Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 9, 1819, p. 3

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mr bev ihvmrt teftimonjf n- 0ivci fr n u relative to tin ftrcof pak enrf ki anions may h- added as a ccrff0bofj l the above ac count emigration the following ccoumnf the arrival of paoenper f europe wet found in a finglc newfpaper of moudj lift at baltimore 169 english via hivre dc grace wewyork 77 dfiftoai liverpool 3 do bifftol philadelphia 25 french bordeaux ii6engllfh havre d grace do jiiverpool norfolk 43 do london 506 1 7 from fondry other places it ii probable that this amount is eon- fiderably above the prefent daily average it may however taking into account the great number who teach the united states via the i3ritih pofceffions in america fair ly be eftimated at 300 per diem nibs register it is aiterted by a gentleman well ac quainted with the climate and capacity of the foil id the florida that that territory alone uhder pioper cultivation would be able to produce a fufficient quantity of coffee and fugar to fupply the whole con- fumption of thefc article in the united states it is a faft that before the french revolution st domingo aone on the authority of mr edwards ex ported upwards of 70000 000 lbs of cof fee annually though only a mall part of the ifland was appropriated to its cultiva tion florida then once fixed in the hands of our enterprifing and commercial people ft may reafonably be anticipated will foon repay the 5000030 dollars which it has cost us in the production of thefc articles only baton rouge gar home affairs f from the gleaner sir to tee editor or the leaneb in ibe niagara spectator of the 27thilt i fiod ad adjv from mr gourlay to the resident land owbcri of upper canada rfaird niagara jail 20th may 1019 i and a a resident taiid owatf 1 with to offer some obcrr fat torn in reply i do not address myself in doing o to mr gourlay i know bim not prnnally and 1 mean noiliiiir priw o bim i rltefwmj prrient situation and i utmlrf rtjyic could i alleviate it placed at n ditancr from the ira- mediate facu nhith hive ltd to hi confinement i hate lamented it betaum nn mlcu information m i bate it appear to me ihal the common courneortfar law wa abundantly snffinenr for the public good and rat the extreme revort there fore to which recourse ha bcn had against bim im equally bit and itjjadicliwi but with all these undicuiscd mimroisof rrgrh nn pub lic grounds and of unfeigned commiseration for ibe personal uifferiitgs of the individual i most nequivocally absent to the lawful power legally and essentially vested in the united branches of thecovcrnmentforesiab1ishinpsncharevorhwo- fully liable as it is from the universal gnilt of our nature to abuse whenever requisite i as sert that without such a report no well constitu ted society contdexut and regarding mr ga in the hands of the law and jrtureili their pro gress of as fair a result as the general experience of human nature in any stai would warrant him to expect j i commit him to them a in such cir- cumtance i would mvelf wish to be committed but it appears essential to me that the faue and pernicious impressions which i hink hi address calculated loexcite hculd be contra ertcd into bis motive i deire not to pene trate to tbem in what i propose saying i base noauusin i know for ih history of human nature supplies the proof aiid i myself bare most mournfully witnessed if how egregiously the conscience of man can deceive itself i know for the disgusting fact ha been forced upon my knowledge that a celfapptatiding idea of recti- tude may existeven where with all the little aessof malice and unoverncd passion themost dear and sacred duties and affections are sacrifi ced and spurned i know that this question as it relates to mr g- is one between god and his own wul aodthat all human interpretation of it must be at the risk of that cf dsoriousnes and ar rogance under which our nature h so willing to screen ifsown wrathful temper and the direct tendency of which is except in eatreme cases to scatter bitternestand discord the diffuse style of m r p composition ae cording to my judgment and lr a 1 liae wit nessed them comprising a draggling meaning under a maw of declamatory words reoders it difficult to meet him at all points with effect his course must be abandoned or a similar progress must be followed and a similar in distinctness may probably be the result this is an evil more or les experienced in every argu ment andi subject myseifno doubt to a share of thesame defect i otter thi remark to account for the degree in which i shall fail i shall how- ever proceed with thesame freedom which he 0se with an intention which