Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 23, 1819, p. 4

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caution it is the particular wifli of the comman ding officer of the 70th regiment that all dealings with the inhabitants be for prompt payments such perfons there fore as take upon themfclves to give cicdit will be doing fo at their own risk as after this notice it will be nrcdlefs for them to apply to the commanding officer or any other officer for their afiiftance to rceover any debts this applies to every individual of the corps there being no exception of mefs- man pay serjeants hofpital steward or any other kingston loth june i8jp 26 kingfton 8th june 1819 a marshall member of the colltge of surgeons in london begs leave to inform the public that he has moved to the houfe formerly occupied by mr- a macpherfon and next door to 1 warkland efq where he continues to pndice he different branches of hispio- feflljn as ufual lie is now opening the mod extenfive and general aflortmentof drugs and patent medicines that ever were introduced into upper ca nada and imported by himfelf this fprfng from great britain store keepers anti medical practitioners in the country will be fupplied on as low terms ss iluy poffi- bly can be ir montreal he haa alfo imported a choice aflort- ment of walnut and ylifhroom ketchup bed englifh pickles indian soey balm of gilead maccaftar and ruffian oil so da powders tamarinds houfe thermom eters spieer a few articles of perfumery coloure for painters dyers c 24 jvotice the subfcfcribers refpeflfully inform their friends and the public that they have now received and juft opened in mar ket street juft below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive affoitment f dry goods groceries and b taiionaki iikewiic a great qnantity of clafiical books the whole of which will be fold very low for alb and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dcc i 1818 27 kingston branch cf the mon treal bank any fum required may be obtained at the office for good biils on mon treal quebec bills of exchange on lon don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days thomas markland agent kingfton 3d nov 1818 25 notice the partnerfbip under the firm of al exander mcdonell co was this iay diflblved by mutual confent all thote indebted thereto muft make imme diate payment to alexander mcdonell to whom all having claims againft the faid firm muft prefervt their accounts he being duly authorifed to fettle all the affairs of faid concern alexander mcdonell allan r mcdonell kingston 2 ith may 1 8 r 9 2 3 w r z to axemen the subscribers will receive pro posals from any person or persons willing to tonga ire to clear sixty acres of new land 011 their premises in amelias- burirh bay of qninte ready for seed by tlie lirst da ol awut uet the ash es on said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured teams and provisions will be furnished if re quired for particulars apply to owen mcdocgal kingston or to mcdougalfc mclellan 9 iwlville bank of the subfcriber being appointed agent for the bank of canada he will ne gotiate bank note for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell kingfton oft 13th 188 20 for sale that elegant farm no 8 firft conception townihip of fiedertcks- burgh 28 miles from kingfton contain ing 2co acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by the name of the manfion houfe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other buildings perfons defirous of purchafing m3y enquireof the subfcri ber on the preiriftcs or to d if agerman efq at bath joseph bergeron frederickftiurgh sept 8th 1818 15 a farm forsallt adjoining hay bay in thetown- fhip of fredeiicksburgh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the fccond conceflion containing jooaces and having abut 40 acres under cultivation with a log houfe and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel waftihurn efquire kingfton evan koughnet cornwall dec 7 1818 30 bl 4nr8 for lli courts of request for sale at this office tor sale avkry valuable farm situated near the village of brockville be- inc the rear half of tot no one ami the rear half of lot number two in the so- coud concession of eliabethtown u c containing tmo hundred acres formf r- y the property of reuben sherwood esquire but now belonging to johnshu- ter esquire- of london there is a ve ry good