Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 4, 1819, p. 1

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the kingston chronicle v ol 1 friday irierxoox june 4 1819 no ts the steamboat fiontbnac james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following days viz kingston for york on the 1st i th and 21s days of each month york for queension8d 3lh and 23d days of each month niagara for kingston bth bth andibth days of each month rates of passages from kingston to york and niagara 3 00 from york to niagara 100 children under three years of age half price above three and under ten two thirds a book will be kept for entering the names of passengers and the births which they may choose at which time the passage money must be paid passengers are allowed 60 lbs weight of baggage surplus bag gage lo be paid for at the usual rate geulleineu servants cannot sleep or eat in the cabin deck passengers will pay 13s and may either bring their own provisions or be lurnished bv the steward for each dog brought oil board 5s all applications for passages to be made to captain mackenzie on board freight will be transported to arid from the above places at the rate of d per barrel bulk and flour at the customary rale delivered to the different consignees a list of their names will be put in a con spicuous place on board which must be deemed a sufficient notice and the goods when taken from the steam- boat wil be considered at the risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s gd which must be paid on delivery kingston april 28th 1s19 islf to officers on half- pay in canada it ig defired that officers receiving half- pay or military pcnfi m tluough ihe cmniftariat in canada will ttanfniit to their fcvcial agents al qiuhec their affidavits in triplicate immediately after the 4h of the peiiod when their half- pay incomes due fo that the affidavits of officer refiding in lower canada fhall arrive t quebec before the loth ard ihofe of officer rending in the upper province befre the zoth ot the following month at whkll feriod the returns will be made up a more than diffident time is given tor communications to reach quebec from the moil diftant pods ihofe officers affida vits which do not arrive in time to be incor- porared in theft return muft remain over till theenfuing period ol payment commiftdry gcnewpl office quebec march i 1819 auv officiers a demipaie en canada es ofncirrs qui rocoivent la de- ii a ml pale ou pension militiin par le canal du gommssariflt en canada sont rcndis do transmettre a lours agens rrpeclifs a quebec lours attidavits ru triiilicaia tmmediateroonl apiis letcrme du pavement de irur ormipaii de man- erv quo les arhdnvitsde oilieiors qui re sident dans lc dascanada pnuiroiit nr- rictu quebec avanllr i0nc etdu ceui qui isidcilt dans la haute province l rant f 0me du mois suivant auxquels periodes les rctours se feronf coinmo jnu donne plus dc tenia quii ne faut pour transrnctlre les communication i que bec des poste it ft plus eloicnea les alli- driviis da oticiers qui nnruveiit pas i tern pour el re hlcorpores dans ces re- tours resleronljusquauperiodedu paye- mnt suivant bureau du comrnisairygeneral 11 qlec te mars 1819 6m anchors fy cables william budden will receive by the earliell fpring viflels and keep conltantly on ba d at quebec an afiortment of patent proved chain cables of all sires anchors do well worthy the attention of thofc enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec lik acril 1819 1411 i poutiuits i j done in miytxrvm f inquire of john mai i lay rq h- at the ivtoliice no lice the late partnership of robert gra- hum s co having dissolved itsel this day bj the death of roderick mac- kay esq the business in future will be carried ou by the subscriber to whom all persons ftho are indebted to the above firm will please pay thciraccouuts with out delay and those who may have claim- against that concern will please present them for adjustment fj kohrkt graham point frederick autsept isi notice the subfcribcr loa three note signed by freeman s clinch viz one otze dollars on demand one of 2 c dollars fix months afterdate one of 50 dollars payable in joiners or abhiel work the endorfement according to the bed of my knowledge is as follows viz 4 or 5 pounds on tht firft note the above notes were given the 26th of march ihi8 daniel reynalds february 1 ith 1819 8 n oti ce ft number of lot- of one hun qil dred acres each lituated on pub lie roads now laying out running through the school towuihipts of southwold yarmouth and bouhtod will be fold by public auction for actual tettlement tn the highefl bidder at