Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), October 6, 1818, p. 2

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i mr frllinghuysjns ad dress hie a idrefs or cm eloquent tnd diftingaied bar ifti rie- ed y vkl limed nre the newuk biiil 3 fttvpitp vnrau fviilo s mrs barker ftl i pill fu v inform tjte auc of icihifiton and its vicintv- r j ft has atrfvci iram viowtreaj with a oi- i whu- ifiortnwnt of millinery drtflte cloth pcitite coifets thread i we rtibhun silk and tuikn trim n j aud many other till gs tojj te- gum- to mention which it iias for faiej r a h red tiore oppoliw mr f and compohtion it compri- jiipinincx mr stennett watchmaker i ies abnur 8 cr o pages of 8vo in it re trtcr kmtrilon oct yth i s 1 8 19 j j n- t irr b intending to maju all 1 be society at heir laft arini verfnry funishe us with rare fi ecimen of neat and ee libcerty awaits ycu a deliver ance from a tbral lorn more dreadful than that with which the cruelties of man havecrufh- a victory achieve ated fons ftvri ft y foheitsthe early attention of the ladies of ihis place 5 its environs i 25 dollars reward p inatthereasa bny hade about v v tilt ecu and a half hands high hi- right ftioulder railed by the harms heavv main and fwitch tail fore tec fhod a jittk lame in his right houder and a white tuipun hi- nfe belonging to the jebiciiher was ftulen from y pafture in thurow on saturday ii the och september bv a man of tin name ot john sparrow fift en dollars will be given to any rerln or perfons who will return faid horfe or 25 dollars for the thief and hote abraham cannilt letter preis ami although ev ery one regretted its brevity ftill it placed on indelible re cord the powers of the feeling and cornprehenfive mind of the philontht opic orator and en circled in its embrace almofi every idea which could be con- fidered touching and intcreft- mg to a chtiftian audience it kingfton oct 2d 1818 19wi i five dollars reward r un a way fmrp the fubferiber j on the night of the 301i1 septem- rcr john white an indented ap- urewice to me aged fixtein ri rhovtj an5 lout huil t fay fonr feet fix or fbven j inches high pock mark had on when he went away a black round jacket and fnftiar trwvfers alfo faid j white took with inn a final boy bv the name bfjohn mvtr blonti aged about fovea year- fh faced has- ace eves had on large ribhed corduroy trowfertt a new wool hat is very light of his age when fc walks his toes tin ti in a little al fo on the iftenioon of octoher 2d jo- 1 ras cnittor a boy about feven or eight 1 yars rrc freckled ffl fnc very ftti j hfut had un an old inped fiannel flurr hr- uru flimuel tnuvors a hhck clorh j r peket i the above boy havej amv p fvin that will return theabpve boy to their mafter or ode them in 1 finy in thifc johnftowr or newcaftle jdrftrw and jji e the fubfcmber proper botict iia be enjile to the above icwr o fou qollatti iwtll be paid j for j hn whtp auin two debars for contains indeed rsiet that inahr aiul words that mim the pamphlet hvsjuft is sued from the pref of vieitrs tuttles and we recommend ir not only for charitys fake but ror its own tnt rin fie excelleoce to the pu- chafe and penual of every admirer of fine wriung and every lover of the noble and benevolent caufe for which it was delivered we cannot withhold fim our reader by wav of fample the cone ujinr paskges of this a klrtis you have all read and rnuft have read with wonder fhe diaries ot the ainertcaiii miffionaj ies to the land of the hathens and when you per ceived youths intelligence and reiinement breaking away from ah the bleffings of civili zd lire rexiautlcitig the con f blaticms and ijdearments of burred by the wrongs to vengeance but by the precious blood of him who died to waffa away the moral poll et ion thac prepared you the victims of a retentlefs cupidity ihe bible is now making its peaceful way among the lavage tribes of our own country to them we owe much it is time for us to cancel thefe ar rears of charity their civil- ization their converfion to truth and rigbreoufneis con i jltitute ftrong clamis upm our exertions and to the pros ecution of this vrork all that is imperious in duy and all that u delighted in lmua illumin- wretched refs and rctnetn h enfiap wit cwevvcfl to ht purry ber that on