v work ij i foimathe gentlemen j k ton thu hi ft- i arrived here i r a hi emwiuikoi the bli jlancastiuan school i i tiie midland district school on the btitilh system f education a f ci of rvfc and white mitb ra it- h more particularly that o horfr hewing hi lilch wrtl tve the fotivfadrui rd ihofe that em ploy hi- thev nftay rey nn having their wirk we doue clicaii and meat by rppyinat mr j meightrs barrack ftfvct where he h8 c- mmeticed ft inlerhin that line will lie gtadly ftcuved ami ft attention given tyingston 13th oct z under th fuperiuteodcoc of mr john son who his been engaged as teach e will he opened on monday next t6lh november the terms of tuition thrri flvttns and font pence per month pay able in advance by furrier o the prefidrnt trustees 24 r stanton srcy mte the fubferiber do certify upo 1 oath tmt h original fettle n executive council otce tori- zztltja i s f 7- otice k hereby given by oder m of hw honor the adminiftrator in coanchi t iii repfcfcnttiyrs of jihn gatkwti and fvhilim caldwell o trrkt rood arv prrtenfion in lot oiw her twenty ruieiti the fifth eoneeflion of the tow tlhip f kingltou within iix months froftt thw date or it wil be granted to the occupant who ha- been in poffeifion fixtcen years john small clt if the ex council notice thefubfaiher hereby forbid all and every perfon or pcrfons from tnedliog or rraking or cutting any tim- fen 01 trefpaffing in any fhapt whatever opon lot no 2f in the jth concefeou of the townfliip of kingfton on pain of being profecnted acoiding to law jarvi worden kingfton gd 22 1817 23016 wj ihe fubferiber begs leave to ac if quaint his friends and the public thai he has made a laige improvement i lot no t in the tii ft conceffion of the tovnfhip of crainahe being well fiiijatcdon the ptcfquc ifle bay for a- ry kind of buunefs as vclfds o 60 ton- durthcn can go up to a wharf now built re hopes to lee a viiiage there in a hurt time and ha laid out fum acres of land in town lots which he offers for tale n reasonable terms james rtchardjvon sen cvamahc 22a nov 1817 26m3 310 ores offemmq v 8 e john moore etltrnihifinctreacknowledp v merts to his friends and the lite at large for their pft favor and w acquaint them that he has re eved to mr andersons new ftone tbfe oppofite to mr wetfela store n ftorc flrect where travellers and oth- may icly upon good accommoda ting and attendance on reafonable e the fubferiber having rented w large convenient and elegant buftd- m has fpired nn exertions or expence bis p wer to have it furnifned and at i in fuch a manner as 10 merit the acrobat jon of his former cuflomers and others who nay honor htm with their company he has a ood yard and ftable for ear- f gesand horfes sfups every day from t2 to i oclock kirston oft 131817 2tf the susbcmmr ill receive propofals for build- ingagrist miliat gan- arwqueon the north iide of the rivr and for making a canal to take the water from the rapids at the fording place fen th gully at the landing where he mill 1 to be placed he requdls that pin p- ms may he given to him before the 20th of june next a town plot will be laid our this feafon at the above nam- i eru plare the terms of ffile and iralv w 11 he known by applying to the fubferi ber who ban f r fair 1174 acres of lnd on the river ridcau being lot n 8 5 6 and 7 in firft conceifim and no 5 6 in the fecond conceflion wi h the hmken front in the townlhip w ment in the townnstp of kinfton was made agreeable to tlw annexed plan hat the roads inienedted each other at rght angicsj and that at the four cor- en takes were planted at right angles and that each lot b ttrd and bounded dieiv opooiitc its correfpondtng hum her and that the lots were flaked a we- n the rear a- in the front and that th fitft fertlcr to k their lands eall and weft rom th road httween the lots no 1 7 and 18 in the twnfliipof kingfton signed john w1rner solomon 0rbr arthur orser isaac qrseri elijah grooms kingston nov 2 1816 32 in order that no perfon mny plead ignorance in taking any lit ic from je- thro jickfon on lirt no 15 in the fe cond conceffion in the townhipof kings ton the property is the fnbfcribers in law and equity and wll be recovered as foon as juftice can take place fept 16 1817 amos anfcy public notice the subfcribers executors to the estate of charles stuart elquire deceafed late sheriff