dwelling house vith a barn and other ont houses on the premises also lot number nineteen in he ninth con- cession and he west half of lot number one in the eighth concession cf the same township also lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second coneeion of the town ship of yonge in the district of johns town these farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous topurchasers apply to daniel jonks jun brovkvhie 5th january 18 9 4 notice james meagher return his mof ftneere thanks to the p ople of kings ton end its environs for the liberal en- cquragenttt he has met with fin ce his corn mencing hujinefs he be leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to his new houfe near the filar ket place oppofie to mr baynan s and will as vfual carry en the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in the left manner at the fjjortefl notice and on the lowrfl terms- n 15 to rent leafc or fell for the term of ten years and immediate poffemon given that well known jland the wel lington inn in barrack freet this fituaiion is one of the heft in town having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a houfe oj public entertainment and store apply to u r icilm james meagher kin finny feb 51819 6 letters remaining in the postof fice at kingston y jul 5a 1819 robert abercrorobie fnmcota amiote jlnry famttstftfl marirri kalfoor smiirt ii barton hcnrv benharu francois ccrrior daniel blake john black john blake t wack jamrs bhicke- hy richard hcmd2 mary bosdjy james b si dy robert bradbey william brayley hug brown 4 jamos bryant ccnelftis buckley john btirfry rial btfli mrs ml catharine cauvry john cameron john campbell samuel campbell saraii camyiel charles w carney charte carperler william arvon mr ciiateau doeuf john cross wil liam cumniii mr cnsick gilbert cone re- phas s mccoiuiell cormick connors thoma- conkhn mtfrgaret cook william cook ral- ihew coaling henry cos nathaniel corlm haffel cov soda water this cooling falutary and delicious beverage is u ready for delivery and will be kept during the fummcr at ihc sign of the golden mortar oppofite the market thofe iadies and gentlemen who value health with a cheerful ferenity of mind are refpcfilully invited to call and parlake of this boaficd and filiionable drink which is exhilarating without intox ication and unattended by fobfequcot de- prehion with fuh qualities lurely no lady or gcntlerna will conceive it any tax upoti time covflltuiipn or property occafionally to iocilgc in the innocent and healthful hiiati f invariably attendant upon a glafs of syrip and soda water kingfton june j 1 8 i 9 26 to bisoldt a neat and rommodtous house in jt store street with a good stable and garden in wiich there is a pond weil and all olfrei onvrnieucics requir- d torrps of si 11ui be made known bv applying to tie subscriber on the pwirflg anthony luhk kingston ma 2s19- 22 tf time srbfrrlhr offers fot fale iir floufv fs geheroi feparate i fcleighs cwst 7 porites and iv itviat- on the tvilooicacr the i vhpri au vithin ie censda i v hich his kit- been ertrc cuiifi 1 of iwy fifing room 4 bed voiiis a kitchm and ceilai well ftfiftved the firoi enn jiu 107 acre of cboiee lend well fe iced upwards of 60 of which is fastutg and tadow th renain- dtr tillage and wood land with 3 young orchard and od darn stbc ntid root- houfe aifj a mall fumint for labourers lo a gentleman of fpecuhrlon the above prcnnifes which extends 3 acres in txani qt iliv- kvtr nm tv of rct advant3e zs n i 0 oi ui bcbl situ tions in the nhghboua f t erection of a wharf brewery or diiiky c- pait of the purcha mcpv nr- tvrnafa on mortgage if agree i u ut urchafer application lo be ade to henry forest efq montreal job aacaulay kingston or the owner ipster obxirn prescott 26th oct 1818 6tf thomas askew kespectfully informs the pub- lie that he has arrived and intends opening for fale on trcfday next the 13th inftant at the store recently occupied by mr mcdonald oppofite charles anderfon efq a very choice feleeiion of new if a alfo ihr iloi i togs oxen rnplcmei t- ol tiivr t 1iiv beautiful vi ece uj half a rrmu f prei the dfrtg i amongft which area rich aftortment of ladies and childrens dreites peliftes spencers millinary i uflins callicoes ginghams satins and silks india goods haberdaftiery ruffia duks and sheetings linen bed tick counterpanes chintz and white furnitures with fringes and trimmings