Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 11, 1816, p. 2

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toil ie electors m a t 0 f t h e county of frontenac 7heras his majeftys royal w proclamation hath been iitued for the purpofe of calling together a legiflative council and houfe of afferfibly for the pro- tinee of uppet canada and whereas by a cevtiin aft of this province pafivd in the fortv eighth year of hi prefent majellys reijrn intituled an ad for the better repre- feiitatioa of the commons of this province in parliament and to icpeal part af an ad pallid in the fortieth year of his prefent majeftys reign intituled a ad for the rrioe equal reprefentation cf the commons of thi province and for the better defining the ijualiiicatfefti f eleors it is declared and artointcd that the crunty of frontenac hall br rsprefe- ted h the m hoiife of affembly by one m mber and wherea by a certain infrrument under the figrj manual and fealed with the feal of his excellency francis gcmt ef- qrire lieutenant governor of our province of upper canada i have been nominated and appointed returning officer fr the faid county and wluteabya certain writ under the great seal of the province of upper cana da by me received i am thenby dfrerd to eaufc one knight git wih a swod the mott and difrreet in be teev and mdifteremly chfen to reptefmt the faid county in affirm blv by thofe who hall b- prfent at the day of eeftion now know ye that by yirtneof the faid nomination and appoint ment and in obedience to his majeftys faid wrir i hall at the coutf houfe in the town of kingflon on the twentieth day of may nx attend at ten oclock in the forenoon and proceed to the el ciion of one knight to repieft nt the faid county in the faid boofrof alterrbly and hereof all freehol der of the faid county are to take notice and attend accordingly john ktr3y ret u r ning i yjjic or tcittgstn ow rfprtt 9i6 4ft to the electors of the county of fronttenac s- gfktlemhn having had the i lor or of repretentfng the cmty hi parliament fbrievai years yrr- ain bee leave to offer myfelf aa a candidate atihccnfuing elcftfon i have the honor to be gentlemen your mofl obt and very humble fervant allan maclean kingston 3d may y 18 16 48 to the electors ftle ircornora counties of lenox and addington tirfhereshis mijcftya royal pro- clamation hath been iffiied for the pwpofe of calling together a legislative c ujicil and houfe of affembly for the pro vhceof upper canada and whereas by a ce- tai aft of this province parted in the forty eighth year 0 his prefent majeftys kein inthued an ad r the bettet rcpre- fefttatiaa of the commons of this province in parliament and to repeal part of an ad pued in the fortieth year of his prefent majeftys reign intituled an ad for the more equal reprefentation nt the commons of this province and for the better defining the q ul heat ions of eleftors it is declared hat the counties of lenox and addington ihah be reprefented in the faid houfe of affembly by two mtmbers and whoeas by a certain fnftrumpnt un der the fign manual and feavd with the feat of his excellency francis gore ef- cjnire lieutenant governor of our province of upper canada 1 have ben nominated and aooointed returning officer for counties of lenox and fddtafftn and whereas by a certain writ under the great seal of the province of upper cna da by me rcceved i am thereby direded to canfe two knights girt wiih swords the mft fit and difereet to be freely and indiffer ently chofea to reprefeflt the faid counties of lenox and mdmtiti in dsmf by thofe who hall be prefent at th day of eledion kgw know ye that by virtue of the faid nomination and appotvrmnt and in obedience to his majeftys faid writ i mail a ilie c urt ttonfe in the townfliip of adol- phoftown on the twentieth day of may next attend at ten oclock in the roretloon and proceed to the eleftion of two knights to reefent the laid counties of eox and fu- f ton in he fal houfe of pi temhly aid h rcoi all freeh lders of the faid counties of 1 1 nx and i7ddinton arc to take notice and aucnd ace r jint-v- charles stuart returning officer idland rstrlct t y vtituff tt 3 to wit jj3 writ oi execution iftued out ot hi majcs tyscouttof kings bench holding civil pleas in and for the midi md diflrid afove fud at the fuit of gaius dean of the town hip of ftldinand in the diftnd of new castle yeoman againl the lands and tena- ments of david johns of the townfliip of earned town yeoman to me diieded i have feized and taken in execution as be- lncingtotrufrud david johnj lot no- ip on the fouth fide of the eaft lalces in the townfhip of hallowed containing by admeafnrement 200 acres be the fame more or lefs now i do hereby qive notice that the faid trad or ht of land will be fold and arjdged to the hiheft bidder at my office m the towvof kinpfion on wednesday the fifthdav of junenextat ten of the clock i the forenoon at which time and place thecondirionof fnle will be made known charles stuart sheriff and every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defcribe j lot of land and prem- ifa by mortgage or other right or incum brance are herebv advert ifed to give notice to the faid sheriff at his office in the town of kingfron previous to the fale thereof slsrtfs ojjlcc kingsliih muk 3 1816 from the st davids spectator 43 w timber anted to be delivered at the na- va yard in the months of june ju ly angtift and september tfett rafted for the quebec market and to be of the qual ity frni there to be exported to england h to be lefs white oak 1 rln piyip l one tild iiv j lflcy r tube 50 fret long 1 jy i one