Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1967, p. 3

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reception in church hall follows fluney- reeve wedding warden promises statement july 13 en curses dispute ittr and firs kenneth huney a roccptlon in the churchla cascade bouquet of yellow hall followed the marriage in carnations white peonia poms knox preabytenan churlh of and white roses bridesmaids karen lee reeve and k nncih carried bouquets oi yellow car john fluney on june 3id thel nations and poms bnde is the jauhter of mr filr rwve gavc nis daughter ndmrs robert rcovr 48 mam in marriage and kenneth mid st b and the room is thi son daugh was groomsman ushers of mr and mrs delnnr huney wcre robert luxton willow rr 4 corbcuon d rj white streetsvillc kenneth merklcy brampton and dcinbunston scarborough the latter a cousin of the groom it was a double ring ceremony georgetown he is employed with northern electric co bramalca ind she with the farm credit corporation tor onto hatcn warden william coul ter ih make a statement to thj press on tie nurses dlspuls ith the county at next couny council meting to be jcj a halton centennial manor ju 18 council earlir aged not to reveal the contart of taliu and negotiations with the 23 publ c health nuscs at halon ll unit unul things were settled lardeif coulter las wel pressed by council to mae statement following appearances newman piano pupils appear in recital piano po is c i arjur newman atcm apresrei t recial recently r l- cioe ballinafad p ayng piano c es vi susan cccr e ace n lia and lsuren go b 1 i anne tommy david a d onlca ileerc h ilztz byers beverley rick b m e p icjsrd aid shcdil c- en v cy ves ten- rs eo tii wc c couid not f j a te re pi o djj vre pl3yi mar i y and be c yarc dav d zvd tctrc lit i eti jlia and lauren g 1 ric and ronny anoleyard mane andtxon ai po mary camob11 assisted in ser ing refreshments n television and newspaper re po ts from nurses representat ive who put forward their side o ti3 etory which haj resui ed in bad press for juncil if nothing has bicn se 1 1 by the next meeting tile prcs ihould have a rcpji urgej burlington reeve g irdou gal lag icr ti a fust appeal cme from burlmgt n deputy reeve kran rogers chairman of personnel eommi tee i thir t some hinj c be said abouv it anyway lie told the warden added miliin deputy reeve charles mcncfy t c problems that we have m negotiations with the njr cs shot id be brought out in the open the public health nujss re signed en masse test ser niber dcmandinj wo- contra ts from li board of healti and c a mg lac of h jii ih their employers th hac snee re turned to v r the dispute ill u s an j the nurses rciis to li t the g y li ting oi the halton hea hi umthmil things are set ird the grey lis tin was impoa ed by the registered nurses association of ontario vho aie suppoi ing their ea se sop september sreiil rnunc of tilks it i a pc lal council ngotiatng commitet hae broken do vn mean htle the dispute is in ihe hands o a conciliation nfiic r 1 he nursca brok a off the peace talks charging council v ith bad faith ver the deal distri t labour ouncil is al in backing the nurses following an approach for support the 14 000 strong council has sent a letter to warden coulter a foi a quick solution to the dispute asisro e lut softtlay july 24 a rwj imprehlve lervice ot trorabip for canada centennial of con federation was held in tha church the choir tang a very appropriate number bleat canada and the minis icri ser mon on the church in canadas second century and the hymns along with the centen nial hymn were all in keeping with the day thi aiotorrown hiralv thursday july 13 1m7 page 3 septic tank pumping wmping til trenching oravel phi haltoh sanitation r services ron and bill mcgowan 177 9255 tf appoint new brunswick man new halton moh the bnde i re a ion 5 sleev ed orttii7a shcith with hand cut chanulj lace edgi ir trimmed at ihe vai t with mat ch n- h c i hdrai v tie 11 mrs reese reeuvcd in the held was held in place at the should churcn hall afterwirds trcet town prior to htr marriage the bnde was feted al a number of showers missc penny glock ling and pal barraer were hosts at the latter s hunc in toronto mi s manl n ander son enttr am d as di 1 misses susan fairlie an 1 harnette murphj mrs sam mackenzie shower al her home in miss markol gilbert ers th two bows chinlillj in k ls in a dress of bone and mrs charle gilbert held a lac utl nirq the border a acc over satin matching acccs pcrsoml showlr al the iorlhers cilloncj illlo on fourlilrd dories and a bronze and green home in tonnto presentations bnuhtnl veil v as held in place orchid corsage the goomsjwcre made to the bnd and bv t headtiele nf inn j roiled mother also received weann groom at firm credit corpora petals oullintd llh ilcd pcirlt pale hlut sheath wiih fullj tmn and northern ilectnc length lace coal malehirig ac 1 sleohaiot cessoncs and a corsage of blue mtlsic pudlls arc and crvstnl she ca qu 1 of ellow ro ls and l edged white roses leaving on a honeymoon trip c 1 northern onlano the bnee juesiui vore a pile lingering lm 1 nen dress w th full lenlh th fo1 pw mal of deeper shade and bone icccssones htr hit was flow petalkd with accenting i doctor ii b hay 51 of lioi cton new brunswicc