Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 29, 1815, p. 3

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ons 3 co f jtc cormvt nitacn oii 7elhton found yprcs j rhc bell fine oj dekmcv i ic giind hcadqu ifters ac expected to bo fixed ar ath the w rk ff antun arc profcaucd with great activity 6ooo laborers jreciru ifived in rai ling entrenchments before lour- i ray 5000 before fore charleroi ani 3000 before yprcs lord wellington will have a meeting with marfhil blacker to arrar re the grand military opera tions between the mofelie and ihe north fea a a new reinforcement of io 000 men is arrived at luxnsuro thefe troops will be canto- ed p- polite juongw dlclap4tiqn or lcuis xvillrir king or france frankfort germany j april 1 6 yesterday the king of france ntued the following iinoorunt declaraion louis by the grace of god king of france and navarre to thofeofour deafr children to whom thefe hall come greiuing he who has deceived you for ihe laft ten years is now come to deceive you again fifteen days have aunoft palled awav ftnee he featej himfelf by treachery on ut throne to which vour wiihes always- called europe me 1 ril e r know trns ana aiready adv i does u she coes he advance to dethrone him advances freiu h en hei irmnmeruble phalanxes will n nafs your fronthns but europe is no longer four enemy reconciled voa t her i h ive encefnrth you will belrid in tl ii jbidable no other than grae ous allies wiio come to help yoa to throw off the yoke f opprefllofi al the fl iers of europe march uner thefurc oanrcr and is that of the lily bokcn dowvn by age and by the mirortnncs of uie lati twentysve years i cannot fay to them as cay grandfather did ral ly under my white ptocne liu i flull follow them cloiciy to the field of honor frenchmen it h the vain ih lufion of glory amdngft you which has icd you aflray my arms arc open to you ome and throw yourfelve into them and i fnali forget that you ever quitted them frenchmen who aftiorigft you would wifh to bear arms againfl me i am not your enemy i am yout kin j 1 nm the brother of louis vl i am collie as henry iv to attack and van qu ilia a new faction i am come a iecond time to bring you peace and hipiefs signed louis frankfort april 15 1815- and underneath s duke de fltre minifter of war british declaration the following declaration is at tached to the ratification of the treaty of vienna of the 2 ah of march 1815 by the britifli prince regent foreign office april 25 the treaty of which he jub ilance is above given has been or- jered to be ratified and it has ca notified on the part of the ar regent to the high con- paging parties that it is his ry- highnefs determination ailing g name and on the behalf of jjj maje to direa lhc md ra rations to be exchanged in due wcag iimilar acts on the part of reipective powers vn- derail explanatory declaration of the folloaiig teos a to article 8th of jv faii treaty d cl r vi ion the underhgned on the ex change of ratifications of the treaty of the 2 2d of march laft on the part of his court is hereby commanded to declare that the 8th article or the treaty wherein liis molt chriftian majefty is invi ted to accede under certain ftipu- lations it is to be underfto d as binding the contracting parties up- on prihciplfes or muiuai leturity to a common effort againit the pow er of napoleon bonaparte in pur- fuance of the third article of the faid treaty but is n r to be un- dedtood u binding bid britannic iviajefty o p- ofecnte the war with a view iif impblingoh france any particular government however f ii irous the prince reirent nuv e to fee his moft chriftian maj fty reftred to the throne and however anxious he is to contribute in conjunction with his alhes to io au p tmi an event he neverthelefs himfelf at- 4 led to make this declaration oh the excharge of the ratifications as well in o hfiderattoti of vhat is 1 due to his molt liritiian majeitys iiiterests in france as in coiiformi- ty itbthe prin aples upn which the hvi jfli govern mem has invariably regulated its eonducl ihe treaty was received in london on the 5u1 instant j the answer thereto wa despatehrd to vienna on the 8th mhoriry ani inructiuis have alfb been fti- yen