Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 7, 1968, p. 2

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cbc cameras rolling at georgetown riding stable cborn to be one of five women in a documentary about ttie status pf wtencn in canada is mra gordon thomson r it 1 acton shea been pursued by tv cameras from he turn ahe tot out of bed in the mar ning unlll clor lo midmshl da in april her everyday activities- uiclu din her hobbles of riding bur sea and recreation like to bo a sailing with her children have been rcorded on film for shod log she thinks on the lam sun a director camera crew and soundmen from th ctv net work have trrtnntcxl into her lift recorded her thoughts and impreioni ofhvinic in a rurul area lnce the tnd of january tif interested spectators at the rosslake filming- are rid ng vernon and little daughter jennifer obviously qu le at home school instructor mrt anne in the saddle they ejepset io complete her segment of the propam about the middle of march the program will be in co or and mrs thomson confide fiie really doesnt know how long her portion of the docd mecitary will last about ten minute i export she imag ines monday morning the camera filmed her hone back riding at rosslalte riding school near georgetown and mrs thomson dmtted she wis a- trifle aflff tfws morning wednesday i alnce it wa worked in with a toboccnnlng session in the af temoon ever tried getting oui of bed mure than once in the mornipgt try it eight or nine lime with tbe cameras whlrrtngi your hair tousled and eyes half shut and youll have ionif idoa of her feelings mrs tbiimsotf adml she wouldn t have rrtlsaed the ex pervence ibr anything especially jilncc sho hopea to buy heriowu home from the fee se u col lect mnt of her riding now u v the ftoaslake farm a rocre hon hr wlshos hhe hart more time to pursue monday night the slerie hiov cd to a tuppcrwarc parly part time occupation at the honv of the ken hatfields at it k 1 acton dure wtrc 2d women from tho neighlwrhood and her bowling league in acton in at tendance cameras recorded the proceedings and he sensitive bound equipment picked up th conversation the light reading of a parli ciilar hay has a lot to do with ulwlhcr thr cameras ylll lis busy filming more this week there have been trips to tor onto for recorded seision background for mrs thorn bon s segment will bs from ar ound this district vo tv view r from around here will bo watching for the program with much interest no matter how they feel about the statu of women in canada green vhkss want vegetables vegetables 49 french fries 21 9 hsitsticks v 39 v bakery tiieats hot qg ot hmug iga buns 249 apple pie 49c raiser ro pickles 49 boa ipmn head shoulders 99 scope mouthwash 83 hbouaxl bankroll on 73 tootdmie dteular or mint flavour crest bromo seltzer vicks vapo rub ileum 49 49 cough syrup ma1 spbay 7 chilb aspirins3 amacih 15c xcoltld tlrl i sf rll irl baiajus bunch carrots 239c tmwmjl 37c ahi0ujearr549c v t 29y peas carrots swiss i emi ict w1iibs davids biscuits iujtchops 59c sjde bacon 69 variety pak 69c vfologna 3sj in the daihy case cheese w fir slices margarine 253 shortening 33 salmon 57 fruit drink 89 frlhtcocktail259 greenbeans 2 37 came mixes 289 defergent ss53 cadbury bars 475 hospital news thc csc camttata gnndi away at mrt thompson ridel across snow blankeled rossuke field many donations add heeded equipment to town hospital v fe i jt h it j 4 it a si huj 4on u 1 l si i mi v tjj h ti jti jllauj liu a id llujii- tj u ju tor i iicl i tj- vjul 1 1 tl l ollilllg out t ah j j i i tjl hi ii t 