Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 23, 1819, p. 3

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fttfl inyn ppnrr trrrft aojuoierl iv hrw uo nrr infornvd m much wir- rifr to an tnii f tho kind which lux as v ukrii placi the romiier and fto- purs i h rural i fntlms ditriit a a hrre- dhikind grarucoimlr tbv cmnili- ii rid mixed bind born- 1 rattla npr- rltflufl he hpt ond win admi red alt trailers ho arc clad to my tnul th produced ta i lie canadian far mer- proved thai hum indbrvn fad mfh in iii h can and ilenidinrr fhc l nl mearb the rtlrcllor sjirrdny be for rir wn- prnnind h toin- pr nt judz t be qual to nu thloif of hii kind imiidl mt wihin cnai britain bfcm siuvp fiiijetird by mr anditon or the anatdcer on tor- 3ip- sold fof one huitdfl d dollars it is to behopd that the farmers will ro thr advaufpg i iiirin l heir breed and mode o fattening 5h pb fiittffltl m weidd dry ft op tv weak h ea rnmy nine g pa for itirii i- p aid ht dually jpoe his progress tn iattd of live were iliu stciilicvd io o le- i able u vif nry lin- i ivrr ihe fonrqvriicp nf hi pasoon 1 afiittae inififtcs with mir hiiprrinla5 lrsn im in the 1 hion of itior uhn vllnk iod m v be follnwcri liv shame and rrmnre in ever nrvin nf feeutg i indulgence aio incivii is i ii i niqurrinp ihrliauil ka on only eon restrain n h riuvriiois or its fnll aifl itpiil yh are at way iuciva vt net lrscimd by impaiieuce and healnnr who jiothbeaea an equal mtnd can attain uu di uiiv v kingston chronicle from the batteries of mittittsaat point frederick and fort henry accompanied with a feu dc joic ftum the troops of the garrifon communication mr morrisons benefit the approbation thi gentleman ha re ceived from the ii habitants of ecfngfton u certainly fljttrrin and wc know he feels gtatem fo pall favors wt alf hnpe thit tllough driven into a roil at ihr prefent moment he will acquit him felf with credit as a performer and honor ai a man the sclrctlbn this jrrntlrmnn has made at the the 8tain in tllil iki jilnirhcoci sril trrnt nil the atvanmci nf white- lat uthl there wa a hoivv fall of smnwj and theicon tha lawrence oppo- sii i tint lvi still rrmains lum not- tfiltottftlldlllfi a nml deal of mild ncalh- er aud tltff lftteipriwg tides- n jfot i7e tjsgstos ciiitjyicle tub oilaclm april ibl9 no 5 coo who mavto ih raralnno can iiarmo- fiiye ihia hj tire ifitjiun ol ccmmdii victt bors an j jos mesiiw kditorsi cftlyxwrd auii mut rtraf to mankind l a faic mjuirini riiai bsa fr icrtn hich kxjn our d i ta rvr rali oiinr mn be eontarj to hutire and dfrsjcefnl in preporlioii n ii rittrt us utilil fnr llic ilmif wf arc io jrvm tfu dcnuiiojro f illttin is carrd b tome cil or mtpfted iljafjj i- often arise on h rhhi tilling nccufcinw jifm rpnition i invalnninry uo ah il coj- vnl of mir rtftwbh tu prfevcvl m uilirrfurr vnpov ibl- but locluck it mttsl nlw b iii iitr jnci- kciwrn itrindbecoinfsli a- hon jndfrmnt ii3 tm tfl ihrrc bfld twtinu xcti- for iiluiti i iii f- tm paiui j ile graril disotrbe i miincin coir aid pacft it cfnr war- audi nlv b wn ia clo b it the diftii of fiti nti ueijtii- bo9lh is kindkrt and in foifltflfs vi ce it aiii inp u lonn i prrfcofs mnojriir or tti- tatnlivv a corr pondeni of huh iia tfxcitt flitted ihw in tlir fm on nc ihier to tu 0alc i bearae early i ut ailachcd 10 a nune mn wiii vbtom 1 a rdneir to a bona- oinr ajjpruiaree wrre uottnl i imoi mhlj jgpofntutftllstf trmpi anl atiabihiy mauorr jjis tolicfy nw h h fll bi aniin nr i nntft iihmifl to u circlt t ucji a hitf i osiiiiid happuitm wfnr ni w united gftliim when