c e- j henderson has just receive nd now opening at ins store a general and well chogn aflbrtttent of dry goods in otic k the lubfcriwr refpectuilly inform ma friends and the public that he has cnc cd in to c lor a groceries liquors and hardware 4ls0 a general affortment of drups and medicines partnefhip with mr george h dct- nd that the birfinefs will in future be carried on under the the firm of thomsons detl6r lie returns his unfeigned acknowledgments to thofe who have fo liberally afforded him fupj bit and hopes that the new finn will merit a contin nance of ilieir favours as it s the fubferibers wikh to tlofe his former btffacft as foon as poiiible he will thmll thofe who are indebted to call and arrange o arn ft tjor ctimpl op urn sflocs hhr sntpkur glauber stfto s british oil turnngtotfs bau efs mustard jpodeldo which are fchvrs efi v- mint j whsatot jch oini merit cherts worn o t czres t y css pills 1 r les pills c attdeiforfi vdh godfreys cordis fff pllh the whole of which he will sell low for cam oy country produce any orders from the country will be punctually attended to 2nd thanb will be leturned for tleir cuftom khitik 4st 1815 their refpcive accounts h c thomson 23d oa 1815 for salc n reafonable terms lot no 22 th no 23 9 to 6th axd lot no 26 0 hi the 1 iib concession the whole beinrin the town whip of lans- down in ihedistiicl of johnftown also town lot no cb2 in the town if concession concession rm for sale for j a numoef 01 town lots near the ir l6tr erch church- the terms of payment wiw be made cafy h ea kl kfnguof sept 2 181 c notice hts fubicripticr3 to litut colonel boucher tie a topographical and geo- graphical map which were on v m inally fixed at five guuvis are how advanced to the london price of seven guineas and will continue to be received by his agents april 22 1 8 is- 47 just received and fox sale at this orncz websters spelling books murrays grammar and a great iamett of bjoks for children map of the u states and the canada 4 naf3a and x t ino to the publc rtke fubferiber acknowledges frith gvii- jl titudc the liberal patronage he has re ceived from his friends and the public to the mapshc has compiled of the ft ate of newyork upper am lower ca to acquaint fhem ihat his reiichice is 50 ivlajfcet iireet albany where ms maps re for fate thcfe vril be found highlv tamable not only to the inhahuants of the iiortherji sales but alfo to european and j foiuhern gentlemen travellfng to the fells of niagara through the canatf or elfewhere astlitt wjll find the couptes towns village 1 and roads generally correctly delineated the fnbfciiber havirrg hnied propofals fometime pat for publilpng a new man f tne united states uputr afud lower caa- apa to which he hs already obtained 2 mo ft respectable fubfenption of about two thodfand names flatter hinielf that from ki i r 9m wearied exenrobs in travelling the tour of the united state for the exprefs purpoie of colectmg and delineating fech nanufcript matter as has never heretofore been publish ed will render this work highly interesting and fecure puhc confidence the f-ibfcr- her relies on ihe merits of his work whhls laudable exertions to promote private inrerest and genera improvement to afiure him an adequate reward the picc of the man of the united states in fheet nine dollars- made portable in a book eleven dollars mounted on rolers coloured and varniflied thirteen dollars mos lay albany 3 oih atignjt 8 1 1 1 3 w4 richard smith snn h ave seventy barrels t a r kingto 2 xth augvst 181 r 2tf ico bartefs s a l t and 5 2 tons hatd soap for fale by th fublcribcrs vcty low for cah richd ftmltjletson kingston srt so 1 b i 2 tf kingston partrdnrs enquire at the ulnce or allan mclean efo kingston augitst 2 1 ci 1 12 a t r r k smith cook hwc jfust received nd ow offer for sale at theh storj at the honse of thomas gad an cx- tenfive afoittnent of goods of every deicripiiou generally in dcfaofl anvp which nvc superfine fine and common iiioad cloths caflimeiijs wellington cord ftilfc bilk