Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 7, 1819, p. 3

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at ihialjiniriirl mrvii p of muisira an i 3otiabhji i mr midland lilhrt jirltt a ihr court unu kinjstiin on ihr oib da of a- ml tut iurioe of adopt n omr plan for hi relief olihr indigent and for generally bn i s k the condition of the poor of the lift- jlljs mavleas esqin the chair it do- ktmufl h titaiilii- mribnd liprraffrr adopted of fur mbthiag relief to ihr poor of the diitrirt from ih- ifivicl i- nmib bring from his period to be disctiihii ued il is necessary that wmr other ei pftmrni br had recourse to foi making this pro vision d that it appears 10 ihb meeting ttzt such prmion will enmc1 ami notl laiuartiirily lc made by each township lakinp upon i self the charge and mainienancr of iiorn poor 3d thai ihu mrun do in consequence -r- comoiriid 10 the dnlenl township ihe nnmr- diatcadopiion of surh mraiiire a may appear bei calctiaed for racing luck fund a rosy be uiirdfor ihe purpose 4tb that it further appafb to thi meeting that gennal meamire for prvenung th 111- tirtk of paiiprrimniliroughoui the district be req ired lo be adopt til 5ih thatthi end will hest hf attained by he etfabttinnlof society under the denomina tion or a soeieiv for bettering the roniliiion of the poor of the midland oin ic f having lui its objtei the 4 prevennonof pauperim 6h thai all ptwpw who sutarribe their rrj- pecnv quotas to their township fund or a um doi s baa llwj thilhng- prr annum 10 ihe fund cf the general botfity be uusidityd members ft u- sncrcly 7 b that twogentral meeting of th society befieid in the year it one at kmgton dnrng the assize week the othn at dnlphu touu during the jani cry fctftllmv- gth that the burinesjof the soviet be ton ducted by a prident our vice president a secrtiaiytrea nm and ihirly iatmbrr j en of who ennmher uitli the preident or in bin abitocroocof the vict frc-idtm- ball form a 9liu that thi rneetmp do now adjourn until 12 oclock tomorrow uhe ruled and regulations will be submitted for adoption at the adjourned meein held tt the court hoi t on saturday ttr ui da of msj allah maclean lq having it rd ihe chaiithe following declaration and rilcs and trguiationtweit rtad in order that no misunderstanding tmy arite veptcuiiglhe nature ad tottulloui of tins so olttv ll 1 deemed iiecear 10 drcla tuui iu leading object i the prevention ol fttupcnxft it i not coincqiiently in coolf mputluil to put unde- in dirtcaonor control either aiediknbu- tiou of the poof v funds of an towiuhip or uie meaut est inch way be retofttfd to for raiding such fund- it will undoubtedly seek o unite the ditrciit townbhippm tftarif eflors to betirr ihecondiitonof ihtpoui iuroughiui the uivncl but it will amiaie 10 lurlf iij power over the partieulat arrangements of ail individual tow n- biufi as far a respects ihr pmvtsiou 10 be inailf frrthe necfttltou and irdrgeni 11 hniuieill ilsril with ug5eiing and riommeiidnig urh geoial meaiuiej ama bt judged expedient to check the increase of pa iirfimh bt aie ui it tep foruard ltadmtuit prcumavy 11 ut to the inligeim ii bung cuiiidrted iha av te ef allilnpsl dc fnrim h l bytta mi ted in path towiinp rspfrl ror hiai purport if ts cuitiemplb mi muih btonii uilj re sult from hits uhuhl f ihedttrt rem titwmhiw in agineral society utaicad and dinn com- mnolration with ihe pom socletie m j- tounliip in ihr itnti will thereby be open- cd and hence a ceriam pre vein t of impfmlimi will be obiained sfdi by hh coininiiniranun au eav method of 0 renaming he tmutship 10 nlneh wandering pauper ireleing will bp jwu- red and this will bow be rendered atolmu ncar m each township taboip o ake hp- on 1 elfihemainieuahceofitownonr jwbj ibft aionnoi ool ihettiu n3hip uvmv ve but the illdivmuiuof ear rownship ttllt m simu lated to encoarage boili b precrpi and ixampltj iuch measures of ecoooiov sobiietynd moralu ly ue directly folciaitd ro pintnor ihe com fort aad welfare of every member of the commu nity it i unnecessary 0 insist luitbtf 00 ihe dvantats to he reaped from sucrt an umon the di eiample of mankind at largi furnhe u iitrabundant proof hal hie united efloro of the many can effer- even in labour of tharu tf far more thau heir iparae and uueouoeeted exertions kules and regulations 1 til horiety shall be denom haied the