lifcamr ul uff b ibr con- ntf onrlrid ia mr uotiu nt in dotnirrnied irlkli cl wsm n d iwe chaiyp t- u the rwi humour nf m in my ulltfjumtf urn todtinp ha pteo h ioa prrmmlcft th itrtw all the hamhim l our doihahc life the nore t a tlour flu ed lfjl uih c vherc or the ludttill huriilluul pni lm lv pnvtkmah ihmv him lam umrui ja i i a vc ihri throji rfcnanliiis s ihr lame or di ptarfe ttrt tlisit be rtilii r up- rjtid him vioknil or nc hi temper iluu the ntjiandcr ol ihrdnin r i have kinai him fv m rae if the hre anmmej in pn ioo ifv ctjier ti abenie and sr ir i un ibujj r atnivs n kflmi- nftrlj and derlfciti c hould he rdlnrd f h rc hul for h m life o month ai d tufjuii mr oracle tha ae rfctwldite roy enr hrp mi by hem ajnoyrd a everv tnllr aic u so 5 ijom tolled lolhu woiid uiai a csiial inleirup- tiou bm1 disturb iual eq uliich alone can enable is in enj enence f yet vhal twjii- ib mot the peron 1 mftlkofiw nrajrfdinamrami k1 tie umn der vnmi aj l irwi nimoi ai le roar cf cannon why i bi- a a an e a violent noiwa a lrsr ore f vbffl hi 4t abroatt he filthy rees serm bw ud lim yet how much rore dsagrecame than a 1013 rd table cloih i re frden ciowded walk e thearresand public places were lie fisoft bis bfficubflttw ib great rieltniy and pailihv jet the waiter whn3ecdeoally iepn or foot in birring up the tire is reeled for a clnaiy blockhead how can yon se reconcl all this iiirousis- enc re ueh brtliiwnmif wrath only o be dip1aed in rrtvale life where to mttrb of he comfort of ocieiy rest or i thre any rrode be adopted whirh will rlrawi he mdl jire of a weakne o degrading i oner read an ac count of a pbiloopk who nlwav irpeaed the alphabet whfn ha found himself tn darger of becmiogirrifaeri and ibnf5wehlrt rime to remimc it empire yom would much oblige me bv reeommndtng this irr to all iln a have minedlheir tamper- b inihilsenee and i trust thai will not wtfcvd from me ynur advice on ihia trjii r fttra i 9 yuurobcdtent servant risrilla ttii account i fear i by no mean- exayge rated too much of tnf lipppmes of your life being deinyrt b apeei hnfs of dpiition hichrefiectdigrac upon human rafure yet st bktfl be aeknowtedch that this humour is by no means confined tn either party in i be matri monial staie since tadif not infrequently di pta it with litte pronration 1be regligence of a milliner the diajoinment of an unex pected pleairc or the breaking of a chiraviife bare been kmwn ro ruffle tempers which ffris- foriuee ad iw routed these inlirmiiieshoiihl induce u to practice mtltlial forbearance jjen of business tnok for their comfort ai home af ter croe- and faiigites innumerable tis there be ei ek fornhtce ntid ihe prospect of quiet fneia rirement enables them fc neatly 1 en dure lilfll patience uian inconveieicet wlch are known only to thcrmehc a doapoint- men in these expeeiiium huui 0lfoi a ilie calmness 50 hardl actfvtlreb nippoi unes nake peei i btubortl to arr fc tirnofmllv unreqiiilpd for the toil inev mdr gi i btimd them eaemany mrri reoter their t h inntir after irrttatioo h c ieg left oormiced and iippoiilion invariably tend to ahri fuel tn the fame yet tame acquiescence would be despicable and spirited conduc freqiierrly re strain a ielcrcr nf temper vhich ihewnt of resirtance would oly encourage nothine inks n man fo low a thai urv pet- tihnes vbich taken of the weakness of an opponent it n sure nark of cowaidict- and frneltt and le who can bbtttf the afleciion of an amiablr female or irannifr over scu ant inm he ba in hi power would if h had the nenns rial a nero or caligula in bat barons