Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 2, 1819, p. 4

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agricultural for the kingston chronicle agriculture premiums offered by the johnftown diflticl agricultural society for the pre fer year cllablilhed by the executive cymniuee la for the ben field of winter dots wheat old land confifting of nut lefa than 2 acres 40 2d for the fecond beft 30 3d for the third heft 20 ift for he bell field of indian corn confiluigof not lefs than z acres 30 2d for the fecond btft 20 3d for the third ben 10 ift forthe bell field of barley con- lifting of not lefs than 2 acre 20 2d for the fecond beft ie 3d for the third beft 10 1 ft for the field of potatoes con- fin in of not lefs than one acre which hull yield the grcatell number of bufheu fatiafactorv proof on oah to be given 20 2d for the fecond gieatcft quai- tty 3d for the third do do xft for the belt cultivated farm 2d for the fecond do 3d for the third do i ft for the beft bull 2d for the 2d beft raifed within the diftrict 15 3d for the 3d beft do 10 ift for the bell cow do 10 5 10 5 10 5 to 2d for the id heft 3d for the d beft i ft for the beft stud horfe kept in the diftrict this feafon ift for the beft ram 2d for the 2d beft do 3d for the 3d ki ft do ift for the beft yew id fr the 2d bed do 3d fr the 3d beft do ift for the beft hied boar id for the ffltond beft do 3d for the third beft do id ft the brfl bred sow ad for the 2d beft do 3d for the 3d heft do ift for the beft fattened ox 3d for th- 2d beft dc 3 01 ik 3a gcr 00 ift for the three heaviefl and beft fattened hops ad fr the 2d bfft do 3d fr the 3d beft do ift forthebeft manufactured piece of home made woolen cloth not lefs than ten yards 2d for the ad beft do 3d fr the 3d beft do ift for the beft manufactured piece of linen cloth home made not lefi than ten yards 2d for the 2d beft do 3d for the 3d beft do ift for the beft half dozen pairs of woolen sock home made 2d for the 2d hefl do 3d ft the 3d beft do ift for the beft cleaned fux seed foi feed quantity not left than j btfhrl 2d f- r the 2d beft do 3d for the 3d beft do 8 6 i 5 3 6 4 2 8 5 4 2 to 20 to 10 8 5 6 5 3 8 6 4 5 3 t to farmers all perfons being members of the johnftown diftifc agricultural society who intend to offer their farms or their crops for premiums are requcftcd to re port the fame to mr jaives hall sccre- tary of the society on or before the 1 8th day of july next an no entry will be made after that date confrquently thofe who ncgleft to report as above ftated will lofe the opportunity of becoming competitois tor 1 he premiums p s it mnft be underftood that the firms crops thereof with held and do- medic animals and manufacture offered lor premiums mnft be the property of members of thi society chahlfs jokes president jamfs hael stcry brotkvilu 2th june 1819 trom the cpfercaxada gazette ic d upper caxada agricultural socikty at the itrst annual cattle shew of the upper canada agricultural society held t york on thursday tiir 17th dny of june 1819 the following premiums foi live stock were awarded folt bulls no 1 aprenuqmof thirty dollars o joshua wixen of pickering intli home district or his iiull name buck ko 2 a premium of twenty dollars to the same for his bull named bright both the above bulls uere four years old had been fed on pasture and common food only and had been worked during the whole of the spring tso 3 a premium of ten dollrtrs to john knoulcs of scarborough in the home district for his bull no- wed brindlp ageaud feed as obove but not worked the third premium was adjudged to ihis animal in preference to a larger bull biongim loslh how ard of btoblcoke from the superior tymetry of ihape and imallnuss of bone of the former for cows only one cow being produced it vas decided that as there was no competition no premium should be awarded but as a remuneration to the owner and to encourage com petition in future a gift of ten dol lars was ordered to be paid to john dfarv of ork to whom the cow belonged for rams xo a premium ot fifteen dollars for a uatn owned by john small est of york xo 2 a premium of ten dollar for a ham owned by george dcuimouof york no 3 a premium of five dollars fur a ram owned by william smith of york as it