rosss tavern on talbot road on the full of july next one fourth of the imchafe money to be paid down and the remainder by three e- qual inftalments with interclt by oidcr of his excdlrncy the lieu tenant governor in i ouncil executive council office tork zdth february 1819j the magistrates hmhtg thought itraper to discontinue the appro printing mty it of tin jnmh 0 tfi midland dhtnxifor the matntmmce of paupers it no becomes the tluty 0 each count i tv toxcmp to make pro- ivtfoff for tiurir support a mtrth therefore of the tnlutitiants tftft kun- ttfof fronunm is reotfi otjhe court house in kingston on tofsdj the fifteenth r ofjvall ht purport ofprodiing the necessary means tor th ir sutsixtencci kingston may 38 1819 tu on ah makici tit p i rrrt smttuf j- j ill llfnck h l lit iimkitj p william miti iilll j i 11 g ii mjfiklisui j- p watches and jewelry repaired the fubferiher begs leave to inform hi friends and the public that he has ticen a shop near the maiktt place oppose the mcdioal store of doctors car ilfie aj hull thofe favoring him with their command may expend he will ufe every means in his power to give general fatufaction jewelry plate repaired with care on thereof icalonahle trrm his prices will be found to merit the approbation ol thr public james clark klagftodj may 28 1819 22eowtf valuable lands for sale in the 7 ou of hamilton lots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ccition containing 400 acres ft lo ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th con- crffion contain in e 450 acre ditro ditto 10 in the 6th conceflien containing 200 acres th- aboe lauds are all lying in the tnwiftiipof ilaifiiltonncwcafth diarict and wj be fold on the noil liberal tcrma for frthrr information enquire of eltas jnes q hamilton or the fubferiber in kiflun lhontas whitaker kingfton may 2 i8iq tf stray cow strayed from the common in the vicinity of kins on orabout the laft t april a light colored bindlc cow marked in the ear m three tcits had on tvheo ihe went aay a common fred bell hung with a father trap who ever will rttuin fatdow to the fubfcrtbet or give informatioi woere fhe may be found fliall be gnervhy rewarded rojiek young oaskr kingfton mi 2 819 22 to be sold aivkatand eommodious house in store street h a good stable and garden in which there is a pond well and all other ontenicncies requir d terms of sale will he made known by applying to ihr snbt liber on he premfees anthony builk kingston may a 1819 22 ff for sale on reasonable terms r ww bast hair fi lot xo 3 in the 1 4th concessirtj o llie township of ernest town adjoining col j perrotn here is a ood dwelling ii k barn on ihe premise a well orchard sixty ftftres of iinprond tnil well fenced kminire or ihe subscriber at tlie village of vvalerloo near kinatou george iiahpham kingston nan i i r 1 0 22 3 to let 4 no immediate poltefllon given that ja plcacantly fituatfd house and park the property of the kevalexr mcdonell for fuither particulars apply to che fubferiber duncan mcdonell also fmall house in store street oppofite meftrs monjeau st germains apply as above kingston dee fta t s i r 29 found i notre all pcifons are cautioned againft pur- chafing lot no 22 in the 7th cn- ccflion of fredertckfburgh or lot no 27 in the 1st concclliunof richmond fiom the heirs or afilgnces of davi htfs as the sbfcriber holds an tndifputahle title to the fame gilbert har1s sidoey ijthdcc tiiis j oh umg iilnda fmall skiff the owner can have it b proving property and paying charge and applying to u brown markvtpiace kinglton may 19 1819 21 notice t ilhe underfilled requcft all perfons x indebted to the eftate of the late nicriqlts htgerman bquire to make immediate payment and fuch as have accounts agajnft the cftate are re queued to prefent i f adjuftment -i- ale hagcrmajij daniel joerman executors kingaon 15t march 1819 12 deeds and memorials for sale t office statutes of upper canada an ah ft regular th adnwafuremcnt of lantt izfr concluded vi and be it furlhr emitted by the au thority aforeaid that it hall and may be lawful for tke surveyor general or depu ty surveyor general of this irovincc to examine applicants to suitey and i found competent to grant certificates lo that ef fect and to adminiftet the foregoing oaths which oths flsall be depofited in the sr- veyor generate office v i i and he it fuither enafted hy the au- thorty aforefiidj that it fhall and may be lawful tor the governor lieutenant go- veior or perfon adminillcring the go- venuncu of this province to grant li cences to inch perfon as arc wall recom mended on their producing fatisfadoty certificate from the surveyor