Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 23, 1819, p. 2

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feet- 10 mr lippci i novunt- h utmu i will yoanll to lrid respectable- person iocn not bcti to mr ipp f sir fr3iv- p rillal ur c lj ft w a a pc ccvy honeil principle that iu- iiaiilt government by its deq- ic hinnee drove bim 10 mciica and i by took trom him the means of pay- iu debt t is per ertly jnll that he r never in ftny way whatever gw u well il nm ome forward hiui fcive no ml assurance pal von will nor transgress in the same wav again i will not lake your own promises john the trumpeter ve have not to tfje us a clanct r an we want ir foil opinion t that the camsbt 6tt at con flan ti nu plec w re ocean y theclc- phant ihcqu nee f winch tlljl ule- ful animal had been rcr vr o dnannplc by the adviffeea from fiance it would p pear that the ifcinc had been again receity vifitcd with imdifp fition a the accounts flue that he continued in an amended late of health fincc hi- laft attack he tranfafls btinwn a ufual and is not in vimci o lative council and a ffthbl of the pnj lpi auada contitoictl n4 d under tne au the parliament jffl ile ay j vi spati py an adveiffcment i thl day paper maabj rtue f am it will b- fetnilutthe ntw and ccgant t j pafledw inum leave n habor of al uam an a to tomorow who woild have had cou- repeal crun pa ofan d patted j the rage ao year ago to hazard a rcdclioo fouficenth year of in mji tfcat in ihe year gi fliipf thice hn j q rwmakin dred tns hurden would be built in the fual provifior for the oovi j more cf- ernment of property of the cabbage s mentioned ariftotleand tbeopbttftui who are of 6pini n that it proceed from the autipa hhy which the inc ihcw for the cabbage if a cabbage be planted next a vine the latter retires a great dilbnee or dies a moft enormous turkey weighing 43 lb- 7 01 was on thurtday aft expofed for ale in the ihopof mr h kerby poul terer 77 tottenham court road lon don the price marked on it was three guineas paupnish t the canton cf st gall in switzerland very prompt m af- ures have been ado ted to prevent pauper ssm alt perfonc who obtain relief frum benevolent inftltutton in ai y wife are for id to frequent tavern and tippling hnufee delinquents fubjea themfelves to fcver penalties lovdov jan ic- p 1 several if the quwrvstated that tl would not h- arhwci tc fbr thi uvea rf the prisoner if they erc n takr them on foot to lirjilwel as the mob nasu- furiatd miaint hm aldfrman brjd desired that rnr- riaies miiilit hr oblatned which being done the prisoner were conveyed to brideivrll followed by a grat number ol nrson continuattm fam tdyt the next ac- cnunf which ene ally dors not exceed abont j per ec t baa ben as high a- i per cent h account allhoujh intend j to hve brn ft-jito- tni mrniiig is panv carried 07 1 f next week stocks th vciin 1 ann- 7 confoia 70 j- 1 frt art 75 tet h- been received from the a- iieh thn receiver generals office seven hundred and thirty pounl the surveyor generals officfj four thoufand nine hundred pound the exeeutire cojnc office sa hun up iii tllc hium uml lhrrc are thity two births all of wb arr taic rooms the cabin for ladies is e ttrely ditincl frm that intended for gentlemen and i admirably calculated fa affod that pem reircment arnica h o rarely found on board pattenger fhios drcd and e pounds forbeauy of model the savannah ha- 1 he crown ffic 1 ifty six pounds teldom been exceeded she is c immanded tnc altorn gcnenls osce ninety by captain vfoc knder an experienced rnl t- 1nynt at batavia laied 03 1 engineer and belongs to a company of the secretarys ofsce four hundred thurbday theahnreppronswnin w fa hai after the i ft f n all enterptllim gentlemen la savannah who brught before the puhiuk miajrtrate vc twttn i to jaw f muropeame have ftrcd no expence in rendering her rr4tt of the proviitce tl0 hun adermantsnrths when they were s- r 0 any 0le p itcftin- of european an 0 w uumr of public admiration and drct ud5 p in fil and h sar- not per- public patronage she it fo contriicvd the ilpeftor generals office rij miit d ro mte an uodin any othe- a to be navigable in the nlual way wiih and ninety ine pounds five p ittlnnihatrf t via unlet by fpccu f whemver weatser hall be fuch ogj- prrinimi of the 1- eminent hey may as tr rendertheufe of her wheels in the cast rpairs and contingent expenc of fw jnndi