thiro 35 the fu 1 171 c j other 40 feet long any erfon wishing to dclivet a fpecified quantity of the fai- timovr mull tende for two thirds odfc and one third white pine sealed tenders will be received at this yard on the may cxpreffnig the prices fov delivering it in or out of the water when the parties are reouelied to attend ewd laws jtgentfor receiving iheftlld timber naval yard kingdou april 20 1816 f 47 n ewgoods ofalmoit every defcription juit received and offered for iac on terms tlie jf accommodating by peter wetsfcl ymong which aie a very extenfive afr ment of dry goods together with a choice aitortment of silks ribbons ladi les bonnets iiemens boys frefh tea loaf and mufcovado surar plug ladies twil and paper tobatc scotch rappe and macoboy snuffs old jamaica spirits cogniac branidy holland gin shrub peppermint port and french wine coffee chocolate ginger llfpjice ground pepper mudard nutmegs ciqjvcs cinnamon currats raifins figs poliand starch fig blue powder and shot corn and hair brooms window glafs and putty yfyes fcrew ugur9 steelyards showels frying pans iron and steel 4c and iicd cut nails j 8dand iod wrought nails together with a general aitortment off ha rd and ho 11 0 w also 3 do coverlets 1 36 doz worfled hofe 12 doz oipd fiik hat covers 3 doz looking glafles of various fiizea and of a fuperior quality 0 bbls mefs pork 200 lbs hog8 lard 300 gallons raw and boild lin feed foil 200 prs mens foots of different qualjitics 500 do do shoes 100 do ladies boots 500 do do shoes 1000 do childrens boots shoess calfskins ltppcr leather harnefs ilea- ther and sole leather also 98 bulhels corn 30 bbls strang beer oats and flower extras of a utter from a gentleman at tori td his friend lately returned to nia d a york april 2d 1816 my dear str our parliament was yeflerday prorouged by his excellency the lieutenant gover nor after a longer feffion than ha 1 ever been known returning to the relations and fc- bits of pence from an arduous but iuccehu conteft a much greater prefs of b ilinefs than uloal neceffarily came before them it was alfo the laft feffion of the houfe oi attem- bly which has now to be replaced by a new eledion a citcumuance likewife tending to its longer continuance on the doath of a political body as well as n fliat of a private individual we natural ly return to the examination of its charader as gathered from its proceedings and their value yearly depends upon the difficulties 0 be enc q ec and overcrnc now this parliament tat dm i- i a very arduous eriod it may therefore be ami fine if not in tive for you to know whether the members have acquitted thrmfdves as the repreleuta- ttvesofa free and loyal people whitucr thev have attended mote to the go d or the plb than to their own private view in- terefls and palfions and whether during a time of uncommon preffure and tinexampied dinger they have not only afforded a pto- per example to their eorllituents of patience and ebflderation in private life but of courage and foftiiu e in thr field you ill recoil vd that in the fprino of 1 8 f 2 our relations wirli our neighb airs were very gioorov and though not aopre- nenuve of war fame precautionary meafures of defence appeared wife and prudent with this impreffion fieps wete taken in the lat f lion of th fifth provincial parliament 6 put the militia in fin h orde that they might be able to make fomc refinance in the event of a fudden attack flark companies were formed not to exceed one limdcd men each or one third of the ftrength ot tlic battasioi from which tbev were felccted before refoit wa hid to the balot vol- unteen fom the veimcit were admitted and fuch was the ardonr of the yith rhat ttiefe com panic gjenetally confitled of the fi ned young ntn in battalion vvho were ambitious to excel in military diicipliue but before ihefe meafures cyme to any degice of niaurity hoftilitie 1 unmenced the flnk con panics bad been inleed formed but ihey had not yet advanced far in military know- j edge the declaration of war by the united states was totally unexpected and found us altogether nnprepaxed but though a iub- jtct of wonder it wag not 3 czute of d fmay ad when general rock aifembled the new parliament in july 1812 the general wifh appeared to be to adapt fuch meafures as might roufe at fuel a crifis the patriojlm of the people and ifrengthen the hands of government two traitors who had be come members of the houfe by deceiving the people attempted indeed to obftrucl the meafures of parliament but their at tempt was vain their views ware expofed and a firmnefs and decifion exhibited by the majority which has ieldom been furpaffed finding at their meeting the province actualv invaded half rfafiires eie n longer to be tolerated xhe provilon 0 the mi hint law too weak for actual war were jirengtluned and exteneed they knew that tlieir conftituents were wil ling to make every facrlfice to repel the ene my and to give efficacy to the means of de- fencei every perfon capable of bearing arms was conlldered a militiaman and lia ble to puniihment if he refufed when com- mafided to march againd the enemy clau- fes were introduced reftair r degree the liberty of the fubiect during a itate of war with the unite 1 states a meafure ren dered abfiutely neceffary from the number of our inhabitant who had emigrated frnm that country but in doing this the houfe proceeded with all p ffible moderation and truflingr to the well tried loyaty if the great body of the people to affiil in the execution of the laws and in the detection of doubtful characters and fecret traitors they were in duced to adopt the mofl lenient