eh r v id fiiir hi m iiikfio i dated on tif iv o ivljy ji v1 j fctid alpprptr it adverts to life ha phtefs of the tjifuiutiiy mcarirts ol the revoloti na- r faction rcouru ilk fiuutj deceit c fi- vv morcfsns of bomparte an i men- tgrs the hn iib cmimcipa ol jjnope bv the unit 1 6 it is a the alied pncis it dccaic thit the re alcenlion of3jfljparte to tlie none rf france- cllfap points ihc j yfi cxpviaiitns j liy excited hylhit great eet hat the power of en- jopscrnmt cnii le in any pomilcs which nplei may m k or per nit him again to yaii the roean- to ditluib the peace of the world and bung upa i mankind ihe inntinie- rbe calarnitks which heretofore be has cffinpcui ih it uiffr tis iii- fare fvimes pro ptitve and energy hardly to have been exacted horn the spauiih mon arch lord wellington before his depiftu fromlvuiiek gave a fpleidid ball his grace has become very popular with the alii the french forces are divided into ten corps gieit numbers of fiench officers 2nd foldiers have deierted and erofle over to tfedltet rifty carried with tltcin their arms and equipments aid in iotnt initancs can- suq bv late accounts defertions- incrtsc all piiiibu exertions are making in france toirciuit thearnrcs but the eonfelipion is not vet y availing the young men refule to go the ptfafre of the allied troops with undrcdi ox aincniihion waggons and nume- tousbten of a nil wv to the rhine guiiti n ues v it h fcat activity ih- landftrum mdita is organising al the north of germany 1 lie klde tt rritoiv of waideck has l i 000 oi armed and emunted- 2ccc ivuisans with t 6000 lirfes proceeding from the banks of the villu- iat the rhine ir three columns under the wid of gen barday de tolv terslfotn stackliolm date that swe- 5jt th j t teafures adopte i by the theiicec0ary kov puviiiguefe troops are it u st- j h lent to oiknd to join lord wei- mglo anry- p lia bfcj orrdll n pirt of the auftrinn aimy of italy has jteeiyed eiviera t j move towards fianc as c vvcd in the war anuidt ivlu- fcrtcdiivijhcdthe kngatmwje tpukeof uanffi madhal mar- pont it is laid will comiviid tiie spa- ih luopb dcflinrd to ait againft fiatice the aiillrian affieial aecoatits fbile the gpfeat of murat to liave been complete and the lfs jjieai the alfittrs of murat are represented to beinavery bad condition he continue to retreat and is puriwed hv the auftrian imp a ivitifn frce is laid to have laud- ed near napk his army k tepoud to beboucu and diforganked and fufojeds difaltecled and difgulied with u dnvu hefeas oilcred to retire into his own domn- ions and rcriain quir it the aolrrhns will ceafe honilities this is not gianted him lrd caitlereagh in a laic fpedvlaij be fore the houfe f common the evidences ofmnrats dupliciiy ano bad faith and proved that he had uturly failed to comply with the tieaty he made with the allies fiance and spain oopofed his rcvomtrm as kin t of btapks at the vina conrrrefs but britaia rjltia auilna aid prufisa would liaveauaranteed the kingdom of napiea to lit if lie had fulfilled his engarmc ts and had w t without provocation made war oi adria laotuton may 6 th private accounts which have accom panied the french papers obtained to wed iufdy laft indicate the immedate com- kencemetit of the war y is fold that bo- napat three weeks lince foon nfter he publiihcd the circular leiter to the fove- gli of europe was extrcratly aoiivcver- w cfan iumiedicite attack wfien l f ces w finances anl his mean fa every view c ill a ilateot utter diiornmirtior e we are told has reftorvd order fa the national eoacerns and it fj adertd that io- fcrf of waiting for the attack of the allies winch wasuudcrltood to have bfcn appofat- lorthe ioth may he wodd aiiueipate l deftjur and proceed again ih left olthe blftiol line for the urpdeof m tinjr ff the comminication letween the ninil foreevninkr tnarcini biucherand teeblrr aaglo german army under the w anftnaa detailed accotnt3 of the rations in italy have been received iw alia lhte one of murt t y vvhjch he comjnanded inoeifon asud tiwaals occblo bcllo a fo- awards fertara a third under pi-na- ehel upon floreoe tjie auit- fcdibiucefctt back murat advanced cue to ovtu fiello vnere the autriam had thown vp a tete de pont he made two attacks upon it on the 8th and 9th wt v- as repulfed in each he fell back upon carpi thi her marfhal bian- chi followed aud attacked hittj on the 1 ith 1 he conflict was loajr aud bloody but at length murat wai driven out of the place with tlie lofi of 12 officers and 500 men rggtq waa next abandoned and liny took the loute to modena the column which proceeded again it fcrrara had begun opera tions againfl it when on the 12th the auf- jrian generals mohr and niepping attacked it drove it off the held dell royed its works and pufued it as far as bologna the third column under pignatelb had entered florence gen nugent letired towards fiftoja there pignateili