is known that tttr re are several much finer cows in this town than the one produced it excited tome surprize that no others were entered and waa ac counted for hy the people of the own and country each supposing that thp oilier would bring forward a larg num ber of these animals the exhibition was honored with the presence of his excellency the teutc- nanl governor patron of the society and most of the members of both house if parliament beside a large number of inhabitants of the town and farmers from the country and considered as a first effort appeared to give much sails- faction it was very gratifying to ob- seree lhat the armers present appeared lo be deeply improved with the impor tance and gcnpral utility oi the bssocie tion anil expressed their determination to exhibit sonic flue cattle at the next how indeed an impulse is already giv en hat directed hy ti fostering euieot the societj and aided by the patriotism of the country can not fail tu produce the most beneficial etfects byordei r c i10rne at the general annual meeting of the uppercauada agricultural society hrld at the district school itousoj york the 19h of tune for the purpose of appoint- mg officers for the ongoing year nml for such other bnsiucsk a might be brought before it il was unanimously urvolvrd i that tin ollicers of inc hoeji ry of the pasl jear be reqnestid loeoniiiui in choir respective offices duiiu the present year resolved that no person shall at any future shew or cattle compete for he prizes offend by ihs socicl v unlss a notification of he animal to be exhibit- ed be communicated to the secretary al least throe weeks previous to the day of exhibilion and shall be the property ot the person proposing the same and shall 0 pay to the secretary for the uses of bc society five shillings unless the person so entering it be a member of the society 2 reseked that the successful can didate for any prize shall be considered he ensuing it in each amc period the amount of his acmi sion to be deduc ted from the premium 4 resolved that the firt resolution ss0d on the 10th day of feb ifclo b- knowledge and talent they difpsayed the effrel they produced in that province has been greater than the moil fanguinc could have anticipated although the writer for a long time fcmpuloufly main tained his concealment and was not either known or fufpccttd yet he icceivcd threoctl the medium of his printer mere than two hundred and fifty letters addres sed to him from all ranks of the province commending his labors cooperating in hit views and adopting hi fuggeftioas un der his influence ten agricultural focietie have been formed one in every great fec- tiun of that province the cenfal focie- ty having earl dalhonlic the governor of the 1iovince for its prefident appli cations were made to their leiflature for afts of incorporation and for pecuniary pafonag both were tffccvd all the ibcieties were incorporated fifteen hun dred pound perling wrrc grancd by the icrulature and the vhole appropriated un der the aiffices of the general fociely 5c0i in prizes to the iocieties in opeia- tion cool for ihe importation of live rock feed- and machinery and the refi- due of vaiious agricultural oljeiis calcu lated to exejte a fpint of inoullry and cn- terprife and to direct paiticular modes of culture 1 have recurred co thefe events ia nova scotia becaufe agiclture is of no coun try or paty orpoititi it ij i he com mon c mcero of the wiild fem its yni- verftl intcrtft the exeitions and fuccefs cf eulihiened men in it caulc are fubjecl oi reciproeal congratuliiton and dtlich to each other let them imvc beer made in whatever count v and inlder whatever aus- puc3 iiiy polef induc however to this recurrence w the direct tclimonv lhat writer bear co the utility of nime io ai imtural focietiej a mens by wh ch the do nditi u 1 of tic only that art lv any prize nall lc c a member of the society forth year and for the highest pri cllfts a director for the c amenderl by suwstituting the word pve shillings instead of ten sltil- u imgs as theanul subsuripliou for member cf thi society 5r thai those members who do not attend ct any future meeting when duly notified shall lorteit and pay he sum of two shilling and sixpence to the uses of the society