i profess to be as honest and as disinterested ai he asserts hi to be with a direct denial of the remotest fdra of any thing like personality and i lrut in more tem perate language and as far as may be judged bv language with mure temperate disposition to offer to my brethren the resident landholders of upper canada the free opinion of another of their members mr gourlay tells us that we are at this mo ment flaves i abbor the idea probably as much sshedoes i have an arm and a hear to resin tyranny bf deliberately a actively as firmly and as constantly probably as he i am not billing to suppose mvsclf a sycophant more than he and x do not believe a seltiji or private in terest would warp me more from the strictest path of dntv than it woiildhim but i can perceive no grounds forsach an assertion except tempers nhich prabably deceive themselves as much as then tendency ii to exasperate and betray others he thinks we are slaves because he i in prison or at least that thisman witnesseth of our slave ry i think not though 1 lament hi being in pri son because be is there in the regular and legal iho extraordinary course of the laws and be cause he must thence be released in the due course of law unless lawful cause on open enqui ry prevent it to the inconvenience which hc a present suffers even member ef society in ex treme rata man he liable this is one of the penalties we must pay in return for the security ft convenieneesof vocietv and that security and those contrniences arf well worthy every such liabiliy which ihey may inquire in every well regulated state i repeat a final comlhotioaal retort must be established and i believe no hap pier rcort could beeiabiitbd than that which exists in our loternment for the extrtordtoary irniaud ol the public welfare ind to call the oiiituiunal e3totm of ihii iiidispcosiblc pre- ci deipotisiu is to belie language and to uftttbe sedition in one sene all rulers are servants of the state 1 1 is the light in hicb they ought to regard tjiem- ivh it u the light in which the voice of fa- miliar affection should address them but the ongue of insolence betrays itself when in the vein of its abuse it presume to call those o whom fiud has placed over it that unhappy tongue require to learn that its rulers arc show wbom god expresly command it to use de- iwmce aspect and obedience that they are uie to whom the suord has been committed both fot protection and fcr correction and that uch let iuagc turned towards an enlightvneu upright and piou governor though it tna beed eonlusioti ur obscure for a time the truth but inlamy and evil to him who ues ir mr gourlay goeon tosay oh tisadisgistinc contrast aotc is it that amtrkans artfrc nhd cjnadian stdvrs i and is hit a voice to bcoun- leu hi canadian ears 1 wish not o do the amc- ncan wrong in the little scale of human na ture they arc a great and a growing peaole in iflany things i udmlra them and in the people of canada many thing may be found tn condemn itut compare their state with outt except in its uealth and power and canadians may well bluii at the comparison would he make ub subjorftof that government which ha so recently functioned the muidirr of twoof our fellowcitizens would he made til the soldiers of a jackson a military despot wlinje grey hairsare whitening for the grave hoi whose eye exulls in blood r introduce us in to a state of society abhorrent to ihose manners on which many of the proprieties and decencies of social life d i would behave us blinded bytheoclious cni which ranks munro and clinton ac the pure and elevated mind with which tl- gracious piowdence of gd ha blessed us a cuhi grieved no doubt hy insult ijara scd by camour but still pursuing an active and benificei course of policy and controuiing with dignity and composure the factious tenden cy of such wirings as these to which 1 now reply if these be his views he acts consistently his mean are in some measure adapted to their end but tbis i wih not suppose and 1 mourn over the delusion which thus humes an acme and appa rently daantles and profcedly honest mind into declatnaioi unbound and as pernicious as the spirit of anarchy and dicord abusing and falsifying tbc truth on which they rest but de riving a dangerous colouring from that truth nhtch though fuiified can with uch material and such talenu make them a btiiish st ijeci in u c mr gourlay says no longer treads linn beneath the protecting pri vilege of habeas corpn what does he mean did he not apply for and nbain a writ of llabca corpus ww he not taken to york and upon lawlnl enquiry and decision retnauded to prison to take his trial at the fust aiihqucnt court of competent authority and if so what more