ladies satin and velvet shoes bombazeens dimities c c many of thefe goods and eonfignments direft from the manufafturer and the wh le he offers for sale at the lowcft poffible rate and pofitivcly for cah only kingfton july 9th 18 19- 28 n b- country merchants who have not made their purchafes would do well to call stolen from the fubicribcr on the night of the 7th inftant a black morocco pocket book containing the foliowin v t j notes viz a note given by henry rip- fon to micajab iurdy for 300 dated 30th why 1819 a note given by jabez laton to henrv sbfbleyj only five dollars due thereon two notes given fy oliver jurett to sam ue acktoyd amounting together fo between eleven and twelve pounds- other notes payable to the fob- fcriber one of which is given by eliza beth ryder for 20 1 10 all perfons rre hereby forbid purchas ing any of the above mentioned notes or any note or notes not here enumerated variety of other papers ufeful only to the owrer were n faid pocket book whoever will return the pocket book with its contents to th fubfenber mr tki jnmin olcott kingfton or to mi jjamue jmdy wauuoo ihali receive x reward of fivr dollars and no qnefttoas aflced elijah beach kingfton 8th july 1819 28w3 50 pounds r e tv a r d a notice the late partner hip cf robert gra- ham co hrtvioe dissol red itself charles roiery mrs dougherty mnmi iottg lass williani dow ling mrs dtmi chaile dunfoy william embury james english danifl ia- eritt 4 john paris wm kloddtfrs kdward fidlar george finkle joius st linfcle an- tiinc foornier jane fry i1oes gaolhierdit s ncrrraiin wm c-b- bard asa g gos2 louis gollo peter graliau 2 mrs pgrant roberr harmlien tbonias uardir richard tiarris john harvey john he will flora to i ilick2 fis hicks raulhtldreth mr lioart geo p bolutes deborah holmes alexander hopestnkb margaret hnw edward howard klizabcth huflinan isabella humphreys da viil iliii ioimiii annejack mar lornna robert john- fon martin johnmrmf johllsoll aloj mr faorl william lamb 2 k w laid law f laidrrgam wm lansing 2 john y leonard miss levick john link tranevis li- onaie 2 john lpr jimrbist david mtride mary ivfcdrmla william m donnel w mccratsivter mr- 1 una jamr mcfurlaith 9 priar vrgili a yriili atmoai fctcitv mk klouia khst mcfean angus mcmillan arch maeneiil james mcpbce josctc m500 danwl mn- tin iuis martin win mrrrrioh joseph mel- lerl james macc mrs millr walter moody johi arthur niblock llmry noiih thrtma- oharn william park j ilnh patterson james pat terson william palleron paymaster dewa- tevillc regiment james perry lueia pbelp benjamin porter mrs pnrdy william randall mr koark james rorison l roster joseph rosecrantz john kyderdau- iel reikey joseph saint germain thoma sa e john scott george scougal 2 w illiam simp kins da rius smith thoma smyth john buhlg2 charles stewart mr- stedman wmsnllran joseph taot james tait george thum- wood jame9 todd anne thomp on jacob vanarnam riehar vaninnam jaeob van allvenburgli james vcndall philip vi- as james wall thomas s watson peter white joseph whiteside daniel whitney artfmas wilder edward wilkinson thoma- william son john vibon2 baker mrs john wil son william wright francis wycoit john w walker horace yeoman s jo tin macaulay p m i thisdyby ltti of roderick mac- kay esq the frussiness in future will be airifd on by the subscriber to rhom all persons uho are indebted to the above pbilipjdaly john davis samuel davis ii w pnasr p thvir accounts with out delay and thot ho may have claims agahist that concfir i please present tlicra for adjustment- 29 robert graham point frederick 21st sept 14 s toiet or one or mor- ejr and p efftn given immediav 7 hat oton- j ufe fituaref in store ti t latdv rcu d bv mr medea if wit other out boufes the gtuatioa of moft advartaeeo0s for paificnlars app 10 francis rof heieau kin hon 15 jar 1819 3 to lkt a commodlus housk nor x doctor f tr t o ptoiiea hvh wfth sctn rkjiio kchtur and a cellar under the whole a god yard and stable alsoa very good spring near the huiiie for furthei particulars a ply to jmi robins kingston lh june 1 8 1 o 23 no 1 ice all perfons indebted to the late co stable gcrden arid e above premifes is r a dwelling hojie three farms for sale or if not fold to be rented for the ca bling year viz one at the prefquc isle harbor one at waterloo and the picket farm fo called a coutraft alfo will be given for cutting 1000 cords of wood b whitney kingston th