by order bc horne oec y- boston april 2 the advantage of multiplying agricultural societies in the commonwealth further con- sklcred in the preceding numbers the impor tance of agiicultuml focietics and the ad vantage of multiplying them were attemp ted to be illuftrated from confidemtions nfing from the peculiar condition of the faimer before proceeding to elucidate the inadequacy of any fingle feciety to cvo- dace all the effects reafonably to be ex- peded from thefc fnftitutions it may be ufeful to recur to the example of a neigh- boutfng country and to the opinions ofan intelligent foreigner it will he fcarcely believed by citizcni of maffachufem that the country which i am about to diredt theirattcntin fhotim be nova scotia u country which ibeii early prejudices have taught them to bflb- ciato with whatever it dreary and defolale and deprcfling yet fuch is the fact at this moment there is in piogrefs in that province a courfc of meaiurcs on this fob- jeet worthy to be known to be honored and imitated in the courfe of he laft year a writer appeared in the acadian recorder a weekly paper publiflicd in halifax nova- scotia under the fignature of agricola elucidating in a ferics of cflays the nature and importance of agiiculture it connex ion with national gratnef and profperity and illuftrating all he leading fubjects which relate to that art fueh a climate foil modes of culture agricultural ma chinery manures and urging attention to the fubjeft from a principal of interilt the accumulation of wealth and from a principle of patriotjfni the making o- va scotia independent for its fupplict of the united states thefc cltays were written with a zeal and fpirit exceeded by nothing except the ca be ameli rmcd and as thai alone by which his cffict has htm in fo high a de gree attained in get brrain jj the question in what m eutuial knowledge u to be difittftinated he tha ai fver clearly hy the ftwuneik rf agii cultural fncieiies rhvoujc f couutiei and townfiiips i 11 jher nuan w piove inoperative and frujllefa jhee as- ocialion were ifie mai fpg of at the improvements whi h of tc years hive chznred the lace f ii mother country ai raifed her agiicultutc t fwh an civ able pitch htw lb 1 wih ok more flowly but with rjial fdtiity of fffft it bccofliefe then i lie dniy f every patifot to recommend in hu pnatc circle fueh lo cfcliea and their rcprffenaives and rna tptmbtiu mu ilfltl ss for m mimeditc t such are the opinion ofa wrft ohv sully well acquainted wilh thc ftale and wh the wants of agri hoh in old world and in the n w the multipii cation of agricultural foticiief i the coun ties and in the towns on and thecenaiti methuj 0 tffcfag the profperity and amclforaitoo of the t thc people ifnovascotia including aen ot wery rank and itatln have adptcd the fame opini n and aic c crating upon this plan in mafpkhiifetts thfe opinions are not rcw but their imprarcc ae rot fufn- cienly mlizd thc legifttture of thc commofiwalth have gven their fandior to thrs fyllcm by the fatronage they have pi offered to an tlitcv t organization of foch focictjef it now rcmaini tor the in fluential gentlemen of e counties to de cide whether this great bon lull be loft by their indifference and apathy or whe ther by their coooeratioivwi hthel-goa- ture upon fne principles of the ute a fyflcm of agricultural exetttnna fbilj be organised in every gica ftflion of the coohnonwealtb upon a plan as cxtenfive as thc cabling wants of agnculiure de mand and laying the foundati m of an influence upon the legiilaiure fuffickot to command for tliat bit whatever its fu ture necefiitics may require for sale avert valuable fakm bituated near the village of brockville be- ins the rear half of lot so one and the rear half of lot number two in thc se cond concession of klizabethiown u c containing two hundred acres former ly the property of hcubeu sherwood inquire but now belonging to johnslm- tvr esquire of london there i a ee ry good dweiltnghoue with a barn and other ont houses on the premises also lot number nineteen in the ninth con cession and the west half of lot number oncj in the eighth concession 0 the amp township also lot luimbei lifteeii in the first concession and number fifteen in thc second concession of the town