ads that pay ywi ci place n id in hh heralds classified pn by i pttwilna t773201 buying or aaluitj the htrald it nhvi yv will find the results you want georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing jubhshinq tljaoewoetpwn herald hf served oeoroefown end district printers and publisher far over century orfarlna the btt in fine prinliim and news jcl authorized as second class mall poa office daftf ottawa i nd far payment of postage in cash georgetown ont thursday july 11 1968 5 00 par yearj single copy price tan cents homenuik wilf m- iailsibaki v jr decision coming on m w r r i i ujfcls largest development vjrs4 beer drought coming closer lcbo booming the last rwue for beer fanciers are drying lip leverage rooms in the mi gibbon and lxchang ho clx in town and the holly wood in nerval am closed and two district golf clubs georgetown golf and horn by lowers served their lart brewi on saturday the lid encd dining roocii in the mcgibbon hold is alio fresh out only north halton coif and country club and br 120 itoyal canadian legion are still kening beer at pre time and these won t last lonj kven with the members only policy plus wive and girt friend rhursday fn diy and saturday evening the letfion slock will dlsap pi ar sometime saturday a vnrth halton spokesman said thursdav would probably fi tiiih what u9 left of th supply there mwoiwhile business at tha yiqunr control board stor on mill st in booming bus route still unsettled route of the cray coach bus line in tnun will not chariu on july 15 ai indicate in on idi torlal in llu ismic the bin firm ordered in id vertlsrment to this effect monday then canceller it inttr tin id mortal wai already in pitnt it that time and could not ht changed i i plan eleven stores for moore park more mori s more apiiminls and a new nam huildnu ri on the horizon for norf town at mondays council nit lin a huilding tw unit was ippint ed h isbfl constitution foe eleven mores in tin moon park romriiercial ari i a permit u 1 1 approved for consultants issue report on brumac plan for south end town whin ilrilnric yii vt lopnu pis fkid n b a i of i laru trmt oi building land smith of hutu ry hollow sotm months u o c oru town eountil diefdt d to si k advice front sp enlists he f n mnkini n decision i i t jot k munii ip il pi inmni on ult tits ltd product d thiii rt port topus of which win di itributid to councillors on mon dt a phnmd new irape for pete u srnn m inrs uhuh uill in cnnstrik id on no 7 hijhwiv wist of si ind ird pi odnek pi ml and i npm bv law aim nd mint it nllow i 12 hinte ip irt mint on wittr strut wis ip pinid j hi lirtnunt would hi ion iruitid icro s from hip oil hirh kaj plant just off iill mreet at hi same meetirjji a let i m from ilruir mciiurhlin lliiin it pn sidmt siid thnt it m imperative the firm proceed iminrdutely with further fub divisioji ihiildmi ind made a form 1 1 riiiiist tint council ion t drr thr ivisi of devi lopmi tit wi iucl lh mttti will ik i concluded in lo wnk tilt letter fijid council ilaocided to mi et to m lit irhurdij in commit i e of tlu wholi for a disiu won onl thi repirl niitluir uiti hru m c oil nils is thm shied for inirsdij itih 2 i in ilrum ic propos il in uh in now mini would idd o i l0mi nsidint- to gmrtvlown tin i more ih ment tr schoob ird i inch school 1 t0 hrmnsl tptl a number of apartments the huge devrlopmeni would be on the former cleave hep- i burn nnd wright farms from hungry hollow west to mam sreet south z itrunnc asked the town to construct the necessary gamtary sewer and watcr mains and to pive mountdtnview hoad to th out hern limits in erttirn it of triul the town 500 000 in caji ind ownership of the metro halton ofice ilullding ind suf roundini four acre propcrtv which it alues