Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 24, 1819, p. 4

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is mxt from he edinburgh magazine and iiterarj miscellany of november 1818 tlit field of waterloo mr editor i sent you fome time ago a few waterloo relics and as you kindly infer- ted them i venture to offer you another piece of a different fort though connected with the fame event in my rambles near tfc city it has been my lot to fcrape ac- quaintance with corporal underwood late ol the foot guards who loft his left arm on the memorable 18th of june- the corporal however won the heart of a fair belgian and is now the fon inlaw of a refpeftablc farmer with whom he refides between this place and st nicholas having liftened always with attention and fometimes with intereft to mr under woods anecdote of the battle i at length gained his entire confidence with blufhing modefty heavowed himfclf a poet and owned hst the he ight of his ambition wa9 to fee his favourite production appear in print i inclofe it to you hoping you will be able to oblige the gallant corporal without difnbligig your leaders and am yours fmcerely c- n limftels aug ii 18 i 3 see magazine for april p 326 a new song to be sung htf all good felloas on the islh june to the tune of the uayoj biscay 0 by corporal undertcood come listen noble country men unto ilic tale i cell hon on ihe fi id of waterloo the bailie it befel efji mf jbtjglin and th french 0 bloodv jit glorious memory will cut all other battles out the 17ih day of june it was we marched from quaire bras the rain it fell aj heavily all jay as eer you saw and ion and weary vras the way till just as duk began we pitched our imouack upon the heights of moum st jean and 0thai night vras stormy still with lightning and with thunder as if the very ault of heaven would split itself asunder and there we lay all cold and thought if not in fear in sorrow offhosetbat ur had left at home and of the dark tomorrow no in beam shone upon that mom but dark and dull it rose and ienaed to scowl upon the earth as foes do on their foes and there we saw the french drawn up upon the other height with long dark linesofmen in blue and hi onets shining blight our centre was at la haye sainte in front of mount st jean just where the road fiom charlcroi that lcad to brussels ran our left flank rested on smouben our right upon marke braine with hongoitraont in front between the hilu upon the plain the duke bad placed in irougouraont lord sal ion and the g lards with the nassau sharpshooters about the little park and vsrdj but when te ivenrli came down the bill the the latter ran anav and left ihe guard to bear the brunt and honour of 1 lie day so ihe french wnt round and round the house and 1 oared and cursed and fired airtlwf tfttlhib lhb ifittdjiart on them till bob were fairly tired and ibe courtyard blazed and the grapeshot flew tifce mad though wall and wood but stout lord salion and 1 guards mill made their footing good then general voy ith the steel clad horse that tie r rencb call cuirassiers hashed on and charged ihe hollow squares of the guards and bruits wickers we did not care so much tor them but the french anillery it played point blank and swept lhelilei cf our squares most dismally soon they came guns cui rasters and column after column the oldest men from spain looked queer and thought it rather solemn but still our lads they kept their ground and ttood hoih stout and stiff while the french drew back like the broken wave from the foot of dove cliff and in the centre twas the same for there upon la have the frenchmen made a desperate charge and almost won the day the hamners fought well and when their shot was all expended they fell as soldiers ought to fall 011 the root they had defended so the french dragoons they gained the hill but picton met tin m there and the deadly puh of the british steel the rascals coiitd not hear and the gallant greys they leaped the hedge and then those cocks of game with the 98d made the french run faster than the carne the ground was brewed with mailed men in iron and in brass and as the chargers passed their hous run on the fallen eniias then picton fell in glorys arms wiib a bullet through hishralo i iknew sir thomas picton well for i served with him in spain at balfpat iixxapoleon made his lat severe attack whil double columns of his guards who drove oorligiit troops back they never yet had met their match o they thought ihe victory mire and they shouldered their arms and matched slung shouting vive lltupereur but oircarno 1 checked their march a bit and wien the gained the height the blood mock ifttl for there in front they saw an ugly sieit the guard wen gcuingou their feet the duke hos at their jicad ooguarda and at vm was the word twai done awdn as said twas in rhi charge i lot my arm but little of that thought 1 when i at and av the englmj guards doing so famrily tv nght xa won for 00 the lei old hi u chert can not ttuuderi d napoleon voret a gmchj corns in which hcaulv bljuovrcd but bhicher scon shewed who he was for on napoleons right he poured pell mcll and fixed at last the fortune of the tight and wellington deployed his squares and led them on in line and the sun himself looked out from hti clouds and at length began toshine twas worth his while for such a mght be neer again may see when down the bill like lightning whirled the horse artillery and the line advanced and ihe light dragoons they scoured across the field while tlii few of hie french that still remained stood but to die or yield we took 150 guns the prussians as many more and 40000 french lie there that shall follow the druni no more a grape shot split my arm and so with oilier i was sent and pit into the doctor hand at the hospital of ghent they amputated me and now im doing very ell 3 hut i do not grudge the loss of an arm when ive such a tale to tell and now my noble countrymen 1 needs must hope that you over j oor wine will spare a toast to the men of waterloo notice to pensioners all pensioners whose residence is at or near the undermentioned stations are required to