1 j v i i j ia j 1 n x i r u n he yvill b hmi from thin group vi are sure tint tin lliclall ioundatutn ill r iilinuc to lind for most mi n tin plul mljiropi s of ur uiitr in tin ficht aj3iiiht mi itrw h jnd list is i id in i mill ulpluvllalu f 1 llhlk t once cotu i r linu ly and i i on ti iiallon towiids i x r i i ilin in hh jidiniltini i i his i r tip of it jsinldl mi i i s li i ii h ii in i n h1 rniistmus nf r v jll ilt tiu ju r in m lvfi k nu nt r whj tl auxil uiy in t u pridi nt jejit samjw n ill m tlul die afirls i t i aimlur an or ijanuitij 4 hji bu uffjlr to eeh hrjh 11m ir u nth unnlvir r in m a wi in in j rout the mm il of it wi think that it uill hi tin mo t mik thsful of ihsj jruups in n muc4saib it is almost irundiuu tit at the w a n maruud to jtom phsh o much in tin relutiw y tthort tiiiu of i n t jrs r iainh without ihur hi lp un di r tindin jitd fund latkini we don t think thr hospital could operate succlssfully a fact that is tirtunlv apprec latl lv all those interest d in the liiupitdl and particulur y niemhi rs of i hi hoard a nuiithi r of lare donations hnve im i ii rcctued including the larj one from tin a jjuryqiti a fw ultks jio earmariid lorair condtlioitit h- opcrat i t t neceaivarv funds irt ivaililtlr for this larifti undi rtikini the other laru 11 ml ruil vtal is one from tin 1 fft ckeu found atlon who donated mi r kx u k r t tl n i i tt fcinni imtrli undid x i jnpvmnt for thu dipitlnjit jihs v xinilitioii in iiimiioiv of olif of aiiadj j n iti i mining ami in tiru nt liui uie uti i i llickill lu li ii moht undtrstandiiu jitd j eru r nun to our prolth mia ami m u hr n at d ori loun 11 pit i itokni immhirs staff an i mi 1 ital assoc latlnn un p rt it ill ir ly thrilhd ahoiu this rompn u a4 it dm s tin ii s i onil suh blantiil contrlhiillon k uill midtavnur to havt a fiuilni ir kle alwuil this putt oiiii t mi nt in this ohniiu upon its ihci and in h ti hp n that rrpn a nlatm of tin foundation tin spin tin dun u conu out and txiiiiiiw our hwpital ami partuularis tlu rjy divjrtnunt al this turn wi find it mo t i ofr shun ti deal with a roup hk this ad throuj i lit ir adniini liat i mtntuy sc in to t ki sue h a v o hum in i nd mt llti tit inttrtsl in whit must ik till to i i mup ddininisttnii i fund wanv millions nf dolljus i itjiub fiom tin minil irl tn utnu ut w kiiok tint lhni ollitr ho pit iu 1liu uinulji 0 ii h u ninls of tlu mo pi t 1 p iks u ii fii tkc filibii k fiilin xistinj jvidiv u inon hi ii tlud in running thr ii pu i in nj h mis l nmiitri ui 1 mi i uf i vm thou hlful us hindi if iiioiii rollutid hy tl i hi ii hlwiuri in nirnioi y of i iiinif li isso a ilflonj r s i li i t if ih in h hhmti honil iii fill is vmm ii l 11 tll i un li i i i un ih n flout r usi s im u in un im pitul aipl in i piiiculaily lowly js w ii usi ful ui lu li as mi who h id kn wi imi hk d mom tut in un m it lit ut a llfislliiu fn il tl i i vi i iiiovltu j ift tt tin his in ij hlmtu hn id of inlt 1 1 st to nil our itii its anil p sihly iiuti i so to oldi i i mii nts is tin suh t inti il lift of in urm upi imi opth liiuo si p for usi lu diano mil and ti i ilmj i ir no thru tt ant ti rondltiuiis i hi uiiupmi nt w is j hi n i th tit town tils i ipt hind in nummof fouiulu ind fu m im cars hiau lto mat i mhjioujiiiii i ir tt il ri i nu i own foi 111 hl iis cl rtjiulk llli inl i f h fir nti i h p shmil 1 h i i proud of llus fun lift toiuhintivi us it dots ipituidn thu mumii of 1ga lucky shopper mrs a paulin 32 mcgilvray cr 26 81 on ot their aroup and it th kline time providing a service for pstirrm in air hoaoital