wynf ield papillon best dog at toy club show top honours came to wyn flow fennels owned and oper ate by mrs rom ionson t georgetown sunday at tie sea boroush kennel club dog sfww ickl in scarborough in the morning wynficlds petit voyageur a papillon known as skipper to his friends was awarded best in show at the exclusive international toy club specially show hld in conjunction with the scarbor ough kennel club all breed how under judge peter smith there were 64 ot the top win ning toy dogs being shown in canada and the u s entered in oils show the same day in the after noon skipper stood first in a toy group of 81 dogs under judge thos quiuey of western canada skipper is just 16 months old and has only been shown since early may of this year since this time he haswon over 100 ribbons and 50 trophies includ ing several group placings for his little mistress miss virginia snider who is just 9 years old herself but already an avid dog fancier and knowledgeable handler and trainer for show virginia trained and eompai fjned skipper through many sanction shows in this area preparing him for the big shows the she turned him over cxcltnvely to a profession al handler mr hans brunoue of caistorville ont the papillon is a very old breed of toy dog whose popu larity is quickly gaining mom cntjoi throughout canada and the usa mrs ionson first lm ported th breed from europe more than 30 years ago and has bince encouraged several other breeder to join her in popular izwg the papillon trucker injured in friday accident bob burns 4 edith street of bums transport is in george town and district memorial hospital recovering from injur ies suffered in an on the job accident friday he was treated for a com pound leg fracture and injur ed hand mrs burns yesterday describ ed her husband s condition as good but said he will remain in hospital for some time directed girls choir at st georges church a gifted musician who had directed the junior girls choii at sl georges anglican church mrs a ernest dawson died at hamilton s henderson hospital on september 11 mrs dawson who was former lynda knight of burks falls had lived on mountain view road in glen williams since 1941 she was 80 a member ot the anglican church she was educated at tho ontario ladies college whnby in toronto she had directed a junior choir at st pauls angli can church her toronto chpir appeared twice at massey hall under sir ernest macmillan at the christmas box symphonj she leaves hor husband and five children harry and kenneth of toronto donald and mrs p b howard darrell of edmon ton alta and mrs a e how ard barbara of brantford 23 grandchildren and three great grandchildren a son alan died in 1957 rev eric mills conducted the funeral service in it george s church and pallbearers were w e howard brantford di id williamson toronto and four grandsons alec andpeter how ard brantford donald dawson jr toronto and l a dawson stationed with the na at hal ifax interment was in green wood cemetery georgetown y seeking 7700 to finance program georgetown district ymca ywca is launching its sixth an nual drive for funds it was hoped that united appeal would get underway this year alnce it saves money only one ctrap aign for all organisations it saves manpower all organ iiat ions supply canvassing person nel to united appeal and it saves the householder and bus incis man the annoyance of multiple calls unfortunately there will be no united appeal this year therefore arrange ments for a y campaign have hurriedly been made 1 y president mrs helen van slcklcr has announced that this years campaign for fundi will be conducted from october 2nd to october 8th chalrmer of the various sections arc as follows mrs ann rudy mr paul armstrong mr t brothcrton mr graham i nrnell and mr ernie forgravc the goal which this years canvassers are aiming at is 700 this is- not too much more than the budget for ope average household and provides wholesome educational rccre ation for hundreds of childten and adults alike district news at a glance altwerger show at gallery sol i ibb allwtrgtr mil exhibit new paintings and watcrcolours at gallerv house sol from sep tember 30 to october 20 this is miss allwcrgers third show at the local alkr and she is well know n to dcorielow art lovers her new painting most i v flowers are excellent l workmanship and will appeil to those ittendink the show st cral of her paintings were clios en for habitat at expo tt smile broad mi ndedness is the ahil lty to grin when another fellow hogs the girl you brought to the party mcvean top bowler in bramalea league bill mcvean topped the bra malca men s major i eajjue last week with a fine individual cf fort of 1129 320 jim voronej 1310 303 and ed mondoux 1324 were the onlv other bowl ers to top 1 km hmhest u im sores turned in a tq98 five game set and br imp were b 3 d s miisichnil ith ton inn with 1406 to take single jnie lion urs stand ns to did f 11 pv ii ia t wtk s b wlmh still sli s bnmilca phiimai on lop with 11 point gcoi j tow n top point getters with 5 points moved into a ue with bramalei janitorial for second spot both 1 i points in a third pi nc tie with 11 p ills ach dans bp milton j ds musk land and kodik i jim moroniy oft to a jjmu start this jcir is seltinc i rip id pne in the high tirae k par lint nt leading the oiue with a 263 avenge he is fil i lowed closel bv trine mc causland at 258 md dan mc mullen with 257 i cxt week should see some orangeville oranfevlllo could havo public housing units and ten senior citizen apart ments ready for occupancy next spring this was revealed at council meeting monday by s j kate development officer with ontario housing corporation calfdon the people of calcdon had their say friday night in the great gravel pit dispute in three hoursu at special meeting they made it auito plain to the township council they want area pit oper ations substantially restricted the dispute has been raging since mav forty five ratepay crs made up friday s delegation acton actons centennial fair will go into the annals of the agricultural society as the one which broke all records crowds estimated at close to 12 000 flocked to the three days of events flora the ontario govern ment