Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 22, 1816, p. 4

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ne w goods f almnfi cvct c t jufl rece vcd and ffcred for ale on term- ilwi noit acenatroodating by peter wetsel smarts which are a verv extenfiveaf- fortuient of dry goods if together with a choice afforjfftent f 6yyfo 6 ribbons ladies bonnets hardware store f new goods he fubferiber has just received aid now offers for fah- an cxteufive and well chofen adbrtrnem u gentlemens boys h 4ts frefhtea lnfand mnfeovado su- pju5t ladies twill and paper to- n co scotch rappe and maeuboy 3 ffn old jamaica spines cognise bran dy hulhnd clin shrub peppermint rtat and french wjne cote chocolate ginr rflltpicti ground pepper muftard murme coves cinnamon curraitfs sh poland surch fig blue powder and shot corn and bah 2rooms witutow glafs and putty s crew augurs steelyards sho- rhe fubferiber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened a store in the above line oppofite to mr samuel fyircyds store where he offers for fate an allurement of hardware cutlert carpenters and jemas tools 5 and 7 feet mil saws crofs cut do fquare flat and round iron of all fizes crawler and blifler heel nails and fpiks of all iies hovels and fpades file jfhovels and tongs iron biafs and belt plated candlell icks coffee and pepper mills bureau trimmings fcale bearr land weights fcrcw augers mnfons ham- j mers and trowels locks of all defcrip- tions window glafs putty black fpanifh brown pruflnn blue and yellow paints alfo many other articles too nu merous to mention the whole of which will be fold much lower than can be parchafed at any other lore m kfngflon 3 a mu ml shaw kingston zsii march i s 6 y f p l a steel 4 and rod cut mails 8daud iod wrought together with a general aftoitterit of hard and ho low ware i 4 j 3 doz cneleis i6szi worded h fe ti dost ofldglfchu cover 3 d z lpikiit glaftcs of various fjes and fa funerinr qualify 50 bbls bfctipork zoo lbs hogs l i ceo gallons raw and boltd linieed off i 30 prs mens ioot3 of different qua- 500 do do shes k- j by ti s vu th but 1 erworth tj l acquaint thcirj j v friends and tbc public in general that they have reconirencvd bulinefs in tii new houfe near walkers hotil where they have on hand an octerifive af fcrtmeftt of lajcs chimrens bdl licuvcr bnnncts gendcmen beft uea- yd oat ir roraoi and knipt huts jl mens youtiisand boys wool hats likwjfc laiei and childrens lon don fifoablc bornicm lithen and riniiiiiis of the futlowrng colours 3iack wiiire blue brown purple and dial which they offer wholefale and cheap sales t the store of mcflrs h w wilkinson co a large qnnity of sweetfcented virginia common puisf ludie twill and twili tobacco i spamh and american segafs in quirtcr boxes farge or fmuli quantities to fait pur- bafcrs i ch the whnie of which will be f id at 2c p cent cheaper than can be pr ju- red here from anv marker f the v rel state not excepting smrooers ktnjhn 221 march 18 16 42 1 or salcbytlw fjibfenber 30 biib mels pnik prime d pali albany strong beer tar tobacco is do hails all llze jvi c rpentert looj a iirgf quautitj lals of anil every ceii ripcion a rcnerai affurtrnent of dry goods new goods iatp r- no 1 1 fohns flnkle have just rfctevfd a gener al assortment of dry goods jnd groceries ini sup dry goods groceries and hardware also a well chofen afyoitment of medicine the whole of which wil be fold at the lowest prices forcch 01 country pro duce ewd j hendi uson kingston 21 j iuu1v i r 34 james mcdouall co succefjbrs to the l c firm of 8 filch aid co cotii million merchifits mon t r e a l v espectfqlhy tender their i v fervlces lo tin r fncuds and the- sf 1f pubtfc for agency and comndfftvn blifi j ladic hiaek white and ancy colour d nelsj and flatter themftlvea that nhonfe kl ror rite the following iair bran u part of the real cftale owncd1yi irubferibfr 1 ettft half of lot rurnber 19 in the yi conctfiion of dcilplms town on at bay