tuesday jjmjjwy 6 1818 kin t volume vii so 32g m r kingston upper canada printed and published by stephen miles price 1our dollars per annum exclusive of postage jixritrthc kingston gazette brno- tvn j a ibb r vwkct kq tnrkvvillam aiin esq brockvillca sherwood lb bkills mnapb fq montreal v llov printer m4 vita -a- iraafiffr fanaaarvtf4g ahcakaf ie newsboj of the kingston gazette to his customers bible prayer book society at a gneral meeting exttanwkna- ry held in sr giore fhirch on the 2oihinftantit ww refked that each lubfcriber be permitted to denand gratis of the secretary bibles and pi ay er books to the aont of two thirds of his ruhfciiption and that each donor have the faire nrivieir- t the amount of oe fifth of hs oatisn john wr q dec 23 30 secret orr for sale bv iramtc auction it not difpofed f pevc ifly by pn vate comiaft gi t rata dy of january 18 t 8 in the silent but swifl revolution of yoars 0w thousand eight hundred and cthcn appears and according to custom wellfounded on reason i brill you th zcishts and news of tie- season a joyful and uappy new ylsatt nny it prove to yourself and io nil whom you value and love nd so may yon l it that on a reviow ih year may uok back with a smile upon you four papers last year have bwn barren of uewsj rti misfortune 1 hoptyou will please to excuse yd not to enhance editorial crimes imputc to he jrint t the fault of the times the wars f all butnpe are otm and done no army h routed no victory won o kingdom established no throne overtirnd ptttnnd newseverd no mcm robunfd o htttrlog pomp any longer appears o public parade for the fall of differs v bronapattte rotting imperial rapprs oatonisri the wrld and give life to the papers 1 idle lie sources of news and cxcitsmeiri thus cease vii kurope seems buried in dultrs and pnf and equall peaceful and dull are the times with y in those frigid canadian rumcs so battle or murder alarm the sorlhlvest the wars of the seotcb there ar siiiuinq t rest r i tl1 nr k e ri m eligible iuuhlimh in rh town of york- adjoining the mrofion wpnfe hotel confining of a ooa dwelling houfv sta mm and two sres landtag on the ifes foatj i i this vaiiquil vrovince weve notevrn n lot fifth of an acre a being h com cte repair and now renting for the fu a of j sfloocy per annum time of pofj fcflion id term of payment will begtv j ntbeday of fale together witb atij indifputable ritlebv the febfcriber also nd ihe rovinr bdow to is now pre ul onlet the mw- loving pub tit derive no rooreonrl jrm their louse and thrir council ihoir bat x their court rt ptdera politic administration dipnd io ttin2oisi the longaliercatior itrparhm its and libels awl eontet deeay and t drit nfurtj i fflinfing away vo ericvatce at last eppitioe can inmlr kvcpr the mere threat of a duty on lumber which after seme brief patriotic if i inns on oat f afht bva v y olirius lot nc 19 in the 3d cn sbm f 1 1 f w mv a y i ointd the twafhio f y-ko- v-w- f i p stfte to b prlnfi d cmnyr vt ll ul i nr th- vint ftthmfta bnrimfte ftsirlme the yom o r own vm-i- no pat dha rrmifes j it bdft hut a wywt fr- m m n- from wgmvmg mm i n excellent saw mm with a ncy ii sak r of 0 pr an ing crctkrunn fn th frn thrve wife m rbe i up ijppt ptovirce ty in a few vars all tlie fjsi imti dul rier h usdfn to row frantic 1 d ih f i- vc vo mohrok ns fh r and h other h thtij2 a liolliti km tf n mull nak thiseo u h th r as n vev vduasv wi 1 thtflow con m i if mrti ati old vtory tion tcirok p of muymcnr nd fuitlm rticulars amy he had from th ftikfeti bcr athis heuff on young street ml letters pnft paid will be immedht ly jt tenrftd to francis jackson m dec 13 1817 3iw4 book store remove opposite the sign of ihe bible j r cheesnan 1 rt f spirit or int- est a story vt oftts and trenhers aud patriots hail the peace and repose which so widely prevail however their benefits may be diplayd they hang a dead weight on the inwsselliiwj trade rut if nations wont light ihe poorpriotcreantmaketbem and so as things happtn our readtrs must take them in the absence of armies and buttles j wars give to cetes the honors long iiven mnrv be contented to read her expleir in he nek to learn wha an acre well cultured will yidd to reckou the uumbeis produced frotn one ear iaud meaure the harvted crops of the year kver thing of this kind either curious or newr displayd in our colttmns has past in review we have told you of great agric dturftl f ats and rhewu you gr at pumpkm grat onions and beets great animals too that have lemtrelj growo until in the market or fair they are shwn ireat oen e peealyliiwv chfipftt the heaviest bast ever seen such a rhape in among other monsters a whde of a snake vvilirh jonathan av