Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 30, 1815, p. 3

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m imcrdl on monies tying in b heft 5otfl the writjer in ihe next icntcncc af ire an iincomiiimi pofitioii 4 i know ifo regfofttf fspfc m tlial can ik iaifacton to the public fot declining the duiiew aji olfic hen the pwtrtm nominate iad voluntarily accepted d truft mw ptctlgci himfclf j hti acceptance to fulfil the engagement the treafowt i it is true voluntarily accept ed of the trull but he did ott at that time txpeft to f import a but den which neither lie ptclident not the tiuftfcca thcmfclves would uc willing to bear where is the pent le mur io dhitttcrefttsfl as to lake money on the trmsfperifkd in the 2nd refohuiua of the jil july the treafurcr pwkfadj affirms that he river intended io abandon bis office which the prrfident- w hw communication infinu- ares lie has done the following afkrrion of the prefijcnt mould bow ver any diffi culty occtfr t the trcafuiei the prefideut i tufiees are difpofed and ever ready 10 re move it and to afiilr him by thetr council- ill accord with what the treafurcr in his defence has advanced vox it evidently ap- pears from the tenor of that defence that u paiiisweie laktn by thofe gentlemen to uivftbe way for hitn to aft was it ffot indeed vciy friendly in ih pre sent to inform the treafurcr tlat he is refponfihle for the management of his tvul only so the puiidcnc and trullces at thtir annual meeting in may and not to an indivi dual among them who may arrogate to him- tii the pnvlcge ofccnluring or pmltag ac cording aahe is impelled by prejudice oi par- iialuv have not mr editor the con- ftinit member f any legalized body not ottly a rlgoi in ih mlelvcstd call ftpil their itpicfoitsjves fo- 1n explanation of their conduct but 3fi a power in their hands of demanding it from them at all iuies and not at the annual meeting aume when thefe leprefentaiiv- ilull be exoncniv j rem ttutfg eh chill tubfcpiiouir the education of poor dren mi ucrt of piy nothing but example win vmn and ss loon as that was ob laiurv caf nifed the gxsn fpecified in the i ell ycar account annexed the fub- fcripliui was quite of the nature- of a con tnicl of every guinea fubferibed fifteen fliuiingbxr annum waconfiiered a the price wf each childs education and the remaiti- jnjr fix fhilhngg were to be expanded io hooks rewards and fchool csoence the only perfon who fulled me in railing fubfci itioi wa eltzabcut try wife of jo- feph fry of the poultry loudon ilie fok- cited herimmediai frandirnd cqnnexkm and was fucceibinl n obtaining about iwentv fox guineas with thjs mud afltftance 1 was encouraged ho go cheerful through we toilfomb drudgery of railing vofcnpon fo the fccoid year in which i uasto iuccu as to double the amount ot fie fehaftr iinpiovemcntrun the modes of tuition had been made to good pnrpofe in thofe two n ft venis and a rcffnlar ff item t order ettah limed though a fy ftcm uf order was cdlily eilablimed a nevr fyftem of tuition was ati other things and to this i found tnyfclf mca uncx eftedly and gradually advancing st augusta 23 rbfinntit iij him should heibink fit to continuc ate generous and laudable eteertiona tn promo- ling the interetks of fociety he will difrrve the gratitude both of lht3 generationand of the next antoh 1 telegraph djjtch a telegraphic mef- fagr maybe fent from london to poitfrnouth 73 miles and an anlwer to it received ilfl ovri intnreequancraof atminute a tele- graphic mefiage may be fet from london to ftytaouth zc mike and an anlwer to it rceiycd in town in ouc minute and three qrs 1 at iidttor bega leave to zpologic fo nis readers fo- the badnef tif his ink and af- luristiieni that the evil ill f be ri me dic j euargc r canor it 1815 hdrnos a io faunp miif a amiuil envnre and reproach ftrltc ard contention fuller a pcaeui quaker to con tribute hw im dl mite towards promoting tlic wcliure of a j community to which he ijo- idns 1 was siffhlv ntofeii to tee n cue of fliv iite papers ilibfirriptinis to the annum ul l th plan appcansl a ij to- jhabitww of the lck fcttlorn ike fvilcrm of cducaliori hrpok mc by t novcuy mr editor i am a tanner and cuntt by trade aiid have abfgfiftock of lctuerou hand but can find uc ialc for it owilijf to the quantity brought in hy the americans who from the low price ot labour are enabled to fell cheap- ei trim ve can therefore excludes us from tit rcarkrt 1 hm thofe very people vo but the other day would hove rut our throats are allowed