poetry uies s regut win 7 kiribati doci yard tpkjune 1 8 r 5- i o yirom 6r delaware watchrtian the following production of a toung lady of taste and genius is well worthy of being jre- frved st a r of peace ro wanderers weary give tneocara that fmies on me illume the pilots visions dreary far at sea i star of hope gleam oer the billow befv the foul that fighsfoi thee bkfs the failors lonely pillow far at j i star of fiith when winds arc mockincr all hi prayers hed see to thee save him tho on danger rocking t o- li paratbea powr almighty fafely guide hirn to the fh re he loved for me long tempestuous waves have tried him jtar at bea matrimonial squabble a mart whod buried one beloved wife and for her fake admird a married life relative to the marke t ed ih the town of kmgi article i that the fuare between st georges church and the river in the town of kin fion fliall be the market place wheire all butchers meat butter egg poultry fiiih and vege taje hall be expo fed to ale 2 that every day in the year fliau be a market day except chriilma good friday and sunday g that no perfon hi ill fell butchers meat butter eggs poultry iiih or vegeta ble from fhf hour of fix in the morning till the nour of four in tec afternnaon except in the market under the penalty of rive ihil- vm 4 that no perfon hiall kill calve3 or oth er animals in the market place or gut lifli or empty bellie- or gilts of animals theiein under the penaly of five hillings 5 that no perfon fhall expofe for fale any tainted meat or nftv in the market plnce under the penalty ot five hillings be fides forfeiture of the fame on view of onjnllice 6 tha no perfon fhall expofe hill f or fale vviihin the two floored fquares of the market houfe but they may be expo fed for fale in th intermediate lpace upon boards or ben ch 7 wherea thre is room for eiht butch- r a 1 60000 86to bufliels do 5 4000 bricks lime sand shingles 34000 to commence the deli very of the above mentioned artdes immediately and to cn- tintie weekly by inch quantities as ha be ci reeled by he commiffioner or offi cers nf tht dock yank piopofata to be delivered into the 1javal store keepers office point fedeiick 4 midland distrib court of ge- to wit jl ne a quarter ses sions nf the peace for this ditlridt will be homen at the court houfe hi adolphuslown on tuesday the 11th day of july at the hour often oclock in the forenoon there fore nil juihces of the peace coroner con- lahles and all other vezcc officers as well as thofi that have any bunnefs to transa6i at fail court are hereby required to take no tice and giv their attendance accordingly a charges s sheriff sheriffs officii 2tb jtme 1 8 5 4 a one night it happend that in moody pet sh carvd a capon for their iuppcr fet i ann out or no comoafllon to the poor servm with one half a bejrar at the door and with it gavethla charge take this half fowl and prav fometimes for my dead hufband 8 foul tht living hufband to return thejeft gadd back the man and crave liiui all i reft with this injunction too that all his life 2ic mould remember his departed wife thus to upbraid each oilier with their dead the empty fools went fupperlefs to bed le ipier mall 1m reitiat- ly benches not exceeding ten fctt long atd feven feet ide which lhil be uniform 8 wbertas perlbns from the cdtintry may require moveable benches or ftads rhtf fame fhall not exceed even feet in length ir three feet in breadth any perfon pla moveable bench of orearer dimenfion i the market houfe and neglecting to remove the fame ir mediate y aftet the market is over fhall pay a 6ief five flilijings and th- laid bench may be demolilhed by order f tne clerk f he maket remove the fiid mare from te faid encjo- fure rius is to inform the owner where flie may be found having gaod reafon to luppofe that the faid mare does hot helong to vf cafey and fearing that he will cori merit