the kingston vol i friday afternoon september 21 1si9 no 39 bank notice bank ov upvilll canada directoit or the week henry mnrnry esquire days of disco uni every widxes- day notes offered for discount mut lie all handed to th- caliiiron tlie dav pre ceding the discount day sbartlet cashier drafts on quebec at short sight will he given for specie notice books of subscription for the jgftft fit tttgm will be opened at the direftors room in the bank of upper canada on the 24th aoguft next and kept ooen each day from the hour of ten till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 1819 1 notice i hereby given that i william tay- i ior as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late allan taylor de- ceafed have this day afliened all the real and perfonal estate of the late allan tay lor and all the interest in the concern of taylor to pricer and thomas parker unto john kirby alexander ohphant pe- trie atid thomas packer as trustees for the benefit of the creditors william taylor administrator of the estate of the late allan taylor kings ton t august 28 1819 36tf new goods lwh5 w do nell opposite tbi- mttrfal kiwg trtrt most refpeftfully inform their friends and the public that they hav juft received and offer for fale a well chofen and general aftortment of dry goods among which are the following articles lucrative concern l viz weft of england cloths and caffimeres flair carpeting kiddermirfter do jeans fuftian bombazettc bombazecnp drab blue gray and yellow nankeens irifh lin ens linen fold and madjapoilum hirtins fleam loom hirtings sallanvporca long cloth and bafcaes mancheller glas gow iriped cottons tiukev stvipcschfcks and ginghams dimity chintz and cali co furniture cambrics calicos lenos and muflinp lutestring and sarlnct silks black florentine silk veils shawls scarfs and handkerchiefs canton crape canton crape dnffes aflbrtcd colore cotton shawls and handkerchief silk toton and wors ted hofe silk kid and beaver gloves thread silk and cotton laces ribbons tapes bobbin counterpane marseilles quilts silk and cotton srvmbrny linen bed ticks bleached sheetings httm hums derrys brown hollands dowlas c c c also a few pairs s pays kingston 2d july 1819 27 notice the public that hty haw cut rd into copartn rliip and mini fhry vl jointly from the drift lunof arrv on business uitdr the fcrro of lamll si mcdonell wm r lym15 arch uroontl kingston june ttl lfi 7 t to be fold on the rnoft liberal terms and immediate poffefiion given with a credit of 4 or 5 years if defired for the greater part of the purchafe money an old eftablifhed distillery with all the neceftary apparatus for carry ing on an extenfive bufinefs together with a new brewery and malt kiln complete dwelling- house stores c c and up wards of 2 acres of land in townplots well watered and mod advantageoufly lit- uated in the floutifhing little town of port hope for further particulars apply to the printer or to charles fothergill esq 36 port hope i valuable lean for ati in tlic township nf i iahiillon it ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- jl a cefiion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th con- ceflion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th concefhon containing 200 acres the above lands ae all lying in rhe townftiipof hamilton nevvcalllr iilhift and will be fold on the mod liberal terms for further information enquire of elias jones efq hamilton or the fubfciiber in kingron thomas s whitakcr kingfton may 28 1 8 t q 2 2tf george scouual late master smith in the engi- necr department begs leave to in his friends and the public in general tlia he has commenced bufinefs next door below mr george douglafss store street where every article in his line may be had on the mod reafonable terms and on the ftoitcft notice the following rates of charges are fubmitted horse shoeing- all round 6fh removes 2jg and all other work in proportion kingston april x iq 1 t to letj atft poffefiion given the 1st auguft qtll next that house and store in atore street opporitc he post office lately occupied by mi edward jones for particulars apply to the subsciiber neil mcleod kingston 15th july 1819 29 bank notice the stockholders of the bank of up per canada are hereby required to pay into the bank in specie or bills of the montreal bank an instalment of six per cent or six dollars on each share on or before the 4th day of oct next s bartlkt cashier kwgsion sept 11819- 36 notice an assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the lands goods and debt belonging to the late firm of jfames ranken 1st co of ernest town merchants as well as those belong ing to james ranken individually for the benefit of creditors notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm or against the said james ranken to present them forthwith duly xuiibfirtiicaed awl wch 3avk1 vijtvct are desired to pay their repeftive account to chr a hagfrman esq of kings ton on or before the first day of decem ber next john kirby kingston i st september 1819 36 n otice is hereby given that william taylor heir at law and administrator of the iate allan taylor hath afligncd all the real and perfonal estate of the late allan taylor deceafed unto john kirby alex andcr o 1 etrie and thomas parker in trust for the benefit of creditors all perfon having any claims against the late allan taylor taylor 8c parker or thom as parker are requested to prcfent the fame for adjustment and payment and thof- perfons indebted to cither the late altai taylor taylor and parker or thomas parker are requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees who aie fumy authotifed togive discharges for the fame john kirby a o perrie thomas parker kingston august 28 1 s 1 9 36tf ghotmlchmoyt tt ate surgeon of the jth regiment jlj will pralee the various branches of his proftffion in kingston 3oh august 1819 3 njtile- 4ll perfons are cautioned agamfi pnr- chafing lot no 22 in tie 7th con eefiion of frtlrickpourgi or lot no 27 in the ist conceffi m f richmond fiom the heirs or aflignees of davis htf a the subfcriber holds an indisputable title to the fane gilbert haris sidney 4th dec 1 s 1 8 n oticwt ftlhe ubfefcribers refpeftfully inform jl their friends and the public that thev have now received ald jull opened in mar ket street juft below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive aftortment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great quantity of claffical books the whole of which will be fold very low for caih and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd notice montreal fire insurance companys office sofh july 1819 the company having extended its bufinefs and protection againft loftc9 or damages by fire to upper canada now inform the public that the following perfong are authorized agents of the com pany in that i rovince at ki tmu wm mjtcuexl esq york ivm allan esq quceitston messtnjntsf ktnsv amhvrstburgh jv1 dvff esq the lfvcon of this infant indication flatter thcmlelves from the teduions late ly made on their tariff that their rates of premiums will be found as reafonable as at any other office and they rcfpedtfully fo- licit the patronage of all who wifh well to local kftablifiiments by order of the board 37m j bleakley sccy extensive and unlimited sale 1emoval the subscriber rcfpeftfully inform the public that he has removed to the brick tore in store street within a few doors of henry caffadys where he in- tend following the tailoring business in all its various branches any perfon pleafed to favor him with their cuftom may rely on having their work done in the neateil manner and o moderate terms 01 ivfr w stevens king ft on september 7th 1819 3s alkxandtfabrik merchant taylor mas received kom montreal a mod choiice and excellent aftortment of the bell w of england fupcrfine vfoitfu atid cnsimeres with trimming and every thing com plete a asher informs his fnvnds and th public that he is now work up thefc cloths c al his old land where orders will be thankfully received executed on the fhoueft ntire and 0 the toweft erms for cafh or fhort appri credit kingfton sept io 1819 37tf by auction will be fold at the fubferibers auftion room in the store late ly occupied by mr john watkitts in king street a general aftortment of clolis fancy hood glassware crock iy ironmongery metal stoves src sale to commence on monday 27th inflanr at four oclock in the afternoon and to be continued each day at the fame hour until ihe whole hall be difpoftd of joiln strange auftioncer kiugfion spt 16 1819 38 custom house office kingston cth september 1 8 1 9 on saturday the twentyfifth day of september inftant will be fold to the highelt bidder at the govern ment wharf the schooner comet lately feized and condemned this veitel ij nearly new and i well fined with fails anchor cables and all neceflary tiging including a new boat a liberal credit will be given for a part of the purchafe money on giving fecuoty c a hagerman 3rw2 collector port of kingston 10t7 anted a man and woman v v servant who underfiand oli kinds of housework none will pieafe appy who do not bring with them molt unques tionable characters enquirr of the printer 16th sept 1819 38 government buimnff- a stork house w be built of hewn or cut s one in jl5 majeilys naval yard at kipgh u c according to plans frving that the foof is altered to e prnjeftin eavc viich may be feen at the office of the commanding engin eer a qebtc naval st or keepers of fice at viontreal and at the comn-ifiion- ers office at tin- place