appear or by writing to report themselves in future at the periods specified to the respective officer of the commissariat in order that the proper forms of documents relative to pensions for each individual may be forwarded for their use jtmltemtoxk port george a on or about chip partly qnuttston i ne vark lw atlgwn m nov feb may of each year 3 ttiisloti 4 9 brockmthi bath richmond glengftvijy jji initlfuuintivh izlium ilcur the three rivets i loib srjtfesnv kanattiaska ami on the line ofy u dec mar communication to sew limns- june of mivjs and other pirtces nearest each year quebec j commissary fienerals office quebec aug 18 fcslft j 35ms surgeon dentist all operations performed upon the teeth by j r spoover at mrs patricks inn aug 2ff i8r9- 32 tssc farmers 1 are respectfully informed that the subscriber will receive all the well cleaned barley tlwy think proper to deliver before sleighing time at one dol lar per bushel for cash on delivery he is also desirous to contract for two thou sand or more bushi is of whmt thomas dalton kingston brciecr aug 13 1s19 33 has juft received and now offer for sale at the new- store next door to mr a p forwards hotel in the vil lage of bath a general aftortmcnt of dry goods groceries crockery hardware u man ally lowor cash or mor kinds of country 1 roduce in fome instances where tvii vp v mm h tn r n vm a very sltorc credit may be given and in fuch en lis only bath aug 21819 52 notice the late partnership of robert gra ham sf co having dissolved itself this day hy the death of roderick mac- kay ksc the bussiness in future mill be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above linn will please pay their accounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment 20 robert graham point frederick 21st sept 1818 persons having booksbelonging to the kingston library are requeu ed to fend them jo the fubferhber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as pnffible john ferguson 12th april 1819 ifj notice all perfons indebted to the late co- partneifliip of richard robhon and david secord are requefied to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david sccord and thoft to whom the faid copartnerfliip may be indebted ate e- qucllcd to fend in their accounts for ad- juftmenc and payment kingfton 27th mav 18 19 26tf tolet a commodious house near doftor keatings two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whple a good yard and stable ahoa very good spring near the house for further particulars apply to james robins kingston qth june 189 2 for sale or to let at two ftory framed houfe and a wll large and commodious ftone store fituate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefect on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchaftr or lessee enquire at ihe office of chr a hagerman ktgflon 26th february 18 19 9 the steamboat fro nt en ac james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following days- viz kingston for york on the 1st 1 th and 2st lays of each month york for queension 3d 3th and 23d dajs of each month niagara for kingston blh blh and c days of each month rates of passages from kingston to york and niagara 3 0 0 from york to niagara 100 children under three years of age half price above three antler ten two thirds a book will be kept for entering the names of passengers the births which they may choose at which time the passage money must be paid ffaisngtusb aair snubm ftivibs vreihi ol baggage surplus bag gage to be paid for at tiie usual rate gentlemens servants cannot sleep or cat in the cabin deck passengers will pay 1 5s and may either bring their own provisions or bo furnished by the steward for each dog brought on board 5s all applications for passages to be made to captain mackenzie on board midland district agricultural so- ciety the committee of the midland die- trift agricultural society announce to the public their wife to have a dii- trift show at adolphuftown on monday the 1 8th october and offer the following premiums to farmers 80 dollars for the first befit bull raised in the pr vince and owned io the district 10 do second ditto 10 do best cow 5 do second ditto 8 do best ram 4 do second ditto c do best ewe 3 do second ditto and and freight will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of 4s per harrc buik and flour at the customary rate delivered to the different consignees a list of their names will be put in a con spicuous place on board which must be deemed a sufficient notice and the goods when taken from the steamboat will he considered at the risk of te owners for each fliiall parcel 2s 6d which must be paid on delivery kingston april jiblh 181 j forsajl8 avkrvva hie farm situated near thfl vme oi ijrockvihe be- fcng the rear half oi i- no one and the ivr bah of lot number two in the se cond concession fit knabetbtod u c containing two hundred crcs form- r- lv the property if reuben sherwood ksquire butnow b loitging fojounshu- tor esquire of london there is a ve- iy good dwelling hs witfi n barn and oilier out house o the rrmi- 1- ya lot u umber nineties in the uihfli coii- ccssiou and the uft half of lot numb r one in the eighth sslon of tltc same township also lot number fiftoi n iu tiie rtic cimiceiion urtl nonior fiflcon iir the second concession of the town ship of vouge in the district of johns town these farms w i be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous topurcliacrs appi fo damkl jones jun brocjxville mh january 18 if 4 valuable lands for sale ix the midland district county of prince edward and township of ameliasburgh lot 23 in the front concession on lake ontario lying to the eastward of nicholsons 1 laud lots 22 and c iu the second con cession of said township the whole con taining six hundred acres for particulars inquire at the office of the kingston chronicle or of the honorable jamks baby york n b all persons are cautioned a- giinst cutting or destroying the tinber on fhe above lands as they will certainly subject therpsclvcs to a leal prosecu tion if detected kingston july oth 1s19 28tf physic sf surgery dr z smally bcjrs leave rcf