general or deputy surveyor generalof this province of their competent knowledge of the the ory and practice of surveying in all its hranches to furvry in this i rovince during their good behawour vii l and le it further enased by the authority afjrefaid that each and every chain beater inall take an oath to a as fuch jnlily and exactly according to the befl ft hu judgment and abilities and to teifef a true account thereor to the 3ut- vcyor bv whom he may have been appoin ted to fuch duty which oath the surveyor employing fuch chain bearer is hereby autbowfed and required to adrmnilicr ix shul be it further tnabed by the au thorit afvrefiid thai the fiont of each conccflion lot or parcel of land fliall be coiifidcred 10 be and the fame is hereby de clared to be that end or boundary of fuch concellicui lot or parcel of land which is near i to the boundary of the refpective tnwnfliips from which the feveial ionce- llonfl here fare numbered x nd be it jurther enacled by the au thority afwefiid that in all cafe when a- ny lettcii patent of giant or other inftru- ment ha iftncd for fevcral hts or parcelf of land m conceffions adjoining c2ch oth er the tide lines or limits between lots or parcels o lad therein mentioned and cx- preffed liall commence at the front angles of every fuch lot or parcel 0 lund telpec- neely sw run tgrresbw to the courfes of llie refpcciive tollinv as herein before cnaftcd and fliall nut continue on in a di- reft line through fevcral conceffions unlrfs fuch line or lines when n truly parallel to furh governing boundaries of fuch town bras as afnrefaid fhall interfea the correfponjing poft r monument at fiont of inch enrtceffinn next in rear xi and he it further enahed by the au thority aforetatet that in all cafes when a- ny licenced surveyor fhall be employed to run any fide line or limit between lot and the original poft or monument from which fuch line ftmuld commence cannot he found every fuch surveyor fhall in cv- ry fuch cafe obtain the beft evidence that the nature of the cafe will admit of rcf- pecting fuch limit but if fuch limit cannot in fuch manner be nearly alcertained then fuch sirveyc fliall proceed to mcafurethe true diftancc between the ncareft undifpu- tcd polls limits or monuments into fuch number of lots as the fame contained in the original suivey of inch townfhip having due rcfpect to any allowance fot road or roadu common or commons as were con tained in fuch original survey and fuch limit fo found ihall be taken lobe and the fame is hereby declared to be the true lim it in every inch cafe if accurately obtain ed any law or tifageto the contrary there of its any wiw nofvithflanjing x i i arjhr it further enacted by the au thirity aoreaid that if any action of e- jeflment ihall be brought againit any per fon or perfons who after thefe lines have been cllahlifhed by virtue of this a6t fliall be found in conference of unlkilful sur- rryora to ft eve improvrcf or tsxdi mat r her or their own it ihall and may be law ful for the judge of affiz- before whom fnchaftion i tried to direct the juiy to afltef fuch damages for the defendant or defendant for any lots he ike 01 they may fultain in confequence of any improvement made before fuch action is commenced and alfo affefc the value of the land to be re covered and if a erdis ihall be found for the plaintiff or plaintiffs no wrjt of pouea- fmn fhall iflue until fuch plaintiff or plain- tilb have tendered or paid the amount of fuch damages as aforefaid or hall releafe the faid land to the defendant provided the faid defendant ihall pay or tender to the plaintiff the value of the land fo as- c before the fourth day of the enfu- ing term an act further to extend the provisions of an act passed in the thirtythird year of his majestys reign entinded an act to extend the provisions of an act pasted in the second session of the first provin cial parliament of upper canada entitu- led an ait to confirm and make valid certain marriages hereto fore contracted in the country new com prised whin thcpr vinee ibcrcana- da ard to provide for the further so- lemnizvtionc marriage within the same hmrtj o7tl november 1318 7hereas it is expedient to ex- t t tend the benefit of an act passed in the thirty thud year of his majestys reign entituled aa act to confirm make valid certain marriages heretofore contracted in the country now comprised within the province of upper canada h to provide f the future solemnization of marriage within the same to such person who have neglected to avail thensele of the tnactmtnt in the second section of aid act in preserving the testimony of ntich marriage and the