ship of yougcj in he district of johns town thee farms will be disposed of on trims peculiarly easy and advautao ous to purchasers apply to daniel jones jen brockville ftth january 1319 4 a farm foltsale a joining hay bay in thc town- jjl fhip of fredericksburgh thc eaft half of lot no- 2 in the fecond conocltion containing ico acres and having about 40 acre under cultivation with a log houie and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wafhburn efquirc kingflon p van koughnet cornweb dec 7 181 8 30 kingfton 8ib june 1819 amarstlall member of the college of surgeons in london bejs leave to inform the public lhat he has moved to the honfe formerly occupied by mr a macphcrfon and next door to t markiand efq where he continues to practice the different branches of hi pro- femun as ufual he is now opening the moft extenfive and general aflirrtmcnt of umg and patent m themes that ever were introduced into upper ca nada and imported by lumfclf this fpring from great britain stotc kecptrs and medical practitioners in the connfy will be fupplied on as low terms as they poffi biy cjn be in montreal he has alfo imported a choice effort- ment of walnut and mulhroom ket hup eiohkle indian soey balm ofglead maccaffai and ruffian oil so da i owdera tamarmrs houfe tbet for sale that elegant fm no 8 firft conccffion lownfliip of fredciicka- burgh 28 miles from kingflon contain ing zoo acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by the name of the manfion houfe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory hib with 2 barns and other buildings pcifns dtfirous of purchaiing may enquireof thesublcii- ber on the prenilus ot to d liagermao efj at bath joseph bergeron fredericklbuigh sept 8th 1818 ie notice rjlhelatc partncriliipofymr rankth jl y co having diflbl veil itfelf thisday by the death of roderick mackay efq the hufintfs will in future be carried on by the fnhferiber to whom all perfons who are indebted to the above firm will pleafe pay their accounts without delay and thofe who may have claims agaiufl that concern will pleafe prcfent them for adjuflment james kan ken ernefl town 21ft sept 1818 zftf notice tphe board fc militia pek- siobs nvxlt meet on the fojl monday in february and continue fe to do thc fame jay in each month until the bufmefs of this diflriy as regards the fame is finijhed john ferguson kirgjfan feb if i 1819 6 persons having books belong to thc kingston library arc requeft- ed to fend them to thc fubfenber at his houfe adjoining the tctm of ivingfton and with as little delay as pcffiblc john ferguson- 2th april 1s19 5 to be sold a neat and godxfllodh store street ih a an d garth mom- tjera spieeaafcw article of perfumery c lllt f ranterij dyen 24 motmm r p ipcclfully inform l their friends and ihe pubuc that they have now received a d juli opened in mar ke street jnm below mrs patrick inn a vcv extenlivc aflbrtment ef dry go ds groceries and station art iikewiu a great qniniitv of claflical hunks ihewole of which will be fold very low for am and appiovcq credit mcdonald aykroyd dee 11818 27 kingston branch of the mon treal bank ous houc ii good stable rcien 111 which there is a nocd well and oil other eotireoieik e requir ed tcrnir nf ale nill no mic liioua by applying to fhc suhnriber riri premises antiiow luiik kingston afovib ih19 if notice tames meagher returns his mofl ftneerc thanks to tie p ople f kiar- ton aid its eivirsns for the literal en couragement he las met with ftnee his cnm mencing hufnep he legs leave to inform any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bi l of exchange 00 lon don or for specie notes alfo will be duccunted at thircy fixty and ninety days thomas maukland agent kingflon 3d nov 1818 23 notice ph e partnerlbip under the firm of al- il csnndei mcdonell co was this day diffolved hy mutual confent all thofe indebted thereto mult make imme diate payment to alexander mcdonell to whom ad having claims apainlt the faid firm nuifl prcfent their accounts he bcinjr duly authunfed to ftltle all the affairs of faid concern alexander mcdonell allan r mcdonell aigm yj jiiv j5 s9w4 to axemen hf 111 e subscriber olter f fafc fci jl houfe and farm together 01 frparate a alio bin ilorfcfc carte shhlnt cnwa llog oxen