does he want would he have the charm gifted mtti some claim by which a person accused in theeye of the law may evade the regular course ol law and erect himself into a licentious member scat tering without roniroul around him the cbuli- riohi of intemperance abuse and confusion if 0 an assembly of delegates exulting over the ru ins of he constitution might suit him but we at present are mercifully preserved from such the people he as dare not choose a com mission tt carry hoaje a petition to thetlinnie that i they cannot choose it in his way and in his words but otherwise why dure they uot do 0 l know of no impediment on le contrary ibe very ml which put ituwn wrtjwitwtoft thai mot dreadful and daugeions implement of anr- eliy ao act which mnt he hailed bv ever lo ver of order as a new bulwark to our ihwftirt and happiness ilrnt very act umquivocally a- serts the undoubted right of free petition tiiere is no impediment to our acting in thii rcpccu n we pleae a long as our conduct is coihiicm with public nufcly and happiucss and wliocver beyond rhib sacred boundary would advocate or encourage any pretence to such a right whatev er hr may believe himself and however consci entiously can be but an cnemv to thoe solemn interests which he may suppose it fci vuh to advance as one of the c landholders wlora mr g ad- euc9 thus publicly declare that i ue no grounds for any such commission or petttsott i know bat abuses and evilsexit ever where and that it is lunacy not wisdom which experts to escape them i know that rhe existing pll tf a sate cannot he rectified a once and that it is anarchy not order which calls for the knife instead of the balm to remove them i knnw that a beneficent system of improvement ejsts for i witness its operation and i otu persuaded that thissyetem ita be a tirle produced or aided by the light whirli in onr respects mr gs proceeding have thrown on those evils oi it has been impeded by thfinultiug anarchial and delusive nature of his publications under these conviction with respect to the evils which do exist i am silent their corrcctiou is tn the hands ot the oianized and lawful authorities of the slate if the voice of the people speak not loud enough through their present representa tives the period is fast approaching when by a new choice they may speak more openly mean while caiing my eyes over the world and re viewing he states which i have seen 1 hesitate not to declare hat i know of no people who in every temporal concern have such abuodanf causes for gratitude and such lively source of hope as the inhabitants of upper canada and that to this no effort no voice no change m im provement whatever is necessary beyond the es tablished report of the existing constitution of the province iu fubordioation to the parrot state ti i4vvit4 fcr4 tuvrwij ijc t sides over us is a guarantee bccnd all general experience and hope and 1 can think of no other dispensation of prwridencc in the coiomon course ol things by which our happiness and ail our wise and lawful desires could have been in well consulted as by the invaluable gift ius of such n mind in one point of his information 1 can positive ly correct mr fi he says the offer of township i quashed aud no more encouragement held out to enterprising men though totally devoid of interest with goremment and unknown to pb- he life oo this side of the world when 1 was in londonalittle more than two years ago 1 wa credibly informed that 1 could have obtained a township had it been in my power to hae brol out an adequate number of settlers 1 have ev ery reason to believe that this power still rxisu in the secretary of states office priest muon- atd of gleogary was my authority mr gaddf only twobaudred acres must be allowed to poor settlers if he means by ibis that poor mei who have not means perhaps to improve fifty acres cannot obtain more than two hundred every chxfr did mind must allow the government credit for tt wisdom instead of reviling its folly bu ifhe mean that settlers cannot in iis ptovincc obtain more than two hundred acres he errs for a pow er exists and is in operation in the local gftarn- ment forgrantingto tbc amount of twelve hun dred acres according tothemeausofcultivatoo and the gift to that amount hi only restiained ei ther by the want of those means or by other law ful and reasonable disabilities itut amidst nil this stir of discontent and revi ling shall we forget that there aie such things as candour patriotism and loyalty or shall we be blided to believe that they exist io the power of convening lawless assemblies and of turning liberty into licentiousness mr g seems to wish on ims subject above all things to constitute a