of the midland j j of marlborough alfo for sale feve ditrict hereby requests all thofe in debt ijra lote of laud and town lots at and w n remarkable low terms and pof for sale or to let o flivy stone h ulc lattlynwned by mr i- nic fitnated m a pleafant art of the 1ivii for particulars apply to the lijferibers b e starnes kingston- dec 5 1817 28 for sale by public auction if not difpofed f previbufly by pri- 1 vate contrad on the rith dav of ed to the faid estate to make immediate payment to the faid executors and all thofe who have demands against the estate are requested to produce the lame july attested in order that a settlement in the vicinity of the town of kingfton ailld a houfe and lot in kinphon i ikewife forfale the edit half of lot ntltmher ihirtyfonr in the ficond con ccitlion of the townlhip of darlington of the estate may be effefte as fpeedily lco roo acres as poflnhle after thefimdayofjy 1818 j george o sto utt 7 exec- allan mclean j utors kingston a u list 1 i 1817 ntf c hutch co por further particulars apply to john ferguson kuvtston th way 1817 j2tf 5000 busliels vate contract on the 14th day i nary 1818 on the premifes thnt cbvbie fituattop in the town of y rk ajjjoining the manllon houfe hotel coutithftg fa goo dwcling hodc sta- mv sod two st res landing on the fifhfan acre all being in complete repair and n w renting for the fum of j jj 1 00 cy per annum time of pof- lct n and tetovs of payment will be giv- ei n the day f laic together with an fidiipu table title by the iublcriber also lot no 19 in the 3d conceflion of t- townfliip nf york on young ltreetj ccinmonly called and known by the name o springfield together wiih ail the wi toufe6 barns 8te handing on the premifes it being but frv- yards from an xcellent saw mill with a never fail fog cretk running in the front and hut three mile from the capitol of the per pioyirccf uiulf makx this ptoprr- t ui a few years a very valuable acquifi tiii terms of paynent and further p rticulars may be had from the iubicri- bt at hi houi on young street and iters poll paid will be immediately at- teuded to francis jackson turk dec 131817 3w4 to lease for srfeh veahs a piece of gr nd fu m tj jt be about an acre eligibly fitnated o h borders of grten bay point frederick fr a lreiy diftilkry t nfty or a liunn yard for par- ticir- enquire of ihi fuhfcribvr ann he hereby f idi any oerfon or p- from trefiftiron faid premife eifc i takng off fand r gravel fr n the beach o pain of being profc cuicd w the titn igo- f the law joseph dennis 1 pt prnbrlk zd dumer 1 8 i 7 27 offer for sale elegant broad lop ball back 1 vsnvs wilbii to contaa t fancy winctor bamboo jjt fi1y hi majefly naval do 8at back m i yah at k tn with five thoufaa real cane feat j bufhcls f cha wi f grated waterloo g tenders m ibr waval storekeeper fta common a ting tbe periodiv that twy will jejivr rocking and childrens j fpecified qnuttfoeo on the icih jaiu- wtrr anted good ary a r t naval store kcthfrf hram 1 t their chair shop oppofite wm mmlj n j- powells i in and csricery store ii re i i 7 ln fhat chairs arc ft j per for toaayjj 4 ll thofe having rhy have hitherto offered for ale j a- t coumry proruicc received in paym- nt mus paxton of t b i- plara will pi cafe to ey cabinet ware fr file as above rtemrcr their account ptopnlv autheo krugiton nov 10 1817 24f ticatedou or before thf mr of mav o ileiimrui a iiifl be i the late chh th advert1semen l next totht fohfcwber o is author hi u liquids hern dl ai t 1he cnccrn htwtom cxlflbffii to ate arerequefted h to call and ieiticrh fame 11he oncer r un er the fir n of rndk iff akxr tvlackayf at po frexlenek was cfiifoj ed on the 24 uiiiinv 1 he subfcriber hild hirnleif rcfponrkic for a illegal claims aainli th raicj concern as wfu aall perianal demand a train j bis brother who rctir- fmm it ann will thank thole indebted to riiher of the- partie- to pay teir effective acrotnttij o mr robehtgli irivm who vvijl condua the btlfiflefs in future company wirh the hlibicntber under v the firm of robert graham fcf co r m cky kingston 13th nov 1817 jane paxton kingston kcv 25 1817 2 book store utuovit opposite the sign of tip bible j 15 chcesman respectfully informs hi fi fiicnds aitrl the public that he comirmea the book binding and 2 pl ink book manufactory i just received and for fate at this