lpppi ii i jxic7rt rummmd by hma rpor urnlhd 22 main reoftv gaoittiwn ontario pae- thursbayjjiity loth 1969 sometimes vveve happy t sometimes wera happy sometimes ere blue goes a song of ihe thirtifei and jt could describe the herald office on a hursday morning 5 some readers know but mqny dont ffit produclionf the herald is a divided 4peimion nevvsgathering typesetting and iomposing is done in bur own office and lprmrtngisdoneby aft- associate firm the branptpn times v our pages are matted in georgetown r on impression is made from our type me- j fet on a cardboardlike substance and these re sent to brampton where they are cast fcfjo circular metal cylinders for the final printing on a rotary newspaper press lwhen all goes well the finished mer gers back to georgetown between 9 in 10 pm wednesday night and the var iety stores which are still open start selling it while the majority of people get their 0 paper delivered thursday there are some jnfio buy it wednesday night most weeks parted- a couple of weeks ago it was so late that the usual deliveries couldnt be made to the carrier boys and girls until thursday morning rather than handling this end of the business from our office mr and mrs nor man eyre look after carrier distribution from their home a late paper not only jnconvpnlences readercmfitmeamalof of extra work for mrs eyre when her phone starts ringing early thursctay morning late delivery is prone to happen in the summer particularly with short staffs durjng vacations both in georgetown and bramp ton if it should be that carriers dont rec eive their papers wednesday night they will be there as soon as possible thursday morning and if your paper carrier doesnt deliver it at the usual time that day have patience hell be along as soorj as he gets his bundle iales of the bafflroqi 4 but theres a catch jj if brampton has press trouble or if the ftorald is a bit late getting the final ship- fnent of mats tfiere the papers dont arrive ck until late at night and on the very rare occasion as hap- as for the wednesday night buyers we can never guarantee at fust what hour the papers will be on sale thats why we date the paper thursday rest assured that the weekly issue will come out as early as is humanly possible the brampton press room doent want to work any later than they have to casey at the bat things that can happen because of the split production there b an occasional mixup in pictures in the herald we use a process known as scanograv- ing a picture is reproduced on plastic from a positive and then pasted on the metal printing plate despite a careful numbering system frier is always a margin of error between the picture being sent to brampton and its inclusion in the paper sometime there will be a complete blank this means that the scan has been mislaid or has not been processed on the brampton machine occasionally two pic tures of the same size may become inter changed were we doing the printing here we would have e closer check because we tytow the local faces the brampton shop km only numbers to go by and cant catch in error in the same way we can despite the possibility of errors we think we do a pretty good job and over the course of the year the error are few and unlike some trades we can always right a wrong in the next issue misprints are bound to bob up no matter how carefully we check in our routine we proofread an item once correct the errors and proofread this a second time should the typesetter goof on the correction lines and these not be noticd by the compositor there will be an error sometimes you will see two similar lines in a news item and part of the thought will be missing altogether this happens when the compositor removes a wrong line of metal and inserts the correction line in the wrong place next time you see this take a double look you will find that al though the lines appear to be the same one will have a typograpical error in it transposed lines are another problem which plague us in the printing business each line of type in the herald is produced on a separate piece of metal which comes red hot from the linotype machine if two lines are switched and are not caught in the proofreading a news item may take a little study to get its proper meaning perhaps his brief explanation of some of the pitfalls of producing a newspaper will help make readers a bit more kindly to the staff which labours each week to give you the georgetown news consider middle school pilot project in county hajton county may get itsjlington ccrtral high school first authentic middle school the middle school council comprised of grades 6 7 and 8 1 only studied the middle school by september 1970 philosophy in general and rec- ontmended that a working com a pilot project the school mittce established to deve- could be followed by more if successful trustees of the hal- ton county board of education learned last week lop specific details the county consists of nine halton teachers two board ad ministrative persons and three trustees chairman is ron cam pbell principal of tecumseh at present several senior pu blic schools in the county pro- tide accommodation for grade public school in burlington 6 pupils but do not incorporato an integrated grades 6 through j evaluation difficulty a middle school program i trustee john ronson of bur- lington pointed out the diffi- the recommendations came cu of evaluating 2 different in a report of the boards mid- things in middle school die school council set up to in i vestigate the middle school phi- perhaps we 11 be educating ipsqpny and outline the general the program more mature children he said pointing out that maturity is particularly difficult to meas- boaxd trustees received the j ure the evaluation of skills report last week and will con- is easier he said but neverthe- ider the program in detail a f- less just as valid many trus ter the boards summer recess tees feel this is just as impor- tant as the evaluation of matur- hahmmp rudlwhdting the house is staying in eefaion longer than we expect ed it was at first hoped that all legislation would be com plated by the end of june but at the end of the month there mnained two items of business which had to be dealt with one was the official languages sill and the second concerns changes to the rules of proce dure in the house this latter deals with the amount of time iio be devoted to