privileges ivhicll they themfclvea are not dipdfed to grant us tins is certainly being indulge it to our cofl for ihe confe- qucuwewili be that the leather manufac- tuies of bis country mutt ceafe and its in habitants remain forever dependant on their ncighbourpjlhc americans for fltues to iher ieei and fuddles for their horks alf all iinportailons from the moihr cnntry pi fhoei boo and laddie y- the annkcans jre filuevtfv part of the province wth lltcfc articles frotn iheirown manufatturesi ought chid ot ul rout the atiention of -ov- emnicnt and to 11 forth the ttmtjjbt of the jtjjjflaturtj if any it ga8cjttdput a hop w this evil thciiveiitut of the lover provsace taffi ttd h adicd very dilivrei u 1 hdve fact theiaou vheir vwu gtouud hv r of amcncan man tkuiiu- ijhi iutiijowcr caundaamte equal to that bud on th- nlanufactfirea of jrtat u itwfi uhtjn btouclrt jntj ainerican pous before tvar if any of the giw i 1 n nbcr our legillaixirctwes as mitviued hy the re mr officijl stuart ou saturday the 2d int mi ijem jamin sternes menhant to micj eliza beth mivillfc on sunday the ijth nt henrt sits- bury to m4r lj mohtighe died april 24 1s14 atgalway 2ed 102 tlionrs wilkiin m ix many years surgeon of the county cf gakvay itt- 1imny it vafl 5n his arms the immortal wolfe breathed his laft after qjicbec on notice tue fubfenber rcfoffuhy fnfom iii friends and the public that lie is altodt openjng a store in front ul ihe new ail houfe where he will dr businefi on commiffion will buy and fell store forward goods up cr down the river w take in any ordertfof any dfcription iu- that line of bulinefs n b perfons dcfirous of comrniiting con- fikpnunts to hrs charge may know the ratfifl of horace and eommiiaon by calling at the newcommidion ftorec john duncan kingfton dec 30 1815 30 bad furrendcivd to hi- maieftv the 18th oiclctoberi 17 ajeuys fbree the scots mtiaine the 9 and i was ticularly into its flwrefiwe induce d to enquire p- meiit and demerits af- it at kingston r t ibts at a meeting ihe oiticets and trus tees of the midland diunft school society held at tne church on saturd the 23d iuil at which meeting were pufeut thelefident secretary trtafurtr and ile fchovving truilccs viz mian maclsan esq thtnntis mark land esq i aurcmc llercbmer eq- wuiiam mitchell esf t folio cinp keport of the motiei a the i veufurei hands was laid before the prefidcn nd tniilcc by huai kurorr of monica received or account ot the ituh fiiipti us to iie midland dilluct school society from joel stone efq for t hizrc mo the rev thaddeus ofgooda j a f nolc of haid fur 5 hare j currency 150 n the above zio was left with me vy jocl stony ll prrvjous 10 he 3 ft j lv and the note of hand wa handed to toe by the secretary frce that dat- kingstor isthdec slj fstgfa ucfhqmiion treasurer mj 6 society the fubferiber has for fale 2000 pairs worfted hofe ell adapted for the army or nay and a quality of ready made gentlemens and lid great cot8 ladys bonnets toi a few pairs pantalcons and veil and a small aitortment of rj goods and exge9 a lare ftirtment of cccsa from moihrcal every day john duncan kingson t d member 30 iste jctf notice d for fale the books of the jwctw li- barj tor frms appiv tn rhe printer vh i as in lis peifeflian a catalogue of the oooks- kinrrfton 28th december 1815 jo totee fo wel convinced ol the inpuio ty ol lnodeoy education voove all others now nrtclifml that i dtooght 1 wm from tine fr m it ard ttme nkc a few extrae traiifmit them to thee theauhorofu- voik 3tw piojectoi oi thcfchcncw iiaaud jrkph lancdl- iva mmenth tot jfjz c corses lus scll berouh r oad tc account of ufmm 30u ortc acvuiii ui v- y- tigyear9ft plda kal fr uc aatwflftoft of pact children n riahi wrltuiraitbmette an knowledge of itehahr f ifcfl cajtdmn taugl i at dk few foa per er wxk i bc sf o odes of rjiimhihu m to pfflftwe and 1 ib4 mritai fciowtedgc af thc- 1 tc numocr of children i tcndd the cw attha liiw wikft wjf and twenty b42 lin cnperin flw 11- feofedacation wish wh mberky fink wlat experimcum i pteafcd wtcnvcr fomtl por indvhou- pirmts 7cr nnabk to paj k m hidraftioo 1 gac lijto duca- jo mii this rli of ciiidrr- macaa fomucl thai ibm tmrt r v on laebooksfl f mmiw iii a fliort tme nd i- ii vv probable jio twofthodrcn kw lul then were thr ftee feholnrs in trie fchbdl blides tienfs i attended the fdioolpeifimzl- resaiiiiogot aibftw it wsnot rniatteiidol wltn essence of wagep ai iaxe nam ird c- a jfing from tie psyfcli 1 sri was mocll flt- uaa by ti c education t ga man gi d as there wce