n 1 kindergarten pupils watch wilson farm dairy operations run oiokoitown hikald thursday july ij im farmer spencer wilson gives one of the party ricky slapleton a of the farm from the back of old blackie has the low low pric1 tailertte uhadas finest hd i hue bund kef which cow docs the chocol kindergarten pupils ind their wilson is ik wilicd and disin ate milk come from is usually teacher mrs helen aug visited fcctxd the udders md attached a favourite question of verythe spence wilson farm at rr tin milkinr machine and fol small visitor to a dam farm 1 norval shurtl before the lowed ihe progress of the milk but nobody asked it this yeariend of term from the machines to milk when over 40 wngglesvvorthj the youngsters watched mr pjils which were earned to the wrigglesworth kindergarten pupi is all set for a ride on the hay wagon bulk storago tank where it was strained thanks to the timelj arrival of a milk truck the children al so witnessed a sample being ta ken the milk being weighed and then taken into the tank truck through a hose the tour included a walk through the stablo to see how the cattle get their water and feed in the winter thev saw the stable cleaner in operation i and in the grancry saw how grain is chopped and moves through a pipe into a bin a climb into the hay mow and ride around the holds on a hay wagon w ere memorable parts of the visit old blackie a five vetr old cow which used to be a 4h calf of john wilson got lots of attention when paraded for the little tourists bv mr wilson seventy five goslings and some adult geese one of them set ting on eggs and others swim ming on the farm pond also took the pupils fancy of special interest wis a 4h calf which mr wilson s daugh tcr jean is grooming for milton and georgetown fairs mrs wilson assisted her hus band in explaining the opera ions to the children before returning to their school the pupils dropped in it a neighbouring farm whire mr ricci allowed them to inspect his pigs of all si7tr to the relief of the tour guide another standard qucrv how did they get the curls in their tails didn t come up burns wieners cooked meats canned hams iem0k cocoanut iga pies pry short rib blade roasts 4 cross cut rib o boneless shoulder large 20 size 59 wtmhaht baby peas niblets villi fh french fries gerbersbabyfood stmined 895 junior 4 69 valencia juicy california sunkist oranges kraft dinner kuadumom wwn oi coiouro old cheese uu 257 nnnnoust cmoumd margarine california cam ho 1 lettuce california cui mo i cantaloupe cardinal ptoduceofuu red crapes kmrr potato chips wrmrs mixed rous iflbhroomt sardihs 10 mihuflt breakfast 6 york tumtlt or ittxnuxt uoz 29 pure jam colonial 1varcir 3wl biscuits purina 35 cat chow rosslake park owner explains difficulties r bulls ituk 2 nu t i rr 1 g orcein n recapture tugofwar ill trophy from the scots by ralph hawes tn spile of tlie adverse ther condition f sundr branch nnn il 1icnie it georutown i ark was jmu t i ti u v t l r nurse gib telford mike 1 ccssfu th highlight of he af w a tcrnoon wis the winning of the tu of ar tripjiv bv br nch manv jcars to come the races went off sutcc sful in spite of one downpour of run under the supemsion i gord king shel lawx george of ihe bnndi 12f cision oi th ir pulled for aid it the lome snt 1 pencd n nt t i however nn s md ved as is ell kn is the s p r oi 1c exprctcd remain i en i usso and herb arnold the tinj tots ran first under 5 veirs evcrvbodv received a prize f t nc c rh 67 vears 1st s wcslhkc h j 2nd a gaskill is ion h is 89 jears 1st g krm th s hip shcid 2nd s mcllugh s to kn w oris 1011 years 1st k kcm it wa pro shcad 2nd l turner n thit 120 ls 12 ears 1st s ice i in 1 it i 2nd d mcgilvrav ph will r n41f vcars i m dims 2nd s stamp bojs 67 vearst 1st s brunski 2nd nurse bvs fifljrars 1st b rannjeh an 2nd a iawr itojs f 10 1 1 vcars 1st j sargcit r n hick alive 2 it bure d in i ik ham i j 2n rars st t dlxis 1b n hl 2nd r mcllugh 1 hid- its effect p 1 16 cars 1st o ri inin iav weu nor 2nr l bunton indies ron 1 kemhcid not be roll imr m tnth there i th fil re ire i members will unni the sum lis we understand hi things ahead for inch will doubtlessly ih thought and plan to mention plenty of house building permits total close to million m98 285 m buildin permits were issued in june according