of equlpnunt tint would not olh erwiivo har htcn available incidentally the cirli have acs5uned new uniforfnit and no doulvl these will add nven juilh lustre to a uroup that ttus i iiiiih so highly regarded luro aiul in part of the u s i he majvpy tour ruchre tluh a jroup of four lotllps have re unity donated a more comor tdhli thnr for patient use a ifcmatfrm rmirtntehtfrd tfht ajhreetaltd by slatf and dlrec tnr i or a aroup thin unatl to lu able to make a purchase nf thin tiidunilude ifl quite ivni a r uahh v niiinht i of arm thaira un ord r by tin rortf jown yvmnnik inititutr and will add milt h lo the comfort in the luitiint rooms thin irrwip ban iwtmi oih of bt moht faithful of dooms buviiiil uiven eaolt yt ii hlnei tin honpital invened in tfhu u id onlv tltnmiji thh lypt of rntinuinif donation unit uts i un hope to provide hi lb ins of in tit t patitnt rate fn tin pmtplt of tills com inouity i hank yiht ludien ivovhuial lafur malftn for tin m atiui uar provided tlu hriitmiuk htnekinu for the dill irt n un ivint uut in lookid foi waid to by chlhlrtn in thn hospital lwo ety thnuumul hm ut rt nee ived one from mri 1 ui iouth in the foi in of a unmix r of tumk reita for pat it nts wlio are inutile to hold a norval native george c brown was insurance man 50 yrs n the insurance bustms foi fifty earn and a foimer nu n ber of north hilton oistnct hich school ixnrd rnr t or dinlev brown dhd in eorit town hoipital last wedncwuv following a itklden heart atfuk mr broun conducted tin ws urancc buiinch from his n ul ence at oival until lwi whin hit office was moved across the atreet john dun lop iwcame aavuciatid with bun in busm ens in hlon a mt mber of the ixs nu oi dei for almost fifty tars he wat rirst principal of hallo i chapter ram in lf27 he was a member and had held levrral offices in grand ikill lie also- lillon ttl to 4 he oi in ije ijidu son of fames and mary mav rrown lie wai horn at nnnal and lived all his hfp in the il lage we attended nnnnl pub li school an hrnmpl huh school lie was 1 memher of he i nited churth reorj i in i n m fordnn o it i s s 1 r mi iderlrmli f prt ih 1 1 lb h 1 nnn 1 i ifiimril innire on siturdi tl i it tin harold c mcclure fun 1 1 1 home w 1 conducted b n lt iltrr tidli mil inttr ment u is n hilkrest cemotcn nral pilltu ir r u ere hardv hirnhlll dmil 1 bulio duncan iteb nsitn john dunln a t int v an i sillnn hunter i ik i 1v i 1 ill of latimer v w i to announce the opening of thrlr new law offices at 5 mil r sir i i clorgi iqwn likplione s 221 iii 1 n i 1 ui ue ipdw hn uf ltu i arnolil whom hp iiimriird in severe accident injuries to health unit nurse mr trail jarniesnn a ii it ton county public health nuisi working out oi tho eorietlown offre auffercd severe leu and head cuui wed rob 21 when the tar khe was ttriviuu collide d wjth anoutw ear near t cor tier of main ami ontario sis it i armstronj a pawn ber in uie other car driven in alb 11 heyiurd of llrampton re ctived a kliuht tut on his fore head i be jamkiaui car ulivi uvlal urttk replace 1 only by yifts stub us lhc uial tlu hospital rontimui to pro areiui aiul it is only through a eonljmiante nt mich interfsl that wi rfco prtvidn t lie quallts of patient earn tltat 1ft tonsldir ed adetjuatt i ihi k un jittoiiu uuour mini 1 i sr tz wa iri-v- many stitt avt qute 1 laiua hwv quantity j luriitivi aprjnjil think ftbout itl s for usi bv the kitchen lff 1 and so it a i j s e von all al he annual i mataiua nu lhuidii i let your fingers do the walkihqi through the yellow pages

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