fhritctri 10 i wed to proced t samara and degree dangerous gowrnmebt houfe two ihoufanj the ate q 11 m wirtwnljhrg baa smuabya fihip loading at ethe of tbw veffil i intendea fls a savannah r bequeathed to thpkin her husband a tllc three principal port above named and iverpo picket and we fiacetelv ti government printer one hundred million of rouble- lld fffo ftrficef ol ft receive thoir entie cagot tbpjt hooetbelibcril minded porietrsmy be a1 frt pottudn effnts t- f and oilier crpences five liufl- chard on an aturanec that then- would l no repetition of their previous conduct plate one of ipc i gold and til1 con- p reara ce and are not imfrmilteu to fanaticism tov iyi niiort rouowen tr rntlbies which oh ha behieaihed to b suit uitl john iibva watchman dauejhtersi until they comi nf rairin2 huge trimrtdcoralil with frcn h travlhr now in ktt ha r sammi joilos and tfeonmi dirovred nt a ristaiic of ahoul nine jone- jounnymen eatputer john hour- journey from tin- kd an an- vnrl journeyman wearer thomas cicttl cltybuihin the mountain octet en smith a watchman james uodd a jour- the 2jth and decree of laiiind nevman shoemaker camuiine vblv there are wtiaii m lienpsin t e ehts in wlicb it na trans- 3n to till m p all ihe uthev prta ol ported from 1 etrrburli shells ao j are co vt european inerl an g anted to hlnitfa ue of two millions of r veffel 7exccpt ihe date fr in the above peria an jfici irfiuin of the ilrenyfth of the bfitrfll army laid lufore th uoufc of couinitis lut- the lrnca tml at lovto non private and x monut there it ferri if ni get britain immrffioned ofticr and with th title of memoiies hlltoriuuei lur 1 yi ifirci of wiiicll i onis xvii contains fme inrcrcuine 1 jervi inget britain tnit of thai unfortnnle prince penman shoemaker catharine sibley there arc ttlll 800 honao in esisienre cxcui of c5 6 fooijnroa early hi fifth vcai this prbmifing chi the wifeofj-diiith- trump ttu ho ear- mons the nmii ar found teylc o- fyx ratt iiitfe htji j ibn he son of suuuel the eatpenter 1 1 sfnte and vaii us ruins of othe- d fml plot of promid was laid ut f r hi ct pnmed bforder in the f he ho comfi h j lhn ffj 3bndartiy lewnced fir ihir facilitate thccoinnuuiciti ui between great pound tlritaiu and ameriea aw iffvrtfjer tttpoiii y tie authority afore jaid thit there be alfo apjr ptitci communkaud for the n 7 d adv wool and out of ihe rtc and djtie railed i ii rs j levied and coucctted or hereafter to lc biofiiapby of the laat dauphin of raited trwcd and collecled to and foi ihe by mr hard jum publifiied public ufe of thii province ami in the hand of the receiver general and unap- prppriated the fun of five thunland unfouonte prince so rrht hundred and fifteen pounds hive m shi lings rrwi v h i 1 ifrootand ergait btmdcd and wucil pounda five riilunjt wall be appropriated and edward slater a bnr the rertwr h 0810 dhurered the ainiet sa- ofrhlons ere oil wednesday put n the tmntthat were appointed on the- route bar their bats were dreorat d with through he ocrt going rom ihe ltd white ribands and they luwrally wore sea to the ralley of tin- l thccsta- aar of orange colour riband- on their footerc at regular duanrcs of ni lefi breasts bonr between rach thi route is m prk f vcrljill s hither here every tiorniiig and gafnexed friwen ftfi un the agrrefttte amount pow c jftncd fjr b uqort which he lanl upon the eight hundred and nmetrc- from the lmu i the vf ir lftr3i tvas rw j fore fte 9 fom bed the dminirtratm ot jh ovneigof 23473- 61 i half winn ihe weathei pevtcd him fom thonfand five hundred pounds t wards detr yinjr thc chjges it after fpecifie d foi the year one thouland eight hundred and nmetccj ce two mctejgni 6d xm u11 of nivercmn ifivd 1 lhc m j dl tctal atpate s 180 the pay hi tjual tiibme hr would fiy i am not pleated vih oyfeif t day i have samuel gibson fin ofticer belonging to rfnubtrdl on of thow tratrscd bv th covdwainers ward stated that a ho eonimero of india a commerce which vas coming donn ize-uu- inte bude n s- llonrhiual the time of th- hi- row aboul ten oclock hat morning ho gidei and under the lirst bfflpftrnra the t lor lt kmy pe fon a is 10 royal family vereco npelledby ihev olence saw a number nf persons asatmbla by niruatlon is now ascertained of the emu- r f vf f f hi femes the wtraordinarj appearanc- and con- raid mine of which uncertain knowledge 5 at wc wi vhp of t 180 not tloe any