taiy r- i etfrj every year pay over the remainder to the ft 153 majority 95 overfeer of the highways for the divifion j the royal aflent was given to tbc lot in which the laftda arc fituatcd in respeftagn enlulment bill july 3 of which the rates and taxes in his hands london july j hall have been received who hall apply the revenue quarter and revenue year the fame to the ufc ofthe highways withgwhich cloitd yelterday prcfent more iaj ftors in the different diftrifts refpec- j in the year of his appointment and thejgvorable rcfults than eve jur fangolne exj wv as he other rates and aflmental receipt of fuch overfeer hall be a fufmpeftatons and predidiio had anucipatedj ulandmaybe levied and collefted by ficient acquittance to the trcafarer mil is theretore with heartfelt plcafure lhatj irtm of the law then in force for that xi arf fe a fi by riawc submit to our readers an excef com ltd 9 defraying the cxpeflte of laying out reading and keeping in repair the iblic highways avid roads in fuch ownlhip reputed townfhip cr place to levied by dillrefs and fale in cafe of non jvment in the farot manner by the col- heen ceded to russia but it comes by jatant means for increasing social piety he circuitous route of canton gwere animated and impressive since th j proved that many ofthe vices and crime- llambarzh june 1 1 our eiawespcn4 of the present day arose from masters en- nt in london has communicated to usfl joining their servants to perf rm he la bors of the week on the sabbath of g tl this practice proved how ready men an to barter the eternal happiness of other arpoie j authority a ore aid that the overfeer of iv and be it further enabled by the aam highways hall in the accounts which ferity cforcfaid that the treafurer ofj they are required by the fair aft pafted in inch and ever diftrift in this provincejlthe fiftieth year of his majedys reign pared with the correfpemding quarter of 1 819 amounting to 42893 pounds i the comparifon of the year ended the 5th july 1819 with ike year ended thei s vrehy authored and impowered to j entitled an aft for laying out mmrtfa j 8is is equ gratifying eceivc from any perfon or perfons paymgf ing and keeping in repair the public dm the total revenue of thofe periods is as- he f me the rates or taxes by this aft jways and koads in this province and toliollows 11ofed for or in refpeft of all fuch landsrepeal the laws now in force for that purjjg total revenue under every is are not returned on the aittffment roilwpdfe tokeer produce and verify on oathcad ending july 5 181 8- i4 fany townfhip or place and that inlaccount for all fums of money received andw total revenue under very expended by them under thia aft and hallahead ending july 5 18 9 49361280 be liableto be punifhed for mifappl ing orgs retufing or neglefting to apply or account fxcef of year ending july for fuch monies in the fame manner as isj5 1819 c3 afe arty lands charged with fuch rates arss ball be unoccupied and no dillrefs n be found thereon at the time fuch jjrates and taxes dull be payable it hall ni may be lawful for the colleftor for cbc time being of the townfhipor place in which fuch lands are fituated at any lime thereafter toenter upon the faid lands when there hall be any didrefs thereupon to be found in the aftual pofteffion of the owner or occupier thereof and having obtained a warrant for that purpofe from any of his majcftys judices of the peace to levy the amount offuch rates and taxes in arrearby dillrefs and fale as they might len he following interesting and authentic intelligence the sovereigns united it the congress of aixlachapelle had resolred seriously to call upon the bar- ijary states to renounce the system of pi racy which they had hitherto followed and to adopt the principles received in europe it was at the same time agreed hat england and france in the name rf the allied power should take upon hemselves the conclusion of this affair ve learn with pleasure that overture n this subject have already been made from which a favorable result is expect ed we hope to be shortly enabled to ive more extensive details on this sub- ect provided by the lad mentioned aft with i refpeft to the monies therein appointed tow total revenue exclufve of be received and accounted for by the faidarrears of property ta and overfeers and that any rates or taxesinappropriatcdwat dtitfcsfof paid to the faid overfeers and not aphe year ending july 5 ig 4680660 plied by them during thefr year hall be 1 ctal revenue cxclutve of paid over by the juilices receiving thegarrtars of property taj and ifameto the overfeers for the next enfuingunappropriated war duts for year to be by them applied in like mannermthe year ending july 5 1819 49071923 as herein before direfted fg exceis