rftoolible cooleqiicnce to inform tlis cwner where five mav be found bektn clapp eingfton 2sth jane tie 43p 1 1 9 morality a v i ncithing can fender us more juftfjr coniemptible or contribute more to make ourfclve- and all wbu are connected with uq muctm able than the habitual indulgence of violent and unreaibnable anger to accuftom our minds ro habits oljlift reflection and to endetvor to be efs irritated by impreffi wis of injury and foonc pacilied when we meet with offence will be at- tended with the moil falutary ef- fects upon the temper and contri bute effentially to oiir comfort tranquility it is not the dispofmori of youtnful rhinds to veich f months or years the faffing value of thofe qualties which a trad them- loon as they virtue they respect it as foon as thev hieet with kindnefs they believe it andasfonas an union of b prefents itleif they jove it having p uted through the dkap pintmenrs of a delufive world they grafp f rea e geanr that appcarthe have nut yet admitted that cruel doc trine vfhich when it takes effect creates and extends the mde it affects to curewhift we give un our fouls to fuspcionwe jaduat jqz h not p i learn to deceive whilft we reprds the fervour of our own hearts we freeze thofe which ap proach uswhift we cautiouflv avoid occahons ot receiving pa ve at every remove acquire auft jwfiaom influence on thofe wl o follow usthey a meet from thp r and lips thereafon s hcl je iss 5b lutes qf their nature and tin the tormenting chain of deceved and deceivingharacters lengthened to infinitude every pet fon felling by fnlce wgti hall jfov a fine of twenty hb lings a a the faid weight fhall be dcihuycj 10 all perfon s lellmo- riovtitom or r other i i ticks by weight in the maibr ihlf pro- ide themfclvci with grood fcale- fa vt ghts regularly iumped wrhtn tlwee nnih- ffn this dale afrcr which if any inrlrr hnfj iherj weigi wkh ireelyada or weights noi jrjp eri iuch pci fun hill pay a fine of tcfl qiil- lings 11 whereas t i expedrenl to appoint tome perfun to k- the aforefaiil rules aid regulations or any other tint may be here aftermade relative to themaket carried m3 efied 1 james aaam ofthetowti of ktn hon is hereby appoi ud clerk of the mirkt 12 it ih 11 he the duly of the clerk of theauftket toaftend to enforce the ejtecusion of all regulations whith reiva the msikct under the penalty oft went hilling for ev- cry wiifu 1 n eledt 1 he fhall keepa lift 1 f the ptrfmc opying fixej or moveable ftails r feinhes which he fhall ik ready to render to tk na- gfftittca whenever they may demand ft h when the market houfe requite re- pair or fhold any perfn damage the iwe he hall immediately nuk h known to the maiiirates or ome one of tttem 5 he foal fee that butchers and others occupying tke market houfe do ieav no hlih therein and keep th fane clean 6 he hall from time o time exaimme and fee that all weights ad mvafues rtade oteotin t market place ae jdt 17 the clerk of the rruket fhall be i lowed the following fees byev ry butcher occupy no- a fixed bd cr dad to be paid quarterly aid in advaec twelvefiirthng per annum 5 01 ftall for felling butchers meat twelve mil ingsper annum or nine pence each racket ay at the option offuch perfon fn pcrf pying a place for kfliag ffh fi pence per day 18 and tfo clerk ihall hx a table of the above fees in feme couspeioih place io the markei u r jtlb fuhfevibef bjt leave to inform th public that he ha mod from vs former ftanrj in tjic country to his place in r vrj oppofite fche indian point where he inlenisto t pen hi- public jboufe for the remainder of in prefenl vear w mclauohlen etngfti juie 29 1815 4 broke into the cnclofurc of rlie fuhfenber cn wednelday the l may a drk bay hotfe a r4r i hij frnhnd the owner is red ne fled to p ve popeity rav charges atfu take him awry efiljgf liennet frneft town june 3 1 1 1 j for sen le it at then fast