at 5200 000 and to provide four uhool sites in the new nrea it no cost to thn tow n the bruiinc firm in its nib- rnissjon claimed the town fi nandal position woujd be creat ly improved uith the devrlop i ment millar thriller partially hidden by tn imposing carling millr trophy ts winn peq s vv if homnu k who successfully defended h s millar champ lonship v ih a come from beh nd fn sh n i the final round at georgetown golf and country club saturday thn georgetown cours i vas the focal pont of cimdian golf wednesday through saturda v th me pro am followed bythe thr r da carling millar third event or the cdmddtn golf tuf wilf was top rnonoy winner in bolh 1mb seeks more details for proposed new schools die mold moving to new plai dctjilcd inform ill n re ird in ji chonl cxp nditurcs is i s ment ruuli and huildtn noi in ts iij bcln aktd m ul ii getown 1 hi ootino miiuip a jjoard ii i ii put iti eve speiht the hi h school ih punmn i t ostjr building and wondrr lii if iil puhlit imol b r i itiim similar ro t n n isun a letter re d tn council mon day fro iil l boirl ud th it f p tiime inform itiun lut bicn r crivcd inn the mihmii ho irds but no iiuksis of ined rehlid to populjti in and vc inol p u latioi irwth tlie inform itinn inul i hi ready to hi nt tn tin m inic ipal board torn i n nd fi 1 nee ch mnnn ik h n birr on di i mmtrson sjfd tlut ntinnul school iddition hi o u stui hut ih it ik ltw a n w moore pnrk hi 2 sioii v auditor notes jax arrears over 25 on in le ir iwq the imounl nf mil i nulin t iis wis n fhet die mold loo ud a norval fjrm for foiiryearwllt move to georgetown auif i ice prcuilmit jack i nuclcs told the- herald thi week tlut the company will occupy i the former smith and stone fi i hertlafi plant on rd die mold tool and northen vi i hrator manufacturing a tuter company employ fourteen the new quailcis will quad ruple their floor area dennis cirtwrgiht is preiid ent nf die mold tool seeks better settlement for exprorpiated house a mjin street tiorth reaideiit i in i 111 impil u till ih i i firmition lusn t bun foiw trd id rein irked mior tiihbons iht sell ml hoard iu council a omt over recc ntk for i i si dl dc hinr their hu 1 n pi mis id in th nninl uditor s it- is unhippy about the price of por on 1 qui mi to wiship ccnh n ie t id oxfam returns nearing 73 000 still coming u fid is iam r ho kin t in mm nl icmllnria corn men u i r t i ii n ir unount to 21 id p r ii nl of thi mi rent t hi si it nu nt of r t nue mil rn n liliu is ii i d tlu town hip hid t surplus on 10117 op hums of ho 1- it w is id rd to th surplus brnujit for j w ird fro n puor t ir nureisi in u to ll6t7 17 in iddition ach u imisclf feet luu i in but tw j m ni trict s kfim u still rollir in ml hhstnr lw ntv i il hm t i fic thnusii d r i hi written ind pitil ifl t di u irl font still lni b tut k thi moni two third n thit numlii in i nd of tin in most 1 hu d n hu i lunti ir rorp i- ih ut ccmmitlc tic isui n i ullsun told tlu hiutd thr wack tin total lb apjiro irliin the 7mlj0 in uk ir in t tl an or anicrs tiitiiipalti from th sp iisors of tin i t0 i who w m ujlkir fi d th of the worll miv 4th i l n hunrv uut lln job did o i 1 i n thi m irl jn p n t the tj i is hem tnchi i t ry thur day ewnn in s m u uditc nuni hr n iti n win r volun 1 1 ra are w riin sj nnors receipt hi 11 rt this t i k em j let td s oner with mure p oph n th ji b it if hurt is jny m in iht iioretown in i wh t pun i little tun jhtir 1 1 vi lllll s 10 ivf us 1 lldl i ii v mid lu f rulk appri t iti d mi w ilson sud lius s i tit met fni aiuom who did not take pai l in ihc walk i in s i i walk i to in i p nl f tlu in mi minus i ffoi i ih m in i tiibul i 1 itttn nl bu ii ti iiii n mi 1 il iibt cd t to ktm lllll m 1 1 vi lutid now 1 1 it m i