of total reveni e xii andhe it farther matted by the tf of arrears c rf the have done upon the fame lands if in thcfthorily aforesaid lhat if any overfeer w ndi j 5 ls 2265763 ccupatiod offuch perfons at the time thefgverifying his accounts lhall fwear falfely july 9 iiates and taxes became due and aftevffihe fhall upon conviciion thereof fuffer h we have thin mornii received dutch dtdufting the legal charges of diftrefs andfche pains and penalties to which peifonsand hamburgh mails ti farmer bringing convifted of wilful and corrupt perjury arepapers to the yih inllan anc the latter to liable and whereas it is provided by athe 3h ut i certain aft parted in the fiftyfixth year of h intelligence from ptcrfburgh of the lis majeftys reign entitled c an a ft p 2th nh confirms the accounts by the ale as well as the amount of fuch rates and taxes in arrear fuch colleftor fhall pay the overplus if aiy there be to the perfon or perfons occupying the premifes on which fuch diilrtfs was raade v and it it further enabled by the author ityjit the fiftieth year of ilia majeftys rag london june 23 while the 7th hussars lately passed y the marquis of angleseas seat near litchfield en their route to manchester hcv wrrc entertaimd hy the marquis it his mansion with good old english rheer whilst the soldiers w re para ding on the lawn in front of the house immediately boforc their departure av- omwhat singular appearance presented itself in the persons of the marquis his brother a captain in the navy lord uxbridge the marquis son and the daughter of the marquis the tirst want ed a leg which he lost at waterloo the captain an arm the noble lord ux- i ridge was on crutches being wounded im the knee and the fair lady was minus for their own ffiiti and offer before the shrine of avarice their own souls and the salvation of their dependents u wen i called he emphatically observed in words to the following effect to shew the extent of he guilt ol that man who can from his chair give a command which he knows to be in direct opposition to a command ofthe infinite v would say his guilt jar outmeasures that ol lin who plunders on the highway or o hi who on a foreign shore drags his fel lowman from all he lores on earth fo- ftbbsj without a righ giving those unhal lowed orders by which the fondest hope ofthe affectionate parent are destroyed dr chalmers in thrt sermon m supported the high ehsiacter which he has so long obtained it was through out as original as impiessivc and a eloquent as any of his previous discour ses the collection received we under stand amounted to u3 mercury nforrfuid that when the tsaes and a icmnta chargeable upon any lot piece to repeal and amend part of an aft pnffedpprcnch papers from th camp of scania in the fiftieth year of his majeftys reignreiative to the formation t camps ir crtiierl t c to the formation t camps iri at aft to provide for rtiefudand and adds thct t woks f k vi laying out amending and keeping iniare to beinorcafed the heat in that ca- or nercel of land by virtue of this aftrepair the public highways atd roadswpital was uncommonly oporeffive the hall be in arrear and unpaid for the fnacev ithtn this province anil to repeal thewthermgmcter u dated zi 25 deg of reau- a three years the faid rates ard affcftlaws now in force for that purpofemmur in the fhnde 88 leg of farenheit rentj fo in arrear hall be increafed in thethat every male inhabitant from the age a kews from copenha en of the 23d ulti roorion of one third and if fuffered tosfof twenty one years to fifty not rated onantiounccs that the generally prevailing epaiu five years in arrear the whole halhihe affeltmtnt for any town townfhip jgftagnation of trade is now felt in that city e increafed in the proportion of one halfor place within this piovince hall bethe courfe of exchange had fallen within md if futrcred to remain eight years inf compelled to work on the highways threemthc fall fortnight on the preceding day in ear the amount offuch arrears hall hejdaysin every year within the townfiipsit was 233 an ordinance has been pub loubed and the faid rates and aflcfgartown or place he m3y reiide in under thelifhed there en a ft ing penalties again s in vints flia ic charged thenceforward insfame penalty as isimpofedby any ac ondividuals enlilling in foreign fervice- looble the amount that would grow dueftperfons rated on the afteftment lift and constantinople june ccordmg to the exilling rate and aftefawhcreas in fome inibnces the operation m sir robert lifton the ambrfljdor of ment and fuch rates fo increafed refpecgof the faid provifion may be found toohis britannic majelly to the porte has ivcly fhall be charged againft the lands ingfevere be it therefore enafted by the augjuft concluded an important