and attempted lotake as hnkiu in sonshine it earelfessh lay sir hhnoit at i- length acres gloucester bay 5 one pari above water th other part under hitil see and half fancied t his bject of wonder for week ulr week by mjinuvr and motions fiird the vaukie uh giressfi and stories and notions and iidfiines and pewmoixer evet where ria to read and io h l and to tak of til fun the icinghtou gazette has idenvoid to state v hat 1 uvfiil or novel or reat von have rend in it luteh in in re than one column air tultijf tew project to make a great volume jrnposi f r plies to his qnetioo and r liu from fa mersand nvvlrar clubs and townmeetings v u have seen in addition i pnycet and ncws societies onn x l je v i m viw to draw 1 rth the air i a sm dating brothel v r eiiriiit -iran- 1 and nl i firoliters ad titi v ry ni lrt thrir vr-w- b d ivaterl 27i kistnjt ctwpuwioiiuie it is r jieatt d a- ainsiier brief y ar has 11 v fleeted away and i new jear coroneees if r bniug hi day i nimil- r the vcv- iii trudges tl ng mh the vei y i pnd b vnniwl k and in jliidu voin nv acrordii t- fashion ti n 11 any rt npainn riiti in rru pfii irtil m once bjjun ith a 1iaiv new in the nkw8ub0t kngstih jiihutifif l sf isii to lease a piece of ground fiippofed to jll be about an acre eliib fituaed on the borders f green bay point frederick fr a brewery didillcry tannery or a lumber yard for par- licdlark enquire of th- fubferber and he heeby f rbids any perom c perfl iv frm tfefpaflii laid premifeir man stage thar he intci ds running a stage j tom kioffftonto yok and from yoik r tonti bl in all from the book store blank 60 ks ruled and ond toj any pattern libraries repaired fffld rt motm the public books re bound to narh in setts or 1 any tyle he ha on hand at the iook store a general aflbimeut of blank books sldimmy corfiftine of ledgers journal lu voice dsy utter guard orderly kecipt and memorandum book alibi jnl received an ipv ice of rooks wtnung which are hotton mahenatics bm- jamins architeaure walker and joha- fona proronecini dihonariet do in miniature nugentv french engliftl jiaionry perms french grammar ami murrays school books german flute precentor smirh little- v- pfeltaand hymns camp meeting do i j- h brick llore fronc a dou- for iflfe th mew mills on bi- creek in ffehencfcbnrbi in od re pair with tc weft halt o lt no 25 i the fourth conceftin o fud town- hip with a finall hot 1 onvenient dwel ling lioufe thirion ertcied ilso seven hundred and thirty acre of land lv in the towfhio t looha- ber dirt io of montreal and two bun dled acie in the tewnfhtp of camden midland didria the whole will be fold rhe 10 for particular apply to vlr j tnnle kiogftonv or to the fub- fcribcr on thepreiks matthias smith frederkmurgk die 9 s 2 to kingtton the eofoing winter and j will commence as foon as the fliglmi jwill anfwer t leave kjngftefl and jyoik every monday at two oclock stage fare fmm kiirgflonto beuvilletbrfie dol lars fiom kingston to spoldensinniix dos from kinron to yok ten dols samuel purdy kinsion oft nov 1817 27 sto v bs and scientific li adapted tr childrens inftruftinn all oidrrs in his line of bafinefa will be thmkfully received and punctually attended to kingston dec 13 i87- 2 just received rttfl for iale ac thi olfice prire rd the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 1 h 1 8 rfgoat8 on pr vcrical husbandry addled to te canadian farmers b f gkech o iuntreal hovimler 14 5 felc and single stovesipf sheet iron and ha- alio on hand as uiuai a gen- ierai aflbrtment of dry goods liquors and groceries crockery and glafs ware in crates liufecd and curriers oil paints ground ir oil and expe8 ii a few days an addition to his stock all which will be fold extremely cluap at whdc fnle s bartlet 3 to let a ndpnflvfiin gtwct immediately a a houfeaivd lot with a stable firua ed in cuaftvillc alio oie honfe and lot fituatel by the freeh church lately occupied by mr j tepb st germain one houfe aud ot next douf to mr toil faint eftajf enquire of monj u iff st germain kingston 1a7 1 6 1 8 i 7 3 jacob h bell who went from this phce to ireland about two years ago r que lis all perfona who may have claims upon him to give in their accounts properly authenticued to the fubferiber will forward them to him as heis defiroos of liquidating hem john ferguson kingfton 2t dec 1817 j1wj for sale by te fubferibm a fi irrelo of cipjer dica from ni ara j thornerco drr j 30 rgkfi cpartnelbipbiftwieen too jj mas coleman 5 john eve iu junior merchant tradet- bell vi he udper canada va- dioblved by mutual conleni on the tenth day f p il lall thomas coleman john everitt juni r btllvilk dm 3 1 8 1 7 3 1 v for sale ever al valuable town