Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 29, 1816, p. 3

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f nm th train the fy v alio fuuilnncf ofl thoujlu t- ii lie i- not nnly a ve ty p lite icnolar bur a man of exunlive and profound erudition i wa- forcibly j ft 1 1 u k with a hurt yet bvauufu charac icrwhih he drew of our learned and a fninhle countryman sir robert boy hf fpokc of him as if m hi n hi- m ni lrd eten before dcuh divtfled h rfliof a itttviefic firtiw hi frail tahennce o fl h and called him in his pic ii rj emphatic fd imirefftve manner c uu- jmireiiitepience i he link between mm and angel this man hs been before my hnuin- bu n nlmoil ever jiice a tho fand time i i ode alone i dropped the reing of mv bridle iretcliej forth my hand n i tried to imitate his qn station from ronffjni o thonfiind etrpea i abandoned the a tenpt in defpair and felt perfmded thrr tiii peculiar minner and power i ft from an energy of foul which naiun could give but which no human in iisy rain vtz the farc ryd vhch i fitted winter fowng and the imall rye foi piiiig tbc lhre nr vvinrer rye i the irongelk arid hirjiett and is generally owen oti no r dry gravelly or fan jy oils where wheat will not thrive when it is fown the ground mufr be try for if mnch rain falls even after it 1ovvn before the rye is come up it ii i rot in the earth it will ripen much ariier on a light land then a cold 11 iff jrjufld and by contrivin g to few it on tie fame foil tor feveral ycas the crops oli mervale and be forwarded fo much s to r ml a month earlier in three years it is bid efpeciaily if the lubble i- loughetl m immediate after re ing which ofg importance as ii en riches the land and increafes the next crp little fprinklhg of dung or even mud tho i be but hf the qmn- rlt y conioionlv ufed for other grain it id j villjif laid upon rye giound giestly j dvance the crop endd niftljr copy- l tort he fet jj if a harveft crop h expected it is ab- altoj ether to lrabinjr of a fwr ner jj- jjt 1 rely neccflarytn deep the rye ilu or of a totahy different nature fro n th j ted of men k is i recal at this moment feveral rf j his awfully irilting atituds the chi ling with which my blood begins to pour dv mv arteries re ninds me ol the c fcvrtions produced by the firfi fight of grvs introductory picture of hu bard on a rock whole haughty brow frowns oer old conways foaming flood pwobm ii the fable garb of wo- with haggard eyes the p e uod loolc hi beard and hoary hair bticamd ke a metor to the troubled nr r0eutifor wiich are only common ill and alnm the fat to be put into e vvoter till it makes an eg2 fwi n and hen half as moi more t be added and after twelve hours the aliuoi to be put in ai ounce u cvvry gallon when the whoiirha flood twelve hor longer thr liquor nuift be drawn off the feed fra on the floor and etivercd llijek vlrh flick lime lifted over it and ilirred cli the whle h impregnated theiewitli rifter which it u framed a ely fown there is not mnch danger of ryes blading managed as above if f wed early lie3 haverefuird n to tfonntry aoout a year two f hildren have died out of each family fintfpe lafl fall and it h gen erally believed ome of their deaths were also occa0 ky the wicked hand ofwatkins m watkfes was dci veredof a fliliforn child a few hour previous to her death for the dgmmereml advertifir the chad of honors pride with mr v i was not pcrfon- nlly acquainted- as a companion he might have polffled all tbofe qualities which fntereft captivate the heart as a child and other the tender affec tions and charities which ever fvtef f lafl moment of a parent and add z louble pleafure to all the enj ymenta of horns a a ciie the talmn which would have rendered him a ufefu and ornamental me her of communiry he mgone and far from me be the de lire of waking ilk lumbering remain r bring them before a tribunal upon kvhioli iie mud now look down with the noil perfect iiidiitercnce mingled with motions that gfcsft only by thoe who liavcr paffed the outii wiueh feparate- ume tu i rtciniiv no let his allies rel u idiitorbcdi while the tears of hu manity bdcw hi untimely gjve it is not aaiiill the man but again it the dud lhf t js not to gratify my prfonnl fee lings but to pionote the caufe of hu- j aauity of rehgion of morality nay oil ivihation itfe f that 1 wire fort whut prrice in there mo inhuman irl idlgioaa immoral and baiburoii what ficu1tes and cnrn xui wf lilteri hut wc do not heal wc lacik but we do not fee socrates i rwt- at vice and o v jit nttd to b- i w from the new tori p8aor j4 