treaty after iheaccountsof the treafurer herein directjs thouty aforefaid that from and after thelthree years negotiation by which the di- d te be kept and hall be levied in thcjpaflingof this aft perfons gaining thcirvan at length recognizes the arrangementsffl on the part of jones he was nanner herein before provided sliwelihood by the wages of daily labourfconcluded bv the four allied powers re the multitude back into the vi andhe it further enased by the au- and ooitfline no ratable property or noftfpefting the ionian lfhnd however iing where the slaughterous scene was thority afortfnd that siy perfon liable being affeffed at mure than twenty fivrpippears not yet to have rcfi ived upon giv continued wirh fresh impetuosity jonesj co perform the duty impofed by this orlpounds who by reafbn 01 age fickntis orjtin its formal concurrence to the treityl if davics would give in but the ny other law now in force may com us family or misfortune mav be inl of the 5th of novembrr 1815 which wiil said he never would give in he ound for fuch duty if he or he mayp and indigent circumftance and alfofatisfy england only bv halves the neww fight till he died during the last think fit by paying to the overfeer the p emigrating to thia piovince withtreaty replaces the fc trcfa of parga andjg rounds davies was unable toartic- fum of feven hillings and fix pence for intent to become permanent settlers andg its dependencies under the dominion of tbcf each cart wagon team and driver foreland holders therein and not havig stiln who en his tide recognizes thc ach day and every perfon liable to perform refided fix months in the piovince mayinhahirarts of the ionian iflands as under uch labor may compound for the famc to the judiccs at any special orfithe proreftion of gcat brit tin this y paying to the overfeer the fum of three petty sefiionsheld for the diqrift wheretreaty was figttcd 01 the 24th of april hullicigs and nine pence for and lieu of j fuch perfon lhall tefidc and the faid jfaud it ir therefore fupjwfed that pargawill loch days duty or labour refpeftfvely atf j having fir ii given notice to the very fiiortly delivered up to the tuik- he tixc ard in the manner direfted byj overfeer to appear on the patt of the ih authorities vjl and belt further enacted hy fh rftrmay belong fliall enlnwe and enquires all u in ritotfoti here ta emharfe o thirty aforefmdy thzt the treafurer of 1 the fituation and rircumftnces of thetboard the tanfports antlley provim ach and every diflrift of this province in s perfon making fuch application and ifitjgftnd atnmuni in of all kind s a complete hcaccount which he is required to keep 1 hall appear to the fattsfaftion of fiichsprintiitg piefais alfo prepaid for the ex or every 1 arfh town townfhip re- juftices or the mj ity of them there as sped tt ton within ihefe few day prttd townoiip or pbee according to thelfembled that fuch peifn is really poorstranfports have arnved fa litis from the baton daily advertiser wejesterday received halifax paper to the 7th instant the lieutenant cloveruor had issued a proclamation jiving the substance e a despatch from karl alhurstin ausw 1 to an application ol the goncril- asfcm- bly of nova scotia to annex the slant of prince eduard fo that prrviree 11 jher right hand which she lost while atjhich it is stated vt that the prince 11 tending her husband at one of the bttie3hgent sees no it son to make any altera 1 spaitl iftioti in the existing constitution of th colony nor to sanction any change i- hout 8 oclock enoch daviesand sterthe appropriatton of the colonial ileve- phcil jones tanners who unfortunatoiynue had been rivals for the affection of ara jamaica jtty 9 we are in posses rnsraarfs daughter for some time metfsion of curraeoa papers to the 10th ull ifter frequent disputes in thekentroadsthc intrepid zuzaro and annn llu when daives once moiechallenged jonsgnor from this bland arrived tliere 01 ofinht oat the matter the byestandpthc 15th alt the following paragrapl rs did all they possibly could to cncouris copied from one of the latest dates rge a fighr and dtvies rind jones at u his fiiitaunic majesty frigate lr leugth stripped having first nppoititcdpryalus cf 36 guns captain ituskusor their seconds in the usual form sevenappeared oft our harbour on thursday or eight hundred were soon assembledafternoon lltr commander having com as spectators when bevies and jfonesspn shore we learned that he had beer had fonght during two horjr being bothhto margarett aa4 hd found that h much disfigured jones quitted the boxsand in a potfect sfale of uproar and con ing ring and declared that he vould nottuion jolli it seems had insisted renew the fight notwithstanding thisfebeing appointed commanderinchief ithe patriot naval forces