socitttj for bettering the condition of ou poor of the midland district 2 all persons snbseribiug five shillings mall fax cvtrrucy co its fuod or their respective quo ta- 10 tbeirtouoshtp poor fund shall be con sidered membersofllk society 3 the bufiuebof ihe society iball be con ducted by a preiident five vice president teasurersecreiery and i committee of thir fy members ten of whose number wub ihr -re- 3ident or in hi absence one of the vice presi dents snail form a quorum for the transaction of butfnes 4 there shall be two half yearly general met- tiogs of th society one at kingstun during the assizer the other at adolpbat town during the january sessions the day and hour of each meeting to be dul notified at least once hi the papers of the district by the secretary a the di rection of the president a thrcutuntilfer hall mrrf quartrttv nj at such oiber times and at such placid as the presi dent may judge proper provided that requisitions for uch meetings be signed by not less than five members of ihe committee 6 the committee jhall he required to sufftst to the society tromtiineto time as oerassom may serve measures calculated to promote industry economy and sobriety among ihe tower orders 7 at one of the geoeral meeiingi ia the year at the leat the committee shall furnish a repur of their proceedings at the meeting in kington the accounts shall be audited and the office i of the soriety elected 8 in no instance shall any pecuniary aid he furnished by tfats society to pefmbs who have claims on anytownhiplunds excepting in costl of peculiar disires n commenced by the com- m it tee of the township to which the part or par ie belong 9 that this society will discountenance the practice of giving relief to uffercrbv fire or 0 h- cr accidnin except the amottftl of their lowcfl ji before a magistrate rriidtng m ihe neigh bourhood whre aid loc were fcusiamrd ap pears in lhvf petiiion and the nine during whicn he pelitiihuatt 10 bcuvdand the porliuo of th dijrit iu wtiicii to be ued be limtid 10 a far a it may beir their pou cr the com- diiiue shall provide employment for lite lower ordth 1 ho ek relief 11 toe committee shall be eloctfd annually t the meeting held io kington ail wanctes rrale in their dumber shall be supplied by iheia- elve tt thecommitletihall he empowered todraw up neand regulations fortheir own guidance provided they in no calf infringe tlvse the ftm- damtmal rules of he socitt which hall cot be altered orameuded but at the general meetings of the society the following gentlemen were then cltaed officer- oftfr sk forihe p e nt year a mmxmn jveitfefiftf j umminr v i a fibkr v p mattiikw clark v p jamk9 mcnabb k p stkimikn conilkr v p vt mitchell trtaturrr ciir u xgkrmanseerttmy for the kingston chronicle the oraclgmat 1819 no 6 0 hlrt with trmprr whose unclouded ray can inake tnmnrrou chcetful a toda b 1- who nevr answers till hf r huliand cools or if she rules him never hnws sh rule charmi by accepting hy snbmiitin sways ye i has her hiimtnr nvl when sbe obeys mesrs kditors tho following icltrr from a corres pondent will i hope have the effect of preventing our unmarried friends from putting off their happiness while they have the means finsuri it to the oraclb sir i have too much reason to believe that the more violently men exclaim against the matrimonial state the more certain ly will hej be caught al a imp per haps when much choice may not e in their poer i have often read that marriage i all hatred and bittern- or all iffcion and weetness t mppoe in early lif it possesses the icttr quali ties for i havt found them wftntitu in my own case which i no doubt flwiag to its having been deferred too long these h some where a story told that when the emperor conrad besiegrd the city of wensburc in germany find ing the place could not hoi out the wo- men implored him to let them ilepart with as much a each of them could car ry on their bak this request was granted when itead of being lotpil with gold and sifver erery one came forth with her liuluul on her bacl the fmpeioi wao moved that he gate them their live and extolled the women with the highest praises now mr oracle since you know eve ry thin be pleased to tell me bow ma ny of the wive in this good town would go out thus laden fr m part i am pretty ccftaill that i hoatd have liule chance of making my