff while leading a be 1 to battle fair on friday week was a cked by the infuriated animal and v hied in the air to a confiderable height b hirh lie was fo dreadfully injured that he oied in 3 few minutes the bull then ran ar 3 boy who accompanied mr mait- landj and hut for the intervention of fome p onle who wrtneflvd the hocking catas trophe from 2n adjoining field and drove 9 way he animal it is probable he would lave hatred the fame fate jixtras of a private tetter dated madrul sfptemier r the affair ol the floridaa mull necca- gociation which has become abortive almod as foon as it was concluded it is added that the french ambaffador in the name if his mod chridian majefty char itably advises the spanifh cabinet not to hazard a rupture the confequences of which may gradually produce a general war the opinion of all fenfible men in this country is that by refufwg the rati- fixation and thereby furnilhing a legitimate pretext for the ambitious policy of the united states his majefty is about to fign the lols or in other words the emanci pation of all his colonics we know not how far we may take fnf granted the words rfcribed to sir h wellclley as to the efforts of the prince de montmoren- ccy- laval duke of st ferdinand we well know that his excellency himfcif does n t reckon himfcif on having the lead influence and the fitucton of the aflairs of the french in spain leave no doubt on this iubjeft the departure of the expedition the preparations for which have for a long time cod 4000000 of francs per month is a thing no longer to bt thought of letters from andalufia date that the troops are marched off in hade towards etramadura such is the obdinate de termination to commit to the waves a mul titude of unfortunate beings that it is dill hoped to reorganise this armament already perhaps affiided with the plague in the port of lifbon if the portugnefe confent senfelefs reports which merely prove that here it is ilill believed that every thing ought to yield to the infallibility cf abfo- or so thai he bn ndw 7 or s00 mm though they arc not al nrmp nor uni formed hut they soon fy bcj fm thoir chic hasnbnnd 0 resources aod money we are ahfo assured that in thf othrr provinces ries of military pat riots have already b o assemble or as they are called b our melchoriu his proclamation constitutional champi ons the well deposed i can assure you have great coiii j t pnr tics who when well organized and act ing under combined plans will be able to give to our country that day of glory so long sighed for 1 transmit you a printed proclamation which our intrepid melchor has just pub lished and circulate who in his division has a small flying pftutingestablhhincnt and a secretary csueinely patriotic and well informed lute lower of spain from he london statesmen the subjoined letter and proclamation which has reached us from spain will convey a pretty good idea of what is pass ing in thatunfortunate country and what ere long may be expected badajoz july 19 u before the receipt of this you will no doubt have been made acquainted with what has befallen t he expedtionarj troops and the disarming of 7000 men at port si marys be assured that tho ferdinand and his slave odonnel have been careful to find out for the expedi tion the troops least enthusiastic in favor ol the cortes and constitution the seeds of spanish honor nevertheless exist among them and with difficulty will they be able to embark more thnu 3 or 4000 men to succoar morillo who according to recent advices from madrid was at his last shift what amomcut of glory present ed itself to odonnel if in one week he hud wished to sate his country here a report was at 6rt current that lie was at the head of the insurrection for py own part i could not be brought to be- iilve it lor 1 unfortunately knew him too well this shvrt sighted mangoes not see that the spanish nation cannot he long before it casts ult the yoke by which it is galled and oppressed riul thit lie a vcii as the whole of the perjured who do not fly to save their country by wash ingnwaythe foul stain that disgraces them in the eyes of the world 9 will eventually though certainly meet with the just pun ishment the law awards against thecrini of perjury a punishment which he or any other of his class would undoubted ly avoid if throogh some memorable ac tion they were to render uwnvhves worthy ol the goo will and gratitude of the spanish people all the patriots in this city on the lirt arrival of he news respecting odonnel loaded him with benedictions and exclaimed u brave general has been tardy but sure how great was our disappointment when we learned the denouement still i do not doubt but that many chiefs who have hitherto knelt to the shrine of tyrannv when once convinced of the real state ol public opinion throughout the hole pen insula and the strong fermentation in which all are agitated will hasten to de clare in favour of law and their oountf a cause which sooner or later will un avoidably triumph it is also natural to suppose that ere thisou have received information of out brave melchor whose military strength was so alarming to the audencia of ca- cctcs that they determined to make fh best of their way off thinking it mot ad visable to take their refuge