foundling some rime fmce n in- farjt was left in the eofy of a houfe in the fifth ward of this citv the child was carefullv laved in a bafket and had a note attached to its frock of which the- following is a copy x for fwcci charitys fake receive m innocent helplcfs fatherlefs and cold 1 urgedi as i am into a world wfthont a friend oh let me not die but under ymi hofpitahle rof ptote and i in eta- tit ude will repay nourilrj and train ny rrrowing years to virtue and i will he your folace in declining years mv na tural fathn ha- ivturned again tomoche earth my natmal mother wnerhiug witlt convulfive agonies joylvw and def- pairing fall halienfng tc the tomb be hen to mi a father and you fhall ifl noj witehofe yourrevard the redeemer a tl world took little childieu in lii arm- and 1 befbech jrpti imitate llw divine be nevolent example- m y jriendlfpy helpkfs nrfhan agta three days 99 and with a poets hand and prophet fire struck the deep forrow on hi lyre cjuefs mv ftirprie when on myarriva at urcbmond and mentioning the nam- of this man i found not one pvrfui wh jad ever before hrard of jame waddle it i not hiane that fuch a genftli as thi- j accomplhhed a fthoar fo divine an itrike- at th- very being of locity an- excepting odr from lcal cades tech ij f 2t defiance hot ii the law of god am is twbtoj bufhes which ought to beh man moitrthan chat of dvlibenc- lv fh o eradicated from the hordes ot ih field j ring 4- b foff creature and thu jf rye as thty will alfuediy bi-i- a bl l jifcpdiinr m wiu all his ihs noon h dirt ift ho old appear to bfeil wh ell v iii be k lowen on the eks rf the locks head iota the avful prccenee f u rffen tided cresor it imit thetfrpt zc of feej btgiuning to toft it mall be cut jiung v ici ieflcti wonm ovenome immediately ad lie til the fcctn hy hardened which will prevent its fhrink1 rhe aove prtlcy frm roleilions orator ciouid be permuted to ianiuhfaid by epcriiwcflm is eioud true jinc die in obfcuuty within eight micjj a n h fahrifr ofthe metropolis of virginia vrom poulfoiis philadelphia vdvcrtifit in format ton to fanners ohervinjj that spu i ng wheat ha- bcorc an intedting objcs of late ii tnland a id alfo in this country 1 have thought that the following remark en it would be uleful efpccial ilic tditors efiher papers fhould copy tbetti from yourr 1 1 was fowen here lafl fpmg by mw- frs philips and dewees a the rate oi full two blilieu to the acre the crop was luxuriant tiie cars large and weii filled although rhe fi id on which it grew adjoi ied the mulhanon creek and wv level as well as low and pan of it con fiderrd too retentive of moillnre fo wheat thele circumll uucs added to its vincniuir later than thi wheat which had been fown ill the fai fecmed to fav or mildew hut it tfeaped while rhe for mer vas exceluvely injured by that di eife in every direction fo far as my in quiries hae extended tiie vefult of this crop accidentally determines thai fme varieties of spring wheat ace vallly mote fnfceptible of in jiry from mildew rrn others for when tiu- farmer wh was iiiu about too milrs north weft of thia place to procure iht fed arrived in the neighborhood where it was grown he was informed they had two varietie3 and that the bearded wis fusja to mildew when the fmoothj chaff a reaped he confoujuently endeavo red to procure the letter however when the wheat fiiot out into head a li glit mixture uftht bcaided appealed i every direction through the field which contained about four acres of ground and every plant of this variety was ex offively mildewed and the grain very fadiy injured while the fmooth chaff growing in contrail with it efcaped yours refpefuhv john lorain raltiich m c april 19 a hocking murder was cumrmtud fnm- day ago in pcufon con try in tlti hate mr htttiry jones had pro vided by his will that a certain favotitc reroman fliould tu his deceafe be cm aircipatcd with tins circumftancc bis naalur had imprudently made the negro fccquaited and impatient it ia fupjo fcd to obtain his proinilvd freedom th fellow dctermiiicd upon the horrid pin- pose of murdering his bcnefadlor in order to ella hi- object hs engaged two of liis fellow feivnnts a man and woman as aceomuiicca thcv rs knocked their isaftvr un the had by ncanjofan axe and liun burned up hi body bone and al the negroes have bfeti tufcen hve conf livj tle fact sid wa ksuv gniestt cj dprll 8 mttforcgkal obfervatim rain hav- iug fillen on monday a fcried of thhty- i ne yrar- hs tlaod in which it h3 in- tfatitiory rlned o- rh 1 cjtii or 201i1 of may some lime ce vve heard the re mark