new goods f altoofl 0 of almll every cfcription jnft recei vcd nj ffd fir faltf oo term he mutl accommodating by peter wetskl fflong ttiftich arc a very extenfive ai- fortment of dry goods toirht whh a choice ahortflwih q tti ribbons ladies bonnets gentlemens boys hats frcfhteas loaf and mufcado su gar pfug- ladies tvvta and paper to- baro scotch rappe and macoboy snuff- oh jamaica spirits cocnac bran dy holland gin shrnb peppermint pr and fench wine coffee chocolate ginger filfpice gonnd peoper muflaid nutnegs cloves cinnamon cuant3 raifins fig pind starch fiv 31uc com and raff stooms window ivkft and putty rffxrfl crew ugurft steelyards skoj vek fry iron and stec j 4 an- icd cat nails 84 and iod wrought tvgner with agwjeril stflbrfrceftt of r tfn hollo zo ware al so 7 d coverlets x56 z worded h fe 1 oz- qildkhat covers 3 d z lo khsg glaftrs of various fees ndfa fopevior quality jjo 3bla mefs poik 200 lbs hugs lrd 00 gallons raw aid boiid linfeed gp- 2o prs menviot3 of different qua- iitfe- jco do d slies 100 do lad boats 500 d7 do shoea loao do childrens boots shoes calfskins t per leather karucf leather and cole leather also ys rufbefe corn 30 bs fcron beer o as and fiower kingston match 15 1816 4tf y mamifaetory svl hi but i er worth kspectfui y acqtias- their v friend id the p lkc m general that 1 hey h c rttom renced bufinefa hi tin new lo tde near walkers hotel wi r th y have on hsod an exte af- f inet of ladles children beftj iv vei dimncts gentlemen btil bea v cafl r rorafll and kn apt hats mens vouthiand rws wol hat l k wo adfes and chiduns on- d fafhcos bonnets feather and t- nungs of the following colours p- white bue brow purple and drab which they offer wholefaleand k hil f r pafh a cheap as they can be purchased at montreal v 3 caflt paid for beaver mu float ar racoon skfn9 emgftmi joth 06l 181 j- 21 i acfveftlsebieiit he fnbfcriber ofiera for fale the fiioa g lots of lands lots no 14 1 j ti j 8 25 and 26 in the 9th conceflioa of the townfhip of fhurlow no 4 in the 8th conccftion of hun- tint or no 9 in the 10th coiicction of row- drn no 31 eaft half 2d conceffion of sidney 2c0 acres in the 4th and joo in the 6th concefllon of the goie between er neft town and frrdrnvkfbutgh no 1 8 and 1 9 in the 8th conceffion of murray n 34 and 35 in the 4th conceffion of the townfhip of vawcrhan also three town lota i the town of kingston f one fifth of in acre each wm crawford- frcdericksbmgh fi h u lhi6 4 cheap sales ifie fubforiber has just received and now nfferfoi fale an extcnlivcaud well ch jfen aftortmcut of dry goods groceries j and hardware also a well chofen aitortmcnt of medicine the whole of which will he fold at the lowest prices forcaih orcountijr pro duce evvd j hpndfsson kingston 26 january 1 s 6 54 john sfmsou new goods pj as icceivcd by the sprhg arrv h from london maochestei and i tthe store of mcffrs h w wilkinson co a largr quantity of swectf center virginia common plug ladies twift and fwift tobacco spamh and rlmericati sears in quire boxes large or mall quantifies tofuh pur- wool carding the fubfcrjbei has efed a card- fog machine hlfa mile ncth of mr mguins miuon cojiiwcretk in th tu wnflifp of kingtcjn and has it now in complect order fnr ctrdinff wool all perfoafi who will favo him with their etulon may heaituredfhav- itg their work done well pi ice 6d per tb pj fitch kingston june 3- 1 s i 6 vs notic 1 la ft c rs tic whole of which will be ld at 20 prr cent chenptr than can be procn jrr herefrom anv market of th- itni irid statm not excepting giafgow a choice aftoitment of fcafona- ble drv goods partieularly faitable to this marjcev which he i oosi opening and lip of at very i vjuccd prices for calh or fli rt credit viz cotton and woolen holer of all fizes grey smprd nnk beaver kidd and buck lkiii gloves thread cotton laces black lace veils fancy muflhs black coloi d b nibazetts garnxit and furniture calicoes imitation h prnted shawls madracs- handkerchiefs s ne checked cottons turkey stripes india cotton li ic and common cloth coiduroys and velveteens black and coiord velvet black silk hvkfs it 1 i black grape dauby foundation muflia weliijieton heflian boots and an elegant affortment of englifh siiks ribbons new store 1 subicribr ikc this ojportufli ty of acquaiiiing hi friend 4 the public that hv hafifet up a stoiijs in the townfhip of crarnahej neir the prefque ifle bf where he prop of e to kcpconrtantbo ha d a gnral at lortment or dry goods an groceries iron and steel