pylons dilious of comrafling eparately for che mafon by the torej carpenters or curt iron work or to wholly finifli te building hggin tb fonndation addcwexiijg tlv roof with tin vil fend fa baled tenders to 1 he latter office on the ith of octo- her ntxt narrftt two ufficcnt focurities pit the due perform aive and proper ee- cuiion ol the works by the 30ih septerp- er 1 82a otlier tenders wil nlfo be received fo- erecting the building with wood instead of we cast iron work for the inje as descri ed in the drawings whether the buil- dinj is pwt np with or witkntt th crfl lroi work the stone will be allowed to be quarried on the kings ground and all the timber materials fumiflied frnm this yard edwxrd laws naval storekeeper naval yard kin ion 23d arguft 1 9 35 x li i nth v mttjj be received fmn uritish snur ts nor kill mn foreigner be utlozccd to have an interest in the csniract e l inormafhn ivanted ome time in the year 1807 a man by the name of elifha pellet then abotxl 22 years old lert bis friends in an- terbury windham county connecticut and for fiveral years ha not been heard from if any perfon could give informa tion re f peeing him whether living or dead it would greatly oblige hie friends if living he might be entitled to confidera- ble property any communication on the fubjfj addreffed to thomas b i eilet canterbury connedicut will be gladly received ocs printers in the lnited states and in l and lower canada arc request ed to infert the above notice is hereby given thnt any perfons who hail be found trefpafling on green point townfiiip of sophiasburgh will b- immedidtely profecuted with theutmoft rigor- perfon has been appointed to give information of any depredations that may hwreaf er be committed thereon chv a hagerman 38t5 agent for the proprietor edward dunn op osite the market place keeps a fioufe of call for servants where any family in town can be provided with one at the fhortelt notice either male or female and fervants applying as above can 14 1 ti tlt tij leave their nams in writing kingfton 14th sept 1819 removal dec 1 1818 27 statutes of upper canada an a3 to continue and amend an ab paflid in the fftyfixth year of his majtftft reign entitled an a3 to revive andcoti- tinue an a3 paffed in the fifty fecund year of his majejlys reivn entitled u an a3 to continue and amen j an a3 paffed in the forty eighth year of his wajtfty s reign entitled an a3 to continue an a3 pas sedin the forty fifth year of his mqjefys reign entitled an a3 to afford relief to thfe perfons who may be entitled to claim lands in this province as heirs or devi- ees of the nominees of the crown in ca fes where no patent hath iffued for fich lands and further to extend the benefit of the faid a3 and to continue part of the awe bank of t ie 1he subfcriber being appointed agent j for the uauk of canada he will ne gotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell kingfton oft 13th 188 20 notice fj1he board for militia pen siows will meet on the lafl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufinefs of this dtjlricli as regards the fame is ftnifind john ferguson kingflotiy feb ll 1819 6 a good bargaiu tjjlor sale the houfe and premifes in 11- the town of kingfton at prcfent oc cupied by the fubfciiber for particulars apply to samuel ansleyjun kingston may 5th 1819 19 nphe fubfcnber hegs leave to inform jj his friends and the pubiic generally that he has removed from his former lland to the large lone llore lately occupied by meitrs vv mccuniffe co a few door from the market place in king street where he lias juft received a well felcfted and extenfive aflorttxent of hafwfvane i cutlery confiding of feveral tons of english and swedes iron stcl nulls window glass putty paint oh spikes tin plate sheet iron trace and log chains hollow i varc of every descrip tion frying pam spades sho vels anvils pica grindstones c c with a large aflortn of flielf goods eonfirtingof mofl art a f j j line which he will fell low for cafh produce or ihot approved credit j w atkins kingfton a ug 6th 1819 gjt blank deeds and memorials for sale at this office 38 w executive council office tori 15th august 1819 jtghe order in council of jjjjl the 1 8th instant respec ting locations subject to settling duties bein revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council thaf all locations of land subject to settlement duty made prior to this date br rescinded and the land otherwise disposed of if certificate of the settlement du ty being performed be not lodg ed with tie surveyor general within the time limited in the ticket of location and the pa- tent sued out within three months thereafter and tint all locations subject to settlement duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded and the land oth erwise disposed of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be not lodged with the surveyor general within eigh teen months of the date of the order for such location and the parent sued out within three months thereafter john small c e c 36m6 whereas my wife hannah has left my bed and board without any just provocation this is therefore to forbid alt persons harbouring or trufting her on my account aa i will not pay any debts fhe may contract after thi date robert atkinson kingston jth sept 1819 37w3 pad islh july 1819 whereas an aft paffed in the fifty fixth year of hit majellys reign entitled an aa to revive and con tinue an ft paffed in the fifty fecund year of his majeltys reltn entitled an aft to continue and amend an aft paffed in the forty eighth year of his majeilya reign entitled an aft to continue an aft paflid in the forty fifth year of his majeftys reign entitled u an aft to af ford relief to thofe peifons who may be entitled to claim lands in this province as heirs or devizees of the nominees of the crown in cafe where nr patent hath is sued for fuch lands and furthet to ex tend the benefi of the laid ft and to continue part of the fame will fhortly e pfre and wjurea it i expehieit to con tinue and amend tlu fame be it enafted by the kiiig rnoft txcrffcftt maj- v by and with the advice nh crile r of the i egiflative council arid aflvfrl v cfrhc pr vince of upper canada cot 1 and affembled by virtue of and unc- e m- lllunty fir an mcf parffdm thwi i nt of great britain entitled u an 4t to repeal certain patt of an aft piffled in the foutteenth year of h6 majeily reigiu entitled il ar aft for making more effec tual t for the government of the province of quebec in north amctica and to make further provifiou for the go vernment of the faid province and by the authority of the fame i hat the faid aft of the fifty fixth year of hi majefty reign be and the fame is hereby cntitinu- ed and that the aflignee or affigneet of the nominee or nominees of the crowa to lands in this province who i or arc dead or who have left this province before the pa fling ofthisaft may bring their claims for fuch lands in the fame man ner that the ffignec or aflignec of the nominee or nominees of the crwn were authorifed to do by the fecond claufe of the before recited aft of the forty eighth year of the reign of htg prefent imajefty ii and be it further enaqed by the au thority aforefaid that the following fees fhal be taken and received by the clerk of the commiflion for filing each petition five hillings on hearing the claim five hillings for each certificate of allowance thereof five hillings an a el to repeal part of and amend an a 3 paffed in the forty eighth year of his ma- jejlys reign entitled an a3 to explain amend and reduce to one jit of parliament the feveral laws now in being for the province pond itb jiv 1919 whereas there is now no pro vifiou by law for aff mbling a court martial unlcf when the militia of this provice fhall be called out on aftual fervice ly reafon whereof it may happen that perfons againft whom charges may have been preferred before a court of en quiry may have no opportunity of making their defence againft fuch chaiges before a curt competent to receive iuch evidence upon oath in ihcir behalf for remedy whereof lie it enafted by thr kings mod excellent majcfty by and will the advice and content of the legislative coun cil and affembly of the province of up per canada conftituted and affembled by virtue of and under the authority of an aft paffed in the parliament of great britain entitled an aft to repeal certain parts of an ft paffed in the fourteenth year of his majettyg reign entitled m an aft for making more effeftual provifion for the government of the province of quebec in north america and to make further pro- vifirn for the government of the faid pro vince and by the authority of the fame that the w ty fifth cbufe of an ast paffed in thef ity eighth year of his ma- jeftyfl reign entitled an aft to explain amend and reduce to one aft of parlia ment the feveral laws now in being for the raifing and training the militia of th provice hall be and the fame is hereby repealed ii and be it further enased by the at thority afarefaid that fiom and after the paffine of this aft t all cafes where a general court martial fhail be prayed for by any officer agaii it whom any charges have been or may be preferred when any part cf the militia of this province fiiall not be called out on aftual feivice the governor lieutenant governor or per fon adminifterirg the government may direct a genet al court martial to be held to be affembled in the lame manner and under the fame provifions and to proceed in the fame manner as provided by law ip