to the earl of clancarty io figxi a fubfidiary enaffcnierit con- fequeut upon the laid treaty r he rifo of ivulha has iifued a feccind prdclarpattoh in the fame deterthincd and noble style as his lir ic is as ioilowt u fccricl william uc we thtlk proper under he nrefent cm urns anccs to order s follow 61 1 re if n and perjury have b o- ken the asr treaics winch we had generoufiy concluded alter our glorious 2vairae and the h- pe of a dor 1 4e peace has facceedej by a tratue perfidy the necclliry ct a- imaaediats contest p nciracd with groitudefor wha my pe op mid struie for in the last it independence for he caufe o all europe i had popofm to excrc all my efforts to preieive it as long 33 poilible from a new vat even thouii i fliould of june rtlfl arrrd 33 y mr mary stunrt rife of chad- stuart ehi hhmk in th death of mrs stuart her farfly furtain the lfs of an affoskionatc mother and her hufbad fuivfves to dfplore the ahfence of a faitlifui and lender wife who endured the lartgtifmfng pains ofa cidnrymptioh with uncommon fortitude the diftale that ter minated her exiflcnce in the fajrff ct tht it nrodueed on he conftiruti m wa- in its progrefs ilw but in nattre obftiiiate and unvfeldtitr neitlier the aid of medicine nor the chanjre of climate eouldbeofuny avail and lie fell a victim to a dill em per that has lain an innumerable multitude poftefted of the divine and comfortable hope infpfred by religion me now fnhecets the mr stiwvrt refpectf lly fdnwi rfe adie d genoemen of kinltn ad its vicinity that fuis evening june he intenus to htl a great varieiv f su rpuzm feats of activity tnaornd diiplivof i tcward of her virtues communicated public auaion horsemanship mr stewart will naize himdf by performing a numbr of new ad afforl- ifhinp tsats while the hirfe i on fll fptd i mr sivwart will alfo signalize himfelf by performing a number of new and extra ordinary feit fech as picking up icveral handkerchief and a watch fron the ground wirhout dtfmounting while the hcrfe is in full fpeed of th- flyincr mercg v alfwihjump the whip wkwards and to be fold 0 public auaion on sat- urdayi the flrji day of july alike hnur of twelve oclock at the houfc of ihe fubfc fiber a6mall qantity of houfehold furniture cbnlklirig of chairs ta bles a beautiful bureau stove and pipes bed c all nearly hev also a f 11 li i i fj v c t t number of different attitudes whrch will a full bloodeo horfe saodie and bridle a i c i i r n r i r fuvpnze the audience carpets a few barrels ot beef and a few i boxs candles together with a number of bherattides john darley slutlloneer kingfton june 20 185 ipeec tomihing he will alfo execute the neat trikc in a 1 f r ends rs will be received by the a- gent of the naval hofpitnl oti or be fore the 5th of july for buildi g a store and wharf in the doc vard point fred- erick likewite two bwnlfiag houfcs neat the naval hcfpitalali to be conpteud in two months from this dateplans oi the bildinrs may be feen at the agents office or with mr kirbv ukwgln kingtlon 24th june s 15 w 4 persons willirur y contract- foten- iargingthe naval hbfpffcal at point fedeick wilt deliver sealed tcndrrs for the fame at the oftc of the agent eho pnanin the dock yard on or hefofeihe roth 0 july where a plan of the addition building mav be fcen kiugtlon june 23 i3ir 4 iu prize me atiannce he will do the atlonihing feat of stil vaubin tumbling c 3n a variety o other feats too numerous to p irticulaiize in addition to his other performances he will hmt the boards kackwudj while the hoyic u in full fpeed and in a number of o- ther different attitudes oo mi stewart brs leave to aiture the audience lhat iio exeitibns on his part hall be wanting to render the entertainment highly graifving and amuiliir tick fits to be bad at j be it- nts inn performance to begin at j oclock precisely a notice 1 strayed of stolen from the psure at the mbuth of the gannrgni a bay 9 r kingston dock tar j jh jne sic eqxjired for the ule of the l4val vani ihe undermentioned articles li me sarid shingles 6000 4000 do 34000 o commence the delivery of tiie alovc mentioned aitfdes immeiiatcy aij t con- eriiue weekly by iuch qyantia m fha b diected by ihe commisonef or