within tin walls of this fortress he has acquired a great reputation in the whole of estre- tnadura and 1 believe that before the ex piration of two months he will be at tin head of a respectable division and ii things are in readiness elsewhere march on to madiid previous to the late dis persion near cadi he only commanded 390 men scattered about in guerillas 011 various points who unite as circumstan ces require in ordei to make head against parties of regulars the captain general sent out to look after them melchor- men always come off best in these skir- mishes and with this advantage thai they seldom come in sight of the king troops without having some deserter- frorn them- since the kstremedean who are among the 7u00 men dispersed by odonnel reached their homes the greater part of them have joined mclch- proclamation of cohmelmolchor translated fang n printed copy spaniards all men who respect virtue and reiterate justice cannot fail clearly to know that lvrdinand vii in stead of acting a a hitherto us spaniards who saved him from a voluntary captivi ty insteap of putting down the spirit of party which at h is return prevailed thro out he nation and instead of formtiig the spanish people who might have idol ized him into one family has conducted himself as a tyrnnt worse than a cali gula ora tiberius who under such cir cumstances a those in which ferdinand was placed would no doubt have been less ungrateful and less inhuman than this tyjjcr still thirsting after human blood as if those torrents which hi ve been shed in his cause were not sufficient to satisfy his furious appetite as self preservation and that of our country is the supreme law nature and inspired into men by cjod himself the spanish people would be wantiur to uieirown most sacred lights to rlieir ho nor to their fame and heroism if they allow ferdinand de boorbon to complete the work of extermination and if the suffered this fierce usurper any longer f abuse that excess of patience with which he ha- hitherto been tolerated the dis dain with which he has beheld all the reverent petitions which from within and wiihouisain have been addressed to him the barefaced manner in which he tram ples on our property and lives that in solence in short with which he sells fo foreigners considerable portions of the great spanish nation havegoneon build ing up a barrier of brass between him and the people that same heroic people who through the medium of their repre sentatives were plevd to acknowledge him a constitutional iig but not a an absolute monarch and since he himself has broken our oath as well as all the bonds which united him to the nation it is clear that he has dethroned himself u spaniards inthefaceof god and the whole universe c proclaim that ferdinand is a tyrant and usurper you are therefore relieved from your obedi ence to lii m by every law human and di vine in order to sav- our country it is indispensable that you should immedi ately since he has forfeited hirow n word assemble general and extraordinary cor- tes in conformity to le constitution tltc bra nabtaryg faithful to their oaths will aid in the noble steps you take to redeem thejust and rational lib erty of the spanish people many of ffum have ahead joined my constitu tional division aul the banners of their country ahanddltng those of a t rant in fort st marys nd preferring rather to light for the re establishment of the con stitution in their own country than to stain their swords with the blood of their companions and hrrthren in america we declare to ho a traitor to his coun try every spaniard of whatsoever class or condition he may he who by word writing or armed force may attempt to impede the election and assembling of the cortes if in ten or twelve points of he peninsnla as many constitutional champions like myself should rise up for the purpose of reestablishing the laws f our ancestors winch a thankhs king has perfidiously trampled to the ground do not doubt spain will le saved from the horrors of anarchv and will recover forever her august cortes and her holy constitution in the name of our country is granted the rank of officer to every sergeant w ho may enlist under our banners or under these of any other of the constitutional cham pions of the pemlisula and two addition al grades to the officers from brigadiers do uiwards who may fly to the succor of their country i the divisions of the constitutional troops spaniards where is the man who does not prefer honor and liberty to the infamous yoke hi weighs down with ig nominy the slav b of ferdinand valor union anil constancy time of difficul ty made you invincible and crowned your heroic heads with triumph when ifihting against lh armies of the most proud of eonqutrnrs the same whose leemhe effeminftte captive of vilnncy owardly kissed valor union and con- tancy will again make the empire of the law and the caiti oi freedom appear tri umphant in the whole of the extended regions of the sowfall monarchy camp of libty the banks of the guadiaua j ah j s 1 9- mklchor a constitutional champion aldemn who is appointed commander in chief has received all his inftruaions and very exteufive powers both to ncgociate and to profecutc the war with vigour ii cafe his efforts to obtain