commission to carry a pe tition i rum this provincetothetootof thetbrooe does he forget ibat majesty commonly acts thro its ministers or that he has been reviling those ministers and imputing to tbem whether truly or unjustly principles of selfishness and base- nr which is by bo means calculated to propiti ate their eootlwih nd couw bis wiahbctffect- i 1 7 n gratitude and dis- its law is founded ure t wwwww i jrwjtji he proud and dis- rddffecunn not upou r efl wbatuehrd in such itgefi t s sea bim almost invariably 26 7sfj rwultwhat but the indgnanv 221 qt importunate and insulting in ti and then whither m conseq would be lead us to brood with shame ao i rash and discontented etlort dr fff the ocean of such a patriot j eem to advocate and on a t n stmcuvt principle of polit j 0 aji early associations of ratit 5ft and genuine truth at defian v hr the mvrrads of her madmen jjss i hurno m dtflcrcnt prin ciple interested auecnon lu imi safbereyjnoi anawk ta ml and its rale and i lssssh js btaui om bumblf and coum ilt f5ff botof ftanuttm loialtv a stssssusst mmhrrs find nairun ovcr arnofi and b0knpdt the ubuihv 22s t im 5 or earth and b us 5ss tb naticprrunipion of rcnpjn hcm lhrm cmprrdirand iaralonc mr lirb ardcoily dir irn nurt 10 nskbhftppinhiaa9tebrw oad b fill and pe course w tftt andithouibinrrnei a pi which ovt- inp fan the fm v ajl p chrintan love ff is long av s k k ra be eminpuislirdnnlt by aiic syiiem of nn indeed exit such linn under the second jame no more relation to our pff an established and yv l flflom indeed exit mfcvj r but such as bears m condition than do lhvrailn ademapoeu lbe hftl voice of peace and hope aod truth if inthewllaef mr o 0an hnilrifind aught to offrntl hi agaodnttocdy and oleraulv declare that ved ldpa abhorrent to my feelin- rile as a ftllow nubject kindly as a memh f free saie peal as a lover of order p cenously as a shsrribfrtothepressohtbpfp ciple which dbdalof evry j phonal and r ohae ao object in bul p good ontheieround ia uimoraoy other man and m these grounds 1 aru aware of no power whicl cou bul that personal violence and ill which ould compel me in selfpremrvati a iawlul manner to confute and rers lhe or false hood which might madly re j c stuart jmhtrstburgh fvnttrn c june 10th l 19 for the kisgsroy ghnomctb 0m the 2d of april l781 fox made use of the following expression i will not sit in parliametlj mr speaker exclaimed he and he he assertion tuat it is udconsitutiotal or illegal to appoint delegates or that those deje- tates so named houl1 petition farlia- mont i consider it on pto contrary not mrrelyas a correct and luthortstd but a a laudable measure ii the present con dition and circumstance- of this country by wht law is it declared to be uncon- stiiiilioinil for the peope of england to name delegate who shmi rvstiit m ioa- vn and zvute orer the conduct of their h preventatives f and who shall pre sume to impede thee dotcgtttes 30 con stituted liom petitioning parliament in loyal and respectful terms do lhylose the privilege of freeholder- because they assume lite title of delegate certainly not i should have been ready to sign the pctiiii brought up in my dolcgaud capacity and i would have defended it in my representative character within the walls of this house as a lailbful rep resentative of the people whether such opinions are patriotic or factious whether they can be main tained and acted upon without inevita bly producing confusion are questions which must be left to every persons de cision these principles appear to me to be not merely democratic or republi can but subversive of ail good govern ment fit only for the jacobins of france in the beginning of the revolution or for the modern reformers the watsons the tfliftuewoodfl the brandreths and the other advocates of insurrection whn wish to overturn the present order of things fox indeed was wholly guilt less of any such intention but his am bition uniike thai of fitt was not under theeontroul of judgment self command and moderation george the third very properly availed himself of foxs errors to expel him from the cabinet which hc twice entered by storm mr kditor by inserting the above remarks you will oblige yours ac prescott hitii jun oty i fn our last number we aadrcssed se veral queries to our agricultural friends in the midland district with regard to the society formed at bath last winter a connespomuewt says in reply ci oue reason why tbc agricultural so ciety does not meet with liberal and stre nuous support j is that the subscription lists and regulations have not been cir culated in sophiasburgh they mean ing the inhabitants neither received the oue nor the other until i handed a copy of them