escape b such means as my spouse is btiely civil to me let my endeavours io please her be whfti they will 1 mud proceed how ever to givn some account ol myself 1 was born to very moderate expeiij- tioms which became mm h improved by il phiniiv tf a rliiitn no af r giving ne n siire in his bitine e-ia- bliliid me independently for mjseu mj time was divided between industry and enjoyment the thy pasted in bus tle and occupation new schemes io be undertaken or old specula- ions to b closed the evening was devoted to hap piness with my companions who either met ni at my own house or a friends i was considered a pleasant fellow by all who knew me and was welcome where ever i went my manners without hav ing the lat poli h were kuril as enabled me to make my appiararee in a drawing room without being marked lor awk wardness and my conversation notwith standing a guttural defect and rapidity of expression which m lie times embarrassed the hearer usualk gained attention a disposition lo oblige secured ma more friends than these who possessed much refinement and race thu pars ed a large portion of my days in a rott- fine which habil made as until i was reminded by m friends thai i ought no longer to put off hing m ritoicu up on a companion for f for a long time i reisted their ursnry being un willing to hazard my liberty with o ma ny chaures of los they warned me that a period must come when my present modr of life would have much less at traction hat declining years should be provided wiih a friend ro cheer the soli tary hour and share in cery feeling these aigument were too reasonable to told that necessity cmft u lo com wilh custom ami what uol ihe world say if we so suddenly f hanged our mode oil fc if pleader my circumstan ce the answer was tfem to robbed of enjoyments one had b- accustomed to was the greatest cruelti au hat sucn reasons slmuld have be thought of be- fore worn out with tn thildih con duct i at last assumed surn acolduessof manner as induced ou friends to drop off and they soon whoty withdrew their visits but alas the chief di now to come no murmur escaped the ladys lips wholly secluded ler chamber a sullen silence was maintained on all occasions when cnndted on any plan ihe merely replied that ajie could upt pre tend to judge in myarfwrs i certainly must know best if attempted to re- conrile her to rtirement she hoped the present mode of econol satisfacto ry otherwise i might jflwhw her priva tions further and left roc w a look of calm resignation sn heen my delights forme time my hours are un sociable my home atitappj- feeling discontented wll jnt about giving up all further opposition and r9- ihwing a life i t lest wh0 y piper offered me ti oppttunity of taking jour advice and i no u t inffojv ind what steps 1 shall a to bring the lady to a sense of her duty i m ernrccnl that privitege wia nsf em in q tion with pro igitic anil i tint while ttlry uiin- tmn th rigfif totifs rrp uoflf 6litig lit ifirm by ihr comlitution mey may be caerfntof rnrruachiiig on cukh of arc an irpr- lively m a due regard to the rights of tht cfotn a good bargain fok sk he huicjm the town of kiiigtlon irrmiica in at irtlcxi oc- there u somtniag riiwmel iolonr m l cu c0 l enf lblcubcr fur pariiculai atlvirc ilijitib no ouc of conrsr ran br ory a lo 8amuel anlyjin iuaguon may 5th 1h19 p iiu the liu ili oieitiuiioii in all iiian lias been granttj o ihesr cutonie yci n mav tu- milof dniot wkeilifr ihe boofl a uui brstuufd brture we were fully qualihed 10 receive if a immiand illuiiraiions niitit be advanced 10 icreogtlien litis position uiilioul liuwi-vcren- 1 ii hg lltllt 1111 imcni wlncli would rem 10 iftheres mtrt mukpht t my lawful we med wife has bfc mc wlthoiil unv privation fiu 1 nr and beitav our regret thai wr iil i d in c t partake m ihe blcssnof ncha lormof fiovcn- has tr lulcn ly k n or ohmw be meni we noum raiiier advic our mlow mh- taken the tite deed of a lit of litid jts and especially ihe member nfnr lceisla- in tlie viviniry of kiilbm viz lt k- 9 live buev 1 iniiiiiioiiihrr muk r v firft ffi liw of p rl a tl which iic gnvcrnor in hiif ha read nlln le- ka a u pttlatore of the uwer proiaee and in amd iwidtand umcia comny of froiteiac graipin too much al the shadow inievd of be- riovmce of uuprr canada int like wife in iu figure ihe substance of our polili- a nott fr iwrny