june 119 25 tf for sale or to let at two ftory framed houfe and a 021 large and commodious tone store fuuate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchafer or leasee enquire at the office of chr a haoerman kingfton 26th february 1819 9 i persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeu ed to fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton aud with a3 little delay 81 poffiwc john ferguson 2j april 1819 16 parintifhip or richard ov and david secordy are reqnefle make im mediate payment ro tte iurviving partner david secord and thoft to whem the grid copartnership may be indebted ate le- queiled to fend in their accounts for ad- juftmenr and payment kmgron 27th may f 8 f 9 26tf valuable lands for sale in the midland district county of piirice edward and towhivip of amehasburgb lot l in the front concession on lake ontario lying to the eastward of nicholkms i laud lots 2fe ami fe l in hr second con cession of aid township loe whole con taining six hundred acres for particulars inquire at the office of tle kinirston chronicle or of the honorable james baby york n- b all persons arc cautioned a- gaiast cutting or destroying the timlxr ou the abore lands as they will certainly subject themselves to a ical prosecu tion if detected kingston july th 1s19 28tf anchors sf cables william bubden will eceive by the earliell fpring vtftc and keep conftantly on hand 3t cucbee an afl rtment of patent proved cham cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the aitrtion of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec lit apti i8iq i stolen from walker hotel lit kinghon on the nght of the 29th or morning of the 30th of june inllant out of the trunk of the subfcriber which was broken open a parcel diiefted to will fan alfen efq containing 1000 in montreal bank bills whofoever will crive information that may sead to the de tection and eonviion of the thieves fltall rectfvethe above reward the bills can be of no ufe to the holder as prompt meafures have been takn to prevent their difcount at the bank where tegular entrie of their numbers have as ufual been made any communication refpec- ttng the above may be addressed to ihormsmarkland efq of kingfton or to tie subfcriber t york george r1d0ut kingfton june 30th 1819 27 notice phereas difficulties are likely v v to arife in the aitangeme t of the affriits of the late allan taylors eftate the lubferiber deems it neceffary to inform the public that on the 3d day of novem ber lait a final fettlement of the co-part- ncrftiip between taylor paikcr was made by ih parties at whirt tfrtit 8 certain fum 01 money was allowed to mr taike- for his relinquifhment of all claims upon debts due to thejirm and he was alfo indemnified agant the claims of creditors by jsr taylors bond for 5000 this notice is therefore given that all who are concerned in or indebted to the eftate of the faid allan taylor may be cautioned againft paying or arranging their accounts with any other perfon than the underfigned as he is the only one duly authorifed to make fuch arrangement wm taylor adminiitrator of allan taylors eftate- pellville june 2c 1819 27 valuable lands for sale in he township of hamilton iots no 6 and z in the 3d con- a ceflian containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th con- cefiion containing 450 acres ditto ditto io in the 6th conceflion containing 200 acres the above lands arc all lying in the townfhip of hamilton newcaftlc diftrift and will be fold on the mod liberal terms for further information enquire of elias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whi taker kingfton may 28 18 19 22tf george scougal late master smith in the ensi- neer dcparttnent begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has commenced buflnefs next door below mt george douglafss store street j where every article in his line may be had on the moft reafonable terms and on the horteft notice the following rates of charges are fubmitled horse shoeing all round 68 removes t 26 and all other work in proportion kingston april 5th 1 8 1 9 15 list of letters remaining in the post office at ilellville 2th july 1819 thomas apple ton benjamin allison b bert anderson charles vuaud j anderson henry albinnt jojjua anicnon allan brown austin font 3 blodgetft johns john bakrr ira be em an mary ann bradford edward bidneu kahiaul braib comte john bijh oba bleekcr