thin for mamma i hve duke t vorfc n hcen rppomjed not earned her mor- ing ktfv w en he the lieiitmant govtrnri office nine hundred poundfl thcrecrver general office seeen hundred and tbiiy p nnd the crown office fifty- fix pounds the attorney generals offie ninety v if lloorf war on at rhe lad accou- for the hon g uml 2 for m hohhufe 2545 ail h w eomlidimy lowtft r llur ptl t thnngni he might be i teuaed emhc the cilebraied hum appeited on one of the day at the c v an a pood deal o lifle fire w- exejted at the cirrum- grefgnrio pietro giavr ha t y iiiv cd in ill- c nnty and hai t dee up hi refide ce m fmhtlrnt soh he i rhr dreli ot ihe poflle st fame with hit the bine imbm a loofe roe c long card a d v nebie an aooft iic p e attiadk great notice and ciiie diriofitt we icara thit he duct of the prisoners there wa a terri- hil had for several nev be noise and the row was blockaded it isaid tha a considerable quantity withcarfs a creat riot ensnd and he of kijlish oa k notes of on and mo thought it was prudent to sand to the bea- pounds each ham beei forged in paris die of the ward for his assistance it and sent to e gland vasuiih difficulty they extricated the thn eldtsoa oi ihedeced autri- pnrtuers from the mob they were an minit r colnil wapu i if i- fighting with broomstick- two of them to be married fotfee daoghterof fouc ver down and if it had not been for the t- french miniter the inierfercoce of him and his brethr the fnquintor general of spain ha others they would not now he enabled fnftnimid hi- anathema aeiiost a work to unfold their tale o ihf aid rman he reeeutlv introduced into that uuiifiyon was compiued had seen many riot but uev r saw one tfued the coming of the messiah in his that threatened morr dangerous eoile glory and mjesti b john j saphet quence when he lirtaw the prison- linkra ii rdr- all off copies of em sibley was blowing a trumpet and tii xvork to bedpfivrred tip andprohu proclaiming that the prince of peace had bits irs beiiw lit fn tore sold k pi read come on earth hat the almighty had nr printed under the pain of the and sentdownouearthslilohforthredcmp- eti ommunieation and a miu f 200 du tion of ilnnerfi the othc- prisoners were cats to defray the exponces of the hmi calling out shiloh i come you will olice hcsavsth hooks iiaocean- ali heaved 1 and the woman said she erf mnchdisorderandanalen iiititemimj p had had shiloh ill her arms and that he of many persons the learned as ncll a l mas bosh and bone one of the prison- the unlearned archmfiopo w vhlting england i er carried a flag which was taken away w wjeii affiibmce and ibain fome fhc c lilor lh esquimau w m machinery to eflablim a printing prefs at well ijale boadle of cnrdwaiiicrs wont sut 1 the late northern expvditlon woont lebanin for iht parpofe d pre vin confirmed he former witnesss died at kdi iburli on th- i th feb he p an there dillibnting correct c li- efldeitee hail irady rend rd important rterrii ons ol the sacred scriptures th- yrac alderman brydf s asked be prison- to the country in the lata expedition of lantuige although mount iehaon cr vhat tliey had to my for themeires diseofn y and giat expectations -i- is ondr the dominion of a chriftian john sibley raising ih trumpet which formed of he utility which he woud prince nearly all rhc reft nf syria it go bo field in hie hand 1 have but one prorc on the voyage about to frail for ual- veined by and com oud of turks not word to say for i jiare not now tl e to fur bay tim adinialt had directed a few of thefe have lately become cb2 lay down what the almighty g d has lur irrealet pains lo be taken in desired m to proeuim through that hoy themd pointiij to slater that ti second com- mouths ing on earth of jesfls christ has ti lea vhrr- in h person of shiloh alderman brydge i cannnl listen to such stuff as this ifyu had ail rue t lijiou yon would feel diffvrentlv i am afraid som wickm and dfiiianing pprn has had influence sufficieul erer yoi to make you fanatic john th trumpeter go careful of wtnt you say and how ynu art for this hay pointing to statvr has had in for ir he- monih between 5 and goo ahmits from above although he is only icyear- cfase alderman brydgci if you rannot conduct yourselves properly a trades men now you are brought before me it is my duty to present a repetition of your miscomtuet you do not look like nud- mei bof 3 ir jrttm ts trampter