wzs fo pointed as halton couny j n v medical oficer 01 ha- d ing 3 stormy meejng t c 1 ty council here tourcca fain bone of connu 1 t gaidms h topointrrnt t his proposd 17cco a yea saly i t nk it s ojtragou- cned h i on docj y rcve charles men y who comolm ed that form xc dr xchie b ill wa paid 5 on a year less dr hay who had a distinguish cd career with the rcaf ein- ing a dso and two dfcs has been employed since 18s3 as me dical off cr of health with the provincial department o health new brunswick he has served a populati n of 193 000 administered a staff 0 18 public ireauh nurses and fne inspectors milton reeve austin ijeduith said of the four doctors who ap plied for the job three were military men and the salarv of one of thtn as presentlj s9 700 a year 1 warden william coulter poin i ted out the new salary schedule for dr hay had been brought up to par with surrounding counties ant health units else where when the appointment of dr hay was approved by council with a recorded vote and only three members voting against it deputy reeve menefy was overheard to exclaim ridicu lous should have thrown them all out every one of them d- hay was appointed offi cer commanding the school of aviation medicine in 1950 and two years later bcame senior staf officer medical service with the canadian joint head qiartlis in london england in 1361 he was appointed com manding ofrer rcaf institjte of aviation medicine rain so strawberry social held indoors i cpile nastv tiiuudei torms and hcay rairs the women s institute held thet- o d astion ed strawberry facial on sat r day evening july 1st in stew ar town hall nth dad and the children along too making oer 100 attc ding it was ha been on the lovely lawn at the hone 0 mr and mjs james larney hi the weather didn t cooper i c president mis john ruddell welcomed l crjone and started the program off by calling an david aust n for musical n ber on his electric guitar duets bi betlv nn and mary lou uivn o liirnli u c a compin leo by tlr blil benton 21 the pi no i lr i3urt of silver wood en n 11 d ly singng ind pbvinj cle tiers on his tuitar follov j t ml 4 ii tir s ilea- en nf ib r s 11 a oiriilmas par j in hoilanj complete luh saiua claus and his helper blic p c there was a skit rarmer john s lament by mis her cr bird and irs jjhn bellooddj quite t numb r of children and ladies had tame in quaint cojlumcs when thej had either made flicmscvcs or 1 grandmothers had worn long ajo days s thay par aded arou id tie hall while the judg mrs ted brov n apd mrs bert benton decided the winners were for the children susan alexander 2nd karen wickson 1st for the ladies mrs clayton wilsor 2nd mrs bob cunningham mrs john mcriabb thanked evryone who had helped make a grand evening and the com mittce mrs francis thompson mrs fred nurse mrs w blnngcr and mrs james me phail for arranging the social and serving the lot cly lunch of strawberries cake and ice cream l m brown od optometrist at 35 mill street georgetown just off mam street phone 8773671 n slndi of tan erinn nrsagi nd rccn i thp a green bufly mu phno and kcnnrlh it arnson arct rmt hae a- hieved passing marks r tic mmer eximinurn term riml consj r oinnn 1 r ofl mrs i ri uce triiw land w anisl ind mrs llarrvcrei the wedding in r an i the lords pravcr the church deconte 1 with iarg stanir ts of mumi and mipan miss lanlvn dcrs ont wis mi d of hnn the brides cousins mss mar wedding quests who included p fret tcsley cj got gilbert islington and mis- lhc nn s grandmother mrs lms p radc 2 hzabo barbara christian woodstock ainic reeve of tgwn and the hnnoun grade andmibseslat barragcr and hn g mr and pcnnv glockling were brides mrs j bunslon mjunt bcl mad ihclr uiidinls were krrsl and mr and mrs lbert napc gowned alike in slrevelcss tur t corbctton came from quoisc orfiani noor length toronto scarborough hamilton sheaths empire line with lace woodstock renelon falls wil trim thev wore headpieces of islington north bay organza bows an 1 shoulder tbornhill pembroke london length vuli w ih seed pearls brampton orangeville streets and ertal trim the- wore vli wcst hl pickering mel imtchin- shoes and hndal le anctm n enn and f lcn wll gth white gloves with sed narns por r i exams county officials dress the part for july 1st honn i s cra honours ic singing t ra v maine std ler honours grade a 1 sjn acmtosh honri rs ora jn nahc pass je 4 i pda rea h no s rradp b georg milw honours hornby news the rrnid of hnnoi mr ind mrs flunev are li ned ing al 7i mclntyre crescent lcnyleyfricker wedding in st albans acton cn st la tune 24 at three uerp another bro her jehn ocock in st albans anglican i lj and victoi roaci s c th clon fr ritchie vc- 0 s was organs 1 v olerrn zed th marr a c cicl n nn- r icker dau t e cction vis ned n st grt of m ard rs gordon pal s p hal1 orval tlic rtjtand ire e- of engleha nd r j pc lang j of m 1i i s ohn la of rn crd son rn n mar- ace iy her father chose a bm or 0 e 1 o ange with lht otiqio 01 tie shculder laer liv pom seees an 1 a ti n frci the nni e va shlld r lenth veil v j fc h t pac b orranza flov e- s flr d a bouquet al iv a c 1 s arl clow ro s birthda greetings to the fol lowing whfi are celebiat ng birthd- s 1 irrv lee on july 6 ttoy lit s and sammy sammit on july 7 urray grexton on july 