iwm mather bridekirk samnh h barton samuel btakele tiiomas m brtiim james fjujion david bish op charles bennett jacob or john bull phe- ni bjam stepueo bowennan s george h lett s james gamil41 v buuite clement david camming william clark robert cunningham james cotter hq ri p frederick crybtoo robert campbell 1 wiiliam conger surveyor john cowan garret cool ira camp archy campbell ksftir chaum- duncao cameron samuel clapp john cuiiiss benjamin clark john clark silvenus doysee henry dingmsn peter ds front gain dean 5 john decna luk devitn richard davis pierre dion jaau- dngle james delays john fllis captain eiiot daniel everitt ed ivard evans s j m flifkdnll james fairley richard u fraer alexander fail daniel praser stephen griisii 2 jacob german benjamio gerovr vvillian gieen franei- ienerr james oilen lewis golan thomas gainsfori christ- geimain johnatban griiley joseph hazard kooen hunt david hop- irs bradiey haw ley pettr hiek jolina- han horton solomon hnr marshall how john husbands mr harris andrew huvck enoch ismev john jackstin rea johnson 2 wiuiam jay 2 david jenkins isaac john son john kemp peier kilmer 2 tbeo 6 leaveit james lathm baren i lew is daniel lippiir ftlatbew lawsoo salmon fjocklin jas lafercy joeph lockwoodroben latn richard lone john longuell joln louies james livingston join morehouse pat maguire mary ana mansfield eliuta miller james metaggatt gnss mccarjuey kieiard morden joseph michael nathan h murh james mcdonell jonn v murphy j it mefall donald mcdo- ai donald mcintosh joseph ichxi- alexr nicherson ross nixon stephen njics ira nlehofc mrlfo obrien elias pine eli pvck joseph pringle simon pelmateer joveph pafod hush patterfon riromas r tixn thomas ruraticjc william r8s jacob b liossc andrew stratton naihauii i staple smnnet sherwood j d smith tcvcschi met horn je remiah stinson john saunders pun scot ro- wbtlntirmm jacob stickles andrew thompton john thoinon gideon turner james tant corn thrasher charle teal mr tlmrnon stephen tnmpkin peter vermil yeu 3 van volkeubiirgh da niel van black kbenezer varty peter van blanecn james vance lnke wallare joeiah willi re prentice winsebows stephen windover rcvmrwinn stephen webber r c wilkins stephen white john wood david watt robert williarnfl law rence way george williams thomas parker post master physic sf surgery dr z smaily begs leave ref- peflfnjly to inform the inhabitants of kfngiton ad ts vicinity that he haa eftablioied himfelf as a physician surgeon apothecary from liis having received a regular me dical cductvoj and from his experience in the different branches of his pvefeffion be ii induced to believe that he will be able to do justice to all vhofe misfortunes may rcudci them under the neceflity offo- lieiting medical aid n b to any call at the fign of the goden mortar oppefit- the market the ftrideft attention will be piid where will be conftantly kept on hand a choice and well cholen afibrtment of drugs stid medicine paints of all kinds linfeed lamp and cnrrrer oils dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yarn window glafs patty nails a new and elegant affortment of pipj2 ii vflv5 ladies bonnets of the new est fashion garden seeds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c april t6 i6tf tvtotice is hereby given that all in perfons indebted to the late firm of taylor fjf parker either by book account or note are requefled to come forward and fettle the fame with the fubferiber im mediately as after the firft day of oflober next the whole remaining unfet- tled will indifcriminately be put into the hands of an attorney for colleftion and all thofe having demands againft the faid firm are alfo requefted to prefent the fame duly authenticated for adjuftmenc thomas parker surviving partner bellvtlle nth june 1819 25w29 notice all perfons are cautioned againft pur chafing lot no 22 in the 7th cor- ecfiron of frcdeiickfburoh or lot no 2 in the 1 at conceflion of richmond from the heirs or affignees of davia hefs as the subfcriber holds 20 indifpu table title to th fame giltiert haris sidney 4th dec 1 8 8 3 a good bargain for sale the houfe and premifes m the town of kingfton at prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particular apply to samuel ansleyjun kingston may 5th 18 19 19 blank deeds and memorials for sale at this offiee kingston u c printed tor ihe editors

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