pcftfuilyto inform the inhabitants otkfngflorj and its vicinity that he has cftablilhed himfclf a a physician surgeon apothecary from ids laving received a regular me dical ejucaton and from his experience m the different branches of his prrfrffion he i induced to believe that lie will be able to do justice to all whofe mivprtunee may render them tndcr the tjeceffitv of fo- licitmg medical aid n 15 to any clls at the of the golden mor7 cpofite the market the ftrieft attention will be paid where will be conftantly kept en hand a choice and well chofen aftortmcnt of drug and medicine paints of ail kinds lmfeed lamp and curriers oils dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yam window glafs putty sc nails a new and elegant aftortmcnt of paper hangings ladies bon yets 0 the new est fashion garden seeds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c i6tf april 1 6 william budden will receive by the earjiell fpnng veiiels and keep condantly on hand at quebec an aftrtmeiu of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ft a p ril i s r q 1 f eoil sale quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to s fret in length apply to mr j dawsov tailor willi m yerex kingston juiji ir is 19 30 three farms forall or if not fold to be rented for the en- fuing year via one at the prefque isle harbor one at waterlog and the picket farm fo called a ontraft alfo will be giv0 for cutting ioo cords of wood kingston 1 6th june t 2 tf a forwarding commission business the subscribers beg loare to inform their friends and the pnblic that tiny have formed a connection in bui- ness tiie object of which is ihe trans portation of produce down fhe st lau rence and of merchandise of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and tin- united slates ad jacent to ihe la lies outarioand erie the business will be conducted by w iiibiirrr at oijdensburh and under the firm of iv wultlng co al prescott to prevent delay all property desti- nod for kington or any part of the 13a v of quinte will be forwarded from pres cott by the steam boat charlotte w iich lea vps here twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en- gagpd iu the business and pledging their united exertions togive satisfaction mil be grateful for every favor w l whiting w ii u ijbell prescott 10lh mtjjls 19 23 to clothiers tor sale a quantity of presspapers tlio s whitaker c co august 19 1 8 19 3 6 do 8 do 4 do 8 do 8 do 10 do 7 do 5 ilo 5 do do 3 3 do 10 best yearling steer or heifer best boar second dtto best breeding sow best heifer of ir year old best ploughing ofonequanerofanacrc with oxen or horac second diuo third ditto be1 famplo of wtreat cccmpanicd lf certificatchllinl the same la specimen of a vbl ftcw coiiabtlng of not lei tiin five acres for the best sample cf barley ditto best afn i ofpriific white pea for the best improved plough suited to tcati of the eonnrv si 50 pounds re ward j tolen from wdikrs hotel irt kingfton on the night of the 29th or morning of the jjoth of june inftant out of the trunk of the subfcriber which was broken open a parcel directed wiviiaoi attan iq containing i 1000 in montreal bank bills whofoevcr will give information that may lead to the de tection and conviction of the thieves ball receive the above reward the bills can be of no ufe to the hoder as prompt meafures have been taken to prevent their difcount at the baik where regnlar entries of their numbers have as ufual been made- any communication refpec- ting the above may be addressed to vhomas markland efq of kingfton or to the subscriber at york george r1dout kingfton june 30th 1819- 27 notice ames meagher returns his mofi jincere thanks to the pt ople of kingx ton and its environs for the liberal en couragement he has met nviih fince his com mencing bufincfs he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to his new houfe near the mar ket place oppofite to mr bay mans and will as ufual carry on the tin copper and sheet iroo manufactory horse shoeing and black smith work 10m be executed in the befl manner at the jhortefl notice and on the lowejl terms n b 7v rent leafe or fell for the lerm of ten years and immediate poffeffwn given that well inown fland the wel lington inn in barrack flrect this filiation is one of the left in town having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a houfe of public entertainment and store apply to the proper james meagher king hon feb 51819 g a farm forsale a djoin1ng hay bay in thetowru ol hip of fredcickbuigh the eaft half of lot nb 2 in the kcond conceffian containing 100 acres and having about 40 acre under cultivation with a log houfe and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wahburn efquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 1818 30 verms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by mai twenty four shillings rnwripfiuiis to be paid fn advnee to the istofjuh or the 1st of janu- piuce of autertisements lffx fltow ond under c 6d first in- au sertion and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and tinder 3s 44 first insertion and 0d each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4l per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements zcithont written direc tions are inserted till forbid andcharged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise meats to be in writing and delivered ha wednesday noon at the latest no advert is enu nls received after ten o clock on the day of publication agents henry cowan v- quebec liluard sills ej three fliwrt james william lw montreal messrs j sl j ounjon- lancaster paul glawferd esq matttdn alpbeus jones esq prcaeittt henry jones esq urotkvltle n btnmmas ro v ii wiiiimarsh iq tlichmons j k jfartnell esq bastard e webster esq gnianvquc j ranken esq utah allan mcpiierson esq sapanee thomas parker esq uelmue james 6 heihune esq hamilton william allan esq york richard halt esq ihtntfas daniel ross esq vitturia john cmoks eq niagara t mcchrmirlt q queenioa john viion so t other xthhfsrk kingston u c printiiu i or lllli fiut0e

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