in- bpmanily rttti in ore of mr expedirier lor a i orse frnir hi cbfo ot io etttfytpg a ronempihe tier hcra- w haaed b dftmaij rayr ihbl lr scibisrbuic mw3 a hotklodtveri ti ito a wc brj to direct the attention of our readers tn the adtertrtrmr nt notifying the meeting io be held at ihe rnurthoitw on tlnima nei fl- cftalily io hi sd rejoin ion adopm by the me ling held ur path tn kehrnary lat tiie mihjec upon rncli the inhabitants of the qsfe tnc pre invited o give their opinioi h tin riatltifdh of seriolk itnporance from ill w can coll the app hf- ib have jor aljoaj much oi8jir nenbiou of ihe osatrr and d gi of ttre ti opod tt society for ijctterng ibr run dit ion of th- poor in the midland litrit if we harv tokca a correct view of i rcheme there certainty i no intention o gwe to ihe cseneral cotnraifie a fctithottiy o interfere in hr conecrn ofpafiieiilar pitvhip w ihr contrary in heeigliih resolution ue tmd it a trrtrd m itdittfu pjrtinrn- bxhtrstf fir a 7wfl- shlp trf hi trnyartett hj if own subconarittrt warejnioded ta no pcmin would he o offiiruit dind nv loiqkr i poo tlirnvrlvev a g a er miaetule ihwe ofpioeldirg fill ifco hitligeih ban thir sittiallims arl poiti dd tie iqictl and ll mi id indeed be v eppinc oim ifjtbflf wav u ona n uuoaukf i 0ae6 deitlleifiro ie kiflgflw weie m nfrk o iomiioul the eypenditur of utr conirihinnstfi any u her tow tihip bu heir own to w append that ifie propofd soci cm etupjoc- a n geo- nil nnl i aolftfiobjtbitte pmvuions theii mnj lead 0 ihe prceiitiki of la peim and fm d hh of the genctal cmwjiitteeatf trlcily wo lined to the stilingaml earriug law eft pr bnchmratrrrt k may be jhrtged im filled far producing lh happy re uhu this piiuci- ple the introduction nf ftatiog httnki we i poed and afenwrm if in rodtkcd mir woiu e evarllv be piucimj untlor lb ronttwd of the qenrrai cdtaiiiitire because tiieir benont are expeeied o ex end itinr goai th birie j so rln wolii al mbei geiiersil meuurtn l piovc- tiot viii retpffct tothr etamubmro of ai h- ptir in kihchohi soiiieii ti oi tzi ttffl iir ai silch rt iiutiution wouiil lol lw ul verafbeocq ittod iliai nsettmiiis it 4uaiuir to j j uu tiftht powwhip fur cotjiibiior iji lhehri pltice viiwoii are metely invited w cintnbitiea w3 udsll prupoiiion of fhe muu renioel io u raised janj tfnhe fecund jitnre we wt jn insist tiia epn tde jrtuif uttutt town bipjt ritozted hi the eay ol qiintc wcmiio tfccac civry be tif from tle intluutlop vewi id temtl o if- atlirtoiaico iyhapiialanbiuli inj-ng- lam ul hrcuniu tiw ii uat chief imnitl r cou i3ie- o ir many itmaocei tt is mdcu more difficult jbrtbe dlstanl vlllagb mderiie ni y ii ii 1 1 uni hivhif l hn i 15 lieie jor lie m ertitvc xlfwilhlpslohhorein ihe ilvaea rir an mr piialbniltul kng n ant et wooevei heard a utitiiuiir agatum a oitn tloptluf or nraned lltai i wa not geuerrrty uetjcucial in the ooomy at largft wrak win imhe ilittie ihy duriuk ihe mimmer nod even the w inter m- dlh df eun- nmnafa pallem jabonrinp under dironlcd-min- iletvrtuiferlng from resident 6 mi or on iuil i jo not sunin uoa- ami leudts furnttl us with ihe easirsi and moi epduatnmqdf rf cunvfvunee in ingund kded it i a ertis ch iderailn timovr aiqnutcdaguuifd jkit iweiuj ot tioit rules in a aagson and et to oo am cood nirifu i ai vice u much larger io foey i ofien rrnmpli bed al it i empoible o belh a ho pilal o eveiy townrliip fctf do think un ler all eircoflhtaprw that miner tovnshilh ho id reap noji cotiidrahlebi ncu f om isrit j ine to the ho pis1 pniosed in be buil in kik t there i one 0 ay tare to he derive j from