silk cotton cotton tshalu black colored silk ilmden hifs silk umbrtilris mens bcil biicfcsfe gloves beaver lined with l4mhs wool anu coromon io bombazetts bed ticking black and white cambrics white cotton mniiin cap faittinr black velvets ready made siuefynecoat9 vvfiiiiiron cord iahti loon and veil vith a great variety of frney i too numerous to iniert in mi advcil also grlass var4 crocker havdw a r e an d groceries and iii daily expectation oi un eenfive collection of books adapted to the lade of every dcfcsiption of readers together with stationarv and school books fvny attention will be paid to thfjfe who and as lify ere determined io oprn no accounts their gooda will be diipofed of at very reduced prices kmgston august 28 ist iti m7 favor ihem ivitrv a call t he subscribers will do cornmitioi bufinefs and itore ard fonvard goods on the tnoft reafonabie terms under i rm of smith 5f cook cyrus smlthi thomas cook mai manufaofyi lukgston july r tf dtfcliargcu nomcommiflioded n d soldiers wrornry have hceo to mended for receiving grafts of t zi beft beave caftor koram and knapt to repair to cornwall withotit dekyfcj port thernfelvfs to ilefd ruperintendant of the department for lop ting the new settlers by order of hia excellencv tfe provifmnal lieutenant governor 2rtf f p roblnsowj jkfe notice smith fe butterwoinil esfectfully acquaint their friends and the puobc in general that they have reeommenced bufinefs in the hew hcufc near walkers hotel where they have on hand an extenive auvtment of ladies childrens beft beaver bonnets gentlemens hats mens youths and boys wool hats lewife ladies and childrens london ffnonable bonnets feathcn and trimmings of the following colours black white blue brown purple and dnib j which they oifef wholfale and kebil fo- cafli as cheap as liey can be pufchafed montreal n b caili paid for bearer muilhat arid racoon skins kingfton 30th oct isij j 1 tf iy notice te fuhferibefs refpeclfully inform the inhabitants of ktngfton and its vi cinity that they have enfered into a go- pnrtuerfmp in the pracc of phyfic and v p- wwjwiiafr tt t i r c s payment on ne above iinimripe r r urrrerv all calls 10 the line of their pr 6- jl 3 i tkmenfis made and awful bills tjaid eft eli emons robert youkg a ttz oj toi jj s hat whereas dan b allen figned a certain contvaa withtk deputy barrack maftet general for fc ding a targe store houfe nd hoipkal fa lite ufe of govcnurent for the fclfint uhch the fubferibers became fecuty as ai- fa fete advjniced a large turn of their 6wi private pnprrty wih engagements for pr mentoffome goods in kingtfoii to forwatd the above brnluings this is therefore to requef govcvaner my ofhet perfon not to make my forfeet ment on tlie above btulding until r fet fefnon will be punctually attended to they keep alfo on hand a large andeom- plete aftottment of drugs medicines paints oil dye woods c e 3 the followinofts 3 fl of a few of tne ar ticles j nit received j 4 lbs argent viv f 12 lbs bolus aimena 24 do antimony cidj 2j lbs blue vitriol 12 lbs bay wax 28 lbs ihack lead sc ii ienl 25 go ai 1 do rfeniq alb 2 cm t alltim 12 gallons alcohol 50 lbs g aloes 20 1 c s nitre ci 1 20 lbs bal ni capeb i lb do p in 1 lb do sulplivr 20 lbs bo x 4 cwt biimpone jo lbs cfcta alba 10 lbs do rubra t c lbs calomels j ijt court iali 6 do fjcih coh i ud 2 grofs c u p 2 lbs cotagcj crofri vttii gnk ent tart 10 lbs crocus martis evry tc lb- crai tart ens vemri pwc snuff i 1 bui sufoil r flog len zoin do zmci benna fofcu1a to lbs un afrobac 2 lb3 60 asfcetida 3 2 lb oogn-i- 6 lbs do myrrh fj lb do gnbouge 4 lb do gpii olbi no manna 12 lbs do ivino ibs balrosocatitlas 4 lb cantharadss 1 e lbs cloves 1 jvt cort auranti 1 e lbs do calcarilla 70 lss do p- i 10 lbs do winter j 40 i docallia 6 iba do anufluta ayariti e pepper lopal varnifij cork strew roibonic tootli pcvr iwgatnot emiii dnz simplx do guicj do 6 ibsgum curphcr 6 lbs do copal 8 lhi jo galbautirn 4 lbs do crolatj b lbs do she 1 paek gold leif 2 lls gne a lb- cum scamny ink powder