that great and final uhernotve of nw o the cekstor t 1 i whom if he was not present li- 1 mornine when the trurrp or 4 k jljvil vp 1 1 n fways made inqiunef within the bsi m god fhall awake the flee ping dull of all generations and call the world to judgment when the heavens ihl be rolled to gether as a fcroll and the earth i hall have fud away in tha decifive hour all the proud distinctions of wealth and fame will have periilied forever they will yield no folace to a naked foul on its trial for e- jternity- they may fearfully blacken the clouds of vengence they may add a dreadful pealj to the thunders of wrath but if the development of that day hall open to your view ww1h he was z p w very j r 7 t poor circiimtqhresand although she in the precious lecord i was edto bc h j hungry and ye ted me i was j to place him above want till he had d fick and in prifon naked and termfnedto select some mrre avcimig idcftiture and ye tninifteredli the heir tothe iducofhtrim i nil u i nse property having stated thus few noiths she had condescended to i vitc him to her house jeverai times an treated him with so much kuidncis tent ion t hat theyoarig man began t agine that the old k- y had a deriu on hw heart and wished to efllitnpj him in the matrimonial inaie aijlm three weeks since however he was agree phly relieved from theeapprdunsioiv u the lady herfelf who at lengtli mitta him to iii er sc intimated that sin- had something of an important naiuic tr communicate to him in the courc r the evening she informed him that the only relation she had in existence was a nephew who was a ve y profligate young man and she verily beicved wished her dead in older that he might come into ihe possession and enjoyment of her 1 j n j mense property having stated th ijjunto me oh this jlwjw ation molt pawtvruliy urgeuvl dtlarin thole thunders and he was the person she had fixed udon chriitian wouid it rejoice ynur heart to coavert the war whoop of den fa into an hal lelujah of priife to foften the ferocious teaturcs of rhe blood ftained lavage into the mildnefs through the circle of everlafting jjthat she had prepared a deed of gift for ages fweli the fongs of your lar bum wich woud b rowfi- falvation lire then for i ft hk pst a treafure in point i iad gemlenefs erf peace him then to thisfacred vohime teach him the victory here reveale i over fin and death and hell direcl his benighted mind to the throne of god pell cut to him the awful ter ror denounced aginlt he guilty and pour uon his ailomfhed conception tbe joyful dlurance ot mercy oh i what light for angels and men to behold tiac wild mar o the woods weeping over his fins ages f eternity m i the heavens dearly boutrht is prepared the only way to feeure it is in the exercife of love to to men god and love m focial ittercouie when you i to lee him who gloried in 1111 1 1 iievcne who could fmile a behold them with a calm aan heavenly resolution efinfeivtinl form permanent relations to j f ilrnt alone six pence for james comitor and ay reafonable charges taid moses carnahan adclpbirmotvn q 3tjer 4 18 r8 theahovt nuf tuuate pwvi have had iule whatever for what they havej done and i nmfl obfetve what is mot i wih flraners ard favage iu a pan land where no sib- b a t h 1 llmidfttheflirieto of ftruggiing ponocemce at ihe foot of calvary imbibfag the fpirir of humanity prayug for his e- nemie vcklvi willi amp 1 wth delivlus and no bible en jj u l ightes and this to pnlaim lhc pardon ot his t saviors rxghtewfnds to ear j cr ind raffing the foftcft 1 j i noes oif nraiie to redeemmar f that never heard nil name teil me did you not feel with an overwhelming emotion that here was reditv in this 4 work that the hand of god was vifiole in its power and great glory and dry caufe muft prevail the powers of darkneis once arrayed their efforts to exter- no es of piaiie to redeeming i ve i his is no picture of tan- jcy we know the truth o him wrio harh declared that 6 the wilaernefs find bud and n 1 i av r 1 1 l nie i nada and chatauet lakes and bolloin as tee role and al the westfwl on frcnci rrr to ihe editors of the pittsburgh gz tic the newyork canal is in a state of forwardness boats of 60 tuns v ill traverse go miles of it before anotlirr uinter sets in arreahlc to a stato- ment