u of hn dtffiir- caoror tie ptve ilrni thiv i lir being eemed o ptneore gfuic ntdtclneanl ni4ralepriccibrofcouivq v ltpe an aoald forma bt anchor the itwn- uj i mihitf meat upon die wlole wp are rjniced tof od thr the snbj ci bacieiied uifirier ioer i oesu liave heiutnea opicef irryv ip mv are boslivr permaded ia qitd i been tvmb wadetmlfi oiiheohjecio wacha- un uie would have been urged aaint the germal ptauof the prpo el sucietv webfgoi ona our icider nlt offlut iimtdtogive lion wirtmin- upon it a we hope thai cji w ll come foiwad vpuilj for that purpose tut theaa ofmeetuig tue wa herduritic the prrnt wek ha- ben exceediiigt tine the snow ltatoll ditapp- cd and we arr raiilied wiih the welcome sp- proaeh of spring ifc fled row top saltan mnrmurs of the north the splendid raiment of lh c pee pi forth hc uinverftl p reo ard hie cler ky peigh il n ore nnd triie the gazli ge wide ovr the nriiu in rttoc moisture iron s o tip thr vimpie dower or creep along the mellowed oil the ice hefere tke town rta broken up on samirda last b aroe orh rwt winl sf era veseli from the tniicri state with fl earoe have already taken adonotfc of tiis a ill lr limrtr4 iii tiur ppi xfi ariau the flout bmoghl over werr inform ed i horded under ihe rejilaikitv of the iac act of parliament for rxjioi ation firm the jio- tiiiee the steam boa sip bhl bit ea a sakeii harbor and ta n pl a passage hoal between thai village aril king ton t a foe commodious ifttttl and n l dtovfl woeful in fncilitatiog the intercourse between the opposite 5hnrc kindness atnl liberality ol the inhabitants of the town wc are hppy to hear that mr carpender and aum moote have vol unteered lhiirservices on this occaicm lrvtrs of the drama foki of msubios jfprit ip isio hnain7 tchonrxr 0 tltin a futlwn bon nrttttr pom srdus gargq a jinntitj offwkjteur awl patmh rth shoottff fowktra preey joint s wuuttentfwff p llnrbor tngo ptf0 si 5 mriientr union tnhn tn6 matjrom 0wctt mrn pork find flour t ic lriunp bz ul oiflkt mirye from s ifrqr fargorhtir vvrf vk fnnntf ftwgtttr z sherwood milrr ovgo cnrgojl nr ani porfc sch aiwiri wo miuiinnitrrffom qtvtgtl cargo pwkxnit pti jtneriran fttm bottl topma wmi vauglun rtir ptitttngersnnd jtje ei crai b jluril 10 tii ituh icfcvi ivayffcfrer jane prffiftftlj r keear cftrgo wf rthonttit sflm- vc4r irnjf one geo smiti nta- gaw eaiyn mrrcirndtoi setf dftw branchy for soda pauengtrs and sac tee perry james s white for sack ct tiarbr ll sere rtfttfnt eaisr satfj pw- scngzrs ard tizjcc fedre wtfmp s cjoa or sacft- tw hqr srhr hrrn gro mihsfbr ov gte jprj frf rflrf i pawe- atff9ftfdai ililintvh onhe7th inr hr jixa t iipko him raehfx patatre h alomr uavio b liitt o of hi w nciv arcohot irmuw ll i zbaotq s dppet canada on he h apnuiam whuah klifo a ship mfjgatrepo brtjibfuiolan i juhn pwwl rnilder at qmsbec much praine isdnmoair maturn simpson of relhill attilliertnvi f ihe fciuducis and atention ihiptwrmaoioher honw whiltt l kami h df pent manner id trhich the funer al wus con tin it cfi irlrga i cua jonv wfuo mi 1 pf if it price vntt in the kingstvtl jxlttrket ryrctt sray liin i vri-lr- ti fr tr- 1 t 0 0 g l mution u o 8 val 0 0 0 1 0 prk h fimls ii 0 x ft turkey u 7 5 crrvc 0 4 0 vhte u 0 bhifr 0 1 j u it 0 0 muir mub 0 ft 0 plw ft 7 0 pflftfuc 4 0 s 0 oaii o t 6 tiriip i 0 tliiliasi atl ft 0 5 ft 1 0 15 0 1 7 fi t lou 0 0 7 iwl 1 0 0 10 y iil 0 11 sraw bmv ft ft i vt i 1 0 iii ll 0 o 0 0 n o i o o o o o 0 0 n i o 0 ft f ft l ft 7j 0 l 4 ft o 0 0 0 0 a 1 6 1 3 o ft 7 fi theatre mr morrison has the plcafurr of annnuncinir to the public