1 1 roserl and roberta rro n on julv 12 the countrv humour an i sly smile of jovial vince ount ford should st the stage off for an interesting evening of en tertainmcnl when the harnby ball club presents its 23th an nual hornby lirden parly at the hornby community park on saturday evcninp july 15 a game of soflball v ul start th evening of entertainment oi when tne lowville men s soft hall team vill be host th roclcvood team another high light of the evening w 11 be tht caiy pinccs competition b des mother receded wea ing a n n shantung dre wi 1 rat c 1 ng jzetet white accesson s ad a majve orchid corsage the groom a molhr ass ted v ping i drcs of paic sat n brocade white accessories ard her corsage was a white gardenia with stcpanot s the 1- vi 1 q ccnnctl the cekend at asaga ijeah peggy lee of edmonton spent the wpkend v its susan and cathy gt an nd aho visited i h rpral a her old school rfil o- irave ing the br de chose 1 rquo s- dress with match r cs attendants cre ir flnv ci hatband while ac- h- iqtrs man as maid of honeymoon h rd sian as bidenaid tp lawa lre coupe v ill t v e identical streel len ri 0 e r home in oranges us 2 d s of mint green pau do 1- ind milchis he lsimhwllrnl tfror o glen 7iuiams oranel r rrc wood port cr di fnglnart georgetown lime- mr ard is jiek plant cf nhn lanloj was his bro 1 house guclph bramploo llorails r to 1 v mted on sunday thtri groomsman and ushers and lewiston n y with mr and mil arthur plant mew dii r bo iqie j mjms an bradley spent tne eekend 1 ilr and smra rraf cj nf goorgetowt ten former halton county wardens present warden wil lioin coultex county councillors judle alan b sprague and ar ound 100 people turned up for halton s centennial recognition day saturday warden oulter ind judge spiague made a spectacular en trance in an old horsedrawn buggy and the lome scots pipe band played for an hour and later paraded through the town prayer was led by the rev r p e jeffares lowville and nassagaweya anglican church and benediction by the rev d r nicholson sl david s pres byterian church lampbellvillc old cottumci many of those at the cer ony were dressed in od fash toned costume and all were ser ved with light refreshments and coffee by members of campbell ville women a institute judge sprague brought grcel ings and felicitations fo the crowd canadians have indeed been carrying out the suggestion our former governorgeneral the right honourable vincent massey when in his latest book he says when speaking of cen tennial programs i would not like to see omitted from the nroaram tbe element of fun just lun judge sprague said rccognit ion should be given to the pnv liege of irving in a land ruled in the name of queen elizabeth 11 to this vast land with its vrcalth of natural gifts he quoted aelections for the new year a speech to the nal ion by the late governorgener al georges p vanier who said the resolution which the can adian nation must now propose for 19fl7 and for the century to come i the unity of our coun tr rd te unity tht road to unity u the road unemployment insurance is now available for most employees of farms ranches 1 nurseries greenhouses horticulturists fruit vegetable flower growers employees it is to youradvantage to find out rf you are eligible for the unemployment insurance protection now in effect for workers in agriculture and horticulture employers if you have people working for you there are regulations that yon must adhere to it is to your advantage to got complete particulars immediately about unemployment insurance- for your workers get full information now at yomr nearest office of the iinempjloyment insurance commission government of canadai 7jucw i at your local trust company to love the- love of one s coun try and faith in its future will give new direction and purpose to our lives lift us above domestic quarrels and umta us in the dedication to the common good judge sprague asked everyo to recognize ihe past and the future and to dedicate them selves and their children to the great tasks which lie ahead in the next 100 years in this our home our native land our canada warden coulter hintrd that great changes in the country s municipal structure would be coming in the future nw reformt we arc hearing more and more about reform and a new type of syslem which would be much better he d warden coulter said the com ing system of large units of gov em merit had been described as more beneficial to the t payer its going to mean great deal of extra work for the people elected to office from the grass roots he said he said it is to be hoped that we can anticipate greater i and more responsible govern ment services for the people of this county interest paid 5 year guaranteed investment certificates 6 6 paid on investment for 3 3 4 years paid on investment for 1 year ar taxi call 8774474 j4 hours a day airport servici amounts 100 to 100 000 drop in to any of our offices for further details 53 mill st k77 22m 1 i mon thurs 9 00 sob edgar mkr georjielowtl fridiyrtn 800 north halton advisory board john t armstrong chairman rcford garrihousp maurice c boaty michael ldwith john goy br b d young halton peel trust savings company member canada deposit insurance corporation

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