mad- of this occurrence and recolj kcte iron monday lal the rcmarf ker f me thirv one years ao wis in the habit of pftlyng tile elcsroii week with lis friends in connecticut and for fever years lei oitou hujowmey on the 19th 2cth of may and found that in all ole years in foeccflion he was compel- j d to ride m the rain or fiop this ocj fcailoftetl iiin 10 note annually the irate of v th and or whudi the faity of our nsturelmj vvcy jhwdaya and he ha a kind of excufc that hifpires th- duel- j inixu hl- tttiriyonc years it has inva lift paffio ufupy fomie and rhdjhj r oh them the iiatr- fital acx i- tile- the tefult of realon o is m c r t facl if thev the defpicdble rear of crcufltcrinff fi on of a wofuk whofe aowoition 5 an wt have fiim confidence in the vera the mark of death not the death of the body but of the foul nor van the du- ellirt plead th the rirciinis mcrj wteh j hokri mliruk r andbuicuefo dejpentelv u him fuvvud are fu hi i itv of our informant the cfov a bout thc we c frice the wife of ilas are not within the reach of i dtr abel watkins of lui jdlcbury j j eit an i prttleftttng hand of few j jencfee c u uy died as wrt3 luppofedjj tor if they are furelr thtyarciuch as avw tori tyfljtor ivinuston june 29 1816 1 1 oi ii zwrf arc of afvcr ia confluence of wlucli war jtrnly nible an 1 gentroua mind 1 i cti s i il k perfuuded a neighbor mid intimate feel itfeif drva to aotix won m or if svt j mm the i jri- ci tte of june i 2 derriks have becfl received hyl il- exce le icy rhe lieurenant lover o- noifyi j liis tyil highnefa the prinre iiegeri pleafure that the seal mended him the remainder of the niht tafg ilw king of haven and forfeit nd perry died the next diy mr rr try and mr wikiih beiir a nder ith limilar fymptomsiii their ftclr-u- j together with an appearance of faniiji j ity between watkin and p rrys wife jjoon created a fufpicion that wat kin 1 had poifoncd b ith his wife and perry inquiry was made of dc sheldon or tvfrotne wilkins purchaled his medicine f he had purchafed any piion of him and it was nfcertaind that he purchafed 1 z of arfenic and omc nux vomica dr shcidon and othr perfoua converfed with wat kins refpefllng ii who hated that he bought the arfenic for a m in but could not tell his name nor where he liv ed but faid that he gave the poilon to a certain do which is yet alive sufpi ciou increaled and welkins was advifed o have the bodies taken up and examined for the purpofe of fatlsiyiig the mind of he populace and clearing his own character acordingly on friday the jth intt foot teen phyficians appeared a the graves tlie body of perry wa dug up and examined the ftomach wa t iken out and carried into a houie where the phyfician- tried many chemical ex- erimeuti oil the contents and it wa- jicertained beyond a doubt thatthrewa- i coniideiable quantity of arfenic in the homach which was much corroded hie phyficians reported that his death ng occalioned by arfenic watkii was informed of the opinion of the phy- ucians about lltee oclock the next morning he fhortly after went out of his houfe and in about an hm and a half wa fjuni in the woods fifteen or i vventy rods from his houie fufpeuded by i i handkerchief to a final 1 bulk his leg- part of his body and his hands en tlu tiound on examination he was found to e dead the phyfiuaus proceeded tr examine thd body of mrs walking nd reported nnanimoujiy that her dca h was ccafioned by vegetable and mineral kioion r coroners inqurft was fum i jail thai i precious in life tie hopa tif kapphfsh theprave laftmg as c- j em ity and pefefl as its amhor hon oi strange pcrveriion of tcrur hotl- r tor dshoror thls bids you to meet in the rhd of death a tranter and j to embrueyjur hands 11 hli blood that 1 iys that 41 slrunger is a iacrcd name 44 guidaiice and rel and food and lire the tfii1rntes and militia officer of the piltica of goie have prefented jm ddrcis io kis excellency the lt govei nc to which his excellenc melancholy atci l killed in sophfafbunh by ht f i a tree on saturday t lie 17th ntt l jacob heirington ard ljout go e ha formciy carried papers from thi of- fie melancholy orcurrtce a tresing and fatal accident hienrredj by the burfting of the hoif on hra fleam boat at marietta o th jth injl tiie particulars of rhis caamiiou- venr i are contained in the ioihwing letter j which was lecive at vfhfpgtu on mon day and pihflied in the national inre- livencer of tuefdav the commander and engineer of the stram boat misft have been eithci totally unficiile in iheir vocakii prcfumptuoiilly td erimi- nally