that hia benefit will take pla on mondjt nlght the 2t5ti lull and lht vr crpn dek and mil moore have tolun tccrcd their cervices for that night- tue yvondeu a woman heps a secret gibby mr oltluson donfltx mr cakfkkoeft xsahel1 mu oure llllueen the pliy anil farce a h ulfcj mil i luuii 1 he comic song fthttutul it rptr rau1ff by mr llhiams robin aiik lv ir lar dfrirr rv mm m beanin op pin vrlsil by mr hunltey the evening 9 entertainment tn concutlc with the much adorned faicc of the honest tu vi- or thr fuuitui iriwrn obaoiaji mr molrlson u mifs mooite xhkk libijauy vtlj he venat the court llnofc v every mnnjiy nd thih fiy from two until foul clck in tlic ftirnnon where lubfcrtpiions fr kediuir will beta ken ac thirty shiltige pe ycr 01 ten hilling per q tarter psyahle in advat f revenl fharcsin the laid 1 ivary aic for fale at fie guineas and ihe ufuyl fub fcwption the annual fubfcription to be pid on the 11 ft monday in october next tb zr- rcaraje to be jaij t the lame utve- the prifent pioprictir air rrquietl to pry their 3icaae to nake no five guickao frrm the bryinninj in tlcfmili of payment their haie b c m- foifeited all momfl to be ad to the trc2frer william mitchell efq manager jr 181p r- v mr stuaut jils maclfas eso tbouab marxlano rq lwrkvce ilkuciimfcr eq juh ivikby kq treasurer viliiim autchell esq zrcrttunf john kikuisun kq jllbrnriauj rkiiako iatminc 17tf to let rfnd pttfftfivn given ihe st of xjay next a hop toitlnj the miket latrly oeupied by mr rtliibid k mund inqoirc if p smyth alsoiwn fnall holsv -pno- 11c st georges church pofttfti n giv- n ill may p smyth a pnl 16 i3ig 16 for sale on commission a few band- f prime on andaga 3 4 0 ifi o 6 r 3 10 ft 0 h 0 in 0 0 3 10 r notice jhn kirby kingston 17th march 1819 12 koti e 4 el perform are cautioned againfl pnr- chafing lot no 22 in the 7th c n- ctflion f frederick fhury h or lot no 27 in the it cop cc lion ulthmon tiorr the lleirs nr aftitmicc- of divi hif as the subfcriber boldaauindifpu table tide to die fa e gllerthaild sidney 4th dec 1818 3 we perceive that in confequence of a petition from the mngiftrate and other of the eafleru d fii erremenr the lt governor by bis i rncanvhtion of the lth apil has been pleaftd to grant to the sheriff of ibat dlftijcl and to hi suc- ccftore the right and privilege of holding a 1 uhhc fair within the town of corn wall 1 w ice a vcar 1 he advantages refult- ing from i blic fairs are fo great tht we are ftirptifed tl at the maginrate and inliabitnrts t f thi ard the other dir have not long ago applied fur the privilege lately granted to the e ftern duhici wr urrferard ih in eon fqierce of ih tale heav iaiisnil -hovei- oicuuif ihetnon iriirh damage ha been rime ir taiiou an thr rouiiliy snnif milt dm hbf hreu fnokrn down inpiil hidpr rani- d jvaj and m ma ny plrees ihe ean-evny- in bwfh injotfd tbal ir- 1 z ha been found hoih d ffirul and dao- gfioua this being the dav appointed f 1 ecle bitting the annivcrfary of the bith f flin koval i ithnefstie pri i g ii lue was a iwtlte oclock confohm ally of hr 2nd men iuliou adu l tah flu ijlh ivuiinr jij fir- ndjoctwd mpfting of the magistrates nul nhahunnis f fhis ditiirf fn h nf thr court huse intifurslaihxt for the purpose of eon drin4 lhr frspwlpflr of etab- ihine a sorirt b liiij ihe rondi- limi of th poor tli ivland ditrief sec fee tlm h ftrel iuiiirsfrd ar therefore rqeafrd give the it attoiitl- anceaccoruitiuv afxr pisitett tm ias maltivlaxd itvrfmiti bank notice dank op uppfr canada dikkctor for he ensuing week d waiinirnn ksiprr uaysol discount eery