and hoisted th french hag at the foremast of his vessel jwhile briort as emblematical of their et- mity displayed the english ensign o board of his ship jglli however ha jbeen put under arret and was to b jwonght to trial for his mutinous cob- dact new- york aug 2 j late from the spanish maine accounts have reached baltimore via st i homas in the form of a letter dated tte 4th ind- which dates that barcelona has fallen am cumana and the whole royal fquadroi were in poffeflinn of the patriots- lagui ra porto oavrll ava catit it ivi calculated would fron fiiare the lame ate ilhe above places are in the kingdom o new grenada in the province of carac ulalea word and in fact both com batants were so exhausted that they mu tually fell down even when placed by be seconds on their legs having fought luring two hours and 20 minutes davies it he conclusion of the larst round fell down quite insensifrlc no time was lost in procuring due assistance for him he 1- fnkn i tk duo cow tnvrrn in keutstrect where he was bled but le remained in deep stnpor till sunday morning last when he died after this lfrocious fiaht jones was carried in a s 2c more 13 port of irovifionsof a certain aft pafsed in thet indigent and a defer ving objeft of which ten came from frace they art cas so very contradictory have been the ato of ins mobility to the watch house accounts from this quarter for fottte tim 69 peit n is reaiy poor tranipot a defer ving obieft of which ten came from rrmclit scffion ofthe parliament of thisi f relief or that he has emigrated to perfectly equipdd the traips compofing province entitled an ft to repeal the this province with intent to become a perthe arrry are dailv exerciirj in militan veral laws now in force relative to raig manent settler and land holder therein revolutions count dabifial caufes tht levying and cllefting rates and asj nt refided fix months in thisxmoft drift difcipline to be obferved on vfsment in this province and further tog province the faid judices may in theirdwhich account he is more feited tha- rovidefor the more equal and generaldifcretion exempt fuch perfon refpeftively loved by the army it is not ver poflibh uiefament of lands and other ratable from the performance of fuch statute duty jto fay when it will fail for iv dedination roperty throughout this province fiialll upnn the highways and from all compoifwennightjudge by thearrangementswhich i are each lot oc parcel of land with or edit it for the amount of the taxes and ate hereby impofed as well as of thofe accruing under the lalt mentioned aft md that the faid books or accounts hai e produced to the judices and hall be hjeft to public infpeftron in the fame manner as is provided by the faid aft ex- ertthat no more than one fee for fearch h fition money in lim thereof we witnefs the epoch i not far dillant xiii and he it further enacted by the fftfsmeantiine we have fevcral irtfurgeot priva thority aforesaid that nothing in this aft steers in fighr which brave us to tnaki contained hall be conftraed to vary r prizes in the strait and feem to dideoui repeal or annul any claufe matter or preparati ns this is out fituation thing in the faid afts contained fotthcr dresden jure 23 than is hereby expressly declared and g an event yhich happened here bfl enafted kbionth continues to occupy public at- be it father encgtd hy the au gnext enfuing scffion of parliament and no t has fnrrendcred himfelf a puloner and hish id phat the coll ftorsfl sindiftmcnt is orenarinir m viii andb ikrity cforefaia w wlm ihioughoutthis proviuce hall pay overg the monies by them received or levied at any time tinder this aft to the treafureisf f their refpeftive did rift in the man ncr provided by an aft ofthe parliament of this province paffvd in the fifty thirdj l year f his majcftys reign entituiedj v here dr waul bled him and he was ifterwards put to bed but yesterday he was removed to st thomass hofpital- slight very slight hopes are cntcrtainedj f the recovery of jones language ould not adequately describe the horri- le appearance of both combatants edinburgh june 12 dr chalmers- on thursday an eloj inent and appropriate sermon in aid 0i1 he funds of the magdalaue asylum ofi was preached by the rerd dr chalmers of glasgow it st georges church to a crowded and genteel audi- nee from ephesians v g let nomau deceive jou with vain words for be- ausc of these things cometh the wrath of rod upon the children of disobedience the doctor in treating his subject after very appropriate introduction was led o consider the vices of dissipation in heir origin their progress and tlnir cor- paft that it is difficult to know what to ibelicve and what not to believe from be london messenger persian ambassador during the refrdence of the