lots- apply tn the lubfcriber all in mac lean kingston oar 2 1817 32tf to let for one or more years from the firfl day of january next the well known stand as a tavern in saudviue in the prcfent occupancy sf the fubfcil- ber samuel purdy kingston 1 6th dec 1817 29 the pan op li st for tlil year 1616 for sale at tits office complete fortifications the editor of the nw york colum bian in noticing- the fpecul it ions of i ondon prints relahve to the policy by which the american government wcte influenced in locreailug our naval efta- bihm nt furnibes lis with the following iiiteettnij information 11 topographical engineers are bufiy engaged in furveying and naking maps four coalls thr fcicntitic cenial bertrand late of the french army 10 making s tour of bicivatlon iutheiervjcc f the united states our frontier ort in the north and weft e prmct- mly undergoing crreat and important repair or additions 11 on lake champlain at roufc iit a formidable tot u creftn during the lalt autumn the water in hat lake was fime fret lowei than ic haa been known fr forty years the favorable momlm wa- feized on to lay rhe foundation of the work an emi cut agineer wai emrhycd t conllruct and ucintend the building nf tlis bjtcry ahich it is believed in the event of mother war wm be of jreai importance aa a means of defence it the foot nf lake ontario 3c sackctfharbor during the aft two vem mollfpendid range f barraeks ha been eivetcd they are entirely of lone and two dories hi h tbus affor- diiig the men lo j ij rooms let irate fim the rooms in which they cook they are commodious and cxtenfive and evince a determination on the part f jovennnent to render sajcknhirbor a nermanent and llumir mdlitary noil the parade and rher public groundi c ntiguona to it arc faying out in a manner to blend taile wiri uffulut a preat presort tun of the labor ha- been performed by ihefoldiery t the other cxicme of lake ontario h fort niagara it will be ie llcrld that thi f- t is nearly oofite to fort george on the bririfn fide of kincrara and fiat it built at rhe nf flftm jfe t m into lake ontario it u a mill com- mandim rpol of land and complculy ovriiook and onfiq eumy is capb of filsring the brictlfa rftteriea on the oppofitr fivre early in the late var thin fort wa fiirprized aid tkn by ic enemy while in poitcflion of tie britilh it waa mulh improved aid irengthened among- other 1 hinc ja thv interior nf it a covered wok was built urtdtrr ground bomb prooi and capable f coittainig at lead 5 io men the wafh f the lakewa undermining what i termed the old french mef hijfe a maffy hone buiding 0 uncom mon folidity that hai ftnod none iha a century and 01 the top of which cs 1 on were placed during the late war for the purpofc of pruteitifg thi- buildings and ircrejfiri the ftrcinth of this already powerful ftntreu the foundation of addhiunal workn waa laid during the fmnmerof 1816 and thev have llill been 4 prgrcffing wfvfenever the lenfoi would permit it is dill probable however from their nature and extent it will require ne or two years more to com plete it foit niagara may be confidered aim oft impregnable u in vlay laft maj r gratiot of the engineer corp wa ordered to micbil- imackinack for the purpofe of laying out and commeiicing ifimediately ntwr and additional work at that place from thence it is uuderftood he my uroceed to the upper luilitary poita having the fame object in view 29 0- to let immediately kingston 08 20 1817 for sale he new valuable ftone houfcbarn j ind lot applv to 11 lioky baker and pmftcffion given a hintfe containing h tooms a goih cellefj wc and garden and a good bake h adjoining it the oven of which will hold 2uo lovea of bread apply to the fubferiber ocai the catho lic church philip vias m kingflon n k 817 4 officers hu py nd artil lery pen lion blanks fo- fale aiii oifice onondaga salt just received and for fale at the store of s burtlet 29 fromtb bflon daily adiof wednefday berlin article of sep 23 llati5 chat after long difcuisons it has been determined by th- governmeni to im f a duty of 30 per cent on all britifh manufacture imported into the i llatei blank deeds and meimorials for fale at this office ajtornies blapk bills o costs for ale at iid office at tqjilonfe a pel had been -on- dcmi ed to three months imprisonment and a fine fur htving r aced n the laud thefiijuiedf an eagle annapolis ww 20 extra rditury 1 1 create james williams efq of thi city niaoted eirf p tao- from which le tliercd on hujbtl an i tiuo thirds w igh ing ntntlyfimr poutuls in m iy nt he planted one pumpkin jetd iv whkiiegahrredcmiv7pimpkin weiglutii ai rfflottfi uc qj 1 3a 1 oy 6 3 5v y viiliib jo 6 auioautiii lo 6d ltd