neieftfid of their dv commercial jjtlv marietta june 6 1s16 an accident of toe m it rhilielling natuu- todc place yellerday the large lieam boat built at whecprp came to and or heie day b- fore yelletday at eve- luitg she had let out with t being prepared for the purpofe and wi de tained during the night for fonc i i vvork they raifed she fitam too ivh ufore he ihrud and while the hands were all called together in ihrafl if rai ding the anchor the boiter exploded at the end 1 eit to them it was ttrihle beyond concepuo almoft rl were cr- ikdovci board and dreadfully- bur oed one wa drowned and iy or 6 much injured 6 died al 1 ight rd two or 3 moe naid die 1 married in ryetatejvr mi david retfl 3ged 70 to mrs iv y kifhraid pfrd 38 4 may he when time has fjk iiim into years love her old man and chcrifli hij vvhite iihiis ic nor he perceive her charms through tgc decay but think each happy ftm their bri- dal day in gie vir 20ih nov by the j cook r george we 1 gd crre hundred and fx years t- lv mary jaruicr if tonr e aged so january and fllny via rrraricd at st lvonarrj ci lurch- shored ttd to ni3 fecohd wife ale- george maxwell i rtffpeible tilor in the klh ft of uis age to a btooming mtden of aj ow bf54e5i fi pjkel m bl te nfl full of fpiit on the occafion thou- h he i father grand father anj great- jfrnnxifether to one hm rhtd and cr c children london pirr m ad e a iepy i n u vain he never mull recntre ae now in jail awaiting tite feutccce tn j j noed ro t on the body of watkin wt law jwhoihattly rttorucd wirh 3 verdict r j f idem yeue dy mrs perry was take fmojk tf a 7 se vrvsx i o cuuodv and is ihis dzy io be ex tm wkrc the m ttf teti 9t to watkllw ind lor withthar fm i lus points u your enemy and cries re anguage oi sir f p robin ton and jvtfitcd the falls of niagara j their leaving thia country y family have previous to veug ad iiavoc the i m paris ffley 7 the feeonh c mnt of wi of tne firfl li y difcn vil tonr t r notice r he ale of sir fredck r bfn- fons furniture and tdect will lake place on the 9th july next nt the rioule of commander in chief at ten oclock precifery biih of theattcles will be diflribtltcd previous to tire faic kin s ton june z8 l8l6 a 61 i iyiii a way from off the common 01 or about the fifteenth of april all a olack horfe with a white lace and white fretlocks and abont ieven ycra old whoever will re urn said horfe to the subfcribcr will be rewarded for l mubie johx link k jut lis 1616 1 jiutciher votaries and ftains it tr their k tfh m h i hi tzt r al it kf fa bnid on oi deo outlaw uechdd or ior- adrertisement i tis the voice oi ndfhip the but jult now broken with priaj i tiu led with y m rnurning health rniks p his emanciatsd j huortlin he ioipirin renins of the luellift brutus flew his friendthe aci canbejallificd inpoa noi und but ii attaota clotigh be though thtfofoan oi his country dm t blow n modern iivutufes urore honrghls men to le fw than he p flay tl liei n j ou cmbionc left aris yeftcrdayl j rtiorumg 10 proceed tr n f embar- j ej ww of aran announce that fev- 1 exiled imenchmm win had fixed thenfclve8 to the brjjecii nf the uni rl states of atnctua hnve rctii d into the inferior of the new continue 1 1 fihatch fads in a ropoit of were tm jiar w e icld the lirndtli w his audience wlviw convjaiun fixed njpon their nodcrftaiid- iosaiid truth penetrated their hearts vvhere the ftalefi to w nit ts e furryunded iv dtf- hsid heen ced 10 octy by thrii tl addetl 7000 iri ad a ii i auu 7 perlom ate iaed more hm 4000 djuars by the vices cfi thtit iimjliiifiirs were a g nilat invtfiitium f fc f lijcfc on foot in this ciiy with a nuln- ii rhi- dferber oiters for fale the folic wing lot of lands lots no 14 15 17 i 25 and zs 10 the vth conoeijon of the town hip of r 1 nurlow no 4 in the 8th concccion of hun- tingdon no 9 in the toth conceltion of row- den no git eaft half d concefflbn of sidney 2go acres in the th and coo i the h conccflion ti the gore between hr- ncft town and krderickurfjh no 18 and 10 the 8th cocctfiion of murrhy no j md i in therh cobcefiion of the towiiiiijj oz vaiigbm also three town lota in the town of i kingston of one fifth ofa ace each 1 wm crawrokd ffderiekhnrpji 2fi h nt isirt 4 j ok ijlei a valuable lot of land lyfrip hi the firft conceffi jn jf loahboionjh with 25 acres of improvement a line ftreatn of irater runniny through it with otht r ctdvanpjtffffc ihe ubtnc lot wl the difpoied of ft public hde on ivinjay the fixtccih of setcmlr iext unhfs old previonfly t pi ivtc fale-

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