wedves- day notes ottprrd for dticoust must ho enclosed to ho caihii r tveav prp- cedlne the discount day with the name of too appicaut s bartle xotii e whereas 1 am informed that jethro j ckfui is about to fell or make ft me transfer of land he ha lived on by a furcihle rntry and a violent trcf- paf- on my pioftrty and that i hold a ten years itale from john ware wh wa du ly bulhorifed by jethro jackfon to leaf the fant to me therefore any per fen or pcrloni interfering wiih my property un der any pretence whatever from jethro jackfon will meet with difappuntment and us amos ansley inyiton april 20tb 119 7 3 as ray cvw having come into the premie of mrs frfyth the own er u leqoelicd to 001 hi- property 10 pay ihe ex pence of lbi adertifeaent and tdkc hr way fwlf- 16 saint georges day saint george is the patron saint of fnqlam f r thi- hc fol wing reafon is aflincd when roliert duke nf vor- mandy he fon of william the conqueror wa fightiiy against the turk and fay in fitic to the famoi city f nlioeh winch wa expected t- be relieved hy thr sara cens n george appeared wth an inniinc- rahlf armv c ming down froni the hills all clad in wlite with a red crofs on hi man ner to reinorcc ihe christian this fo ler rifiid the infidel tint ihey fled and left llic cliihlianr in r f ti itiii if lie inwn urdei the name nd enfign of st george our iftoiuu edward ml in 1344 in- ftituted the moft robe older of the gar ter it- eftabilhmcnt is dated fifty years before the koight o st michael were inflitued in france by lewi- xi eighty year- hefote the order of the gcrmcn fleece eflahliftied ly p ili the good duke of hurgundy and one hundred and ninety ocfre the order of st andrew was fet up in scotland by jimes v the emperr frcteiic iv itiftituted in 1470 an order of knighfin honour f t gc re and an honorable military order in ve nice hert his name st george is ufu ally punted on horfehack and tilting at a drag n under his feet but thi- reprefen- tatioq is no more than an emblcmaiical figure purpnrting that by hii faith and chriftian fortitude he conquered the devil cihed the dragon in the apoaiypfe there were fnmc alterations made in the order of the garter in 1557 and 1788 1 cmfilt of twentyfix kights or com panions generally atl peer or prince of whom the kins of england h fovereig or chief they are a corporation having a great and little feal their officers are a p elate chacell r regiftcr king at arms and nfher they have alfo a dean and twelve canons with petty canons ver gers and twenty fix penfioner or poor knights- 1 he order 1- under the patron- ec qt pvotcftion of 1 ctfrge of cappa- locia the tutelar faint of thi- kinedom tteiv colvgr is ht id n wj o atlle wiihm the haiel of st gfarrt uwl the chaptcrhoufe reded by the u indrr for thar purpofe the origin ol this otdr is differr y reutd h diffe em ath r he tun nwn arrount ik ihii ii wa- rreted in h- iur of 1 bartei 0 the con rl- of ifbuy which he dpjed ii dancing anil which wa pi k d nphy king dward hut or befl in denounee tiii- as rafixui camden fen and ntuer thuk it wis infliluted or efi u f the vjfb y h- tainrd river thr frc ch t the banlc f crctt when kdwrj ordered tin carter to be difpved a a lignal id ati to commemorate thi he tutfe a garter the principal ornament of iir ordei erected in memiiy hi fina vicry rda lyn- bol f he inilthble ihio of lr k ijjqtf the hait and enlrgrt f h orier trr a furco ll garrer munc h d prorge colar can a d frailer hf morio n the jjrrer nd fta i hum soil qui ni y fftff evil fr- tn him ilj evil ttiink the girie i of blue velvet honjcred