discussion ot any legislation by members motion after a two hour debate the third proposed change known as 75c could be used as a final resort whea a stalemate has developed it would per mit the house on the initiative of the government to terminate a persistent filibuster against a bill however the proposed changes have some safeguards against government impatience fltuf has aroused quite a con- jrst it placcs an anus on traversy as you have no doubt th government house leader wad in the newspapers orito try to negotiate an agree fteard on tv am radio in l wder the lirt two enter to give a better und-r- changes mentioned above bc- ssi fc ore sorting to 75c it can- bout i thought would try to not be used in advance for example the houia must have started to eensider the amend ments proposed to a bill at the report stage before the govern ment house leader can give his notice that he will move a time allocation motion in re spect to that stage 7sc is restricted to one bill at a time and is also restricted to one stage of bill at a time to make use of the procedure on any one stage of a bui would require at least pitea days on the first day the sinister would the other house leaders could not reach agreement on how much time should be devoted to a particular stage of a bill he would then give notice of the time allocation motion on the second day the minister would move his motion and it could be debated for two hours on the third day the time allocation order would go into effect if this procedure had to be used the full three times on a bill the minimum elapsed time would be ten motion for a stage of a bill if days it would work this way a majority of the parties agreed three days to terminate sec- the house would decide on this nd reading three days to ter- some of the main points of these proposed chan mi in this column the first of these changes j- weald make it possibb for the house to decide without debate much time- should be set jssde for one or au stages of a bui when there- is unanimous j agreement among tiie house aaderiof the various parties the second would mike it lapnlble for the government iwnua leader without notice ptopoie a time allocation inform the house that he and minate the committee stage and four days to terminate the report and third reading stages this week i was peascd to announce the approval of a loan from the federal govern ment in the amount of 175 51200 to assist in the construc tion of a twentyfour unit seni or citizens apartment in georgetown project georgetown herald published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfiem mcgllvray production superintendent advertising manager frank mullin news editor accountant terry harley aileen bradley valerie carusto anne currie reporter leslie clark dave hastings jlylesguson john mcciemenu j george young the council recommended middle schools be established in halton county to serve better the educational needs of pupils in that stage of development be tween childhood and adoles cence the report states children are maturing faster and are therefore more sophisticated by ages 10 and 11 and are prepar ed to undertake rather special ized study of many subjects by the time they reach these ag es optional subiects the council recommends that middle school offer pupils op tional subjects sue as typing instrumental and vocal music and theatre arts as well as the usual compulsory subjects pupil progress will be con tin nous through the uureeyear pro gram to provide an opportunity for pupils to bridge the gap between the continuous progesj system operating from kinder garten through grade 5 and the credit promotion system of the high schools individual progress will be stressed pupils will learn at different ratees in different sub ject areas several trustees expressed concern over the metthod of ev aluation of pupils in the special transition period middle schools cover tve got to know what im approving before i do it said trustee liberty pease how are we going to know whether the pilot project succeeds old fashioned old fashioned as it may sound i insist that the three rs will still be taught as well as before will middle school do that heaskedrhow will we measure their success he was told there was no int ention to deemphasize core sub jects but rather to provide a wi der range ofwibject areas for the exploration of the children the council was- not able to answer specifically how pupils will be evaluated as the matter will be studied in detail by an evaluation council both the middle school and evaluation councils are sub committees of the boards inno vations council chaired by da vid eats vice txtacjjial of bur- ity board chairman fred arnrit- age asked if there is a danger that children who have not roa- others will be forced into situation grade 6 pupils wfl1 not be thrown into the middle schools but will identify gradually with grades 7 and 8 pupils replied campbell the report states that gr 6 would be an extension of the continuous progress system in the junior schools while grades 7 and 8 will introduce optional subjects and other basic elem ents of the credit promotion system of the high school trustee wm johnston asked what advantage middle schools have over existing senior pub lic schools fifty per cent of the student population in a grades 78 school changes every year therefore disrupting whatever continuity of education the middle school concept advocates present facilities in the coun ty include schools comprised of kindergarten through grade 8 some with a senior wing ana grades 78 schools with open weve come a long way from the cellar to the recreation room and weve come a long way bom the backhouse to the bathroom i dont know whether youd call that progress or not theres something to be said for both sides you cant store coal and pot atoes in the recreation room for example a definite disad vantage on the other hand you couldnt have a shower in the backhouse unless the roof lea ked and it was raining also a disadvantage fifteen jgtnraq i was suck- edjntoa brand new plot bathroom and swore it wouuld never happen again- financial- ly it set me back about year perhaps one shouldnt swear about such things- they are transitory after all and re sides it doesnt seem to help much this month ive been auckered into another one we are going through our turquoise phase now do you know how much plumbers are