bitth of their children within three years from the passing there of be it enacted by the kings most excellent majesty by and with the ad vice and conferst of the legislative coun cil and assembly of the province of up per canada constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an act passed in the parliament of great- britain intituled an a to repeal certain parts of an act passed in the four teenth year of his majestys reign enti- tulcd an act for making more effectu al provision for the government of the province of quebec m north america and o make further provision for the go vernment of the taid province and hy the authority of the same that in order to enable such person or persons who have neglected to avail themselves of the benefit of the taid enactment to preserve the tes timony of such marriage and to effectuate the same ft shall and may be lawful at any time within three years after the pasmn of this act for any magistrate of the dis trict where such parties may have con tracted matrimony declared valid by the said lecited act passed in the thirty third year of his majestys keign to administer to cither of the parties survivhjg husband or wife the following oath i a b do solemnly swear in the pre sence of almighty god that i did pub licly intermarry with c- d on or about the day of and that there is now living issue of the said marriage as the cafe may be i b born on the day of m b bom on the day of which form uf attestation shall benh- scribed by the patties if living 01 by tke surviving llohand or wile and ceitifiri undei the hand and teal of the magittrttc administering the said oath who thai be entitled to demand and receive one shil ling for such certificate and that it hau and may be lawful for the cleik of use peace of the diftrict to enter and record and he is hereby required upn the pay ment of two shilling to enter and record such attestation duly certified an aforesair in a tvok or register to be by him kep for that purpose and that such register orany attested copythercof which copy the said clerk is hereby required to make o and on the payment of the um of two shillings to deliver to any person requef ing the same shall be held and taken a sufficient evidence of such marriage and the birth of mich children in all hia ma jestys courts of law and equity j- thing in the said recited act of the thiry third year of his majestys reign con tained to the contrary notwithstanding an act to alter and amend the laws nvu in forte for leyinv and collector light house and tonnaci duties and to relieve vessels ft pelted by steam from payiug the said duy on the fpace occupied by tke engine ala- ehinery and fuel pawed 27ih november ims whereas by an act passed in the forty third year of his majertys reign entitulcd an a to explain and amend an act passed in the forty first year of his majestys reign entttulcd an act for granting to llii majesty his heirs and successors to and for tht ufes of thi province the like duties 0i goods wares and merchandise brought in to this province from the united states of america as are now paid on goods ware and merchandise imported from great tain and otner places ami ro prowfife effectually for the collection and payrrr- of duties on goods wares and mercha difc coming from the united stvc of america into this province and auo t- establish a fund for the erection and rr- pairing of light houses isena that the sum of three pence per ton shall be demanded for every vesoel bow raft or other craft of the burthen of to tons and upwards that may enter certain ports on lake ontario for light liyil t and tonnage dnty and whereas i i inexpedient that such tonnage and lie house duly should hereafter be euforeed and collected at any pert where there r no light house erected or that such ton- nage and light house duty should be paid on any vessel propelled by meam or the space occupied by the engine niacin 9 and wo 3d b- it therefore enacted by ll e kings most excellent majesty by and with the advice and consent of the i gisltive council and assembly of the province of upper canada conliuc1 and assembled by virtue of and uun tlc authority of an act passed in the pari mem of great britain cb touted act to repeal certain part of an c v- ed in the fourteenth year of hh mje- reign etttuled an act for rooking more effectual provision for govn 1 mentof the province of quebec in itn america v to make furiher proviion for the government of the faid i rovioee nd by the authority of the pmc that from after the passing of this et the usal spaccoecupiedby the engiue ft machu

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