having frimcd hoti him together with an inipro etnent thcreori cntaining 10c acres 2 lot imbtr z6 ifl wefl btv foutv f he blck rivrrit th 1 1 troncdson of the trtwnfhip of mrr bti w bnil- amonp which are the foltowj dings nd other improvnenfb theieou articles erfise and common broad cloths white and black cotton cafttbricki superfine dnffd andundreftd calicoes i black sik madrafs and cotton bandan na handkercliicfs a variety ofshawlfi and veflinrs large damaflc sik shawls french cambrick for handkerchief f mne liora cmhrkh mi robe feteriu 5 wwv fe j n lv s arcencttt zlack mde gentlemens fine buck doeskin and bea ver gloves hi the ptovince is beiur lituatec o rr tvi iv ouk do ladie fancv afforted kid do faiifaior in their lln to thfe whoj f 8 wutbombabb h ofe to favor them with ocmmands i wliire flialloon silkvelvets and cotton i libera advances made on config vments hieh il have the sdvantages of both jfontrel and quebec markets without extra coir niitioii montreal february 3 iyrt sfiiriiugf j fine irifli linen ruffin imitation a i wool cardinjr scotch sheeti t black and white jeans dimities and bu k cripc kt and bod- muflins lenoes ginghame ribbons and laces fide plated fun and wool hats jacketier and botk muflins l ot 11 nng zoo aerea j three fourth of lt nnmber c w ithefirft concefbofl wcr of ni vr f and well of the rock in lie townthip of marybargh with an improvtment thcic oncontainii 15c acted 4 fifsyaereof vilwawe wood lair beng part of the utrrn fiirinmly onec and occupied by the fuvcribr h the the rii b thereto 5 ot number 6- and the wed lialt f nu tiber 14- in the 20 roivfiion f the townfhip of richnond cuntaiuiig 300 6 ixt number 8 in the 2d eonceflwa fouth fi e cf tht afl lake h the town- hill of hotlowell- coraiii 2co 7 eaft half of t number 6 h tht 4th conccfiion of the tcnvnftin 1 f vrlw on jhe river moira with a iftpiiient iereon containing too ocrva- 8 lot natnber i al if- vanalftiiw like in the ill -k- fu n nf the tuwahtip nc the fubferfber hw craetfa card- oil d hat covers big machine i df a miie north of i 1i so mrmguinn infill 01 couivs creek jjhyfon intlteuwiiflifpof kiiuon and lus it 1 1 yoiins hyfon j- teas 40 do 100 do 1 go do 30 do 1 5 kegs i now m complete order for carding wool all pcrions who will favor him wihtherr custom mry be a tared of hav ing their work doe well piue 6d per lb pj fitch fcingstm june th 1 s 1 6- 2tf iyion 1 vottng hyfon and hyfonfkin j of marysburgh h an iroproveraeni f thereon cont rnig 200 jercs 9 lot number 14 h to 5th concw- fion of ihetowufbip f lvnavl contaww ig 3cm9 acres 10 lot nun fr zg f ft c -nce- iiifli of the 60yhjiip of i ijihrand eon- pine pigtail and ladies fwifi tobacco high pv fold jarnica spirits cogmac bianv holland geneva shrvh port wine the ftwc goeds together with a va- 1 raining 200 acres i lot minihti 20 in tlvv rth coiic ifion ffthe townhipof i tfjurr con- ratning zoo acre 12 lots number 12 rail 13 h the 1h confflion o the tov rritwrl vuflnp jnrmrny rirty f avticttfi not rrntio w l upk s we 2i con j lulled ffcorh rov yff in 9 tviaia orokejntothc edclofoiteeffion tifj 13 fubfcnbvr in adolphu t eher h about the mljrfwvfbani dduiunal i fcaenck5lurgn t t with a good frane kuufe j f good meadowl and tw oiel tu 1 1 in and about one hurijrvd i no s eaft 51i1 con of the town fhtp of pittfnfti also lots nu 7 in the 51 h conceflion no 6 in the 6th conccton niia 28 29 30 2 33- in 6th con ko rj lu ihcoujf pittfburgh jtlo miittwj disrh fy virtue of ro r j ijwrit of ex i rcution iffied out of his mnen court of kintfe bench hohliir civil j mca- in and for the midland diwrsa j forefaid at ihe fait of john kirby f tti town of kiriglion lv the aid ditu nerchatxt aaiafi thelandsand tcratnetua he jietail fur chi as cheap aa they can be purchafed at nfotrcal n b cahi paid for beaver muflrat and racoon skins kiiitcn 30th oft 1s1 2 f notice rphe fubferiber rcfpeaftdlv inform 1 in friends and the public that he is about or cninr a 1 jre in front of