five piuuds piyib c sy f4 been favoured itun ihe driail- t mr riclard tht f on the kill vvhicli calld forth ihr cettiircol hi- about the 2rh may 1819 d5 pat of jnicc the hnueof asembly from witai mo- ptvmeni fir ore half of fait o fiere- live wr carrrlyprestme i inquire cuucdto f i w pc agai0 rnakinr ny depart from tlk rule whrh eutmn the printing r c l e t purcraieof iht afoieiaid lut nr vakiog any omtiaft or agreement foi tht fdd of the bill on tlir m rrade g patrick murphy kingston 6h ahy 1819 93 by late arrival u- 11 accounts have been note on any pretence wiatever without received io ttc 3d ol p illiom kiilaiij win re my fanftion we regret io tind inai ciminerciai ernharra enil continue 10 prevail tli importer of cfton a we frnn tlf unltrri siale u from india have nihereil iftnous losc front ih de- preciation ihat arncle ism the suiijeci more iuimtiliatelx ihiemting 10 ihr mercaultle pa i of he canadian coinrannttv is the lu brief f lir and tinuher ihue staple articlo of our trade in the brinsh market lie icebrnive up at 0ebec on 5ih april and vre have breu informed thai on ihe ul iuiaul lno veads lud arrived at ibal port fruui knglaiid in this cae of sieliccey i was at fint inclined to advise thai the ufe should be ieft to herself until jkej t ofhw unnatural stillness ljt cuumdera- tion vo much blame seentcd to fall on the parly complaining tat jutice te- quiitn a conre from him instead of launching into a course of dissipation but 00 attrjctive to a young female he henld have commencd as he intended to continue quarrelling indiscriinin- atr with all his f ienrjs was equally in judicious since a sclctioii would have icndi d bis houe cheerful and n rea- spnuule woman happy- before there fore he can have a tiijhf to complain he must retrace his steps establish a socia- m circle at orne and sucrinco some of his feelings to indulge his wifes inclina tion when we consider the liule discretion nlucltis ued in forming inalrimonialcon- ncxtoiis it is not to be uouderedat that fomiialla harr of happiness exists iu thi tate on ihecontrnry tteems nr- v a v v cvi laeih r n ht nunivf t lio niier consult each othern dispomtiin- intllthe aie miiied forevei tho rtate aid ihe y witty aed fil- ih servile and indi pendent are hrowtl leg tiei o inri iiniiuif that nolhiui but misery can be xpected deceit is the precursor nf matt hes to hide intead of dispjiuu the teal ficutiiiienis ofihehart ueiau becomes the care of both partita a proposal delivered uith timidity and rtobt is followed by smiles of condpciiiniij aid having ex pended all the t humour in courtship nothing ut contradiction is left fi r the time lo come ti- then the inipoitam neglect is discovered and only to be pp mettled by unwilling sacrifices on both sides which a r nuftlly precedid by con tention lilv- travellers who set out oil a inuriiev uhhout liirniitc the difficulties the have to imicunter iheir time is wasted in sormauiiting obstacles which a prviit nrmnemenf would uatc ena bled them to avoid another necessary requisite to connubial felicity i mutual forbearance french author jntly obscivri m that waie all fool andthe liet that ran h aid i that sonic are less so than other so m it h respect to temper nil hat- faults and small i his boasj who has fewest tin most forti- nnte circumstances are iiiullieient to con fer happiness uiihouf patience which is necessary in enabling olhers to bear with our infirmities as in assisting us to his kxcellency sir peregrine maitand ha heenplased 10 nppuini mr john w ferpuon a uarv pnlibe if thiow to lfcl and yjfjiun giver th tit cf may nx a wop fronting h market lairly dcnpied y mr archibald rich- nrond inqutte uf p smy til also two fittail houses ppc- fitcsi gtirgcs church poitrfllm giv en ill may p smyth april 16 irlo its port oh fcjygitoi arrived mav 1 f b4a l josn benjairm tnrkrr master fvoin oreo carpo pnik an piifih otr boar pofkod i- tuckrr ma- irr frnm owrgo rargo ror ail puiah s scik catturifit jam lvoc mairr uvm nw tlilr cargo siaics siutn boat sophia s m vmieiiau inafrr from sackris martwr caigo parjigriatitl hacgajt srli bite m p jlatrh mairr fimn mrgn raig il sclitravrllrr firo coituk master frun sat kn ijh l0r rarpn pimaf sc own jkidai ktnclaumamr from llumiliuii cargo u0lir 4 steam boat cbarluttr john i i mav tfrfom mwula fr straw bat sophia whi vaughan matct