with general ffortrrent of hard ware glass sf crockery x y tare 42 rjn notice fuhfrriber refpefltfully 5i frrr friends and tle public it he h about fci4a store in front of the rcw marjft our where he will j business on co vl mission will bay and ful store forward goods up or dawn the liiver w ake in any cnvr of ay defcripti or tn trfl lire of hulin l j i i c lonft deiir u f committing tonli tci to lii h tc rnav know th- rate offlorageand enmmion by cal nr a thenwc mmiffisr ivore john duncan knft dc 30 1815 7 tiii recevei and for fale al e tis office smttgglfrs kingjlm 22 mirch 1816 1 or sale hythe fubferiber 30 sa mefs piirfc 40 do prime do loo do salt 160 do albany strong beer 30 do tv l kg tobacco 30 do nails all fizeo 30 ji s ip 2j do candle 100 call fltel axes 10o reams writing paper no i 2 and 3- cils tarm rpc 200 hues also a quantity of icyfhefl siefele and hollow ware copper t- a kitties and sauce pane steelyar chains padlocks curry comb ydzcan- oth er carpenters tool a laice qnanticy of glafa of aimo every ddcriptiofl a general ftitinent of dry goods fewfnclj h saddles ftnd riding whipi together with other artices not mentioned a j so on haf f the prcrrifes for aeon which the fuoorihcr row lives riciird smith kingston kpn12 18 16 44tf tob iceonis rs 3 fspfctfully inform fair friends and ihe public in general j that thevhave opened a j snuff makuf4ctory next to mr robins b reiver y where they have for file mackohoy 1 raonee i infh blagard and oth- r j which they offer for fale cheap for ofh kingston toil fay r6 po he fold orreoted as may bercedi npo tiiat well known vwabl farm lot no 1 1 and th- wefr mf of f tot no 10 ip the lhit concefsou vi additional frcdetckibiirgjju t rctherj with a gsood frame houfe and earnj good meadows and two orchard iberej op and ahout cue hundrd and forty acres of improved land the p mifes are well fituatcd fer a farmer mcrdtaobh lc or uuluxva for fertile par u uv betaict in payment e sec order fr n he country wjll he par olarly attended to and all kinds of apply to the fubferiber ur u i wnhvl burn elq- in kltlffon mlchafl coyi e kmsrfln so- p h sf i for haul n reafonahle termi t 4 0 kingston zld june i s r 6 3 at s3w v 6tf qocmmna k dbfi wrc of 4ap f7 tvi 2o m i j cwcessim 1 e wa i c hcii- in hr towiaiin f chhhu glafs y earthenware i h 5 frtbfciiher daily exfjea to have i a vty ex ten live aftartroent of china glfsand krhrnware coinprhiob eve y article in that lh c vihtel d erthe f all defcriptiins dcnbe fjni snd eomm n do bunnflifd grid lines and plain china burhfillad tyafctts do lii t set phi i tbvan rlfferi cervices ivwn line- hlucand recen edgedc tabe ad defct services the alvc coflekion cf godfi 1 compriiin o c of the be affortment ever irniuci into thw provitee was jpurchafed for cafljj and will be fold at t jlhc mcttttfta prices villi the addition ri arc icqiivled 10 imifcc immeriiate j cf 40s per crate for tvanfport to this n to alia iielcan efq ahdjjpkite all oidcifi wil be pnnttuajly at- who have demands are requcced tended to and crates repacked on thr cu exhibit die fane for adjnflmvnt j horteii notice martha smith patrick smtth- administratrix ilm firf 6 kinrflon feb 2 1816 3 j hurlow mills for narttclup enq ire csr he otic tj 1 al a mclrhm 1 khamaugmli ibif all of which he will fell wholesale and retail on the moft reaforsbie term- he has alfo built a wiiarf and a large store for receiving and frwarding goods t6 any part of the dill rift of newcallle and to receive and forward any kind of prod nee to any part of lake ontario thfc who may oleale tn leod goods or produce to hi care may depend on thj greateft care and attention being paid them and on the moit teafoiiable tcrnw all kinds of produce will be taken f payment eithr fjr good or sioravie cafh will not be refnfed but no crtdrt i z yen james richardson sen prelquelflc 1 8th july 1816 7w6 james g ii anna espectfully infrms hii fricnfls and the public fu general that ik ha juft received lome elegant clocks filhing tacke chcittnen 33 mxnravi boards game 13ies pocket npafle dice fans 6ivtr 1 c sjoons sugar to gs fifh knives vjflting cards jewelry c c n 0 i ce v l pctfunfi incb i to tl c eflstf ofdoor akson mithtdeeea- 1 for sale very val g mill for safe a long u ase on mode- jiate terms may be had of an extepfivr building lot nearly ar icre in the vfcti 1 midland jistris 1 y virtue n to ivtr j owrit of ex ecution ffliied out of his majeflyg court of kings bench holding uv lea in and for the mihand drftnfc