perfiar ambafiador in pans he was fo great a- objeft of public curiofny tlwt he con fnot leave his h tel without being furroun fded by a multitude of gazers vhen h attended fafhionable parties the eartr snefs evinced by the ladies to gain a tigh jof him fubjeftcd him to a degree c embarraffment the more iafcpportable as the people of the eaft entertain notion very unfavorable to that kind of ferrah curiofity we extract the following from the french journals the perfian ambaftalor returning jone day from a ride found his apartment crowded by ladies all elegantly dreffed foreign news mndiftment is preparing i 9 t boston aug- 21 livinrooi july 3 arrmitis from german state a tronc vpn bbiifv of a rupture brtween th pound6 tor every hundred pounda l rro more a a compenfation for their fcr- victs in coil eft fug and paying nrar the treafurer hall give a rcceifn for a an j and no mnr hall betaken fr the war vlue of their property by inilalments rant of fhftref two fhillingfl and fix pence fv a twenty years king henry is lr every rniie traveling to teeute ihc diipofed to make any airangcment u ourpmcei and jrcveiy felling he feflion ofthe french legiflative cham- rrjkug return two hillings ra ers vva3 to clofe july 24 though not all equally beautiful ation ctives it was his object he tuld toihhed at this unexpected aftembiage he in jgost such arguments and persuasionshqnired what thefe european odalifbue- could poffibly want with him theinterpie vhich had set in with a force that to makter replied that they had only come to look ny seemed quite overwhelming he attrigat his excellency the ambaffador was buted the origin of many of those vicekfttrprizcd to find himfelf an ohjeft of by the fhip mercury wkich left livertoi ait turkish govrnnwnt ltsro the want of a proper religious educascuriofiry tea people who boaft of having al the 1 4th ult we have received ont constantinople i niftition tha iooof the young and in addressing himattained the fummit of civilization anrl ycrunwm s actively employed jjself to those unchristian parents who hew08 not a little offended at conduft which said were sacrificing their children andk afia would have been confidered an were thus guilty of the most inhamanhunwarrantable breach of good breeding idolatry he gave way to an energy of exhe accordingly revenged himfelf hy the jhortation and reproof which from th following little cheme the illudriou ercc and truth of its coloring and theforeigner affefted to be charmed with piritstlrring manner in which it w as derche ladies he looked at them attentively ivered produced an impression on hissalteriatcly pointing to them with hi tudienee which wili not easily be efiaccdhiwigcr and fpeaktng with eaineflnefs to in delineating the progressof these vicesrhis interpreter who he was well aware lie described the different way s by whichmwould bequeftioned by his fair vilitcrr he inexperienced were initiated andjand he therefore uiftrufted him in the part hurried into the full career of dissipation jhe was to aft accordingly the elded till having outlived the profligacies olgof the ladies who in fpite of her age youth they became reformed in corrdurtwprobably thought lerfelf the prettiest of though not in principle and continuedjjthe whole party and whefc enriofity wa- o dieminate through soch ty the poisongparticularly excited after his excellency of heir impurity tiicfc vices he warhad pafted through the fuite of rooms of opinion could only be entirely supp pressed by the universal extension of personal christianity and every other eure that might be adopted ought rather to be of a preventive than a corrective nature ij is observations on the util ity and necessity of observing the sab- bath as one ofthe most sure and impor- been recognized by any of the republics of jr the rumor as the idle dream of spc ssouth america plating politicians ll 19 aitetcd in a paris article that an a very extensive printing estnbiuhg the infant daughter of the duke of kent was baptized on the 2ith of juoej and received the name of alcxamlrinul victoria a paragraph under the hfiftd of st pe- and be if further etioed by tht au m sir francis burdctt brought forward mtersburgh ma 21st bttjrf some per rcpreientaiiuirgtenrion 01 into hi hnov nnder tin provifirn of tbi in the nest fefliov after debatetlies on the present state of europe aft and fhaii 00 the iirll day pf june inq liic motion was ncgatm i yeas 58 naysjktlicre is a rumor of california having coolly enquired what had been the objeft of his examination 4 madam replied the interpreter 1 dare not inform you i wifh particularly to know sir in deed madam it is impoffible kay sir this refervc is vexatious i defirc to know oh fincc you defirc madam know tren that his excellency hay becu