c srli ap vvh oidfritnatrr dom nia gara cargo flour and srac rtbarbo miy i si fain inai fiyntcnac jaics mckin h i uo dnrham boats for montr at rro pirk potaue and flour sell i new lailr no 11 e all pcrfon are cauuooed againn pu c hating lot no 22 in the 7th c n- ctfli 11 of frleiickbjrjli or lot no 27 iu ihe 1 t concern u ot rihrnm i mm th lltir nr affienet cf dovii hct a tic sobfcriber holds n nuiipmime title to the tone gil nrthakls sidney aih t3i8 3 from jickvn oxiord jaumal prssen population ljlw t bc of tm jlitinand 1 erriio y cf rh irefcnt civile led worlrfj s rxhirited by 4r rnlld pves to ci ina to rni tioft- nd tzoo oo fiuare mile- of twitoryi i grcai lii- tahi o m honi of population rihi oo- arlne fur 06c fqnare mile a d to the v iiej sieam dual saphialur sackeis su n an 2 cooooo c and the utal of the whole wirldi 1 fpop- ulaitm 43500000 and tcplo k 9 6r7 goo tqiare mile in that the ju ft- sell betsey for oiro n t4e ntwl tfirttllfj flc memher m ali havr the arell home term v tfthrmidlnud iftrtft school society of m qnoan excepi ffi china jv not will br held at the school houfe on included tl thl becaufe it onmirih mny monday the 10 h may 1819 kingllon 7th may 1r19 ry urdci robert rtcimrdson secy m i s s pan- hurhainiivthelplek and eft- e atn p ftthts 150 million of tu jeet- in her iiual empire and ever- a hominia i h bank notice damv of uppfcr canada dirkcioltfo refpk c- a 1 lag r man esq davaof dcounterery wedes- equal 0 netrly onrfifll uf the whole lur- facr of the globe but her main brnirtu tnufi alwryt denend upon ihe renurcc- intelligence fplfit anl c n icjter f her nalive population h the brilih g dr notes nflrctl for discount must h curiousintfhtioh jn vckcrroinc mapazi e for thu month is n aerouii of a machine denominared the pedestrian fimy horse invented by a barun von drat a genleman at the cout of the ceding ihe discount n s i5autlkt cashier theatret st k x llieir- it was then rtsotvxt lit thai the viniie iieailnpied and be printe j oner mm fir cliroitirle an i lliali id tlmtnvlift 1 u- tow 11 i nviml to jon ii scm and maine iw gatleuun to vetoa3 mwaberict ibecommttlr be opposed and i turned my attention to a new object choice however irt not now left mr 1hose for vrhom i felt a preference did not ive much en couragement rcceiviui mc either ith starched gravity or told indilferenec others appeared pleased by m attrn- tiona and laughed at my witticisms un til the approach of some younger man withdrew their regard- and my devoirs were unnoticed such as seemed desir ous of fixing my observation i fancied were induced to do so from th indepen dence of my circumstances it would be tiresome to relate all the mortifica tions and disappointments 1 met with suffice ii to say that i was at last made happy by the hand of a young lady with mop than a common share of beauiy and a temper apparently the sweetest in naturii months of conjugal felicity rolled on without interruption and 1 considered my joy complete at length however the gaiety aud dissipation ol a new mar- ried life began to tire and 1 ventured to propose that as quiet accorded most with my habits it would be better to retrench our expenses and spend more of our time alone tins suggestion was receiv ed with a smile of assent that charmed me but day alter day passed without any visible change the gay and the giddy still thronged th drawing room chess and visiting tilled up the morn ings od merriment of every kind clos ed ihe day friends who came tobreak- last were detained to 11 family dinner mid midnight lound hem unwilling to depart- hcrronsfraace was vaiu i was thi irtut- iv particularly necessary fo tv retired intercourse of a lamily wheie fjie ii du- uiitpci ii l 1 by puhli- obsecration for it is not un ci inmon to iind men of the most winning manners abroad liule belter than ly- rants at it me similarity f disposition aud m lual forbearance cannot fail to insure true ctmfrt these are most frequently found in early marriages when tin- plianc of temper will permit us to bmtd our feelings to that kindred symjiatliy which alone can alford happi ness kingston chronicle kis6st0n v c mjv 7 1819 in our nciriing columns will be fomul t list f iht mh pard b the lcgwuiurr of ih low er province dhtfhf il lale ktstoih the parlia uenl was prorogued on the 24th of april with- cul havin mahr provision fur