w i gold hf gcgf 1- ihe tihic of st georpe on htiback in ai ur tn- einmtering a druko wttn a tiiinr fpir the wiole of vo d eramlled lt 1 y he enrirhed wiih jewel at t pafue of e pftcitoi it u worn arrof the rht fhiulde pendant t- a goter blue r dxrlc riband i be collar i of gold h c if orxfatricd that the k night i fhou nl- wayfl wear in public emhr iilervt in the left fi of their coats or conk the croft of st gerge furr un ed wim the gar ter with lays of filver forming 4 liar of eight p inji thi- is the itofi anricnt ai rohlr jp order in the world and the 00 y o eiich ia been gi anted t fci 1 r 1 f thi- itulliii u ordm er ve he e iht cm pel ot i il fjimauv ii fei nf france tvttf fcnret qf oe ki 1 of rra n icteu kitlq t pciiinuat t 00 vnp f p- in d j lw k nyf swe den foe klis of en k tok a of map cs ine king of iiy ni j u- ffjltm one luqg f vhrina ti kis of co 1 ml j fie prineeo ii j thirl y four foieifl tlccu ke- mjr- gavc and r i at 9 haptet hed u x 1 7s1 it was did h u inii c- er cn uld oonfitl of ihe lover vn td ien tyfivyknrghm tvejiifive if r io e u napflv r his in fi v 1 have n or hall he eec kiighi- f thi muft noble order cuu- fort nir ktmatii thejiiuoxtngu takn tno oniuje pi 1 10h04 nntt pui it into nia tjuait i u put thcreluai much of i he imk l asi rontalhe it ior wiuovcr let it iad 10 r 12 hluw nod if n ly for itli tili half i ctninoii uinf g s tul tji knioi to bed and lhr irri soon 4 nit an in rhc ni- if p ihle an imur or tw bfiv breakfa t a id 17111 ajirt al 1 1 icloi k honid tin- rli nmali n ho very painful taking are to rub tin irt rrrtl wffl with the saw mcdivihc i being an itinorn medidue tfiv dose may be iicrri 1 a in- i full nr more if ikonnht to b- necessary the rflvct ii a fiolctif porspirnrim rora- qyitlv ihr patient should hoi be expo fl 10 cld commerce of lair ontario it 3ppa sv a flaieniut in ihe atet msir gazette thai theic j veflej eip oytd in the coalling trade of uke ontaiu ow ej in thi late tne ggicgate lonne f which i- 231 koo uf thefe nllela ih e are ovue a ackct harbor 19 at hcnnvifin t at salmon tier 4 at oidofbrngh 2 at oiwego 14 at sodua 3 at piiuneyville 2 at gcitfcc rivet 4 and at niagara t fljny gazette litcrnn in the literary mnnrami london for jan 1819 a tld itrfes f raid f hy land iid is mentioned a announcrd for the orefs i in to be ja fiur volimies the arrival ufthiteat will bewailed tor with inptfencethe chield ha ta e u fo well acquainted with the laid ocike aut b- it her scott m thar we arc a xi to know in ire the puor will promfe to red his h notes aih nay lor them too with hearty gnod will fa lang as hell prcnt cm n r d adv r- an enormous oak tree was fbd a fer day ago in contey common part of the yikfhirc cftateof j childers efq which appears to hare been buiied under gr und for many centuries the engih f the truak meafures 120 feet and i meter at 20 yards diflance frm rhe rooi 4 feet with tlv moderate allowance of to y rda fr the height of the banches it mufti when landing have been at lean 50 yards the perfian amhiftjdor mira ab- dul haltn kan arrived at vienna on the lit inl on hi- way ti lonon c brings with him a beautiful ircafilan girl a pretent from the grand v 2ier f tur key he u guarded by three black eu nuchs paru paper that elegant and c mmodius build ing crtfted for the rank of lobtreal ii nearly comp d and in a flyle calculated to do great crdit t the ar hiteci ms andrew white of tb city c lnuranl the celebrated waiter scott bv been made a baronet the title to be hercditiry iveitrrn star

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