ichthyocola 5 lbs do armottiac j ivdia rubber kingston th afcirsl 18 15 i2tr u st received and for rale at the printing office ktrgf- ton 31 reams crovvr wraoiog pap 31 ditto cap dftio 2 ditto writing pod no 1 vefium ii tmio ditto- no 2 9 ditto ditto uncut 7y ir 1 for sale at this office a discourse delivered at broekvillle ei- zabethtown xpril 27 115 beine- a ixincro ellow a flair powder tamp click leah lirij lapis t iimife a 10 v root lg qussia iorenges pt- lemon candy lrad pencils v rrovvn lance ltf lip salve 4 lbs fi burgundy illi 1 muii pomatnixi ivmi sohcr 2 cwt had gentian 2ol d glye pub rhei do jnlapi alba merc lot i b 1 i lb mace lviuik madder ii cubov snuff ant metros 1 gal oliurrcdiar ci bot do uji io armis do j u wiper 4 lbs do atrtfyg luc eerian urcuma galangalj 1 ebl ilofin rotten stone ilofe w liter 0nl- sue glya oae saturni semen ahnis n dav appointed for a general thanksgiving in up per canada j fo putting an end to tiie wat in which we were engaged agamft lfli uni ted sates of am erica true piety a fouree of individual- ilsppw neftj and national proiperity by wilham smart miniffer of tire gofpcl 0 britain tfjtih lord tjyfiej itp vain attanpt thy ruin and opjtofe his ttim wax s also the c c wanted do do specie scilla sperma setti 1 oyrnnges sal nner refiiied semarouby do varte- sapo caftae i abl sa giant do windfre 20 lb- sal odijrefim rofe soap spirits nitre ehilc sealing vv a o doterabinth tamarinds lo do vili j vrimh star umber sand paper j vv bal scrp virgi s patent medicines andrrfbns hooper co its batemans drops godfreys cordials britifh oil x kc cvc verdigris r ijlj e 3m 00 fiumer a quantity of g iht peb peatjjlrs for whichn cneious price will be given enqutn dt thtjee a vane tyof other articles 1 ftjmentjon in an advcrtifement pr eiars and others are refpedfully in vited- jail and judge for thmlvlvcs fam ily cbeftspvt upanddirrcion oiven gratis carlisle markha1v1 krnnton y 1 r ic the fubferiber has now on hand and intends keeping ready for falc an aftort- ment of 1 dales brid d sp 3 with other articles uoiailv kept la hisdine his prefent metns of obtaining workmen and rock will enable him to fell much lower lhaii formerly repairing done on hort notice- a m etc all kingflo june 12 1815 2 200 dollars reioari gst oa thutjav ht f 06 infr j therm the ftts of kindlon or on the road towards erneft town a ret morocco pocfatbook r on 1 tainirg army bills arttf other papers value oul c tctthe owner whoever has founj j r txie fame and will brirm ft o tfj p ivrr ul tomfsheritt stuart whlrececzt rcayr tc mioihce conejen tempting to pa3 them ftaudulendy will v liable toaell and trial for felony khgshu zdth os ifiir take n and eigte bmjdr ad fourteen dn e allen and eft emons ffid enter into an a jr vnl thomas pak to m m luvdrcd nd feve pounds halifaxcurw money that the fail p had prviciilv i greed lo pay mr stephen fairfield for h hundred acres of lesfe land together with a mill feat on the fame as alfo that the laid allen andemom have advanced aboit fear hundred dollars for thebnilding fo a fau mill on the prernifej above rnentioued thcfe are therefore to forbid all and eii ry pea- on or pei ions what foe ver tn purcfefc ov make any sgreement with laid paries eai- cenringfaid premifes above mentiontd with out tle leave of eli emons by ofder of dan e allen in the prefend ofsmmel wood dan eallen kingfon oa ry isij zrt wanted 3 i 7 t i for the publtc sertice at kingfm point frederick and point beiirf aj may be agreed ipon 3000 cords of good merchants ble fire wood and sooo bundles straw to be delivered during the months c- ac g oft september and october following perfons difpofedveontrad for the whole or a reafonable proportion of he ab 9 titles will b can fnl toexprefs in the body oi thir tendct the preciie periods ofdeliwrj and it is to be underltood that no propolaj aill be accepted unlefj the names cf tffor pev d b- pejfons ar given asfecuriww the div- performance of the cuatraaw entered in tenders will be received untilwp aurnll next