fhr rivil ynt ox tn3kul f tlivcnrrtnt year j su thai ihe volun tary plrile x- ifnikc of assembly stiuldl tsn- rtdrrml it tu pear from the reiulttiinu of the i ji iioimp iul iliv bui brought in for mak- iii uch poiioi propoei a mode t unprece dented unrf umonitttutionaf u ua in fact formed upon be most democratic prhciple f l- r ir not only the right f witiug ihe supplies hut that of appropriating them in deuul aud alto of tiding the number aod docnpfion of ihe servat0f the crown hi grarr the governor in chlrf expresses in fnrrl- ble tenfr tht utter iisap0tinrul if those ex- peetatiiin which he had formed on his first tak- iokhargeof ihr fioterninrut of lits majetls dominioni in nm th america toward the cloe of bin spffch he rtrnngly recommends lo ibr em hereof the legislaiorr he pfccmttj of iheir obtaining bianchn of the lribla 11 kimmlidpi of iiwit coai1tmima twii and ol uihkti j hriusrh s acquuinhml a individ usvith tbevalue of lueir cooiuiulioaof gv cnclnshc to thcnbift r tldav pre grand duke f baden- and which lus been introduced into thi mnniry a ttade man in lfmp ce- iic principle of thi invention i tnken fr m the art of staitinfiizna rnfils in the ft r pie idea of a feat upon two wheels propelled hy the feet acting upon the ground the ridinp lastlght of performante thia feat f faddi i fixed on perch upon stas0u ti double fhd whecu running after rack fa thai ihey can go upon the fom- mts williams benefit way o prefers the balance i fmau boaid covered and luffed u placed bcfore mrs williams repecvully informs on which the arm3 are laid and in front of the ladies and gentlemen of kingfton which u a utile guiding pole which hed th2t her ienefit is fixed for in the hand to direct the route the monday ev fining wuh a pj we fj il t ki led can travel m amnlt beyond belie mq1 lol- r eiijht nine and even ten mile may it it when will be prefented a much admired a be paffed over within the hour on faftihnamccleeam comedy m 5 afls writ- good level ground the machine it i cojccc wflf inrfav fivil ior urctlcn- gcrs and even furlong jowncy they do u lj aa4m iw iviveas they were and maids as they are to conclude by defue with the much admird and laughable farce of the budliktop blunders for charaber fee bills not weigh more than fifty pounds and may te made with travelling pockets the price is under jjtq a a proof how highly the inhabitants of banbwy and it ncighb urliood appre ciate the good atifine from thai meritori ous intlitution the bank foi saving- es- tablilhed in the borough the depoftt from the indulrrimib amount to between 6 and mr p hildttem blug to inform the inhabitants of 7000 and altogctlicr not 100 have ivingiton that he has commenced a been withdrawn therefrom this i fuffi- scuool in a houfe owned by mrs cient to convince the enemies to gnd or- burley oppfitc mr btancharde he tcf der that frugal mcafnres are on the increafe pedfnlly folicits the ailendance of tins notwthlanding all their efforts to rhv a youih in thai place to whom will be paid rcverfc the bank has been cftibliflied every neceflaty attention but between tight aud nine months terms t foreach ftodying arithmetic reading degradation 0 a prime minister his writing c one dollar per mnnth chincfc majesty has latey displaced ant thofe fludying englifli grammar by degraded sung tajin his prime minifies chart which is the new approved plan fix becaufe he pref timed to advife him not to dollars for fix weeks in which lime if vifit certain tmb of hu ancestors and they have arrived to years of difcrction had intimated tbataguat drought then and good undemanding by their diligent prevailing was occasioned by the kmjeor application to the lud y theieof he war- intention this was deemed uch glnritg lanta them a good knowledge of it dilobrdience to the command of sir oly particular attention will be paid to his majesty that it ww impoffibe doi t grammar scholar from 5 10 8 oclock a p m and from half paf 4 to y p m kingllon vpril 28 1819 i blank deeds and memorials eor isle at this office he fliould he deprived of hi ouu iu be reduced to wcara button of the fixuira k and be fent to the eight standatdt tf wan dering ihepherds at tha tui urb 1 1 is nnme is to be retained on the book d if for eight years he cmmit no eut le ma 3jjan be eligible for his foirrt 1

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