the new vjuk t houfe where be wil do business on commission wiil bay and fei store forward goods i or down the river will ifljce in any orders of any defciipti- on iu that line of bcilnrfs n b perfona deiirous of commitrij conijgnments to his charge tasf know the i of ftorree and comrriifhon by tiling at the ncwcomitji dore john duxncan iggfton dec 30 isij 30 notice isskd on the 10th inft and fup- jll pofed to have been helen a fjote payable to james norris or bea rer for dvenponncis fifteen flttllingf tinned by ffac hough there are two jorkmcnt on f id note the public s hereby cautioned againft pureliailrg a mcifurcs have already been taker to mop the payment francis car usee kingston xth april ls6 46 snuffs hanm ritters tobacconists esrectfully inform their friends snd the public in general that they have opened a smufp manufactory next to mr robins breuery where they have f jr fcile mackoboy rirrce irifts hsaggard f and otlir j which they offer fo fale cheap fos caih v kington xoih my r6 49 charcoal wanted 20000 iivcred before the clofe of the navgatfon of 1 8 1 c at ftated peri- dsor seven httndred buflieh to be mivered weekly until the end of march 1817 any pcrfon wifliing to undertake the delivery of the fame arerequeftcd to fend faled lenders to the naval storekeepers office pint frederick on the 31ft hift naval tan kingston r 15u may 1816 own imp f or 1 own 1 i and tqth 2d in the 1 th cjjj the whole being in the t 0 o landovu in the uttia l pirticlurs enqniic at tu dfjln mclein ff kingston august 28 sljtayvij kwgjlon sept 6 1 si 5 4 12 notice ywz r refpeafully inform the merchants traders and the public in genera that they have entered v j into copannerfnip and have opened an 7i n wa m i x 1 j r audion room in front of the new mar- llc i7h okfon i l troml tit c t t r 1 j ti lket in the back part of the iioufc be- t- 1 r r uli 0 miotic h r tl i j 1l1 be open every iv io to jwvn duncan where they vv m oclock a m tuij u jj tors and executrix of the ma william atkinfon decafrfl lotstirmbcr 19 20 22 23 and 24 n life fottrth conctfs- bon of the tovvafhtp of sidney cnntamlog by aarm2hircrri iu 1200 at res ihefamc more or ef now 1 jo hereby give no tice that the faid lots or parcels of land will be fold ami adjudged to the hijrheft bidder at my enfiee ui t e tuvn of king- flon on wedintesday the sjv teenth r y of october next inland adepont left with u con l p per of five pounds a a furetr ft c new firm ir c n t o 1 r tl rules cr i lots of books snbliibers hj- lf i r 1 if vaoainttthemv- m tne place in tutuie to encourage tfc public notice xhe fubferibers to the kingston- steam boat are hereby required to make immediate payment t the trca- fwrer of tho oney which is llill due on their feveral fobfa iption giio m markland 8thm 8f6 lilamk ba 5 iubied to t rr- p ij itculpn books j uder themfelve the library pcrfon having in their peff l belonging to this library nr w tojelurn them into the lib r j delay wn r v charles andfrs 35i j kingllou id ib 18x6 john barley john dunca siutlhneers kitgston 101 h apnl 1816 n b the day of auctions are fixed on tiufday and friday 46 claims on the nb ve defcribed tntl tf and and premifes by rroairirre 01 oher right ol incurribiotcc ue hvivaver- i tiled to iveuoiketu th ford klunitf ar j his office in the town afkingfloft prev- oils to thr u thitfof ttojfc occ may f5 1 8l 6 i l bonds alid sffirilfs sales for bale at this office notice to iheeftate t est on thrfday evening lad ju fowewom- abuutthc gosd two lcai ntaoiog from gtwernment t 4 notice ts hereby given 6a all peifina jndeht- i tj to the laic frn of norman bit thmte j m a rth a lratrix 10 kingfton feb sicn 35 1 thomas parks ltton april 1 1816 4 ctf- cf iiiglloi tlat uirefi their d-bt- are dniy patd or kforcrk 151b prohno tik ir aoouuts v ii iv ic polited wuli vvl tocollui jmcsg ixhurc kingston ftj auy tgtfi cctf ii blank dliedsaxomkmo aijksa for fale at thu ok-

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