meafures which a due regard to the general fafctv would admit on prefenting the money bill to his honor general brock prefident of the province the fpeaker intended to make the following fhort fpeech but the generals extreme anx iety to march againfl hull hurried the prorogation an 1 prevented its delivery as it is highly honorable to the fpeaker and the houfe and completely indicative of the gen eral feeling on that occafion you will not be forry to fee it in this letter in humbly rrqueftfncr your honors af- fent to this bill in his majeftys name ihe houfe of affembly have to regret that their means are fnr from being commenfuratc with their wifhea but they hope that as they have given au that wax in their prutr rt will be erncioudy receivedthat it will be con defence of the frtwfi which tharcondrci ilia uniformly exhibit and of their de ttiination to cling to that brave al iuud ous nation of which their have the happin ft to form a part and which combats for tu rightg and liberties ot the word in ten days they completed the meafures nececiiy f r the defence of h- province befm ieparatifig they publimed ananfmaej address to their conilituents which after prefeuringthnm with the true character 0 thefr uiemfes the advantages we enjoyed un der the protection of great britain and our txeelhnt conditution and the dreadful cotl- fequences of fubiugation to a foe wiiich had already dive u many of us from our paternal roofs and the inheritance of our fathers and calling upon us to hew our feveu worthy of our pirent ft ate conclude- as follows p fevce s you have b g inhi yourtlrici obedience tothe wan 1 youraitenrionto talfrtary fc piin- ieernrio facrifiee too c jillv h fe- cinesthe enj yinent ofour happy conilitut- on follow wih your couutrysnen in 2 ain the path of virtue and like them you fn i tiiumph ovrr your unprtncipled foe qi tiiiiihing their irgiflative iidhurs the repnftntatives departed not to peaceable occupation but tothe field you law them in all q- arters animating and leading the militia encouraged by their example and the- great talents and energy of genersj j5raek the yeomanry bee me vetenns an- were en abled with the aiujlace ofa few reiuiars to capture two invading aruiiej and to drive te euenv t hi own fh re the parliament aitembledlate in thefpring of 1 8 t 3 and in a fiioi t feffi n of about fif teen days matured a number of wife i rws wll caicifeted for the defence of the provice ad the annoyance of the enemy an n6t was psaed to facilitate the circulation nfarmv hills illicl undet tl- authority of he legmre of lower can da this law renewed fro fl year to yeai has been of the greatelt utiiiiy 10 the fearciry of fold and filver made it imoffible to orocct d withour a rireulat mediiio the parliament nexr proceejed to otak foch alterations in the miutii law 39 experience appeared to fugeit among other improvemfns it was de to raife regiments of militia to five during the war in this the good intentions of the lciiiilature weie not lo luceefsfu as was x- pecied the terms f euliftment weie un i itunrtily changed the promile of a crown referve at the efld of the war whs un dermined a jealoufy nofeon the part of the fedenrary 71ilitia 1 he new regirsentf wee fupp fed bv many to have too much the a pavauceof egalar tlie genfeen si ployed to raife them meeting with fuch un expected impediments were ditifted and be- came lefs afve and nothing but a deter- roimtion to fcrve at fuch a c prev many from refining to th fe and other catties and not to the want of ardur i the young men to defend the province is tae failure to be att ibuted for fo few emitted that the whole weve confolidatcd into oae battalion but this did not weaken the re al eneraics of the country becaufe thefcdenl tay militia wrrc called as ufua on ev ry emergency the dililllation of fpirinh liquors from grain was prohibited at thu fefiion by iaw from policy as well as good morals the men being called fo much out many of the crop were left to rot on the ground it was wife therefore to preferve that tm of the grain which had been received for the fuueauce f marr the parliament was not forgetful of thofe who had fallen ri been difabled during the war and ha trued to pa f an aft providing pcnfions for prrfons feverely wounded n 1 for the wi ows and rplnn of fuch perfons iidiabitanti of the province as ihighf be killed in wi majeflys frvice this falutary law paited in the very firil year o the war would aone confer infliug honor on this houfe cf affmbly it exhibits them as a council of humane and brave men liigv ly worthy of the fliflfnpuimed fitmition con fcrred upon them by their fellow ftlhjtct and alive to the just claims of their brethren in arms the feltiou concluded wmi placing all the money the houfe of affembiy could command at the difpnfal of th rreiidtm for the pay and comfort of the mitftia many viciiutudcs happened in the cam- pnign of f 1 3 owing in a great degree to the imbecility of the governor in chief and the generals commanding in upper canada the refources rf the midland johnftown and eallern dilirifts were toft or mifapplied or not properly called forth from the mifera- ble arrangemerhs of the committariat which was theoccafion of difficulties of the mod fenonn natre to cover their faults general de rttcnburg was induced to fffue a miitaty order refpeftioff provilionsj a meafure warranted perhaps in thefe dhbids by nectffity arifi ig from the mifcondud of the comniffiiiat department many things 1 happened during the recefs not pleaihig to individual feelings and particularly under

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