ft f r con lo pi hnit r i mi thi inunu ip in i 1 s th it f s 17 0 i m c h n him 1 i xl ii lltlll t fcred by the town for his bouse i red tucker whose home will he demolished in the whita nndpt widening told council last week other home owner have had their offers boasted hj enhl and nine thousand dol lars over the original appraisa fir urcs if i wcie kiven the 20 000 i m asknir i would still be at the bottom of the heap he said i have 122 foot frontaife com p ir d to 75 and fto feet for oth crs hi romplained that other ow tiers had been jfivii their asking t rte him i shntihl he teuiiit wooot on the hisis you are usintf for othirs ht told council tor vmi should reconsider and five a ft how a fair shake but no one had contacted georgetown lodge best in glorious twelfth parade kin willi mi i hi n i i nut i in lllll bin hi n nu hi tot ut v h in inii ihpph i li ivi ask survey to establish credit high water mark i m i ii lllll nl llli hiivnc nil i i i imi nlk tin ii wolllit ni vi i i u in i n i iliiriiiu utll p ii nil iii lull s illllilm i i it iii inn mi l cil 1 ihi i 1 1 op tl ii y a no no nm v flow huo mi ii ertlci n l i i ik trwil is jiiprov crunril mi ml the mruj vvill i umli rl il ert by tin cm irv illiin alii mr ity with tin tnvwi ii flill f l 23 1 hi i s nl 111 tills ut j1ksi 11 i nil t i f mil iii l iii l mil m ir ii ill i ill llinimi ton stuniliiu in tin ul kim hill willi i mt mi sh ink in in ist i in puiiiisjl uis nppn i il ii ilihnn llu m munii nil i hub i rinus uhi n i u u i u mltl i ii in ini s uit the limn l ji nil in llidllsind nf ilntlui n tn tin alltlllilllv s tnltil ji wii ih uiiiiiiii lii ilm 4iv a iv ye m v l m n in ilujii li a be xuind as inns rvatlon land accord i tu to i hoy hallvntliit m who is hurt is no jccuratj ifll 1 i lllsui i uk lit v llil 111 t i tilv i lu i n iiinuiit slioi llv hi f ii tin tut nf ihc pitu i sum i ii hoi i hu ill cl in i hills i nub mablf j rou id midniuht 1 i tl iv ijiput nily h ilk it at in st mil t irtlom oi it h i l sh ir wi llu piliihl il hu tn i i of i in m il ho p 1 1 with a faiujila suiiissful in acton i history some 800 jnarcherk inspired 1 by 20 btiiulh took pari they i taint from eleven countlei hal ton haldimand uncoln watej loo wtllnml wrllitibtoii went uorth york iist gray south and pirth south and riiiresent d 2 1 lodis iti prist nlnii the loyal ivue blue association sutrr dauy g llairii of deortfttowii supreme rand deputy mlstreak spoke durnik be ufttrnooit others to i it alt wtr ht worshipful sis ti f i did warnock crand junior hirtttoi ontario west and thi just ptaktr lit worihlpfu lliolhu tstndon met laikm jr im of ontaiio vyest 3400 pairs of eyes dazzled by hannef0rds cfrci hanneford dfrcui perform ers who converted george town memorial arena info a btfl top for six hours friday played to 3 400 in three neat ly packaged shows at 2 30 5 00 and 8 00 o dock th 9w s 1 early and later performances played to seas of younfl fac es over 1400 watched the opener while 1700 squeezed in for the evening presenta tion the five o clock show hastily inserted between thft other two when the response to tfeket sales surpassed ex pectations was applauded by threa hundred all with ring mdeioatc thecircutbrought to town by georqetownpojiee association included many names well known in thft world of sawdust and grease paint most famous of wrmh belonged to the hanneford family the royal family of the centre ring they have appeared on the ed sullivan show coliseum hippodrome and don ameche interna ional showtime tiluri t dk said tin authority hotild foil thti cntiic cost uf the kuivi milt urn without tin tiail t i otlie halton prldr no 10ll i i il 1 1 cl tin oi uit lodt was juduil iwht apocarinjf tba p uk ia one of tlui most i lodii on jiarade