of the eonmiissioners ot that nal w price of transportation from lraiiv on the hudson to buffalo on lake krtft will not exceed twentyfive cents per hand red the price of trans portation on the hudson from n- york to albany at this time is ten cents per hundred o that goods are carried from rwyork to the shore of lake krio for th trifling sum of thirtyrive cents per hundred from buffalo to dunkirk or port land or to kite across leall portions of tin lake freight in eithof ease will id eeee ten rent pri humlrij and iom dunkirk to tin head of casada lake a portage of seven miles from lonland to the head of chatuuee lako a portage of nine mil aitd from ivrie to water ford the had of french creek a portage of fourteen rules nei ther of which will exceed twenfyfive cents oei hundred from the head of consent ine to assume her name hcof course gratefolly accudec to ihe prop a tion the icea6ary pic i ninarics verear ranged and in a ftm day the rankers clerk ftnd himself the undisputed mas ter of 16oqoo mrs b ieser- vrd a sufficient sum to maintain heretf ip in afhneuce the remainder of her life and should he survive he will at her death hecomejposesed of a conuderabk addition to his already handsome for tune london fiaper q iwl i aft- nhnl thi hehaviour forthc whole feaftui has keen good and not th ta tuth it is birth fmailefl dffaffeexon u known to have ex t led if the fod bov will immdi- v re urn to their duly all will he well f m m c rv-i- notice tphe w paitnerfhip exillinjr between i tht fuhfcrihers under the firm of drlilv and winjhio was this day diltol- ved hy mutual crnfenr afl demands ajjainft faid fire will he fettled by r i iiiimin dclifle to whom pavment will he made of all debt due faid firm signed de lisle buithe mouth ot the lord had tpokei it and heaven ani l ills z a p llbera1l but ends ot the earth fhall iee of the falvion of mt god come then with hearts full ot love and graitude tay nou tor cold calculations they will tie zc up the h-un- i ail earth fhall pais away before one tiuie ot that word ihah ihe worici i awakened from is long fiumber a ray jot hope oeains upon the re- jgicma of daikreis and death the nour of mercy to the bej ni naiions of the eerth approaches the founds of jiiivatouare now hard on the g 1 caft your bread j upon tie waters and commit the ifiime to him who loveth a cheer full giver the society looks o you for exiitence its hopes of uielul- nefi ha we their only fource in j navigation is fiee and easy into the al leghany river and j have myself trans ported oods from one of these points to this city for a less sum than lifty cents per hundred weigh which proves that on a completion of the nevyork canal transportation from the city of nvwvork to pittsburgh will not cost more than one dollar per hundred weight now genth men if you could per- uade the alchauy mountain to open j for you passage through its bowels and every other obstacle to a rad i should be remcred still philtitlclhia could not be a al ofxew voikiuthe trade of the west j f w winslow 117 1 i tit a w pertlh september 818 i7j oi ganges and ere h wag her bloody ahars will be r t r r 1 1 1 ulivtton i 1 i public notice re prcfetited to the jo ie of as her d vri from coi cjmei no y diipiaceo by emples ddica- god her hares ow awiuiiy eonfecraj tsherery given that a ptiiion will ted to the living god tier j re p dented i co the baufe of as j froi e how awiudy ccmcta- es ireiby the immolation ot in- ffcroi iue inaujtanth ot tn- viidland i j diftrict praying f a tlj bc lf j fwj wtt loon ndound wvn your fotilciing care withhold i would not the people of the western your hentvbleoce aid thole ffjiinsykaniadowell by turn- l n n jn their attention r th- improvement hopes muit if ui aciimii hee m j pl 11 o p creek aud of the portage bhm thie heathen pcrith r brail h between watefoidand krie thco- runtut red rtdiai in a veruor of the state of newyork is ar extraordinary geog rapine at fat by a reference to maps erf new- york and pennsylvania it will be seen that three large navigable rivers take their rise within a few miles of each other in the state of pennsylvania neat the newyork line the alle gany runs north- westerly and joins the ohio at pittsburg the genesee runs northwardly and empties into lake ontario