lo the building inspectors offi ec the permits were ill for res idential development with al most all of them being lo ttim pey homes ltd mr rdilor about i eir uo 1 wrote i letter which wis printed in your piper which concerned i cloyng order ivsued bv locil goernment olticiils connected with the hilton health jiul sifctv i ml to date this nrdu has not been lifted 1 believe it to be of interest to the public to iciterate the con i tent of the ruling i a swim area irltficiall con j structed must conform to the same rules as an indoor swim ming pool huh 1 llicre must be slow in the beach im aiei milsl miod md a lifeguard o i dutv at all time i consider these rules lo be impractical and impossible to ci inplv with as a result to ig i norc these rub s and operate 1 fi e possible court charges ihe posblake svv im arc a was e ngin illv designed with the in tcntion of sharing its use willi tlio public and rather than ma j kitii it i legal battleground i 1 ive ifltr careful consideration decided on offering its facilities ab will as camping and picmc- ing mhlis when available to th public with no admission or parkinj chutes for the above mentioned during this season or lhoe vho wish to accept this offi r there will in addition lo facihles offi red for free re crcational allractions namclv havndi horse and pon rides crms on the stern whceln i onderossi it a nominal char o a snatli bar will be in op oration for public convenience in consideration of the interest shown in the public concern ing the progress of this swim area i hope this letter will ex plain home of the difficulties 1 have encountered rcgirdmg it- operation in closing mav i thank the services of the georgetown her aid and elsewhere in this paper is placed an add concerning fa cilities oltcrcd joe ross i flowers for all occasions wedding arrangements coruaes a specialty cut flowers and funeral designs we wire flowers rosedale floral 32 albert si tr 7 52 ihr ion hill fur no motor fatalities mar holiday in district hornby news mi and mrs willi hamn ton anl mrs hillnm hamilton iisild with isiul md anpe stout of gnelph on thursday pcmng mrs firrv him it n ettend ed the fifth inninl graduation exercises nf the diss of nur ing assistants held nn satur div lulv 8 at ontral peel secondarv school bramptir g t well wishes are extended to liiorgr bailcv viho is a pa i nt vn tlu milun district hos- bt stephen anglican- s dav school pitnic was held n r- j hornhv park on saturd g archibild juh 8 wth a ko0 attendance vilene ula wis in charge of the ponv rides which wre spot race g nurse grery- enjmed b all the wheelbarrow race j sar children races- and a game of gent and j kemshead base lull were enjoved bv all fgg throwmg s iaur and plci sl w3 enjertfu l oakie ni w1n archibald cl ise second men s rice 1st g gaskdl 2nd i adies spot race i stamp t manning du aid in i ni release this veck that there were no traf fjc ftal tit in their territory of hilton brinl it ildim md ind wenlw th countie the prin im rick mue eimpusn was introduced last jcir and showed a w per cent nno nicholson reduction in totil accidents ov t ladies accurate throw j wc cr the lfi hohdaj weekends stamp i mirj x t mcns vccunte throw d was hha i pomtip approach in iigtstng that people should thp wh w enjov their holidays but bj l smih wm discovered exercising a little care and obey by r bur jng traffic laws and safety rules ibcv can bring em back alive nd there the branch has i ire sorrv to report that vnn mannerow s horse killed oarlv saturaay mornmg on tnfalgar road by a pissing motorisl friends of mrs hin vivnn will be plrasfvl to hear shp is on the road to recover follow the oakville other picnic over thanks to the trafalgar mcmt rial hospital bargain town open wed thurs fri till 9 p m 239 queen e brampton across from cdn tire next door to howard elliott motors store hours mon tu 9 30 to 6 wd thura fri 9 30 ta 9 saturday 9 00 to 6 we exchange and refund limited quantities on all hams we cash au cheques sleeping bags 4 lb filld convarrlbla zipper larg tiz 577 bed pillows 97 mens bathing q7 trunks all sizes colours boys and girls t shirts 27 play shorts ail sizes colors ai blades reg 75c pkg 44 cigarettes mefit occ sp0rt 0t jo ow sueves 3 i mens dress pants au sizes 197 charcoal 5 lb bag shifts all sizes