a pacification mould not have the defircd effeft the proclamation which is to be publifhed and circulated with profufion as foon as he lands in america has been dtawn up at madrid on the other hand all the troops difperfed in the four provinces of andalufia have received orders to proceed to saint maty the ifle of leon and the environs of cadiz- the government has made incredible efforts to complete thefe preparations and the expenfes have been fo enormous that the treafury is ex hausted four millions of reals were fent from madrid for the army last week the most abfurd reports are circulated refpefling melchor and his band the following account appears to be the most ccitain the troop of this chief does not amount to three hundred men and it fubfists entirely by pillage when it is followed by detachments- of troops it retires into the defiles of the mountains and divides into fmall parties which join again when the danger is past many of thofe robbers have been killed others taken and banged what proves that they are not very formidable is that the high road from madrid to badajoz is perfedly free and fafe this affair has therefore ceased to be under the direction of mde karnps the tumultuous scenes which have ta ken place at wurteburh and at frank fort have been renew ed in various othrr parts of germany in several cities at bareuth bamberg darmstadt may- ence brunswick and even in country places the jews have boon the objects of violence and persecution it has been necessary at several points o have re course to the armed force and he proc lamations published on the occa ion by the respective governments and the local authorities attest the degree of import auce attached to hose events hut a re markable circumstance attending them is that the presence of the troops of the line was unable to restore tranquility and that the threatening attitude of the military rather tended to exasperate the mutinous spirit of the people than to put it down jt was necessary upon sever al occasions to substitute the landtcehr or yeomanry force to the soldiery and order was restored by the presence of this national guard the diet continues its sittings notwith standing the vacation which usually corn menccs 1st aug although the subjects which occupy its attention do not appear to be of any great importance the cor respondence of the president of the diet with carlsbad appears to be very active it is uncertain whether the conferences will not be protracted until the middle of sept all matters of high importance appear to be for the present suspended m do stein has formed 0 literary soci ety composed of severn i members of the diet and persons of the highest authority in the different states of the germanic confederation which appears to have for its object the maintenance of the privile ges an splendour of german nobility this association has taken the title of ate jiutonirwwjir ftle auvquiifes off germany it can dispose of considera ble funds and the central direction of its labours is confided to messrs de stein darctim minister of bavaria near the diet de cerkheim minister of baden de plessen minister of mecklenburg s and de waienheim minister of wur- temburg m buchler- counsellor of le gation attached to the legation of baden at frankfort acts as perpetual secretary and m dumge professor at heidelberg and archivist of the grand duke of saden acts as archivist to the society the first number of the periodical work resulting from the labours of this society will be immediately published and is entitled m archives relating to the ancient history o germany being a complete edition of the historical works of the middle age which areconsidered authentic j in a literary point of view it is desirable that this society may succeed in its plans if political bias and the spirit of party do dublin sept 20 revival of manufactures a correspondent from leeds informs us that a confiderable improvement has taken place in the woolen trade at leeds this favourable alteration is felt chiefly fn the fhawl and pelice departments which is con fined to the home market the fluff trade inalfo gradually improving and it is hop ed that this alteration conjoined to the bountiful crops with which providence has fcfls i isseisf wylv raider die ap proaching winter lefs dittrefling than wai fome time ago apprehended ffunt an obfeure morning paper of saturday ftates that hunt is coming over to ireland and will vffit this city and cork on a reform miflion the following regiments have been or dered to be disbanded s 21ft 22d and 25th light dragoons on their arrival from india 3d weft india regiment on arrival at sierra leone royal african corps onanival from sierra leone and the cape royal york rangers royal weft india rangers and york chaffeurs on arrival in north america city of london address to the prince regent at twelve oclock on friday forenoon the lord mayor attended by two rher iffs alderman waithman the recorder the common sergeant a number of com mon council men c waited on the prince regent agreeably to the appointment not shed 1 their baleful tnfucnte over the- made on thurfday with the addrets vo ted by the common council on the fub- jeft of the late tranfaions at manchetler their reception fiom hi9 