fncfrid at the fait of jrn kiiby fthe town of knglion in the faid dillrifl errliant againfl the landaand teuameuti which werro william ykinion of the lame place tanner deceafed at the time oflxh death in the hands and cuilody of richard cartw right john fergufod nicholas slfck ic and mary stickle ex ecutors and executrix oft lie faid will mm atkinfon deceafed to me directed i havefeized and taken in execution rj which ha jau unierjrie a thno r r3 upon th irr- of berctm hcdontnfy terms either op stxt such a defirabk pioptrty is rjj cafes or a lon to be met with k will he diofedj mr miles ipni 20 nurrs by the owner in enfequence f mcr- cbfttiie airrnirmcmts for carticnlrsl to treat forth fame apply to 1 ho m coleman efq the prs puetcr he i 46tf notice r fnbf refpeclfuhy inform the merchants 1raders and the i i w charcoal wanted rja aaj buriels t be de vuuu thc doft of the navigation of si 6 at itated peri- fa or seven hundred bnmels to be delivered weekly uitil the end of march 1817 ny perfnn wifhing to undertake the delivery of the fa lie arerequefted to fend jfraed rerde- o the naval storekeepers office p int frederick on the 311 inil i offers for fale fevttal town witerl public in general that they have entered upon the bank of the river muiraijinto copartncinip and have opened an t man who uvl underflandfl con- audton room in front of the new mar- owtng caijinr machines and can ket in the back part of the houfe be- fecp accounts will meet with good eu- j longing to john duncan where they c 1 rgement on application as above will hav reilaravctfons twice a week a let ofnewctfcfa wanted a above t burlaw march 25 1816 2 p q o pi o ms wrapping pa pr v a ouaniut of inng paper j vy no 2 ii vwill ioil no 2 jj cltto oilj ubvui naval 7arti kingston i jj may 1 si 6 4 blan bail bonds and sheriffs 5ales por ale at this office diuvied afhoic a fhort diftmce below the iciideoce nf the fubfeu- nonthe nrth ihore ofwoifc ifland a small b oa t howne ca 1 jiavc ii again by proving property paying charges and applying to the furwiber isaac t barrett weiie awd july i 116 6ji jujl punibcd and for fale at this cffiee price f iheljfkaiddyingspehch of joseph bevir who was executed at kingston on mob clay the 4th day of september f8ic j i r the murder of maiy bcvir his diiogtirer for sale avery valuable and pleafantly bt uatcd town lot for tcims ao- ply at this office dtc 22 2qf stolen or strayed h belonging to the faid william at- iw kinson deceafed at thc tiine ofhii htyol kindlon a lsokveral lotiqffl irah in the hands and cuftody of ricb nue two cr three lifthi cf an acre eachi rd cctwrighc john fergufon nicho- as stickles and mary stickler execu tors and executrix of the faid william atkinfon deceafed lownrmber 1920 31 22 23 and 24 in the fourth conces ion of the townfhip of sidney containing by admealurement i20ocres be the fame more or cf now i do hereby give no tice that the faid lots or parcels of land will he fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder at my office in the town of ko- lion on wednesday the six teenth day of october next at ten of the clock in the forenoon at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known charles stuart sheriff and every pcrfon or pcrfons having claims on thc above defcribed lots of land and premifes by mortgage or other right or incumbrance are hereby adver- tiled to give notice to the faid sheriff at his office in the town nf kingfton previ- au to the fale thereof sheriff office may 6 1 8 i 6 4 blank deeds and memo rials for fale at this office jaiid being thai the ivutot fubferiber harh 43 been the only otic in that line of bufiuefs tin kingfton j for a number of years they expect by their jtiidt attention and cor- renels that they will have the cutot i jof the place in future to encourage thc new firm joim daxlet john duvcan auctioneers kingston tolh april 186 j n b the days of auctions are fixed jon tuciday and friday 7 lost cnthurfday evening lafl fomewhere about the goal two leafes running from government to stephen fairfield and rehafed from the td fairfield to me alio a contratf for sale a quantity of oik fuirabie for staves and fquare timber within a rea- then o tmt the wer may get them ihaji have till dollars reward 3 blank summonses for the district courts for sale at this oilke a ny gentleman having a farm to let or fell within live or ten miles of kingfton may meet with a tenant or puf- chnfer by applying at this office eiiigftosj maich 15 ib t6 4