getting nowadays of course you do and carpen ters and electricians well i hereby swear once more a migh ty oath and with all you wit nesses that ill never install an other new bathroom so long as us both shall live me and the bathroom that is when i conk out my wife will be right into the insurance money for ano ther new one probably in deep purple what gets me is that there wasnt a thing wrong with the one we bad it had a perfectly good white cast iron tub the only thing i enjoyed about the whole installation was watch ing those plumbers niove the 800pound monster down the stairs there was nothing wrong with the tub except that you bad to keep your big toe in the drain or the water would run out and as i like to soak for an hour with a drink book and smokes this was a bit of a strain on the bad knee we had a perfectly good toilet that required the services of a plumber only about once a month we had a towel rack that fell oft the- wall with a tremendous clatter only about twice a week usually when the rest of the family was asleep it wasnt exactly uwr batlk room youd get at the royal suite at the chateau laurier the sink had served many gen erations and was a sort of gray green there was a bit of paint missing here and there tm not an unreasonable man id have gone for a new sink and maybe ten twelyo dollars worth of paint and wed have been right as rain what ever that stupid expression rteans f said as jnich to my wife and she said approximately ten times as muc to roe ceramia tile already turquoise fixti ures new wallpaper to pick up the turquoise in the toilet and the gold fleck in the new linoleum a vanity built ar ound the sink a vanity all is vanity i need a vanity like i need an other pair of rottei kids its not really fne money you cant take it with you though as an old friend of mine who is loaded with the stuff says if i cant take it with me i aint goin its the conifusionof trying to coordinate carpenter plumb ers and electrician either theyre all working someplace else and nobody can come and you just sit there in the waste land or they are all available at once and are bumping head and bums are getting in ttich others way at fivesomethmg an hour if the endless decision like where the toilet paper rack should be installed can you imagine anything more ridicul ous than a couple of adults sitting fully clothed on the johnny and practising reaching for the tissue should it be on the wall itraight ahead quite a reach and what about little kids i offered to bring in some kids to practise should it be beside the toilet tank with my bursitis you could break your arm off at the shoulder much ado about nothing but til get my own back when everything is complete and up to my wifes rigid specifications im going to demand that a whole section of tile be pulled out for the installation of a set of electric toenail clippers business directory ched the maturity level of the concept additions debenture 198000 for local road projects j a 473000 road improvement avenue from main streetto the pvogram which will cost the i west town limits 58000 to fin- j town 198000 received council ish tyers avenue in a project approval on june 30 when a de- started last year 100000 to benturc bylaw received the be spent on delrex blvd from necessary three readings the highway to chelvin drive the plan provides for 277- and 40000 for lowermain st 000 in improvements to maple from church to maple how to bring em back alive plan your route in advance have reservation in hand early show exceptional caution and courtesy on the road fasten all seat belts at all times keep within the posted speed limits avoid passing whenever possible keep to the right on mul- tilane highways except to pass make rest stops every two hours bring em back alive crititical accidcut periods arc most often defined as be tween the noon hour and 600 pm and again between 700 pm and 000 pm when driv ers are too often tempted to make a quick 20 or 50 miles to a desirable restaurant or hotel plan a trip in detail know exactly where you are going how to get there and how long it will take have your car checked thoroughly to make sure it is in good condition on long trips take games and puzzles to keep the children amused and away front the driver and his concentration on the road if you are travelling more than 25 miles from home pay special attention to thai first and last 25 miles familiarity with the home area lulls driv ers into a false sense of securi ty and catches many off guard remember the first and last 25 miles are the most danger ous youll have a better chance to bring em bach alive if passing on the highway is held to a minimum passing creates driver tension and leads to im patience that is dangerous o other drivers it is much more relaxing and safer to keep in position at the traffic stream rate and its a proven fact that the motorist who ljne jumps on a busy highway saves only a few seconds per mile in reach ing his destinaton on a freeway know the exits prior to the one you ac tually want to use then make your move well in advance to get in the proper lane if you pass your exit under no con ditions back up proceed to the next ramp and return by the service road or down the correct lane to your exit ramp enjoy yoiir holiday bring em back alive c0rbett chiropractic clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 8774631 69 mill st old pott office optometrist l m brown r0 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 8773671 optometrist rr hamilton ro 116 mountainview south carretal building for appointment 8773971 roller construction now installing aluminum siding windows 4 doors all work guaranteed free estimates call 8779103 tf jwfrk mpag jewelry clock accutron service centre john b0ught0n jewsllhrs 1 certified watchmakers 5 main st n 877431 the georgetown telephone answering service 38 main st s georgetown 8772563 well answer for you 626 w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 8772211 8773300 home mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyor willowdale 2222536 lc millesse ols 8776275 residence wallace thompson 3rd oiviiion court 8772963 clerk commissioner monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north r g al t barragers cleanersshirt launderert 8772279 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on premhes for all your insurance needs consult john r lewis 4599052 vi