grain hay potatoes and implements of huioandry ctuate on the river st 1 awrence oveilkin tbe beautiful vllpe of ofdtjianre- an unhid half a miie of prefout uppzi lanat the dwelling houfe winch has lately been creeled cnfi t nftw fitting rooms 4 bedrooms a kitchen and cellar well fiiuvd thc farm contains 107 acres of choice land well fenced upwards of 60 of which is pasture and meajow thc remain der tillage and wood land with a youug orchard and good darn stable and root- houfe and a fmall tenement for labour erg to a gentleman of fpeculation the above premifco which extends 3 acres is front of the river mnu prove of great advantage a i h on- of the best situa tions in the neighbourhood for tbe erection of a whaf brewery or distillery c part of the purchafe roiey may remain on mortgage if agreeable to the pnrchafcr application to be made to henry forest efq montreal john macjulay kington or the owner pktkrobrifm preacott 26th oct ti8 6tf to let a commodious house nrr doftor keatincs two storiea high with seven rooms a kitchen md 0 cellar under the whole a good yard 30 i stiuc also a very good spring near tin- house for further particulars apply to james robins kingston 4th june 18 19 ft ht wilt at his friends and the fiblie that he has removed to hit afatf thttft near the mar- place oppofue to 1r bay mans and ufual carry on the tinj copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith ifork mm be executed in the bcfl manner at the fhntefl notice and on the hojtfl terms n b to rent lecfe or fell fir the term of ten years and immediate pffeffion pvei that tuell known fl and the ivel lwgtqn inn in tarrock flrcc this jimation is one of the bejl in toun having many conveniences that render it particularly well adoped for a houfe of public entertainment and store apply to the proprietor james meagher kingf feb 5 819 6 for sale or to let ft two ftory framed houfe and a qll larjjeand commodious ftone store firuate on thc water edge in thc centre of thc village of prefect f exceedingly ad- vantareou 1 term to thr purchaftr or leasee enquire at thc office nf chr a hagerman kingfton z6ih february 1819 9 the subscribers will receive pro posajfl from any person or persons willing to engage to clear sixty acres of new lund on their premises in amelias- borsh bay of quinie ready for seed by thelirjit day of august next the alli es on said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured team and provisions will be furnished if re quired ior particulars apply to owen mcdougal kingston or to mcdougal mclkllax 9 ticllville notice the underfigned requeft all perfons indebted to the eftate of thc late nicholas hageralaiv efiuirc to make immediate payment and fuch as have accounts ajjainft the eilate are rc- qutlled to prefent them for adjuftment ch aick hagerman daniel hagerman executors kingflon 15th march 1819 12 bank of th e subfcriber being appointed agent for tbe uank of anada he will nc gotiatt bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell kingftonocl 13th 188 20 terms t tup kingston chronicle twenty ahhllbirs per annumj if sent b mail nu y otii jin 1 r i in advance to ihe hi oltidy or ihe isi of janu- price of aditzrtisements cflv lines unit under is lid first in- ao scrtion and 7d cadi subsequent insertion 10 line and under 2s 4rf- first insertion andxod rach subsequent insertion above fen tines 4d per line for the first insert tun and d per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written ovrcc- t ions arc iuserlcd till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to he in writins and delivered bsi wednesday noon at the latest no advert iscmc nts received after ten o on the daj of publication ilenrv counn fq tyutite edwrrl sill iq three wet jauin wunaon ir ptantrtl er tt 1 iiuil r pan obiwfbrd f hatitu alphrn jour ivq pftttof pfiiry jonts fq hirkvvt n r tnmma fq prfh 1 k hartwcll bm liixrd webiter tq tinnnejiu j ranken fq lintft allan mcpncrson inq ktipmee simon mcnahb y q llruvthc jaatts g betheoe iwi tlemfttan william allan tq for rielianl unit fa dnndm danirl rossfsq vuniia john crooka en nintra t mccnrmick esq queens ton john wilon esq tmhersttntrgh kings ton d c printkj for till- f1ht0r9

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