Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 16, 1969, p. 4

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lv a vr georgetown he published byhome newspapers urnkid 22 main street south gordt ontario eage 4 thursday january 16th 1969 imni x hon kong or whatever variety ifrriay hbjiilthib flu byg is playing hayoc in the disr trtct this year anpl trie state of pines health tia replaced he weather as a conversation topic these past- few weeks we can never recall a year when more jjasppte spent a quiet new yearls eye piiblicr arid private parties were decimated aspot- ential revellers took to their beds instead could be that they felt no worse next day than the hale and hearty specimens who stayed op too late tour own variety was an oddment tike columnist bill smiley we werent sick enough to stay in bed nor well enough to j week a slight tempera- ture a flight sore throat loss of appetite and a general lassitiihe were our symptoms we satlll5a zornbie in a kitchen rock ing cjiajr dozing off now and rhenpot iriteresed enouglv in television to watch the daytime shows too lazy to read land seemingly content just to sjt wei knew the doctors cure without asking rest aspirin and liquids so doctored burself we certainty must have regenerated our batteries sufficiently to fly through the rest of the winter seldom if ever can we recall doing so much nothing for so long a period of time unfortunately the regeneration didnt include what it might have a whole new swatch of editorial ideas after a three week holiday layoff bird in a tarnished gage interesting as the tv intefvtews with judy laaaarsh may be most people are branding the erstwhile cabinet minister an opportunist for her wild swinging attacks on men who were hercoeagyes in the pearson government judy has injected a considerable am ount of spice into her bird in a gilded tfe autobiography and being good copy she is being well featured on such jws as pierre berton and w5 her criticism of the cbc is the most uncalled for more than any other person shewaisn a position for a couple of years to do sovnerthing about a situation in which she hints of subversive influences kickbacks control of the french network by separatist minded people etc her present criticism means either that she was the most incompetent of all or that she is- deliberate- 1 ly dragging in halftruths and innuendos for the sole purpose of selling a few more copies of what might better be called a bird in a tarnished cage her main reason for disliking aar pear son appears tobe that when jjhe asked him to appoint her a judge he demurred her current performance is justification enough for his decision we would say hope you got through qfit trying holiday mason as well u we did all you flit victims have jny sympathy- 1 ottered about for ten days a tot here and a tot there not quite des- p j to stay ted and therefore getting little sympathy kim spent he festive season going to bed at 2 am- and getting up at 2 pm mostly becausetoi new boy 45 can icbihe t your parf the most eligible bachelor in the worlds ten hours for 728 mile train trip away from town new approach to problems i prime minister trudeaus approach to problems at the commonwealth conference is nothing if not unique mr trudeaus idea that instead of tackling present problems the prime ministers should confine themselves to dis cussing the future he took no stand on rhodesia or nig eria hinted broadly that while he might be considering iffifting canadas flato commitments he ha pnade no decision yet and will leave the status quo for another year and at one timevhe wondered aloud if the commonwealth might not be an an achronism tbtjsy which sent us scurrying to dictionary we were no wiser when websters told us that this is an error in the order of time it is too early to tell how effective this man whose rise was so meteoric is going herb j harder is mccllvray crescent a retired cnr em ployee hat contributed this interesting item after taking a trip to montreal on the new turbo train vice serving the lindsay and pe- terboro areas so much for yesterday whir is put mo bail thats right hes oirt on bail my wife did her best tb et tire i v to the house one sunday tright when- i was at church for years 1jre been telling her to burn iunk in the fireplace paper and wrappings and box es and such she anally caught on so did the evergreens with which she annually- decks the mantelt when she threw into the fire a cardboard box about two feet by- four she stood there paralyzed watching the joint go up in flames the only muscle work ing ws tier tongue when that stops working shell be ready for the cold cold ground she screamed kim kim and kim responded nobly to the crisis upstairs she came down like a bomb seized basin of water from the kitch en sink and hurled it with unerring aim all over the fire her mother the rug ano the hifidid jhe trick though woufd be personally respontjf ble tp mo by george or etaey- there would be no gate- crashers seeppticin gatecrashing is a- norm everybody in the teen wortdif knows everybody else ifld i jj- tier all what do yini siyj baity- when- sorqebody arrives at the dobrwitn ajbig- silly grin vw his big jjuly face aji jiaiks kim rv it was resolved thatthe fbd i would consist of potfte chips and pop how can ycti