as you like we wpl to we cannot bfl injured- aldrimn hrydes- vou must be he d pt of some kfccd and designia of he unruly populace 1 1 rrmove to pa ris the p ince ltil retained this innocent pound o- propcifity a piece of round wis re- the infurflrr general s oflice feved fohim in the jaiden of the thu- hundred and ninety nine pounds live rteries where he amufed hiblfelf cvci shillinps m nrittj and tende i hii s vers bni iot repriri arj contingent expence nf the with iuart ecoftof the national guards government houfetwo itundred pound m nv neron ii iaru yei rcmemher to the government pinter one hun- have feen tin fmc child fpotin about dred and forty pound therewith all he naivetce f his tender cafual and other expenees five tluu- fl cr by the po va he wns itned y on oe uf the qn u- birthdays bred pound wih hotin ad njfles vii cries of louis xvi- told hi fo that he ought and mall be paid by the receiver g tbiilv him knock m out c ue that morning to athei the very f etral of thii province in dichargi of fuch uhiim to withdraw nofegay he could and preeut it to his warrant or warrants as ihall lor that par mthe with a ihtlc compliment ihc pofe be in ed by the governor 1 ieutcmnt the jrmjhnuf er5tm dauphin after e a mment re- governor or peifon dmnilerin the go- 10hi10 of jiiiiaem p p i hve in my gaideil an vernment of thi provice and fnll be ac- l issm rtelc feverlauint fl wer this had counted f r to his mojelty through the he all nv nofeiy and my complimeth lrds commiffioners of hi treaftr i will preftil this to her and liy mm- ira t wiih tht y u may be iike thi- fl w- er lier th fl and return of the royal family fo n vai cones wbea the b he devcau hi- tutor was ab ut to re- fumc hi in lrci n he hein li fit jl les ry in fuch manner and frm as is majelly his heir- and succeffors ball be giacioufly pleafed to dred provided always rfndhe it further en abcd ly the avthoriy foresaid i hat an acc un wirh vouchers of all the itema y reminding hi pupil that he had computing the fame in detai all oniei broken off ill hi- grammatical lludies at paid under the authority of rhifl ct be the d ne f crmparifon but added fubmitted for the inlpedion of the com be you mud have forgotten all thi i nons houfr of afleiihy a the ecl s f- fupp fe oh no you are miflaken fion of parliament and provided ajo that rcjined the dauphin only hear if i fo mnch of the faid funu fapptoiid aa have the pofitttc in when i fay my may rcnain unexpended fhall be fubjeci to abbe is a g od abbe the comparative whn i fay my hbe i better th3n ano ther abbe and the fuperlative he continue i fixing hi eyes oft the queen c contiuuei rising nis eves on me vjieen ken in ha far- for the fanatic fniy of their fh t t j ma lhc ulbectl seven i fcemstobeevey t abaune lon anj bfft of a mmm icution and he h in kdinburh with this view many very many torn ijahomata ifm when he ua eized with a violent iullam- nv chriflnnitfi btle more frcma watioil in thr chest wnieli carried him off wantiip tha t dillnbute copies of the in a few day just before liis deaiii biblr amonpl lhc sttan turk- in their th- poor k qulfnau aid he knew u wa own languajf but f pepae fuch wok gin to dhe that his faifui and mntuer as bee- found hec fre gencmly im- had died in the same way and that his prafcablr t he enwiomi nf the bible szir l0 h iter who was the last of all hi relations printed 11 thi country for molt prts of j certam rutpefti theran men- had just appeared to bim and called him the eall have f laeir ton accura- awi cy been utterly ufe e we he ice we home affairs statutes of upper canada ymkreas by aneaimate trans- may venuet fay nnoui any offence to yy m paed 7i nov iftlsj s by an caimate iran tied to the commons houfr of the future difpoiition of parliament lower c isada 5yebec april s tt was decided in the comn imcc f the whole lioule on kl- ndy ltt that the lachine canal company honld briei the c aal to the foot of th current with per- milfion to maki two lateral cut one of which to come out at the harbor cf mon treal on tucfday a meflaewas fent ta the houfe of aitembly by xu grce the governor in hicf informing that body that his itoyal liighnefs had been pic a fed tn order giants of ian u to ihe lilitia s itrvt-c3- japer wah the advice and confent of the leie- i lvh itapeemiwni tion yicutioieu iu the qdyftustfowol ih

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