royal lligh- nefs was moll gracious on the right of the prince were lords sidmouthand cas tlereagh on the left were the duke of wellington and lord liverpool the nddrefs having been read by the recorder the prince regent made the fol lowing aufwer i receive with feelings of deep regret thisaddref and petition of the lord may or aldenen and commons of the city of london in common council affembled c at a lime when illdefigning and tur bulent men are aflively engaged in inflam ing the minds of their fellowfubjefls and in endeavoring by means the mod daring and rnfidions to abdicate them from their allegiance to his majeftyand theeftablifh- cd confutation pf the realm it is on the vigilance and conduit of the wagiftrates that the piefervation of the public tranquil litv mufl in a great degree depend and a firm faithful and active difcharge of their duty cannot but give them the ftiong- eft claim to the fupuort and approbation of their sovereign and their country with the circumtlances which prece ded the late meeting at manchefter you maft be unacquainted and of thofe which attended it you appear to be incorrectly informed u if however the laws were really vio lated on that occation by thofe to whom it immediately belonged to afiift in the ex ecution of them the tribunals of their country are open to afford redrefs but to inftiiute an extra judicial inquiry under fuch circumftances as the ptefent would be manifestly inconfiftent with the cleared principles of public jufticc i dublin sept 18 bernadotts report from ftankfort and hamburg have appeared in the french papers received by this days mail that bernadotte the king of sweden has been fllot dead the bremen gazette of the 2d inftant contains a fimilar report no particulars however are mentioned and accounts direct from stockholm dated feveral days anterior mention that berna- dotte was preparing to take a journey into the interior of his kingdom to choofe a proper fituation for a wrong fortrefs which is to be made the puncipal depot of arms in the kingdom undertaking we may hope to have a- classical history of the germanic kmpire 1 which will do honor to the literature of the nation run attv 28- the road from mad rid to cadiz baa hcen crowded for fome days pall w gnrralb tuperior officers commiffaries sa who ate proceeding with all halle to join expedition which is at jength on the cf its departure gen frrcnsburgii aug c an imperial ukase af the iflth july grants the rights and privileges of a free port to the cily of odessa upon the black sea the regulation was to commence from the 15th august last fbanktort aug 24 a special commissson is spoken of to be nominated by jvl tic hardeoburg to hold an inuet upon the arrestations which have taken place and to examine into the pretended teutonic conspiracy fratihfortt august 3 accounts from wui tzburg statethai oc the night of the 1 8th the windows of the houfes inhabited by jews were broken at sommerach and rimpon in this hff olbqj uic poputdcc ici cvtucot with breaking the windows of the fynagoguc penetrated into the interior and dettroyed every thing that ferved for the cxercife of the jewish worfhip befides the defoatches brought by a courier from prince mctemich and many other of the minifters at carlfbad which caufed an extraordinary meeting of the diet and the adjournment of the vacation till september another courier has brought a letter from prince metiernich to our senate on the fubjeft of the late tumult and attacks on the jews the king of bavaria has decided that the town of wurtzburg mult indemnify the jews fcr theoffe9 they have differed in the late tumults there and that the amount of the indemnity hall be impofed on fuch of the inhabitants as have excited thefe troubles this general animofity againlt the jews is quite inconceivable from every quarter we have accounts of the fame fcandalous fcenes at rembart a village near wurtzburg the peafants not only plun dered the houfes ofthe jews but demolifhei the fynagoguc trampled on the hoa or ark in which were the books of motes threw the whole into the ftreet broke the chandeliers and committed the mod reprehenfible excefses l fome little towns fn franconia there have been very ferjoai tumults occafioned by the fame hatred of jews at berlin a jew being purfued by a crowd of idle people had no means of faving himfcif but to j in in the cry of u hep hep which has hecome fo ter rible to the jews in get many ti ii berlin sept 18 on the 14th in the evening the news which we had for fome time dreaded arriv ed here that fieldmaifhal prince blncher of wahlftadt terminated his glorious life on the 12th of this month at 19 minutes pad ten oclock in the evening at his feat of kriblowitz in siicfia his majefty the king received this fad news by a re- pott from the aiddecamp of the prince colonel count von noftizt and alfo by a verbal communication from captain von rudorf the fecond aidde camp his majefty immediately gave orders that the army fhould put on mourning for eight days and defpatched count ivlucher of wahlftadt the princes grandlon with a mod gracious letter of coikioicucc to the dowager princefs our readers will be glad to he3r fome account of the laft days of th piinccs life on the cth his majefty fent frgrn brr