qif ccs of the dock yard fioppfats to be drliveerl into the naval sore keeper office pint fedeiuk 4 9 qn a bay mare about fourteen and a haf hands hvjr witli i fmall white uar in h vh ad a fevv saddle spots and a fwitcht u ni may be about nine or terf ears f ae whoever wl deliver her to mr- a nd u v bradishfjt ganqni o- iv- iffr- mntion at lii9 ofli where file 1 iv b found wii be revmrdeu for tlirir trisc j kingston june 26 1815 4 h e fifcterfe rsfclw- if fe b3 4 frie r4s and the publi tlint in has comm diced the tin plate mm n facto y cloe to the rovhi avtillery banaek he remin thjni- t the public fin fbei j-a- coirraemeot gnce hi commence e in bufmefs nnd ttiie wiio may favf him w h hh rr couri of ge- j irlland district 7 r to uit j j v qaner se wonts of the peace to thi dftrfct wil be hplc2n at the court houfe in adolphmtown on iuesday the irihtey of july t the hour of ten oclock in the f reiioon tn-re- fore iil juflicc of the peuee coroners c h- ftabtes and ail other peae qiiicers a- we hive had to make the greatest ic- thvt ft- v a 7 r s asinofc that liav any hiiiintfs to ransafl ic rkcc to attain this end f court are hereby frel t fce no- poren ice wa- ten t tne dove tun jie meagdr kuig june ift 1815 4 tor oafei i 7 fast failing seluxsntr ivfg a sikets hdbfr btht 60 un bur- sh mi iiuctttoiie a th rii re- wi xflli objes his ceafed to di- rtct myrnnlud fince it be- conic uaii a question to know w he her fcch a ii am clefs perfidy fha i be fiiowed by new con- quefth the necefilty of an ardu ous struggle becomes a new rally- lug point for all princes and na tions tbofe important confiler- ations alone have made me refbive to ordwf the military meafures that are necefiiry to act with the greatest vor and the application of which has been once already crowned with the happiest fuc cefs mere follows a decree in fixteen articles relative to the volunteers lice and give their attendance acfiordi sglvj charles surt herijf sforjfr ogth h june 1 j 1 5 4 4 j notice ar va- called tl elizabeth of klnpsltmi wheu captured by the aiuerian v pefun wifhi t puvchafe will cal ujon gejine armflrong cap- vaughn sack t h- lovjun 25 1815 4 kingston june 30 18 15 v communication the inhabitants of chippawa deeming the conduft of the sixth regiment of foot as highly meritorious whijft rationed here proffer to the regiment their fiocere thanks 251 a corps cfcppaiva jih jure 1815 die d at kingftou on the pdrnin 27 th n inadequate tribute due to io noble a tjhereasa mare of a bright bay v v color a vhs liar in her foreheu i witch tail and a few white fpots o her back broke into rrv enclfure at adtbus- town o friday laft and whereas wilht ca- ey did unlawfully and withot y conftnt vmove the laid vjare fr m the laid enclo- fijre this is to inform tfafi owult where lfe niay be frund bavin cr god reafon to rppofe that the faid marc does not belong l mr cafey and fearing that he will con- it of too little coulequcnce to inforrn tenowner where fhe mav be foud benjn clapp kingfton 28th june 18 15 43p jphe fubferiber bes leave to inform jl the public that he has moved fron former land in the country to bis place lu town nppofite the indian point where intends to open his public houfe for the rc cf the pre fen t year w mclauohlen kingfton june 29 1 8 r 5 4 kioke into the endofure of the fcriber on wcdnefday the 311 may a bay horfe a itar 11 1 his forencad 1v owner requclled to prove popeity f charges and take him away ebin bennet rnefl town june isij itf wanting i h mav be adeto mr ii walker for the 1 pefon that wants them kiigibon june 30 1815 4 itroke int- the enclfure of ttie fubferiber on saturday night alt two flr- les the owner or rwners are icqueded to prove property pay charge- and take rhcal away s mcckk a kfnflon jnflf 6 l8ljf 2vv f ft w hn w dia ti v appy urlef9 a cook chamber maid and kitchen maid none need well r commanded inquire at r walk ers kinflon hotel kingston a prt 29 1815 48 4 notice he fubfciipiions u item colonel bouehettts ftpjiphkd and geo graphical maps which were originally hed at fueguneis are nbw advanced ki the loudou rrj c f s q as wi coiitmne 1 be ective by his agents m

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