uu many mote ob- fc5i of 1memce in the hool aj ng wrhofid v hich would cnablfl eio erte1 top ud by i ireitj we made with the neiicad govenimc tjme a ajjo t fear llial iws nouiu jirft time they oannttrd arnc- jtv s bu d t the a inerfdiittt do chre war agaiatt us rdy then that treat mult be iitun d i am m p itician mr eduot bat i fear lhlng will mi the tr way 1 h iwcvtsr will hop ortlfc beilaid sbcij it acbnv fa tun mi i will make the rll f my pi ltwkj and hui turn w atirutiit itrr ot w wa to gain a liwtnj fjl ttl fil atassra- ertti7r 1 1815 mk editor in your bit ga4ctt i iw an account l a roeeting of the oflj i and fruilei of the m ix s ooeiet rew at the church ort qtt tsth inl- and a notifcatlotj ot anotvi to beheld at tiu ivme pie on t 23d iaju jfttlu foiiwsrtjft jinruisi appears 1o hohuefs native to thissiy ast-r- fitaed oiv lift 1 r so at ie liwc i it tlu nvfr mwii thdcoi ers i cj ami ip ths diluhcluowun w trejl- wa lomc mmtac ui vhtf lhty uve don snfki a ma n th period f tbiii v t meeting laid befow the pui ic iu r lr latevea rf at trmudmeeiuy t- tmjto u pimriy aulhorfcd to collect ih fubcnp- wsouughtubc lntvthu loll k what nuauro ihwu btadaptta by the fthfcam over this c rtsfrnfr jar 5 tliv following rtfolutiona were alio pjs- ecdj risahsd tft aft the treafurer baa declined hitherto collesingthe stbfcriptidnj in couuturncc of a lefpoulibilitv appearing to him v relpecl to vetting the money at ilccieft agreeably to the ad kefihiiukj of the 3 1 11 july to remove th ohjctou le io directed by the pvefidentand ttuftcco tti commence he cidlecton without delay and mak thereon a moniw repotrothem 2d thrt tci- ojpiem githeulm feripison oapct be pviai d for hc figwtasca of tlu inlfciibcis jil tliat he ofliecra and trwtwra wm y the chnch on fli lty tlw ih day of iamiiv 1 8 a the hm of oclock wiuiara meuilu too dollar rczoard r scaped trotn flipiiw to t tavri xl of hirgiton on tbeifsav night laft b sillwby wise ceone 5foung oi the ovndupof amdtafl nrgvrtw wacora- tniued fot debt wbouvir wilt deliver the neiioied vixau to the kirtfrston fijad v nphlv fubferiber informs the people of kingston that he has commenced he boot and siioernahing t bininefs 0tr he flore of geo h mac lean where x trrftanfy or hind gentlcmeus badtibapd iuitar- iioots long fuairovv d i do wellington do gentlemens rhe vaxd caf sbm morocco drefs pump and ihors br gen tlemen 1 and bootand walking iroe trnnmed mi the ncatcft minuet miitciand children hoes he pkdge himlelf to thofe who are pleafcd to fa- or him h ri eir cuftom thaj jli wotlc rfa4c tn his fhop liall be made- it iliaeli attjwiau and ftuihed m a fupertor nutflner as he fe determmtd to keep tbs bctc jkmen he can employ v w lullam try an tngon addecemher isf iosr opposite the stent door of mr c mnil a gold fwgirri7ig braped ui the vnfide s whoever mav fiftd it and vvl return it to the piintcr mall be rrciov rewarded kinscnn 2 otl i 1 8 1 5 2 for sale hu vd the jv avety vluabeaid peafan- flua- tu tov n lot tor tcrmo apply at c ialcr in lb tovn o clttioiid rcai rj entitled to t- ribiatt del- eyvofthe ffie this ofi dee i 3qrf 2yih ixccmveti sij- 3 so a jkhkim z- n vh il tfioi the infiituttqu wkhottl aa lfnal bded nfiw who wdiy fonocd my victhouvsiurcoi uroto bum jud aay sicrvvoftlr jihul bo- rou ybcy hnd boon in tho wtw nt ptying k uriiil puce t ovh fchoolmalchi ms mi- whotrt 1 clicvc for lll ahicatinn of hov liaiti flwy met with in their cmuwis f rfj i prtteild on a o to bt5j u s 0 humo p pu jowo j anniupatncuilvar rnc w the ruwic arc not cmlv en- noikv tli fubribers rae this method to iufwm ifceir iii and late 1 that li accouirtl un4 notes de tlic compau yt yltwf o frar aic tttth day of feh irv nest vj i be left in he handu oao at- rovfley far colledion therefore all jwlooa udebttd to the fiid tkirpis porviavdj are liivdtocail and make immediate payment ihoitt delay iv 2 3 ijflae into the enclofijieoftheiibfcri i- ber about sre wwhs gu a ttw and ft veadim bwll and ikiler the owner 6r owners aiempiclld to ove propcuy pay h richard ellejujecs kifgi li vrfons are hereby forbid nutting or carry ing off acy timber from lot nn ro in the fnl cnccilio of kingftm joinjntf to mr oliver thibodos on penalty kp micheldedrkx 27 klnvttn dec 4 1815 ion j isi q wanted two ur three journeymen taflt who will find itcady etppto by jpplving to jhndaw30nivibt kniton dec ic lrj 2f tor saltj f en barrels of excellent prime pork enquire at mr badgleys tavcnfe kgqstcn uttcmhr j lb 15 28

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