has approved plans for wellington county to construct a cw home for the aged in fl ora a proposed properly has been approved for purchase at 24 000 milton a number of rccom mcndations came out of a traf fie studv submitted by police chief ray andress to milton council monday the chief sug rested action be taken to rclievr the amount of traffic travelling main si the report showed 56 709 vehicles used main st in a one week period dkumquin members of the oikvillc model flying club are usinf drumquin park rcgularlv for living their radio controlled planrs valued at up to s600 i he flying models have been clocked at speeds as high as 80 ntpti sonic of the 28 members have competed in international lompelition in sweden and belgium tmigrovf centennial medals gold silver and bronze were handed out liberally on mondiv night s chinguacousy council meeting deputy reeve hd blair as chairman of the township centennial committee started it off with a gold medal for retvc cyril clark blair re ceived a silver medal from tht oior0itown hirald thursday skpt 3 1947 page 18 clark councillors bronze medals and smaller medallions went to the recreation committee brampton a ghost which has been causing daily times reporter gerald fitzpatrick some sleepless nights lately was in a bad mood i nday 1- itz patrick and his wil listened from their bedroom as someone or something stomped around the living room and pounded against one of tho walls other nights the fitupatricks have heard footsteps heard furniture being moved around and once when they heard a faucet turn ed on in the kitchen fitzpalrictc investigated he found the taps off but the last trickle of water in the sink was flowing down the drain top bowling action and a shake- up in the standings bramalea phirtnacy is scheduled to meet 1 ds musicland and george town meets bramalea janitorial ontario general election 1967 notice of holding an advance poll notice is hereby given that a poll for the electoral district of halton east will be open thursday friday and saturday the 12th 13th and 14th days of october 1967 from 8 am until 5 pm and from 7 pm until 10 pm standard time 9 am 6 pm and 8 pm 11 pm daylight time the polling place or places for the said electoral district will be located at georgetown and esquesing pofl no 56 to poll no 60 30 young si georgetown ontario miiton poll no 61 to poll no 77 35 court st south milton oakvhte eet polls ne 94 ro no 98 no 162 to no 188 ovvill municipal building 1225 trafalgar road oalcvillo ontario wett polli no 78 to no 93 no 99 to no 161 1066 lakeihore rd w for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters who expect on the day fixed for polling to be absent from and unable to vote in the polling subdivisions for which their names appear on the lists the ballot box or boxes will be opened and the votes counted at 7 pjn standard time 8 p m daylight time on the 17th day of october at the said places dated at oakviile this 18th day of september 1967 a m majfson returning officer indians help harvest district apple crop in a switch from movie trad lion indians are coming to the rescue thev are rescuing the apple crop in this area arranged by the canada man power centre indians from man ltoulin sudbury kenora ind wiarton districts hav c hetn brought to the nerval hutton ville and fanclgrovc area to pick the apples which are just be girning to be hirestcd they tnjj be working ill the end of october or the btgin ning of jsovemher depending on which tpe ot apple is bein picked with local help hard to find hw tullard manager of th brampton canada manpower centre foresees migrant work crs on the firms in this area as is now tl e practice in tin tol ic co farming distncls in add lion to thi i rim pick ers some fruit growers are ad opting the do it yourself mcth id where the customers pith their own apples and sae both mdn jerri ind kcr speirs large area fruit growers have indian workers on their farm accnmmodntion is prnid od with an indian cook doing the eaten nt saturday finale decides kinsmen softball champs saturday will see the finale of the kinsmen girls softball leagues best ball team as two senior and two junior teams battle for their respective championship honours to date the only combatants definitely entering the big show down are superior toods in the junior division and leone s hair styles in senior the op position for these finalists will be decided by the time ihe her aid goes to press opening games in the final best of three series will bi to night for both leagues md two games will be played saturday if ncccssarj 1hv will start n two o clock with a windup pir ty for all plujcrs of both haj ues at 5 30 the girls are all asked to come earlv and add their vocal support to the fiinhbt teams they are also asked to hung their team sweaters and turn them in to their coaches suspended sentences after theft conviction three genrgctow n j ouths convicted sept 6 of stealing goods worth about 250 from a georgetown drug store appeared before migistrate lames- black wedncsd for sentence this was a well planned rob bery not a spontaneous action magistrate black said vou went into the store and left an accomplice to hide there until after closing lime whin he help od you gain entry the court does not hae too much sympathy for people who jo lo the trouble of figuring out bow they can break tho law how they can be crooked two youths were both given suspended sentences and put on one years probation with ord i ers to repay 2 each to the i drugstore and 7 50 court costs i the third youth was a differ rnt case magistrate blick said because at the tame of the often ce he was on probation from a brampton court for a conviction 10 months ago on a sirrilar charge after eliciting a promise from him that he bad learned his i lesson and would go straight magistrate black remanded him for sentence until no 2 when his brampton probation will i have expired he said the court usually imprisons gecond offenders but he would suggest to the bramp ton court that probation be c tended for another 12 months fl inmpleu ss we are at your service with the finest in printing give us a call for estimates the herald 8772201 main street s georgetown