the buqsuehanna runs south easterly into delaware bay thec three navigable waters starting from the same point thusmeet the ocean ar an wwmg distance from each other 1 he country at these sources is at present in a wild state but what surprizing advantages or intercourfe mult be unfolded to them in a lapse of lime a gentlemans house was late ly robbed in dublin in a day or two aitet the following let ter was received by the penny post sir i am a man who lives by robbing you ieft your door open on sunday last when you thought you shut it which you lost your coat and other articles 1 wanted them sadly for 1 was bleached with ihe sun i could have taken law books but i am roue e- for the poo chrlliain courrry die uapar- this tinf engaged in connection with doned shall he o dll to her ciliens of that state in ito improvement of the harbor of dun- tne ravca itrargr to jeius of juffk in th nazareith whefl the mound j wharves in t roa the erection of extensive he cofistroction of a uoed m rfl praufes t the ba frvdivkflurgh in as dircd a line as j blhiehem and tne lamb inl che ape ct he und will admit of j u miuti of the iather tnrnne o the c uu boute m the umafkiu of i vv k k- i aduilhihnvn will bee met he a ored ovjocl thouas co ok 1 i pdgnaiage n w made by wvn 11 that rifles oh hils txjv ika ill road from dunkirk tothe head of the be or fight oft a land of libies rliefe- improvement of ri a r i l he outlet of that lake by which he mbin are foltenu queftions irey meails 0 securi t0 the s bte9fm thoias cok john church j r henry thorp ox on harris j heptember 12 n3 to lei fl ie houf- ice at preient oceuof- bec ane the a ored ovjecl of pilgrimage n m made by wretched deluded man to the interna car of jir geraut africa hears that jfou vd sht iiitens lo whilper ot nooe 1 j uwi ca en tnat 1 1 feel alllured that you ften tjhen and encourage us by tie pfedge which we ihalij receive of your beeticence it will pliant no th rn in your p iweiion hci breeze t breaks ptu- tv seho ijouei h lljt i le baveno been iuggefted by any j j 1 he prof ts of the great communieation diirrufli of your chanty we jjw itlsoowat so much expeuse inj ii h opening w ail n french creek however is the safest channel to the alleghany river and mljiit with proper improvements hold some competition with the one that h j now openiu by the governor of the state of newyork a traveller nough without them yours gait it dying ppillow that fome wan- iderej thas been reeiairned bv your iinfl ue cc it ih cn- k iion au usr 1 1 tj 1 8 r s i rises toni lri ileep oi fbroud death in no new errors ige tylui the eye o asth i that tkie bible has been mui- 1 1 hie beoius iu p a f f o ojxi j qardci rcut vppiy 0 hj office kn abtfj v 2 lot d i dei at d dclo iverer tiplitd through your intern- j inentallity hat i- jas foiid singular inltance of good fortune the folliwing anecdote i no fecond edititn oftbc foftiutate ifouthbtif founded on an ahnlute fad mrs ft neiani ixt e n aid ddol j inentaiuiy inac r nas toundlj founded on an abfcilutefaa imrs fta ie ihctcke lott iter hands jits way to te cabin of ihedes- a f advanced m year and unto goo snnic- hjh flute andflied lirht and faih pp- y ld tern itjijuicd abuied people a vauou l abound the aho nf i jn habit of traf biwfincfi ai a truly pat watchthedogrs anecdote of jvlr kean one evening as that unrivaled actor mr kean was walking by dmry iaue theatre he was addressed by a pour ne- go who was almost naked ihe mi4- erable condition of ihe supplicant cxej- ted mr krans coapassiim and a he wished to relieve him but had not any money about him with almost unexam pled chanty he took off his own great coat and put it on the beggar who was no doubt greatly surprised at such an act of benevolence on the 27th june last the first lone of a uew lutheran german f church was laid at moscow lli majesty the king and the prince royal of prussia who were in the city fil the time were present at the ere- mouy aud desired to coopafe the tones which were laid by tlwi per- onages were of siberian marhe their ruitals were sculptured on ft i m ie habjt ot iran fading bufinefs at a ii ttats were sculptured on fns rio- ibznkv bwulcifl london md on otefcuam udi a crovmv 1 duiaf

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