of a ita raric tranche two doois h- rfia- iw p li 1 froni rhe rok store biaik book ruled and bound to r the lift of the nobu author nov 28 ficc price 18 poems on his do- mestic circumstances bv lord byron with the star the legion of honour 9 i l paired aid old aid other poem to vheh is prefixed j bok re bound to match in setts or in any ityle he has on hand at the book store a general affbrtmeut of wttnlx batiks k stationary 1 confiftirig of ledgnj journals invoic day lertcr luard orderly receipt and metorand books alfo jnl for hale the new mills on big creek in fiederickfbirgh in g od re pair with the welt half of lot no 2 c received an inv ce of iooks amonq w the fourth conceflion of hid tji wlch ar n hematics br hip with a foil our convenient dwrf- airfwmf walker and john- hug iioule thereon erected fon i onanea do rn afkh li miniature ntrsf fnch engliftl also seven hundred ami thirty acre of i d7 pt l o gammar land mitiay rtoij oooke 5 getman i flute preeepto- smft sc littles vi- cal mufic bihi s ttftameiltsr watts j pfin- and hv mating do hurch cafecbifm xor six at uuo oljicc land lying in the towiiftnpf lrcha ber diftrittof montreal and two hun dred herts in the t wnflrip of camden midland diii6l tlu whole will be iold cheap lor particulars anlv t- mr j tutile king hon ur to the iub fcriber on the premifes muhias smith- fredtrieljburgh drcty 1 land scientific adapted for childrens infl a hiiline f br finefs will hankfolly rcived and puuduhlly at d to a mori oh t 8 tpf j m oidrs itt a ll perfonaindjuii 10 tleeflate jt- of the late jouxj uutuurw late of hallcwcil tleceafed ar reqneitrdto cai without delay ard fettl lire fame with mr james mcgri ooa now i charge of the ellhlifiimenr at bailoty- ell bridge and thoe who have claims againft the faid clrate are defired io preient them for niljuilmciit the hock in trade of the deceafed confiliing of a very complete auwftmenl of goods well lid in and very fuitabfc to he country is now felling ff at pri ces lo low as will defer vedly cliim tht attention of the public cafli or country produce will he tk- en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to refponfioie farmers or others john curiming r wmmnthell kingston ocl 27 1817 22 rip he fubferiber returns his molt grateful thanks to hia fiiends and cuftomers and the rcfpertable inhabit ants of kingfton for the liberal en couragement he has received fiiicc he commenced bnlinefs ill this place and would inform them that he ftill carries on the tvi copper sheet iron and lead bufncfs in all its various branches near the engineer yard where he hopes by hie afliduityand attention iil to merit a fhare of public favor afluing them that nothing hall be wanting on his part to faithfully execute all orders with which he maybe honored if- has for fqle a large aflortment of the heft engih double tin ivare of ev ery deicriptiotlj ever oitered tor sue in this province and a large aitortment or japan d copper and hard iv are he a o keep on hand an aflortment of sheet iron stoves stove pipes and elbows 40 boxes of the bell double tin and 60 hoxts heft sheet iron for fale cheap produce will betaken in payment james meagher kingfton sept 30 1817 iud fllhe fubfcribei8 bt leave to inform b their frimrls and public in ge neral tint they carry on the tailoring business m main street where they intend mak ing every article in their line on mou reafonable teimsthn has been done for a numbet ythn back thnfe whn wiffi to favor them with their en from ttay rely on hiving their w ikeell made and on the ihovteft noice for caft norris k stcvet s kingston sept 9 1817- 3 notice all perfons havitig any demand a- gatitil the eftateofthe late bry an crawford efq of adobjhnftown- de- jceafed are hereby rennefted to produce their clnims duly authentic ted alfo all perfon indebted to the faid eftatearc hereby requefted to make immediate payment to ivilliam alexander grant executor kingston xgth july 1817 32 valuable lands 1 for sale n the third conceffion of the town fliip of pitfturgh being lots no 6 the half of no 7 and no 18 an indifputable title will be given and the terms of payment mads eafv h c thomson kingfton july 28 1817 32 cusacks hotel the fubferiber having opened a new and convenient houfe in tore h moil relpefl fully informs his friends and the public that he has taken great