attacked him but faied and was driven under the walls of florence two more attacks were made on him on the 10th and 1 lib but the na- pvditans were each time repulfed with con- iidciable lois in killed aud wounded on the 25th of april gen la fayette partook of a public dinnet with the ameri can mmitters in paris kingston jttly 11 18 15 h communication after upwards of two years fsrvice in u canada the 104th regiment embarked for the lower province on friday wt the day previous to embarkation the following order was given out cd 0 kingston 1 6th fttt i 8 15 colonel mvers cannot fuflvr the 04th regiment to leave kmgdou without cx- prc fling to lt col moodie aud gmccrs noncommiflioned officers and privarrs comprhng it the jidl fenfe he entertain of their frdierlike aud meiitoious conducv throughout the arduous ierviee in which they have been employed in u- canada the patience with which they performed the d uties of fatigue incident in this garvi- fon can only be equalled by their gallant con- 1ul before the enemy many inllajiccs of whicl wete wiineficd with admiration by colonel myers in the part of the regiment attached to the right divinon during the jail campaign and in which it was only to be lamented the whole corps did not par- ticivaie co rvfycrn moil ftncerely wifiies the re- rirnent needs and honor wherever it may be enpioyca h skelton brigade major i t many articles prepared for this days gazette are unavoidably omit ted t- r i- for sale a valuable farm with building and large improvements thereon fa vorably it u a ted within 28 miles of kings ton prrions defirous of pur chafing to m- quire of the printer kingston july io 1h15 5 tf lis f received and for sale at the printing office kinfff- ton 31 reams crown wyaping paper cap ditto 2 ditto writing poft no velum 1 1 ditto ditto no 2 j ditto ditto uncut july 11 5 31 ditto notice stpvayed or stolen from the paftures at the mouth of the gahnoqui a bay mare about fourteen and a half hands high with a fmali white liar in her forehead a few saddle spots and a fwitch tail and mav be about nine or ten years of age whoever will deliver her to mr andrew bradishat gannoqui or give infor mation at this orhce where me may be found will be rewarded for their trouble kingston june 26 1815 4 ctj7e sates at an el ion on thursdatrcxt the iphinftanit and to be continued daily until the whole is old off j t norman betlfuneif co sh a large consignment of new goods jnfl received from montreal comprifmg an excellent affortrnent among which are cali coes ginghams cambrick mnflins cotton and spk shawls white cotton cotton shirting nankeens stripe cotton bomba- ettes inih linens watches jewelry e he c also a confignment of alicant and teneriffe wine jamaica spirits brandy gin pep permint shrub c c 1 he whole muit be fold elf without re- ferve country merchants and others will do well to attend this fale the dry goods may be feen tvo days previous to the fale ccsale will commence each day at 10 oclock kin nstcn icifj juty i0i5 lost child j eft in the care of a mr ray of plaits ui n t in the month of dec ihir female child eleven years old named ilirmih ady j october last information was receiv ed by iht fuhferiber that the child had hen giv en to mr kiahy rrfuhnt in bradltd vermont sfn xi out for the fale of mfy only daughter i have infited bradford and made diligent f arch a man by the name of kiah nuas found but knows nothing of the chlkt any information by letter or oiherwife diresed to the fulfcriler at monipelier ref peeling the fate of this unfortu nate childi will fa moi thankfully received and render confolation to the afflicted widow of the late rev nathan baily of ueeastown upper wanted for the public service at kfagflon point frederick aud point heniy as may be agreed upon ooo cords of good merchanta ble fire wood to be delivered during the months of july auguit and september following pcrfwns difpofed to contract for whoe or a reafonable proportion of the above quan tity will be careful to exprels in the body of their tender the precife periods ol delivery iul it is to be under flood that no ritopolal will be accepted unlef the names of two ref- pectable petfons are given as fecurities for the due performance of the contract to be entered into tenders will be received until the 1 2th july next comnrffuriat office 5f kingston 50- jinie 1815 wanted s d or the fupply of his ivlajeftys forces at this poll roni 1 2 to 1 c000 pounds of good merchantable fresh beef per week deliveries to commence on the id of an- ujl next and to be continued until the laft jay of november following prttpolals for the above fupply will be re ceived at this office until the 1 crh inftant on which day perfonf having tendered will be made acquainted with the relult of their propofals ccmmffariat 0jfee jtf kin get en gofj june 1815 naval storekeepers office kin si on s 1 qih july 1815 