be square mom kids dont eat t parties later kim gracious- ly allowed her mother to make about 480 sandwiches it was agreed after a motion by me that went something like if you think tm going- to walk the streets in a blizzard on new years eve just be cause a stubborn brat like you doesnt want her parents around justecatistshevtiavf ing a party for a gang of de generate teenagers then youve got another think com ing young lady that the party would end at 130 if is a long story but the finally kicked us into the enow- drifts at 9 pm it was too early to go -anywhere- we drove ar ound the block a few times my wife peering desperately toward the house on each cir cuit speaking of kim and years tonality and a genius for publicity we even has a newly coined wor charisma which apparently is partly bajer and plush seats dark inter- v sed on his bachelorhood and y steeped in historical background and with sights directed still higher towards a bright future did you know that if you de sire a change of scenery for a few hours you can leavehome i n n y eve pj the in midmorning and travel cnjhr which caused more turmoil ch railway to toronto connect with of bovne mother no nobodys drunk cnrs new turbo train which j d in ireland wi yqu please stop bugging departs from toronto at 1245 n wasn it she demanded me heres somebody at the pm and gets you to montreal d or a hired orcnes at 1644 hours n plenty of ume or anythjng fte shc tor dinner had ony qbe rcquest tnat wc on your return trip you can get out before the guests ar- leave montreal 1810 hours and j rived and stay out until they arrive back in toronto at 2214 1 were gone today and tomorrow is yet an- h this gj rou p of u other picture one can sull tra- t to catch your connecting 4 response of a vel by sleek horse and buggy i tr for homeleaving toronto alhcr a method particularly in the h- 2305 hours in 51 minutes to smack hls hand on tne table and sitting there with her mira kitchener mennonite ar- are back georgetown and roar k n parents noi out f listening to ica if so desired or you can p you arrive at 2356 hours p which he did about re was the cheshire cat settle back in your car and view wmcn vou sce is 4 minutes be- el times herself the house was clean as finally by some circuitous a funeral parlor theyd been route known only to families working like dogs for an hour no burns no broken dishes we dropped in on sick friends to get warm or sick tires i am g wno ran straight to phone and called home the old lady called four more timei from as many dif ferent places responses grew even chillier we arrived home at 3 am ready to face the de bacle a wasteland of brokep dishes and trompled grapes and roar ok 1 ji looking hack over the decades 1o be in guidinq canada through difticult a from the tall smoking coal bur- colovr he- has flair tremendous per- n e saddlc water tank the scen from any of ont- fore midnient d6nkey engine pulling a three jarios paved highways better or lour car train with its kero- still is the relaxed feeling of sa- we had the privilege of being sone lamps and decorated wick- tlsf action and comfort from part of the history making pre- rrivej et e compromise of no no scratches on the grand iewing lifes passing irradc miere trip on thursday dec- th j woo b tj et we cant r trim panels and other elab- from your seat or chair in a ember 12 1968 at which time linking undesirables would piano nothing including the 11 a l v v d b k lorate decorations of the era is diesef operated tratn to your the travelling public also partile severely policed by kim 480 sandwiches cbout 12 recall mackenzie king or r b bennett be- a dlcturn in ml a jii to v wre vrav lesthan i nd two of her largest girl pounds of fruit and all the ing glamorized because they had no spou ses one of the most striking facts is that although near50 he is thought of as a young swinger that although no secret has been made that he sat out world war ii for no apparent reason other than his unwil lingness to join the armed forces little pub lic attention has been paid to this even by tthe generation who remembers to our mind trudeau is still an enig ma who may grow in stature as the month pass or may like a moth be sucked intl the flame and fade fast in a diesef operated tratn to your the travelling public also parti- a picture in memory only favourite destination well youlpatcd we were away lessthan thje j 1 might ask what has all this got 10 hours and travelled 7288 jr ntll h t r jito do with our town of gcorgemiles in thct time scene of action by the grand trunk railway from the old having a service record of 50 union station on front st in we too are in the midst of years as a railroader it was j toronto on the site now known progress just look around you necessary to travel on some of as the cn telecommunication and you will discover that you the slowest and also fastest pas- buil t was the rail serlare in a thriving community sengcr and freight trains of that era as duty demanded as in the mail bag youvean well imagine in- the earlier years travel comfort left much tobe desired we are constantly reminded that one cannot impede progress turbo in this part of our naj tion at least is the pinnacle of progressive endeavours by the master minds of those people who still maintain that the rail- for