failing cho ner lyfn sarketd haibor about 60 ton- bur 8he has undergone a thofgh re pair and corkrd from keel to gunnei and is tight hersailvand rigeing rev and in complete ordef she ws built in kinofron andwa called the elizabeth of kingston when captured by the a mertcans any perfon wifiiitig to purchafe will call upon gtosge arwjfaong or clipt prwjm v gfarbor june 26 r8i 4 lor the canadian regiment two sub- mtne thy ftaii receive eight founds each n qjfiplmbon nvar be niade to mr r n period that wants ar ii to ie iibfcribev being duly ll l to fettle theirft gee efq ordnance 8tre keener s prtrequefb all thofe who have du overly authenticated f r pnyt10rit e allhofe h indebted to the tne are heeoy requefted to pav the fc h hamd go wen king 1 4 1815- tawnt m hat whereas zv s jy finned a ccrrajh contrail with he deputy barrack mailer geel for buil ding p iare store houfe and h lpital for theufe of government for the fulfil mem of which he fubferibers became fecnrwas al- fohave advanced a ferge fum of their own p m thihbove bniklligs this is therefore to redueft government or any other oerf m nt to make any f rther paymentonthe feove buildings wntil a fefci tlement is made and lawfnl bills paid off ej i rmons robert young kingston june 1 3 1 3 1 5 tf mate ornprty with engaoemenu fory ntoffom goods in kingftorl to forwavj the fubferiher his row on hand and intends keeping ready for fale an affort- tnent cf sa ddles b t idles wh sburs o cl i i co v li 1 m 1 7 with other aricles tunally knt rhhiskiifc his prefent rreans of obtairfing workmen atid itcek will enable him to le 1 muh lower th rl onne fy xxi kingdon june 12 ri don on hort notice a- metcalf z fl dl s j pod thfi fubdriber offers for fisetk weft half of lot no- 7 in the fonithand fifth couceilioo ol the lcrwnfhjp of i- borough with 50 or 60 acres his lmprovcnnt and a good hand lor anypuo lie bufinefs michael sloot wanted h as an nel 2 atre appnniicc n thf prj a lan iun 14 to c tfneoffl- hc 20y hcibiij viil years 0 d encouragement by ap- nee tfv o f uj f a ft james chapman 1 hi v 8 fail wap mil leave mqgfloq cvc m nthrr day chw w hab jtw price mu be 7w fo kingston jfjoy l2l s f ike notice you i 232 w 0 m ed to 1 1 4 k e received by the a- f r hofpitaj on or fo- fore ge jth f f fcr hnfldi a 8ta and unart w the dock y point frc wthe naval horpitfldl tolmpss h monci from t datcplans of tte butldipn may be fen at the rents 0 or w mr kby at kfii kineftoh 24th june 1315 h ufe r en- tn n tog bf k i iaad tjlria t5 may sir 5 allan mclean cw f the jpeacefr the mjjaml m c o nce persons l kco 4 tii idrck ul drover scaled teder fo- e fa at the oinee of tic ajcnt of h f pa s the d yard on or be e t j aar kingaob june 28 t req t ind h0 other by note or boot tonakemmedatepay-entomh- and accounia will be left in the h f orneyforcoleaionwhe toea tkofc ro whom bi irfbrf are refted to bg fa jliir da4 out delay he awil hfmfelf of ihk to mottiwflfcfct fifendi afi the j c tor their loeral encouragmcf ar rwmi them that he has ft ill onkaan tenhue aflbrtment of goods which he a to ci of on the nol reagmam tnnj by wholefawor retail ror cafh down aslsca determined not to give any hceafter i s hart1et k hpsfon march 24 tve m r ags rjo o j i to lieut coionel london pice 0 to be sold cash and the highest price paid for i v i cotton and linen f kve guneas are advanc tj the e co be w 11 b j eaft inf 0 lc fi corceffio ofrhe tohi of ftu g v tiren sipnl 22 181 r wi ft creatures hough w rbut hate w in the friend yoflovc about feventy acres under foment with aprop jow land and the who 1or particulars at this office good ini- antity of e well wateid a quantity 01 x- the o apply to the fubfcriber 1 oii premnes a jehlet hawfry writing papel ofoaajiry no i mmh chsl 4 sj for sale nno r m oa foil blooded mc- lncjuneoftj 37 isalr at rius oim- or suhjwwiom s for canadlm aitytnn gnzcit