to mr a day or two ato iu fredericksburgh only one co py had been received on the 4th of june and read at thctcoeral trainingbut there were no subscription lists handed to the captain of the company nor any other in structions given 1 was through thnr- low and sidney a few days ago and could not riud that any one there had been directly applied to for subscrip tions we have taken pains to inquire of the secretary whether he had actually for warded copies of the regulations to all the members of the committee and have his answer in the affirmative we hope that no member of the committee is ini mical to the institution we however fear that some of them may not have been so diligeut in circulating the regu lations and in procuring subscriptions in their respective townships as they ought to have been should this prove to be the case the inhabitants of those townships as well as the first promoters of the ag ricultural society have just cause of complaint against such negligent com mitteemen for we are persuaded that the farmers generally understand their own interest too well aud have too much regard for the reputation of the midland dirict deliberately to neglect the one or overlook the other we have it is true understood that a few slight objections have been made to some of the existing regulations of the society whatever may be the nature of these objection we cannot conceive why they should be brought forward as a reason for declining to promote an in stitution the great utility of which is ad mitted by all particularly when those very individuals by becoming members of that institution thereby procure for them selves a voice atthe general annual meeting of the society in making such alterations and amendments in the regulations as may be then deemed necessary we again beg leave to call upon the farmers of thii district and upon all who are friends to its prosperity not to suffer the agricultural society thus to languish at its rnmmtvcementand finally to sink in- to ublivion parliament it is said was proceeding smoothly at the last dales from york several bills had passed through both houses among which are a new assess ment law and new road liw both making the tands of absentees after a certain period liable lor the taxes with distress and sale uf goods and chattels on these lands increasing the taxes re maining unpaid at three years one third at live years one half and at eight years 1 1 i j i the statute labour is said to be much increased i i kingston cjvly99 iu the house of lords may 1 1th the marquis of feanftlowne moved for cer tain communications respecting the en try of the american treops into the flo- ridas the execution of the two british subjectsarbuthnot ambristerby order of the commander of those troops after a debate on the subject which we are prevented from inserting on account its length the motion was negatived earl bathurt and lord liverpool tho they differed from the marquis with re gard to the propriety and expediency of the motion unequivocally agreed in condemning the conduct of gen jack son in putting the two englishmen to death the earl of liverpool con sidered it contrary to the law of na tions but he said it was not an of fence against us great britain but against the nation in whose service these two men were employed we have indeed always suspected that this mur derous act of general jackson though a gross outrage on humanity a daring violation of the law of nations and a kigh insult to his own government would if tamely submitted t by that government be passed over without pu nishment the unfortunate sufferers having in a certain decree placed themselves without the leg protection of their na tive country wm of almm arfttved 94 july steam boat sophia vanjhn from sackeihuthor 5ihch rambler tointworia d olhsieam boat sophi hast dm do steam boat charlotte deiidi bellville 7ih steam ifoal sophia ilasnn fincketharbo- i hoat hornet sprnue dostenn moat clarutie denni pco sicam boat fro teoac mackcnzie york clearft 1 july steam boat sophia vanabn fo- sackehharbor tiihsch rambltr win worth do steam goal sopbia hasticts do 7tb steam rubl charlotte dennis pretroii th steam boat sophia hayings sacketsnarbor buat horaet tpraue do prices current in the kingston market corrected iceckly rom 1 to article per d 1 a t 0 0 j mutton 0 0 5 0 0 6 veal t 0 0 5 0 0 6 pert 0 0 8 0 0 10 fowls pair 0 9 0 0 8 0 turkeys each 0 0 0 0 0 0 geese a 0 0 0 0 0 0 ihrese lb 0 0 9 o o n 0 o u bauer t 0 0 10 er do 0 0 8 0 tl 9 bush 0 0 0 0 0 0 peas 0 7 0 0 7 6 potatoes 0 3 0 3 6 oatt a 0 3 6 0 4 6 turnips 0 0 0 0 0 0 cabbages bead 0 0 0 0 0 0 cwt 0 15 0 0 16 s do bbl 1 6 1 12 tillow lb 0 0 n 0 0 8 lard 0 0 9 