today will serve our friends and two boys who bread and nuts in the house s really light rays stigating our planet business directory e mail bag little theatre fund grows by 90 donations 97 sargent road dear mrt editor your report of local ation cfriciem for many years ings of more ufos has final futute for th6se who ly convinced me that the truth havo not pt secn the j should be divulged as to what sight- these are so called objects really j c0rbett ch clinic spinal xray service available by appointment 87766j1 69 mill st old post office its a completely new concept in train travel power- jed by turbine engines its they are not spacecraft nor the first passenger train in the do they fly they remain in a world to be so equipped it has stationary position but because been designed to maintain high j 29 bairstow crcsjof our crazy turning world the january ii 1060j illusion is received that they are travelling at a hap hazard 1000 miles an hour j5ear mr editor the little theatre fire fund during the month of decern- ber the following donations hcr lanct and by radio con wore gratefully received computers are caused lions club 25 georgetown to congeal into orbs of variable they are ultra high frequen cy rays of light sent out by an- fire dcpt 25 georgetown herald 10 georgetown police association 10 mr jim snow mpp 5 on behalf of branch 120 roy al canadian legion the sponsors of the fund we wish to thank the above and all individuals and organizations who previous ly donated so generously to the fund we wish to inform all herald readers that the fund will close on january 18 1969 a cheque for the total amount of the do nationswill be presented to the little theatre club at the general meeting df the legion on thursday january 23 we express thanks totho inf perlal bank of commerce main st and wallace thompson treasurer of the legion for thoir very able assistance dur ing the organization of the fund it is our hope that the fund will bring a much happier new year to the little theatre group and we wish them ev ery success in the years to come yours truly bill rannachan acting chairpiaa coloured lights in a calculated favourable position to transmit back images p this plancj because they apparently have calculated the density of our atmosphere less than it is then the orbs of lights are flattened into the shape of saucers as their technology is so far advanced above ours they have developed this more economical means of exploring we are still limited to spend extreme effort to launch wei ghty exploratory unmanned spacecraft to transmit back im ages of nearby planets it is to be realized that mil lions of bur people will be dis appointed to learn the truth of ufos having expectations f a visit of little men dont jose hopes though if we can learn to be more peace loving instead of raising hell as we have been doing for cen turies then perhaps in the near future we can expect a visit from some where out there and you out there behind the ufbs if your transmis- sion is fine enough to pick this up we are not all nuts albert porter average speed while offering maximum passenger comfort and conveniences during our trip we were travelling at 96 to 98 miles an hour at times with thci telegraph note line re minding us of an old fashioned pieketicnce the individuals needs for comfortable seating eating facilities washrooms and what ever your preference might be for liquid refreshments are all there to assure you of pleas ant and comfortably fast jour ney 1 you cannot overlook the fact that the vestibule steps at the doors of each car arc operated by remote control and the pas senger is asked to stay clear of these steps at all times safety is here again a major factor in the operation of turbo for today and tomorrow optometrist r r hamilton od 116 mountain view south carretal building for appointment 8773971 our town 69 previously men tioned is progressing too one has only to read a number of exciting itemsm the december 19 1968 issue of the herald outlining growth in our law fraternity industrial develop ment residential permits not overlooking the efforts of others in several organizations service club schools etc who are do ing their utmost to aid our hos pital and briijg some comfort to the less fortunate the edit orial page item season ol good cheer also points but the need for all people to do their part in a large or small way in helping the other fellow creat ure up the steep hill of progress- let us keep up the good work optometrist l m brown 0 d 47 main st n suite 1 for appointments phone 773671 barragers cuanersshlrt laundarere 77-227- 18 main sr 166 guclph all work done on premises m knur cmnce ida butova accutron service centra 1 john b0ught0n jewellers certified watchmakers 5 main st n s7743t3 wallace thompson 3rd division court 8772963 clerk a commissioner w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 8772211 773300 home mcbain and hulme ontario land surveyors wlllowdale 222253s lc millesse ols 8776275 residence monuments pollock s campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 water street north g a l t koller construction l v is now installing aluminum siding windows 4v doors all work giaranfeed free estimates call 779102 tf v 1- i

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