persons defirous ofcotracinff to de- livei in aiy fpecined quantity whiie oak and pine timber prior to the doling of the navigation in or out of the water at point frederick to be fuch timbei as is iit- ted for the quebec market to export are lequctted to feud iir tenders by the 2 2d in- iiant at which time contracts will be al tered into edwd laws naval stereheeber 5 any perfons having anv c a- gainft the lubfcriber are requetled 10 call and receive their pay all thole that are indebted to him will do well to cui si fettle the fame immediately or thry will find their accounts lodgdiw lnc hands of an attorney for coikdtion asa f reid kingilon july io 1815 5 ate hit mvht a horle was hot the property of mr juo c wiirn pciint frvdcriek apparently intentionally who- eve will give inforination lo that the perfon or perfons may be brought to jultice fnall receive a reward of fifty pounds j mo c wilson point frederick july 10 1615 w2 he fubicribcr refpectfully inlbrtn bis rp friends and the public that he has 1 commenced the tin plate manufactory clofe to the royal artillery barrack he returns thanks to the public for their en couragement fince his commences ent m bufmefs and thoie who may favor him with their cutlom may depend upon having thir work well done with neatnefsand ddpa ch r an apr rent ice wanted to the above bufincft james meagher kington june 20 l 4 wanted immediately a cook chamber maid and kireheu maid none need apply ualefs well recommended inquire at k val- eus kin ion hotel kingston april 29 1 3 1 axenup by the iublcriber about the 25th of may laft a bay mare about f and a half hands high with a fmali wn ftar in her forehead a few faddle fpotsj an 4 a fwitch tail the owner is requeftcd to brove his property pay charges and take her av w1llet casey canada lois a bailet montpelier april 1 1 1 8 1 5 printers who may feel dupofed 0 afjist the unfortunate are requejled to infert the above l b notice- mauds appertaining r copartnership heretofore exilling x under the firm of robinson hardt is this day diflblved by mutual confent and it is requeftcd that all perfons- indebted to the laid fbm will make immedi ate payment on or before the 1st day of sep tember pfxt to james robfnfon who iadjy autliorifed to fettle all debts dues umi de- to the faid fiim james robinson thomas hardy kingston 30th june 1815 b whiney begs leave to inform his fiiends and the public that he has taken the houfe no 1 16 st pauls si reet formerly occu- pied by mr woolrich where lie is now opening and offers forlale by wholesale only axi assortment of english goods among which are i superfine and low pi iced broad clothes ditto ditto kerfeytmres stockinett blue grey and drab wellington cords fancy veilings black bomhazetts superfine and low priced prints white and black cambrics cotton shirtings cotton shawls romal handkerchiefs- colored nankeens grandiirela mens cotton socks mens white cotton and black worded it lose womens ditto ditto dito mens beaver and buckfkin gove ladiea beaver and kid ditto cotton laces silk and twill frns c sec and expect by the fijrft arrivals from eng land a further fupply which will render his aiforcment in his line quite complete as the above goods have been pnr- chalvd with cain by an ag in england aid will be fold at a very fmall advance hi v will probably be found as lew as can be pm- chafed in canada montreal june 2 i8te 5tf 1 ipendeks will be received by ire jl agent of the navy hofpital on or before the loth of july for victualing the ofrctrs labourers and patients of tint eitab- liihnient for iix months from the 24th o fuguft next trms of the contract may be feen at the agents office in the dock yard point frederick lft july 1815 5tf away adolphuflown july 8 1815 5 for sale the west half f lot number nineteen in the fecend conceflion of the townlhip of eiafton apply to the pi inter fycingi un july 101815 5 t f npke fubicriber hastaken from an indian a a pocket bok which appears to be long to enfign john kilborn it c mains feveral papers- the owner nay have it by paying fox this advertiitment and calling upon john ferguson july 5 1815 53 ran away from the employment of the lubfcriber joseph cardinal taylor being under enpaement to me and not fulfilling the fame gives tltis information that he may he detected as he has u en guilty of feveral depredations in kington and is un der the hfcoda of the law for tb fame he warns ay perfon or peifons not to employ him under the penalty of the fame o w stevens taylor p s a handfomc icward will be given for his coat kinglton 26th jtne 1815 5 3 for sale sett of blacksmiths tools inquire o j dennett icinfitw july 11 1s1 5 tf stryedfom khgilon al ut two months ago ayoungdak grey horle whoever will deiver faitl hrie to the lub fcriber or give informatics where h may by found had be handu 1 u ly icwaj niche iis iorlit jhil tt er kugfton julv 6 ib 15 5