pains j to furnifh it in every refpea to merit a j fhare of public patronage gentlemen travelling may rely upon having good accommodation and attend ance ladys and gentlemen can be daily fupplied with confeionary of all kind and beft quality alfo the prime regents morning drink compofed and carried on at pres ent at the above concei n by james reed confectioner r cusack kingston sept 6 1817 32tf just received by the the fubferiber a complete aftortment of gentlemens oaths of a fuperior quality and workmanfhip which will be fold very cheap for cash j fisk kingston june 7 a 1817 j2tr elegant sleiarhs mcktrejl 1 adjes seminary under the direction of mr k mrs andrews aflited by their son and daughters nr he pupils are limited to thirty and rrult enter for the term of fix months leaft it is requefted that three month notice of a removal will be riven that vacancies as they occur may b ghed the terms for education are from j to guineas per quarter always pai4 in advance school entrance p one guinea and five shillings per quarter charged for j pens and ink fupplied by mr andrews one cord of fire wood for each child who is a boarder expecaed in the winter everv ftudy comprifed in a ufeful lit erary and rccompliibed education i tanght in thia euablilhmcru by the ref- peftive pet fons engaged in drawing land painting intiruaioub are given by mr w- w andrews and in mulic dancing and the various ufes of the needle by the mifles andrews mujie dancing drawing and paint- ing in its feveral branches are charged for as extras i mulic per qr 3 guineas entrance guim dancing 2 do do drawings 1 do do young ladies admitted as hoarder at nine guineas per quarter paid in advance and are required to furnifh their ntvn bed and bedding and a table tea spoon and napkin f r their own accommodation thev will be allowed i to vifit their friend on saturdays orly n- b it is known that unfounded re ports are in circulation in diftawt placet fuppofeel ro atife from firtftcr motive calculated to leflen the reputation of thi feminan the principals therefore corfider it inrceftary to requeft perfons reflding far from montreal rofeek information con cerning their ehvihliihmciit of any 0- thrir truly rcfpectnble patron whofc children are under their care montreal dec 27 t s r 7 3 i ma the fubferiber informs ma fritudl and the juhlic that he propofel j during the winter feafon to deliver conrfe of lectires iitiduftory fothe itrdy of geography thefub- s v- colin wvi be iufc praceif gyr i lie e of the globes and a variety j mans and chats tht dffrrenf pvojcuonsof the fphrrcg nd the principles on which m tps an4 chartfl are ecmrrufld will be explained as eailyas pftihle and their praical application to the conflmiou of mapt of ditterent countries will be concinued as a regular exercife throughout the courfe as natural and civil hiftory are hh j tirrately conncled with geography oc cufional notice will be taken of thtfc and the moft approved methods of ftajjl ying them pointed out it is alfo intended fo far as time mayr admit to perform a number of chemieaj experiments on a variety of mineral fpe- cimens in order toafiiit the young in quirer to profecute by himfelf the iq terefting ftudy of mincrology an introductory leftnre will be delivn ered on the 2d of january at half paft 6 oclock in the evening when the plan j will be more fully unfolded after that fhoulda number of young men fufrcient to form aclafscome forward the coune will be continued to the beginning of j april during which time three lec tures will be delivered every week terms two guineas for the courfe john whitelaw kingfton dec 9 1817 28 i fum sale lot no 12 in the 5th roncciton of the townlhip ol rodney also lot no 6 in the 1 2th conccdion of the townlhip of portland f for fur- j ther particulars applv 10 the fobferiber jacob vandrhdm kingfton oft 30 1817 2jtf rags i rags blaimrv ba bu os jil rnm k rh for sale ut this ohice costb foi a3ie at li oliice ii il jlwo eeirhit and highly fitilhed double ihirbs foi fal ciash paid for clean cot j ton and linen rag s ofanv color at this office 1 to iec i 1 tor tale py smith bartlet for sa r at this office a ready reckoner shewing the value of grains of various gold coins current in the provinc of uppi r cana da also improved tal t he viluc of riiaio tqli of guld coin 4 er or uodcr weight