0 1 0 hay ton 0 0 0 0 0 0 sirtw bundle 0 0 0 0 0 0 cord e 10 0 0 is 6 arrived iu this town yesterday in the steam boat charlotte from lower ca nada his grace the duke of richmond governor in chief and suite lady ma ry and lady louisa lanntx major bowles military secretary major mac leod aid decamp lieut colonel cock- burn deputy quarter master general captain montrcsor commanding the royal navy in the canadas w robert son estjtiire deputy store keeper ge neral adams rsquire deputy com missary general of accounts sir charles saston barouet lieut saunders 68th rest c his excellency the earl of daihoumc and lady arrived at quebec on the 1st of july and left that city ou the 3d inst he is expected to reach kingston tomor row and will accompany his grace the governor in chief on his tour through w cyv pit pwfcw yesterday afternoon the steam bdat frontenac returned from york bringing down besides a number of other passen gers lieut colonel evans and different detachments of the 70th regiment from drummond island amherst burgh ni agara and york the whole of us re giment is now concentrated at this post birth on sunday the 27ib imt the lady of benja min whitv eqnf a son stolen from the fnbfcribcr on the night of the 7th inflant a black morocco pocket book containing the following notes viz a note given by henry rip- fon to micajah purdy for xh dated 30th may 1819 a note given by jabex eaton to henry shibley only five dollars due thereon two notes given by oliver barrett to samuel ackroyd amounting together to between eleven and twelve pound other notes payable to the fub- icribcr one of which is given by eliza beth ryder for to t to all perfons are hereby forbid purchas ing any of the above mentioned notes or any note or notes not here enumerated a variety of other papers ufrful only to the owner were in faid pocket book whoever will return the pocket book with its contents to the fubferiber mr benjamin olcott kingfton or to mr samncl purdy waterloo fhall receive a reward of five dollars and no queftionb afked elijah beach jwngftcri stb july ij 283 bank notice bank of upper canada director lor the week thomas s wliitaker esq days ef discount every wednes day notes offered for fixsoovmt must be all handed to the cashier on the day pre ceding the discount day s bartlet cashier drafts on quebec at short sight will be given for specie valuable lands for sale in the midland district county of prince edtvarj acd township of ameliasburgh lot 23 in the front concession on lake ontario lying to the eastward of nicholsons island lots 22 aud 24 in the second con cession of said township the whole con taining yx hundred acres for particulars inquire at the office of the kington chroniclej or of the honorable james baby york n b ml persons are cautioned a- gainst cutting or destroying the timber nn the abote leads as they will certainly subject themselves to a legal prosecu tion if detected kingston july lh 1819 28tf thomas askeiv mespectfull informs the pub lic that he has arrived and intends opening for falc on tuesday nctthe 13th inftant at the store recently occupied by mr mcdonald oppofite charles anderfon efj a very choice felcction of new goods amoagft which area rich aflbrtment of lidies and childrens dreffes peliitea spencers millinary muflins callicoet ginghams satins and silks india goods habcrdafhery ruffia durks and sheetings linen bed tick couaterpanes chinttand white furnitures with fringes and trimcings ladies satin and velvet shoes bombazecns dimities 3cc c many of thefc goods and confignroentsv direft from the manufacturer and lbe whole he offers for sale at the loweft pofliblc rate and pofitlvcly for cafh only iw j- y1 n b country merchants who have not made their purchafes wotld do well to call look to this all persons indebted to the late jo seph scott surgeon of kingston are requested to make payment before the firstof august to the subscriber who is duly authorised to receive the same if not com plietl with legal proceeding will be taken joseph murdock kingston july 1 2s for sale a large commodious two lory ftone house with out houfea and garden situated on a half acre lot in the village of bath for terms apply to the subfcribcr james ranken bath june zo 1819 atf notice all perfons arc cautioned againft pur- chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con- aeffion of frcderickfburgh or lot no 27 in the 1st conceition of richmond from the heirs or affignces of davis hefs as the subfcribcr holds an indisputable title to the fame gilbert haius sidney 4t dec ibi8 3 blanks for the courts of request and various other kinds for sale ai this office

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